View Full Version : My Homebrew

2015-09-28, 09:53 AM
Instead of making a new thread for each homebrew option I create, I prefear to keep it organised all in one thread.

Comments on the nature of the contenent is appreciated. Constructive criticism is also much appreciated. Non constructive criticism is not apreciated and will be treaded as spam.

-Comments on the nature of the contenets, showing either appretiation or criticism such as: "Nice""unbalanced""Too powerfull", followed by elaborating.

Not Apreciated:
-"nice""lame" comments, without further elaborating on the reason of the comment.

Homebrew Optional Rullings:

Even since 3.5, I thought the Sorcerer class, compared to the Wizard, was overly debuffed. Now with 5e he doesn't even get to cast more spells per day than his Wizard Counterpart, and most of his Metamagic options have a Wizard counterpart that is not limited. He gets to cast some spells as bonus actions, but only a limited times per day. He doesn't get the Maximise Spell metamagic option, the Wizard gets it. He even has to use points to do what the Evocer can do since level 2, protect his allies from his AoEs. No love for the Sorcerer it would Seem...

So, I took it upon myself to make the sorcerer a valid option for players that want to have a naturally born Caster that gets to have Dragon Wings and yet not be lame casters compared to the Wizard. The sorcerer is a person that has innate magic. It's only natural that, by using the time to study, they would get at the same level, if not more powerfull than a Wizard.

Homebrew A) Multiclassing into a Wizard, gives you access to the Wizard spell list. As long as you have spell slots of level X, you can transcribe wizard spells of level x into your spellbook. You can commit to memory spells according to your wizard level, so it's gonna be no more than 4-5 spells at average, but it gives you access to spells like Simulacrum and Clone, and other usefull options. 1-3 Levels of wizard are enough, or you'll loose access to 9th level spells.

Homebrew B)
The Ultimate Magus:
Wile a Sorcerer is an Innate caster, he gets very few spells per day. However, he gets a pair of Dragonic wings and to cast a couple of spells instead of only one with metamagic, which is usually the reason he is considered an option. On the other part, the Wizard is a master of the Arcane, but is not naturally born with magic. Resurected from 3.5e, there is also the Ultimate Magus, the epitome of the Two. You can view him as a Sorcerer that is also a scholar and researches magic.

You may view it as a separate class. Or a combination of two classes:

The ultimate magus has a spellbook containing spells from the Wizard spell list. He has 2 spells at 1st level, and gains a new spell in his spellbook each Level. Therse spells are choses from the Wizard Spell List. He can prepare a number of spells equal to his intelligence modifier (reguardless of level). You don't get to choose a school specialisation. You can cast spells as rituals. You can transcribe spells in your spellbook as noted on the "Spellbook" tab, on the Wizard entry, PHB.

You gain cantrips and class attributes as a Sorcerer. You choose a sorcerous origin at 1st level. You gain 1 spell known at 1st level and one more every even level after that. These spells are always prepared, and are chosen from the Sorcerer Spell List.

Your spell slot progression is that of a full caster.

P.S. This might be unbalanced, as I have not playtested it yet.

Homebrew C) Dragon/Fey Apotheosis:

Dragon: At level 18, you gain the Shapechanger ability of your Dragonic Ancestry (even if your ancestry is chromatic). You can polymorph yourself into a dragon of your ancestry, whose CR is within 4 of your level, or back into your true form. You do not gain any Legendary or Lair actions of that form. In that form you cannot cast spells from your spells known list, except cantrips. You gain spells whose total level is half your CR+your cha modifier. Those spells can each be cast 1/day. You are a true dragon in that form for both benefical and hindering purposes (a ranger that is a specialist in dragons, can target you). You can use your breath weapon as an action by expanding 5 sorcery points in either form.

Fay: At level 18, you become a true fay. You gain immunities and resistances as a fay creature, and can cast invisibility, targeting only yourself, at will. You also gain a hover speed equal to your land speed. You can hover up to (sorcerer level+cha modifier)x2 in feet. When in the Border Ethereal, you can cast a spell on the material plane and vice-verca.

Both options are replacing the level 18 options from their respective bloodlines.

to be continued...

2015-09-28, 10:02 AM
Requiring a Sorcerer to multiclass to a Wizard doesn't fix the issues related to the Sorcerer. Nor does Sorcerer need such a huge fix as making new mechanics.

Houserule (Buff): Sorcerers gain 2 metamagic at level 3 as normal, and gain an additional one at 7, 11, 15, and 19.
Houserule (Buff): Sorcerous Restoration. At 5th level you regain 2 expended sorcery point whenever you finish a short rest. This increases to 3 at 10th, 4 at 15th, and 5 at 20th. See giantItP (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?427376-Wizards-vs-Sorcerer-Spell-List&p=19528547#post_19528547) for comments on this
Houserule (Buff): Give extra spells known based on Origin. See Sorcerous Origins (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aGlSiAbLxyN04vmaOjDt1os3jVy9PhN2iNLvc19I7XU)
Houserule (Buff): Combine spell lists with the Wizard. See the Sorcerer specific spells added to his list under his section.

See Sorcerous origins in my sig for reasons.

2015-09-28, 10:25 AM
You will probably find the homebrew forum a better place to put this:


2015-11-12, 03:56 AM
I let sorcerers use the Spell Point system.