View Full Version : Final bosses: what works and what doesn't? [PF/any]

2015-09-29, 12:54 PM
I think most players (except in very roleplaying-heavy games) have an expectation for a climactic final battle against an epic, exciting foe. Trouble is, is the d20 system really suited for that kind of fight? Powerful enemies just turn into either rocket tag or long slugfests, both sides just standing there whaling on each other until one of them drops. Having a room full of minions helps somewhat, but more often that can just be a brief distraction and something to make the fight artificially longer.

So, since this isn't a video game with dynamic action, what can be done (specifically in Pathfinder but in any d20 system more generally) to add excitement back into final bosses? Especially if said final boss is a NPC with class levels. From my observations as player and DM, fights against several NPCs not too much higher leveled than the party can be very interesting, since there are multiple dangerous foes with unique tactics to take into account - should that kind of strategy be used for final battles as well, rather than just one mega-powerful NPC or monster? Tell me your thoughts.

Specifically, in the game I'm running right now, there are two main villains. The one likely to be dealt with last is a powerful drow spellcaster without much physical capability, meaning she could be killed pretty quickly unless I really layer on the defensive spells to make her nigh-unhittable. I suppose she could have some of her strongest elite minions in the fight with her, or summon some monsters to guard her (against melee attacks, anyway), but that seems pretty similar to the issue I described above - just rocket tag with relatively minor obstacles. Or maybe she doesn't need to be that much of a personal threat, and her elite bodyguards or monstrous thralls serve as the final boss battle, though that might be less satisfying.

2015-09-29, 01:08 PM
The battlefield is your friend. I can lost more extensively later tonight when I'm home from work, but the key is that the battlefield needs to favor the boss, and favor tactics beyond hitting in the face.

My first was a boss who got free bull rushes on hit. Then I put flaming geysers all over the battlefield. The boss did low damage, but my players had to be careful that a full attack wouldn't put them in the fire.

2015-09-29, 01:24 PM
The Angry GM wrote a system about Paragon (http://theangrygm.com/return-of-the-son-of-the-dd-boss-fight-now-in-5e/) Monsters (http://theangrygm.com/elemental-boogaloo/)

the basic idea is a single creature that has the stats, hp, and actions of multiple creatures, and so a Paragon Ork with 5 HP pools would end up being functionally identical to fighting 5 orks of the same level one at a time in straight succession. Except not, because this is the legendary Orkenagger, the Orkiest Ork to ever live, who is 5x the Ork of other, lesser Orks.

The two basic flavors are Paragon Fortitude creatures that start with 1 rounds worth of actions per hp pool they have remaining and lose 1 action per lost pool, and Paragon Fury creatures that start with 1 action per round and gain additional actions as their hp pools are depleted. The 2nd article linked adds rules for monsters that change form, spawn duplicates, recombine and more based on those HP pools. It was written specifically for 5e but the concept is adaptable with just a little work.

:EDIT: whoops, here is the link to the bits with splitting, duplicating and recombining paragon monsters

2015-09-29, 02:13 PM
Sometimes, you don't even need one BBEG for the battle to be fun and challenging. For example, Tucker's Kobolds are ruthless, effective, and a very fun challenge. For a harder battle, you can modify the enemies. A favorite enemy that I like to use are Derro. While they don't get slight build, they get darkness and ghost sound at will and sonic burst 1/day. In a game I DMed a few years ago, I threw a group of 5 2nd level warlock Derro at a party of 4 well built 8th level characters. In a straight fight, the Derro would've been bulldozed, but the party attacked them in their private sanctum. The area was riddled with traps, there were no less than 10 secret doors in the room, and there were secret tunnels and murder holes everywhere. It was one heck of a fight, and it wasn't even super difficult to throw together.

My point is this: keep it simple, keep it interesting. Think outside the box

2015-09-29, 02:48 PM
Pump up the boss's hp, also make sure to properly handle action economy. Regardless of the creature's actual strength, a high CR creature finds itself at disadvantage if significantly outnumbered.

2015-09-29, 03:52 PM
A single boss is almost never going to be a challenge because of action economy. And a single "save or die" and he's gone, maybe.

A BBEG needs to have some allies around to make the fight remotely threatening to the PCs.

2015-09-29, 04:09 PM
Specifically, in the game I'm running right now, there are two main villains. The one likely to be dealt with last is a powerful drow spellcaster without much physical capability, meaning she could be killed pretty quickly unless I really layer on the defensive spells to make her nigh-unhittable. I suppose she could have some of her strongest elite minions in the fight with her, or summon some monsters to guard her (against melee attacks, anyway), but that seems pretty similar to the issue I described above - just rocket tag with relatively minor obstacles. Or maybe she doesn't need to be that much of a personal threat, and her elite bodyguards or monstrous thralls serve as the final boss battle, though that might be less satisfying.

What level, and what sort of caster?
Wall spells & summoning are good. A Dominate on the PC with the worst Will save is also good.
But yeah, as has been mentioned, solo enemies tend to get hacked up real bad real fast.

2015-09-29, 04:10 PM
The Angry GM wrote a system about Paragon (http://theangrygm.com/return-of-the-son-of-the-dd-boss-fight-now-in-5e/) Monsters (http://theangrygm.com/elemental-boogaloo/)

Thank you for this. Really need a like or a thank button here.