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2007-05-18, 06:28 AM
Just wondering does anyone have a link or know of a book about greyhawk. All I can find is the refrences in the core books and the Red Hand of Doom.

2007-05-18, 06:34 AM
I think there was something called the Greyhawk Gazetter, or something like that. It doesn't seem to have a real, dedicated sourcebook, though.

2007-05-18, 07:34 AM
- Maps of Greyhawk

-Greyhawk NPC archive

Neither are books, I know, but useful anyway...

2007-05-18, 07:34 AM
It depends what edition you want. There is a lot of (A)D&D 1.x and 2.x material available and a good deal of the fluff has ended up in Wikipedia.

If, however, you are looking for D&D 3.x specific Greyhawk material, then the Greyhawk Gazetteer is what you are looking for. There are three different versions. The Limited Edition Greyhawk Gazetteer (http://home.flash.net/~brenfrow/3e/gazlim.htm), the Greyhawk Gazetteer (http://home.flash.net/~brenfrow/3e/gaz.htm) and The Living Greyhawk Gazetteer (http://home.flash.net/~brenfrow/3e/living.htm). They were all fairly early releases. Living Greyhawk (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=lg/welcome) updates and augments this information, but Greyhawk is purposefully a fairly blank slate so that all Generic D&D material can find a home there. Anything that is not labelled as Campaign specific is assumed to default to Greyhawk, but the lines are blurry, as these books often do not explicitly reference anything recognisable from that world. The Living Greyhawk Gazetteer (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=products/dndacc/867270000) appears to be the only one still available for conventional sale, which is unfortunate, as I found the Greyhawk Gazetteer to be well worth the money I paid for it when I noticed it in one of my local Game Stores over Christmas.