View Full Version : Choose Your Own Path-Josuke's Story

2015-10-03, 03:49 PM
Dealing with hooligans was nothing new to you, but this guy was something special. The weirdest thing is he already knew a lot of things about you. Still, work is work, and this guy, who introduced himself as Raidou, made you a generous offer. And now, you found yourself following this guy around someone's, about to engage in some breaking and entering. Technically, you probably won't be doing any breaking, since Raidou managed to open the lock, but that is not very comforting.
https://38.media.tumblr.com/avatar_fe119dc53739_128.png: We must move quickly, our target is on the second floor. We should have at least 15 minutes, but I don't want to waste them. Let's hurry.

2015-10-03, 04:04 PM
http://s9.postimg.org/py1ppj8cr/naruto_deliquent_by_tsukilei19_d3cahb1.jpg: Yeah i know. Do we expect any resistance ? I mean, you haven't told me too much about the guy, not that i mind beating up defenseless old men. Anyway, lead on, here's hoping there ain't much security and he won't call the cops.

2015-10-03, 04:14 PM
https://38.media.tumblr.com/avatar_fe119dc53739_128.png: Mister Cyphre is anything but defenseless, but assuming I correctly deciphered his riddle there will be an item of interest waiting for us in his study. At least for the next 14 minutes.

2015-10-03, 04:18 PM
http://s9.postimg.org/py1ppj8cr/naruto_deliquent_by_tsukilei19_d3cahb1.jpg: What are we waiting for then ? Lets get the show on the road !

With that, he gets the door open, entering the building and start looking for stairs to the second floor.

2015-10-04, 02:57 PM
It doesn't take you more then five minutes to find what you were looking for, and you quickly evacuate the perimeter. You make sure to remember the location, for some reason it you find it important.
https://38.media.tumblr.com/avatar_fe119dc53739_128.png: This should be far enough. Before we start this, I will give you one last chance to back out. This might get dangerous.

2015-10-04, 03:02 PM
http://s9.postimg.org/py1ppj8cr/naruto_deliquent_by_tsukilei19_d3cahb1.jpg: Hey, if Josuke says he gets a job done, he get the bloody job done! Besides i'm actually curious what you are going to do with this, why's so important anyway ?

2015-10-04, 03:14 PM
Raidou pulls out a small device out of the package you obtained and gives it to you.
https://38.media.tumblr.com/avatar_fe119dc53739_128.png: It is easier to show then explain. Start it up, it should be simple enough.

2015-10-04, 03:20 PM
(on a phone, cant post pics)
''Boss its not like im a techie or anything, the most engineer-y thing i have done is fixing my bro's car. ''. He starts pressing buttons in hopes something happens

2015-10-04, 03:53 PM
"Welcome to the Amala Infinity. Please enter your name so that we can create your account."
After you enter your name the screen fades to black. When the light returns you greeted by a man dressed in formal outfit.
"Greetings puny human. My name is Tico, I will be your assistant. Are you ready to begin?"

2015-10-05, 04:19 AM
http://s9.postimg.org/py1ppj8cr/naruto_deliquent_by_tsukilei19_d3cahb1.jpg: I am not sure what i am about to begin, but sure as hell will be more interesting that sitting on a couch until work calls. Hell yes!

2015-10-05, 11:08 AM
"Will to live confirmed. Initiating Demon Summoning Program. Do you require an explanation, assuming your feeble mind can comprehend it?"

2015-10-05, 11:17 AM
http://s9.postimg.org/py1ppj8cr/naruto_deliquent_by_tsukilei19_d3cahb1.jpg: To be honest, i have no idea what oyu are talking about. And my mind ain't feeble! I scored 90(out of 200) on my last math test before i joined the police academy !

2015-10-05, 01:36 PM
"Will to live confirmed. Even if you are an insignificant insect. Initiating Demon Summoning Program. Do you want an explanation? I must warn you, the explanation contains more then three sentences, and it might overload your feeble mind."

2015-10-05, 01:40 PM
http://s9.postimg.org/py1ppj8cr/naruto_deliquent_by_tsukilei19_d3cahb1.jpg:I just told you i did wanted an explanation. For something that says i am dumb and insignificant you are a bit slow, aren't you ?"

2015-10-05, 01:56 PM
"Watered-down explanation to puny human attempting to insult his intellectual superiors: Demon Summoning Program allows you to summon and control demons. However, in order to command the demos a contract must be formed first. This is done by defeating the demon in combat. Using your COMP's command menu grant you access to techniques that will enable you to fight the demons on equal grounds.
In case this explanation was too complicated, which it probably was, here's a simple version: Beat the demons with a stick by pressing shiny buttons. Is that simple enough?"

2015-10-05, 02:18 PM
http://s9.postimg.org/py1ppj8cr/naruto_deliquent_by_tsukilei19_d3cahb1.jpg: Yep, got it, so i guess i have to summon a couple of demons. Bring it one then! Start with a lousy one to test the skills you gave me .

2015-10-05, 02:32 PM
"Searching for the most pathetic demon in existence... successful.
Estimated chance for victory....34%.
Summoning complete. Enjoy the pain."

Just like Tico said, 4 demons appear not too far from you, and Raidou assumes his combat stance.
https://38.media.tumblr.com/avatar_fe119dc53739_128.png: I believe that Tico selected you as a leader, so lead the way.

2015-10-05, 02:35 PM
http://s9.postimg.org/py1ppj8cr/naruto_deliquent_by_tsukilei19_d3cahb1.jpg: YOu are way too moody for your own good Tico, those guys are goner ! Fist, meet demons. Demons, Meet fist!

With that, Josuke charges into the fray, accompanied by Raidou

2015-10-10, 03:46 AM
"So, you managed to survive? Then I will continue to provide my support. Do you want an explanation on how to control the demons? Or is your below average mental capacity enough to figure it out? Now that would be a surprise. Please take your time before answering, you need to understand the question first."

2015-10-10, 07:24 AM
http://s9.postimg.org/py1ppj8cr/naruto_deliquent_by_tsukilei19_d3cahb1.jpg: It's not like i was a demon summoner or anything, some explanations would be nice.

2015-10-12, 05:41 AM
"In that case I will have to talk slowly, so you don't get confused. Demon Summoning program has a number of functions. The primary function, Summon, allows you to bring demons to your world. This command should be execute at first sign of trouble. Otherwise, you are an idiot who can't protect himself, and you deserve to die. Transfer command allows you to exchange demons with your companions. Each COMP can contain up to ten demons, but only four can summoned at a time. Choose wisely. Arrange command allows you to pick which demons will be summoned when executing Summon command. Do you require anything else?"

2015-10-13, 01:22 AM
http://s9.postimg.org/py1ppj8cr/naruto_deliquent_by_tsukilei19_d3cahb1.jpg: Two is the Maximum number of demons you can summon per person right ?

2015-10-13, 06:10 PM
"I should have spoken slower, each COMP can summon up to four demons, and you and your companion each have your own COMP. You need to start listening if you wish to survive. Not that it really matters, but I would rather have my clients survive, your deaths would reflect negatively on me."
https://38.media.tumblr.com/avatar_fe119dc53739_128.png: It appears this Tico, whatever it is, is very bitchy. Can we exchange it for another model?

2015-10-14, 04:29 PM
http://s9.postimg.org/py1ppj8cr/naruto_deliquent_by_tsukilei19_d3cahb1.jpg: We went through some trouble to gain it, and i get the hunch those things don't grow on trees. I can handle some nagging, reminds me of my gradma.
So with that settled, what's exactly the task ahead. To get me a COMP it probably means you want me for some real trouble, you dont exactly hand out demon summoner software like candy.

2015-10-15, 10:47 AM
https://38.media.tumblr.com/avatar_fe119dc53739_128.png: We don't have enough information to plan our next step. We should return to the headquarters, and gather some info. And possibly some allies. Our little world is about to be shaken to the core, I don't think we should face that on our own.

2015-10-16, 02:50 AM
http://s9.postimg.org/py1ppj8cr/naruto_deliquent_by_tsukilei19_d3cahb1.jpg: Break into a house and then get involved in some "Fate of the World" Business. Crismtans came early this year it seems. All right, lets gget back to your Headquarters, i wanna know what's all that stuff about.

2015-10-17, 04:21 AM
https://38.media.tumblr.com/avatar_fe119dc53739_128.png: I am glad you find the end of the world amusing, you will need that sense of humor soon.

2015-10-17, 04:35 AM
http://s9.postimg.org/py1ppj8cr/naruto_deliquent_by_tsukilei19_d3cahb1.jpg: Either we can do something about it, or we can't. If we can do something, we are going to do it so no reason to be worried. If we can't do anything about it, why worry ? I suspect it's the former though, so lead on to your Headquarters so we can do it.

2015-10-19, 05:12 AM
The trip to the headquarters didn't take long, and in less then 15 minutes Josuke and Raidou found themselves in a secluded area, facing a sign that says "Narumi Detective Agency". Taking a step inside Josuke is faced with two unfamiliar people.

https://v.dreamwidth.org/5002166/1754424: You are late, Raidou.
https://38.media.tumblr.com/avatar_fe119dc53739_128.png: I don't remember us setting any time limit. Besides, I couldn't have gotten here any faster, so your complaint is pointless.
https://33.media.tumblr.com/avatar_391beaacb229_128.png: In any way, you are here, and I assume you have secured the package?
https://38.media.tumblr.com/avatar_fe119dc53739_128.png: Yes, and the Demon Summoning Program has proven effective.
https://33.media.tumblr.com/avatar_391beaacb229_128.png: You are not the only one that has news. While you were away a lockdown has been initiated. Because of an oil spill travel between islands has been blocked. Furthermore, there was an accident at the Shataro Tower communication has been cut off. Looks like the end of the world is starting a little sooner then we expected.