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View Full Version : Rules Q&A Questions about power crystals

2015-09-30, 08:32 AM
My group has been trying to figure out what these things can do exactly. Not necessarily by raw.

Power crystals are a psionic item in Magic of Eberron page 126. They seem to be similiar to power stones but the entry makes no mention of them beside that you need imprint stone to make them (as well as craft universal item). They are crystals that only warforged can use that take up a the helment, chest, or glove body slot. They have a power stored in them that you can activate once per day using your own power points. But you can't augment it or use metapsionic feats with it. Otherwise it functions normally as a power manifested by you (using your key ability modifier and manifester level).

so the first question that all the following question are also about, "Is it a power stone, a universal item, or a new type of item in its own right?" Usually only universal items take up slots but it could be seen as an embedded power crystal. The Ebberon Campaign Setting page 268 discusses items that are attached to warforged and they take up a body slot even if they are a sword (which isn't a universal item). Both of these items are called warforged components so it leaves it unclear.

second question which would aid in answering the first, "Is this a power completion or a power trigger item, or neither?" It doesn't say it is, but it feels a lot like power stones and when reading the description of power completion item it certainly sounds like it. But the description is also vague and doesn't actually say what qualifies as being either type of item.

Third question, "Can the power you put in it when you craft the item be augmented?" I know you can't augment it when you manifest it, but can it already be augmented and you simply spend the necessary pp to manifest it? I'm leaning towards no because they price listing lists all first level power crystals as the same price. But a friend pointed out that this could be because the higher pp cost to activate the item makes the items about as valuable. A low level character wouldn't be able to use a power that was augmented too much and a higher level character doesn't really need a low level power once per day even if it is fully augmented. If it ends up being a power completion or power trigger item then you definitely can because those entries say they can be.

Final question, "Can there be more than 1 power in the stone? If so is the stone or each power able to be activated once per day? How is the item priced if it can be?

My group is leaning towards it being neither a power stone nor a universal item. Well at least that seems to be the way it was written. But

2015-09-30, 10:12 AM
Reading it myself it looks like a Universal Item that also required Imprint Stone to make. It occupies a slot, unlike a power stone, does not discharge, unlike a power stone, and uses your own PP, again unlike a power stone.

Edit: Forgot to answer your last question. Given that the prices are for single powers and it says nowhere that they can hold multiple powers I would say no to having multiple powers.

2015-09-30, 02:31 PM
I'm of agreement about them being universal items that happen to require Imprint Stone as a prerequisite.

The not being able to manifest but still requiring your own pp to activate are real kickers though. I would look into figuring out what the fair price of a recharging Cognizance Crystal of sufficient pp to manifest the item would be. The default (Manifester weapons and Rainbow Ioun Stones) have 5 pp/day and cost 16,000gp, exactly the same as a 7 pp cognizance crystal (a 5pp crysal is 9,000gp). so would a 7 pp/day pp source item cost 25,000 (as a 9 pp cog crystal), or 21,000gp (+7,000gp)? I'd be inclined to say the former since if we go all the way to a 15pp/day pp source the 1st option costs 81,000gp and the 2nd costs 44,000gp, nearly half as much.

2015-10-01, 04:24 AM
Well universal items can be combined. So if it is universal then adding a spell costs an aditional 75%. So would you say they aren't a spell trigger or completion item?

Edit: I also feel like they can still be made augmented. Because both item types discuss that the descriptions always assume that they aren't augmented but if you made them your self you could augment them.