View Full Version : Player Help Looking to optimise my Totemist, please help.

2015-10-01, 01:11 PM
Due to story purposes my character was forced into a predicament where he had to broker a deal with the boss of this particular area for the lives of his comrades. It was based inside of a mountain near an alter of Vecna that basically inflicted cold damage(even if you have endure element you still eat cold damage), yeti's on the ground and high ground with ice snow balls at the ready and a frost mage. She ordered her minions to bring me to her as she needed my heart for a ritual. I rolled a sense motive before we rolled initiative and found that she was lying, she did not need my heart but she did tell the truth of wanting me captured.

The battle was not in our favor, especially when she quickened flesh to ice our only caster (a beguiler) in the group and cast slow on everyone. Effectively knocking him out the fight and limiting us to one action a round. The ninja in our group who took no damage and managed to get a few sneaky kills cause the yeti's were distracted with grabbing me, did some fancy acrobatics and full withdrawn from the encounter. Leaving me (totemist), my friend (druid) and his animal companion (fleshraker dinosaur) to die. Knowing there was no way we could win at all and realising she had a portal to the frost realm with a spell to keep it there behind her, causing reinforcements to arrive. I gave myself up to her in exchange for the safety of my friends go and remove the flesh to ice on our friend and escort them down the mountain.

She gleefully accepted the terms and had her minions escort them off the mountain and our session ended there. We were level 4 at the time and our DM gave us 4 levels. Which would make us lv 8. I would really like to get the most milage out of my melee totemist and I feel that this is the right forum to do so. I've read the totemist handbook by sinfire titan and the other one on this website and both have been really useful with what I want from this character. Though I want to make sure I do it right. If you all can give me some suggestions with what I should do I would deeply appreciate it alot. (My dm does not allow flaws or dragon magazines. All the Tomes and Psionic books are banned. But he did work something where we can get extra feats due to the difficulty of the game.)

Skarn Totemist
Str: 19 (thinking of putting my next point here)
Dex: 14
Con: 16
Int: 12
Wis: 10
Cha: 10

My feats

Expanded Soul Capacity
Cerulean Will (boon feat since he has never seen anyone use the book before)