View Full Version : Ability score optimization for real life

Grim Reader
2015-09-29, 09:25 AM
Due to general curiosity: How would you prioritize the six D&D ability scores for real life? Given a point-build, how would you build a character if you had to live a life in it, in our 21st century world? Human only.

For point builds 25 points, or 32 points?

For the purposes of the discussion, your current mental abilities do not carry over, you have to make do with the new ones. Cha can be defined to include looks if you want to, or other aspects. Wis influences quality of life choices. For example "Meth is good for me" would be a rather low-wis choice.

Scores are assumed to scale smoothly, I.e. the +1 for every two steps up is assumed to be a game mechanics artifact, and taking an ability score from 10 to 11 represents a practical improvement in the same way as 11 to 12.

Personally, I'd rank the scores Con -> Cha/Int (I can do a life build with either as prime requisite) -> Wis -> Str/Dex (could dump either. Both may be going to far)

2015-09-29, 09:32 AM
25 point buy: 8/8/12/15/15/13

32 point buy: 8/8/14/16/16/14

2015-09-29, 09:41 AM
For real life?
I'd probably optimize Con, then put points into having above-average Cha and Wis, followed by Int.

2015-09-29, 10:01 AM
For the life I, personally, live, what I've got now is probably close to best: Int is my highest score, as befits a scientist and teacher, and I've also got a pretty good Con, and don't have nearly as many health problems as most of my friends. If I'd change anything, it'd be a higher Cha, which is also useful to a teacher, though I don't know what I'd be best-served to give up in exchange.

2015-09-29, 10:05 AM
In real life I'd probably aim for Cha>Int>Wis>Con in that order. Being strong is cool, agile is fun, and having superhuman endurance would be swell, just not as necessary without orcish barbarians harassing my city. But who could pass down being a highly intelligent diplomancer without a DM throwing the book at us(And the above average wisdom to keep from being moronic).

2015-09-29, 10:19 AM
In real life I'd probably aim for Cha>Int>Wis>Con in that order. Being strong is cool, agile is fun, and having superhuman endurance would be swell, just not as necessary without orcish barbarians harassing my city. But who could pass down being a highly intelligent diplomancer without a DM throwing the book at us(And the above average wisdom to keep from being moronic).

I think Con is just as useful today, since just about the only thing likely to kill you in a first world country is disease.
Besides, as someone who has a crippling phobia of just about all medical facilities and procedures, I think having maxed out Con would be pretty useful :smallbiggrin:

Grim Reader
2015-09-30, 08:24 AM
I personally would prioritize Con above all the others, too. I suspect this may be influenced by age though. Older players will have more of an insight in the consequences of a failing Con than the younger ones. And at these levels of point-buy you can still be above average in other things while pushing Con.

I found I could actually make several builds from a 25 points buy:

Living in uninteresting times:

Dex 10. Str, Int, Cha, all 11. Con 14, Wis 15. This build is somewhat above average in everything except dex. It won't excel in particular in anything noticeable. Unless born to money, I don't see a very rich or glamorous life, but it has the wisdom to be happy with what its got. If born to money, sufficient brains and judgement not to waste it. Doesn't have the Cha to break hears and have a string of red-hot loves, but it has the wisdom to find and appreciate the right one. Generally very good health and being happy with what you got. The wisdom to know what needs doing and the willpower to actually carry it through. Probably the most optimized build I found for a happy life.

Could have an ok career as a therapist I suppose.

Not quite sure why I felt a Str of 11 was called for, but this build has no traits that stand out in everyday life, so as a man I felt that a deficiency in this area could support feelings of inadequacy.

Good where it counts:

Str 8, Int 13, Wis 13, Dex 10, Con 15, Cha 13. This build is talented in the areas I feel is most important for life in the modern world. Int for learning and processing information, enough for getting a good education and career. Wis for avoiding the pitfalls of life, for knowing how best to use its talents, and the will not to waste them. Cha for getting along, making friends and lovers, smoothing many of lifes rough patches. Con for many years of great health. Many of these abilities seem like they would work well together. Cha and Wis, reading people making friends and having the judgement to know who is a real friend. Int and Wis, brains and will.

Str is a dumpstat, in the modern world it is just not that in-demand. From a male perspective its like tallness: Appreciated if you've got it, but it won't significantly wreck your life to be without it. I thought about dumping dex too, but we live in our bodies and I'd like it normally functional. I can work with low stregth, high health but throw in slow and clumsy too, and it'd start to feel crap at many physical activities.

Could be a doctor, lawyer, ambassador etc.

Alternately, Str 8, Dex 10, Wis 13, Int, Cha and Con 14. Much like above, but trades down some health for an appreciable boost to brains and looks/charm.

I also contemplated an all-12s build, with a 13 Con. 12 is enough to be noticeably above average, and being noticeably above average in everything is no bad thing. Bigger and stronger than average, quicker, smarter and more charming. Healthy and not without judgement. We are getting into the deep end of the genepool here...but ultimately oh so forgettable and lacking any real standout traits. A Bachelors degree, lacking the brains for the phd. Feels a bit like a middle management drone.

2015-09-30, 08:36 AM
25 points

Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 13

Good enough to be good at everything, and relatively especially good looking, but not so good as to get bored with it all, and not smart enough to see the world of darkness.

32 points

Str 14, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 14

I'd love to excel at something, but not at the expense of sucking at anything either. Dropped dex because it seemed worth it to bump everything else up to 14. I can't imagine being unhappy with life with scores like these.

In real life, I have a pretty darn good dex score, but since I'm not motivated to become an actual thief/assassin/soldier/athlete/gymnast/whatever, I have to admit it's been useless, except for fun and showing off.

Grim Reader
2015-09-30, 03:49 PM
32 point builds give more wiggle room. I feel able to afford things like Str and Dex. I could even make a build to go the athlete path. I don't think thats an optimized way to go though, the competition is too fierce for too few slots.

The previous builds could be improved on, of course. More Con and Wis, or more Cha/Int. Or both.

But now there are enough points for a good allrounder as well:

Str and dex 12, all others 14. Good at everything, but really good at the important things.

Or an Academic build: Str 8, Dex 10, Wis and Cha 13, Int and Con 16. Alternativly, drop Int and Con to 15, raise Cha and Wis to 14 and strength to 10.

2015-09-30, 04:40 PM

It's honestly not that different from how I build my characters. Heck, I'm pretty sure I have an archivist with that array.
I'm perfectly fine with being average physically, with perhaps a bit of above average health. And I don't really care for being the life of the party or having much social skills.
What I do care about... well I think that much is obvious.

2015-09-30, 04:51 PM
If I did choose my stats IRL dex, cha and for would be dump stats.

2015-09-30, 06:19 PM
I would go with the following.

Intelligence to Charisma to Wisdom to Constitution to Dexterity to Constitution.
It's pretty close to how I imagine my actual stats would be, actually, except with the dexterity and the constitution reversed. But getting sick every spring and every fall (like I currently do) isn't much fun, and the only thing I do with my dexterity is yoga, so that one was an obvious reversal.

2015-09-30, 06:43 PM

In real life, I'd really prefer to be above average at all the things, with health and intelligence as the most valuable commodities, from my perspective.

2015-10-01, 04:44 AM
Now, rather than optimizing what I'm already good at, I'd do something totally different.

Rock star
Str 9, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 16
This build would have a good shot at being a rock star or famous artist. Enough looks, talent (since perform is oddly based on charisma) and willpower to work hard at it.
Health and smarts are overrated when you can be rich and famous. Live fast, die young, I say.
With 32 points, I'd boost Cha to 18 and Wis to 14

Military commando
Str 11, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10
Don't need that much Str, since we have modern guns. Enough Wis to survive PTSD and manage to retire into civilian life.
With 32 points, boost Int to 14 and Cha to 13 to be able to move up the ranks as an NCO.

2015-10-01, 04:48 AM
I think CHA would be the stat to focus on. You don't have to be particularly strong, fast or smart, but if you're socially powerful and charming a lot of doors will open for you regardless of ability.

2015-10-01, 05:03 AM
Let's see…

Strength is nice to have but not all that useful. Put in a 10 for the occasional task where it'll come handy. Dexterity is slightly more useful, and being clumsy can be both expensive and potentially hazardous, so settle in at 11. Constitution is pretty important, since falling ill doesn't exactly improve one's quality of life. 14 is enough since point buy starts to get more expensive from there on. Intelligence could be useful, but whether above-average intellect really increases quality of life I wouldn't know, so let's settle for a 10. Wisdom might not be the key to happiness but it's close enough that you really don't want to skimp in it, so a 14 should be justified. Finally, Charisma is just such a handy score both personally and professionally, it warrants the rest of the points, for a nice 14.

So 25 PB: Str 10, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 14, going for a quality of life build. For 32 PB, 10/12/15/14/14/14 sounds pretty good, getting Int to match the other mental scores, with a bit more Dex and Con to smooth your day-to-day life.