View Full Version : green_elven_vampire hombrew from the WOTC boards

2015-10-04, 04:03 AM
Green_elven_vampire had some good FR specific homebrew and 2e conversion, I've been scouring the boards and reprinting what I can find here

16 july,2009
I just converted the 2ED Specialty Priest into 3ED-3.5ED and put my own spin on things. The Feywarden is just the name given to a faction of cleric that protects the elven people.
The Feywarden
(Specialty Cleric of Corellon Larethian)

Hit Die: d8.

Requirements: To qualify to become a Feywarden, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Race: Character must be a Elf.

Skills: Knowledge (religion) 7 ranks, Concentration 8 ranks, Craft 5 ranks, Diplomacy 8 ranks, Spellcraft 8 ranks.

Feats: Fortify spell, Spell penetration.

Spellcasting: Ability to cast 5th level Divine spells. Must have either the Elf, Magic or War domain.

Special: Must have Corellon Larethian as a patron deity.

Class Skills: Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge (Arcana/Religion/History/Nature/The Planes), Profession, Scry, Spellcraft .

Skill points at each level- 2 + Int mod.

Class Features:

Weapon & Armor Proficiency: Feywardens's gain no proficiency with small or light weapons.

Spells per day: A Feywardens's training focuses on divine magic. Thus, when a character gains a new level of MP, she gains new spells per day as if she also gained a level in whatever spellcasting class she belonged to before she added the prestige class. She does not however gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained.

Corellon's grace: At 1'st level the Feywarden can use Cat's grace as a spell like ability twice per day. The bonus to Dexterity is 1d4+2 and is cast at the PC's total caster level.

Improved Enchant weapon: At 1'st level the Feywarden can add her Wisdom modifier +1, as a bonus to her weapons attack and damage rolls twice per day. This ability lasts 1d4+1 rounds.

Corellon's touch: At 2'nd level all creatures of evil alignment receive a -2 penalty to saving throws they roll against spells cast by the Feywarden.

Wrath of the Creator: at 2'nd level the Feywarden can use Greater Turning equal to three times a day plus her Charisma modifier.

Maximize turning: At 3'rd level the Feywarden can automatically achieve the maximum possible result on a turning damage roll, twice per day.

Wardens immunity: At 3'rd level the Feywarden gains immunity to the paralyzing touch of Ghasts and Ghouls as well as a +2 divine bonus to saving throws against other forms of paralysis as well, such as the touch of a Lich or the various Hold spells.

Divine focus: At 4'th level the Feywarden may attune her longsword into a focus for her spells. The focus sword can then replace any material component of less than 200 gp value in the casting of her spells. The Longsword must be in hand to be used in this way. The Feywarden gains +1 caster level with any spell cast through her sword focus. The Feywarden may only have one Focus sword at a time.

Corellon's Holy aura: At 4'th level the Feywarden gains the spell like ability twice per day. It functions the same as the Holy aura spell with the exception of +5 to AC, +5 resistance, and SR 25 against all spells cast by evil creatures.

Banishment: At 5'th level the Feywarden gains Banishment as a spell like ability twice per day.

Starbolts: at 5'th level the Feywarden gains this ability. It works the same as a Magic Missile spell, except that 5 Multi-colored Starbolts fly forth from the fingers, and upon impact the targets are affected as if by a Plane shift spell. Each different colored starbolt sends target to a separate plane. Creatures can make a Will. save to negate. This spell can be cast 2 time a day, and is cast at total character divine caster level.

(All spell-like abilities are cast at total character caster level)

CL-BAB-FS-RS-WS-Special- Spells per day

1'st-+0-+0-+2-+2-- Corellon's grace, Improved enchant weapon- +1level

2'nd-+1-+0-+3-+3- Corellon's touch, Wrath of the creator -+1level

3'rd-+2-+1-+3-+3- Maximize turning, Wardens immunity -+1level

4'th-+3-+1-+4-+4- Divine focus, Corellon's holy aura -+1level

5'th-+3-+1-+4-+4- Banishment, Starbolts-+1level

June 3, 2007
The Masked Prankster
(specialty cleric of Erevan Ilesere)
The Masked Prankster represents all that is chaotic and free. They bring change and excitement where ever they go be it for good or ill. They live on the edge in a constant state of self-reinvention. They thrive to puncture the self-righteousness, sanctimony, and pretension that pervades orderly society with mischievous pranks that both amuse and enlighten. They enjoy causing trouble for its own sake and have the ability to take care of themselves should a prank prove to be deadly or go awry. Most masked pranksters are Moon or Copper elves, but even Gold, Wild and Star elves take this class when the call of Erevan sings strongly in their hearts. Most masked pranksters are famous or infamous Rogue/Clerics in the favor of Erevan Ilesere and serve as his mortal right-hand. They are deadly-romantic in their charm and subtlety of skill. Brave and yet flighty. They are champions of trickery and modest in ability. To underestimate a masked prankster is to court the surity of becoming the victim to an amusing, well thought, elaborate hoax that could end up costing you and being at your cost.

Hit Die: d6.

Requirements: To qualify to become a Masked Prankster, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Race: Character must be a Elf or Half Elf.

Skills: Knowledge (religion) 6 ranks, Disguise 10 ranks, Bluff 10 ranks.

Feats: Dodge, Charlatan, Stealthy

Spellcasting: Ability to cast 3'rd level Divine spells. Must have either the chaos, trickery or luck domain.

Special: +3d6 Sneak attack ability. Must have Erevan Ilesere as a Patron Deity.

Class Skills: As the Rogue class skills, plus Knowledge (religion), Concentration and Spellcraft.
Skill points at each level- 4 + Cha mod.

Class Features:

Weapon & Armor Proficiency: Masked Pranksters gain no proficiency with small or light weapons.

Spells per day: A Masked Prankster's training focuses on
Divine magic. Thus, when a character gains a new level of MP, she gains new spells per day as if she aso gained a level in whatever spellcasting class she belonged to before she added the prestige class. She does not however gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained.

Broken Law: The MP gains a +2 divine bonus vs. the DC of any spell with the law discriptor or spell-like or supernatural abilities used by creatures with the Law subtype at first level.

Alter appearence: At 2'nd level the MP can use Change Self as the spell three per day. At 4'th level she can also use Alter Self as the spell twice per day.

Master of the subtle: At 3'rd, 6'th and 9'th level she may pick one skill below and take 10 on that skill once per day per skill even under stress, but may only apply to the skills listed here~~ Bluff, Disable Devise, Disguise, Escape Artist, Open lock, Perform (bufferoonery, comedy, juggling), and Tumble.
(example: At 3rd level you may pick bluff and take 10 on it one time a day even under stress. At 6th level you pick disguise and at 9th level you pick perform and can take 10 on them both one time a day under stress) Once chosen a skill can not be changed.

Mock Law: At 4'th level she gains a +2 divine bonus to AC vs. attacks from Lawful creatures of the law subtype. This ability comes into effect whenever she comes within 10 feet of a lawful creature.

Grace of Erevan (su): At 5'th level she can Jinx the luck of others. Twice per day she may re-roll one roll that another creature (friend or enemy) has just made. That creature must take the re-roll no matter what the outcome. The MP must decide wheather to reroll before the results of the roll in question are applied; Otherwise she must wait for another opportunity.

Mischievous Masks (sp): At 7'th level she gains this ability. You cause one of 4 masks to form over your face. It cannot be removed by anyone but yourself, and it completely hides your features. The Masks are Black, Blue, Purple and Green.
Their abilities are as follows;

Black~~ Blur and Detect Scrying;

Blue~~ Detect Thoughts and See Invisibility;

Purple~~ Know protections and Shield.

Green~~ Cloak of Chaos and Reverse Arrows.

This ability can be used one time a day for each of the masks, and last as many rounds as 10 + Will mod. + MP level. All spells are at total character caster level.

Quickened pranks (su): At 9'th level she gains the ability to cast one of her Domain spells for each spell level up to 5th level as if quickened by the metamagic feat "quicken spell".
(example: you may cast one 1st level, one 2nd level, one 3rd level, one 4th level and one 5th level domain spell a day as if using a quickened spell)

The Tricksters Wildzone (sp): At 10th level the MP gains this ability. It creates a disruption in magical forces similar to those found in a Wild Magic area that is centered on her. When used, she creates a Wild Magic zone in a 40 foot radius spread centered on her, that moves with her, and has an additional 5 foot radius spread for every character level she has. Within the Wildzone, any spell cast, or magic item used in the radius spread is automaticly treated as if using a rod of wonder. (Use the rod of wonder table on PG. 199 of the PH.) The Wildzone is treated just as a Wild Magic area in accordance to magic weapons and armor, or spells cast from outside the area of effect. This ability is usable twice a day.

CL-BAB-FS-RS-WS-Special- Spells
per day

1'st-+0-+2-+0-+2-- Broken Law- +1level

2'nd-+1-+3-+0-+3-Alter appearance-+1level

3'rd-+2-+3-+1-+3-Master of the subtle-+1level

4'th-+3-+4-+1-+4-Mock Law-+1level

5'th-+3-+4-+1-+4-Grace of Erevan-+1level


7'th-+5-+5-+2-+5-Mishievous masks-+1level


9'th-+6-+6-+3-+6-Quickened pranks-+1level

10'th-+7-+7-+3-+7-Trickster's Wildzone -+1level

June 4, 2007
Evereskan Battlemage

The battlemage is a very important individual when it comes to the protection of the elven city of evereska. They are trained specificly in the arts of battle magic and even spend time learning some sword play from the acadamy of arms. Unlike most elven wizards their numbers are mostly filled by elven youths looking for adventure and excitement. At least one Battlemage is assigned to every company of patrols around evereska and the greycloak hills. After reaching 5'th level the battlemages are given the choice to come and go as they please within the acadamy of magical arts to study at their leisure. Some even leave the city to find adventure as elven bounty hunters or search for anciect elven ruins to discourage the plundering of these sites with their amazing talents.

Hit Die: d4.

Requirements: To qualify to become a elven battlemage, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Race: Character must be a Elf or Half Elf.

Skills: Spellcraft 10 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 8 ranks.

Feats: Eschew Materials, Maximise Spell, Twin Spell.

Spellcasting: Ability to cast 4'th level arcane spells. Ability to cast at least three spells requiring a fortitude save and at least three spells that require a reflex save.

Class Skills: Concentration (con), Spellcraft (Int), Bluff (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Scry (Int), Knowledge (any)(Int).
Skill points at each level: 2 + Int Modifier.

Class Features:

Weapon & Armor Proficiency: Battlemages gain proficiency with small or light weapons.

Spells per day: A Battlemages training focuses on magic. Thus, when a character gains a new level of Battlemage, she gains new spells per day as if she aso gained a level in whatever spellcasting class she belonged to before she added the prestige class. She does not however gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained.

Battle-spell specialization: At 1'st level you gain weapon specialization with either energy missile spells, or ray spells. Once chosen you may not change it.

Signature Spell: As a Battlemage you earn a reputation with a certain spell, a calling card of sorts. At 2'nd level you gain the Signature Spell feat.

Battle-spell focus: At 4'th level you gain the weapon focus feat with either energy missile spells, or ray spells. Once chosen you may not change the type.

Energy Spell Resistance: At 7'th level, the Battlemage chooses one type of energy: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. from here on you gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against any spells with the chosen type of energy discriptor. Once chosen the energy type cannot be changed.

Faerie Blade (Sp): At 10'th level the battlemage can create a slender, shimmering sword in his hand, allowing the mage to attack as a fighter of equal level. The sword inflicts 5d4 points of damage against all opponents. It has no magical bonus, but can hit all echanted creatures as well as those that an only be it by magical weapons. When the battlemage hits a target she can elect to either inflict damage or inflict a random magical effect upon the target. If the mage elects to inflict a magical effect, roll 1d100, add the casters level and refer to the following table.

Die Roll Effect

0-25~ No effect, no dmg.

26-50~ Target suffers 8d4 dmg.

51-75~ Target suffers 10d4 dmg.

76-85~ Imprisoned in Forcecage

86-90~ Randomly polymorphed

91-95~ Fort.save (DC20)turn to stone

96-97~ Teleported 1d100 yards

98-99~ Teleported 1d100 miles

100+~ Target dies Fort.save (DC25)
This spell can be used 2/day, and lasts 1 round/ 2 levels of battlemage.

CL-BAB-FS-RS-WS-Special- Spells per day

1'st-+0-+0-+0-+2 Weapon specialization -+1level

2'nd-+1-+0-+0-+3-signature spell-+1level

3'rd-+1-+1-+1-+3 -+1level

4'th-+2-+1-+1-+4 Weapon Focus -+1level

5'th-+2-+1-+1-+4 -+1level

6'th-+3-+2-+2-+5 -+1level

7'th-+3-+2-+2-+5 EsR-+1level

8'th-+4-+2-+2-+6 -+1level

9'th-+4-+3-+3-+6- +1level

10'th-+5-+3-+3-+7-Faerie Blade -+1level

June 7, 2007
The Spellfilcher of Erevan Ilesere

The Spellfilchers of Erevan Ilesere are a special breed of Rogue/Wizards. They master and combine their knowledge of spells with their utter love of mischief, larceny and intrigue. While no formal or known orders are associated with Erevan's church, countless bands and guilds of elven and half elven rogues have been founded in honor of the Trickster. A Notable example of spellfilchers are the fellowship known as The Knaves of the Missing Page which is based in the vale of Evereska but active all throughout Faerún. There are even some spellfilchers in the ranks of the much lesser-known elven thieves guild in Silverymoon called The Rogues of the Laughing Twilight. They work well with the clergy of Erevan, especially with Divine Seekers and Masked Pranksters, but also just as well with Thief-Acrobats, Shadowdancers and Temple Raiders of Erevan Ilesere. They are among Faerún's most powerfully skilled thieves and wont hesitate to cast a Delayed-bast Meteor Swarm in the main chapel of a rival deity after having stolen a priceless item or artifact from them.

Hit Die: d4.

Requirements: To qualify to become a Spellfilcher, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Race: Character must be a Elf or Half Elf.

Skills: Knowledge (religion, arcana) 5 ranks, Disguise 5 ranks, Open Locks 10 ranks, Pick Pockets 5 ranks, Disable Devise 10 ranks.

Feats: Skill Focus (at least one; open locks, pick pockets, disable devise, move silently, hide), Any Metamagic feat and Street Smart.

Spellcasting: Ability to cast Greater Magehand and at least one 3'rd level or higher arcane spell with the chaos, Trickery or luck discriptor.

Special: +2d6 Sneak attack ability. Must have Erevan Ilesere as a Patron Deity.

Class Skills: As the Rogue class skills, plus Knowledge (religion, arcana), Concentration and Spellcraft.

Skill points at each level- 4 + Cha mod.

Class Features:

Weapon & Armor Proficiency: Spellfilchers gain no proficiency with small or light weapons.

Spells per day: A spellfilcher's training focuses on Arcane magic. Thus, when a character gains a new level of SF, she gains new spells per day as if she aso gained a level in whatever spellcasting class she belonged to before she added the prestige class. She does not however gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained.

Pass Glyph: At 1st level The SF gains a +4 bonus on all search, disable devise and open lock checks to locate, disable or bypass magical glyphs, runes and symbols.

Ranged Spellfilch: At 1st level the SF can perform one of the following class skills at a range of 35 feet: Disable Devise, Open Lock or Pick Pocket. There is no increase to the skill check DC for working at a distance and you may take 10 on the check while in shadows. This ability may be used 3/day.

Sneak Attack: At 2nd level she gains sneak attack 1d6 as the rogue ability. This stacks with any sneak attack ability from another class. The damage increases to 2d6 at 5th level, 3d6 at 8th level.

Smiling Defense: At 3rd level she gains a +2 bonus to all saving throws against spells from the schools of Illusion, enchantment, Divination and Transmutation. This increases to +4 at 7th level.

Bonus Feat: At 4th level she gains a bonus feat from this list: Spell Focus, Greater Spell Focus, Spell Penetration, Greater Spell Penetration, Improved Familiar, Signature Spell (must meet prereq), Delay Spell, Twin Spell.

Erevan's Sense: At 5th level she posesses an uncanny intuition that warns her of danger. She gains a +4 insight bonus to Reflex saves to avoid traps, +4 dodge bonus to AC against attacks by traps, and a +6 insight bonus on spot checks to spot creatures at the beginning of an encounter.

Defensive Roll: At 6th level she gains the defensive roll ability (see the rogue section in chapter 3 of the PHB).

Bonus Feat: At 7th level she gains a bonus feat from the following list: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Cosmopolitan, Education, Leadership, Lightning Reflexes, Track, Skill Focus (any rogue class skill), Still Spell, Weapon Finesse, Flick of the Wrist, Arteral Strike, Quicker than the Eye.

Tricksters Shroud: At 8th level she gains the ability to cast the Spell resistance spell on herself one time a day giving her SR 12 + caster level. It's a spell-like ability that is cast at her total caster level.

Extend Spell: At 9th level she may cast a spell as if it were under the effects of the Extend Spell feat. She does not need to prepare this spell in advance, and it does not increase the casting time or use a higher spell slot. This ability can be used a number of times a day equal to 1 + Intelligence bonus.

Improvised Sneak Attack: At 10th level She can combine her Rogue and Arcane skills to perform this ability. She can declare one melee or ranged attack she makes to be a sneak attack. The target of improvised sneak attack loses any and all dexterity bonus to AC, but only against this one attack. She does not need to flank her opponent or remain hidden for this to work.
This ability may be used 2/day.

CL-BAB-FS-RS-WS-Special- Spells per day

1'st-+0-+0-+2-+2-- Pass glyph, Ranged spellfilch- +1level

2'nd-+1-+0-+3-+3-Sneak Attack +1level

3'rd-+1-+1-+3-+3-Smiling defense -+1level

4'th-+2-+1-+4-+4-Bonus Feat -+1level

5'th-+2-+1-+4-+4-Erevan's sense, Sneak Attack -+1level

6'th-+3-+2-+5-+5-Defensive Roll -+1level

7'th-+3-+2-+5-+5-Bonus Feat -+1level

8'th-+4-+2-+6-+6-Sneak Attak, Tricsters shroud,+1level

9'th-+4-+3-+6-+6-Extend Spell, +1level

10'th-+5-+3-+7-+7-Improvised Sneak Attack, -+1level

June 5, 2007
Phantom Blade

The Phantom Blade, or elven assassin is the master of elven retribution and swift justice! Whenever a great crime against the elven people is commited, the phantom blade is called to seek justice with vengence. The Elven assassin is the retributor for the good of their people, and the cold revenge of the elven Royal Crown! Their training in stealth, anatomy, and dealing quick, lethal blows allows them to carry out missions of revenge with shocking, horrifying, and breath taking, elogent precision.

Hit Die: d6


Race: Elf or Half elf.

Base Attack: +4

Skills: Move silently 7 ranks, Hide 7 ranks, Tumble 5 ranks, Intimidate 8 ranks.

Feats: Weapon Focus (ray or energy missile spells), Stealthy, Flick of the wrist.

Special: The character must have previously suffered a great loss before she can become a elven assassin. The elven assassin must be able to cast arcane or Divine spells of at least 1'st level, or higher.

Class Skills: Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Innuendo (Wis), Forgery (Int), Intimidate (Cha) Open locks (Dex), Hide (Dex), Gather information (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape artist (Dex), Move silently (Dex), Search (Int), Read lips (Int, exclusive skill), Sense Motive (Wis)
Skill points at Each level: 4 +Int Modifier.

Class Features:

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Elven Assassin's weapon training focuses on weapons suitable for Stealth and Sneak attacks by both blade and magic. She is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as with light armor.

Spells per day: A Elven Assassin's training focuses on subtle and stealthy offensive magic. Thus, at 2'nd level, & when a character gains a new Even level of elven assassin, she gains new spells per day as if she aso gained a level in whatever spellcasting class she belonged to before she added the prestige class. She does not however gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained.

Sneak Attack (Ex): Starting at 1'st level, as the Rogue ability, this ability stacks with any other sneak attack bonuses. If you sneak attack with ray or energy misile spells and with a successful attack you deal 1d6+2 points of damage. (This increases by +2d6+3 at 3'rd level, +3d6+4 at 5'th level, and so on).
This ability increases every other level.

Shadow Combat (Ex): At 3'rd level, If she makes a successful Hide in Shadow check she gains a +4 bonus to her AC while fighting an opponent anywhere there are shadows around. Once removed from the shadows for any reason (such as a light spell) she looses
all bonuses from this ability.

Ghost Dodge (Ex): Starting at 2'nd level, this ability is exactly like the uncanny dodge ability used by rogues (Dex. bonus to AC), except that it also gives her a +2 bonus modifer to the DC against any spell requireing a Dexterty check.

Masterful Intimidation (Su): Elves that take the path of the elven assassin have a certain aura about them that causes an emotional effect upon those around her. Whether Fearful or Respectful, she Intimidates almost everyone! She adds her number of elven assassin levels to all intimidate checks. (An 8'th level elven assassin adds +8 to all intimidate checks). This ability starts at 1'st level.

Subtle Death (Ex): At 7'th level, The elven assassin that makes a successful melee sneak attack roll and exceeds the opponents AC by a roll of 5 or more may use her off hand to strike another sneak attack at the same opponent in that round as a free action! Also at 7'th level, if she makes a successful melee sneak attack roll and exceeds the opponents AC by a roll of 5 or more, she can use her off hand to cast any spell with a range of touch at the same opponent in that round as a free action.

Lvl-BAB-Fort-Ref-Will-special-spell level

1-+0-+0-+2-+0-Arcane ttack- Sneak Attack- Masterful Intimidation

2-+1-+0-+3-+0-Ghost Dodge- +1 spell lvl

3-+2-+1-+3-+1-shadow combat- Sneak Attack-

4-+3-+1-+4-+1- +1 spell lvl

5-+3-+1-+4-+1- Sneak Attack

6-+4-+2-+5-+2- +1 spell lvl

7-+5-+2-+5-+2- Sneak Attack- Subtle death

8-+6-+2-+6-+2- +1 spell lvl

9-+6-+3-+6-+3- Sneak Attack

10-+7-+3-+7-+3- +1 spell lvl

Apr 16, 2009
Just in case you want to add a Chosen of Kiaransalee to the adventure at some point. Here is the Template to add.

Chosen of Kiaransalee
Also known as The Yathrinshee
Its a template that can be added to any Elf or Half Elf. A Chosen of Kiaransalee uses the character's statistics and special abilities except as noted below.

BONUS SPELLS (Sp): Constant~~ Detect Undead, Cloak of dark power, Magic circle against good. At will~~ Holy Sword, Desecrate, Speak with dead. 5/day:~~ Suggestion, Blacklight, Death Ward. 3/day~~ Undead Lieutenant, Kiss of the Vampire, Banishment. 1/day~~ Energy drain, Create greater Undead, Gate.

Immunties (Ex): Chosen of Kiaransalee are immune to all the special attack forms from undead beings. They never age but still die when the time is at hand.

Negative energy absorbtion (Su): If the chosen has been successfully attacked by any undead with fewer than 12 hit dice she gains the amount of damage inflicted to her hit points.

The Revenancers smile (Ex): The Chosen of kiaransalee gain a +4 bonus to the DC of any of her spells cast from the school of Necromancy or with the Retribution and Undead discriptors while in the underdark. On the surface however this bonus drops to +2.

Mantle of Nightmares (SP):
On command the chosen may summon a cloak of rattling bones that causes fear in all living creatures that hear it, requiring a successful Will. save DC30 with a -4 penalty to avoid its effects. She may use this ability once a day, and it lasts a total of 12 hours a day. (the hours may be broken up seperately into rounds).

Loyal Undead (Su): In any given round the chosen can command the absolute loyalty from any undead creature within 200 feet that has less than 8HD and is not of a divine status. This ability functions constantly.

Curse of the Revenancer (Sp): Once a day the chosen may make a touch attack against any living creature. If the attack is successful the opponent must make a Fort. save DC30 or otherwise nothing short of a Wish spell or a Remove Curse spell cast by a 14'th level caster can remove this curse. Once the curse is successfully laid on the creature, any foe killed by the victim has a 15% chance of rising from the grave as a Revenant. If the foe has a Con. score of 18 or better then the chances increase to 30%. If the foe is a follower of Kiaransalee then the chances increase to 50%. If the foe is the chosen who laid the curse, then the chances of rising as a Vampire Lord is 100%.

Spell Immuity (Sp): The Chosen is immune to the spells listed here as if she were constantly under the effects of the spell, Spell Immunity.

*Detect evil
*Mark of retribution
*Greter dispelling
*Holy word
*Wail of the Banshee

The vengeful banshees blight (Sp): The Chosen can use this ability one time a day. This ability works just as if she had cast the spell Unholy Blight, except that the area of effect centers on her in a 60 foot radius spread. It deals 1d12 points of damage per 2 caster levels (maximum 5d12) and heals all undead in the area the same amount. It also sickens good creatures for 1d6 rounds causing a -3 penalty to all attack, weapon damage, saving throw, skill, and ability rolls.

Kiaransalee's Undead ally (Sp): The chosen can summon five Wights 4x/ day, three drow vampires 3x/ day, two drow cursts, 2x/ day, or one Nightwalker twice a week.

Saves: The character adds + 2 as a bonus to all saving throws, and + 4 divine bonus to saves against Necromancy spells and spells with the Undeath and Retribution discriptors.

Abilities: Increase from the character as follows: Dexterity +3, Strength +2 Charisma +3, Wisdom +4.

Skills: Hide, Intimidate, move silently and Intuit direction are class skills, regardless of the character's class.

Feats: (You gain these feats automaticly without meeting their prerequisites) Improved Familiar (either a Fiendish Bat, Giant Lizard, Fiendish Viper, Homunculus, Ice Mephit or Imp) Stealthy, Survivor, Twin sword style.

Climate/Terrain: Same as the character.
Organization: Same as the character, But must be a devoted follower of Kiaransalee.
Challenge Rating: Same as the character +5.
Alignment: CE, NE
Treasure: Same as the character.
Advancement: Same as the character

aug, 22 2008
The Misadventurer
(Specialty cleric of Brandobaris)

Misadventurers believe that adventure and risk are the spices of life, and stealth and subtlety are the tools of the trade. They seek excitement and danger wherever their feet take them, for risk-taking leads to life's great rewards. They lust for the thrill, not for the treasure, for greed obscures the true prize of the experience. At the end of the day, the wildest tale is the greatest reward. They seek excitement and danger by taking active risks and by employing the skills taught to them by The Master of Stealth. Most Misadventurers are often involved in daring thefts, smooth cons, and other larcenous behavior, they are thrill seekers, not bandits. They are driven by the acquisition of treasure, not by the holding of it. They are always on the lookout for a worthy risk or challenge to face, and they enjoy seeking out highly skilled rogues of other fun loving deities to join them on their adventures... or misadventures.

Hit Die: d6.

Requirements: To qualify to become a Misadventurer, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Race: Character must be a Halfling.

Skills: Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks, Disguise 7 ranks, Disable device 8 ranks, Bluff 10 ranks, Hide 7 ranks, Move silently 12 ranks, sleight of hand 5 ranks, Gather information 5 ranks.

Feats: Dodge, Stealthy, Improved initiative.

Spellcasting: Ability to cast 3'rd level Divine spells. Must have the Luck domain.

Special: +3d6 Sneak attack ability. Must have Brandobaris as a Patron Deity.

Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Disable Device, Escape artist, Gather information, Heal, Hide, Intuit direction, Jump, Knowledge (religion), Listen, Move silently, Open lock, Sleight of hand, Profession, Search, Spot, Tumble, Use magic device, Use rope, Wilderness lore .

Skill points at each level- 6 + Int mod.

Class Features:

Weapon & Armor Proficiency: Misadventurers gain no proficiency with small or light weapons.

Spells per day: A Misadventurer’s training focuses on Divine magic. Thus, when a character gains a new level of MP, she gains new spells per day as if she also gained a level in whatever spellcasting class she belonged to before she added the prestige class. She does not however gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained.

Rapscallion’s stealth: At 1'st level the Misadventurer can call upon her deity's power to shield her from prying eyes and ears. As a standard action, she can grant herself a +10 sacred bonus on Hide and Move silently checks. This benefit lasts for a number of minutes per day equal to her charisma modifier. This duration need not be consecutive and may be broken up into 1 round increment if so desired. Enabling this effect is a free action.

Find the path: At 1'st level the Misadventurer can use Find the path once per day.

Tricksters Toes: At 2'nd level the Misadventurer may move up to her normal speed while using the Hide or Move Silently skills at no penalty. In addition she may take 10 on these checks, once per day, even while in a rush or threatened.

Brandobaris's Grace: at 2'nd level the Misadventurer may become more graceful, agile and coordinated. This spell-like ability works like Cat's grace but grants an enhancement bonus to Dexterity of 1d6 +1 points, adding the usual benefits to AC, reflex saves, and other uses of the dexterity modifier. This ability may be used once per day.

Sneak attack: At 3'rd level the Misadventurer gains the Sneak Attack rogue ability, +1d6 dmg..

Streak of luck (su): At 3'rd level the Misadventurer may improve her luck. Whenever she makes a luck reroll, using the granted power of the Luck domain, she gains a +2 luck bonus to that reroll once per day.

Slippery Mind (Ex): At 4'th level the Misadventurer gains the ability to wriggle free from magical effects that would otherwise control or compel her. If a Misadventurer with slippery mind is affected by an enchantment spell or effect and fails her saving throw, she can attempt it again 1 round later at the same DC. She gets only this one extra chance to succeed on her saving throw.

Persuasive scamp (Ex): At 4'th level the Misadventurer's skills of persuasion are so great you can sell a tindertwig hat to a troll. You gain a +6 bonus on all Bluff and Intimidate checks.

Irrepressible movement: At 5th level the Misadventurer gains Freedom of movement as a spell-like ability once per day.

Divine manipulation: at 5'th level the Misadventurer can cast a spell without revealing that you are doing so. Make a sleight of hand check as part of your action used to cast the spell, opposed by the spot checks of onlookers. If you succeed, an observer can't tell you're casting a spell. That observer cannot make an attack of opportunity against you for casting, nor can it attempt to counter your spell. In addition, if your sleight of hand check is successful, then you gain a +2 bonus to the DC for that spell only.

(all spell-like abilities are cast at total character caster level)

CL-BAB-FS-RS-WS-Special- Spells per day

1'st-+0-+0-+2-+2-- Rapscallions stealth, Find the path- +1level

2'nd-+1-+0-+3-+3-Tricksters toes, Brandobaris's grace -+1level

3'rd-+2-+1-+3-+3-Streak of luck, Sneak attack -+1level

4'th-+3-+1-+4-+4- Slippery Mind, Persuasive scamp -+1level

5'th-+3-+1-+4-+4-Irrepressible movement, Divine manipulation-+1level

Aug 22, 2008
The Hoodwinker
(specialty cleric of Baravar Cloakshadow)

The Hoodwinker is deeply involved in refining the art of Illusions. A sizable number of Hoodwinkers are adventurers, charged with finding new spells and magical items that allow the creation and control of effects from the school of Illusion. Hoodwinkers are generally sneaky, smart Gnomes, and they serve their communities as spies and investigative agents and by teaching skills such as disguise, camouflage, hiding and the like. The Hoodwinker tends to lean toward defenses and protective strategies that are rooted in deceit, Illusion, traps, ambushes, and the like, and their jests and tricks may cause their victims some pain (emotional if not physical). Most Hoodwinkers are crafty, vengeful gnomes who specialize in deceptions. They are unforgiving of any who threaten their charges, and feel no compunctions about acting against those who have earned their enmity. They are also rogues who enjoy using Illusions to confuse creatures before robbing them. They also seem to steal out of sheer boredom. They work well with Mischiefmakers of Erevan Ilesere as well as with Misadventurers of Brandobaris and Glitterbrights of Garl Glittergold. Although the Hoodwinker loves a good practical joke , their jests and tricks may cause no small discomfort to their victims.

Hit Die: d6.

Requirements: To qualify to become a Hoodwinker, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Race: Character must be a Gnome

Skills: Knowledge (religion) 6 ranks, Disguise 8 ranks, Hide 7 ranks, Move silently 6 ranks, sleight of hand 4 ranks.

Feats: Magical fortune, Spell penetration.

Spellcasting: Ability to cast 4'th level Divine spells. Must have the Illusion domain and be able to cast at least six illusion spells.

Special: +2d6 Sneak attack ability. Must have Baravar Cloakshadow as a Patron Deity.

Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape artist, Heal, Hide, Intuit direction, Jump, Knowledge (religion), Listen, Move silently, Open lock, Sleight of hand, Profession, Search, Spot, Tumble, Use magic device, Use rope, Wilderness lore .

Skill points at each level- 6 + Int mod.

Class Features:

Weapon & Armor Proficiency: Hoodwinkers gain no proficiency with small or light weapons.

Spells per day: A Hoodwinker's training focuses on Divine magic. Thus, when a character gains a new level of Hoodwinker, she gains new spells per day as if she also gained a level in whatever spellcasting class she belonged to before she added the prestige class. She does not however gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained.

Illusion mastery: You are especially adept at fooling others. At 1st level, anyone interacting with your illusions suffers a -2 morale penalty to will saves. This increases to -4 at fifth levell. However, Phantasmal Killer, Weird, and other phantasms (as noted in spell description) only gain half the amounts noted above, rounded down.

Master of the Obvious: At 1'st level you are especially adept at recognizing the illusions of others. You gain a +2 resistance bonus to saving throws against illusions, This increases to +4 at fifth level.

Phantasmic Image: At 2'nd level your defensive illusions gain a life of their own. As Mirror Image except each image is able to do a single melee attack at your highest BAB. Target may make a Will save (DC 10 + half your caster level + int mod), with a successful save resulting in the destruction of that single image. This spell-like ability can be used once a day, and is cast at your total caster level. The Master of Illusions class ability may be applied.

Phantasmal Mastery: At 2'nd level you are especially adept at playing on the fears of others. The targets of your Phantasmal Killers suffer a -4 morale penalty to their will save to disbelieve and fortitude save to die from fear. A successful Fort Save results in 3d6 + 1 damage per caster level, max +15 (Regular: 3d6 damage). Also, your Phantasmal Killers can not be turned upon you. This is a supernatural ability. You can use this ability 1 + int mod times per day. You must state you are using this ability before casting. Think of this as a spontaneous metamagic feat only applicable to Phantasmal Killer.

Healing Nightmare: At 3'rd level your illusions can affect the sleep of others. As the spell Nightmare, only you gain the hitpoints lost by the victim. These hitpoints last for 24 hours. This spell-like ability can be used once per day.

Sneak Attack: Starting at 3'rd level, as the Rogue ability +1d6, this ability stacks with any other sneak attack bonuses.

Master Shadow Evoker/Conjurer: At 4'th level the Hoodwinker gains the ability to shape illusions into forms of his choosing. As Shadow Evocation or Shadow Conjuration, except you can duplicate any spell of up to 6th level.You must choose either Evocation or Conjuration, you can not have both. Either of these spell-like abilities can be used 1 + int mod per week.

Weird Master: At 4'th level you are wickedly adept at playing on the deepest fears of others. You may cast Weird as a spell-like ability once per day. The targets of your Weird spell suffer a -4 morale penalty to both the Will and Fort saves, the strength loss on a successful Fort save lengthens to 1d2 days, and the stun effects last 1d4 rounds.

CL-BAB-FS-RS-WS-Special- Spells per day

1'st-+0-+0-+2-+2-- Illusion mastery, Master of the obvious- +1level

2'nd-+1-+0-+3-+3-Phantasmic image, Phantasmal mastery -+1level

3'rd-+2-+1-+3-+3- Healing nightmare, Sneak attack -+1level

4'th-+3-+1-+4-+4-Master shadow evoker/conjurer, Weird master -+1level

5'th-+3-+1-+4-+4-Illusion mastery, Master of the obvious-+1level

Dec 27,2007
Knave of The Missing Page
(Evereskan Spellfilcher of Erevan Ilesere)

The Knaves of The Missing Page are a special breed of Rogue/Wizards. They master and combine their knowledge of spells with their utter love of mischief, larceny and intrigue. They are a notable example of spellfilchers that are based in the vale of Evereska but active all throughout Faerún. There are even some Knaves of the missing page in the ranks of the much lesser-known elven thieves guild in Everlund called The Rogues of the Laughing Twilight. The Knaves of The Missing Page work well with the clergy of Erevan, especially with Divine Seekers and Mischiefmakers, but also just as well with Thief-Acrobats, Shadowdancers and Temple Raiders of Erevan Ilesere. They are among Faerún's most powerfully skilled thieves and wont hesitate to cast a Delayed-blast Meteor Swarm in the main chapel of a rival deity, or cast Flensing on an opponent after having stolen a priceless item or artifact from them. They are often sent on highly dangerous missions to retrieve stolen elven artifacts and magic items from other churches and races.

Hit Die: d4.

Requirements: To qualify to become a Knave of The Missing Page, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Race: Character must be a Elf or Half Elf.

Skills: Knowledge (religion, arcana) 5 ranks, Disguise 5 ranks, Open Locks 10 ranks, sleight of hand 5 ranks, Disable Devise 10 ranks, Spot 10 ranks, Search 10 ranks.

Feats: Skill Focus (at least one; open locks, sleight of hand, disable devise, move silently, hide), Any Metamagic feat.

Spellcasting: Ability to cast Greater Magehand and at least one 3'rd level or higher arcane spell with the chaos, Trickery or luck discriptor.

Special: +3d6 Sneak attack ability. Must have Erevan Ilesere as a Patron Deity.

Class Skills: As the Rogue class skills, plus Knowledge (religion, arcana), Concentration and Spellcraft.

Skill points at each level- 4 + Int mod.

Class Features:

Weapon & Armor Proficiency: Knaves of the missing page gain no proficiency with small or light weapons.

Spells per day: A Knave of The Missing Page's training focuses on Arcane magic. Thus, when a character gains a new level, she gains new spells per day as if she aso gained a level in whatever spellcasting class she belonged to before she added the prestige class. She does not however gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained.

Ranged Spellfilch: At 1st level the she can perform one of the following class skills at a range of 35 feet: Disable Devise, Open Lock or sleight of hand. There is no increase to the skill check DC for working at a distance and you may take 10 on the check while in shadows. This ability may be used twice a day.

Smiling Defense: At 1'st level she gains a +2 bonus to all saving throws against spells from the schools of Illusion and Divination.

Sneak Attack: At 2nd level she gains sneak attack +1d6 as the rogue ability. This stacks with any sneak attack ability from another class. The damage increases to +2d6 at 4'th level.

Locate elven object: At 2'nd level You sense the direction of a well-known or clearly visualized object. You can search for general items, in which case you locate the nearest one of its kind if more than one is within range. Attempting to find a certain non-elven item requires a specific and accurate mental image; Attempting to find a certain elven object does not require a specific or accurate mental image, only knowledge of its function, purpose, and/or glimpse through divination. This spell like ability may be used 2/day, and is cast at total character caster level.

Bonus Feat At 3'rd level she gains a bonus feat from this list: Spell Focus, Greater Spell Focus, Spell Penetration, Greater Spell Penetration, Improved Familiar, Quicken spell, Delay Spell, Twin Spell, Daredevil Athlete, Disemboweling Strike, Lucky start, Persistent attacker, Sly fortune, Sure Hand, .

Erevan's Sense: At 3'rd level she possesses an uncanny intuition that warns her of danger. She gains a +4 insight bonus to Reflex saves to avoid traps, +4 dodge bonus to AC against attacks by traps, and a +4 insight bonus on spot checks to spot creatures at the beginning of an encounter.

Discern elven location: At 4'th level nothing short of a mind blank spell or the direct intervention of a deity keeps you from learning the exact location of a single elven individual or elven object. Discern elven location circumvents normal means of protection from scrying or location. The spell reveals the name of the creature or object’s location (place, name, business name, building name, or the like), community, county (or similar political division), country, continent, and the plane of existence where the target lies. To find a creature with the spell, you must have seen the creature or have some item that once belonged to it. To find an object, you must have glimpsed it in a divination at least once. This spell-like ability may be used once a day, and is cast at total character caster level.

Tricksters Shroud: At 5'th level she gains the ability to cast the Spell resistance spell on herself one time a day giving her SR 12 + caster level. It's a spell-like ability that is cast at her total caster level.

Improvised Sneak Attack: At 5'th level She can combine her Rogue and Arcane skills to perform this ability. She can declare one melee or ranged attack she makes to be a sneak attack. The target of improvised sneak attack loses any and all dexterity bonus to AC, but only against this one attack. She does not need to flank her opponent or remain hidden for this to work. This ability may be used 2/day.

CL-BAB-FS-RS-WS-Special- Spells per day

1'st-+0-+0-+2-+2-- Ranged spellfilch, smiling defense- +1level

2'nd-+1-+0-+3-+3-Sneak Attack, Locate object +1level

3'rd-+1-+1-+3-+3-Bonus feat, Erevan's sense -+1level

4'th-+2-+1-+4-+4-sneak attack, Discern elven location. -+1level

5'th-+2-+1-+4-+4-Tricksters shroud, Improvised sneak attack -+1level

I got the idea from the Affiliated orders section of the Erevan Ilesere entry in the 2ED accessory book Demi-Human Deities.

They speak of a guild of Spellfilchers dedicated to Erevan called The Knaves of The Missing Page, based out of Evereska.

Chosen of Haela Brightaxe
I posted that one first, now that I think about it, I should have just hijacked that thread and renamed, oops, lol

2015-10-04, 04:04 AM
The Superior knife thrower

The SKT is a deadly and stealthy opponent who relies solely on his skills with the thrown dagger. They usually arm their entire body with a plethora of knives and daggers of various shapes and sizes that are mostly hidden, but also worn openly. They rarely carry any other weapons besides daggers and knives for ranged or melee combat. They are swift and silent and can often deal with enemies before the target even knows they've been struck. Most SKT's are Rogues and Bards, but other classes have been known to take this path.

Hit Die: d6.

Requirements: To qualify to become a SKT, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Skills: Disguise 10 ranks, Disable device 10 ranks, Bluff 13 ranks, Hide 11 ranks, Move silently 13 ranks, sleight of hand 13 ranks.

Feats: Point blank shot, Precise shot, Rapid shot.

Special: +3d6 Sneak attack ability.

Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Disable Device, Escape artist, Hide, Intuit direction, Jump, Knowledge, Listen, Move silently, Open lock, Sleight of hand, Profession, Search, Spot, Tumble, Use magic device, Use rope.

Skill points at each level- 6 + Int mod.

Class Features

Weapon & Armor Proficiency: SKT gain no proficiency with small or light weapons.

Improved Rapid shot: At first level you can get a second extra attack per round with a ranged weapon. The second extra attack is at your highest base attack bonus, but each attack you make in that round (the extra one and the normal ones) takes a -2 penalty. You must use the full attack action to use this feat.

Crippling Strike: At first level the SKT can sneak attack opponents with such precision that her blows weaken and hamper them. An opponent damaged by one of her sneak attacks also takes 2 points of Strength damage. Ability points lost to damage return on their own at the rate of 1 point per day for each damaged ability. The damage to strength does not stack after the initial sneak attack against a single target.

Far Shot: At 2'nd level, when you use a thrown weapon, its range increment is doubled.

Ghost dagger: at 2'nd level the SKT gains this spell like ability. twice a day your thrown daggers become ghostly and nearly translucent for a brief time. While this spell like ability is in effect, your ranged attacks are resolved as ranged touch attacks rather than normal ranged attacks. The duration lasts for 1 round and takes 1 swift action. You can only use this ability on your own daggers.

Enchant Dagger: At 3'rd level, every nonmagical dagger a SKT throws becomes magical, gaining a +2 enhancement bonus. Unlike magic weapons created by normal means, the SKT need not spend experience points or gold pieces to accomplish this task. However, a SKT's magic daggers only function for her.

Sneak Attack: At 3'rd level the SKT gains the sneak attack rogue ability. +1d6 dmg.

Grace: At 4th level, a SKT gains an additional +2 competence bonus on all Reflex saving throws. This ability functions for a SKT only when she is wearing light armor.

Improved Reaction: At 4'th level, a SKT gains a +4 bonus on initiative checks. This bonus stacks with the benefit provided by the Improved Initiative feat.

Hail of Daggers: At 5'th level, In lieu of her regular attacks, once per day a SKT can throw an dagger at each and every target within range, to a maximum of two targets for every level of this PRC she has earned. Each attack uses the SKT's primary attack bonus, and each enemy may only be targeted by a single dagger.

Dagger of death: At 5th level, a SKT can create an dagger of death that forces the target, if damaged by the dagger’s attack, to make a DC 20 Fortitude save or be slain immediately. It takes one day to make an dagger of death, and the dagger only functions for the SKT who created it. The dagger of death lasts no longer than one year, and the SKT can only have one such dagger in existence at a time.


1'st-+0-+0-+2-+2-- Improved Rapid shot, Crippling strike

2'nd-+1-+0-+3-+3- Far shot, Ghost dagger

3'rd-+2-+1-+3-+3- Enchant dagger, Sneak attack

4'th-+3-+1-+4-+4- Grace, Improved reaction

5'th-+3-+1-+4-+4- Hail of daggers, Dagger of death

Chosen of Sehanine Moonbow
Also known as The Moonsinger

Its a template that can be added to any Elf or Half Elf. A Chosen of Sehanine uses the character's statistics and special abilities except as noted below.

BONUS SPELLS (Sp): Constant~~ Feather Fall, Mage Armor, Detect Secret Doors. At will~~ Minor Image, Aid, Moonbeam.
5/day:~~ Displacement, Moonblade. 3/day~~ Mislead, Insanity. 1/day~~ Moonfire, Weird.

Immunities (Ex): Chosen of Sehanine are Immune to ageing effects and do not age. She is also immune to all Illusion and Mind-Affecting spells of 3'rd level or lower.

The Goddesses Cycle (Ex): The chosens power varies with the cycle of the moon. During the full moon she gains a +4 divine bonus to the DC of all her spells cast from the Illusion, Moon and Elf domains. During the first and last quarter moon her bonus drops to +2. During the New moon she gains no divine bonus and her spell DC's are normal.

Smile of the Night Sky (Sp): Whenever in the direct source of moonlight the Chosen trails tiny motes of moonlight in her wake that shimmer as she walks resembling a silvery cloak. These motes of moonlight give her a +2 deflection bonus to AC and last as long as she stays within an area of moonlight.

Lunar Lady's Mysteries (Su): Whenever in direct moonlight, whatever weapons the chosen is weilding gains the following powers; Ghost Touch, Keen (this is stackable)and Sure Striking. The powers remain effective on the weapons as long as she remains in a source of moonlight.

Moonbow (Sp): The chosen may create a crystalline bow the size and strength of a long bow or short bow. A thin beam of silvery light serves as the bowstring and, when it is drawn back causes a shimmering silver arrow to magically appear in the proper position. Only the chosen may employ the moonbow. You attack at your BAB any foe within range. Each shaft trails a stream of whispy silver smoke delineating the path of flight. After any attack, wheather it hits or not, the arrow vanishes. Upon a successful ranged attack the moonshaft deals 7d4 points of damage against living creatures, and 14d4 against all undead foes.
Undead creatures struck also become outlined by silvery Faerie Fire lasting 1d4+1 rounds. This ability may be used twice a day and lasts as many rounds equal to your total character level.

Lycanthropy Shield (Sp): The chosen is granted the ability to ward off most lycanthropy infections. She gains a +5 divine bonus to her Fort. save when bitten or struck by a lycan. This ability is in constant effect.

Saves: The character adds + 2 as a divine bonus to all saving throws.

Abilities: Increase from the character as follows: Charisma +4, Wisdom +8.

Skills: Concentration, Knowledge (any), Spellcraft are class skills, regardless of the character's class.

Feats: (You gain these feats automaticly without meeting their prerequisites) Weapon Focus (longsword or quarterstaff), Education, Mind over Body and Strong Soul.

Climate/Terrain: Same as the character.
Organization: Same as the character, But must be a devoted follower of Sehanine Moonbow.
Challenge Rating: Same as the character +5.
Alignment: CG
Treasure: Same as the character.
Advancement: Same as the character

My longest running PC...

Curudin Ahmaquissar: "The Mischiefmaker of Silverymoon".

Male Trickster-Touched Moon Elf; Rogue 5/ Cleric 7/ Mischiefmaker 4/ Divine Disciple 5 of Erevan Ilesere:

CR 21; medium size humanoid (elf)(outsider- chaos);
HD 5d6+10, plus 7d8+6, plus 4d6+8, plus 5d8+10; HP 135; Init +8; Spd 30';
AC 25 (touch 18, Ff 20);
Atk +20/+15/+10 melee (1d8+6 plus 2d6 chaotic/ 17-20, +3 elven keen, chaotic longsword *Hidden Smile*),
+19/+19/+14 melee (1d6+5/17-20, +2 elven keen shortsword of speed *Little Sneak*), +18/+13/+8 ranged (1d4+6 plus 1d6 elemental/ 18-20, +3 daggers of Elemental aura);

SQ: spells, spell-like abilities, moon elf traits, rogue abilities, cleric abilities, mischiefmaker abilities, divine disciple abilities.
AL CG; SV Fort +14 (+18 versus poison), Ref +14 (+22), Wil+14;
Str 17, Dex 26, Con 13, Int 21, Wis 20, Cha 19.

Age: 102, Height: 5'10", Eyes: Blue, Hair: Short sapphire-blue & silver, Skin: Pale white with blue tints.

Spell-like abilities:
Imbue with spell ability/1'st and 2'nd level spells known
Protection from Law/(Transcendence) Free action.
Mock law, Improved pass without trace, Alter appearance, Knock, Mislead, Polymorph other/ 2x day.
Detect Law, Detect Magic/ 3x day.

Skills: Knowledge (religion)(arcana) +8/+8, Spellcraft +17, Heal +13, Bluff +16, Disable devise +15, Hide +31, Move Silent +31, Open lock +20, Listen +14, Pick pocket +18, Tumble +13, Sense motive +15, Intimidate +12, Spot +17, Search +17, Disguise +30, Balance +10, Escape artist +25, Gather info +10, Innuendo +10, Read lips +6, Use magic devise +17, Perform (buffoonery +5, dance +15, prank +20);

Skill Tricks: Acrobatic Backstab, Conceal Spellcasting, Escape Attack, False Theurgy, Hidden Blade, Quick Escape, Spot The Weak Point, Sudden Draw, Never Outnumbered, Swift Concentration, Twisted Charge, Walk The Walls, Second Impression.

Feats: TwF, Weapon focus (longsword/shortsword), Dodge, Lucky Fingers, Quick draw, Magical Fortune, Tempting Fate, Twin sword style, Freerunner (see below).

Special Qualities: Moon elf traits- immune to magic sleep spells, +2 save vs. enchantment spells, low light vision, +2 bonus on listen, search, and spot checks.
Divine Disciple abilities- New domain, Divine emissary, Sacred defense +2, Imbue with spell ability, Trancendence, Spells.
Mischiefmaker abilities- Mock law, Improved pass without trace, Alter appearance, Knock, Thwart magic trap, Sneak attack, Mislead, Polymorph other, Spells.
Rogue abilities- Trapfinding, Trap sense, Uncanny dodge, Sneak attack +4d6, Evasion.
Cleric abilities- Turn/rebuke undead, Aura, Spontaneous Casting, Spells.

Trickster Touched abilities: Resist: Trickster-touched creatures are undaunted by poison or poison traps. He gains a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saving throws against poison.

Spell-like Abilities: Trickster-touched creatures can often sense the presence of too much order and structure, as well as magical auras. He gains the ability to detect law or detect magic as the spells cast at his total character level in any combination a total of 3/day.

Abilities: Trickster-touched creatures are nimble, clever, and amiable. His abilities gain a bonus Increase as follows: Dex +6, Int +6, Cha +4.

Special Qualities: Trickster-touched creatures seem unable to keep their noses out of trouble, and thus collect stray bits of lore from wherever their adventures take them on topics as varied as local personalities, the history and powers of artifacts, and the traits of monstrous races just as a bard can with bardic knowledge. This ability functions like the bardic knowledge class feature, except that the bonus for the check equals the Trickster-touched creature’s racial bonus + her Int modifier. Trickster-touched creatures have a base +1 racial bonus to their check, which increases by +1 for every 5 HD or class levels of the base creatures. This ability stacks with a bard’s bardic knowledge and similar abilities such as a Harper agent’s Harper knowledge or a loremaster’s lore class features. (Curudin's Trickster-Touched Knowledge: +13)

Feats: Trickster-touched creatures seem to have an endless supply of tricks up their sleeves. If the base creature has 5 or more HD or levels or upon gaining 5 HD or levels, the base creature gains Cool Head CS, Freerunner CS, Sure Hand CS, or Sweet Talker CS as a bonus feat, regardless of whether or not the base creature meets the prerequisites for the feat. The base creature must still meet the prerequisites for its chosen bonus skill tricks.

Cleric Spells per day: 6/7/7/7/6/6/5/5/4. Base DC = 15 +spell level. Deity: Erevan Ilesere. Domains: Trickery, Chaos, Luck. Caster Level: 16
Current Spells: 0 level- Create water, light, read magic, detect poison, detect magic, guidance.

1st level- Divine favor, doom, entropic shield, protection from law, shield of faith, Change self, Random action, Healers vision.

2nd level- Spell shield, invisibility, Hold person, Curse of ill fortune, cure moderate wounds, Shatter, Sound burst, Manifestation of the deity.

3rd level- Searing light, bestow curse, dispel magic, nondetection, Bladebane, Negative energy protection, Magic circle against law.

4th level- Weapon of the deity, Chaos hammer, Confusion, spell immunity, Know vulnerabilities, Freedom of movement.

5th level- Flame strike, Pixie dust, Crawling darkness, Dispel Law, Teleport, False vision.

6th level-Animate objects, Mislead, Heal, Suppress glyph, Greater dispelling.

7th level - Word of chaos, Spell turning, Screen, Regenerate, Fortunate fate.

8th level - Cloak of chaos, Polymorph any object, Greater planar ally, Symbol of spell loss.

Possessions: +3 elven keen chaotic longsword (Hidden Smile), +2 elven keen shortsword of speed (Little sneak), +3 ring of protection, Ring of invisibility, Boots of elvenkind, Cloak of elvenkind, Gloves of dexterity, Amulet of natural armor +2, Vest of disguise, +2 elven Deathward studded leather armor, Four +2 daggers of Elemental Aura, Ring of disease immunity, Moonfire salve, Fanged mask, Belt of priestly might and warding, The Tricksters Lucky Dice (Treat as Rod of Wonder)

Personal Info: Curudin Ahmaquissar is the leading cleric of Erevan Ilesere in Silverymoon and Everlund and master of the secret elven Rogues guild known as "The Rogues of the Laughing Twilight" in the same cities.

He is known throughout the city as "The Mischiefmaker of Silverymoon" but none know that he is also the leader of the elven thieves guild. Curudin is extremely handsome even in the eyes of other elves. He is quick, witty, clever, charming, intelligent, alluring and has a completely chaotic disposition on life. He is a hedonist in every sense of the word and thoroughly enjoys debauching others. He hardly ever has his eyes shut. Quick to laugh and even quicker to prank and trick everyone and anyone from the very powerful to the poor. He is very good in melee combat and has a tremendous amount of luck on his side. It is said by other elves who meet him that he is highly favored by his god Erevan, as his eyes gleam with otherworldly asymmetrical stars whenever he dons a sardonic grin or wry smile.

Curudin is the consummate trickster, and the perfect, living mortal example of mischief incarnate! Change and excitement are the spices of his life, and he is always trying to reinvent himself and others, playing pranks that both amuse and enlighten. He has been blessed a special and rare gift from Erevan Ilesere and is known as Trickster-Touched.

Curudin has never been caught at anything involving thievery, pranking, tricking, games, wenching, scouting, shadowing, hiding, etc... etc... He runs the Midnight Gambol of Erevan every month and invites all who happen upon it.

He is wild, mischievous, independent, and utterly unpredictable, playing pranks on others for the sheer joy of it, and can be found deep in sylvan glades among the fun-loving subjects of the Seelie Court.

In the city of Silverymoon and Everlund his guild of elven rogues steal only from other thieves and give back to the proper owners half of what was initially stolen from them. They run out of town those thieves, and will even fight other rogues who try to set up shop in the city. So far they have never failed.

He owns 3 taverns in Silverymoon. One is for elves only, another is for mixed crowds, and the last is a brothel which fronts as a winery.

Curudin is known by Alustriel Silverhand and others of high rank in the city, but leave him alone for the most part for his efforts to run out other thieves entering the city. His tricks and pranks on the other hand push all who encounter him to the very edge of sanity and reason... even becoming violent! But not a single person can point a finger directly at him for anything linking him to these pranks and tricks.

He is also a well known adventurer and hero in the northlands, having spent most his life so far in absolute danger and peril. He is never one to be scared or frightened and usually laughs in the place of fear. His career has a long list of very worthy accomplishments, including stealing from Fzoul Chembryl, Semmemmon, The Vampire manshoon, Storm Silverhand, Mintipur Moonsilver, Alustriel Silverhand, Mirt the Moneylender, and countless other kings, warlords and the like. All of them have never been able to catch him as of yet.

He is most famous, or infamous, for his risky and daring thefts of other churches, temples and faiths, including those of Bane, Shar, Tyr, Helm, Talona, Auril, Mask, Torm, Grazz't, Beshabba, Tymora and others.

Just recently (1374-75) he was hired by Khelben Arunsun and The Moonstars to go on a extremely difficult mission to sneak into Shade Enclave and steal a item of invaluable price and proportion from the city of Shade and its leaders. The mission was successful and the item was stolen and laid into the hands of Khelben, but not without its losses. Curudin, being a Divine deciple of Erevan Ilesere couldn't help but play a wicked deadly trick on Prince Clariburnus and Prince Yder before making his daring escape in which he lost his prized dice almost at the cost of his life!

And to add to all this... as well as he is known, he is also just as unknown it seems, and he prefers to keep it that way as long as possible. He is quick to laugh and has a very healthy sense of humor... sometimes light and frivolous, and other times dark and sardonic.

As of 1375 he has been seen moving between Silverymoon and Waterdeep, and has been spotted spending a great deal of time with Elaith "the serpent" Craulnober and Fox-at-Twilight as of late.

Last night, Khelben Arunsun, having seen them at the Hidden Dagger tavern, quietly said to himself that Elaith would do well to frequently check his belongings, and to never underestimate the chaotic power of a wicked Prank or Trick; Especially one performed by Curudin Ahmaquissar!!

Here's the guild members in short... "The Rogues of the laughing Twilight"

Curudin Ahmaquissar: Male Moon elf (stats above)

Laeirlefain Starleaf: Male Copper elf, Rogue 5/ Swashbuckler 8/ Combat Trickster 3

Mitzlevexven Leafbower: Male Moon elf, Rogue 5/ Wizard 5/ Magical Trickster 3

Azdeim Insilnarufen: Male Quickling (fey), Rogue 5/ Wizard 5/ Daggerspell mage 3

Seareghade Shimmerstar: Male Moon half elf, Illusionist 13/ Arcane Devotee 2 of Erevan Ilesere

Terrindill Shaelarra: Male Gold elf, Rogue 6/ Shadowdancer 6 (Shadow walker template)

Cepheus Nightsong: Male Star elf, Bard 16/ Uncanny Trickster 1

Shen-Shen Lhundlar: Female Gold half elf, Rogue 5/ Infiltrator 10

Quintillis Iliathor: Male Moon elf, Rogue 10/ Thief Acrobat 5/ Divine Seeker 2

Nym Nightsong: Male Star elf, Rogue 5/ Wizard 5/ Shadow Adept 5

Saffrathila Winterbough: Female Copper elf, Rogue 5/ Sorcerer 5/ Fortune's Friend 2

Zallathel Amarillis: Male Moon elf: Rogue 5/ Wizard 7/ Mage-killer 5

Filanelendil Winterbough: Male Copper elf: Rogue 7/ Tempest 5/ Temple Raider of Erevan Ilesere 3

Pheyloo Winterbough: Male Copper elf: Rogue 5/ Master Thrower 5/ Assassin 5

All are followers of Erevan Ilesere and are very devoted to each other, mischief and the city of Silverymoon and Everlund. Their pranks range anywhere from making livestock talk, giving a bad stench to someone, turning somebody the colors of Erevan, freezing the bath water of a noble while they were bathing, animating objects to dance and sing, subtly cutting the belt of a warrior so it falls when they reach for their weapon, turning a persons wine or ale into milk or sand, Altering the appearance of someone to look like a Satyr, casting a spell to make a Bard sound like a bugbear, etc... etc..

But also, they are called upon to search and locate ancient elven artifacts and treasures long lost before falling into the wrong hands. And if powerful elven artifacts do fall into the wrong hands then they are also called upon to act as elven assassins to search, find and destroy these wizards and sorcerers who would weild the ancient elven magic. But keep in mind, they do so their own way, on their own terms, for their own reasons, which always lead back to Erevan Ilesere, and the ways of his dogma.

As of early 1375 they are in the employment of Khelben Arunsun and working with the Moonstars towards major events soon to come in the year. They have found "The Shattering Swords of Coronal Ynloeth" along with his Bracer, as well as The ancient Dwarven weapon "Twinblades Alight"

Chosen of Solonor Thelandira

Also known as The Knight of the Green Bow

Its a template that can be added to any Elf or Half Elf. A Chosen of Solonor uses the character's statistics and special abilities except as noted below.

BONUS SPELLS (Sp): Constant~~ Speak with Animals, Resist Elements, Barkskin. At will~~ Freedom of Movement, Entangle.
5/day:~~ Tree stride, Reverse Arrows. 3/day~~ Fire Storm, Sunbeam. 1/day~~ Arrow of slaying, Summon Natures ally 9.

Immunities (Ex): Chosen of Solonor are Immune to arrows and missiles from enemies with a 12 HD or less, as well as spells & magic with arrow and missile like effects.

Solonor's Redoubt (Sp): The chosen may summon an invisible barrier, pierced only by a narrow arrow slit. When it comes into being the barrier totally encompasses the chosen. This shield provides a +4 deflection bonus to AC against all frontal attacks, and a +2 bonus to all other attacks. In addition it also adds a +1 divine bonus to her saving throws. This may be used once a day and lasts 5 rounds per character level.

Everfull Quiver (Sp): The chosen may enchant a quiver that contains at least two arrows. Every round thereafter, the chosen may withdraw up to two arrows a round without depleating the total number of arrows found within the quiver. This ability may be used as many times a day equal to your Dex mod. Once enchanted the effects on the quiver last 1 round per character level.

Archers Bane (Su): Any arrow fired upon the chosen has a 50% chance of being turned back upon the caster.

Ever Vigilent (Su): The chosen cannot be surprised by any creature within 500 feet of his person.

Animal Ally (Sp): The Chosen may summon 2 Dire Wolves to help him in combat. If killed in battle the Dire Wolf will be reincarnated in 48 hours as a dire wolf cub, with a natural born dislike of the race that slew it in its former life. He may use this ability one time a week.

Sylvan blessing (Su): While in Elven forests or any Elven lands the chosen can become invisible and undetectable to all animals, Fey and magical beasts including dire animals if he wishes to be. Further, he cannot be tracked by anyone or anything with less than 8 Hit Die.

Storm of Arrows (Sp): This ability works the same as a Ice Storm spell, except that a flurry of Flaming Green arrows rain down from the storm, and any enemy target struck is affected as if by a Disintegrate spell. Creatures caught in the area of the spell can attempt a Fortitude save (DC30). If save is successful then they still sustain 4d8+3 points of damage. The area of the spell is in a cylinder, 40ft. radius, 60ft. high. This spell may be cast once every 100 minutes.

Saves: The character adds + 2 as a bonus to all saving throws.

Abilities: Increase from the character as follows: Dexterity +6, Strength +2 Charisma +2, Wisdom +2.

Skills: Wilderness lore, Handle animal, Animal empathy, and Move silently are class skills, regardless of the character's class.

Feats: (You gain these feats automaticly without meeting their prerequisites) Extra favored enemy, Rapid shot and Quick draw.

Climate/Terrain: Same as the character.
Organization: Same as the character, But must be a devoted follower of Solonor Thelandira.
Challenge Rating: Same as the character +4.
Alignment: CG, CN, N
Treasure: Same as the character.
Advancement: Same as the character

Nov 30, 2007
Chosen of Moradin
Also known as The Sonnlinor

Its a template that can be added to any Dwarf. A Chosen of Moradin uses the character's statistics and special abilities except as noted below.

BONUS SPELLS (Sp): Constant~~ Ironguts, Know Alignment, Magic Weapon. At will~~ Belagarn's Iron Horn, Stone Shape, Glyph of Warding. 5/day:~~ Spike Stones, Fabricate. 3/day~~ Fantastic Machine, Greater Ironguard. 1/day~~ Undermaster, Elemental Swarm (cast as an earth spell only).

Strength of Stone (Ex): This ability grants supernatural strength to the chosen by raising his/her strength score by 1d6 points. The chosen must be in contact with solid stone or earth when using this ability. This lasts 3 rounds + 1 round per character level and may be used as many times a day as your Strength bonus modifier.

Moradin's Stonefire (Ex): This ability allows the chosen to ignite stone into roaring flames. The stone blackens, stretches and opens to reveal holes, burns away from the edgees of these holes in ever-widening cavities until large amounts of stone have actually been burnt away, and then smolders into quiescence again, creaking as it cools. The Stonefire gives off an acrid, billowing white smoke, and earthy, metallic stink, and flames that deal 2d6 points of fire damage and heat damage per round to creatures within 10 feet. Actual contact with stonefire deals 4d6 damage and forces a Fort save DC 25 to avoid collapsing, unconscious from the pain. It lasts 1 round per character level and has an area of effect of 5 cubic feet a level. Creatures susceptible to fire damage suffer double damage, and creatures made of stone suffer 4d4 damage. It may be used twice a day.

Soul Forge (Sp): This ability grants immunity to all fear effects and gives a +2 divine bonus to AC and saves when attacked by evil creatures. It lasts 1 hour per character level and may be used once a day.

Immunity (Sp): The Chosen does not age and is immune to mundane fires, and has Fire resistance 10 due to his time spent at the forge. He is also immune to Iron weapons.

Moradin's Stone Storm (Sp): When this ability is used the whole area is enmeshed in a vortex of swirling, battering rock and stone. Creatures in the area of hurling stone suffer 2d8 points of damage +1 point per character level. Creatures that make a successful Ref. save DC30 take only half damage. The area of effect is selected by the chosen at the instant of casting from two options. First is a circle of 60 foot radius with a 20 foot radius "eye" in the center that is not affected. The second is a cloud whose total dimensions do not exceed 120 feet. (for example, a cloud might be 40 feet wide, 20 feet tall, and 60 feet long). It lasts 1 round per Wisdom bonus and has a range of 30 feet a level. It may be used twice a day.

Saves: The character adds + 2 as a bonus to all saving throws.

Abilities: Increase from the character as follows: Str +4, Con +8

Skills: Knowledge (any), Craft, Profession and Concentration are class skills, regardless of the character's class.

Feats: (You gain these feats automaticly without meeting their prerequisites) Survivor, Blooded and Magic in the blood.

Climate/Terrain: Same as the character.
Organization: Same as the character, But must be a devoted follower of Moradin.
Challenge Rating: Same as the character +4.
Alignment: LG, LN
Treasure: Same as the character.
Advancement: Same as the character

Dec 4, 2007
Chosen of The Seelie Court
Also known as The Tel'Ary'Seelie

its a template that can be added to any Elf, Pixi, Brownie, Dryad, Nymph, Satyr, Korred, Slyph, Sprite, Hamadryad, Swanmay, or Fey creature. A Chosen of The Seelie uses the character's statistics and special abilities except as noted below.

Any Dryad Character who takes the mantle of Chosen of the Seelie Court is allowed to leave her oak tree without dying upon gaining chosen status

Fey Pledge: Chosen of The Seelie Court are the champions of the Fey folk. They wander the forests of Faerun acting as guardians to everything fey. They serve all the deities of the Seelie court but answer directly to Titianya and Oberon. They are quick to laugh at a revelry and quick to anger when the ancient woodlands of the faeries are threatened by any non-fey beings.
They are pledged to watch over and protect all manner of Fey creatures, as well as participate in all celebrations and misadventures as much as possible. They are graceful and agile in combat seeming as if dancing in acrobatic swiftness. They love causing mischief to any and all creatures they happen apon and deliberately seek out followers of Erevan Ilesere to have friendly competitions over tricks, pranks and Feywine.

BONUS SPELLS (Sp): Constant~~ Protection from Law, Freedom of Movement, Holy Aura. At will~~ Mislead, Alter self. 5/day:~~ Expeditious Retreat, Invisibility. 3/day~~ Entangle, Confusion. 1/day~~ Weird, Word of Chaos.

Daydream(sp): The chosen can make creatures within 100 feet of her forget what they were doing and blankly stare off into the sky. Creatues can make a Will. save DC10 + Character level + Cha. bonus to negate the effects of the Daydream. The chosen may affect as many creatures as her total character level. Once under the effects of the Daydream the creatures are prone to attacks. This ability may be used 2 times a day and last 5 rounds + Charisma bonus.

Sylvan Stealth(Su): The chosen can take 20 on Move Silently and Hide even under stress when in any forests on Faerun.

Faerie Dust(Su): The chosen can create up to 5 ounces of Faerie Dust a day. If the faerie dust is used as any material component when casting spells from the school of Illusion she gains a +1 bonus per ounce to the DC of that spell.

Spell Immunity (Su): The chosen is immune to all Illusion spells as if she were constantly protected by a spell immunity spell.

Immunities (Ex): The Chosen are immune to aging effects and do not physically age. They are also immune to the spell-like abilities of all Fey creatures.

Create Crossroads (sp): This ability allows the chosen to create a Crossroad once a week as if using the Create Crossroads spell except there is no XP cost.

Detect Fey Mounds(su): The chosen can detect any Fey Mounds within 5oo feet. This ability is in constant effect.

Sleeping Beauty(Su): Any creature gazing into the eyes of the chosen with less than 15HD must make a Will. save DC10 _ Character level + Wis. bonus or fall into a deep stasis slumber lasting 1d2 days.

Faerie Fiddle (Sp): The Chosen may summon a crystal fiddle once a day. Upon playing a single note all creatures within 60 feet must make a Will. save DC10 + Character level + Wis. bonus or be affected as if by a Otto's Irresistable Dance for 1d6 rounds. Upon playing for a full round all creatures within 60 feet are affected as if by a Tasha's Hideous Laughter spell and are polymorphed into any small size creature you choose for 1d8 rounds.
(can you imagine a squirrel laughing uncontrollably on the ground?)

Wrath of the Seelie (Su): This powerful ability may only be used one time a day. When threatened by evil and the lives of fey creatures need protecting the chosen may use one of these two abilities; 1. As the spell Cocoon except it affects up to 50HD of creature. A successful Fort. save DC10 + Character level + Wis. bonus negates the effects. Or 2. As the spell Meteor Swarm except the damage is Sonic and the area of effect is doubled. A successful Ref. save DC10 + Character level + Wis. bonus for half damage. Both spell-like abilities are cast as if by a 20th level sorcerer.

Saves: The character adds + 2 as a bonus to all saving throws.

Abilities: Increase from the character as follows: Dexterity
+8, Charisma +2, Wisdom +2.

Skills: Disguise, Hide, and Move silently are class skills, regardless of the character's class.

Feats: (You gain these feats automaticly without meeting their prerequisites) Alluring, Quicker than the eye, and Weapon Finesse.

Climate/Terrain: Same as the character.
Organization: Same as the character, But must be a devoted follower of Titianya or Oberon.
Challenge Rating: Same as the character +5.
Alignment: CG, CN,
Treasure: Same as the character.
Advancement: Same as the character

2015-10-04, 08:20 PM
that completes this work, there are a few more pieces of his work that will be in my next thread of saved material, I didn't want to duplicate my efforts but I will link it here as well


2015-10-06, 05:51 AM

more of green elven vampire's work can be found spread about in this thread

2018-02-07, 09:04 AM
lol. Thank you. I'm flattered, as I am Green Elven Vampire from the WOTC boards. Nice to see my old stuff still getting good comments. Thanks.