View Full Version : Just out of Curiosity...

2015-09-26, 03:48 PM
If you were a DM would you allow someone to get the Dragonborn of Bahamut template at level 1?

2015-09-26, 03:57 PM

It's not brokenly strong AFAICT.

2015-09-26, 04:50 PM
It's designed to be played that way. The rituals to enable one to become a member of the RoD races are to allow them to be retrofitted to an existing campaign...

2015-09-26, 04:58 PM
Of course.

The ritual of rebirth's cost is low enough to be easily explained away and a determined player would make that and transform before hitting level two and retraining his first level feat(s) anyway.

2015-09-26, 09:17 PM
100% yes. Why wouldn't you?

In fact, I am more than happy to allow that as a reason to BE level 1. Maybe you have this big long backstory that clearly belongs to someone of a higher level. And then you undergo the Rite of Rebirth at the end, because Reasons (tm). Something goes wrong, and you come out without all of your previous abilities. As you level, you aren't necessarily learning new things, you're relearning your old skills.

I do the same thing with the Hellbred from Fiendish Codex I, which is possibly one of the top 3 coolest races WotC ever made in my opinion (along with Illumians and fully explored kobolds)

2015-09-27, 12:06 PM
Absolutely. This is very much a +0 LA template. I've never seen it to be in the least bit unbalanced or broken.

2015-09-27, 12:15 PM
Honestly I am more wondering why someone would not? It is only used "cheesily" for relatively low op things anyways and is amazingly fluffy. I approve of races that pull people away from the common picks.