View Full Version : Pathfinder Opinions on the Malefactor (3rd party class)

Dusk Eclipse
2015-10-03, 09:18 PM
One of my player asked me if he could play a Malefactor (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/3rd-party-classes/total-party-kill-games-classes/malefactor), I'm currently reading through it, but in all honestly it doesn't seem good at all. I mean it has some interesting abilities, but that's it. There is also the fact that it passively mess with your party, a scaling penalty to saving throws within 10 ft. of the Malefactor will probably cause some strife in the party, something which I really want to avoid.

The player in question hasn't told me why he wants to play one, I'm guessing he likes the "mess with your enemies" aspect of it, but I dunno I feel like a Harbinger would be a lot more useful while keeping to the theme.

But then again maybe I'm missing something, so I'd like to hear your opinion on the class, specially if you have seen or played it yourselves.

2015-10-04, 03:48 AM
Haven't played it myself, but I've had my eye on it for a while. Reading over it again, I'm less impressed than before. The Mesmerist is a much better debuffer that doesn't need to make attack roll or allow saves to make enemies miserable with Hypnotic Stare. The witch would be another great debuffer (and even gets the "mwahaha" fluff). In 3rd party, the Dread and Cryptic can put out some serious debuffing as well.

If your player just won't be happy with anything else, I'd houserule the following to bring it up to snuff:

-Aura of Misfortune does not debuff allies when the malefactor has at least 1 strife (including the capstone).

-Tweak range of Maledictions to Close (25ft.+5ft. for every 2 class levels). Essentially the same, but much smoother scaling.

-Change most Maledictions to not have saving throws except the escalated versions (successful save reduces it to the non-escalated version).

-Dread Escalations are available from level 1.

-Give the "combat maneuver" Maledictions an Escalation that adds a bonus on the CMB check (maybe +2, increased by +2 for every 5 class levels?).

-Gain 3 Maledictions at 1st level and one at every level thereafter. You can substitute any of the class-specific feats that you qualify for in place of a malediction.

-Ignore the 1 malediction/round restriction on Quick Malediction.

-Harrowing Strike effects gained at 2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th, and 20th level automatically apply to all melee attacks as long as the malefactor has at least 1 strife. 14th level effect is "spend 1 strife, gain 1 melee attack as a swift action," and the 17th level effect is "spend 1 strife, all melee attack made for 1 round are resolved as touch attacks."

-+1 profane bonus on attack and damage rolls against creatures suffering from the effects of her Maledictions. Bonus increases by 1 at levels 5/10/15/20.

-Baleful Aura feat is just +10ft. range to aura of misfortune.

Edit: It also needs some kind of mobility. Maybe a class specific feat (able to be picked up in place of a Malediction as normal):

Menacing Advance
Prerequisite: Strife pool, aura of misfortune
Benefit: You can spend 1 strife as a swift action to move up to your movement speed. You must end this movement with at least 1 opponent within range of your aura of misfortune. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal.