View Full Version : Monkey Island

2007-05-19, 08:25 AM
I need help! How do I get on Le Chimp's ship on Plunder Island?

2007-05-19, 08:25 AM

2007-05-20, 04:59 AM
I take it that this is 3 or 4? I never finished those games. Four wasn't bad but it simply couldn't touch the genius that was the first two.

2007-05-20, 06:17 AM
You need to be in disguise. . .and approach someone else.

(gamefaqs won't leave anything to the imagination.)

2007-05-20, 06:31 AM

"When you arrive at the cove, hop into the rowboat and row to the pirate ship.
Use the serrated knife to cut the end of the plank and then climb aboard.
You’ll be captured by the ship’s first mate, Mr. Fossey. Choose any of the
options and watch as Guybrush is tarred and feathered. You’ll wind up back in
Danjer Cove, so leave and re-enter Puerto Pollo.

Enter Blondebeard’s restaurant and he’ll mistake Guybrush for something called
“El Pollo Diablo”. Choose any of the speech options and Blondebeard will toss
Guybrush into a pot and you’ll be sent back to the pirate ship in Danjer Cove,
where you’ll find yourself in the kitchen."

2007-05-20, 06:41 AM
If you feel the need to repair the rowboat first, I hear rubber trees are an adequate substitute for wood..

2007-05-25, 06:06 AM
how much wood would a wood chuck chuck?