View Full Version : Gba is outselling the ps3!

2007-05-18, 09:11 PM
Hey Everyone i just wanted to share this with everyone because i was shocked.

In the USA video game sales charts for the month of April, the Nintendo DS and Nintendo Wii posted strong sales numbers by selling 471,000 and 360,000 units, respectively. The XBox 360 had a disappointing April with 117,000 units sold, but not as disappointing as the Sony Playstation 3's 82,000. In a hilarious turn of events, the Nintendo Game Boy Advance sold 84,000 units in April; that's right, the GBA is selling better than the PS3.

And unsurprisingly, Pokemon dominated the game sales charts by having its two versions combine for a little over 1.7 million sold. Diamond made up for just over one million of those.

But that's not the point. The point is that Sony's sales situation is getting worse, and it will probably need those hyped Fall 2007 releases to stay in the game.

2007-05-18, 09:39 PM
Glory to Microsoft! Our nemesis is weak! Hallowed are the Windows!

Honestly, this is why Sony is lame. And my friend asked why.

2007-05-18, 09:49 PM
It is sad that such an obviously superior system is making such poor sales. Evertyone seems to be raving about its price. To these scavenging gutter dogs I say this.

The value of the ps3 cannot be measured by money alone. The price of excellent joy is infinite. To pay for happiness of the heart is not a cost, but a privelege. Ask yourself, do you love a wallet more then a wonder? Dare you cover our cereal of celebration with the sour milk of the miserly? Make no mistake, the PS3 is a box of god. Is it possible to pay too much for such a treat? I cannot say yes.

2007-05-18, 09:59 PM
PS3 lost a lot of points in my book when Gears of War looked better than anything this 'uber system' had on it.

You'd think Sony would realize that the most powerful system dosn't automatically win the console fight. (IE PS2 vs. Xbox)

2007-05-19, 12:21 AM
It is sad that such an obviously superior system is making such poor sales. Evertyone seems to be raving about its price. To these scavenging gutter dogs I say this.

The value of the ps3 cannot be measured by money alone. The price of excellent joy is infinite. To pay for happiness of the heart is not a cost, but a privelege. Ask yourself, do you love a wallet more then a wonder? Dare you cover our cereal of celebration with the sour milk of the miserly? Make no mistake, the PS3 is a box of god. Is it possible to pay too much for such a treat? I cannot say yes.

I'll buy a PS3 when theres something worth playing on it. As it is, the only good game is Resistance. Lair looks nice but not worth $600. I mean come on, I can get a HDTV for that kind of money! Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go club some hobos on Condemed.

Emperor Tippy
2007-05-19, 12:27 AM
Sony bombed with the PS3.

A year after the 360 in release date hurt, badly.

The system is more powerful but it uses a different coding language and its a pain to write games for. It's lack of sales discourage anyone from learning their new coding language to write the games.

The lack of games is also hurting.

And lastly, the price. Sony was stupid to combine the Blue-Ray player and PS3. It jacked up the price to much for little benefit.

2007-05-19, 01:16 AM
I think, if they hadn't put in the Blu-Ray, and the price was the same, or maybe only a little higher than the 360.. the companies wouldn't have left Sony, and there'd still be good reasons to get a Ps3.

The thing is.. if the companies DIDN'T leave, then there'd be so many games that are PS3 exclusive, it would boost sales incredibly.

Also, the GBA is an AWESOME system, it's better than the Wii, DS, and PSP, and original X-Box.

2007-05-19, 01:23 AM
I think, if they hadn't put in the Blu-Ray, and the price was the same, or maybe only a little higher than the 360.. the companies wouldn't have left Sony, and there'd still be good reasons to get a Ps3.

The thing is.. if the companies DIDN'T leave, then there'd be so many games that are PS3 exclusive, it would boost sales incredibly.

Also, the GBA is an AWESOME system, it's better than the Wii, DS, and PSP, and original X-Box.

I dunno, as an owner of both the GBA and the DS, I've gotta go with the DS. The lack of original GB backwards compatability is a pain, but the screens are brighter, the battery life is longer, and the touch screen turns mediocre games into hits(meteos).

Also, it's black! ONYX black. Tell me that ain't awesome.

Anyway, as to the PS3, no games I want + price + bad press at launch(shootings & such)= slow start. I figure the PS3 will end up selling at least 25 mil though. Sony needs a long life from that console, and I'm willing to bet they won't release a new one for at least seven more years, possibly ten.

2007-05-19, 01:26 AM
I dunno, as an owner of both the GBA and the DS, I've gotta go with the DS. The lack of original GB backwards compatability is a pain, but the screens are brighter, the battery life is longer, and the touch screen turns mediocre games into hits(meteos).

Also, it's black! ONYX black. Tell me that ain't awesome.
The DS touch screen is an easy excuse to make horrible games that don't even try to be innovative.

The main thing is.. my favorite DS game out there.. could be played on the GBA (FFIII). Not to mention there's only like.. three games I like.

Also, my original DS has roughly the same lighting as my SP... and when I use my DS it's mostly to play GBA games.

2007-05-19, 02:10 AM
the Nintendo consoles are better by 3 reason
1 it doesn't break down one day after it warrant
2 it has Mario games on it
3 it have SSBM games on it so really Nintendo is the best

2007-05-19, 02:15 AM
3 it have SSB games on it so really Nintendo is the best
I'd put SSBM on top of the Best Games Ever, list.

2007-05-19, 02:25 AM
It is sad that such an obviously superior system is making such poor sales. Evertyone seems to be raving about its price. To these scavenging gutter dogs I say this.

The value of the ps3 cannot be measured by money alone. The price of excellent joy is infinite. To pay for happiness of the heart is not a cost, but a privelege. Ask yourself, do you love a wallet more then a wonder? Dare you cover our cereal of celebration with the sour milk of the miserly? Make no mistake, the PS3 is a box of god. Is it possible to pay too much for such a treat? I cannot say yes.

For what wonders me...
I already own an 'adjusted' SNES, can read japanese, and have seiken densetsu 3. I already own a PC with many classic CRPGs that I love. Oh, and graphics of too high of quality makes me sick (mostly with FPS games).
This system is clearly not a wonder :smallsigh: and I'm not spending 600$+ on littlebigworld

There's a rather large amount of the population that simply cannot afford it, or are outshone by the enjoyment of a DS or Wii (that are much cheaper). Although entertainment is necessary, so is food. Also, some people just don't enjoy the style of games it produces. Everybody has their opinion after all.
Interestingly, I bought Fire Red (pokemon) finally about 5 days ago after noticing it was on sale as a player's choice. GBA SP is still the newest system I own, besides my PC.

2007-05-19, 03:02 AM
Interesting, but not entirely unexpected. I decided on the 360, since its getting most of the games PS3 once had as exclusive, and is just better pricewise (Yeah Live can be retarded with its pricing, but thats only if you have to buy all the crap).

Anywho, I think the DS is a neat concept, and MUCH better than the Wii. I tried it, and sorry, but it just feels gimmicky. I mean the touch screen does a little, but not nearly as much as the Wiimote, plus, with the Wiimote, developers have to figure out a whole new control scheme that not only functions, but works well, which from the reviews ive been reading, they havn't been having alot of success with.

Now the only thing that makes me a little sad about owning a 360 is the lack of Japanese support. Since the console isnt doing well in Japan, there are alot of developers that are not going to be making games for it, especially Japanese like rpgs such as the Tales series, NIS games, Atlus, etc.

There may be a few, but not to the degree of the other more Japanese systems. My guess is that the PS3 and the DS get the most, because Nintendo's past two consoles barely recieved any, but the GBA recieved a massive amount, and the DS is already well on its way. And the PS2 received the majority of the other RPG's, so my guess is the PS3 will be the same way, unless the crap thats been happening continues to.

So *shrug*.

Emperor Ing
2007-05-19, 05:49 AM
Ha! my plan is coming into action! soon, sony will be bankrupt for making a system that costs them hundreds per unit sold! Sony's system has excellent potencial, its just that nothing has been secreted thats very noteworthy.

I found a PS3 unit on Ebay costing about $10,000,000. NO JOKE!!!
Microsoft has Halo, Halo 2, and Halo 3. (Free game with purchase of Halo 3 BETA), and the Halo Killer. GOW.
Nintendo has Mario, Link, Samus, Kirby, Fox, Pokemon, theyre just overflowing with memorable classics and characters. Theres no shame in liking it.:smallbiggrin:
What memorable characters does sony have?
Now then...the GBA outselling the PS3? Sony's low sales arent suprising, but GBA outselling them??! *shakes for a few minutes* Thats...very...wierd. The GBA's been around for what, 5-6 years? everybody mustve at one time owned it or played it.

2007-05-19, 05:56 AM
Also, it's black! ONYX black. Tell me that ain't awesome.

My SP is black.

Occaisonally awesome as well. I don't use it much but I've had it for years.

Its funny that the GBA is selling better than the PS3 though. Seeing as how it must be 2 years old.

2007-05-19, 02:44 PM
Microsoft has Halo, Halo 2, and Halo 3. (Free game with purchase of Halo 3 BETA), and the Halo Killer. GOW.Okay first off... Bringing up Halo is actually INSULTING the 360.

What memorable characters does sony have?Solid Snake, Cloud Strife, Sephiroth, Squall Leonheart, there's more but I can't think of them at the time.

Emperor Ing
2007-05-19, 02:53 PM
Okay first off... Bringing up Halo is actually INSULTING the 360. I dont wish to argue, but I fail to see how Halo would insult the 360. Wat about Halo 3? thats comin up, and im CERTAIN its a 360 game. Besides, the halo killer I mentioned is a well-known 360 game. Ya kno, Gears of War? FUN!!!

2007-05-19, 02:54 PM
Solid Snake, Cloud Strife, Sephiroth, Squall Leonheart, there's more but I can't think of them at the time.

Konami, Squareenix x3. Pretty sure Metal Gear isn't Sony exclusive anymore, and Square's pretty much maintaining their business by remaking FF games for other consoles, so FF7 (or 8) on any given console is not out of the question. They were both released for PC.

Sony has the weakest in-house development of the console market, it has awkward, proprietary hardware which developers are ancy about, and even despite Sony's "OMG our system is so powerful" stance, PC's are potentially more powerful, more upgradable, and more versatile.

I'm just waiting for when they make a good, motion-sensitive PC controller. That'll be about the last nail in the PS3's coffin.

Yuki Akuma
2007-05-19, 02:56 PM
Solid Snake, Cloud Strife, Sephiroth, Squall Leonheart, there's more but I can't think of them at the time.

None of those characters are owned by Sony. Solid Snake is appearing in Super Smash Brothers: Brawl on the Wii, and Final Fantasy games aren't anything close to being Sony exclusive.

2007-05-19, 02:57 PM
I thought he just meant characters that appeared on a Sony system.

I dont wish to argue, but I fail to see how Halo would insult the 360. Wat about Halo 3? thats comin up, and im CERTAIN its a 360 game. Besides, the halo killer I mentioned is a well-known 360 game. Ya kno, Gears of War? FUN!!!
Wanna know how? The community (http://www.ctrlaltdel-online.com/comic.php?d=20070516)

Gears of War is awesome though.

2007-05-19, 03:05 PM
I dont wish to argue, but I fail to see how Halo would insult the 360. Wat about Halo 3? thats comin up, and im CERTAIN its a 360 game. Besides, the halo killer I mentioned is a well-known 360 game. Ya kno, Gears of War? FUN!!!

Yeah, see, Gears of War I picked out.
Sorry, I understand it's fun. I know you love to play it. It won't stop me hating it.
I'm usually one of those saying "Oh, but if it's fun nothing else should matter" but this is where I draw the line.
Gears of War is generic. Okay? It is generic. Alien menace, we give you a gun. Go fight. Generic. There is nothing pioneering in its design. Nothing. Fancy graphics is the best its got going for it. Sure it's a lot of fun, but no amount of fun can compensate for poor design.
See, Halo. They started generic. Then they realled started to flesh it out with numero 2. I still dislike it, but not as much as Gears of War. Halo has taken advantage of its popularity to push out books and comics that help them seperate this from other alien-shooters.
So, please, stop saying Gears of War is so great. It's fun. Yes. But it is nowhere near as great as people try to make out.

2007-05-19, 03:07 PM
This reminds me of a dream I had. All I remember is somehow, I discovered that only one person bought the PS3, and I had a map to their house.

2007-05-19, 03:08 PM
Yeah, see, Gears of War I picked out.
Sorry, I understand it's fun. I know you love to play it. It won't stop me hating it.
I'm usually one of those saying "Oh, but if it's fun nothing else should matter" but this is where I draw the line.
Gears of War is generic. Okay? It is generic. Alien menace, we give you a gun. Go fight. Generic. There is nothing pioneering in its design. Nothing. Fancy graphics is the best its got going for it. Sure it's a lot of fun, but no amount of fun can compensate for poor design.
See, Halo. They started generic. Then they realled started to flesh it out with numero 2. I still dislike it, but not as much as Gears of War. Halo has taken advantage of its popularity to push out books and comics that help them seperate this from other alien-shooters.
So, please, stop saying Gears of War is so great. It's fun. Yes. But it is nowhere near as great as people try to make out.
To be honest... most shooters are generic.

2007-05-19, 03:12 PM
To be honest... most shooters are generic.

True, but then there are those rare gems like Half Life 2 that give you a little bit of hope. It's just Gears of war that really ticks me off.

2007-05-19, 03:33 PM
This reminds me of a dream I had. All I remember is somehow, I discovered that only one person bought the PS3, and I had a map to their house.

and this got to do with what still i think Nintendo is best for the main reason it does not break within a month

Archonic Energy
2007-05-19, 04:03 PM
I'm just waiting for when they make a good, motion-sensitive PC controller. That'll be about the last nail in the PS3's coffin.

get the Wii-mote's Bluetooth Drivers...

*gets Nail Gun*

can i nail it down please?

2007-05-19, 04:07 PM
I laughed out loud when I read this. Serves them right for how the press brutalized the Wii's lack of graphics power.

2007-05-19, 04:54 PM
Sony has a mascot!

An almost decapitated goat!...oh sorry, im thinking of Crash Bandicoot. Same difference :P

(At least, I believe they attempted to make him their mascot.)

purple gelatinous cube o' Doom
2007-05-19, 05:02 PM
I would think this is all in the price. Once the price comes down, I bet things will change. Personally, it's what I'll end up getting eventually so I can get RE 5. I got my Gamecube for the sole reason of getting all the RE games, so I can't quit now. I'm really not interested in Xbox 360 due to the fact that, beyond only a handful of good games for its predecessor, it really didn't have a great game selection. I"m really not into the whole motion controller for the Wii either. PS 2 had the best selection of games by far, and I believe will set a precedent for what PS 3 will be.

2007-05-19, 11:03 PM
There's a rather large amount of the population that simply cannot afford it, or are outshone by the enjoyment of a DS or Wii (that are much cheaper). Although entertainment is necessary, so is food. Also, some people just don't enjoy the style of games it produces. Everybody has their opinion after all.

I was going to say almost exactly this, but you beat me too it.

2007-05-20, 12:04 AM
I would think this is all in the price. Once the price comes down, I bet things will change. Personally, it's what I'll end up getting eventually so I can get RE 5. I got my Gamecube for the sole reason of getting all the RE games, so I can't quit now. I'm really not interested in Xbox 360 due to the fact that, beyond only a handful of good games for its predecessor, it really didn't have a great game selection. I"m really not into the whole motion controller for the Wii either. PS 2 had the best selection of games by far, and I believe will set a precedent for what PS 3 will be.
But PS3 has NO games, and not that many on the horizon.....
The 360 is getting RE5, Mass effect, Bioshock, Halo 3.... And Shadow Run and a bunch of others.

Just sayin....

I don't see how fans of any genre can say the 360 doesn't have a good game selection.

2007-05-20, 12:13 AM
But PS3 has NO games, and not that many on the horizon.....
The 360 is getting RE5, Mass effect, Bioshock, Halo 3.... And Shadow Run and a bunch of others.

Just sayin....

I don't see how fans of any genre can say the 360 doesn't have a good game selection.

Well, if you don't like shooters, then I can see how you could say that. Shooters are right at home one the 360, but most of the non-shooters on the 360 are just plain terrible.

2007-05-20, 01:08 AM
Well, if you don't like shooters, then I can see how you could say that. Shooters are right at home one the 360, but most of the non-shooters on the 360 are just plain terrible.

But a fan of the RE series is probably gonna like Bioshock(survival horror) and if you are into RPGs it has abunch of those coming out soon...

But I suppose it is mostly a shooter console. Meh

2007-05-20, 01:30 AM
But a fan of the RE series is probably gonna like Bioshock(survival horror) and if you are into RPGs it has abunch of those coming out soon...

But I suppose it is mostly a shooter console. Meh

I suppose I did too much of a blanket statement.

There are plenty of non-shooters to look forward to at the moment, but it appears that few of the non-shooters currently available are going to spark much interest.

I say this as an owner of an X-Box 360, soon to be trading mine in for the Elite.

Merlin the Tuna
2007-05-20, 01:32 AM
In a hilarious turn of events, the Nintendo Game Boy Advance sold 84,000 units in April; that's right, the GBA is selling better than the PS3.What's more hilarious is that this wasn't even a turn of events. It happened in February as well, and I'm not sure about March.
But PS3 has NO games, and not that many on the horizon.....To be fair, Folklore (http://www.joystiq.com/2007/05/17/folklore-journeys-from-the-netherworld-to-playstation-3/) looks really cool.

2007-05-20, 01:40 AM
I take it Lair jumped ship?

2007-05-20, 01:52 AM
I take it Lair jumped ship?
I've been hearing some bad buzz about it from Kotaku and such. But it is (as far as I know) still PS3 exclusive.

2007-05-20, 04:23 AM
Had my hands on a PS3 for a little while.

Honestly, the system SEEMED superior to the XBOX 360. Superior enough for the price jump? No.

Gears of War was faaaar inferior to Resistance: Fall of Man. No comparison in my book. Resistance kicked Gears's butt.

2007-05-20, 04:34 AM
NINTENDO ROCKS that is all i mean like ps ps2 ps3 vs nes snes nintendo 64 etc i mean who going to win
ps i forget is GBA Nintendo as well

2007-05-20, 04:43 AM
I would think this is all in the price. Once the price comes down, I bet things will change.But will the prices come down fast enough? Sony are already selling each unit at a loss (in what world does that make sense?) and I suspect that business concerns will prevent a knee-jerk price slash.

Frankly whoever thought of selling a console for €600 (over half a grand!) was an idiot.

Emperor Tippy
2007-05-20, 11:31 AM
Especially when it costs sony somewhere between $800 and $1,000 to produce each one and get it to the store.

The 360 only loses about $50 per console sold and in about another year that will be down to a profit. The Wii is the only console that is being sold at a profit.

2007-05-20, 11:48 AM
It is sad that such an obviously superior system is making such poor sales. Evertyone seems to be raving about its price. To these scavenging gutter dogs I say this.

The value of the ps3 cannot be measured by money alone. The price of excellent joy is infinite. To pay for happiness of the heart is not a cost, but a privelege. Ask yourself, do you love a wallet more then a wonder? Dare you cover our cereal of celebration with the sour milk of the miserly? Make no mistake, the PS3 is a box of god. Is it possible to pay too much for such a treat? I cannot say yes.
Kuturagi, you crazy sonofabitch! I wondered where you got to! What're you up to these days?


2007-05-20, 12:31 PM
I'm not surprised, shocked or anything else. GBA is (gamewise) one of the best, if not THE best (not sure if I'll say that SNES was better) machines ever made. It has remakes of some very good games from previous systems, and even stars some pretty brilliant games on it's own. It is one of the consoles that are worth buying, just to get one of the pearls that are system exclusive to the GBA.

2007-05-20, 12:44 PM
Sony's main problem was that they forgot a prominent demographic, the casual gamer. No one except the most hardcore gamers, direhard Sony fans, or people with too much disposable income is going to get passed the sticker shock. If it is out of the customer's price range, no clever marketing strategy is going to be able to make them spend money on something they decided long ago they won't buy. Furthermore, if less people own it, they loose sales they would get from word of mouth.

However, Sony also lost track of something else, it's not how good the games look, but how fun they are to play that matters. The Nintendo Wii and DS are outselling everything and very few of their games are graphically amazing, most of them are only par for the course, but they offer a game play experience like no other, AND it's cheap.

Basically Nintendo wins out of the gate, which gives people less motivation to buy another next gen console if they already have a Wii. Out of my 10 friends that I consider to be gamers, 4 of them own a Wii, 8 of them own a DS, and 1 owns a 360. No one has even considered buying a PS3.

[/two cents]