View Full Version : Interesting character builds

Orion Hamby
2015-09-27, 09:29 PM
I'd like you guys to post any interesting character ideas here, uniqueness, fun, and not suck is really what I'm looking for

Glorius Nippon
2015-09-27, 09:43 PM
It's not my own, but here's one I've been meaning to play for some time: http://theworldissquare.com/lancer-pathfinder-rogue-build/

Basically, a frontline fighting rogue using a spear and some feats to flank when you normally wouldn't be. As far as I can tell, it seems to be at least on level with martial of the same level, and is far more interesting than your standard 2h fighter.

2015-09-27, 09:46 PM
1/ What have you already played?

2/ What is the optimization level of your campaign and/or group?

3/ What level characters are we talking about?

- - -

My favorite generic interesting build is probably Changeling Rogue 4 / Cloistered Cleric 1 / Chameleon 10. It's a fantastic infiltrator and can do a lot of crafting during downtime. The last 5 levels can be any skillful class or Divine-oriented class.

Another fun Eberron build is Wizard 5 / ?? 2 / Primal Scholar 5. The trick here is the unfettered heroism spell, which gives you 1 bonus Action Point each turn for 1 turn/caster level, and the Primal Scholar ability which allows you to spend an Action Point to regain a number of spell levels equal to your Primal Scholar level... and since unfettered heroism is a level 5 spell, you can use your first free Action Point to recover unfettered heroism. All spells up to level 5 become at-will.

2015-09-27, 09:52 PM
There are all the ones from this list: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?258580-Famous-optimized-character-builds

Check out Tiny von BigMcLargeHuge. Qualify via the Human Heritage feat.

Viable at level 1, matures halfway at level 2, and fully matures at level 7, while continuing to gain power beyond that. Very few resources used, and very versatile.

Orion Hamby
2015-09-27, 10:02 PM
1/ What have you already played?

2/ What is the optimization level of your campaign and/or group?

3/ What level characters are we talking about?

Anything goes as far as optimization goes, I've played a psycho from borderlands once, it was a fighter and barbarian I don't remember all the details, and any level really

2015-09-27, 11:30 PM
You want stubs, I got stubs.

Sparrow stats:
"STR: 1 DEX: 24 CON: 10 INT: 16 WIS: 12 CHA: 18"

1: DFA entangling exhalation
2: Totemist
3: DFA Flyby attack
4: DFA
5: DFA
6: DFA Open Least Chakra (crown) (threefold mask of chimera)
8: DFA
9: DFA Flyby breath (dragonlance campaign setting)
10: DFA
11: DFA
12: DFA strafing breath (dragonlance campaign setting)
13: DFA
14: DFA
15: DFA Widen supernatural ability (ToM)

Basically, fly around as a tiny bird, get the AC boost from dexterity and just sizzle everything.

1: planar fighter: dodge, mobility
2: Planar fighter: spring attack
3: Jaunter: 2wF
4: jaunter:
5: Jaunter
6: Jaunter: FEAT
7: Berserk
8: Berserk
9: Berserk (cachalot): prehensile tail

Fly over and transform into whale. Dimension door onto structures that can't support your 50 ton weight. Drop mad 20d6s of falling damages on the opponents like crazy. Maybe thunderstep boots on level 6? Every turn just jaunt your fat whale body all over the place.

str: 13, dex 14, con 11, int 16, wis 13, cha 13
1: Duskblade: sacred vow, vow of obedience
2: Pounce Barbarian: pounce
3: Fighter: intimidating rage, power attack
4: Fighter: cleave
5: Duskblade (get skills up)
6: Sentinel of bharrai: destructive rage
7: Sentinel of Bharrai
8: Sentinel of Bharrai
9: Frenzied berserker: extra rage
10: bear warrior
11: bear warrior
12: bear warrior: extra rage
13: bear warrior
14: bear warrior
15: frenzied berserker: sunder
16-20: warshaper

Turn into Bear as a sentinel, giving you base stats of 27 str, 13 dex and 19 constitution. Then turn into a bear warrior bear, which only gives stat boosts; gaining +8/+2/+4 then frenzy for another +6 str. that's a 41 strength by level 10. weird call lightnings, and weird spells to channel.

2015-09-28, 02:00 PM
I'm quite fond of The Kordite Bodybulder:

Barbarian2/marshal3/paladin of freedom2/pious templar1/Divine Champion1/Divine Oracle 2/Contemplative1/ levels of contemplative or Divine oracle to taste.

28 point buy
Str 14
dex 10
con 12
int 10
wis 9*
chr 17 (stat bumps here)

*Note this build relies on having at least an 11 wisdom at the time you turn 10th level. You don't need it thereafter.

Human - weapon focus
Flaw - True believer
1 p attack
Barbarian2 Imp trip
3 Improved Bull rush
6 skill focus knowledge (religion)
9 shock trooper
12+ Feats to taste

This build is fun to play - you get interesting extra features at every level. At low level it's mainly about damage and tripping, but you also have lots of powers to benefit you and everyone else, particularly skill-based characters. At mid level you're still doing damage and tactical plays. You'll have the party's best saves, and ignoring effects on a sucessful fort, will and reflex save, and you're starting to get some decent spells at about the time that other casters won't have time to cast them any more. At high level your BAB starts to lag a bit, but buff spells make up for it (NB divine power). You get excellent spontaneous spell casting, including 9th level spells such as miracle at 17th level*, the same level that dedicated spell casters get them.

1st You're basically the big raging barbarian with the sword. Excellent short term fun.
2nd You gain improved trip at str +4.
3rd Go for either 'arts of war', or 'inspire strength'. Either way you gain bull rush and improved trip at str+chr+4 With a +9 to trip, you can trip most medium opponents with ease, and stand a decent chance of tripping horses and ogres. If that's not enough, try and get someone to cast enlarge on you, buy them a wand if necessary, for an extra +5 to trip, allowing you to trip almost anything.
4th gain a marshal ability. +1 to hit is probably the most optimal, but there are lots of choices.
5th gain a marshal ability. I personally like inspire Dex, because the party will never lose initiative again, and so many skills are dex-based
6th detect evil at will. meh.
7th huge bonus to all saves.
8th Mettle, limited spellcasting. Get you bless weapon, prot evil and the ability to use cure light wands. From now on you have some contribution to make when people are casting spells before a fight.
9th Spontaneous casting. Competion Domain, so remove fear and +1 to bull rush and trip, Shock trooper. Bull rush people into other people, and then trip them both. Hillarious. The other power's not bad either.
10th Identify, Augury and Zeal.
11th a form of evasion that works with armour, trapsense, Divination and Prayer.
12th Base charisma is now 20, bonus feat, spells: divine power, Scrying. you also get another domain at this point. I'd suggest Luck, so you also get entropic sheild, aid, protection from energy and freedom of movement.

Note that spellcasting runs out - at 19th and 20th you can't gain more levels. This may be the opportunity to pick up a level or two of paladin, to gain that 'immunity to compulsion' that's important at high levels, and maybe turn undead, to power epic feats. Or you can go for Oracle 10 and get the rather nice divine oracle capstone ability.


Trade pious templar for Champion of Gwynharwyf.
Go half elf rather than human, take an extra flaw to replace the human bonus feat, trade paladin 2 for two levels of outcast champion, later on get Seeker of the misty isle to get the travel domain as a nice bonus

2015-09-29, 08:23 PM
I stole the idea from this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?287829-Illiterate-Wizard), but:

Abak the Magnifkant! is an Air Goblin Sorcerer, but he thinks he’s a Wizard. He dutifully studies his spell book every morning, and writes his spells into it when he learns new ones, because that’s what he’s seen wizards do. But he is illiterate – his spellbook is nothing but scribbles and crude drawings. He also loves wearing his pointy blue wizard hat with gold stars stitched on it. Unfortunately it’s a little big, so he only wears it when he’s dressing up and trying to look important or when he’s studying his spellbook. Abak is Neutral – everyone should be allowed to do whatever they want, so long as it doesn’t hurt other people (although certainly killing is just part of life too).

2015-09-29, 09:01 PM
Level 16 Necropolitan Hellbred, Cleric 6/Bone Knight 10
Pros: RIDICULOUS mounts of undead minions. Adult Hex Dracolich, 40 HD(no higher than 10 each) from Bone Knight, and 21 HD from Cleric, BEFORE Animate Dead. We're talking 120+ HD.
Cons: You essentially have a phylactery, a 70k item of +27 Turn/Rebuke Undead levels... because of this you need a high powered campaign, a DM willing to let you play this, and 70k gold.
EXTRA: Planar Binding a Whisper Demon from MMIV to get an army of Allips. 30+ Allips. Incorporeal Wisdom-draining warriors. :smallamused:
No link for this one, because I haven't had the time to fill out a sheet from my convoluted text file information

Level 16 Steel Wyrmling, Wyrm of War 4/Dragonfire Adept 12
Fly around really fast using strafing breath weapons, combined with metabreath for battlefield control.
Pros: 7d6 breath weapon in cold, fire, or sonic, also sleep and slow breaths, at-will Chilling Fog, and Entangling Exhalation for maximum area lockdown.
Cons: Carry Weight

Level 9 Bariaur, Lion Totem Barbarian 1/Horseman 1/Warblade 7
Basically charge your opponent into oblivion.
Pros: Massive damage and mobility. We're talking 1d10+1d8+6d6+7 damage on a charge BEFORE Power Attack+Leap Attack+Shock Trooper, and ALL of that is tripled on a charge.
Cons: Needs lots of space, climbing is your mortal enemy.

2015-09-29, 09:03 PM
There's a rather funny one I liked here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19196299&postcount=214). It's more like an idea than an official build, though.