View Full Version : Kaegon (Plot)

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2007-05-19, 09:52 AM
Currently, not much is known about Kaegon. It requires the aid of a band of heroes, but until they arrive, it falls deeper into dispair.

2007-05-19, 11:34 AM
Ekrath appears on a street, surrounded by people. The people are about 5"3 and have darker skin. They look a bit like dwarves, with the stout bodies and the prominant jaw, but also look like humans in the wider eyes and proportions.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-19, 11:35 AM
Sern slides in behind Ekrath.

2007-05-19, 11:40 AM
He grabs Sern and ducks into an alley, waiting for Gent.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-19, 11:42 AM
Sern resists the urge to pull away, as Ekrath's touch was making him very itchy, and instead allows himself to be pulled.

2007-05-19, 11:46 AM
Wonder where Gent is?

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-19, 11:49 AM
Probably suffered a temporal anomaly. Quite prevalent around here I notice.

2007-05-19, 12:10 PM
Dead time.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-19, 12:11 PM
-Er...yes. That one I suppose.-
-Eh...just another name for the same thing.-

2007-05-19, 12:22 PM
A little cobalt blue ball bounces through the rift and begins to orbit the sharn's head.

Eerr... heads.

"Regiji says he'll be here in a little bit!" it enthuses. The odd thing about the Probe, and Regiji too, is the fact that they seem to be carrying around little pockets of space where in magic doesn't seem to function. Odd that.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-19, 12:26 PM
The sharn holds out a hand to try and grab the ball, but is promptly trounced by a sudden dead time beast.
((back in a few hours if anyone is still here))

2007-05-19, 12:27 PM
Alright then.

2007-05-19, 12:47 PM
Gent appears and shakes his head. For some reason he speaks in a voice that is not his own: "Damn paperwork. Never thought that getting in college would be so inconceivably annoying."

He blinks and his voice returns to normal.

"I am sorry that I am late."

2007-05-19, 01:58 PM
Yes...Let's find some stuff out.
Ekrath walks in the direction of a bar.

2007-05-19, 02:32 PM
Gent follows.

2007-05-19, 02:34 PM
As they approach, a burly man-dwarf blocks their way.

"No Ribe allowed." He says, pointing at Gent. He squints at Ekrath, apparently analyzing him. "Huh. You look like a Ribe, but you got those funny ears and are kind of short. You can go in."

Ekrath turns to Gent
What do we do?

2007-05-19, 02:45 PM
Gent shrugs and turns to the bouncer. "What is a 'Ribe', if I could be so bold as to ask?"

2007-05-19, 03:00 PM
The bouncer laughs.
"Stupid Ribe, not even recognizing knowing own kind. Next you'll be saying you didn't know I was a Joreu. This is a Ribe."

He pulls out a drawing. The drawing looks very much like a regular human, although the Ribe in the drawing is very thin, like he's malnourished and fairly muscular like he does a lot of exercise.

"Now beat it before I call the Elite Joreu Military Forces on you!"

2007-05-19, 03:17 PM
"Yay! Racism!" the Probe bubbles.

2007-05-19, 03:31 PM
Gent runs a finger along the rim of his hat. "Very well." He vanishes in a flash of silver fire.

Moments later a perfect example of a Joreu walk overs, wearing black shoes, dark gray pants, a light gray shirt and a wide-brimmed black hat. He stands in front of the bouncer and smiles.

2007-05-19, 03:43 PM
Lucky for the Gent, this Joreu isn't very bright. He lets Ekrath and Gent in. Inside the bar are a bunch of Joreu, but not much else. However, a door labeled "Arena" can be seen off to the side.

2007-05-19, 04:11 PM
Gent looks around until his eyes settle on the Arena. Barbaric, he thinks. "Well, we are inside. Where do you want to go?" His voice sounds different than normal, slightly deeper and faster. It would appear that this is to dissuade voice identification.

2007-05-19, 04:14 PM
Ekrath looks around and begins speaking quickly
{Elven} I think we should check out the arena. Don't reply back in Elven though. It might tip them off that you aren't a Joreu even though they won't know what they're saying.

2007-05-19, 04:16 PM
{Fae}"As you wish, Ekrath."{/fae} Gent makes his way to the Arena.

2007-05-19, 04:31 PM
Ekrath follows the door leads to a massive building that is not unlike a Roman Colliseum, and sits down in the bleachers. A few seconds later a large Joreu stands in the center of the Arena

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! TODAY WE WILL WITNESS THE FIGHT BETWEEN THE RIBE CRIMINAL, TRAGUN, AND ONE OF OUR CHAMPIONS, RILK THE PUNISHER!" The crowd (Which is all Joreu except for Gent and Ekrath) screams in delight and the match begins. A big Joreu enters the arena with a huge mace tipped with spikes. He wears heavy metal armor. A lithe Ribe walks in with a brown cloak on and a bow at his side. He draws an arrow from his quiver and shoots it. It connects with Rilk's cheek and he cries out. He charges Tragun, who smoothly shoots another arrow, this one killing the Joreu. The crowd yells in anger and begin leaving their seats and moving towards the Ribe.

{Elven} We have to help him! Ekrath uses a spell to appear as a drow and draws his sword.

2007-05-19, 04:31 PM
The Probe bounces along behind them, oohing and aahhing at everything it sees.

2007-05-19, 04:39 PM
Gent, in the guise of Teng (http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m278/Sophistemon/The%20Town/teng.png) , who currently looks like a Joreu, balls his hands into fists and leaps into the fray.

2007-05-19, 04:41 PM
Drow Ekrath begins to knock a bunch of Joreu unconcious. He sees the Ribe dissapearing under a trapdoor and follows suit.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-19, 04:41 PM
Sern looks out of his alley and get a mischevious look that most sane people would flee from.
Oh goody. Alone with a crowd of likely easy to spook people. Just like cattle.

2007-05-19, 04:47 PM
Teng, in a whirl of feet and fists, beats his way through the Joreu and towards the trap door. He makes his way inside.

2007-05-19, 04:55 PM
The Ribe smiles.
"Thanks. I needed that"
Where does this tunnel lead?
"To the headquarters of the resistance"
Ekrath nods and turns back into an elf.

2007-05-19, 04:56 PM
Gent, as Teng the Joreu, makes his way through the trapdoor and into the tunnel.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-19, 04:57 PM
Sern thinks for a moment, curious as to what scares these people. He throws a fireball at a building, careful to make sure it doesn't hurt anyone but is scarily close.

2007-05-19, 05:05 PM
Gent is right by Ekrath and Tragun.

Sern's fireball doesn't kill anyone and the Joreu don't seem to care much.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-19, 05:15 PM
A fireball doesn't spook them? That's some discipline.
He sighs and finds himself casting a spell to teleport to Ekrath and Co.

2007-05-19, 05:21 PM
((The Ribe is not upset that a Joreu is in his secret tunnel?))

2007-05-19, 05:24 PM
((Whoops. Thought you changed back))

"Hey! You...you're in league with the Joreu! You're trying to take me back aren't you? AREN'T YOU?"
Relax, we aren't.
"YES YOU ARE! There's a Joreu right behind you!"

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-19, 05:27 PM
-What's a Joreu?-
-Some kind of biscuit?-
Sern appears just in time for that last bit.

2007-05-19, 05:27 PM
"Ahh! Now there's some kind of black demon thing!"

2007-05-19, 05:30 PM
Teng turns back into Gent, cane and all.

"No," he says. "We aren't."

2007-05-19, 05:31 PM
"If you aren't a Joreu, then you must be a Ribe. But I don't know you, so you must be something else."

2007-05-19, 05:35 PM
Gent nods. "That I am. But I am not an enemy."

2007-05-19, 05:36 PM
"Then what are you?"

2007-05-19, 05:42 PM
"If I am not an enemy than I would assume that I am a friend."

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-19, 05:43 PM
Demon? Don't insult me!
Sern looks annoyed at that.

2007-05-19, 05:44 PM
"If you were a friend of mine, I think I'd know it. Who are you really?"
He ignores Sern.

2007-05-19, 05:47 PM
"My name is the Distinguished Gentleman. You may call me Gent."

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-19, 05:49 PM
Sern contains the desire to see if the man is tasty and merely watches him.

2007-05-19, 05:53 PM
"You aren't answering me. What are you?"

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-19, 05:56 PM
((You're wanted in the streets Raistlin))

Sern forms two of his hexagonal windows, waving away the purple motes around them.

2007-05-19, 08:32 PM
Gent sighs. "I am the bastard result of a fiendish father raping a celestial mother. I suppose that that makes me a... filestiad? Celestiend? It does not matter."

2007-05-20, 12:41 AM
"I'm not reall fit to deal with you three. I'll take you to HQ and they'll decide there."
He walks down the tunnel, and Ekrath follows.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-20, 09:46 AM
Sern elects to follow on the grounds that this is partially why he came here in the first place.

2007-05-20, 12:50 PM
Gent follows, his cane tapping lightly on the floor.

2007-05-20, 03:27 PM
The three and Tragun head down the tunnel. After about 20 minutes of walking, they come to a large chamber. 3 Ribe and a Joreu sit in a large bench-like structure and a bunch of Ribe and a few Joreu sit in seats around. Tragun steps forward.
"I present the Distinguished Gentleman and his allies"
He nudges Gent and whispers
"Introduce yourself, say who your friends are, and explain your purpose here."

2007-05-20, 03:44 PM
The Gent steps forward, confused. "As, er, our friend here said not a moment ago, I am the Distinguished Gentleman. My, er, friends call me Gent. This is Ekrath, a demigod and a good friend of mine and this is Sern, a customer that shopped at my store once."

He clears his throat.

"I do not know why we are here. Ekrath told us about a portal in his house and invited us to take a look. We did and wound up here."

He offers a sidelong glance at Ekrath.

"I am sorry for the confusion."

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-20, 03:46 PM
Sern waves slightly and offers a toothy grin.

2007-05-20, 03:58 PM
One of the council Ribe and the Joreu mutter something. The Joreu steps forward.
"The religious belief of this planet is that everything happens for a reason. What have you learned about our planet, and why do you think you are here?"

2007-05-20, 04:12 PM
Gent sighs. "I would assume that we are here to do something about the inequality between the Ribe and the Joreu."

2007-05-20, 04:18 PM
The Ribe and joreu nod.
"Then you are on our side. We are the resistance. We want to bring equality and peace to this planet."
A Ribe jumps into the conversation.
"But our people are weak and hungry. They carry wooden bows and light blades. How can that compete with the Joreu's big axes and hammers?"
"Mr. Gent, perhaps you have a plan. Or one of your friends does?"

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-20, 04:36 PM
Sern coughs and raises an arm-trunk.
I could probably help with that weapon part...

2007-05-20, 04:49 PM
"War is not the only path to freedom, you know. There are other ways."

2007-05-20, 04:55 PM
Ekrath nods.
If you Ribe took over, it wouldn't be any different, it'd just be role reversal. Right Gent?

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-20, 04:59 PM
Sern inwardly sighs. He suffered enough political discussion where he came from as it was. It didn't really help.
You could always arrange a check and balance system government. Have some Ribe and Joreu in head positions.

2007-05-20, 05:00 PM
"A war could even make everything worse than it already is. Think of it this way: if you were to revolt against the Joreu and take over do you honestly think you would be content? There would always be the lure of further power and the fear of losing it. I would suggest a diplomatic approach, wherein the inequality between Ribe and Joreu is abolished. That way, even though nobody 'wins', nobody would 'lose' either."

2007-05-20, 05:56 PM
A rabble of voices runs through the gathering.
Jeez, shut up.
A tall teenage Ribe with a red bandana and long blonde hair enters. (You know he's special 'cause he's got a talking color)
I'm Lord Dureril. The Joreu don't want compromise. They already have all the power. Why would they want to give it up?

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-20, 05:58 PM
Because if they don't they'll have a slightly mad sharn annihilate them from existance? I don't know, sounds like a good reason to me.
A few more flares of chaotic magic flash on Sern's skin.

2007-05-20, 06:11 PM
Gent runs a finger along the brim of his hat. "Sometimes," he says, "the threat of war can be as convincing as war itself. But I hope that it would not have to come to that. Perhaps the Joreu could be made to see reason."

2007-05-21, 10:00 PM
How would you propose? Tell them about our secret council and threaten them with 50 weak and ragtag Ribe warriors? And maybe 3 Joreu?

2007-05-21, 10:03 PM
Gent does not like being mocked. However, the man does have a point. "Fine. I will grant you the point that, as it is, the Joreu will not take you seriously. In order for there to be an equalization in power you must have some power to begin with. Tell me, what is it that the Ribe do for the Joreu?"

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-21, 10:08 PM
Sern wants to do something. He's not a very patient creature. He weaves a spells and throws it at the ground. They find themselves surrounded by a lot semi-solid Ribe illusions.
Hey look. I just single-handedly quadrupled your forces.

2007-05-21, 10:13 PM
We are...slaves. The unlucky ones work in Joreu homes as cooks or cleaners. Ocasionally, they work as hired servants, earing less than minimum wage. The luckier ones fight in the Arena. If you win enough, and don't anger the crowd as much, you may be set free.
The spell fails. The Ribe and Joreu are completly magic-proof. This planet has no magic, save a few artifacts crafted by ancient alchemists.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-21, 10:15 PM
DeBunny raises a hand and wants to know how Sern's fireball worked earlier, then.

2007-05-21, 10:16 PM
It didn't. At least, not really. The Joreu didn't even see it, and although it burnt a building or two, it had 0 effect on the inhabitants of the plantet.

2007-05-21, 10:17 PM
Gent shakes his head. "Slavery. Pah!" He rubs his chin. "Well, what do you propose then?" He sees the magic fail. "Except that."

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-21, 10:21 PM
Then technically the illusion spell wouldn't fail, it would go unnoticed, correct?

That's not good.

2007-05-21, 10:22 PM
We have this.
He pulls a black cape from behind the bench.
This cape was created by the Alchemists. It has powers that can alter a person's form. I, and a few others here will kill the Joreu Ruler. I will assume his identity, and our Joreu friends here are good enough citizens that no one will object to the "Ruler" giving them command posts. It all changes. Right here, right now.

edit: Sort of. The illusions are there, but they are magical. The Ribe and Joreu can't see them, and being magic in nature, the illusions can't harm any of them. Ekrath, Gent, and Sern could see them, but faintly and flickering. It'd be fairly obvious that the Ribe/Joreu can't see them.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-21, 10:25 PM
And what of the eventual craving for power that will set in? What if you become that which you are seeking to replace?

2007-05-21, 10:26 PM
If that is what it takes for my kind to be equals, then yes.

2007-05-21, 10:26 PM
"But if you take over you will not be equals. It would be the same situation in reverse."

2007-05-21, 10:27 PM
I prefer to think of it as a Rebirth. Both for the Ribe and this planet.

2007-05-21, 10:28 PM
"A birth? Yes, a rebirth of the same injustice. The inequality must end. Simply replacing it with another form of inequality will not work."

2007-05-21, 10:30 PM
How else would the equality come about? Tell me, because you seem so well-versed in the subject of Kaegon history and philosophy.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-21, 10:32 PM
Sern is far from lawful, but he sees the benefit of going at this in an organized and polite fashion.
Perhaps the Gent and I could speak with the leader ourselves?

2007-05-21, 10:34 PM
Gent sighs, releasing some of his indignation. "I am sorry. You are right, of course, in that I am nothing more than a visitor here. But I am rather well-versed with various rebellions. If you Ribe take over the Joreu, and the Joreu find out about it, the pattern will just be continuously repeated." He causes his cane to vanish. "It is up to you, of course. I do not claim to have any sway in the matter."


He hears Sern. "I do not know why he would want an audience with us but I am willing to try."

2007-05-21, 10:36 PM
Lord Dureril sighs. He turns to Sern
You are welcome to try.

2007-05-21, 10:38 PM
Gent manifests a seat for himself and takes it. "I am sorry that we have not given you the advice that you were hoping for."

((Do the Ribe notice all of the strange things Gent is doing? You'd think that in a place without magic...))

2007-05-21, 10:42 PM
((It's more like disbelief. They don't believe in bending and magic doesn't exist. They think the chair was always there and they forgot about it or something.))

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-21, 10:43 PM
Sern moves one of his floating windows out and casually sticks an arm into his closer one. His arm appears on the other end, trying to pat Dureril on the head.
Might as well do what we can...

2007-05-21, 11:25 PM
((So they have selective sensory input, or their minds just don't truly comprehend what's happening?))

2007-05-21, 11:58 PM
((They can't explain it, so they think it was always there.))

2007-05-22, 07:28 PM
((Hey, not to be rude or anything, but I don't want to spend the rest of my life in one plot. Can we move on?))

2007-05-22, 08:10 PM
So what do you three want to do? Go and try to reason with the ruler, or help with our assassination?

2007-05-22, 08:27 PM
"I would prefer that this end as a bloodless rebellion. However, I am not in charge. I will go with whatever decision you come to. It is your world, after all."

2007-05-22, 08:48 PM
Go talk to the ruler. I don't care. But tell him a thing about us, and you won't survive.

2007-05-22, 08:50 PM
Gent sighs. "Okay then. Where can we find him?"

2007-05-22, 08:52 PM
Lord Durerin doodles a map.
Use the Alchemist transporter.
He tosses a small metallic ball at Gent.

2007-05-22, 09:04 PM
Gent catches the ball and looks at Sern and Ekrath. "Are you two ready to go?"

2007-05-22, 09:06 PM
Ekrath nods.

2007-05-22, 09:12 PM
"Sern? Are you prepared?"

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-22, 10:33 PM
Sern snaps out of a revery that has strong roots in dead time.
-What? Oh right. Sure.-
-Take us away.-

2007-05-22, 10:41 PM
Gent teaches himself how to use the artifact, then proceeds to activate it.

2007-05-22, 10:47 PM
The three are sucked to the outside of the King's throne room.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-22, 10:50 PM
Sern twitches his fingers in delight at some form of magic and begins to make a beeline for the throne room door, eager to get this part done.

2007-05-22, 10:53 PM
Gent follows Sern, motioning for Ekrath to come with them.

2007-05-23, 03:34 PM
Ekrath follows and the three go inside. A Joreu with a black crown sits on a throne.
"Who are you three?"

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-23, 03:36 PM
-Could ask the same of you, your highness.-
-I hear there is some inequality about...-
-My name is Sern.-
Yep, Sern enjoys multi-tasking conversations.

2007-05-23, 03:45 PM
Gent bows. "My name is Gent, sir. The one with many mouthes is Sern and the quiet one is Ekrath." He straightens. "We are here to speak with you."

2007-05-23, 03:46 PM
((I'd hardly call Ekrath quiet. But I hate having my characters talk to each other.))
Ekrath stands quietly, but his gaze is full of anger.
The king looks at Gent. "About?"

2007-05-23, 03:48 PM
"Various assorted things. Certain inequalities in particular. May I speak candidly, your highness?"

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-23, 03:48 PM
Your treatment of the Ribe I think is one of the bigger topics we were interested in...
Sern is usually a bit to the point as well.

2007-05-23, 03:51 PM
He nods.
"Speak freely."

2007-05-23, 04:01 PM
"We are strangers here, having arrived only recently. We entered a tavern and stumbled upon an... arena? In it we saw two folk, one 'Joreu' and the other a 'Ribe'. It was apparently a fight to the death, as the Ribe killed the Joreu. He was nearly lynched by the spectators. I have a hunch that he was not meant to win that fight."

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-23, 04:07 PM
Sern raises an arm-trunk, then withdraws it. He was going to say something, but forgot what it was. He shrugs and decides to look around the throne room instead.

2007-05-23, 04:23 PM
And then something rather jarring happens.

Space contorts, strains, bends, and finally snaps back to its original shape. However, there's now someone standing in the middle of that quickly quieting patch of aether.

Someone clad in ornate scale-mail with a vertical ring extending from the back of he collar, almost like a halo. Little lightning bolt-like zig-zags rimming the ring contribute to that look. The fellow's face is obscured by a visor that seems to be simply... hanging in place. Oddly enough his mouth should be visable, though that particular piece of anatomy seems to be missing.

Strangest of all is the fact that the apparition appears to be made completely out of viridian hued water.

Though his appearance is probably unknown to everyone in the room, his voice should be familiar to some.

"Hello Gent," comes a voice identical to Maph'tey's. "I hope this isn't a bad time."

2007-05-23, 04:25 PM
"The arena? It's just a game. People die, but I assure you it isn't supposed to be a fight to the death. Now who is your new arrival?"
Ekrath turns to the new guy.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-23, 04:33 PM
Sern turns towards what his player assumes is Restitution.

2007-05-23, 04:43 PM
"I- er, pardon me, your highness." He turns to... Maph'tey? "Maph? Is that you?"

2007-05-23, 04:54 PM
"The better part of him, yes. I'm Restitution, your highness," the watery apparition responds to, well, three people simultaneously.

He decides that he had best continue his conversation silently so as to avoid breaking the current train of talk more than likely initiated by the rather self-important looking fellow on the ornate chair.

As Limos mentioned before, he intends to collapse the multi-verse. He's doing so as we speak, comes a telepathic message to Gent. The only reason he can do this is because Refuge and myself are bound to his will. Aesa is going to try to sever the shackles while Limos is busy finishing his preparations while fighting off a growing contingent of heroes. The only problem is... I'm not certain she'll be able to do it. Limos expects treachery from Aesa. He wouldn't ever expect you to try and stop him.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-23, 04:56 PM
Sern slides over to Restitution and slowly looks him over, all three heads looking from different angles.

2007-05-23, 04:59 PM
You would like me to help, then? How? He won't listen to me and I will not force him to obey.

2007-05-23, 05:03 PM
The King is not a patient man you know. He looks at Gent.
"What do you want? If you don't explain yourself, I will have you thrown out!"

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-23, 05:05 PM
Sern decides to see if he can make the king become a patient man. But first, he looks around to see if there is anyone else in the room, like say...guards.

2007-05-23, 05:07 PM
Free Refuge and myself from Limos' will. As the saying goes, a house divided against itself can not stand. He'll still be able to draw on us to a degree, but he won't be nearly as unstoppable as he is now. Everyone coming against him in a weakened state should be enough to stop him before he annihilates everything.

I don't know how else to say this but... Help us Distinguished Gentlemen. You are our only hope.

"I apologize for my intrusion, your highness. I will be taking my leave shortly."

2007-05-23, 05:10 PM
Sern sees no men inside. But the throne room has many doors leading to and from it, so it's possible they are waiting.
"Hmph! See to it!"

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-23, 05:11 PM
Sern begins to casually slither in the king's direction.
You know your Highness, they say patience is a virtue. Don't you want to be seen as a virtuous leader?

2007-05-23, 05:14 PM
"They also say the nosiness isn't."

2007-05-23, 05:16 PM
Gent looks at Maph'tey and then at the king.

"Your highness? I am afraid that something requires my immediate attentions. It is a matter of multiversal proportions, I am afraid. If I may, I would like to introduce you to someone."

Teng (http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m278/Sophistemon/The%20Town/teng.png) appears. He looks identical to the Gent, except his clothes look better suited to adventuring.

"Your highness, this is Teng. He will be speaking for me for the rest of this audience. It was a pleasure meeting you." Gent vanishes in a burst of silver light.

Teng looks around and runs a finger along the brim of his cap. "Er, okay."

((Sorry, Rai. At least this way I can be in two places at once, right?))

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-23, 05:16 PM
I never said I wished to be virtuous.
He slides up next to the king's throne, watching him carefully.
Virtue could help you, however.

2007-05-23, 05:18 PM
The King ignores Sern and snaps his fingers at Teng.
"Well? Out with it!"

2007-05-23, 05:19 PM
The watery apparition splooshes into a puddle.

Someone should probably get a mop.

2007-05-23, 05:24 PM
"I... oh. Sorry. I do appologize. We have noticed a great deal of social inequality between the Ribe and the Joreu. We think that it would be the best for everyone if such inequality were put to a stop."

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-23, 05:26 PM
Sern very very slowly reaches into his pack and withdraws a rod, other than that, he fails to do anything save watch Teng.

2007-05-23, 05:54 PM
"Why would I do that? My people are happy, and if the Ribe die and suffer, who am I to care?"

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-23, 05:57 PM
The Ribe are not powerless...what if they decide they've had enough of you and kill you in your sleep?
Sern's hands casually move the rod around.

2007-05-23, 05:59 PM
"They would not dare try. And if they did, there are a hundred more Joreu in line that would be ten times less pro-equality than I."

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-23, 06:01 PM
And what if the Ribe were prepared for such and event and prepare an all out coup?

2007-05-23, 06:02 PM
"Are you implying that they are?"

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-23, 06:05 PM
No...I'm merely implying that they could be. Or rather, it would be very easy to spark.
Sern's mouths grin.

2007-05-23, 08:41 PM
Teng bristles. "Now, hold on a moment! There is no reason that we cannot be civil. Your highness, though Sern speaks rather bluntly, the subjugation experienced by the Ribe could incite them to undergo a revolution and, thought that revolution might... might be stopped, the losses sustained by both sides could be distressingly large. I propose a more peaceful solution."

2007-05-23, 09:20 PM
"Propose away."

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-23, 09:23 PM
One of Sern's hands watches Teng and the rod is slowly slipped from view.
Peace usually doesn't hurt...

2007-05-23, 09:30 PM
"Simple. Eliminate the social inequality between the Joreu and the Ribe. Be hailed as a great uniter; the emancipator of the Ribe. Some would doubt your decision, but the result of a united Ribe/Joreu society would be a stronger one. A house divided against itself can not stand, your highness."

2007-05-23, 09:32 PM
"That may work, but explain to me how it would work, having a Joreu rule the planet? The "inequalities" as you phrase them may no longer exist, but would they be content to have me lead-no rule over them?"

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-23, 09:34 PM
Sern decides that he might as well point out his prior idea.
Form a multiple leader government. Have the Ribe share the power.

2007-05-23, 09:41 PM
"I can not see why that would not work, your highness."

2007-05-23, 09:45 PM
"Let's be done pretending. The Ribe have a secret council led by that fool, "Lord" Durerin. You three know about it, and so do I. They want all the power for themselves. With the power I have, they'd destroy us all."

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-23, 09:47 PM
Yes and a random meteor from the sky could destroy us all as well. What's your point? Something could be arranged to prevent a one sided use of power. Have security guards.
Sern shrugs, hands swiveling to keep a general eye on things.

2007-05-23, 10:58 PM
"But they would not have the power that you have. With societal equality established the average Ribe would possess no more power than the average Joreu and, as far as I know, the average Joreu poses no threat to you."

2007-05-24, 10:16 PM
"Give them an inch, and they'll take a mile."

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-24, 10:19 PM
Fail to give them anything and they'll take it all.
Sern states this rather simply, merely eyeing the room casually.

2007-05-24, 10:19 PM
"He has a point, your highness. Revolution is bred by discontent."

2007-05-24, 10:28 PM
The ruler goes red in the face and stands.
"Begone, knaves!" He leaves the room, but a small disk falls from his pocket.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-24, 10:39 PM
Sern acquires a very curiously unidentifiable look as he proceeds to grab the disk.
Looks like we struck a nerve.

2007-05-24, 10:42 PM
"It would appear so, yes."

2007-05-24, 10:45 PM
The disk is made of pure Obsidian, but has a small pad on the top.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-24, 10:48 PM
Sern brings one of his other eyed hands closer to examine the pad throroughly.
What are we going to tell our buddies now?

2007-05-24, 10:50 PM
The pad has a grid pattern, but aside from that, it looks normal.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-24, 10:52 PM
Sern hmms and runs a finger along the pad, applying light pressure.
Perhaps we should return to them in any event.

2007-05-24, 10:52 PM
"I suppose that we tell them what they all ready knew; that the king is unwilling to allow the Ribe equal rights as citizens. A pity. It would appear that revolution is now a certainty."

2007-05-24, 10:53 PM
The pad humms.
"No. Identification."

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-24, 10:55 PM
All three of Sern's heads immediately snap towards the pad. Four hands follow suit.
Well well. It does something after all. We may have something for them yet, Teng.

2007-05-24, 11:04 PM
Teng hmms. "Very well then. We should return, I think, before they get worried about us."

He activates the artifact.

You know, the one that brought them to the throne room.

The one that should, theoretically, take them back to the revolutionaries.

2007-05-25, 07:43 PM
The orb transports them back to the council room. Lord Durerin stands there. His bandana is off and his blonde hair is streaked with blood. Despite that and a wound on his arm, he still smirks like an difiant teenager. Which he is.
How'd it go?

2007-05-25, 08:41 PM
"Not very well, I am afraid."

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-25, 10:36 PM
But we do have a gift for you, at any rate.
Sern holds out one of his hands clutching the disk. Incidentally, he appears to be holding it rather tightly, not looking to give it up just yet.

2007-05-25, 11:13 PM
Disk of the Alchemist. By the look of it, its been recording since AD 4. Not to old.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-25, 11:17 PM
I see...how do you activate it?
Sern continues to clutch the disk, his others hands looking around warily.

2007-05-25, 11:19 PM
You three can't.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-25, 11:26 PM
Oh? Is it sensitive to the races of this planet then and only functions for them?

2007-05-25, 11:27 PM
That is correct

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-25, 11:37 PM
Then it will work for you?

2007-05-25, 11:38 PM
Yes. It has information on every Ribe or Joreu.

2007-05-25, 11:43 PM
Teng's eyes widen. "Convenient."

2007-05-25, 11:45 PM
He nods.
Quite. It learns as well. It can, and does, add data frequently.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-25, 11:47 PM
I assume that the pad on the disk is a scanner of some sort, where a finger would suffice?

2007-05-25, 11:47 PM
He nods.

2007-05-25, 11:49 PM
"You would think, then, that his majesty would have been more careful with it. There is no knowing what secrets it may have buried within itself."

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-25, 11:50 PM
Sern's heads grin and he holds up a knife.
Who wants to donate a finger?

2007-05-25, 11:54 PM
Lord Durerin rolls his eyes and snatches the disk. He presses his hand on the pad.
"Access. Granted. Durerin Svaris. Former Luitenant Colonel of the royal army from BD 2 to AD 0, he left the army and is currently the leader of a group of revolutionaries."

2007-05-26, 12:04 AM
((That was a little godmodding, Rai.))

"Do not tell me that we need the king's finger."

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-26, 12:07 AM
Sern's heads all frown and he has to try very hard to not embed his dagger in Durerin's head. He dislikes having things stolen from him. A lot. On the flip side, he enjoys stealing things from others under certain circumstances. A tad hypocritical, but he doesn't really care.
Please, explain how this will help then, Colonel.

2007-05-26, 12:10 AM
((...Deus Mortis Law of Plots: Plot creators can godmod with NPC's, if it benefits the plot.))
Hardly. I just accessed it. I can open any files. Disk, get me the files on Rayne Kibara. Joreu.
"Certainly. Durerin. Rayne Kibara. Acting ruler of the planet Kaegon. Holds more Alchemist artifacts than any other person, other than perhaps the Alchemists themselves and Durerin Svaris. It is speculated he was related to the Alchemists' dissapearance."

2007-05-26, 12:11 AM
((Such rules only applies if specified in the beginning of the thread, Rai))

2007-05-26, 12:13 AM
((Blast! Foiled again! Oh well. DeBunny, would Sern have refused to give Durerin the Disk?))

2007-05-26, 12:14 AM
"Is that useful in our current situation?"

2007-05-26, 12:17 AM
Perhaps. Oh, where are my manners. I see your other friend, Gent has left, no doubt back to your planet. Would you like to contact him?
Ekrath nods. Lord Durerin throws him a headband with a square green lens at him. Ekrath catches it and puts it on.
Say his name.
The Distinguished Gentleman.
Back at the Omnishop, Gent would notice he'd be able to see Ekrath in his head.
Gent? We've discovered that the Ruler is connected to the dissapearance of the Alchemists. I think we'll try and find out more about the Alchemists. How are things back at the Omnishop?

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-26, 12:18 AM
((well uh...yes, he would actually...but we'll let it slide this time...for the sake of conveniance))

Sern's continues to frown, but becomes slightly more interested at the mention of Alchemists.

2007-05-26, 12:27 AM
Gent sees Ekrath clearly.

Rather poorly. There is a murderer in my midsts that I am attempting to foil.

2007-05-26, 12:29 AM
Murderer? Why don't you just kill him? I could come back and do it for you, if you don't want to.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-26, 12:30 AM
We could see how he likes an animus blizzard....

2007-05-26, 12:31 AM
((Psst! It's mental. Only Gent and Ekrath can hear it.))

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-26, 12:37 AM
((I have no idea what you're inferring....Sern is talking about the king...simply because epic spells have immunity to so many rules he's wondering if they'll work

2007-05-26, 12:38 AM
((Ahh. Sorry. I thought you were reffering to the murderer.))

2007-05-26, 12:39 AM
I cannot just kill him, Ekrath. It would be... improper. No, I will find another way to handle this.

I hope.

2007-05-26, 12:40 AM
What aren't you telling me Gent? I feel like there's something you don't want me to know. You don't strike me as the type to go easy on killers.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-26, 12:42 AM
Sern rubs one of his head's chins and experimentally begins to make symbols with his many hands and mutter words.

2007-05-26, 12:45 AM
Forget about this, Ekrath. Focus on your own problems. I can handle things on this end.

2007-05-26, 12:47 AM
Gent, I know you can handle it. I also know Teng and Sern could handle it here if I needed to leave. Friends don't keep secrets Gent. What is going on?

2007-05-26, 12:48 AM
Ekrath? I really need to focus on this. It is imperative that nothing happens that I do not plan for. Someone's safety hangs in the balance.

((Bah. 2:00 AM. I gotta go.))

2007-05-26, 12:50 AM
Ekrath looks pissed off.
Gent, you need to tell me. I understand your power, but if this is too big, I can help. I have powers as well. I. Want. To. Help.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-26, 12:51 AM
Sern finishes and carefully casts a soul scry (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/spells/soulScry.htm) on Durerin.

2007-05-26, 12:52 AM
You are needed where you are. You can help me by not getting involved. It is better this way, Ekrath. Trust me.

((Seriously, gotta go.))

2007-05-26, 12:53 AM
Durerin's super-Ribe magic resistance deflects the spell.

Alright then. I trust you. Give my best to Catherine and Maph'tey.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-26, 12:56 AM
...Sern would wonder how that would help against a spell that doesn't allow spell resistance, but decides to not question that and instead sighs, knowing that he has lost that vast majority of his capability here. He does have his blades though and he takes solace in that.

2007-05-26, 12:57 AM
((It's not Spell Resistance. Kaegon has NO magic at all other than Alchemy, and as such, those races are completely immune to regulare magic.))

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-26, 01:01 AM
There are ways to counter this...just be thankful that Sern hasn't quite finished his epic magic studies to this point.))

Sern quietly begins to roll a knife in one of his hands.

2007-05-26, 12:04 PM
Ekrath disengages the artifact, then thinks for a second before putting it back on.
Regiji, what's going on? Something about a murderer, but that's all Gent will say.

2007-05-26, 12:24 PM
((So the place is a dead magic plane? There are ways around that, but it involves one of the most broken feats in existence.))

The Probe, who had totally been there the whole time, begins bouncing around happily.

"Regiji and gent are talking with the sadistic guy from the slums Regiji told me to watch!" the Probe enthuses, the gravity of the situation lost on it. "He likes to seduce young women and then enslave and torture them to death! Becket says she likes him!"

2007-05-26, 01:35 PM
WHAT!?? OK, calm down Ekrath. Listen guys, I need to go help Catherine. I'll keep an avatar here to help out, but I really need to go. Probe? Stay with Teng and Sern alright? He summons an elf man with blonde hair.
What's up boss?
Listen Hirn. I need you to stay here and help these three. I may be back. If I can't come before the mission is over, come back and meet me at the Omnishop.
Got it boss!
Ekrath gives him a quick salute before dissapearing.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-26, 02:45 PM
Sern blinks, wondering why everyone keeps leaving an summoning relacements.

2007-05-26, 03:45 PM
((Teng is Gent. Just... different.))

2007-05-26, 03:51 PM
Lord Durerin smiles at Teng, Hirn, and Sern.
Alright. Disk! Access files on the First Alchemist.
"First Alchemist. Neither Ribe or Joreu. Crafted the first artifacts, taught the next generation of alchemists, and dissapeared along with the other alchemists on the last Before Dissapearance day. The next day became 1/01/0 Alchemist Dissapearance. Rayne Kibara began to rule and Kaegon fell into dispair. He is suspected to be either hiding or dead."

2007-05-26, 03:57 PM
Teng quirks an eyebrow. "Interesting. Are we expected to go and find him?"

2007-05-26, 04:08 PM
Durerin shrugs.
I'm not your boss. Do whatever you feel like doing.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-26, 04:08 PM
Sern rubs one of his heads. This was getting a tad more interesting.
A non-native?

2007-05-27, 11:10 PM
Teng humphs. "Well, that is hardly helpful. We are visitors here; we do not know what to do. Be a sport and give us some direction."

2007-05-27, 11:13 PM
Then find him. Find the Alchemist, or at least find out if the King really got rid of him.

2007-05-27, 11:18 PM
Teng frowns. "The king will not be pleased to see us again so soon after our last visit. Do you have any idea where we could begin looking for this Alchemist?"

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-27, 11:18 PM
How would we accomplish this without further information?

2007-05-27, 11:21 PM
Nope. All we've got is that he's hiding or dead. But hey, try the abandonded Alchemist Ruins to the East.

2007-05-27, 11:23 PM
Teng is about to say something about how amazingly convenient that sounds, but he doesn't. He just nods.

"To the East, then. Very well."

2007-05-27, 11:25 PM
((Just for that, it's now a dead end. Nice job.))

2007-05-27, 11:29 PM
((Aww, c'mon. I was just playin'.))

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-27, 11:30 PM
Sern acquires a rather detached and emotionless look.
Sounds good.

2007-05-27, 11:31 PM
((Hmm...I may consider it. IF! You get started on Ekrath's funeral, rather than dealing with Aesa. I mean come on! She indirectly caused his death you know.))

2007-05-27, 11:34 PM
((Whaddaya mean, stop dealing with her? You mean have Gent fire her? And I am working on the funeral. Geez, be patient. The dude just died. Give me some time to prepare!))

2007-05-27, 11:35 PM
((Aesa didn't have anything to do with Ekrath's death.
The only thing she did was pull Jaric away))

2007-05-27, 11:36 PM
((Have Gent fire her...could you do that? For me? Seriously, Vael's a cool guy and I love his plots, but in the same way I like Kyrian (The forumite) and hate Kyrian (The townie), I like Vael and loath Aesa.))

edit:((Something tells me Aesa wasn't exactly encouraging Jaric to be a nicer person. He screwed up Catherine, Catherine went nuts, and Ekrath died. CONSPIRACY!!!))

2007-05-27, 11:40 PM
if anything, Jaric was encourgaging Aesa to be a bad person.
Notice how she has been nice all day?
How she has been helping people (if grumbling a little) constantly?
Hm. Wonder if this has anything to do with her leaving Jaric))

2007-05-27, 11:41 PM
((Er... Hey, no offense, but... no. No, the Gent isn't going to fire someone on the same day that he hired them, especially if they're doing so good of a job as she is. And you two are both my friends, so I'm not going to choose between you. Nope, nuh-uh, and no way.))

2007-05-27, 11:42 PM
((Spoken like a true True Neutral.))

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-27, 11:43 PM
((*innocent whistling*
Plot anyone?))

2007-05-27, 11:46 PM
Teng looks at Sern. "Are you prepared?"


2007-05-27, 11:48 PM
Hirn feels ignored. Very ignored.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-27, 11:48 PM
Two of Sern's heads nod.
-As ready as I'll ever be on this magic-forsaken rock.-

((wait...does divine magic work?))

2007-05-27, 11:49 PM
"And you, Hirn? Are you prepared?"

2007-05-27, 11:50 PM
((No. Why?))
Of course!

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-27, 11:52 PM
((Just making sure))

Sern shifts his arms slightly and waits for Teng to lead. He wasn't fond of this place and didn't to be in charge.

2007-05-27, 11:59 PM
"Good." He looks at the Rebel Alliance* and nods. "We will return, though I do not know if it will be shortly." He leads the group... wherever it is they need to go before they can start heading East. Maybe there's a tunnel that goes East. If so, he'd lead them there.

((*I could not help myself.))

2007-05-28, 12:03 AM
((See, now I'm going to have to make the Alchemist speak in Yoda-talk. Also, you still have the teleporty ball.))

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-28, 12:04 AM

Sern quietly follows twirling a rod.

((Pardon me if you've said this, but do magic items work?))

2007-05-28, 12:06 AM
((Yes and no. On the people, no. On you three, the Alchemist, and the landscape, yes.))

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-28, 12:08 AM
((Ah, okay then. Fair enough))

2007-05-28, 12:20 AM
Teng smack himself in the forehead and uses the teleportation artifact.

2007-05-28, 12:22 AM
The three appear in a cracked ruin. Drawing and papers litter the ground, but there aren't any people in sight.

2007-05-28, 12:25 AM
Teng looks around. "There is much knowledge here. Gent will be pleased to have seen it."

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-28, 12:25 AM
Sern looks around appraisingly, all nine hands looking.

2007-05-28, 08:58 PM
Teng glances at Sern, and then at Hirn. "Well, we are here. Does anyone have any clue of what we should be looking for?"

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-28, 09:01 PM
-Not particularly.-
-Anything with the word 'Alchemist'?-