View Full Version : Roleplaying Post your favorite Chaotic Evil Characters Here!

2015-09-26, 11:59 AM
Ahoy! One of the least discussed and utilized alignments in my opinion would have to be Chaotic Evil, because too often it becomes synonymous with wholly irrational murderhobo behavior. However, most of us know that it has so much more creative potential than that. I would like to see some of the most fun and interesting chaotic evil characters you've seen or played in your games, hopefully to serve as inspiration to others.

2015-09-26, 12:24 PM
I have two favorite chaotic evil characters

1. Vincent the draconic human sorcerer. He focuses on white magic and is basically a spychopath, But he is intelligent and acts like it. He knows if he just murderhobos everyone he will just get destroyed, beside he wants to have fun and that can be hard when everyone is dead. Though he did live in a country where arcane magic was completely outlawed and he was basically the ultimate justification of that since he would destroy half an army or wipe a village off the map without a blink of an eye. He used a lot of ice based magic and would occasionally kill people by trapping them with Wall of Ice and then using spells such as Zone of Extreme Cold. His signature spell however was Boreal Wind, which basically represented what he was all for, unrelenting assault without a care for the word collateral damage.

What made him an interesting character in my opinion is the interesting things he would do for the sake of having fun. He had a huge kobold fan base as he was the most dragon like thing in the area. He also acted like a white dragon a lot of the time. He wouldn't wipe a village off the map just because he only did it if he was angry at the village or needed to let of some steam. He kept large refrigerated areas using blue ice.

2. Probably the more interesting one, a tiefling duskblade who was bent on destroying society itself. She was angry at society for the unfair way it treated her growing up, she also had a rather horrible life besides the racism. She wanted become a key part of society by creating armies of golems and setting up wars so people would need her help and when her army was the biggest threat around she wanted to systematically destroy all of society effectively forcing people to build up from scratch almost. her biggest plans involved getting then entire world to fight itself but the plan itself in all its detail would be really long and i can't remember all of it, so i'll just leave it at that.

Red Fel
2015-09-26, 12:40 PM
I honestly don't remember if he was CE, but Irving the Blue always struck me as such. It was in a lighthearted campaign. We called it a "mini" campaign, both because it was only a few sessions long, and because everyone was playing a small race. As mentioned, Reginald was a Blue, a psionic subtype of Goblin. Albert was paranoid, delusional, and generally nuts, but not to an annoying degree. It was also understandable - Nigel was a Blue, and Blues are alternately hated and revered by their Goblin brethren. They tend to be mutants, and while the locals are terrified of their psionic abilities, they're too frightened to actually act out against a Blue, which left Giles in the awkward position of growing up in a community where everyone hated him but nobody would go so far as to actually cross him.

So having a few issues, such as changing his name repeatedly (even in the course of a single sentence), was completely understandable.

Irving was a fun character. I based him heavily on Dr. Reducto, as interpreted in the Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law cartoon. Small, highly intelligent, with serious personal space issues. I designed his powers around that lattermost point - powers like Energy Push (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/energyPush.htm) would ensure that people kept out of his "personal bubble." ("Personal space! I need personal space! You're invading my personal space!")

Despite being an entertaining little whackadoodle, he wasn't a murderhobo. Yes, he recoiled violently when people persisted in violating his personal bubble, but he never went nuts and started murdering everything that moved. In fact, he and his team of slightly deranged short things became the saviors of a town or two. And he was actually the smart one of the group, which is frankly alarming. When he took a few deep breaths and went to his happy place (where everyone taller than him was dead, and everyone shorter would just back off already), he was quite able to hash out cunning plans and effective battle strategies. ("You, Cleric, go talk to the insolent fools and persuade them that under no circumstances should they kill us. You, Barbarian, go with him and ensure that they don't give him the killing he will almost certainly provoke. I shall remain here, in my safe little circle. Safe circle, safe circle...")

I'd say he was CN or CE, if memory serves. He was fun and a half, anyways. But then, all of the characters in that campaign were. (Except for the Halfling Monk. But that was a case of somebody coming to a sci fi fantasy comedy game and expecting a supernatural Western horror, metaphorically.)

2015-09-26, 12:53 PM
Havoc the Paladin of Slaughter dedicated to Erythnul

This is the tale of a Paladin of Slaughter. And no he didnt go around kicking puppies, burning down orphanages, or punching woman in the stomach (unless the were combatants). He ran around slaughtering warriors, granted his definition of warrior was anyone capable of swinging a weapon at him, for the glory of Erythnul. His name was Havok.

Now he adventured with a group of, well, idiots. He acknowledged his Chaotic Evil-ness, they didnt. The party consisted of a Human Monk (to this day hes still not sure how he remained one), an Assassin (this guy admitted his vileness, sorta), and a Half Orc Druid........... who sucked (yes it is apparently possible). Now these three would constantly get him in trouble, Havok was more than happy to ambush trader caravans or go slaughter orcs and take a bunch of money from weak villagers (hey, they were paying him) but those three ALWAYS did something dumb. Like the time they tried to burn down the inn, or the OTHER time they tried to burn down the inn. Well eventually a squad of paladins showed up to take Havok and the other three down. Havok ran. They called Havok a coward and a sissy, but Havok knew that you dont fight 6 heavily armored and MOUNTED paladins. Havok loved slaughter, just not when he was on the other side of it.

Eventually the other three realized that Havok was right and ran too. They split up out of town and the paladins split up to chase them down. Thats when Havok started to ambush them. It took awhile but he killed all the paladins, then he started to hunt the idiots, that didnt take as long. Just as he was finishing 3 more squads of paladins showed up. Havok knew he was going to see his lord today, so with a scream of "SLAUGHTER FOR THE SLAUGHTER GOD!!" he charged them, he killed six before they put him down.

And so ends the tale of Havok of the Red Axes, a cautionary tale to all Paladins. Just because he pings Chaotic Evil, it doesnt mean that he is an idiot.

2015-09-26, 01:50 PM
I honestly don't remember if he was CE, but Irving the Blue always struck me as such.

I based him heavily on Dr. Reducto, as interpreted in the Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law cartoo-

*glances up at Red Fel's avatar*

Red Fel
2015-09-26, 02:04 PM
*glances up at Red Fel's avatar*

I have a type, okay?

2015-09-26, 02:22 PM
Myself, I have yet to play a Chaotic Evil character, though not because I don't want to. It's more like... I don't know if I could actually play one well without it accidentally ending up as a psychotic murderhobo. So excuse me as I continue to watch this thread like a hawk to get pointers on what s good Chaotic Evil character is like.

*resumes lurking*

2015-09-26, 02:33 PM
Myself, I have yet to play a Chaotic Evil character, though not because I don't want to. It's more like... I don't know if I could actually play one well without it accidentally ending up as a psychotic murderhobo. So excuse me as I continue to watch this thread like a hawk to get pointers on what s good Chaotic Evil character is like.

Oh, expect a remedy for that very soon (I'm may cite a few of these in said remedy, if y'all don't mind.

Here are two from my experience:

Corvus was an Inquisitor who served the cult of the Morrigan (CE Celtic Goddess of Death) and who saw it as his duty to ensure that civilization did not become overly powerful and stable, because in the end that leads back to destitution. Much of his home village died of famine after it became too great in size, and so Corvus uses murder, duplicity and constant threats to make sure that the world never becomes too dependent on organization for survival. He has seen the dark side of law as well as the failures of good, and so spurns both of those things to protect what he believes to be a safer and more prosperous world. His logic is fairly sound, and the way it is played makes everyone else reflect upon and at least consider his unusual opinions, which is why I see him as a great example.

Cecelia was a human rogue with a singular ambition: prove herself worthy of godhood. She wanted to test her capabilities in stealth, manipulation, and combat until they were refined enough to take on most anything in the universe. Cecelia would help others who she saw as aiding her in this goal and would be downright ruthless to those who she viewed as wasting her time. She wasn’t the most optimized member of our party, but was the most ruthless and cunning, constantly trying to find shortcuts and tricks to seize whatever advantage she could and overcome any obstacle placed before her (frequently with a knife through its back). This proves that the chaotic evil mindset doesn’t have to be strange or even that unusual. Here we have a very dedicated person who is willing to set norms aside for the sake of trying to be the best she can be (Ayn Rand would be proud), and who exemplifies the pragmatic side of the alignment simply but effectively.

2015-09-26, 08:39 PM
Here are some NPC's I've developed as the other GM in our group has rules against Evil Characters.

The guard paused to wipe the sweat from his brow. It was almost time. His hand gripped the handle of his short sword, knuckles turning white. Was it too late to turn back? No, he thought to himself, he was going through with it. The promised distraction arrived on time. A familiar beggar had fallen in front of the small procession. Most of the body of guards had surged up front, to shoo off the beggar, and look for a potential ambush. Now was the time! Calmly he drew his short sword, and casually walked up to his employer. The beggar’s shouts of protest turned to cries of pain as the guards began to beat him. More guards moved to assist them. Seeing his chance, he quickly clamped his hand around his employer’s mouth and plunged his sword deep into his back. He quickly yanked it out, and ducked down an ally and several side streets, as his companions brought up cries of alarm.

Making his way back to the inn, he thought back on last night, and the circumstance that brought him to this. He had worked late again. His employer, that bastard, had seen fit to keep his guards late as he caroused with some lovely wench that his coin must have bought. Certainly, a man with that many chins couldn’t have gotten a girl like that any other way. The long hours, and his current lack of coin to procure a wench himself further soured his mood. He went to his favorite inn, content to drown his sorrows in cheap ale. Then he saw her… she was beautiful. She must have been new, for he had never seen her work there before. When she brought him his drink, she was all smiles and her eyes seemed to linger far too long upon him. Emboldened, he started chatting with her, with a generous amount of playful pats and suggestive comments thrown in. There was a bard playing tonight, a good one. The atmosphere in the inn that night was magic, and the hours seemed to fly away.

It came time to close, and the woman huskily ushered him into a dark back room. A sudden light appeared from an uncovered lantern, revealing a beggar sitting at a table. He quickly bid the woman to leave, and began to talk. By the gods he was persuasive. He seemed to know every indignity suffered, and every slight his employer made against him. The bulging bag of gold also proved very enticing. When the beggar revealed his plan, it all seemed so easy, so reasonable.

At last he made it to the inn, and cautiously made his way into the back room. Soon he was joined by the beggar, who plopped the bag of coins on the table. The beggar told him, “Well done”, and began to merrily hum a tune. The tune was hauntingly familiar, he was sure that he had heard it before, but just couldn’t place it. Warily, he poured out the contents of the bag onto the table and began to count. Was the gold slightly slimy to the touch, or was that just his sweaty hands? It was probably just nerves. Was it hot in here? His brow had broken out in a sweat. Finally he was satisfied that he had not been cheated, and began scooping the gold back into the pouch… and then he collapsed to the floor. The room started to spin. Poison! It had to be. The last thing he saw before death claimed him was the man’s features changing into those of the bard from the night before, still humming that haunting tune.

Devron Taim, The Dirge.
CE Bard 11/ Zhentarim Spy 2
HP: 108
Init: +6
Speed: 30ft
Space/Reach: 5ft
AC: 16 t: 12 F: 14
Bab: 8/3
Attack: 11/6 1d6+3
Abilities: Str:13 Dex:14 Con:16 Int:10 Wis:10 Cha:18
Saves: Fort: 6, Ref: 12, Will: 10
Skills: Perform 15, Spellcraft 15, Slight of hand 15, Hide 15, Move Silently 15, tumble 5, spot 5, listen 5, Bluff 5, Disguise 5, Forgery 5, Gather information 5
Feats: Decietful, Lyrical Spell, Subsonics, Arcane Strike, Spell Focus (Enchantment), Improved Initiative.
Possessions: Ring of Chameleon Power, Mythral Shirt, Cloak of Charisma +2, +2 Rapier.
Features: Bardic knowledge, Sneak Attack 1d6, Undetectable Alignment, Cover Identity.
Bardic Music: Counter song, Fascinate, Inspire Courage +2, Inspire Competence, Suggestion, Inspire Greatness.
0 lvl spells/ 3 per day: Prestidigitation, Message, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Ghost Sound, Summon Instrument.
1st lvl spells/ 4 per day: Charm Person, Comprehend Languages, Feather Fall, Expeditious Retreat.
2nd lvl spells/ 4 per day: Silence, Invisibility, Sound Burst, Tongues.
3rd lvl spells/3 per day: Charm Monster, Dispel Magic, See Invisibility, Gaseous Form.
4th lvl spells/1 per day: Dominate person

Combat/Tactics: Devron seldom likes to enter combat directly. Instead he prefers to allow others to do his killing for him. His spells and bardic abilities allow him to control the minds of others, at which he is a master. He is also a master of disguise, with his ring of the chameleon allowing him to appear as whomever he likes. No one knows his true identity, and he takes great pains to ensure that no one will. As such, he never shows his true face on the job. If forced into a direct confrontation, he will attempt to dominate one of his attackers. If it fails he will use his rapier and arcane strike ability to melee his foes.

Friends/Allies: As a Zhent agent, he has the nominal support of the organization. As a respected Bard, doors are open to him that otherwise might not be.

Foes/Enemies: No one outside his immediate Zhent superiors know his true identity. As such he has no real enemies. However, if his involvement in the various deeds he has carried out come to light, any number of good aligned organizations, victims, or local law enforcement would be hot on his trail.

Appearance: He has long blond hair, and piercing blue eyes. He is extremely handsome, and takes great pains to keep up his appearance. However, he is a master of disguise, so he could appear to look however he wants too.

Personality: While in public, he is polite and charming in the extreme, a real bard’s bard. In private however, his true personality comes out. Cold, ruthless, and completely amoral. He thinks nothing of using his looks, charm, or bardic abilities to get what he wants. Everyone and anyone are disposable, except for him of course. To him people are only useful as an adoring audience, or as pawns to do his bidding. He has a quick temper when things don’t go his way, and has been known to vent his frustrations in particularly cruel fashion.

History: Devron was an orphan in Lyrabar. He was taken in by a kindly priest of Ilmater, and became a ward of the church along with several other young boys. Early on, he learned that he had a wonderful gift for song. He also learned that charm and good looks can get you far in life. Despite the priest’s best efforts to raise him to be a just and virtuous man, the boy grew up devious and manipulative. When he came of age he was apprenticed to a famous bard, and it seemed that his future was secure. However, his darker nature would not allow him to be content with the life of a wandering minstrel. He was drawn to the seedier places, and he began to love the thrill of danger and intrigue.

It started small, robbing drunkards of their purses. Then things went wrong, and he committed his first murder. That was a thrill unlike any other, and he became addicted to it. Even more addicting, was the thrill he gained by manipulating others into doing his dirty work for him. Eventually, his antics brought him to the attention of the Zhents. The Zhents offered him a choice, work for them or be exposed. This suited Devron just fine, and he even found the whole thing to be exhilarating. Ever since he has been cultivating his identity as a well known and respected Bard; all the while concealing his more sinister activities. The Zhents have come to value him as an operative that can get things done, without leaving any evidence implicating them.

Motives and Goals: Devron exists simply to sow chaos. He loves the thrill he gets from manipulating others into doing his bidding. The Zhents provide a wonderful outlet for his inclinations, and even provide support and income from them. His main goal is to increase his reputation as a bard, and to gain more autonomy within the Black Network. Then he will be free to indulge upon his whims whenever he desires.

2015-09-26, 08:40 PM
He had ridden hard to reach his target, and his horse had died of exhaustion. That was only a minor inconvenience for one such as him. With the blessings of Cyric, he had shaped the soul energy into a crown, and through it’s power, the horse rose again as a zombie. Unlike a typical zombie however, it retained all the speed and grace it had in life. Even better, it felt no fatigue, and could be pushed faster than it ever had before. After that, he made much better time.
Now his target was in sight. A fat, blubbery thing, he hardly seemed worth the effort. The dozen bodyguards should prove more interesting. They had seen him and quickly moved to engage. His spiked chain lashed out, sweeping one off his feet. It was quickly followed by a blow that crushed the fallen man’s skull. Then the rest were upon him. His armor deflected most of their blows, and his training allowed him to avoid the rest. Taking advantage of one of the guards misses, he soon sent him to join his friend on the ground, and then on to death.
His chain was slick with gore by the time he was through, and his target had started to flee. Calling his mount, he soon caught up with him. His death was slow and delicious, a tribute to lord Cyric. It also served as an important lesson; no one crosses the Ebon Dawn and lives!

The Patriarch, CE Azurian Soulborn 15
HP:195 hp
Init: 1
AC: 23, Flat Footed: 22, Touch: 11
Reach: 10ft (spiked chain)
Speed: 20ft
BaB: 15/10/5
Attack: (spike chain) 22/17/12 2d4 +10 (trip check +22)
Str: 16 (20), Dex: 13, Con: 16, Int: 13, Wis: 10, Cha: 12
Fort: 12, Refl: 6, Will: 5
Skills: Spot: 14, Tumble: 11, Jump: 4 Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Spike Chain), Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Defensive Throw, Power Attack, improved trip, Awesome Smite, Bonus: Midnight Dodge, Cobalt Expertise, Sapphire Smite.
Possessions: +4 Full plate, +2 Sweeping Spike Chain, Belt of growth +4 strength
Special Abilities: Aura, Smite 4/day, Incarnum Defense (immune to strength altering effects), Essentia: 9, Melds: 3, Binds: 2 Incarnum Melds/Feats/Abilities Mauling Gauntlets (Bound to the hands): 3 essentia, +8 to Str checks and attack rolls made to disarm or trip. +8 to unarmed strike damage rolls. Gain Improved unarmed Strike. Impulse Boot (bound to feet): Uncanny Dodge, evasion. Spellward Shirt:3 essentia, SR 17. Cobalt Expertise: 3 Essentia, +3 to all Strength checks made to disarm or trip. +3 to AC when using Combat Expertise. Demolishing Smite: smite+power Attack: Ignore 2xCHa bonus of opponents DR (except for DR/- and DR/Epic) Overwhelming Smite: Smite+power Attack, Smite counts as a Trip Attempt Seeking Smite: Smite+Power Attack, Ignore miss chance.
Combat/Tactics: The Patriarch will generally single out melee opponent as the target of his dodge, and will use Combat Expertise for at least 2 points (also netting him another +3 bonus from Cobalt expertise). If the enemy is Good or lawful he will use his smites and his awesome smite abilities. His primary focus in battle will be to trip everyone in reach, and then hammer away at them with powerful attacks.

Friends/Allies: Being in Cyric’s favor, the Patriarch can draw upon nominal support from other followers. Within the Ebon Dawn, his power is absolute.

Foes/Enemies: Most good aligned organizations would gladly put an end to him, and the nation of Impiltur in particular has a grudge towards him.

Appearance: The Patriarch is always clad head to toe in an impressive suite of full plate armor that has been tempered black. Over the armor he wears a purple tabard with a black sun with a skull (the symbol of Cyric) emblazoned upon it. Normally he wears his helm, but when he does remove it he is revealed to be a middle aged man, his hair shaved bald, with glowing blue eyes.

Personality: The Patriarch is fanatically devoted to Cyric. He was also born with a strong connection to incarnum, and through it to the souls of all the worst murderer’s and madmen that have ever been, or that ever will be. The resulting internal chaos of having all these voices whispering to him, giving him strength, has left on the edge of total madness. It is only his fanatical devotion to Cyric that gives him the mental focus needed to master them. Even still, he is prone to mentally wondering off at times, or talking aloud to some unseen voices. Despite this, he rules the Ebon Dawn with an iron fist and with brutal efficiency.

History: The boy who would one day become the Patriarch was born to simple peasant folk in Vassa. Even from birth, he had a strong connection to the incarnum, and through it, to Cyric. He left home at an early age, falling in with an unscrupulous band of adventurers, and eventually through them to a cell of Cyric worshipers. It was there that he found his calling, and became a champion of Cyric’s cause. Eventually he would take over some ancient Narfellian ruins, and created his own martial cell of followers, which he named The Ebon Dawn.

While the Ebon Dawn was building in strength, he made it keep a low profile. But when it’s strength was sufficient, he embarked on an ambitious plan. Impiltur had been hit badly by the Year of Rogue Dragons and the Rain of Fire. Even worse, Zhent activity along the Moonsea was at an all time high. This left the north of Impiltur weak, and undefended. Discovering a ritual that allowed him to create Lost (See magic of the Incarnum), he and his followers created an army. These were further bolstered by negotiating with the hobgoblin tribes of the Giantspire mountains. When they struck, the Ebon Dawn made impressive initial gains before the main Impiltarian army could be roused, and brought against him. Though out numbered, the Ebon Dawn was slowly whittling down their enemies. It was only due to his reinforcements and supplies being cut off by a band of adventurers that lead to his eventual defeat.

Now on the run, he is attempting to establish a new base of operations, and rebuilding the Ebon Dawn.

Motives and Goals: The Patriarch is motivated solely to do Cyric’s will. To better accomplish that, he must rebuild the Ebon Dawn. He views the Ebon Dawn as eventually becoming the militant arm of Cyric that will one day crush his enemies. Followers of Mystra, Kelemvor, Bane, etc..., will all be crushed under heel. One day, he hopes that his service will one day allow him to ascend to Cyric’s side as his Seraph of Strife.

2015-09-28, 08:16 PM
It was a 4.0 game, but the character still works.

Tokanok Gnomehands was a Gnome Artificer. He wanted one thing - POWER! The rest of the party were useful because they helped him grow in knowledge and power. The fact that they all died and Tok didn't was a side issue. (Part of that was because other players kept switching PCs and I didn't. Part was because Tok knew when to run away when the odds were against him.) Eventually, Tok achieved his goal - a ritual that would give "ultimate cosmic power." All that was required was for him to sacrifice his party mates.

And here is where Tok did the one Good thing in his life. He fired the other PCs and hired a bunch of low-level adventurers. Which he proceeded to sacrifice and became a god.

After Tok ascended to godhood, the players started a new campaign set in the same world a few centuries later. My wife played the same PC she had been playing, after saying she was caught in a time warp. The DM's wife played a Gnome Cleric of Tokanok. I played a Shardmind - thought made manifest - of Tok's "one Good thought." The RP was a blast, with the DM's wife and I going on and on about how wonderful Tok was, and my wife trying to convince us that Tok really was as horrible as history portrays him.

2015-09-29, 02:34 AM
I've two CE that I adored to bits.
Wind, the Undead Halfling Rogue who'd been alive long enough to forget his name. He was obsessed with being recognized for being the greatest thief ever, and was stealthy and quick enough to steal someone's wallet as they were reaching for it. Whenever the party would stop at a city or town to rest, he spent the night going through the richest looking houses and stealing everything not nailed down. When they started putting up Wanted Posters for the Phantom Thief, he began stealing those and placing the wanted posters at the location of any crime he commited. Including the king's throne, when he stole the crown and royal scepter. When they stopped production of the wanted posters, he began spending his funds to pay for the printing of more, just so he could continue to leave his mark. Of course, he was fully willing to take a man's life if the pay was right, and he racked up a rather huge sum from assassinations, too.

Ethan, the sociopathic Ogre Warhulk. He regarded casual cruelty and brutal murder as about the same as a pleasant conversation. He wouldn't go out of his way for it, but when he had a chance to, he enjoyed it. The party was honestly half terrified of him since, the first session in, he hit a guard so hard with his hammer that the guard's upper torso flew away and smashed through a door about 20 feet behind the man. But he was smart, and avoided using lethal force when it would get him killed by city guards and paladins.
Eventually, the party had to put him down when he was mind-controlled by an Aboleth and, because killing the party wasn't something he wouldn't do, didn't get any secondary saves.
They'll never forget his death though, roaring defiance and attempting to, and nearly succeeding at, beating the cleric to death with the tattered remains of the wizard.
Turns out that no matter how skilled the spell-caster, having your skull and everything it contains violently separated from your body like a golf-ball from a tee is gonna ruin your day. After that the DM had him throw aside his hammer and use the corpse so that it wouldn't be a TPK.

2015-10-27, 05:08 PM
I am playing, currently, a re-imagining of Warduke. I started with the stats offered by his old AD&D representation, released shortly after the action figure (study your history.) Not yet called Warduke, he started as a Fighter 1 (5th Ed) in a group that includes a draconic paladin, a druid with an alcoholic panther, a former street gang member a la Big Trouble in Little China, a sorcerous servant of the setting's gods, and a half-breed tracker and archer who seems content to observe rather than affect the group dynamic. I mention them all because the predominant group alignment is one form of Neutral or another.

Scythus (his name) comes from a brutal past that includes killing for scraps to survive at a very young age and surviving a hanging when he was nine because he was too emaciated to finish strangling. This has molded him into a quiet, dead-eyed killer with a direct, often brutal, approach to solving problems. He and the paladin are often at loggerheads in their down time, but work very well together once combat is joined; this is an aspect of the playing that we have loved seeing unfold! Scythus often takes the initiative in decision making without consulting the rest of the team, or will go ahead with a decision while the rest are still talking (sometimes they run to catch up, sometimes they stop him.) He is the outside-the-box thinker, smashing through the box with fearless conviction. Scythus usually keeps his thoughts to himself, but has shown an insightful ability to question the conviction and sincerity of others. He is used to being a loner, and sees the team as tools sometimes, but values them enough to preserve them for later use. He even respects the paladin personally, though he thinks his friend's conviction to a god is utterly foolish.

I have has the letters "NE" at the top of his character sheet for some time now, but after having read the CE Handbook, I realize that he really is CE ... and that's OK 💀

2015-10-27, 05:34 PM
While the Firefly RPG system doesn't have an actual alignment system exactly, my character Sam Mordred is definitely hovering somewhere between CN and CE, and probably closer to the latter by most definitions.

Sam Mordred is a reader and a Reaver operating as a mercenary in the Rim. Basically, people become Reavers because the PAX manipulates their adrenaline gland to always be in near-full production mode, as well as concentrating and enhancing the adrenaline it produces. Short-term, this would cause people to have vastly increased physical capabilities (particularly pain tolerance), but also decreased mental capabilities (particularly empathy and emotions), for as long as the adrenaline high persisted; long-term, this altered the people's minds and bodies to match. They built up a tolerance to the super-adrenaline, which became more powerful, which made their tolerance more powerful; a vicious cycle that resulted in Reavers.

Because the PAX enhanced the emotions and tactile senses and empathy of the other 99.9% of the population, Sam was able to maintain some modicum of sanity by using his reading ability to feel emotions and pain by proxy. When those people started dying off, Sam left the planet intent on returning to civilization. While being around people lets him feel through them and thus stay sane, he himself is incapable of such feelings; those who call him "ally" or "friend" know that his smile has no warmth to it even when it's meant, though they don't know why. What they do know is that, when it comes to his own safety and the safety of those he cares about, Sam will move heaven and earth to keep them safe, and no power in the 'Verse seems capable of stopping him...including morality.

Sam can't trust the government, although he holds no ill will towards them; he doesn't know they made the stuff that caused his torturous existence, he just knows they left him and everybody else on Miranda to die. He doesn't despise the Alliance, but he can't trust them again when they've already broken that trust to such a degree. Sam very much values the ability to make his own choices, and can get very belligerent when that freedom is challenged. Still, he contains his more violent instincts for when he needs them...and he has no moral compunctions about doing so when the time comes for it.

Realistically speaking, Sam is a monster who still forms bonds with people to make himself feel more human, but stripping all that away leaves only the Reaver living in his skin. He is very decidedly a semi-sane, extremely violent, and still friendly Chaotic Evil character who's very much a tragic figure.

2015-10-28, 09:21 AM
I have only played two, both in Pathfinder
1. Old Gregg, the CE changeling rogue.

Gregg was born female, as all changelings are. However, Gregg insisted that he was a scaly man, as he took on the thick hide, monstrous physique and a full English mustache of his hag mother. The locals feared the lake Gregg and his mother called home, rightly so as she was like all hags. But she knew Gregg had a chance for a better life in society and sent him away. Being a changeling in a tutu, Gregg was discriminated against, but if things got physical would be attackers found themselves ripped to shreds.

He found brotherhood in the criminal underbelly of the big city, where his bizarre personality and physique served him well as an enforcer. He did not mind the work, as he preferred to rough somebody up and leave them broken rather than kill them. He joined an adventuring party when they accepted a job for Gregg's then boss, and he sent Gregg along. Gregg proved to be a wily negotiator, trap breaker, liar, thug, and fighter if need be.

Deep down, Gregg loved normal humanoids, and friends that liked him were his greatest desire. Once he found a party of friends that cared about him, he would defend them at the drop of the hat. His methods of getting information, or past guards, or lying, etc were seen as brutal and dishonorable by the rest of the party, but they did not question for a second where his loyalties lay. He eventually made each party member a watercolor portrait, and a wooden shoe from which to drink bailey's from.

2.Tfiws Rolyat, Half elf Antipaladin/Bard of Calistria

To put it simply, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. One too many men had hurt Tfiws, and she was out to get revenge. Far beyond getting even, she preferred not to kill her targets, but to give them a lifetime of suffering and ruination. To break them down in all aspects: publicly, physically, mentally, spiritually, destroy their property etc. She would write songs about the men that hurt her, and spread these stories to ruin their reputations. She preferred to use a whip in combat, to make the enemies deaths slow and painful, hiding behind her shield and armor and channeling her goddess's revenge into those truly worthy of her scorn.

Outside of combat, she was generally a happy and friendly person; she lived lavishly and loved living it up with her traveling companions She worked fairly well with the group, as she would champion the vengeance of other party members. Shortly after joining, the party wizard was ripped off on some gems he bought. She launched a smear campaign against the merchant, not stopping till he was out of business(and the wizard got his money back).