View Full Version : Llyod Alexander gone at 83

2007-05-18, 03:57 PM
I just now heard about this. Apparently he died of cancer yesterday. Lets all raise our glasses in salute to him and his family. I know that, for me, the Chronicles of Prydain and some of his other books were my friends when I didn't have any others. This truly saddens me.

Salute Mr. Alexander, Salute.

2007-05-18, 04:08 PM
I'll second that.

Some of my favorite books of all time, to this day.

2007-05-18, 06:04 PM
Aww, that sucks. Well, maybe this'll inspire me to read Westmark again.

2007-05-18, 07:52 PM
So sad :( I loved the 'Taran' books very much - on the map of my childhood, Prydain was located somewhere between Narnia and Middle-Earth...

Thinking about it today has made me realise - it's almost certainly just a co-incidence, but there are some lovely similarities between the characters of Elan and Fflewddur Fflam! I can imagine them having a great time together if they ever met up, trading songs and snapping harp-strings and both of them getting on Roy and Taran's nerves...

2007-05-19, 08:33 AM
Lloyd Alexander's books were the first books I ever loved. Sure, some others were good, and I enjoyed them, but I read his numerous times, and to this day the Prydain Cycle, Westmark and a couple of Vesper Holly books have a place on my bookshelf. Very sad.

2007-05-23, 11:13 AM
Here's to Mr. Alexander and his legacy. As I mentioned on the Prydain thread, his works had a major impact on my youth and helped introduce me to fantasy literature, still my favorite genre.

May he live forever in our hearts and his works be cherished for all time.

Elliot Kane
2007-05-23, 05:21 PM
Sad to hear. Prydain was great :(

2007-05-23, 11:32 PM
I am embarassed that I did not realize who that was until I started reading the thread. The Taran novels were my first foray into fantasy. I loved them and am sad to hear the author died. Remember the old guy... what's his face! And Fflewddur Fflam with the giant cat! And the girl and the magic orb, and the knight dude!

Okay, I read those books about 10 years ago, so my grasp on the events therein aren't exactly tenuous. Infact, I bet I still have them. I think, in his honor, I'll read them again. I do remember the unkillable zombie army and the shaken feeling when they do something. Not that I don't remember, but no spoilers.

2007-05-23, 11:41 PM
NO! He died?!?! From a purely selfish motive, I WANTED MORE BOOKS FROM HIM!!! :smallfrown: from ages 10-13, I read every single Lloyd Alexander book at the public library. Six times. He will be missed.

2007-05-24, 12:54 AM
Lloyd Alexander's books were a major inspiration to me at a time when aside from Tolkien there wasn't much inspiring fantasy to read. The Black Cauldron is still one of my favorite stories and Flewddur Flam still one of my favorite characters. As many of my NPCs and storylines have come out his books as have come from any of my other influences. To you, Sir, Thank you and God Bless.

2007-05-24, 01:55 AM
Man... now I feel like making a tribute party. A paladin named Gwydion, a bard named Fflewddur, a sorcerer named Eilonwy, and a... commoner named Taran?

The Prince of Cats
2007-05-24, 04:20 AM
I learned about it not too long after it happened. It is awful in some ways, but I think it was as good a time as any to die. He had lost a daughter a while back, his wife very recently. He even said "I have finished my life's work" of his final book's completion.

While many people talk about Lord of the Rings being their inspiration to start writing, it was always The Chronicles of Prydain for me. They started me, as a child, writing stories and exploring my imagination about 17 or 18 years ago now.

Well, he will be missed, but his time had come...

2007-05-24, 05:03 AM

Glory unto Prydain.