View Full Version : Finer Points of Battlemastery

2015-10-04, 06:51 AM
I'm tinkering with my polearm sentinel battlemaster character and I'm wondering what you guys make of this idea (regarding whether or not it would actually work):

Get Distracting Strike (spend a combat die to grant advantage on the next attack roll not made by you against the enemy) and Commander's Strike (spend a die and a bonus action and forego one attack to let an ally attack as a reaction).

Attack an enemy and, if you hit, apply Distracting Strike.
As part of the same attack action, use Commander's Strike in place of your second attack to spend a die and let an ally attack immediately (with advantage due to Distracting Strike).

Do you think the tactic I've described would be allowed? The PHB says you can't apply more than one maneuver to the same attack, but based on the wording it seems that with Commander's Strike you're not applying it to one of your attacks - instad you swap one of your attack for a bonus action that allows you to grant an ally a reaction. So you should be able to do it all in one turn, right?

I am deep, deep in the trenches of rules minutiae here. What do people think? Please note that at this point I'm interested in whether this tactic would be allowed in the rules, not in how effective it would be assuming it is allowed.

2015-10-04, 06:58 AM
I think you could. However it would equally be simple to just shove your opponent prone and then use commander's strike to grant an attack with advantage.

2015-10-04, 07:11 AM
I think you could. However it would equally be simple to just shove your opponent prone and then use commander's strike to grant an attack with advantage.

Yeah, the difference is they can make a check to resist being shoved, whereas Distracting Strike will definitely grant advantage (albeit only to one attack and at the cost of a combat die). I haven't made up my mind, I was just wondering if it would be allowed.

The wider question of my choice of build is whether to aim for ways to up my own damage output or go for battlefield control with things like Commander's Strike and Maneuvering Attack and help out my buddies. My buddies are a paladin and a barbarian, so this seems like it could be a pretty effective approach if I did it right. What do people think?

2015-10-04, 09:03 AM
You can use one maneuver per "attack," not one each time you take the Attack action. Which means if you can attack twice with the Attack action, you can use two maneuvers.

As for effectiveness, I can't see it being that worthwhile unless you were using it on a Rogue to allow him to get sneak attack twice per round. Otherwise, giving up an attack, a bonus action and a reaction for one attack isn't really worth it. Not to mention using up two superiority dice.