View Full Version : How to deal with a durvish in dnd 3.5.

2015-09-27, 08:32 AM
The title sums a lot of it up I think I need help dealing with a dervish the player of the dervish is kind of a "douche" I'll admit sure I'm not perfect around him but ok let's get back to the point. Long story short my friends just finished up an old campaign yesterday that's gone for a year and some else is taking over and the dervish player wouldn't stop talking the whole session that he would be unstoppable and that he would destroy us all. So I'm just wondering if there are any ways to counter them? The way he described the dervish it sounds like a class that'll kill the poor rouges and wizards of my group so ya that's it.

2015-09-27, 08:38 AM
What level? Character generation rules? Books that are available? We need these things first.

Second, why are you playing with this ****?

Third, I suggest fly. Dervish sounds like a melee build. Fly above him, with a crossbow and like 5 million bolts (bag of holding) and just keep shooting him and going "neener neener"

2015-09-27, 08:48 AM
To be really effective a dervish needs two things: a slashing melee weapon and movement. Shut down either of them and their class abilities stop working. Also, please remember that one cannot hit what one cannot find (at least not in melee) and that wizards should have enough and strong enough spells available to turn him into a puppy, or if not, the equivalent of a puppy.

2015-09-27, 08:48 AM
Repeat after me:
You can't solve out of character problems in character.
Got it?

If this comes to pvp and you do defeat the dervish, it will solve nothing. The player will reroll a new character, still act like a jerk (if not more so) and either be stronger or will simply coup de grace you while you sleep.

Talk to the GM, ideally with anyone else who's annoyed by the dervish's player and explain how he's ruining the game. The GM can then sort it out with the player or kick him.

Talking to the player yourself is also an option but if he's as much of a douche as your post makes out, this will accomplish nothing.

2015-09-27, 09:00 AM
Alright I'll explain the campaign is 5th level and we are allowed any of the books which is where the problem starts and second the dervish player is the dms older brother the primary reason why he gets to play a dervish in the first place.

2015-09-27, 09:14 AM
Okay, 5h level all books: wizard 5, cast fly, vet out of reach of him, and fill him with crossbow bolts.

2015-09-27, 09:40 AM
Alright I'll explain the campaign is 5th level and we are allowed any of the books which is where the problem starts and second the dervish player is the dms older brother the primary reason why he gets to play a dervish in the first place.

How exactly is he playing a PrC that requires BAB +5 if you're only starting with 5th level characters?

To reiterate: Attempting to solve Out-Of-Character problems with In-Character solutions is doomed to failure.

If you insist on sandbagging the Dervish with another build... half-giant with a heavy flail and Improved Disarm, maybe Psychic Warrior 4 for expansion. Ready an action to disarm, watch him waste move actions picking up his scimitar.

2015-09-27, 10:46 AM
Alright thanks for the info guys I've got to say one thing though. In this campaign the dm is really strict on passing knowledge between characters so if someone did kill the dervish the dm would say his character would have no way or reason to kill whoever did it so I'm hoping that'll help out.

2015-09-27, 11:05 AM
Oh and to answer your question darrin slight favoritism is what is allowing him to be a dervish pre-6.

2015-09-27, 12:34 PM
Oh and to answer your question darrin slight favoritism is what is allowing him to be a dervish pre-6.

This is a big red flag. "I let you break the rules because I like you" is not a good policy for DMs. It is more likely than not that he will make rulings that are biased towards this player.

This may be a "no gaming is better than bad gaming" moment, but I would recommend talking to the DM about his attitude and the fact that the DM is letting him and him alone break rules.

2015-09-27, 12:48 PM
We need to change that phrase to not gaming. Removes the confusion where people think they are calling bad gaming the best gaming.

2015-09-27, 12:49 PM
Alright I'll explain the campaign is 5th level and we are allowed any of the books which is where the problem starts and second the dervish player is the dms older brother the primary reason why he gets to play a dervish in the first place.
In which case the solution will, one way or another, involve finding a better group.

2015-09-27, 01:02 PM
It does depend on how it was done. My uncle ran a mostly core game (they didn't have a lot of the books at the time, I think it was core and a few basic completes). A player wanted to play a gish from level 1, so they turned Bladesinger into a base class.

2015-09-27, 01:11 PM
Fly + Invisibility makes you hard to touch for a melee without access to magic items to make up for either of them.
Grease... good luck trying to Dervish dance on that.
Web. Web just hates everyone.
Ray of Enfeeblement. Makes him encumbered to the point he's not able to move around much.
Slow is also third level. Only 1 standard action each round.

Lots of way to shut down a movement-based melee, and that's only from Core.

Also, seconding the calls above that this might be something that should be talked about OOC.

2015-09-27, 01:29 PM
It does depend on how it was done. My uncle ran a mostly core game (they didn't have a lot of the books at the time, I think it was core and a few basic completes). A player wanted to play a gish from level 1, so they turned Bladesinger into a base class.

If the DM did it because they asked and would have done something similar if anyone else asked means the DM is being flexible. The fact the he specifically said favoritism (which granted could be conjecture on his part) is what makes me worried.

2015-09-27, 01:44 PM
Judicious application of Blindness at a fort save rating of roll a 20 or suck.

2015-09-27, 03:17 PM
Thanks for all the info guys and to answer some questions the guys I do dnd with are some of my closest friends we go to high school together (senior year) and I have a lot of my classes with them so if I left I wouldn't see the end of all the crap they'd give me. :)