View Full Version : De Mafia

2015-09-27, 08:33 PM
I'm about to run a character that I've been thinking about a while; an Allurin Sorcerer. His backstory is unique, at least from what I've seen, because he's a top tier crime lord. He is the head of the mafia, at least as mafia as a fantasy setting can have. I was trying to find a prestige class that would fit a Godfather, but I'm having trouble. Any suggestions?

2015-09-27, 10:12 PM
Unseen seer? Mindbender?

2015-09-28, 08:55 AM
What flavor of mob boss do you want? Debonair "legitimate businessman," gritty dangerous thug, something in between?

EDIT: What sources are available? Also, is that the homebrew Allurin (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Allurin_(3.5e_Race)) from dandwiki? Be sure to clear that with the DM, it's not from an official published source. If that is the race, and if Incarnum is allowed, I'd strongly suggest getting the Strongheart Vest soulmeld. Strength damage is a Bad Thing, especially if you're dumping the stat like most sorcerers do.

2015-09-28, 09:55 AM
I'd be tempted to go with Beguiler — all the right spells and 6+ skill points.

Either single class, well with a PrC dip, or something like
Rogue 1 / Beguiler 4 / Unseen Seer 10
Rogue 2 / Beguiler 3 / Unseen Seer 10
if you simply must have evasion, or have to deal with favoured class restrictions.

2015-09-28, 04:52 PM
Changeling Rogue 3/Warlock 1/Marshal 1/Mountebank 1/Spymaster 7/Zhentarim Spy 3

Max ranks into bluff
Convince your enemies that they work for you now. Or one of your many cover identities.

Enjoy. :smallamused:

2015-09-28, 05:22 PM
Changeling Rogue 3/Warlock 1/Marshal 1/Mountebank 1/Spymaster 7/Zhentarim Spy 3

Max ranks into bluff
Convince your enemies that they work for you now. Or one of your many cover identities.

Enjoy. :smallamused:

Mmmm, I don't think I like that one... It's a good idea, obviously, and I like the concept, but... The character's a sorcerer... I wanted to keep that class because the familiar. I ran it past the DM and got clearance for a wolf familiar, and I'm not passing that up XD Plus sorcerer just seemed like a good idea for an Allurin. I'm deadset on the Allurin more than anything else, you see, and their boosted charisma makes sorcerer very convenient. I suppose Bard too, but I've already run a Bard and I'd like to play around a bit.

2015-09-28, 07:31 PM
I'd suggest the Dread Witch prestige class, from Heroes of Horror. It does break one of the cardinal rules (thou shalt not lose caster levels), but ignore the image of the old hag and consider what that would do for a mob boss. As a mafioso, some of your chief weapons are fear and intimidation. A Dread Witch - which you can enter as early as level 5 - is so good at it that you can use a Fear spell to make a Paladin turn and flee. It's only 5 levels long, too, so you have plenty of room for other prestige classes.

2015-09-29, 09:37 AM
I found a thing!!!

Alright, so I've gone over things and I decided I can live without spellcasting. Most of what I want the sorcerer class for is a familiar. So just Sorcerer 1 would be fine with me. Then I have this http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?252888-Base-class-(3-5)-The-Gangster-(Peach) for nine levels (Yes, I'm running this past the DM) and grab some bonuses. For all intents and purposes, the group would be Baatorian Guard under a different name. After that I can prestige into this http://www.angelfire.com/games/Alterniverse/dragonstar/The_Crime_Boss_PRC.pdf for all ten levels and grab some useful skills. If I felt like it I could remove a few Gangster levels and the level 10 of the Crime Boss class to grab the Dread Witch as well, just to boost a bit of spell casting and fear.

PS: I can tweak the Gangster class so that it fits in our campaign. It's made for 1920s setting, but just tweaking would fix most of that.