View Full Version : Player Help Someone Help me...please please....

2015-09-28, 01:57 PM
Ok so I got started with a game where the DM is harsh but fair. He also likes to be a bit of an ass. Let me explain we started at level 1, in the town of Nesme(Forgotten Realms Campaigh)...our first mission is to kill 6 Ettin Giants....yeah you read that right 6 ettin GIANTS! who sadly are probably the weakest giants you will come across.
Now this is where I said he was fair, he made various npcs to help us out(one of which died almost instantly the moment the battle started). And for a lot of the group it was a matter of just staying alive since most of us couldn't even scratch the giants thick hide.
We managed to survive with just one party member actually dying(he got greedy and tried to take a kill for himself and died because of it)
Now on to the good news, for our life scaring experience, we basically skyrocketed past level 2 and almost reached level 3, as well as got 1000 gold a piece. We need to talk about the details but generally we agreed to backtrack to silverymoon and make our way to waterdeep.
As it turned out Nesme has been plagued with ettin giant raids for over two hundred years and this is apparently story based in forgotten realms itself.
Which leads me to my question, can anyone provide a general habitat of monsters and enemies in the land of faerun? or at the vary least in the general vicinity of the silver marshes where we are now?

2015-09-28, 03:48 PM
Honestly, I don't think you need anybody to spoil the campaign for you. Sure, it sounds like you are in some tough situations, but it seems like you have all of the tools to solve these problems already at your disposal.

You can always say no to the quest. Going off and fighting Ettin giants sounds like suicide? Don't go. If you think that will put you in way over your head, then stay home. At least stay back and train to get stronger, or acquire better gear, or a group of NPC's. It sounds like you can and should obtain all of those things- the DM threw you against monsters over your level, but you had a lot of meatshields, and nobody died except by taking a risky chance.

Sure, you had an encounter where the party had to hide and lay low for the most part. You watched horrible giants rip NPC's and a fellow party member apart. You have seen some ****, and lived to tell about it. One day, you will be able to do more than just hide. One day, you will knock them over with ease. This is a good thing, unless you are constantly thrown against monsters where you have no chance and combat becomes a game of "hide, run, and wait for the NPC's to save the day" in which case, you should talk with your DM.

You want to know what monsters might be there? Ask NPC's, use diplomacy to gather information, go read a book, do something in game. I don't think your DM will straight tell you no.

2015-09-28, 04:25 PM
Honestly, I don't think you need anybody to spoil the campaign for you. Sure, it sounds like you are in some tough situations, but it seems like you have all of the tools to solve these problems already at your disposal.

You can always say no to the quest. Going off and fighting Ettin giants sounds like suicide? Don't go. If you think that will put you in way over your head, then stay home. At least stay back and train to get stronger, or acquire better gear, or a group of NPC's. It sounds like you can and should obtain all of those things- the DM threw you against monsters over your level, but you had a lot of meatshields, and nobody died except by taking a risky chance.

Sure, you had an encounter where the party had to hide and lay low for the most part. You watched horrible giants rip NPC's and a fellow party member apart. You have seen some ****, and lived to tell about it. One day, you will be able to do more than just hide. One day, you will knock them over with ease. This is a good thing, unless you are constantly thrown against monsters where you have no chance and combat becomes a game of "hide, run, and wait for the NPC's to save the day" in which case, you should talk with your DM.

You want to know what monsters might be there? Ask NPC's, use diplomacy to gather information, go read a book, do something in game. I don't think your DM will straight tell you no.

Yeah fair enough.

2015-09-28, 04:51 PM
I agree with what was said.
Sounds like you've got a good GM - and good players, since you managed to defeat a seemingly overpowering encounter ! Congratulations OP.

2015-09-29, 05:17 AM
Faerun is too phenomenally huge for anyone to be able to tell you about what sort of monsters appear where. As a campaign world, it's a Kitchen Sink Sandbox on Steroids. It's also difficult to tell what source material or edition your DM may be using, because "The gods walk the earth/magic stops working/super-nanobot-spellplague" happens every first Twoday of the month. Even if we did know what edition your DM is basing his campaign on, he's probably going to pull different things from different editions, and is going to make personal changes that we know nothing about. So we (this forum) can't help you much with that. Ask some NPCs for more info, or visit Candlekeep.

2015-09-29, 08:50 AM
I doubt he has the book toll to get into candlekeep.

*goes to replay BG*