View Full Version : Post Your Chosen Templates Here

2015-10-04, 08:59 PM
As originally posted on the WOTC boards started by zombiegleemax on Feb 4, 2004 but contributed to by others
editor's note: this thread is mirror of a mirror plus additional contributions

It seems that a lot of people come to the FR boards looking for info on Chosen of the various deities. To put it quite simply, the majority of them don't actually exist. So on the old FR boards, a group of members got together and started making their own homemade Chosen templates.

Below is the index of templates that have been created thus far. If you have any of your own, just feel free to add them, and I'll gladly put them in the main list. And if you're looking for a Chosen that isn't on the list, just make a request for it and I'm sure someone will make own for you, or start you on the road to making your own.


Heres a link to a list of all canon Chosen as compiled by Alzrius: Chosen of the Gods
Heres a link for the Chosen of Deneir by Sean K. Reynolds on the Wizards of the Coast site: Chosen of Deneir (https://web.archive.org/web/20080109013924/http://ww2.wizards.com/Books/Wizards/?doc=fr_deneir)

Chosen of Deneir By Sean K Reynolds

The Chosen of Deneir are scholars and researchers, and they are in love with the study of art, writing, and literature. Hand-picked by the god of glyphs and literature, the Chosen are reclusive, preferring the world of books and lore to interacting with people. When they encounter others with the same interests as their own, they become animated, and even argumentative, but tend toward pacifism even in the face of great danger.
The Chosen of Deneir appear no different than other creatures of their type.

Creating a Chosen of Deneir
Chosen of Deneir is a template that can be added to any humanoid creature (referred to hereafter as the "character") that has at least one level of the cleric class and has chosen Deneir as his deity. A Chosen of Deneir uses all of the character's statistics and special abilities except as noted here. A Chosen of Deneir has its power only at the will of Deneir; should he decide to remove Chosen of Deneir status from the character, he reverts to his original abilities. Normally there is only one Chosen of Deneir at a time, and when the current one grows old, he finds a student to whom he can pass the mantle of duty.

Special Attacks: A Chosen of Deneir retains all of the special attacks of the character and also gains the following.

Advanced Turning (Su): If the Chosen of Deneir makes a melee touch attack with his holy symbol against an undead creature, he can automatically use a turn undead attempt that round against that undead (affecting only that undead and no others nearby). This attempt counts as a use of the character's turn attempts for the day. He gains a +4 sacred bonus to his turning check and turning damage with this attack.

Brand of Deneir (Su): By calling upon the holy power of Deneir and pressing his holy symbol to the forehead of an evil creature (a melee touch attack that provokes an attack of opportunity), the Chosen of Deneir can permanently brand the target with Deneir's symbol. This magical brand cannot be healed, but it can be dispelled. Any good-aligned person that sees the brand immediately knows that the bearer is evil and the viewer's attitude shifts one category toward hostile where appropriate.

Spell-like Abilities: The Chosen of Deneir has access to the following spell-like abilities, which function at a caster level equal to the Chosen of Deneir's character level. These are used 1/day: antipathy, daze, detect lies, detect thoughts, dominate person, enthrall, mass suggestion, mind blank, Rary's telepathic bond, sending, shield other, suggestion.

Special Qualities: A Chosen of Deneir retains all of the special qualities of the character and also gains the following.

Song of Deneir (Su): The Chosen of Deneir does not need to prepare his clerical spells. Instead, he mentally reviews a unique magical song called the Song of Deneir, which then places the spell in his mind so that he can immediately cast it. This means that casting a spell in this manner is always at least a full round action. (If it's less than a full round, it becomes a full round much like a sorcerer casting metamagicked spells. If it's already a full round or longer, the casting time is unchanged.) The Chosen of Deneir may prepare clerical spells normally. He is still nominally limited to the number of spells per day that he can cast as determined by Table 3-6: The Cleric in the Player's Handbook. He can cast his normal number of spells per day, but each spell cast beyond this limit risks a powerful headache that leaves him dazed for 1 hour and unable to cast spells above 4th level for a number of weeks equal to the level of the spell that caused the headache. He can avoid the headache by making a Constitution check (DC 18 + spell level + number of spells beyond the limit he has already cast in the past 24 hours).
The Tome of Universal Harmony: The Chosen of Deneir is the bearer of The Tome of Universal Harmony, which is the holiest of books of Deneir's faith and understandable only by his Chosen. The pages of the book are filled with mysterious runes, and over time the Chosen of Deneir can determine the pattern within the text -- it depicts the Song of Deneir, which is what gives the Chosen his unusual spellcasting ability. The book is handed from one Chosen of Deneir to the next when the old Chosen of Deneir realizes that his time of death is approaching. Any person other than a Chosen of Deneir who tries to read the book must make a Fortitude save (DC 25) or be knocked unconscious for one hour.

Immunities (Ex): The Chosen of Deneir is immune to disease, level draining, negative levels, and poison.

Shapechange (Su): The Chosen of Deneir can change into a single animal form partially. This is similar to a lycanthrope's hybrid form, and it can be only an animal that the Chosen of Deneir has developed an affinity for over time. There is no limit to the amount of time that can be spent in this form, nor to the number of uses per day. The Chosen of Deneir gains the animal's feats, extraordinary abilities, and its racial skill bonuses when in hybrid form.

Languages (Su): Upon becoming a Chosen of Deneir, the character immediately gains knowledge of a number of languages equal to his Intelligence modifier. These languages are lost if the character ever loses his Chosen of Deneir status.

Saves: Same as the character.
Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom.
Skills: Same as the character. All Knowledge skills are class skills for the Chosen of Deneir.
Feats: Same as the character.
Climate/Terrain: Same as the character.
Organization: Same as the character.
Challenge Rating: Same as the character +4.
Alignment: Same as the character.
Treasure: Same as the character.
Advancement: Same as the character.

Chosen of Mystra template appears in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting.
Chosen of Bane template appears in Faiths and Pantheons.
Chosen of Malar "The Twisted Run" adventure, Dungeon #129
Chosen of Hastur Call of Cthulhu d20; CoC d20 have official adaptation section for D&D games, and Hastur is canon for D&D anyway - thanks to "And Madness Followed" adventure in Dungeon #134

Erevan Ilesere Trickster-Touched ( http://forum.candlekeep.com/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=10646) by Erik Scott De Bie WOTC author and game designer

Dungeon #89, the "Headless" adventure, there is a magical trap which, at activation, summons a Chosen of Kostchtchie - "Half-Frost Giant/Half-Fiend Barbarian 1"

The Green Regent is a Chosen of Mielikki (https://web.archive.org/web/20050208184419/http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=gr/articles/bs20030606thegreenregent)

Chosen of Aerdie Fanya: By Damien Nailo; Post 6
Chosen of Akadi by zombiegleemax post 6
Chosen of Auppenser: by zombiegleemax post 9
Chosen of Azuth: By Malachi Helviiryn Post 2
Chosen of Azuth 2: by zombiegleemax Post 8
Chosen of Azuth 3 by burpcycle post 8
Chosen of Bahamut 1:By ambersorsha; Post 5
Chosen of Bahamut 2:By doublesquirrel; Post 5
Chosen of Bahamut 3:By zombiegleemax; Post 5
Chosen of Bahamut 4 by zombiegleemax post 8
Chosen of Beshaba:By Sicnarf; Post 1
Chosen of Bhaal: By Chosen of Bhaal; Post 3
Chosen of Bhaal by burningspear Post 9
Chosen of Brandobaris: By kalvan; Post 5
Chosen of Clangeddin Silverbeard: By Durandrim; Post 2
Chosen of Clangeddin Silverbeard by dreadwizarddm post 9
Chosen of Corellon Larethian: By Green Elven Vampire; Post 1
Chosen of Corellon Larethian: By slainethehornedgod; Post 8
Chosen of Cyric: By Messan; Post 5
Chosen of Cyrrollalee: By Ambersorsha; Post 5
Chosen of Eilistraee 1: By Malachi Helviiryn Post 2
Chosen of Eilistraee 2: By Rynthief; Post 2
Chosen of Eilistraee 3 by zombiegleemax post 9
Chosen of Eldath: By Damien Nailo; Post 6
Chosen of Erevan Ilesere: By Green Elven Vampire; Post 2
Chosen of Fierna: By HalfMunchkin; Post 6
Chosen of Gargauth: ByMaster Sylvius; Post 8
Chosen of Gargauth2: By fayle post 8
Chosen of Garagos by zombiegleemax post 9
Chosen of Garagos by schixo post 10
Chosen of Gond: By Arthan "Heavy Fist"; Post 4
Chosen of Gorm Gulthyn: By Green Elven Vampire; Post 2
Chosen of Grumbar: By skinny_rat_boy; Post 2
Chosen of Gruumsh: By El_Machinae; post 5
Chosen of Haela Brightaxe: By green elven vampire http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showt...aela-Brightaxe
Chosen of Hanali Celanil by green elven vampire post 9
Chosen of Helm: By Arthan "Heavy Fist"; Post 4
Chosen of Hoar by zombiegleemax post 8
Chosen of Horus by neferphras post 10
Chosen of Hruggek: By Isida Kep'Tukari; Post 2
Chosen of Ilmater: By Raenestro; Post 2
Chosen of Io by dragonheart post 9
Chosen of Isis by neferphras post 10
Chosen of Istishia: By Skyrocket; Post 4
Chosen of Kelemvor: By Arthan "Heavy Fist"; Post 4
Chosen of Kianransalee: By Green Elven Vampire; http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?447751-green_elven_vampire-hombrew-from-the-WOTC-boards
Chosen of Kiaransalee by angelus_obscura Post 8
Chosen of Kossuth: By Maskanodel; Post 1
Chosen of Lathander 1: By Malachi Helviiryn Post 2
Chosen of Lathander 2: By Seraph_Riel; Post 6
Chosen of Lathander 3: By JCFreedom post 8
Chosen of Lolth: By Malachi Helviiryn Post 2
Chosen of Loviatar: By Porcus the Wombat; Post 5
Chosen of Malar: By Arthan "Heavy Fist"; Post 4
Chosen of Mask: By Arthan "Heavy Fist"; Post 4
Chosen of Mielikki 1: By Maskanodel; Post 1
Chosen of Mielikki 2:By lordyuri24 post 2
Chosen of Moradin: By Green Elven Vampire http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?447751-green_elven_vampire-hombrew-from-the-WOTC-boards
Chosen of Moradin 2 by xaean post 6
Chosen of Mystra: By The Simbul; Post 3
Chosen of Mystra: By Brad Bemis post 5
Chosen of Nerull by zombiegleemax Post 8
Chosen of Nobanion by realbombchu Post 8
Chosen of Oghma: By Arthan "Heavy Fist"; Post 4
Chosen of Orcus: By ph0t0k; Post 2
Chosen of Red Knight: By Arthan "Heavy Fist"; Post 3
Chosen of Rillifane Rallathil: By Green Elven Vampire; Post 3
Chosen of the Seelie Court: By Green Elven Vampire http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?447751-green_elven_vampire-hombrew-from-the-WOTC-boards
Chosen of Sehanine Moonbow: Green Elven Vampire http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?447751-green_elven_vampire-hombrew-from-the-WOTC-boards
Chosen of the Seldarine (Guardian of Evermeet): By Tebryn14; Post 2
Chosen of Selune: By Shardkin; Post 4
Chosen of Selune#2: By Oy of Midworld; Post 6
Chosen of Set: By Arthan "Heavy Fist"; Post 4
Chosen of Shar: By Tebryn14; Post 2
Chsoen of Shar#2: By Oy of Midworld; Post 5
Chosen of Sharess: By Damien Nailo; Post 6
Chosen of Sharess 2 by zombiegleemax post 8
Chosen of Sharess 3 by zandilar_dup post 9
Chosen of Sharess 4 by ambersorsha post 9
Chosen of Shaundakul: By Maskanodel; Post 1
Chosen of Shaundakul: By dragonheart post 3
Chosen of Sheverash: By Green Elven Vampire; Post 2
Chosen of Silvanus: By tf-guyver; Post 4
Chosen of Solonor Thelandira: By Green Elven Vampire; http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?447751-green_elven_vampire-hombrew-from-the-WOTC-boards
Chosen of Solonor Thelandira 2 by tyshanis Post 9
Chosen of Sseth: By bgt; Post 5
Chosen of Sune: By Lady Claransa Trent; Post 2
Chosen of Talos: By Tebryn 14; Post 2
Chosen of Talos: By Gonnviear ; post 5
Chosen of Talos by burpcycle post 8
Chosen of Targus: By KnightODaRealms; Post 5
Chosen of Tempus: By Arthan "Heavy Fist"; Post 4
Chosen of Thoth by neferphras post 10
Chosen of Tiamat (Dragon Template): By Arthan "Heavy Fist"; Post 4
Chosen of Tiamat (Humanoid Template): By Arthan "Heavyfist"; Post 4
Chosen of Torm by Diffan Post 9
Chosen of the Triad: By the_move; Post 3
Chosen of the Triad#2: By Oy of Midworld; Post 5
Chosen of the Triad 3 by magus_angelheart: Post 6
Chosen of Tymora: By Maskanodel; Post 2
Chosen of Tymora by neferphras post 9
Chosen of Tyr by Aziabel post 10
Chosen of Umberlee: By Maskanodel; Post 3
Chosen of Urdlen: By Borris; Post 5
Chosen of Valkor: By DavinNarthos; Post 3
Chosen of Velsharoon: By Arthan "Heavy Fist"; Post 4
Chosen of Vhaeraun: By Green Elven Vampire; Post 2
Chosen of Waukeen: By Hizar; Post 4
Chosen of Waukeen by JayHolliday1983 post 10
Seraph of Madness by Vasyek post 6
Seraph of Murder by Vasyek post 6
Seraph of Strife by Vasyek post 6
TENDER HAND OF CHAUNTEA by zombiegleemax post 8


A note from BigSister - Using other people’s work and giving credit
It is great when people are inspired by the ideas of other people, and go on to develop them further. It is not great when people just cut and paste work done by others. Try not to just take ideas, try to work on them and make them your own. If you use other people's work unaltered, then ask their permission. When you make the post give these people full credit.

I've enjoyed reading many of these templates but we all seem to struggling a bit to decide what is acceptable and what isn't for a more or less +4 CR template. After looking at the 3 official templates I tried my hand at a template for templates I basically used the chosen of mystra template as a starting point and then revised drawing on the chosen of Bane and CHosen of Denier templates to get a sense of what else might be doable and then added a few ideas of my own ( as we all do) so here it is (long):

Template for creating Chosen Templates by Dragonheart
Chosen is a +4 CR template applied to a character and empowered directly by that character’s deity. Effectively the character’s life force is linked to a small piece of the deity’s life force and that enhances the character is a variety of ways as listed below. When a deity creates a chosen it selects a series of powers to imbue them with. Those powers are drawn from the lists below. All chosen have the basic enhancements listed. All deities then draw from the general properties lists. Lesser Deities can then draw up to 2 powers from the extended powers list. Intermediate deities can draw up to 3 powers from the extended list while Greater deities can either draw 4 powers or imbue them with holy fire which has its on deity specific set of powers (decided on by the DM, but generally similar to silver fire or spellfire)

Basic Enhancements

1. All chosen are immune to aging, disease, poison and disintegration effects.
2. All chosen get a total of 10 points of statistic bonuses.

General Powers:
1. Spell like Abilities: up to 45 spell levels of spell like abilities drawn from the deities domain spells. Each is usable once per day. Each additional use counts as an additional set of spell levels. (special note: As goddess of magic and the weave all spells qualify as domain spells for Mystra and her chosen)
2. Defenses: up to 45 points/spell levels of energy defenses, damage reduction and/or spell immunities. However no single item may exceed 10 levels/points (ie DR +10 or Fire resistance +10 is the maximum allowed)

Extended Abilities:
1. Domain Powers: The deity can grant access to any of the domain powers for the domains they have.
2. Special Abilities: If the deity has a special ability (Psionics, Breath Weapon, etc) they may grant it to their chosen or enhance (up to 15 points) it if the chosen already has the ability.
3. Enhanced Skills: The Deity may grant either class access to selected skills appropriate for the deity or may enhance skills already present by up to a total of 20 points.
4. Bonus Feats: The deity may grant it’s chosen either a single epic level feat or 2 non epic feats that the chosen can use even if it doesn’t have the normal prerequisites for them.

Holy Fire:
This is a small piece of the deity’s life force inhabiting the chosen. It can be used in a variety of ways by the chosen including ranged touch attacks, personal dispelling, healing and regeneration, or transportation (flight or teleportation like effects).

A deity may chose to extend the general powers by forgoing one of more of the extended powers at the rate of 10 points of extension for each extended power forgone. They may also choose not to fully empower the chosen at the time of creation. If they do not fully empower them they can provide additional enhancements up to the stated maximums at latter times.

Obviously a template like this can be limiting but it also can be very useful to provide a "skeleton" to hang things off of and see how ideas balance against the published Templates for game balance.

Chosen of Mielikki By Maskanodel

“Chosen of Mielikki” is a template that can be added to any humanoid creature. A Chosen of Mielikki, uses the character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. A Chosen of Mielikki only has its power at the will of Mielikki; should the Forest Queen decide to remove the Chosen status from the character, he reverts to his normal abilities. A character of any class can be Chosen, but the majority are either druids or rangers. There can be more than one Chosen of Mielikki at a time.

Special Qualities: A Chosen of Mielikki retains all special abilities of the character and gains the following.

Bonus Spells: Constant- Endure Elements (Acid, Cold, Fire, Sonic), At Will- Detect, Poison, Speak With Animals, Calm Animal, Speak With Plants 3/day- Wood Shape, Water Breathing, Entangle, Tree Stride 1/day- Awaken, Commune With Nature, Shape Change.

Damage Reduction: 5/-

Immunities: A Chosen of Mielikki is immune to aging and does not age, but s/he still dies at the normal age for dying. S/he is also immune to all mind altering effects. Any attempts made to scry on the character only brings up an image of a forest.

Eyes of Forest Queen: The Chosen is granted Low-Light Vision and Darkvision 60ft. If the base creature already has Darkvision, they gain an additional 30ft.

Summon Natures Guardian: A Chosen of Mielikki can magically summon a treant or unicorn as a full round action. He may use this ability 1/tenday to summon a treant and 3/tenday to summon the unicorn.

Saves: +2 to all saves when in a forest habitat

Abilities: Dex+2, Con+2, Wis+5,

Skills: Same as character.

Feats: The character automatically gains the following feats, regardless of prerequsites.
-Skill Focus (Wilderness Lore)

Challenge Rating: Base Creature +2

Alignment: Always Chaotic or Neutral Good

Special: Once per month the Chosen is required to enact a ritual to call forth a dryad or treant and then to serve the creature by performing small tasks for them for a day.

Chosen of Shaundakul By Maskanodel

Spell Like Abilities:Constant-Message At Will- Expeditious Retreat, Locate Object 5/day- Gaseous Form, Dimension Door, Wind Wall 3/day- Fly, Teleport,Wind Walk 2/day- Find the Path, Teleport Without Error 1/day- Astral Projection 1/month- Gate

Immunities- Shaundakuls Chosen do not suffer the effects of aging, poisons, and all mind altering effects.

Summon Air Elemental- Once per tenday, the Chosen can summon a greater air elemental to aid him. Summoning the air elemental takes a full round action.

Rider of the Winds- Chosen of Shaundakul's feet never touch the ground. Thus he or she can't be tracked.

Saves- Same as base creature
Skills/Feats-Same as base creature
Abilities- Dex+6, Con+4, Wis+6
Challenge Rating- Base Creature +4
Alignment- Any Chaotic

Special- To show their devotion to Shaundakul, once every month the Chosen are required to assume gaseous form at dawn so that they are carried with the wind. They are lowered safely to the ground at dusk, usually in a place they've never been before.

Chosen of Kossuth By Maskanodel

Spell Like Abilities:Constant-Resist Elements (Fire/Cold) At Will-Burning Hands, Produce Flames, 5/day-Wall of Fire, Shatter 3/day- Fire Shield, Fire Shield,Fire Seeds, 2/day-Fire Storm, Disintegrate, 1/day-Incendiary Cloud or Earthquake

Immunities- Kossuths Chosen do not suffer the effects of aging, poisons, and all mind altering effects. They do not suffer any effects from being extremely dry or hot environments.

The Lord of Flames- These abilities can be used as a free action a number of times per day equal to the Chosens Constitution modifier.

Fire Grasp-A Chosen of Kossuth can deal 1d6 points of fire damage as a touch attack. This extra damage is in addition to damage from other unarmed attacks.

Body of Flame- A Chosen of Kossuth can transform his body into flame for 10 minutes for every 5 HD per day. He gains fire immunity and damage reduction 30/+1 and anyone he touches must succeed at a Reflex Save (10+Chosens HD) or catch on fire. Creatures hitting a Chosen in this state with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take 2d6 points of fire damage and also catch on fire unless they succeed at a Reflex save (DC 10+Chosens HD).

Saves- Same as base creature
Skills/Feats-Same as base creature
Abilities- Dex+2, Con+6, Cha+2
Challenge Rating- Base Creature +4
Alignment- Any Neutral

Chosen of Beshaba by Sicnarf

Sometime, the Maiden of Misfortune choose some people to spread bad luck amongst the Realms. At any time, it can't be more than 6 Chosens of Beshaba, cause the number 7 is considered a lucky one. In fact, this is very rare to have more than 5 chosens. When Beshaba create a Sixth Chosen, his or her mission is to track down any other chosen and kill him to take his place. This is the only bad luck Beshaba can send against one of Her Chosen. Except for this one, the duty of a Chosen of Beshaba is simple: spread the bad luck, convert people to the worship of Beshaba and harass the worshiper of Tymora, Lathander and Selune. If two Chosens ever met, they will more likely fight each other to death, to avoid that a Sixth Chosen have to track any other Chosen.

Creating a Chosen of Beshaba:

"Chosen of Beshaba" is a template that can be added to any humanoid creature. A Chosen of Beshaba, uses the character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. The Maiden of Misfortune doesn't have the power to remove Chosen status from a character, except by sending a Sixth Chosen after this character to kill him.

Special Qualities: Chosen of Beshaba retain all their special qualities.
Bonus spell (Sp): constant- aura of mistcast, at will- obscuring mist, unseen servant, bane 5/day- contagion, blindness/ deafness, mirror image 3/day- suggestion, spell turning, mislead 1/day- reverse gravity, whirlwind, mind blank, bestow Beshaba's curse

Immunities (Ex): A Chosen of Beshaba is immune to aging, does not age, and is effectively immortal. He or she is also immune to any curse cast at him, except those cast by another chosen of Beshaba. Any attempt on scrying a chosen of Beshaba will reveal a false location.

Aura of mistcast : An aura of 10' surround the chosen of Beshaba. Any spell cast within this aura have a percentage equal to 10 + chosen total level + chosen wis modifier + chosen cha modifier to be mistcast by the caster, and cause him 1d4 damage by spell level. A successfull reflex save against DC 10 + chosen cha modifier halves the damage. The chosen is immune against his own aura, but is affected by the aura of another chosen.

Bestow Beshaba's curse : Bestow Beshaba's curse is like the spell Bestow Curse, except for the following: this is a range touch attack, and there is no save. The victim must succeed a spot check against DC 15 + chosen total level + chosen wis modifier + chosen cha modifier. The curse enter in action 1d6 hours after the encounter with the chosen. The decrease on ability score is not automatic, it can be a disease caught from an insect or any accident that cause a great harm to the victim. A sense motive check is allowed when the curse enter in effect against the same DC. Anyone who were with the victim during the encounter and until the curse enter in effect can do the sense motive check. If it is successfull, he recall to have seen someone strange a few moments ago. The curse can pass for a disease or an injury and
need a detect magic spell to reveal the true nature. It can be remove by a "remove curse" spell cast only by a cleric of at least 15th level, or by any priest of Tymora.

Saves: same as character;
Abilities: Dex +2, con +2, wis +4, cha +4
Skills: same as character;
Feat: same as character;
CR: +4
Alignment: NE or CE

Chosen of Corellon Larethian by green elven vampire

Also known as The Feywarden

Its a template that can be added to any Elf, or Half Elf. A Chosen of Corellon uses the character's statistics and special abilities except as noted below.

BONUS SPELLS (Sp): Constant~~ Detect Thoughts, Mage Armor, Identify. At will~~ Tree stride, Spiritual weapon. 5/day:~~ Stoneskin, Spell Resistance. 3/day~~ Blade Barrier, True Strike. 1/day~~ Sunburst, Prismatic Spray.

Corellon's spell preperation(Su): The chosen needs only 10 minutes to prepare her spells in place of an hour or more.

Corellon's magic focus(Su): The chosen casts all spells from all schools as if she had the Spell Focus feat.

Spell Immunity (Su): Chosen of Corellon are Immune to one spell of each spell level 1'st through 9'th just as if the Spell Immunity spell were in constant effect on them.

Immunities (Ex): Chosen of Corellon are immune to spider venom, and magic with spider venom effects. They are also immune to the paralyzing touch of Ghasts & Ghouls.

Dispell Magic (Su): Line of sight range.

Corellons Companion (Sp): The Chosen may summon 1 Cooshee (Elven dog) to have as a companion in War & in peace. Once summoned, the Cooshee remains loyal to the Chosen, and is treated in the same manner as a paladins Warhorse in reguards to Bonus HD, AC, strength adj., Int., and special abilities. If the cooshee dies in battle the Chosen may not summon another for a year & a day.

Corellon's High Magic (sp): Being the Chosen of Corellon she is gifted by the god himself with a limited amount of lesser Elven High Magic. There are several forms of High Magic as listed below.

Nymph's Aura: This spell grants the chosen the beauty of a Nymph and its attendent dangers to all observers. All who gaze upon the chosen are blinded unless they successfully make a Fort. save (DC30). If the chosen disrobes, observers must successfully make a Fort. save (DC30) or die immediately reguardless of Hit Points or level. This High Magic ability is usable once a week.

Shooting Stars: This spell when cast creates a violent turbulence in the air above the area of effect, from which a number of fiery-orange, electrically-charged miniature fireballs erupt and shower onto the ground. Within the area of effect, all creatures suffer 8d10 points of combined fire and electrical damage. A successful Dex. save (DC25) indicates half damage. The area of effect is a 60' radius spread, in a range of 120 yards. In addition, four large shooting stars materialize within the area of effect. The chosen can individually target these at specific creatures. Each star causes 48 points of damae on impact (no saving throw allowed). Any creature withi 10 feet of impact suffers 24 points of fire damage. A successful Dex. save (DC25) indicated half damage. This High Magic ability may be used twice a week.

Dragon Rage: This spell does not outwardly change the appearance of the chosen, but temporarily grants her the powers of a dragon of randomly determined type. Once cast, the chosen gains the abilities of the specific type. These abilities are Hit Die mod., Combat mod., Fear radius, Saving throws, AC, Attacks (including breath weapon), Movement (including flight), and special attacks and defenses. Additional hit points must be the first ones lost by the chosen. Roll on the table below to determine.

1-2. Copper
3. Brass
4. Bronze
5. Silver
6. Gold
1. Mature adult
2. Old
3. Very Old
4. Ancient
5. Wyrm
6. Great Wyrm

While dragonrage is in effect, the chosen also gains many of the personality traits of the appropriate dragon. This High Magic ability is usable 1 time a week.

Celestial Army: This spell is only to be cast when the elven peoples lives are threatened, or an elven community, or city is under threat of being destroyed.
This spell summons a host of beings from the upper planes who will fight on the side of the chosen. Roll 1d10 and refer to the list below to determine the type and number of beings summoned.

1. 1-3 Asral Devas
2. 1 Solar
3. 3-18 Hound Archons
4. 1-6 Trumpet Archons
5. 5-20 Avoral
6. 1 Celestial Lammasu
7. 1-3 Lillends
8. 2-20 Ghaele Eladrin
9. 2 Planetars
10. 2 Copper Dragons, 2 Bronze Dragons, 2 Silver Dragons and 1 Gold Dragon (all are great wyrms)

The summoned creatures will serve until the enemy is defeated or until they are slain. Slain creatures vanish and return to their home plane. This High Magic ability is usable 1 time a season. (or 4 times a year).

Corellon's Starbolts: This spell-like ability comes in 3 different variants as shown below. Only one type of starbolt may be cast at a time, requiring 100 minutes before another variant of starbolt can be cast. and each type may only be cast 1 time a day.

Corellon's Combusting Starbolts (Sp): This ability works the same as a Magic Missile spell, except that (up to 5) Golden Starbolts fly forth from the fingers, and upon impact the targets are affected as if by a Combust spell, but takes 4d6 +1 point per character level damage on impact. Further, the creature must make a reflex save (DC25) or catch fire. This ability can be used once a day at the cost of 2,000 XP per Starbolt.

Corellon's Singing Starbolts (Sp): This ability works the same as a Magic Missile spell, except that (up to 5) Silver Starbolts fly forth from the fingers filling the air with a lingering eerie song, and upon impact the targets are affected as if by a Song of Discord spell, (Will save DC25, negates). This spell lasts one round for each bonus Charisma modifier, and costs 500 XP for each bolt used.

Corellon's Vanishing Starbolts (Sp): This ability works the same as a Magic Missile spell, except that (up to 5) Multi-colored Starbolts fly forth from the fingers, and upon impact the targets are affected as if by a Plane shift spell. Each different colored starbolt sends target to a seperate plane. Creatures can make a Will. save to negate (DC 25). This spell can be cast 1 time a day, and costs 2,000 XP for each bolt used.

Saves: The chosen gain a + 4 bonus to all saving throws.

Abilities: Increase from the character as follows: Dex, +4. Con, +3, Cha, +4. Str, +3.

Feats: (You gain these feats automaticly without meeting their prerequisites) Combat Casting, Strong soul, Education and Whirlwind Attack.

Climate/Terrain: Same as the character.
Organization: Same as the character, But must be a devoted follower of Corellon Larethian
Challenge Rating: Same as the character +7.
Alignment: CG.
Treasure: Same as the character.
Advancement: Same as the character

2015-10-04, 09:01 PM
Chosen of Erevan Ilesere by green elven vampire

AKA The Mischiefmaker

its a template that can be added to any Elf, Half Elf, or Fey creature. A Chosen of Erevan uses the character's statistics and special abilities except as noted below.

Erevans Oath: Chosen of Erevan must be Wild and unruly, mischievous, independent, and utterly unpredictable! They play tricks on others for the sheer joy it gives them. They oppose settled interests of every sort and delight in upsetting both the rule of law & powerful people, and in basically creating mayhem in any shape, form or way possible. They have little to do in formal duties, and minister to the faithful primarily through example, and promoting the skills required to be a mischievous rogue. The chosen MUST seek out a powerful lawful person or creature once a month and cause as much mayhem and chaos as she can in that time before moving on to the next person or creature. Failure to do this results in the loss of her chosen status.

BONUS SPELLS (Sp) Constant~ Protection from Law, Ventriloquism, False vision, Know protections. At will~ Invisibility, Change self. 5/day: Cats grace, Mislead. 3/day~ Word of Chaos, Animate Object. 1/day~ Timestop, Cloak of chaos.

Erevans Resistance(sp) The chosen has a constant spell resistance 11 + character level vs. spells with the law discriptor or spells cast by lawful creatures

Smiling entry(Su) The chosen may step through any magical barrier of 7th level or lower as if it didn't exist

Mocking Laughter(Su) The chosen gains damage reduction 5/+3 against any one that she can make laugh. The target may make a wis. check vs. your Cha. check to see if you make them laugh. If you succeed in making them laugh they cannot harm you as effectively. You disregard 10 points of damage from weapons of +3 enhancement bonus or less a round. This ability may be used at will

Spell Immunity (Su) The chosen is immune to all these spells as if she were constantly protected by a spell immunity spell
Cause fear
Tasha's Hideous Laughter
Hold person
Orders wrath
Dispel chaos
Power word: Kill

Immunities (Ex) The Chosen of Erevan are immune to aging effects and do not physically age. They also are immune to pranks, tricks or mischief caused by any person or creature with less than 12 hit die that cause damage mentally or physicaly

Faerie Form (sp) This ability allows the chosen to assume the form of any type of faerie, brownie, or sprite (including atomies, brambles, dobies, faerie fiddlers, gorse, grigs, killmoulis, nixies, pixies, quicklings, sea sprites, squeakers, and other similiar fey creatures). The chosen adopts the form of the creature, gaining all of that forms abilities. The chosen also adopts all that forms weaknesses as well. The chosen can change form as many times as desired, within the duration of the spell. The chosen may turn into a sprite and fly away and then turn into a nixie and dive into a lake. The first form adopted has one-quarter of the hit points of the chosen. Subsequent forms carry the current total hit points with them until the origial form is resumed. Each alteration in form takes only 1 second. This ability can be used one time a day, and lasts as many rounds equal to your total character level + your Charisma modifier

Polymorph Aura(sp) The chosen may use this ability as many times a day equal to her charisma mod. This ability wreathes you in thin, whispy shimmering light, and polymorphs any creature who attacks you in melee. Any creature striking you with its body or handheld weapon deals normal damage, but is polymorphed randomly upon contact. If a creature has spell resistance it applies to the effect. It lasts 1 round per character level. A successful Fort. save (DC22) negates the effect

Detect Fey(Su) The chosen can detect fey creatures in a line of sight range at will

Chaotic Ally (Sp) The Chosen has two options to choose from when summoning. She may summon 1 Ghaele Eladrin one time a day. The second option is that she can summon 1 9HD Nymph twice a week. On becoming a chosen of Erevan you must decide which of the two you will keep to use

Fury of the Fey (Su) This ability works the same as a Mirror Image spell cast by a sorcerer of 20'th level, except that when an image of the chosen is struck, that image turns into a furious Pixie with all its natural abilities attacking the creature who struck the image for a duration of 3 rounds, or untill the creature or the Pixie is slain. This ability is the result of an ancient pact between Erevan Ilesere and the Pixies. Exactly where the Pixies come from, no one knows. The Pixies of Evermeet say that the summoned pixies do not come from their number, nor is there any evidence that the pixies are summoned or teleported from anywhere on Toril. Most believe that the pixies are actually the spirits of slain pixie warriors who died in service to the Seldarine in ages past. This ability can be used once a day

Saves The character adds + 2 as a bonus to all saving throws

Abilities Increase as follows: Dex +8, Cha +4

Skills Bluff, Disguise, Hide, and Move silently are class skills, regardless of the character's class

Feats (You gain these feats automatically without meeting their prerequisites) Persuasive, Alluring, Quicker than the eye, and Charlatan

Climate/Terrain Same as the character
Organization Same as the character, But must be a devoted follower of Erevan Ilesere
Challenge Rating: Same as the character +5
Alignment CG, CN
Treasure Same as the character.
Advancement Same as the character

CHOSEN OF EILISTRAEE by Malachi Helviiryn

Chosen of Eilistraee is a template that can be added to any humanoid creature. A Chosen of Eilistraee uses the character's statistics and special abilities except as noted here. A Chosen of Eilistraee has its power at the will of Eilistraee, should the Dancing Goddess decide to remove Chosen status from the character, it reverts back to its original abilities.

Special Qualities A Chosen of Eilistraee retains all special qualities of the character and also gains the following.

Bonus Spells (Sp) Constant—Protection from Evil, Freedom of Movement, Comprehend Languages. At will—Dancing Lights, Protection from Law. 5/day--Cat’s Grace, Calm Emotions, Suggestion. 3/day—Magic Missile (5 missiles), Moon Blade. 1/day—Moonfire.

Immunities (Ex) The Chosen of Eilistraee are immune to aging effects and do not physically age. Aging bonuses still accrue, and the Chosen still dies of old age when her time is up.

Dancing Weapon (Sp) Any sword wielded by a Chosen of Eilistraee is treated as if the weapon had the Dancing weapon enhancement

Planar Ally (Sp) A Chosen of Eilistraee may summon a servant of Eilistraee as per the planar ally spell. He may use this ability a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier.

Abilities: Increase as follows: Dex +8, Char +4

Feats Same as the character

Climate/Terrain Same as the character
Organization Same as the character
Challenge Rating Same as the character +4
Alignment Same as the character
Treasure Same as the character
Advancement Same as the character

Here's my Chosen of Eilistraee Template, adapted from the one above to fit the flavor of my campaign

Chosen of Eilistraee By Rynthief

This Template can be applied to any elf (drow, surface, or half)

Timeless Body As per the druid class ability

Dancing Sword any sword wielded by the chosen gains the dancing property. The Chosen can have one such dancing sword at a time. (I liked this, had to steal it)

Dance of Blades The Chosen can move up to their speed in any round that they make a full attack with a sword (this was inspired by the Dervish class, and I felt it fit for a goddess of dance and swordplay)

Spell Like Abilities:
Constant: Magic Circle Against Evil, Freedom of Movement, Tongues, Foresight
5/Day: Protection from Law, Calm Emotions, Atonement
3/Day: Moonblade
(with the spell like abilities I tried to focus on Eilistraee's three main aspects; swordplay/dance, acceptance, and repentance)

Feats The Chosen of Eilistraee gain the Whirlwind Attack feat as a bonus even if they do not meet the pre-reqs

Ability Bonuses +4 Wis, +8 Cha (a Chosen must be wise enough to see the world for what it is, and charming enough to spread the Dark Maiden's word)

There's the basic template, I'm also adding in Wolf Empathy as per the lycanthropic ability, as I am tying the Dark Maiden historically to the Lythari, but that ability does little to tip the LA scale

CHOSEN OF AZUTH by Malachi Helviiryn
Chosen of Azuth is a template that can be added to any spellcaster (referred to hereafter as the "character"). A Chosen of Azuth uses the character's statistics and special abilities except as noted here. A Chosen of Azuth has its power at the will of Azuth, should the Master of Mages decide to remove Chosen status from the character, it reverts back to its original abilities

Special Qualities A Chosen of Azuth retains all special qualities of the character and also gains the following

Bonus Spells (Sp) Constant—Fly. At will—ESP, True Seeing

Rapid Preparation (Sp) An Chosen of Azuth needs only 10 minutes to prepare spells instead of an hour.

Immunities (Ex) The Chosen of Azuth are immune to aging, disease, disintegration and poison. They have no need of sleep (although they must rest normally in order to prepare spells)

Bonus Spells (Sp) A Chosen of Azuth gains one bonus spell of each spell level 1st through 9th per day, which can be used as a spell like ability. Once these spells are selected, they can never be changed. Note unlike Chosen of Mystra if the caster has more than one spellcasting class they gain it for each class.

Spell Power This ability increases the DC for saving throws and caster level checks by +4 for any spell that a Chosen of Azuth may cast

Abilities Increase from the character as follows: Intelligence +6, Wisdom +6

Skills Chosen of Azuth gain a +10 bonus to Spellcraft and Concentration skill checks

Feats Same as the character

Climate/Terrain Same as the character
Organization Same as the character
Challenge Rating Same as the character +4
Alignment Same as the character
Treasure Same as the character
Advancement Same as the character

CHOSEN OF LATHANDER by Malachi Helviiryn
"Chosen of Lathander" is a template that can be added to any humanoid creature. A Chosen of Lathander uses the character's statistics and special abilities except as noted here. A Chosen of Lathander has its power at the will of Lathander, should the Morninglord decide to remove Chosen status from the character, it reverts back to its original abilities.

Special Qualities: A Chosen of Lathander retains all special qualities of the character and also gains the following.

Bonus Spells (Sp): Constant—Protection from Evil, Freedom of Movement, Comprehend Languages. At will—Dancing Lights, Protection from Law. 5/day-- 3/day—Flame Strike, Daylight. 1/day—Sunray.

Immunities (Ex): The Chosen of Lathander are immune to aging effects and do not physically age. Aging bonuses still accrue, and the Chosen still dies of old age when her time is up.

Disruption Weapon (Sp): Any weapon wielded by a Chosen of Lathander is treated as if the weapon had the Disruption weapon enhancement, including any weapon normally not able to have this enhancement.

Planar Ally (Sp): A Chosen of Lathander may summon a servant of Lathander as per the planar ally spell. He may use this ability a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier.

Abilities: Increase from the character as follows: Strength +2, Constitution +4, Wisdom +4, Charisma +2

Feats: Same as the character.

Climate/Terrain: Same as the character.
Organization: Same as the character.
Challenge Rating: Same as the character +4.
Alignment: Same as the character.
Treasure: Same as the character.
Advancement: Same as the character

CHOSEN OF LOLTH by Malachi Helviiryn
"Chosen of Lolth" is a template that can be added to any humanoid creature (referred to hereafter as the "character"). A Chosen of Lolth uses the character's statistics and special abilities except as noted here. A Chosen of Lolth has its power at the will of Lolth; should the Spider Goddess decide to remove Chosen status from the character, it reverts back to its original abilities.

Special Qualities: A Chosen of Lolth retains all special qualities of the character and also gains the following.

Bonus Spells (Sp): Constant—spider climb, Cloak of Dark Power, free action. At will--discern lie, enthrall. 5/day:--see invisibility, shield of faith, warning shout*. 3/day--hold monster, zone of truth. 1/day--

Immunities (Ex): The Chosen of Lolth are immune to aging effects and do not physically age. Also they are immune to all posions from Vermin. Aging bonuses still accrue, and the Chosen still dies of old age when his time is up.

Planar Ally (Sp): A Chosen of Lolth may summon a servant of Lolth as per the planar ally spell. He may use this ability a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier.

Abilities: Increase from the character as follows: Wisdom +4, Dexterity +4 and Charisma +4.

Skills: Intimidate and Diplomacy are class skills, regardless of the character’s class.

Feats: Same as the character.

Climate/Terrain Same as the character.
Organization Same as the character.
Challenge Rating Same as the character +4.
Alignment Same as the character.
Treasure Same as the character.
Advancement Same as the character

Chosen of Mielikki by lordyuri24

Creating a Chosen of Mielikki
“Chosen of Mielikki” is a template that can be added to any humanoid creature. A Chosen of Mielikki uses all the base character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted. A Chosen of Mielikki only has its power at the will of Mielikki; should the Lady of the Forest decide to remove Chosen status from a character, he or she reverts to their old abilities.

Special Qualities: Chosen of Mielikki retain all their special qualities.

Bonus Spells (Sp): At will- Calm Animals, Barkskin, Obscuring Mist. 5/day - Hold Animal, Speak With Animals Woodshape. 3/day - Call Lightning, Quench, Liveoak, Summon Nature's Ally VI (Unicorn Only). 1/day - Shambler, Command Plants, Earthquake.

Immunities (Ex): A Chosen of Mielikki is immune to Fire, Poison, and Disease. He or she is also immune to aging, does not age, and is effectively immortal.

Unicorn Comapnion (Ex): The Chosen Of Mielikki may have one Unicorn as an animal Companion, with Level Equal to the Chosen's combined Druid and Ranger Levels. (A 16th Level Ranger, Chosen of Mielikki, could have a 16th Level Unicorn as a Companion)

Defender of the Forest (Sp): When in an area with any native plant life (so pretty much not indoors and not desert) the Chosen of Mielikki recieves the following benefits: Extra Attack at full BaB (not not cancel other effects that add extra attacks); Weapon Focus and Specialization with whatever weapon the chosen is wielding; +6 Bonus to Strength, Constitution, and Wisdom; +5 Deflection Bonus to Armour Class; Permanent Use of True Seeing and Wind Walker Spells; All attacks considered to be Bane of Undead, Evil Outsiders, and Malarites; and takes an automatic 20 on Silent Move and Hide Checks.

Feats: Chosen of Mielikkie recieves the Two-Weapon Fighting, Create Portal, and Forester feats for free.
Skills: Chosen of Mielikki Recieves a +4 Bonus to Survival and Hide
Abilities: Chariama +4, Wisdom +4, Dexterity +6
Alignment: Always Partially Neutral

Chosen of Sune By Lady Claransa Trent

“Chosen of Sune” is a template that can be added to any humanoid creature. A Chosen of Sune uses the character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted below. A Chosen of Sune only has her power at the will of Sune, if Lady Firehair chooses to remove Chosen status from the character, she reverts to her original abilities. Sune normally only has two to three Chosen at a time.

Special Qualities: A chosen of Sune retains all special qualities of the character and also gains the following:

Spell-like Abilities (Sp): Constant - mind blank, negative energy protection, and sanctuary. At will – charm person, command, enthrall, hypnotism. 5/day – charm monster, hold person, and suggestion. 3/day – confusion, emotion, and dominate person. 1/day – dominate monster, demand, and insanity.
Damage Reduction (Ex): 10/+1.
Immunities: A Chosen of Sune is immune to enchantment spells and effects. She is also immune to aging effects and does not age. She does not need to sleep, however she must still pray and prepare spells as normal.
Summon Ghaele Eladrin (Sp): A Chosen of Sune can magically summon a ghaele eladrin as a full-round action as if using summon monster IX. She may use this ability a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier.
Tears of Evergold (Su): A Chosen of Sune can, as a full round action, cry tears of the Evergold, Sune’s fountain, that, when collected, can duplicate the effects a certain potions. While this ability costs no gold to use, it still requires the character to expend XP normally as if she had created the potion using the Brew Potion feat. The following potions can be created in this manner – love (6 XP), charisma (36 XP), glibness (60 XP), cure serious wounds (90 XP), or protection from elements (any) (90 XP). The Chosen can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her Constitution bonus.

Saves Same as the character.
Abilities Increase charisma by +10.
Skills As character, except that the Chosen of Sune receives a +4 bonus on all charisma-based skill checks
Feats Same as the character.

Climate/Terrain: Same as the character.
Organization: Same as the character.
Character: As character +4.
Alignment: Always chaotic good.
Treasure: Same as the character.
Advancement: Same as the character.

Chosen of Shar by tebryn14

Chosen of Shar are nihilists who seek to aid their patron in returning the world to perpetual darkness. They wait for the day when the deities will war again, Dendar will eat the sun, and the multiverse will end, plunging the multiverse in a state of twilight. It probably never occurred to any of the several that have existed over the centuries that their deity’s existence is paradoxical, and that she too will perish when the cosmos cease to be.

Creating a Chosen of Shar
“Chosen of Shar” is a template that can be added to any humanoid creature. A Chosen of Shar uses all the base character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted. A Chosen of Shar only has its power at the will of Shar; should the Dark Goddess decide to remove Chosen status from a character, he or she reverts to their old abilities.

Special Qualities: Chosen of Shar retain all their special qualities.

Bonus Spells (Sp): At will- darkness, bane, darkfire 5/day-cause fear, inflict moderate wounds, blindness/ deafness, vampiric touch, shadow walk 3/day- suggestion, enervation, shadow conjuration 1/day- energy drain, phantasmal killer, greater shadow evocation

Immunities (Ex): A Chosen of Shar is immune to energy drain of any kind, negative energy, and magical blindness. He or she is also immune to aging, does not age, and is effectively immortal.

Spell Resistance: Chosen of Shar have SR 15+character level against spells with the shadow and darkness descriptors. Even if the SR check succeeds, the Chosen only takes half damage from the spell.

Eyes of Night (Su): Chosen of Shar can see through any darkness, including magical darkness.

Weave Dispeller (Su): Chosen of Shar do not suffer the normal penalty someone with the Shadow Weave Magic feat suffers when trying to dispel Weave effects.

Black Fire (Su): Chosen can use Black Fire (identical to silver fire, but draws on Shadow Weave. Damage is half cold, half divine power. Deals 1 point of temporary wisdom drain if used more than 5 times per day for any purpose.)

Shadow Aura (Su): Weave spells cast within 15 ft. of the Chosen are at –1 caster level.

Shadow Army (Su): Once during her time as Chosen of Shar, the Chosen may fill a 300 square foot space with permanent darkness. All mortal creatures in the area must succeed at a Will Save (DC 25) or be slain and animate the next round as shadows under the Chosen’s control. There is no limit to the number of HD of shadows the Chosen may control with this ability. The darkness resists the dispel attempts of all mortals, and can only be removed by a deity using Alter Reality.

Bane of the Moon (Su): During the new moon, Chosen of Shar are expected to hit the Church of Selune hard. To aid them in their task, during this time they are granted the ability to use Teleport without error at will, as will as Finger of Death once per night at her own caster level.

Skills: Chosen of Shar receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide and Bluff checks
Abilities: Dex+4, Int+4, Wis+2, Cha+2
CR: +4
Alignment: always NE

Chosen of Talos by tebryn14

Chosen of Talos embody their deity’s fury. Singled out by Talos due to their skill at destruction, these individuals take delight in using their powers to wreak havoc. Most are slightly insane. They seek to destroy all that they can, not caring about lives taken in the process.

Creating a Chosen of Talos
“Chosen of Talos” is a template that can be added to any humanoid creature. A Chosen of Talos, uses the character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. A Chosen of Talos only has its power at the will of Talos; should the Destroyer decide to remove the Chosen status from the character, he reverts to his normal abilities. Normally there is only one Chosen of Talos at a time.

Special Qualities: A Chosen of Talos retains all special qualities of the character and also gains the following.
Bonus Spells (Sp): Constant- endure elements (acid, cold, fire, sonic), At will-Obscuring Mist, Random Action. 3/day-Call Lightning, Shout, Control Winds 1/day- Ice Storm, Whirlwind, Earthquake, Control Weather, Storm Rage 1/month-Storm of Vengeance.
Damage Reduction (Ex): 10/magic
Immunities (Ex): A Chosen of Talos is immune to aging and does not age. Bonuses still accrue, the Chosen still dies when his time is up. Chosen of Talos are also immune to all forms of electricity.
Summon Storm Giant (Sp): A Chosen of Talos can magically summon a CE Storm Giant as a full round action as if using Summon Monster IX. He may use this ability a number of times per day equal to his constitution modifier.
Saves: Same as character.
Abilities: Increase from character as follows: Str +2, Con +5, Wis +2.
Skills: Same as character.
Feats: Same as character.
Challenge Rating: Same as character +4.
Alignment: Always CE. If the Chosen of Talos is a druid he may maintain his druidic powers even though neutral is not part of his alignment.

Chosen of Sheverash by green elven vampire

AKA The Dhaeraowathila

The Law of Shevarash: The chosen of shevarash are consumed with their quest to root out & destroy the evil drow, and the sources of power of their dark gods.

Its a template that can be added to any Elf or Half Elf. A Chosen of Shevarash uses the character's statistics and special abilities except as noted below.

BONUS SPELLS (Sp): Constant~~ Doom, Endurance, Find the path, Protection from Evil. At will~~ Holy Sword, Shield of faith.
5/day:~~ Fire Shield, Divine Power. 3/day~~ Banishment, Prismatic Eye. 1/day~~ Storm of Vengence, Sunburst.

Immunities (Ex): Chosen of Shevarash are immune to spells cast by drow spellcasters from the school of Enchantment/Charm. They are also immune to spider venom, as well as ageing.

Unbound Enmity (Ex): The Chosen of Shevarash have evil Drow as their species enemy, much like rangers, and as such recieves a +4 bonus to her attack rolls against drow. This enmity can be concealed only with great difficulty, so the chosen suffers a -4 on all encounter reactions with drow, even those of good alignment. The also seek out
this enemy in combat above all other foes!

Death Arrow (Sp): The Chosen can create one arrow of slaying for every character level she has attained keyed to kill drow. This ability can be used once a day

Gift of the Nighthunter (Sp): The Chosen can create a small glowing star of energy that stays near your shoulder, providing Darkvision for a range of 120'. The chosen can add its own darkvision to this ability to stack if it has any. It has three functions and you can choose to activate one of them as a free action on your turn.

Spell Turning: The Star can turn 1d4+3 spell levels as the spell turning spell.

Cover: The star gives you a +10 cover bonus to AC without affecting your actions.

Fire Bolt: The Star Lashes out with a beam of energy as a ranged touch attack against a creature up to 90' away, dealing fire damage equal to 1d4 points +1 point per character level.

Steeldance of Shevarash (Sp): This ability works the same as a Steeldance spell, except that The blades glow with a Black & Green light giving the blades a +3 attack bonus, AC of 18, hardness of 15, and 10 hitpoints. They fly at speed 40 feet, deal 2d8 points of slashing damage against any Drow, Driders, and Yochlol. They score a threat of a critical on a natural 18 or 20.

Saves: The character adds + 2 as a bonus to all saving throws, and + 4 bonus to Fort. saves against spells cast by evil drow clerics & Wizards.

Abilities: Increase from the character as follows: Dexterity +4, Strength +4 Charisma +4.

Skills: Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Wilderness lore (Underdark), and Move silently are class skills, regardless of the character's class.

Feats: (You gain these feats automaticly without meeting their prerequisites) Extra favored enemy, Strong Soul and Death Blow.

Climate/Terrain: Same as the character.
Organization: Same as the character, But must be a devoted follower of Shevarash.
Challenge Rating: Same as the character +4.
Alignment: CG
Treasure: Same as the character.
Advancement: Same as the character

Chosen of Gorm Gulthyn by green elven vampire

AKA The Barakor

Its a template that can be added to any Dwarf. A Chosen of Gorm Gulthyn uses the character's statistics and special abilities except as noted below.

BONUS SPELLS (Sp): Constant~~ Protection from Evil, Protection from Elements, Protection from Arrows. At will~~ Endurance, Spiritual Weapon, Aid. 5/day:~~ Greater Magic Weapon, Divine Favor. 3/day~~ Dictum, Holy Word. 1/day~~ Elemental Swarm (earth spell only), Iron Body.

Gorm's Might (Ex): Chosen of Gorm Gulthyn can use this ability 4 times a day. When calling out to his god the chosen's weapon gains a +4 enhancement bonus and confers the powers of a Robe of eyes upon its bearer. His armor also gains a +4 bonus and acts as a Ring of spell turning.

Fire eyes of Gorm (Ex): The Chosen causes his eyes to emit twin rays of fire. These thin, ruby red beams are hot enough to burn holes in plate armor in 1 round, and in most stone walls in 2 rounds. The eye beams cause 2d12 points of damage per eye, per round to any creature they touch. Creatures who make a successful Dex save (DC22) takes half damage. The beams are a ranged touch attack.

Earths embrace (Sp): The Chosen gains damage reduction 20 vs. any elemental (earth only) spells cast at him.

Immunity (Sp): The Chosen does not age and has a +4 bonus vs. all poisons magical or mundane. He is also immune to all non magical Axes.

100 Battle Axes (Sp): The chosen can use this ability once per day. When called upon a terrible thunderclap sounds across the battlefield and 100 battle axes swarm and twirl through the air in a 60'X 20' radius spread centering on him. The axes only harm his enemies and not those he is protecting. The axes cause 10d6 points of damage to all enemies withing the area of effect. A successful Dex save (DC22) takes only half damage.

Saves: The character adds + 3 as a bonus to all saving throws.

Abilities: Increase from the character as follows: Str +4, Con +4, Cha +4

Skills: Intimidate, Listen, Sense Motive and Spot are class skills, regardless of the character's class.

Feats: (You gain these feats automaticly without meeting their prerequisites) Bull Headed, Survivor, Blooded and Great Cleave.

Climate/Terrain: Same as the character.
Organization: Same as the character, But must be a devoted follower of Gorm Gulthyn.
Challenge Rating: Same as the character +4.
Alignment: CG
Treasure: Same as the character.
Advancement: Same as the character

Chosen of Clangeddin by By Durandrim

Its a template that can be added to any Dwarf. A Chosen of Clangeddin uses the character's statistics and special abilities except as noted below.

Two-weapons fighting Mastery:The chosen have a malus of -2 when fighting witha axe and another weapons(any) instead of -4.

Mighty Axe:A chosen of Clangeddin may summon a axe on the same manner of the spell named sword of Mordaiken but with a bonus of +5 on the roll and damage.This power can be use 3/days.

Immunities:The chosen gain the immunities to poison,age,charm,disease and sleep.

Saves:+1 on all saves.

Abilities:+6 str,+6 con

Feats:weapon focus(any weapon), martial specialization(any weapon), two weapons fighting and two weapons fighting defense.

Climate/Terrain: Same as the character.
Organization: Same as the character.
Challenge rating:+4
Treasure: Same as the character.
Advancement: Same as the character

Not a Chosen template in the strictist sense, but very close.

Guardian of Evermeet by tebryn14

The Guardian of Evermeet is one elf on Toril, who is effectively the Chosen of all of the Gods of the Seldarine simultaneously. The current (and so far only) Guardian of Evermeet is Amlaruil Moonflower, and she embodies the might of the Seldarine perfectly. The Guardian of Evermeet exists to preserve Elven welfare on Toril, especially the Haven of Evermeet. She had access to the High Magic of old, which she can cast even off of Evermeet.

Creating a Guardian of Evermeet

Guardian of Evermeet is a template that can be added to any elf. A Guardian uses the character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted below. A Guardian of Evermeet has her power only at the will of Corellon and the other Elven deities; should the Seldarine decide to revoke Guardian status from Amlaruil, she would revert to her original abilities.

Special Qualities: A Guardian of Evermeet retains all special qualities of the character and also gains the following.

Immunities: The Guardian of Evermeet is immune to all aging effects, and does not age.

Teleportation (Su): This potent ability, granted by Corellon himself, allows Amlaruil to be aware of any above water ship within five miles of Evermeet. 3/day, she can automatically teleport such a ship 20d20 miles in a random direction.

Commune (Su): The Guardian of Evermeet can Commune with any god of the Seldarine at will as a free action while in reverie.

Elfrune Communication (Su): The Guardian of Evermeet has the ability to create Elfrunes as well as to communicate telepathically with the wearer of such a ring.

Free High Magic (Su): Through a special deal Corellon has with the goddess Mystra, High Mages have full access to Epic Magic, and even have some of it’s harmful effects mitigated by the Seed Affinity and Mythal Creation class features. However, these abilities cannot be used outside Evermeet, and Evereska, and perhaps the High Forest.
Amlaruil suffers none of these limitations however. She has full access to her Epic Magic outside the aforementioned areas. As a matter of fact, in addition to the boons granted by her High Mage class features, she also gains the ability to ignore up to 5,000 points of experience drain and up to 20d6 point of backlash damage that casting an Epic Spell might otherwise deal to her.
This ability is extremely powerful and has potentially devastating effects on the Weave if misused.

Pathway to Arvandor (Su): Because of her connection with the Seldarine, the Guardian has the ability to learn the memories of any elf that has died within the past 2 hours, as long as she has access to the body.

Other Abilities: The Guardian of Evermeet may very well have any of a plethora of other abilities that are currently unknown, possibly to the Guardian herself. These abilities, if they exist, would likely only appear at times of great crisis for Evermeet.

Saves: Increase from the character as follows: Fortitude Save +2, Reflex Save +2, Will Save +10.
Abilities: Increase from the character as follows. Dex +2, Int +4, Wis +4, Cha +2.
Skills: The Guardian of Evermeet gains the following skill bonuses; +10 Sense Motive, +10 Diplomacy, +4 Handle Animal, +4 Spellcraft, +4 Concentration.
Feats: Gains Brew Potion, and Craft Wondrous Items as bonus feats.

Challenge Rating: Same as character +5.

Amlaruil Moonflower
Wizard 18/ Archmage 5/ High Mage 5
Medium-Size Humanoid (Elf, Moon)
Hit Dice: 18d4+36 (wizard) plus 5d4+10 (archmage) plus 5d4+10 (High Mage) (128 hp)
Initiative: +8
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 14 (+4 dex)
Attacks: spell +14 melee touch, or +18 ranged touch; or quarterstaff +14/+10 melee.
Damage: spell; or quarterstaff 1d6.
Face/ Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./ 5 ft.
Special Attacks: Teleportation
Special Qualities: Arcane Fire (600 ft., 5d6+1d6 per spell level), Mastery of Counterspelling, Mastery of Shaping, Spell Power +1, Spell Power +2, Seed Affinity (Ward, Energy), Immunities, Commune, Elfrune Communication, Free High Magic.
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +15, Will +33
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 30, Wis 25, Cha 19.

Skills: Concentration +41, Craft (Alchemy) +30, Decipher Script +25, Diplomacy +38, Knowledge (Arcana) +51, Knowledge (History) +30, Knowledge (Local, Evermeet) +30, Knowledge (Religion) +30, Perform +7, Ride +7, Sense Motive +41, Spellcraft +57.

Feats: Brew Potion, Craft Wondrous Items, Epic Skill Focus (Knowledge [Arcana]), Epic Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Epic Spellcasting (3/day), Heighten Spell, Improved Counterspell, Improved Initiative, Improved Spell Capacity (10th), Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, Reactive Counterspell, Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Spellcasting Prodigy (wizard), Spell Focus (Abjuration), Spell Focus (Divination).

Wizard Spells/Day (Levels 0-10): 4/7/7/7/6/4/6/4/5/4/2; base DC=20+spell level.
Epic Spells/day: 3
Epic Spells known: As the onetime Grand Mage of Evermeet, Amlaruil has developed (can be the center of a Circle for) most of the High Magic Rituals of old. However, many such spells she would be hesitant to use, because she is loathe risking anymore of the dwindling ranks of High Mages.
Possessions: Amlaruil does not, in general, carry or wear anything other than her gray robes of mourning. However, if needed she could easily have access to any non-artifact item, as well as many of the most powerful Elven artifact weapons and items, including a moonblade.

CR: 33

I'm a huge fan of the Bloodstone series from the 2e FRCS, and with the revival of Orcus in the uber Book of Vile Darkness, who better to assist Orcus in regaining a foothold on Faerun than his Chosen. When I was first drafting the template I noticed alot of the abilities I wanted were similar or identical to the Lich template. I'm a lazy typist, thus the reference to the Monster Manual.

THE CHOSEN OF ORCUS by ph0t0k_dup

The Chosen of Orcus is a template that can be added to any epic humanoid or Tanar’ri hereafter referred to as “the character.” A Chosen of Orcus uses the character’s statistics and abilities except as noted here. A Chosen of Orcus has her abilities at the will of Orcus; should the Prince of the Undead decide to remove chosen status from the character, she reverts back to her original form and abilities. Normally there is only one Chosen of Orcus at a time.

Special Qualities: A Chosen of Orcus retains all special qualities of the character and also gains the attributes described in the Lich template with the following exceptions/additions:

Type: Undead – The character’s creature type changes to undead

Turn Resistance – The Chosen adds her Wisdom and Charisma modifiers to her level for the purposes of determining what HD the turning or rebuking cleric can affect.

Special Abilities – At will: Detect Undead(Sp), Detect Good(Sp), Protection from Good(Sp); 5/day – Magic Circle Against Good; 1/day - Banishment (Caster level is the character's level)

Feats – Dark Speech, Extra Turning, Empower Turning (Faiths and Pantheons), Heighten Turning (Faiths and Pantheons), Undead Mastery(Epic, must meet requirements), Intensify Turning (Epic {from Epic Insights-Epic Divine Feats}, must meet requirements), Planar Turning (Epic, must meet requirements)

Climate/Terrain: Same as the character.
Organization: Same as the character.
Challenge Rating: Same as the character +4.
Alignment: Same as the character.
Treasure: Same as the character.
Advancement: Same as the character

Chosen of Vhaeraun by green elven vampire

AKA The Velvet Mask

its a template that can be added to any Male Drow or Male Drow Half Elf. A Chosen of Vhaeraun uses the character's statistics and special abilities except as noted below.

BONUS SPELLS (Sp): Constant~~ Protection from good, Detect secret doors, Cloak of Dark power. At will~~ Locate Object, Non Detection, pass without trace. 5/day:~~ DarkFire, Pass without Trace. 3/day~~ Blur, Shadow Mask. 1/day~~ Black Blade of Disaster, Greater Planar Ally.

The Shadow's favor (Ex): The chosen gets a +4 divine bonus to all saves made against spells cast by Clerics of Lolth.

Immunities (Ex): The Chosen is immune to aging and does not die from old age. He is also immune to all sneak attacks unless the attack is by a rogue or assassin of no less than 7 levels higher than his current rogue level. If the chosen has no rogue levels (which is very unlikely) then the sneak attack can only be made by a rogue or assassin of 7th level or higher.

Master Thief (Su): The chosen takes 10 on Open Locks, Disable Devise, Pick Pockets, Search, Hide, Move Silent and Escape Artist skill checks even while under stress. This ability can be used as many times a day as half your character level.

Shadow shift: (Sp): Anytime the chosen is within 10 feet of shadows he is granted the effects of a Displacement spell upon himself. This ability lasts as long as he remains within 10 feet of shadows and can be used as many times a day equal to his total character level.

Blessing of Vhaeraun (Sp): When the chosen is within 10 feet of shadows this ability enables one spell or melee attack to cause maximum damage. Furthermore, It causes one rogue skill check to be made at a bonus of +10. This ability can be used twice a day.

Velvet Mask of Vhaeraun (Sp): This ability manifests as a half-mask of black velvet on the chosen's face. It lasts for 5 rounds plus one round per character level attained. Once clad in the half-mask he can unleash a Domain spell of 5'th level or less on the mask as a free action. Such spells must be from the Chaos, Evil, Travel, Trickery or Drow domains. Upon command the black half-mask dissolves into shadows that move to envelop the intended target. The half-mask acts as a carrier of the spell cast on it: No SR or saving throw is allowed against the mask, but still apply to the spell cast upon the mask itself. All SR and saving throw checks are made at a -5 penalty. Only the targeted creature is affected by the spell even if it's a area spell. This ability is usable once a day.

Summon Mastiff (Sp): One time a day the chosen may summon two Shadow Mastiffs to do his bidding. If slain they simply vanish back to where they were summoned from. They can be summoned for as long as 8 hours at a time before returning to their plane.

Saves: The character adds + 1 as a bonus to all saving throws

Abilities: Increase from the character as follows: Dex +4, Cha +2, Con +5

Skills: Intimidate, Hide, and Move silently are class skills, regardless of the character's class

Feats: (You gain these feats automaticly without meeting their prerequisites) Twin sword style, Daylight adaptation, Survivor

Climate/Terrain Same as the character
Organization Same as the character, But must be a devoted follower of Vhaeraun
Challenge Rating: Same as the character +4
Alignment CG, CN, N, CE, NE
Treasure Same as the character
Advancement: Same as the character

Chosen of Grumbar by skinny rat
Chosen of grumbar are rare, right now there are only two known who lives on faerun. A chosen of Grumbar is an impressive figure, although most share the same traits no two has eyes that look the same , they are usually bigger and broader then other members of their race and they usually have a very strong voice, futhermore they have skins that are very hard and rough but some have a marble-like appearence to their skins. Chosen of Grumbar are sometimes referred to as Earthrulers and Groundbounds.

A chosen of grumbar retains all his special qualities plus the following

Bonus Spells(Sp) At Will Pass Without Trace, Soften Earth And Stone, Stone Shape, Stoneskin and meld into stone. 2/day Passwall, Haste, Iron body, Stone Wall, Eartquake and Find The Path. 1/day Elemental Swarm(as earth spell only)

Immunities The Chosen is immune to critical hits, flanking, diseases, aging, poison and mind influencing effects he is futhermore completely immune to slow spells and effects

Earths Connection(Su) Whenever the chosen is outdoors and has both his feet on the ground he has damage reduction 10/+1, regeneration and spell resistance 15

Earths Lore(Ex) The chosen gains a +10 competence on survival checks when underground or in areas with large quantities of rock or stone

Tremorsense(Ex) The chosen automatically knows the location of any creature within 60 feet that is in contact with the ground

Stone Strike(Su) When using a weapon in two hands the chosen adds x2 his strength modifier to damage instead of x1.5

Thrust(Ex) When the chosen throws a thrown weapon its range is doubled

Earths Form(Su) once a day the chosen may polymorph himself into an Elder Earth Elemental(as the polymorph spell) that lasts a number of rounds equal to 10+the chosens consitution modifier

Type The chosens type changes to outsider(earth).

Resistance(Ex) The chosen gains Fire and Acid Resistance 20

Skills Survival and Balance is always class skills
Saves Will and Fort save increase by +1, Ref save decrease by -1
Abilities Increse as follows: str+5,dex-2,con+2,int+0,wis+2,cha+1
Feats Same as character
Challenge rating+4

Chosen of Tymora By Maskanodel

A Chosen of Tymora is the living embodiment of the Lady of Luck, sharing her friendliness and grace, as well as her good nature. The Chosen are full of risks, but aren’t reckless as they the know Tymora will ensure they live a long, eventful life. Tymora chooses only her best and brightest worshippers to become her Chosen, commissioning them to spread good luck throughout the width of the Realms. One of the key goals of the Chosen of Tymora is to hunt down the followers of Beshaba, and to help halt her spreading of bad luck.
As the number 7 is considered lucky by many, Tymora can have up to 7 Chosen at any particular time. As well, the Chosen are commonly women. The identities of Tymora's current Chosen are unknown

Chosen of Tymora

Immunities A Chosen of Tymora is immune to aging and does not suffer the effects of aging. The Chosen is also immune to all poisons or diseases

Aura of Luck A Chosen of Tymora can create a Lucky Aura a number of time per day equal to her Charisma modifier. Any ally within this aura receives a +2 to any saves, attacks, or skill checks made. The Aura of Luck lasts for a number of rounds equal to 5 plus the Chosen’s charisma modifier. The aura extends for 20ft around the Chosen

Good Fortune 5/day the Chosen may re-roll any roll they may have made and failed

Luck of the Lady 3/day the Chosen can automatically succeed at one saving throw, regardless of the difficulty

Lucky Strike 3/day the Chosen can automatically succeed at one attack. A roll can still be made to determine whether or not it is a critical

Divine Grace The Chosen gains a bonus equal to her charisma modifier on all of her saving throws
Abilities: Charisma +10
Alignment CG or NG
CR +4

Okay, I'm brand new on this board and this is my first attempt at this, so please be gentle with your critics. These are the abilities I gave to an NPC in the FR campaign I'm currently running. He's formerly a worshipper of Tymora and was an adventuring bard, but he left that life when his hand was maimed, making it all but impossible to effectively weild a weapon. Worse than that (from his point of view), his maimed hand also made it impossible to play his instruments. He converted to worship of Ilmater, moved to Ilmwatch, and went into business brewing potions there. He spends most of his time brewing healing potions, keeping only one in three for sale in his shop. The others he tithes to the local church of the Triad or donates to the town militia. And though he's no longer a viable combatant, whenever evil comes knocking at the gates of Ilmwatch, he is always there to inspire the city's defenders with his bardic songs and use whatever spells he has to aid in their defense. The combination of his perseverance in spite of his infirmity, his perenial good spirit, and his constant, selfless works in the name of Ilmater, he was granted Chosen status and endowed with the following abilities:

Chosen of Ilmater by raenestro

Lay hands - as the paladin ability, however it is based on his total character level.

Immune to disease (except for sink, see below)

Cure disease by touch 1/day/charisma modifier

Bolstered Resistance - anyone cured of a disease by a Chosen will be immune to that particular disease for a duration of one year, and receive a permanent +10 hardiness bonus to Fort saves against any further instances of that particular disease.

Contagion Sink - Any contagious disease within 100' of the chosen will be spread only to the chosen (i.e., nobody else is in danger of catching it). If the chosen has enough cure diseases available to cure all infected carriers within range, he does so automatically. If not, the chosen takes on all symptoms at half strength (half ability loss, half restrictions, etc.), while simultaneously lessening all symptoms on all sufferers within range by half.
Multiple contagions can be absorbed at one time, however none of the chosen's ability scores will ever drop below 3 from an absorbed disease. Also, if any absorbed disease effects the Chosen's Charisma score, the original, unmodified score is always used when determining the number of Cure Disease spells he can cast.

The Suffering You Have Caused – Once per day, the Chosen may select one person who has hurt him and cause all injury inflicted on him by that person that day to be inflicted on him. The Chosen is instantly healed of all types of damage inflicted by that person (hit points, ability damage, disfigurement, etc.) while simultaneously the one who inflicted said injuries receives them. Thus if a torturer has spent the day breaking both legs and gouging the eyes out of the chosen's body, the chosen can invoke this power and will suddenly be whole and unharmed (except for any injuries not inflicted by that torturer) with his vision restored, while the torturer will suddenly have two broken legs and no eyes.

Domain Access The Chosen gains access to the Suffering and Renewal domains if he does not already have them. If the Chosen is not a divine spellcaster, he still gains the use of the powers granted by these domains. If the Chosen is an arcane spellcaster, he may prepare and use spell from these domains in the appropriate spell slots.

Ability Increases +2 Con, +2 WIS, +4 CHR
CR +2
LA +4

Here is one I made for the Chosen of Hruggek, the bugbear god. He's cruel, sneaky, and enjoys ambush. Also bugbears tend to be lead by the biggest and meanest of their tribes.

Chosen of Hruggek By Isida Kep'Tukari

+4 Str, +4 Dex, +2 Con

Chosen spell-like abilities: At will - invisibility, 2/day - true strike, 1/day - improved invisibility (1/2 hour duration), and displacement (7 round duration)

Impromptu Sneak Attack: Can make any melee attack a sneak attack 2/day at +1d6 sneak attack damage. This sneak attack damage stacks with any other sneak attack damage the Chosen may have already or gain in the future.

LA +3

2015-10-04, 09:34 PM
Here is my latest version of the Chosen of Mystra template. Augmented to include removed 2nd edition powers, tweaks to existing powers, added versatility to the Silverfire to function as it is described in novels, as well as a few of my own ideas.

Mystra-haters beware, the following text may induce nausea!

Chosen of Mystra by The Simbul of Aglorond

Creating a Chosen of Mystra
Chosen of Mystra is a template that can be added to any creature (referred to hereafter as the "character") that Mystra chooses to entrust a portion of her power to. A Chosen of Mystra uses all of the character's statistics and special abilities except as noted here. This is an acquired template, and a Chosen of Mystra has its power only at the will of Mystra; should she decide to remove Chosen of Mystra status from the character, then he reverts to his original abilities.
In the past Mystra has created beings, namely the Seven Sisters, for the sole purpose of becoming her Chosen. In such circumstances, the character only gains this benefits of this template if and when she proves herself to Mystra and accepts the burden of her inheritance. In addition to the normal powers and abilities of a Chosen of Mystra, the Seven Sisters do acquire minor abilities at birth, which persist regardless if she later does or does not become a Chosen (see the Seven Sisters below).

Type/Subtype: same as the character.

Appearance: The Chosen of Mystra appear no different than other creatures of their type.

Special Qualities: A Chosen of Mystra retains all of the special qualities of the character and also gains the following:

Bonus Spells (Sp): The Chosen of Mystra may choose one spell, of each level one through nine, which she may use once per day as a spell-like ability. The caster level for these spells is equal to the Chosen’s character level or Hit dice; and saving throw DC’s are Charisma based. Once chosen, these spells cannot be changed.

Spell Immunity (Su): The Chosen of Mystra may choose one spell, of each level one through nine, which she is completely unaffected by as if protected by a Mystran Spellward spell (see New Spells below). Once chosen, these spells cannot be changed.

Weave Focus (Su): Upon gaining this template, a Chosen of Mystra is forever barred from ever taking the Shadow Weave Magic feat. In addition, all spells cast through the Weave by a Chosen of Mystra have a +5 bonus to their saving throw DC's and +5 to their effective caster level (for purposes of determining level dependent spell variables, Dispel Checks, Spell Resistance checks, and opposed caster level checks).

Immunities (Ex): A Chosen of Mystra is immune to Blindness, Deafness, Disease, Disintegration, Fatigue, Exhaustion, Poison, and Sleep effects.

Immortality (Ex): Chosen of Mystra are naturally immortal and cannot die from natural causes. Chosen do not age, and they do not need to eat, sleep, or breathe. The only way for a Chosen to die is through special circumstances, usually by being slain in magical or physical combat.

Detect Magic (Su): line of sight.

Mantle of Mysteries (Su): A Chosen is immune to all Scrying and divination effects, and all effects that discern her thoughts or alignment. Likewise, a Chosen cannot be controlled or compelled by any magical, supernatural, or psionic abilities or effects, although a clever chosen may play along and pretend to be acting under an enemy’s charm or compulsion. In addition, a Chosen's Truename cannot be discovered or discerned by any being unless the Chosen willingly chooses to reveal it to them.

Name and Song Attunement (Su): Whenever a Chosen’s name or the Rune of the Chosen is spoken, the Chosen hears it and the next nine words uttered by the being that spoke her name or recited the song. This ability does not inhibit or interfere with concentration, and can be suppressed or resumed as a free action.

Silver Fire (Su): All Chosen of Mystra can wield the Silver Fire (ability updated; see below).

Saves: +5 sacred bonus to all saving throws against spells and spell-like effects.

Abilities: +10 Constitution.

Skills: +10 insight bonus to Spellcraft checks.

Feats: Initiate of Mystra.

Spells: Same as the character, however a Chosen of Mystra with levels in any of the following spellcasting classes gains the following additional abilities:

Wizard: The Chosen may learn, scribe, and research new spells with much more ease than a normal Wizard. To study newly discovered spell or scribe a new spell into a spellbook only requires one hour instead of one day, and the material costs and time required to research new spells are halved

Sorcerer or Bard: once per day the Chosen may choose to remove a known spell from her known spell repertoire and replace it with a new spell of the same spell level from the appropriate class spell list. Removing a known spell in this fashion does not prevent a Chosen from relearning the same spell in the future.

Cleric: The Chosen may spontaneously cast any spell in the Spell, Magic, Illusion, Knowledge, Luck, or Good Domains and all Initiate of Mystra spells of any spell level that she can cast, using any cleric spell slot of the appropriate spell level.

Druid The Chosen gains access to all spells in the Spell, Magic, Illusion, Knowledge, Luck, or Good Domains and all Initiate of Mystra spells, and may prepare them in any druid spell slot of the appropriate spell level.

Paladin or Ranger The Chosen may select any two of Mystra’s domains, and may prepare and cast any spell upon those domain lists using any paladin or ranger spell slot of the appropriate spell level.

Unknown Powers: Many of the powers of a Chosen of Mystra may remain as of yet unrevealed, in some instances even to the Chosen themselves.

Climate/Terrain: Same as the character.

Organization: Same as the character.

Challenge Rating: +5.

Alignment: Same as the character.

Treasure: Same as the character.

Advancement: Same as the character.

The Seven Sisters

The Seven Sisters, daughters of Mystra whom the goddess created for the purpose of becoming her Chosen, inherit minor qualities at birth due to their divine origins. As the offspring of a greater goddess, the Seven Sisters possess additional but minor qualities beyond that of a normal Chosen of Mystra, and still retain these abilities even if they were to choose not to serve Mystra as one of her Chosen, or if they should ever renounce the Lady of Mysteries. The following template is considered an inherited template unique to the Seven Sisters, although some of the powers below (such as immortality) are common among all offspring of unions between mortals and deities. The Seven Sisters use all of the their normal statistics and special abilities except as noted here. Upon any of the Seven Sisters later becoming a Chosen of Mystra, they still retain these special qualities in conjunction with their newly gained Chosen of Mystra powers, even if some of the powers are redundant (see the Chosen of Mystra template above).

Type/Subtype: same as the character.

Appearance: The Seven Sisters appear no different than other creatures of their type, except that their hair takes on a silvery-white hue.

Special Qualities: The Seven Sisters retain all of the special qualities of the character and also gains the following.

Immortality (Ex): The Seven Sisters are naturally immortal and cannot die from natural causes. The Seven do not age beyond adulthood, and they do not need to eat, sleep, or breathe. The only way for one of the Seven Sisters to die is through special circumstances, usually by being slain in magical or physical combat.

Unique Powers (Su or Ex): By the grace of Mystra, many of the Seven Sisters possess unique powers or abilities, usually magical in nature, either possessed from birth or granted to them by the Goddess over the span of their lives. In such cases, the additional abilities are listed in their character descriptions.

Abilities: As the offspring of a mortal and a deity, the Seven Sisters have several base ability scores above those normally exhibited by other members of their race. Their base ability scores are generated using the point buy system, but with 72 points as opposed to the standard point buy values, or by simply using the following ability score array: 13, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18.

Skills: same as the character.

Feats: the Seven Sisters gain Magical Aptitude and Spellcasting Prodigy as bonus feats at 1st level.

Advancement: The Seven Sisters consider the sorcerer class as a favored class, for purposes of multiclassing and determining XP, in addition to any other favored classes her race or character background would allow. As daughters of a Goddess of Magic they exhibit the intuitive understanding of magic normally possessed by sorcerer characters. Most of the Seven Sisters have at least one or two levels in the Sorcerer class.

The Silver Fire:

This powerful supernatural ability is unique to the Chosen of Mystra, a portion of the raw magical energy of the weave lying dormant within their bodies until called upon. Manifesting as a beautiful silver-white flame that surrounds the wielder and fills the area into which it is projected, Silver Fire can be used for any of the following magical effects:

The Silver Fire can banish all magical effects upon the chosen as if a Greater Dispelling spell had been cast upon her, except that the Dispel check bonus is not capped at caster level 20. This use of the Silver Fire can be called upon at will, once per round.

The Silver Fire can be unleashed as a bright silver flame that engulfs all creatures and objects it strikes with the burning raw magical energy of the Weave. The flame may take the form of a bolt 5ft wide and 5ft tall, extending to a length of up to 10 ft per level of the Chosen which deals 1d6 points of damage for every two levels of the Chosen to all creatures and objects in its path and burns through physical barriers in the same fashion as a lightning bolt spell. Any being in the path of the bolt may attempt a reflex save (DC 10 + ½ the Chosen’s level + the Chosen’s Constitution modifier) for half damage. At the their option, the Chosen may instead unleash the Silver Fire in the form of a burning sphere, which is hurled at a single target by means of a ranged touch attack (no save) and deals 1d6 points of damage per every two levels of the Chosen. Both of the above uses of the Silver Fire breach all magical and supernatural barriers or defenses automatically. Alternatively, this flame may instead surround the Chosen as a radiant burning aura that deals 4d12 points of damage plus an addition point of damage per level of the Chosen to any creature who touches or strikes her in combat for the next 2d4 rounds. Any of the above uses of the Silver Fire can only be called upon once every six rounds.

The Silver Fire can be unleashed as a cloud-like emanation with a 90 ft radius, permanently banishing all Dead Magic zones and dispelling all Antimagic effects it comes into contact with. This cloud effect is draining on the Weave, and it can only be called upon once per hour. Mystra discourages its use except for dire emergencies.

The Silver Fire can be called upon to duplicate the effects of a Greater Teleport spell to transport the Chosen to any location where she had previously wielded the Silver Fire, duplicate the effects of a Regenerate spell upon the Chosen, or allow the Chosen to cast any spell with a casting time of less than one full round as if it were a supernatural ability instead of a spell (the affected spell does not require any components, does not provoke attacks of opportunity, cannot be dispelled, and ignores the target’s spell resistance, just as if it were a supernatural ability). Any of these effects of the Silver Fire can be called upon a number of times per day equal to the Constitution bonus of the Chosen.

The Silver Fire may be used to contribute to an Epic Spell ritual as though it were a spell, or be included into the development of an Epic Spell as a unique spell component. The Spellcraft DC reduction of any Epic Spell that uses the Silver Fire as a special focus is –20, and the reduction for any Epic Spell that uses contributions of the Silver Fire to its ritual is –20 for each Chosen contributing Silver Fire to the spell.

All of the above effects of the Silver Fire function as if cast by a spellcaster equal to the level or hit dice of the Chosen.

New Spell:

Mystran Spellward
Level: Initiate of Mystra 9
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 10 min./level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
The caster of this spell chooses one spell of each level one through nine, to which the warded creature gains complete invulnerability against. Such spells simply do not affect the target of this spell, and the target of a Mystran Spellward and all of her carried possessions are not included in the area of effect of such spells.
If a spell is chosen that is the greater version of another spell (i.e. such as spells whose name begins with the words Greater, Mass, Improved, etc) then the Mystran Spellward protects against all lesser versions of the spell, but not greater versions of the spell or spells with a vaguely similar theme or characteristic (i.e. a being who chose to be protected from Mass Charm Monster would likewise be protected from Charm Monster and Charm Person, but would not be protected against Suggestion, Domination, or similar spells or effects). A Mystran Spellward also protects against all personal and variant versions of the spell, as well as the spell-like effects of magic items, innate spell-like abilities of creatures, and supernatural abilities that specifically duplicate the effects of the named spell.
A creature can have only one Mystran Spell Ward spell in effect upon them at one time.

Chosen of Umberlee By Maskanodel
Although a fickle and malicious goddess, Umberlee sometimes sees the need to have someone protect her interests in the material plane, be it leading her followers against those who would disrespect her command of the sea, or sending her Chosen against the minions of her foes. The Chosen of Umberlee understand better then any the contrary nature of their goddess, and know they have their powers only on her whims. As such, the Chosen are utterly devoted to their ***** Queen, following only her and brooking no disobedience from anyone, followers or not.
The true number of Umberlee’s Chosen is unknown, although it is suspected to be less then a handful. One of Umberlee’s most powerful servants is a kraken wizard and leader of the Kraken Society, Slarkrethel.

Chosen of Umberlee Template

Immunities:The Chosen of Umberlee are immune to all poisons, magical or otherwise, diseases, and mind-altering effects. As well, the Chosen doesn’t suffer penalties from aging, although they still die when their time comes.

Swim Speed: The Chosen gains a swim speed of double their base speed. They also gain webbed toes and feet. If the Chosen already has a swim speed, add 30ft to their previous swim speed.

Underwater Breathing: The Chosen of Umberlee gains the ability to breathe underwater for an indefinite period of time, if they couldn’t before. At this point the Chosen forms gills.

Umberlee’s Armour: Due to the constant pressure of living underwater for the majority of the time, the Chosen’s skin becomes tougher and they become physically hardier. This results in a +4 natural armour bonus, as well as DR 5/-.

Spell-like Abilities: 5/day-Control Weather, Control Winds, Dominate Animal (aquatic creature only), Resist Elements.

Umberlee’s Eyes: The dark depths of Toril’s seas are hard to penetrate with normal vision, so Umberlee has blessed her Chosen with low-light vision and Darkvision 90ft. If the Chosen previously had Darkvision, add an additional 30ft to the total.

***** Queen’s Blessing: As long as the Chosen and his/her opponent are touching water, the Chosen gains a +2 to attack and damage, as well as a +2 to the DC of any spell cast against the opponent.

Summon Water Elemental: Once per tenday, the Chosen can cast Elemental Swarm to summon only water elementals.

Abilities: Con+4. The pressure of spending time primarily underwater makes the Chosen exceedingly tough.

Alignment: Any Evil

PS The words with the asterix starts with "B" and ryhmes with "itch"

Chosen of Rillifane Rallathil by green elven vampire

Also known as The Master of the Great Oak

Its a template that can be added to any Elf or Half Elf. A Chosen of Rillifane uses the character's statistics and special abilities except as noted below.

BONUS SPELLS (Sp): Constant~~ Barkskin, Find the Path, Pass without trace. At will~~ Tree Stride, Plant Growth, Snare.
5/day:~~ Greenfire, Holy Smite. 3/day~~ Change Staff, Spell Immunity. 1/day~~ Shambler, Command Plants.

Immunities (Ex): Chosen of Rillifane are Immune to ageing effects and do not age. They are also immune to all attacks and special abilities from creatures with the Plant subtype.

Forest feast (Ex): The chosen does not need to eat or drink while in forested areas.

Rillifane's Acorns (Sp): The Chosen can cause a barrage of acorns to launch from her hands, from the ground, or from an oak tree within 20 yards. The acorns can fly up to 50 yards, striking any enemy the chosen wishes. She can summon up to 2 acorns for every character level attained. Each acorn requires a successful ranged touch attack to hit and deal 1d4 points of damage each. This ability can be used 3 times a day.

The Leaflord's Amber Prison (Su): The chosen may encase a target in a hard, translucent coating of fossil resin in a yellow, orange hue. If the target makes a successful Fort save (DC 30) the prison dissipates without effect. If saving throw fails then target is caught in the amber prison just as the effects of a Hold Monster spell. The amber prison has an AC of 25 and a hardness of 30 with 75 hitpoints. Living targets encased in the prison suffocate in 2 rounds and die. No spells may be cast from inside the prison and cannot be cast at the target inside. This ability can be used once a day.

The Great Oak's gift (Sp): The chosen may take the form of a huge Treant of 13HD once a day. While in this form she has all the natural abilities of a treant and may cast spells as normal with no penalties.

Quickened spells (Sp): The chosen is granted the ability to cast certain spells as if using the Quicken Spell feat. The spells are all considered spell-like abilities and may be cast once a day each as a sorcerer of her total character level.

*Claws of the beast
*Detect Crossroads
*Blinding Spittle
*Mass Awaken
*Tortoise Shell
*Healing Sting

Saves: The character adds + 2 as a bonus to all saving throws.

Abilities: Increase from the character as follows: Dexterity +4, Strength +2 Charisma +2, Wisdom +4.

Skills: Wilderness lore, Handle animal, Animal empathy, and Move silently are class skills, regardless of the character's class.

Feats: (You gain these feats automaticly without meeting their prerequisites) Weapon Focus (quarter staff), Foe Hunter, Forester.

Climate/Terrain: Same as the character.
Organization: Same as the character, But must be a devoted follower of Rillifane Rallathil.
Challenge Rating: Same as the character +5.
Alignment: CG, CN, N
Treasure: Same as the character.
Advancement: Same as the character

Chosen of the Triad (Tyr, Ilmater, Torm) By the_move

The Triad is not likely to grant their powers to any creature just walking on Faerun. Only those, suitable will earn the power granted by the Triad.

Since this grants many benefits it has certain requirements.

These are:

MUST be Lawful Good.

MUST have one out of these three gods as patron deity.

MUST be either cleric or paladin or monk having Ilmater as patron deity. Multiclass only allowed between those 3 classes or with a fitting prestige class. (Justiciar of Tyr, Hand of Torm, Martyred Champion of Ilmater, Contemplate, Divine Champion, etc). If they are a multi class such as paladin/cleric, they MUST choose which class is important for the benefits they gain.The other will be ignored.


Divine Health: As long as he stays in service of the Triad he is granted immunity to poison (also magic), diseases (also magic), curses and even immunity to negative levels or attribute losses (i.E. Weaken).

Immortality and returning youth: as long as he stays in service of the Triad he is granted immortality and does not age anymore. He does get the benefits of aging though but not the malefits. Already taken malefits are NEGATED. (This means you get the usual boni in INT, WIS and CHA, but not the mali in STR, DEX and CON. Mali that you have already taken in those physical attributes by aging are set back to their original status like you have never aged.)

Additional Attribute bonus:

Strength +2 (Monk/Cleric); +4 (Paladin)
Dexterity +2 (Monk)

Constitution +4 (all)
Wisdom +2(Paladin/Monk) ; +4 (Cleric)
Charisma +4 (all)

Damage Reduction:

5/- [cleric/paladin],

15/+2 [monk]

however a monk, who has already obtained his damage reduction of 20/+1 (at lvl 20) can choose to keep it or take the new granted. However he can not choose between the granted and the original damage reduction when he becomes a lvl 20 monk afterwards.

+ 3 to all saving throws (cleric/paladin)

+1 to all saving throws (monk).

- EVASION (all; see monk for details)

- Spellresistance 14 (all)

- completly immune to any form of mind control. (all)

General Abilities:

Alignment Sight:
Every Chosen of the Triad can see any creature´s exact alignment, without even concentrating.
Spells or any other ability can not hinder this ability.

Summon Epic Arms:
Once per day a the chosen can summon an exact “copy” of his patron deity´s weapon, which can not be disarmed. It lasts for the chosen´s complete level + charisma bonus in minutes.
Malefits on these weapons are negated, bonus such as weapon focus are treated normal (i.E. if a cleric of Torm has no weapon proficiency in Great Sword, he does not get the -4 malefits he would normally get with this weapon)

Torm as patron deity: +5 holy avenger greatsword
Tyr as Patron deity: +5 Vorpal longsword
Ilmater as Patron deity: +5 keen, lawful, vorpal unarmed strike

Additional Domains (cleric only):
A cleric can choose 2 additional domains of his choice. However these domains need not to be of the gods domains, but MUST NOT lie on contrary of theirs such as evil, chaotic, etc. which are not possible to choose from. Also Spider, Dead (Necromancy), etc. is not possible.
Additional slots: The cleric gains an additional slot for his domain spells on all spell lvls. (2 domain spell slots each spell lvl now instead of 1.)

Additional Abilities (Paladin only):
The hitpoints healed by lay on hands are increased by 50% (class lvl x charisma bonus x 1.5)
He further gains an additional slot on each spell level.
Epic Weapon Speciality: The paladin is granted all Epic weapon focus, epic specialization and overwhelming critical with the weapon of his choice.

Additional Abilities (Monk only):
Smite Evil (3 times per day)
Lay on hands (lvl x 2 hitpoints per day)
Further he can choose 3 divine spells out of the clerics regular repertoir spells of each 0th ,1st ,2nd and 3rd lvl. He can speak each of those spells once per day. Preparation is same as cleric.

Chosen of the Red Knight By Arthan "Heavy Fist"

Creating a Chosen of the Red Knight
“Chosen of the Red Knight” is a +4 template that can be added to any humanoid creature. A Chosen of the Red Knight uses all the base character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted. A Chosen of the Red Knight only has its power at the will of the Red Knight; should the Handmaiden of Strategy decide to remove Chosen status from a character, he or she reverts to their old abilities.

The Red Knight’s Chosen are highly integrated; some would even say that they are the living embodiment of her lance board passion.

As a newly raised Demi-Goddess the Red Knight is aggressively pursuing a larger worshiper base by placing her powers within a larger group of chosen to more quickly spread her worship through word and deed. By strategically supporting followers with her chosen she intends to get the word out that the best laid plan… wins.

The Chosen concentrate on four main areas:
- Establishing areas within existing churches of Tempus that the devout may come for worship, war gaming, and battle planning.
- Increasing the Red Fellowship through mentorship of young clergy, active leadership in the community and Church of Tempus.
- Supporting worshipers in battle or preparations for battle.
- Undermine and destroy followers of Cyric and Gargos. Keeping an eye on Anhur or any other potential threat to Tempus or her portfolio.

The Red Knight maintains six types of Chosen with varied powers that reflect her Faerunian Lance Board.

8 Scouts, their piece is a “non-discrete” smaller piece that is often overlooked… until it’s in a strategic position.
2 Engineers are symbolized as a castle or fortification.
2 Lancers symbolized by a horse, pegasus or griffon, hippogriff rearing.
2 Advisors are often symbolized by a scholarly figurine wearing a wizardly caps or high cleric headpiece.
1 Handmaiden who is represented by a female figurine wearing a circlet or simple crown. Some boards have her in armor.
1 Warlord a figure usually male wearing a crown and holding a sword.

Each of the chosen has a special lance board with each piece corresponding to another chosen. These pieces allow the chosen to contact the others by concentrating on thier piece. Each chosen was presented their board from the Red Knight herself. The chosen will go to great lengths to recover these boards.

All Chosen of the Red Knight share the following abilities:

Special Qualities: Chosen of the Red Knight retain all their special qualities.

Bonus Spells (Sp):
At will- Protection from Chaos, Calm Emotion, Remove Fear.
5/day – Dispel Magic, Status, (Additional spell varies per Chosen)
3/day – Magic Vestment, Hero’s Feast, (Additional spell varies per chosen)
1/day – Freedom of Movement, Greater Prying Eyes, Foresight.

Immunities (Ex): A Chosen of the Red Knight is immune to Poison and Disease. Has 5 resistances to elemental attacks from cold, fire (heat) and electricity. He or she is also immune to aging, does not age, and is effectively immortal.

Damage reduction: 5 / +1
Immune to Mind Affecting Abilities
SA: Chosen may communicate freely with one another for a number of minutes equal to their charisma modifier per ten day while holding the corresponding piece from their board.
SA: Low light vision and Dark Vision 60’.
+1 Leadership bonus
Skills: Spot, diplomacy, bluff as class skills.
Feats: Leadership, Battle collage (education feat; only for tactical knowledge’s)
Abilities: +2 Con, +2 Int, +2 Wis, +2 Chr. Statistic increases listed below that are greater then the ones listed here DO NOT stack.
Alignment: Always Lawful
Bonuses granted to AC, saves, to hit, etc by the various Chosen DO NOT stack, the highest bonus applies.

Scouts (8): Scouts actively seek out information that the Red Fellowship can use against their opponents. They also specialize in rear area operations to disrupt the enemy. When not employed as scouts or saboteurs during a battle, the Red Knight’s scouts roam Faerun looking for signs of activity from followers of Cyric or Gargos. Two scout’s are always dedicated to gathering against these two deities.

A scout is usually paired with one of the other Chosen to provide needed intelligence and reconnaissance to augment their mission.

A scout may mentally share information and memories with the other chosen when both are touching and concentrating.

Skills: +4 Spot, +2 Disable Device, +2 Gather Information. Gather Information as a class skill. 1 bonus skill per level.
Feats: 1 Bonus feat per 5 levels
Abilities: +4 Dex
Gather intelligence: Identical to Bardic Knowledge, based on overall character level.
+3d6 Sneak Attack, stacks with other sneak attack dice. Same rules as a Rogues sneak attack.

Bonus Spells (Sp):
5/day – Detect Thoughts
3/day – Prying Eyes
1/day - Etherealness

Engineers (2): Are the logisticians and the master engineers of the Red Knight. They assist the clerics of Tempus prepare for offensive and defensive siege operations. They also analysis and prepare logistic requirements in advance of a campaign or as needed. Surprisingly, several wizards have held this position.

Withstand the siege: Their active presence re-enforces defenders Morale, To Hit, Damage and Saves by +2. Supplies last 25% longer.

Take the fortress: Increases siege weapon range and damage by 33%. Decrease set up and construction time of siege weapons and towers by 50%. Increase sapper rate of dig by 20%.

Skills: +4 Knowledge (Engineering and Architecture), +4 Knowledge Siege Warfare, +4 Knowledge (Logistics). 1 Bonus knowledge skill per level.
Weapons: All siege weapons and towers.
Feats: 1 Bonus feat per 4 levels
Abilities: +4 Con, +4 Int

Bonus Spells (Sp):
5/day – Soften stone and stone
3/day – Move earth
1/day – Elemental Swarm

Lancers (2): Are the commanders of two elite mounted mercenary companies within the Red Fellowship. These raiders harass the enemy as it moves, bivouacs or during battle. Experts at disrupting supply lines and attacking enemy rear areas they help ensure victory by disrupting the enemy’s ability to maintain logistics flow, effective communications or provide re-enforcements to the front lines. They are occasionally mounted on winged mounts.

Inspired strategy: With time to deliberately plan a mission, brief subordinates, simulate the battle plan with soldiers an entire force may receive the following benefits: +2 Morale, +2 To Hit, +1 Damage, +5 Movement Rate and +1 to saves.

Reap the whirlwind: If the Lancer uses either call lightning or whirlwind during an offensive action (formation charge or attack), the enemy suffers a –2 to Morale, saves and a –1 to hit and damage.

Ride like the wind: All riders under the control of a Lancer have their mount’s movement increased by +10. This does not stack with the movement bonus from inspired strategy, as it effects the mounts. The Lancer does not have to be present for this to function the rider simply needs to be sworn to him, the company or a member of the Red Fellowship working with him or her.

Skills: +4 Ride, +4 Handle Animal, +2 Intimidate. Free ride skill per level.
Feats: 1 Bonus feat per 4 levels (DM’s should assign a set list of feats to choose from)
Abilities: +4 Dex

Bonus Spells (Sp):
5/day – Protection from arrows
3/day – Call Lightning Storm; increase length of the storm’s duration by the chosen’s level, increase lightning bolts by caster’s level.
1/day – Whirlwind; increase all dimensions by one foot per level, increase duration by caster’s level; increase range by 50%.

Damage reduction: 10 / +1
Immunity to electricity.

Advisers (2): Seeing is believing is the advisor’s motto. They assist the High Priests of Tempus, the other chosen usually the Handmaiden or Warlord, friendly ruler; their battle staff or commanders plan overall battle strategy and movements. They also monitor the battle and suggest changes to current strategies as the battle unfolds. The review tomes and works of strategy before they’re added to the battle collages curriculum

Move the force: By analyzing the terrain, weather and the forces at hand. An adviser can increase friendly movement rate by 20%.

Monitor the battle: When concentrating, an adviser may project a real time simulation of an ongoing battle on a prepared map table or section of ground. The prepared area must represent the battle site with some realism; terrain depiction, battle positions, etc before this ability can be used.
Preparation takes one hour for visual effects, two hours for sounds and refined details and five hours to be able to identify specific people within the fray and their status. Each hour of preparation increases the battle area that can be monitored by one mile. Preparation time spent for details and area DO NOT stack. Temples in large cities will often have extensively prepared representations of the city and surrounding lands. If concentration is broken it takes one minute to establish an overview, then an additional minute for specific details. Advisers usually have their staff prepare a basic terrain model/map at the beginning of each bivouac, at a minimum one hour will be spent on detail and another two hours for range. If the camp will be maintained for more then one day the map board preparation will continue to improve.

Battle orders: An Adviser may communicate with all subordinate commanders a number of times equal to their wisdom bonus per day. Each communication can last one minute per point of wisdom. All members must concentrate to maintain the link; members may attempt to regain the link by concentrating. Within the link communications are open for anyone to speak, the longer one speaker talks though, the better impression of their surrounding situation the others get.

Skills: +4 Diplomacy, +4 Listen, +4 Knowledge (Warfare) Diplomacy and Knowledge (warfare) free each level.
Feats: 1 Bonus feat per 4 levels (DM’s should assign a set list of feats to choose from)
Abilities: +4 Wis, +4 Chr

Bonus Spells (Sp):
5/day – Detect thoughts, True seeing
3/day – Teleport without error
1/day - Dictum

Handmaiden (1): Knowing that her divine duties would increase suffering if not tempered by compassion the Red Knight chooses her Handmaiden to temper suffering during war, heal those left in it’s wake and directly oppose the mindless bloodshed of Gargos. She oversees the creation of new shrines, hospitals and the coordination of forces. She coordinates the efforts of the other chosen and lends aid to the others as needed.

Re-position the board: The Handmaiden may move herself or others to another chosen to aid them or bring them to her as a standard action. A chosen may be returned to their previous location. She may move as many people or animals as her charisma bonus. She may do this a number of times per day equal to her Wisdom bonus.

Fight again another day: Her active presence in a hospital or where patients are being treated increases daily recovery of hit points and healing spells by +3.

Juggernaut: When actively leading a force the Handmaiden inspires heroics within allied troops. Allied troops receive bonuses to hit, damage, saves and AC based on their range from the Handmaiden.
Within 30’: Followers receive a +4 bonus.
Within 60’: Followers receive a +3 bonus.
Within 120’: Followers receive a +2 bonus.
Within 240’: Followers receive a +1 bonus
They suffer no morale penalties.

Skills: Free Heal and Diplomacy each level. +2 to heal and diplomacy.
Feats: 1 Bonus feat per 3 levels
Abilities: +4 Dex, +4 Wis, +4 Chr

Bonus Spells (Sp):
At will: - Cure light wounds: Only once per person per day. Range is 10’. Deathwatch.
5/day – Divine Favor, Regeneration
3/day – Heal, Dictum
1/day – Resurrection

Damage reduction: 10/+1
Leadership bonus: +3
Monk abilities as a monk of equal level.

Warlord (1): The Warlord at heart is the purest form of tactical deception. Knowing that her enemies would focus their efforts on capturing or eliminating the perceived strongest of her chosen she decided to distract them while the others maneuver to strike.

Occasionally and for short periods of time the Red Knight will infuse a mortal agent with great powers to aid a particularly devout follower or distract her rivals from a given operation being conducted elsewhere. This infusion usually lasts for a number of days equal to the agent’s charisma bonus. For campaign planning purposes, consider this agent to only be active for 2-4 ten days per year… usually spread out equally over the year to keep people guessing.

The other Chosen are immediately aware when an agent is imbued with the Warlord’s power. Because of the temporary nature of the Warlord, he or she cannot summon or compel the other chosen other then the Lancers, as listed below.

Marshal the troops: The warlord may summon one or both of the Lancers and their entire unit to his location to fight. This ability can be used equal to the warlord’s charisma score / two per ten-day. The effect is similar to riding through a portal and takes a standard time for all riders to journey through the portal.

Unstoppable: Friendly troops within sight of the warlord suffer no adverse morale reactions or presences attacks and receive +3 to hit, damage, saves and AC.

Frightful presence: Enemies within 20’ per level suffer the effects if they have fewer levels then the warlord. Effects and limitation similar to a dragon’s frightful presence (MM pg 69).

Limited shape shift: The warlord uses this ability to keep rumors alive and keep those that watch the Red Fellowship guessing (and not acting). While infused the warlord will feel a compulsion to occasional make body shifts that are noticeable. A warlord may shift size by one category either way, usually used to increase his or her size and the number of troops that can see them and gain the benefit of being Unstoppable (as listed above).

Skills: Free Intimidate and Diplomacy each level. +2 to intimidate and diplomacy.

Feats: 1 Bonus feat: This feat may be changed once per ten rounds. The Warlord also is imbued with the following feats: Improved critical, Improved Evasion, Improved Initiative, Whirlwind Attack, and Great Cleave.

Weapons: A Warlord’s weapons are considered lawful and wounding while he weilds them.

Abilities: +6 Str, +4 Con
Regeneration 5

Bonus Spells (Sp):
5/day – Dispel Magic
3/day – Heal (self only), Dictum
1/day – Summon Monster IX, Typically fallen warriors from Warriors Rest
Damage reduction: 10/+2

Chosen of Selune
editor's note: I'm not sure of the original poster, but it appears based on the comments following that this work was largely ripped off from the work of green elven vampire and tebryn14 without proper credit and was not listed in the index, and as a protest to the original post and in the spirit of the original thread, it is not added into the index on this thread, but for the sake of completeness of this work it is included anyways

"Chosen of Selune" is a template that can be added to any humanoid creature (referred to hereafter as the "character"). A Chosen of Selune uses the character's statistics and special abilities except as noted here. A Chosen of Selune has its power at the will of Selune, should the Moon Goddess decide to remove Chosen status from the character, it reverts back to its original abilities.

Immunities (Ex): The Chosen of Selune are immune to aging effects and do not physically age. Aging bonuses still accrue, and the Chosen still dies of old age when his/her time is up.

Special Qualities: Chosen of Selune retain all their special qualities.

Spell Immunity (Su): The chosen is immune to all these spells as if he/she were constantly protected by a spell immunity spell.
*Cause fear
*Calm emotions
*Hold person
*Orders wrath
*Dispel chaos
*Power word: Kill

Bonus Spells (Sp): Constant—Protection from Evil, Freedom of Movement, Comprehend Languages. At will—Dancing Lights, Protection from Law. 5/day--Cat’s Grace, Calm Emotions, Suggestion. 3/day—Tongues, Moon Blade, Flame Strike 1/day—Moonfire.

Shooting Stars: This spell when cast creates a violent turbulence in the air above the area of effect, from which a number of fiery-orange, electrically-charged miniature fireballs erupt and shower onto the ground. Within the area of effect, all creatures suffer 8d10 points of combined fire and electrical damage. A successful Dex. save (DC25) indicates half damage. The area of effect is a 60' radius spread, in a range of 120 yards. In addition, four large shooting stars materialize within the area of effect. The chosen can individually target these at specific creatures. Each star causes 48 points of damae on impact (no saving throw allowed). Any creature withi 10 feet of impact suffers 24 points of fire damage. A successful Dex. save (DC25) indicated half damage. This High Divine Magic ability may be used twice a week. (Sorcerers or Clerics can only use this special ability.)

Celestial Army: This spell is only to be cast when peoples lives are threatened, or a Chosen of Selune chooses to use this in defense. This spell summons a host of beings from the upper planes who will fight on the side of the chosen. Roll 1d10 and refer to the list below to determine the type and number of beings summoned.

1. 1-3 Astral Devas
2. 1 Solar
3. 3-18 Hound Archons
4. 1-6 Trumpet Archons
5. 5-20 Avoral
6. 1 Celestial Lammasu
7. 1-3 Lillends
8. 2-20 Ghaele Eladrin
9. 2 Planetars
10. 2 Copper Dragons, 2 Bronze Dragons, 2 Silver Dragons and 1 Gold Dragon (all are great wyrms)

The summoned creatures will serve until the enemy is defeated or until they are slain. Slain creatures vanish and return to their home plane. This High Magic ability is usable 1 time a season. (or 4 times a year). (Bards, Clerics, Sorcerers, and fighters can use this special ability).

Wrath of Selune (Su): During the new moon, Chosen of Selune are expected to hit the Church of Shar hard. High Clergy are expected to perform the Conjuring of the 2nd moon, to call upon the shards, to lead the assault on Shar. To aid them in their task, during this time they are granted the ability to use Teleport without error at will, as will as Finger of Death once per night at her own caster level. The Chosen also receives dark vision 60’.

Saves: +3 to all saves
Feats: Epic Leadership
Skills: Automatic +5 misc. bonus to Diplomacy and Knowledge Religion
1. Wisdom + 4, Charisma + 4
a. Fighter class receives an additional +4 to strength (doesn’t stack with cleric, Bard, or Sorcerer class).
b. Cleric class receives an additional +2 to wisdom and charisma (doesn’t stack with fighter, Bard, or Sorcerer class).
c. Bard class receives an additional +4 to charisma (Doesn’t stack with cleric, sorcerer, or fighter classes).
d. Sorcerer class receives a +4 to intelligence (Doesn’t stack with cleric, fighter, or bard class).
e. If your character has multi-classed take the higher ranking class to determine your class bonus. (Ex. 11th bard / 5th level cleric, since the bard class is higher you are required to take it)
f. (If you have any of these following classes as one or more of your prestige classes then you also receive an additional +2 to wisdom: Silver Star, Divine Emissary, Hierophant, Divine Champion).

Climate/Terrain: Same as the character.
Organization: Same as the character.
Challenge Rating: Same as the character +4.
Alignment: Same as the character.
Treasure: Same as the character.
Advancement: Same as the character

Chosen Of Bhaal by chosen_of_bhaal

Special Qualities: A chosen of Bhaal retains all special qualities of the character and gain the following.

Bonus Spells (Sp): Constant - Mind blank, Unholy Aura
At will - Invisibility
1/day - Wail of the Banshee
2/day - Power Word, Kill
3/day - Desecrate, dimension door, gaseous form

Damage Reduction (Ex): 5/+2

Immunities (Ex): The chosen of Bhaal is immune to death effects.

Immortality (Ex): Chosen of Bhaal is naturally immortal and cannot die from natural causes. Chosen do not age, and they do not need to eat, sleep, or breathe. The only way for a Chosen to die is through special circumstances, usually by being slain in magical or physical combat.

Sneak Attack: The chosen gains the ability to use a sneak attack +5d6. If the chosen already has sneak attack, use the better of the two.

Death Attack Improve: If the chosen has the death attack ability, Bhaal grants them a special boon: They only require 1 round of studying before making the attack opposed to the normal 3. Note that this does not grant the death attack ability.

Slayer Change (Su): Bhaal grants his chosen an ability availible to Bhaals offspring - the bhaalspawn - called the slayer change. As a standard action the chosen may undergo a transformation which grants them +6 natural armor, +8 strength, and a 1d10 claw attack. In this form the chosen loses one constitution point per round. If the chosen is in fact a bhaalspawn who already posesses this ability they take 1 constitution damage every 3 rounds instead. As a standard action they can change back into their original form (the dont lose con the same turn). If they dont do this before they run out of constitution they die. If brought back to life they permanently lose this ability. This constitution loss remains throughout the encounter, after which the chosen regains it at a rate of 1 per hour. It cannot be regained by any other means.

Undetectable (su): The chosen of Bhaal is aware if someone is attempting to scry him, and can if he chooses be undetectable to this scrying.

Mimic (ex): In order to reach somewhere where perhaps invisibility would not let the chosen go, the chosen may be able to alter their appearance to match someone whom the chosen has murdered within the last tenday. The upon taking this disguise the chosen can perfectly emulate the person that they have mimic'd, effictively meaning that the chosen also emulates mannerisms etc. However, the chosen gains no memories and is likely to be caught out in a conversation (something the chosen would obviously avoid).

Whispering Death: The chosen may willingly enter a trance-like state. The chosen designates a target (only appliccible to anyone subjective to critical hits), and goes into a trance for a number of days equal to their hit dice in an attempt to kill them from a large distance. While in the trance the chosen does not require anything that he would otherwise need (ie air, food). The trance lasts all day (and more, depending on the target).
After the chosen had reached the end of their trance, the target of Whispering Death is wracked in terrible pain, physically and mentally. As such the target must make both a will and fort save with a DC = chosens character level +5. If either of these saves are failed the target dies instantly. This ability has a range of 500 miles in radius, roughly the distance from Waterdeep to Baldur's Gate. If the target leaves the range of the ability the chosen must move to put them within the range, and start the trance again, from the beginning.
Once the trance is completed the chosen cannot target the same person/creature for a second attemp for 1 month. This also applies to creatures killes and brought back to life.
This ability can only be used once per year, and only when approved by Bhaal himself.

Immune to Mind Affecting Abilities
Saves: Same as the character
Abilities: +2 Str, +4 Dex
Skills: Same as the character
Feats: Same as the character

Climate/Terrain: Same as the character
Organisation: Same as the character
Challenge Rating: +4
Alignment: Always either lawful evil or neutral evil.
Treasure: Same as the character
Advancement: Same as the character

Chosen of Shaundukul – Portal Master by dragonheart
Immune to aging, poison, disease and disintegration
+5 to strength, +3 to Constitution, +2 to Charisma
Spell like abilities (1/d): Portal Stabilization, Analyze Portal, Airwalk, Dimension Door, Portal Barricade, Portal to Portal Redirect, Chain Lightning, Portal Reformat, Prismatic Sphere.
Defenses: +10 Cold, +10 Lightning, Immunity to: Otto’s Irresistable Dance, Dimensional Lock, Dimensional Anchor, False Vision.
Domain Powers: Portal Sensitive, Turn/Destroy Earth Elementals; Rebuke, Command, Bolster Air Elementals 3/day + Charisma Bonus.

Chosen of Valkur By DavinNarthos
+4 Dex +4 Cha
+10 profession sailor checks
endure elements

its not overly cool but valkur is a demigod (though i just went on a long adventure that ended up strengthening him and weakening umberlee, so he may be lesser now) so i made it only LA 1.

2015-10-04, 11:11 PM
Chosen of Waukeen by Hizar

Chosen Spell-like Abilities (Sp): The Chosen of Waukeen may choose any one spell at every other level starting at 2nd, of each level 1-9 which may be used once per day per Wis modifier as a natural spell-like ability ((ie at 2nd, you gain one 1st level spell at 4th you gain one 2nd level spell). Caster level is equal to the Chosen’s character level or Hit dice, and the DC is Wis based. Once chosen, these spells cannot be changed.

Guardian: Upon accceptance of becoming a chosen of Waukeen you are gifted with a Special compainion. While not a true guardian, this telepathic creature is often the closses friend to the Chosen. This creature is treated as a Druids compainion, or as a Paldins mount (DM discretion based on type of chosen).

Immunities: Waukeen's Chosen do not suffer the effects of aging, poisons, and all mind altering effects.

Sustenance (Su): A Chosen of Waukeen does not need to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep, although she must rest normally to regain spells.

Traveler: The Chosen of Waukeen often must travel far and wide to establish trade. They gain a base speed increse as a Monk.

Fast Appraise: A chosen of Waukeen automatically knows the value of any object, as a free action.

Sense Horde: Money is only useful if it is spent, and hording it is a sin (hording and saving are not the same thing). In order to assist her chosen in finding and redistributing these horded treasures, Waukeen grants her choosen the ability to locate any unattended treasure that has been horded within 50 ft. This ability increses by 5 ft/level.

Use Portal: While the addition of portals is new to Waukeen's portfolio she has been quick to make use of it. All of her chosen gain the ability to safly use any portal, regardless of activation restrictions, and they automatically know the destination of any portal.

Sense Portal: The chosen gains the continues ability to sense portals. This ability starts at 50 ft and increses by 10ft / level

Special: All Chosen of Waukeen must have some sort of business, where the profits are reinvested. Often the intial set up is sponsered by the church or by direct intervention of the Goddess. They do not have to maintain or manage the business personally so long as they do trust whomever is managing it (often a another follwer of Waukeen). All of the profits of this business must be reinvested in some manner (it can be used to start another business at the charcters discretion).

Special: Unlike a normal clerics of Waukeen the chosen isn't required to donate thier funds to the church, however they are required to invest all of thier money. even while saving towards a particular purchase, it is better to save that money in the form of a minor magical item (that can be easily liquedated) then to keep it in exsess coin)

Abilities: +2 Int, +2 Wis, +2 Cha.
Skills: Same as character, all craft and profession Skills become class skills.
Saves: As Base creature.
Alignment: Always True Neutral

Chosen of Malar: The Huntmaster / Mistress of the Hunt by Atrhan "heavy fist"

Creating a Chosen of Malar
“Chosen of Malar” is a +4 template that can be added to any lycanthrope (lycan). A Chosen of Malar uses all the base character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted. A Chosen of Malar only has its power at the will of Malar; should the Beast lord decide to remove Chosen status from a character, he or she reverts to their old abilities. Actions that would cause the loss of status would probably lead to a quick hunt by the new chosen or others of the black blood that objected to their leadership style.

Malar chooses only the most cunning and ruthless of his followers to cull the weak, increase the brother hood and most importantly organize the great hunts.

It’s important to note that Malar’s Dogma strictly restricts his followers from killing the young, the pregnant, or deep spawn in order to ensure that prey will remain plentiful. They also work against those that would cut back the forest or in any other way encroach upon the habitats of prey. In a cruel and twisted way the Huntmaster can be viewed as a protector of nature.

With Malar’s ties to Lolth and his long standing hatred of the fair folk and Seldarine any chance to hunt elves or to corrupt them and add them to the pack will probably be pursued to the fullest. (pun intended)

The Chosen of Malar has the following abilities:
SU: Greater alternate form: A huntmaster may change into any were or hybrid form that they’ve been exposed too as a free action. In hybrid or were form the huntmaster can cast spells.
SU: Regress, suppress, or incite lycan change within 30’.

Special Qualities: The Chosen Malar retains all their special qualities.

Bonus spell like abilities (Sp):
At will- Detect snares and pits, Speak with Animals
5/day – Pass without Trace, Longstrider, Cure Moderate Wounds
3/day – Dominate Animal, Commune with Nature, Protection from Law
1/day – Blasphemy

Immunities (Ex): A Chosen of the Beastlord is immune to Poison and Disease. 10 resistances to elemental attacks from cold, fire (heat) and electricity. He or she is also immune to aging, does not age, and is effectively immortal.

Damage reduction: 15 / +2 Silvered Weapons
Immune to Mind Affecting Abilities
SA: Low light vision and Dark Vision +60’.
Improved Scent: 120’ Range
Skills: +4 to Spot and Survival.
Abilities: +4 Str, +2 Con, +2 Int, +4 Wis, +2 Chr.
Alignment: Always Chaotic

The Hunts master or Mistress of the Hunt carry the Horn of the Great Hunt and wears a Stag Horn Helm resembling a great pair of antlers. These badges of Malar’s favor binds to the chosen and confers the following abilities:
+4 Natural Armor (stacks with other natural armor)
+3 Unholy Anarchic (d10) strike that can be used instead of a standard chosen’s natural attack. It doesn’t stack or add additional attacks.
Greater arrow deflection; allows the deflection of up to three missiles per round.
Continuous Freedom of Movement
Continuous Non-detection, helmet does not radiate evil.
+30 Movement
Should the chosen be slain the helm will try and compel whoever touches it to don it (Will save DC 20). The helm will grant all of the above powers to the wearer. Upon donning the helm the wearer must make a fortitude save (DC 15) or contract lycanthropy. Every hour the wearer continues to wear the helm they must make another save with a culmutive –1 per hour that they’ve worn the helm. IE: After a great fight the party slays the huntsmaster and his pack, the elven ranger sees the helm fall free and scoops it up. Inspecting it closely she notices the exquisite workmanship and decides to try it on. With no ill effects, she continues to wear it. The party camps and the next day the ranger takes point, in the afternoon after 6 hours of wear she fails a save (-6 to the roll) and feels a euphoric surge of energy. The Beastlord has bestowed an amazing gift and welcomed a new member to the pack. (type of were-creature determined by GM) Degree of alignment shift to chaotic evil can vary from instantaneous to one shift per full moon. The helm can infect up to as many people as the level of the last Huntmaster. There is no compulsion to keep the Helm. The helm will disappear when it has infected enough people or a new chosen is appointed.

Horn of the Great Hunt:
The Horn of the Great Hunt allows the Chosen to summon a pack of dire wolves with max hit points and a 60 speed. The pack obeys the will of the Huntmaster. The horn also can compel any evil or neutral lycans who hear it to join the hunt will save (DC 25). Any non lycans that have received aid from the pack during the winter or hard times also feel the compulsion to join the hunt to repay the pack and put food on another’s table.

All who join the hunt are affected as if they posses the run, endurance and tireless feats and the scent ability. The pack does not need to eat, sleep or rest while chasing their prey.

The Horn can be blown three times per hour and has a range of ¼ mile per level. The horn can summon 1d6 Dire wolves or 1d2 Dire Wolves and call to any lycan within range. A maximum of one dire wolf per level can be summoned this way. There is no maximum to the number of lycans or non lycans that can be called.

The Huntmaster is cunning, to answer the call of the Horn of the Great Hunt is an honor and does not imply cannon fodder status.

Once the hunt has ended (successfully with a feast or the death of the Huntmaster) the pack will disperse and magically re-appear within a safe distance of their home/lair.

The Chosen of Selune By Shardkin

The Chosen of Selune is a template that can be applied to any humanoid of good alignment whome The Moonmaiden favors. The Chosen has all racial and class abilities she possessed before becomming Chosen as well as the following:

Spell like abilities :
Constant: Protection from Evil, Protection from Law, True Seeing
at will: Fairy Fire, Moonbeam, Moonblade
3/day: Moonweb, Moon Bridge, Moonfire,
1/day: Control Weather, Chaos hammer, Holy Smite, Summon Monster VIII (Liliend only) Summon Monster IX (Moon Dog only)

Ability increase: +4 dex, +4 Wis, +6 Cha

Immunities (Ex): The Chosen of Selune is immune to Disease, Poison, and cannot be magically aged. The Chosen still grows older as time passes, with all bonuses and penaltys, and still dies when her time is up.

Veiled Moon's Blessing (Su): The Chosen of Selune gains Darkvision 60ft and Low Light Vision if she did not already have them.

Shadow's Bane(Su): The Chosen automatically beats the spell resistance of any creature useing the Shadow Weave.

Soothe the Beast (Su): The Chosen of Selune, simply by speaking in a non threatening manner forces all lycanthropes, in what any form within listening distance, to make a will save (12 + The Chosen's Charecter Level + the Chosen's charisma modifier) or be effected by a Calm Emotions spell. The target Lycanthropes must make a save each round the Chosen is speaking. If the target lycanthrope fails her save against this ability and she is in animal of half animal form, she automatically reverts to humaniod form.

Selune's Boon (Su): The Chosen adds her Charisma modifier as a Sacred bonus to AC, saves, and caster level checks to beat spell resistance. The Chosen also recieves a +5 resistance bonus when resisting spells cast using the shadow weave, all enchantment, illusion, and necromancy spells, as well as any spell with the Darkness, Shadow, Law, or Evil descriptors.

Moonlight Blessing (Su): When in direct Moonlight, The Chosen of Selune gains spell resistence: 25 and Damage Reduction 10/magic.

Veiled Moon's Vigilance (Su): The time of the new or veiled moon is a time of great danger to all of Selune's faith; the servants of Shar are most active at these times when the Moonmaiden is "absent". The Chosen knows that Selune is not absent, but veiled, this is the time of the hiding, much like the infant hides veiled in the womb, waiting to bring new life into the world. Durring the time of the Veiled moon, when Selune is not visible in the sky, Her Chosen gains these new special abilities in addition to all others: +10 sacred bonus to all hide, listen, spot, and move silently checks and may hide in plain sight, and cast Silence at will.

Selune's Fullness (Su): Durring the time when Selune is full, the Chosen casts all healing and evocation spells as if they had been prepaired with the maximize spell, extend spell, and widen spell feats, which every may apply and all for free.

I researched this template in the Draconomicon and MM... it's hard to develop a +4 template to make a dragon tougher without it getting insane. You'll probably need to tweak it to fit your campaign. Enjoy.

Chosen of Tiamat By Arthan "Heavy Fist"

Creating a Chosen of Tiamat
“Chosen of Tiamat” is a +4 template that can be added to any dragon or one of dragon blood. A Chosen of Tiamat uses all the base character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted. A Chosen of Tiamat only has its power at the will of Tiamat; should the Mother of all black hearted Dragons decides to remove Chosen status from a character, he or she reverts to their old abilities.

Tiamat’s chosen live to conquer good and increase the power of evil dragons. Propagating evil dragons is key to both of these endeavors.

The Chosen of Tiamat has the following abilities:
Tiamat’s blessing: (EX) The chosen of Tiamat is filled with energy and strength beyond one of her age. In all things the chosen is considered two age categories greater then she actually is. (Individual DMs will have to stat out dragons beyond Great Wyrm)

Many Scales: The Chosen of Tiamat may change into any other chromatic dragon type. During this weeklong change the chosen sinks into a catatonic state and is encased in a great egg-like cocoon.

Improved breathe weapon: Increase range by 25% and damage to d12s.

The great hatching: (EX) As chromatic dragons grow older and more paranoid they tend to be more reclusive and less likely to mate. Sent to counter this trend and increase the numbers of evil dragons, the chosen’s mere presence begins to awaken the mating urge in any dragon within one mile per age category. Not wanting to lose any amorous males to rudely awaken she dragons the chosen usually visits the territory of reluctant females who have not laid a clutch of eggs within the last three to four years. Clutches conceived during this time tend to be larger and more robust then average and the DC for hatching is reduced by five. If female the chosen may clutch twice as often as a normal dragon.

Alternate form: (SU) Tiamat’s chosen may take the shape of any medium size or smaller animal or humanoid as a standard action three times per day.

Spells: Divine spells equal to their sorcerer level, gaining bonus spells for high wisdom.

Speed: +20 speed increase to flight and any other applicable modes of travel. Flight maneuverability increases by two steps.

Immunities (Ex): He or she is also immune to aging, does not age, and is effectively immortal.

Immune to Mind Affecting Abilities

Senses: (EX): Increase the range of all senses by 50%.

Feats: Any two dragon feats.

Hopefully this is what you were looking for in a template. I couldn't see the Queen of eval dragons choosing someone not of her blood to take control of her material plane operations. If you wanted a humanoid to take over as her chosen I would suggest adding the Half Dragon template on top of this template.

Chosen of Tiamat By Arthan "Heavy Fist"

Creating a Chosen of Tiamat

“Chosen of Tiamat” is a +4 template that can be added to any chaotic evil half dragon. A Chosen of Tiamat uses all the base character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted. A

Chosen of Tiamat only has its power at the will of Tiamat; should the Mother of all black hearted Dragons decides to remove Chosen status from a character, he or she reverts to their old abilities.

Tiamat’s chosen live to conquer good and increase the power of evil dragons. Propagating evil dragons is key to both of these endeavors.

The Chosen of Tiamat has the following abilities:

Tiamat’s Blood: (EX) The chosen of Tiamat can call upon her goddess and energize her dragon blood. Filled with energy and strength beyond one of her kind; she transforms into a true dragon for a number of turns equal to her charisma modifier per month. The dragon age (CR) is equal to the total levels of the character (not counting this template modifier). All feats, spells or class related skills are lost during the transformation. Equipment and items carried meld with the form and cannot be used.

When hit with a slashing or piercing weapon the spray of energized blood acts as a 1d6 splash of acid in the 5 foot space adjacent to the chosen from the direction the attack originated. Reflex save (DC 15) for half damage.

Improved breath weapon: Increase range by 25%, damage to d10s, the chosen gains additional daily uses of her breath weapon attacks equal to her charisma modifier.

The great hatching: (EX) As chromatic dragons grow older and more paranoid they tend to be more reclusive and less likely to mate. Sent to counter this trend and increase the numbers of evil dragons, the chosen’s mere presence begins to awaken the mating urge in any dragon within one mile per age category. Not wanting to lose any amorous males to rudely awaken she dragons the chosen usually visits the territory of reluctant females who have not laid a clutch of eggs within the last three to four years. Clutches conceived during this time tend to be larger and more robust then average and the DC for hatching is reduced by five.

Alternate form: (SU) Tiamat’s chosen may take the shape of any medium size or smaller animal or humanoid as a standard action three times per day.

Speed: +20 speed increase to flight and any other applicable modes of travel. Flight maneuverability increases by two steps.

Immunities (Ex): He or she is also immune to aging, does not age, and is effectively immortal.

Immune to Mind Affecting Abilities

Senses: (EX): Gains Scent 60’

Bite and claw attacks increase one damage size factor OR are considered Anarchic and Unholy (the second option depends on the power level of the campaign and would have to be approved by the GM)

Chosen of Velsharoon By Arthan "Heavy Fist"

Creating a Chosen of Velsharoon
“Chosen of Velsharoon” is a +4 template that can be added to any humanoid or intelligent undead. A Chosen of Velsharoon uses all the base character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted. A Chosen of Velsharoon only has its power at the will of Velsharoon; should the Archmage of Necromancy decide to remove Chosen status from a character, he or she reverts to their old abilities.

In one of his few un-selfish acts before he went back to his research the arch mage of necromancy appointed a lieutenant to organize and reward Faeruinian worshipers.

The Chosen of Velsharoon has the following abilities:
SU: Exalted research; the chosen may grant a bonus to particularly devout necromantic researchers. The chosen can only help as many researchers as her intelligence bonus. Researchers gain the following benefits: +2 Intelligence, +2 Knowledge (Arcana), +2 Heal (primarily for the anatomy knowledge) and most importantly a permanent non-detection spell cast by Velsharoon himself.

SU: Enhance undead; when the chosen is involved in the creation of undead that specific undead gains the following benefits: +4 AC, +2 HD, +4 Int and the ability to evolve and gain power when they kill clerics of Cyric, Jergal and Kelemvor. (How far they can evolve is left to each GM)

Special Qualities: The Chosen Velsharoon retains all their special qualities.

Bonus spell like abilities (Sp):
At will- Detect Living, Death Knell
5/day – Protection from Good, Anti life shell
3/day – Slay Living, Create Greater Undead
1/day – Blasphemy

Immunities (Ex): A Chosen of the Velsharoon is immune to Poison, Disease and Holy Water. 10 resistances to elemental attacks from acid, cold, fire (heat) and electricity. He or she is also immune to aging, does not age, and is effectively immortal. If undead, the Chosen is immune to turning.

Damage reduction: 5 / Holy
Immune to Mind Affecting Abilities
Skills: +4 Knowledge (Arcana), +4 Heal (primarily for the anatomy knowledge).
Abilities: +8 Int, +4 Wis, +2 Chr.
Alignment: Always Evil

The mummified creature template is located on page 126 of the Savage Species source book.

This is my first time trying to make a Chosen so I'd really like some feedback on this. I made the Chosen of Istishia by using the better parts of the Elemental Archon and combined it with a few of my own ideas.
Chosen of Istishia By Skyrocket

Creating a Chosen of Istishia

“Chosen of Istishia” is a +4 template that can be added to any humanoid creature. A Chosen of Istishia uses all the base character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. A Chosen of Istishia only has its power at the will of Istishia; should The Water Lord decide to remove Chosen status from a character, he or she reverts to their old abilities.

Special Qualities: The Chosen Istishia retains all their special qualities and also gain the following:

Damage reduction: A Chosen of the Istishia has +30 damage reduction against cold and +10 reduction to elemental attacks from acid, fire/heat and electricity.

Immunities: A Chosen of the Istishia is immune to poisen, sleep, paralysis, stunning and mind affecting abilities. Also, the character is immune to aging effects and does not age. Bonuses still accrue, and the Chosen still dies of old age when their time is up.

Breath of Water: A Chosen of Istishia can breath water as easily as air and vice versa.

Silent Voice of Water: A Chosen of Istishia gains the power to communicate with any being with the water subtype within 100 feet of them.

By Water Alone: So long as the Chosen of Istishia drinks the proper amount of water for a humanoid of their type per day they do not need to eat or sleep.

Healing Waters: A Chosen of Istishia heals at four times the noraml rate while immursed in water.

Water Expertice: A Choosen of Istishia gains a +2 circumstance bonus on attack and damage rolls if both he and his opponant are touching water.

Water Extisgishes the Flame: A Choosen of Istishia gains a +4 moral bonus on all attacks, saves and checks used when battling worshippers of Kossuth or any creature with the fire subtype.

Water Affinity: A Choosen of Istishia gains a +1 one caster level bonus to all spells with the water designator. If the Chosen already has a caster level bonus from something else these bonuses stack.

Water's Fury: Once per tenday a Chosen of Istishia has the ability to summon four Huge water elementals as if using the the summon monster IX Spell.

Bonus spell like abilities (Sp):
At will- Create Water, Water Walk, Freedom of Movement
5/day - Bless Water or Curse Water, Endure Elements
3/day - Protection from Elements, Control Weather
1/day - Gate

Abilities: +2 Int, +8 Wis, +4 Chr.
Skills: Swim becomes a class skill, +4 Knowledge (the planes), +4 swim
Feats: Same as character
Climate/Terrain: Same as the character
Organisation: Same as the chracter
Challenge Rating: Same as the character +4
Alignments: CN, N, NE, NG, LN
Teasure: Same as the chracter
Advancement: Same as the chracter

A true beliver in balence, Istishia never has any more or fewer Chosen than his hated rival Kossuth. But who the Chosen are and how many of them there are are amoung the Istishian faith's most closely guarded secrets.

Chosen of Kelemvor by Arthan "Heavy Fist"

Creating a Chosen of Kelemvor

“Chosen of Kelemvor” is a +4 template that can be added to any humanoid cleric or monk of Kelemvor. A Chosen of Kelemvor uses all the base character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted. A Chosen of Kelemvor n only has its power at the will of Kelemvor; should the Judge of the Damned decide to remove Chosen status from a character, he or she reverts to their old abilities.

Kelemvor is a direct god at times, noting the increased activities of the clerics of Cyric and Velsharoon in disturbing the rest of those who had passed into his care he empowered a chosen to train his clergy to better combat these rogue deities and their followers. Chosen of Kelemvor are in the truest sense hunters of the undead and those that create them.

It's also worth noting that the chosen of Kelemvor take seriously the oath to serve the people in performing funerals and comforting those who have recently lost loved ones to the Lord of the Dead. A chosen who dedicates themselves to a one sided pursuit of the undead will quickly lose their chosen status.

EX: Exalted turning: (Cleric only) Undead turned by a chosen of Kelemvor lose their ability to use any SU ability that they receive from being undead, as they are distracted by the undeniable call of the Lord of the Dead.

When confronted by undead who are too powerful to be destroyed by the Chosen, the Chosen may continue to draw upon the might of Kelemvor to destroy the undead. For every round the chosen maintains concentration she gains one temporary level toward her total levels to destroy the undead. The temporary levels gained during exalted turnings ONLY affect the ability to destroy undead, there is no additional hit points, spells or any other abilities gained during the turning.

For every two rounds of exalted turning the chosen must completely rest for one hour to recover from the direct connection to Kelemvor and the plane of the dead. Until rested the Chosen suffers –4 to hit, damage, spell DCs and skills against non undead foes. While resting and performing no other actions the Chosen is protected by a sanctuary spell with a +10 DC.

EX: Judgement’s Touch: (Monk only) The Chosen of Kelemvor’s hand to hand attack damage is considered to have the following special abilities; Disruption and Ghost Touch.

The Chosen of Kelemvor has the following abilities:

Special Qualities: The Chosen Kelemvor retains all their special qualities.

Bonus spell like abilities (Sp):
At will- Detect Undead (distance x level / 3), Hide from undead
5/day – True Seeing, Speak with Dead
3/day – Undeath to death, Shield of Law
1/day – Prying eyes greater

1/tenday – Great Atonement: Once per tenday a Chosen of Kelemvor may intercede on the behalf of undead or for those that were not willingly turned into undead. Either during a successful turning or after destroying the undead and speaking to the dead a Chosen of Kelemvor may intercede on their behalf to allow them to right the wrongs they committed while undead. During this two hour process the undead (or recently killed undead) is slain and returned to the living, then geas / quested to the service of the church. Individual GMs can determine if there is a level loss equivalent to a raise dead or resurrection spell.

NOTE: While technically this might seem against the tenets of Kelemvor’s teachings, I would suggest that many intelligent beings who were unwillingly turned into undead and fighting the slide to evil could in fact turn themselves into the church’s custody if there was the possibility to regain their former lives eventually. It also gives common folk hope that those who were corrupted can be returned and demonstrates that the true path is Kelemvor’s and that the Lord of Death is just and fair to those that have had their lives unnaturally shortened.

Campaign hooks: Consider also that many mid – high level adventures would relish the opportunity to be brought back in such a manner. It also allows the GM to showcase the chosen by asking the players to capture an undead being and bring it to the church.

Immunities (Ex): A Chosen of the Kelemvor is immune to Poison, Disease, Level Drain and Un-Holy Water. He or she is also immune to aging, does not age, and is effectively immortal. If undead, the Chosen is immune to turning.

Fast healing 1 or 3: The Chosen of Kelemvor is filled with positive life energy that allows her to quickly overcome wounds. She recovers at a rate of 1 hit point per round when wounded by living foes and 3 point per round from undead, evil clerics, blackguards, followers of Velsharoon, or followers of Cyric.

Immune to Mind Affecting Abilities

Skills: +4 Knowledge (Religion; Undead), +4 Survival, Spot and Survival as Class skills.

Feats: Track, Extra Turning
Abilities: +6 Wis, +6 Chr.
Alignment: Always Lawful

Note: This template is based on the first line of Tempus’s dogma as stated in Faiths and Pantheons: Tempus does not win battles, he helps the deserving warrior win battles. The Chosen of Tempus does not personally benefit from many of his special abilities.

Chosen of Tempus By Arthan "Heavy Fist"

Creating a Chosen of Tempus
“Chosen of Tempus” is a +4 template that can be added to any humanoid creature. A Chosen of Tempus uses all the base character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted. A Chosen of Tempus only has its power at the will of Tempus; should the Foehammer decide to remove Chosen status from a character, he or she reverts to their old abilities.

There is no victory without battle. While other divine powers would keep Faerun simmering with strife and rift with political intrigue; the Chosen of Tempus acts to bring these various trouble spots into open battle or war to resolve the issues and allow the people to grow strong for the next battle.

The Chosen of Tempus is a wanderer, traveling to the simmering hot spots through out Faerun and turning up the heat. Devout followers will always find a help helping hand ready to aid them in reaching their potential as a warrior and leader.

EX: Tempus’s blessing: The chosen may bestow Tempus’s blessing on the most natural leader (noted as “leader” in later abilities) amongst the devout. Tempus’s blessing is equivalent to Frightful presence: Enemies within 20’ per level suffer the effects if they have fewer levels then the leader. Effects and limitation similar to a dragon’s frightful presence (MM pg 69). The blessing lasts for a number of days equal to the leaders charisma score. (It might take days to get to the battle site depending on the mode of transportation... as long as the leader is giving 100% the lord of battle will not desert the leader at a critical time but will wait till the battle ebbs.)

SU: Stoke the fires: The Chosen of the Foehammer can feel pending battle in their bones. A chosen of Tempus when surrounded by a leader and devout followers praying for victory can extend his senses to determine the best place to strike the enemy within the next 48 hours. Range: 1 mile per two followers praying. Area of effect: 1 mile (or 2 KM) radius in open terrain, 100 (yards or meters) in urban terrain. Followers receive the following benefits within the area; they suffer no adverse morale reactions or presences attacks and receive +3 to hit, damage, saves and AC when battling within the designated area.

EX: Tip of the spear: Any person who calls to Tempus while following the leader into battle receives a bonus feat lasting five minutes per charisma modifier point. Minimum one minute for those with a zero or negative charisma modifier.

Warhorse: The Chosen of Tempus gains a warhorse equal to a Paladin’s mount of equal level.

Spell like abilities (Sp):
At will: Remove fear, Aid
5/day – Dispel Magic
3/day – Heal (self only), Anti-magic field (allows the best warrior to win)
1/day – Summon Monster IX, Typically fallen warriors from Warriors Rest

Special Qualities: Chosen of Tempus retain all their special qualities.

Immunities (Ex): A Chosen of Tempus is immune to Poison and Disease. 5 resistances to elemental attacks from cold, fire (heat) and electricity. He or she is also immune to aging, does not age, and is effectively immortal.

Damage reduction: 5 / +1
Fast Healing: 3 HPs/round
Immune to Mind Affecting Abilities
Abilities: +4 Str, +6 Con, +2 Wis, +2 Chr.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Skills: Free Intimidate and Diplomacy each level. +2 to intimidate and diplomacy checks.

Chosen of Helm By Arthan "Heavy Fist"

Creating a Chosen of Helm
“Chosen of Helm” is a template that can be added to any humanoid creature. A Chosen of Helm uses all the base character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted. A Chosen of Helm only has its power at the will of Helm; should the Vigilant One decide to remove Chosen status from a character, he or she reverts to their old abilities.

The Chosen of Helm is a protector of the weak, poor, injured and young. She seeks out the followers of Bane, Cyric and Shar to remove their threat to Faerun.

EX: Second skin: The chosen of Helm’s armor automatically re-sizes to fit like a second skin and has few of the limitations often associated with full plate mail. In addition to any other modifiers that the armor posses it gains the following bonuses while worn by the chosen: Armor and max dexterity bonus increase by +1 / 10 levels. Armor check penalties decrease by 1 / 5 levels. +10 Speed.

The chosen may rest in her armor without penalties for a number of days equal to her constitution bonus.
The chosen may don the armor in a number of rounds equal to the total armor bonus of the armor.

EX: Every vigilant: The chosen of Helm only requires two hours of sleep per day and may go for a number of days equal to her constitution bonus without sleep before taking penalties.

EX: Exalted defender: The chosen of Helm can provide protection to her charges as a free action if within 5’ [interposing a shield, her body, deflecting blows with her bastard sword, etc]. This protection is considered cover with a bonus to AC and reflex saves of +1 / 3 levels.

EX: The bastard sword of the chosen has the following properties when wielded by the chosen: Dispels magic on a successful hit, sure striking ability to counter DR.

Spell like abilities (Sp):
At will: True seeing
5/day – Shield of Law, Sanctuary (usable on charge)
3/day – Heal, Anti-magic field
1/day – Prismatic Sphere

Special Qualities: Chosen of Helm retain all their special qualities.

Immunities (Ex): A Chosen of Helm is immune to Poison and Disease. 10 resistances to elemental attacks from cold, fire (heat) and electricity. He or she is also immune to aging, does not age, and is effectively immortal.

Damage reduction: 10/ +1
Immune to Mind Affecting Abilities
Abilities: +4 Str, +8 Con, +2 Wis.
Alignment: Any lawfull
Skills: +10 to Spot and Listen checks. Spot, Listen, Heal, Diplomacy as class skills.

Chosen of Mask By Arthan "Heavy Fist"

Creating a Chosen of Mask
“Chosen of Mask” is a template that can be added to any humanoid creature. A Chosen of Mask uses all the base character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted. A Chosen of Mask only has its power at the will of Mask; should the Masked Lord decide to remove Chosen status from a character, he or she reverts to their old abilities.

The Chosen of Mask is on a mission. The chosen of Mask was empowered by the lord of shadows to help him regain the portfolio of intrigue. To the fullest extent possible she is to undermine the followers of Cyric while increase the intelligence networks of the Lord of Thieves. That's not saying she won't ransack a temple of Waukeen for fun if the opportunity arises.

Disruptions to Cyric's machinations will undoubtably lead to profit, the chosen is to take full advatage of these opportunities.

EX. Shadow’s Spawn: When operating anywhere that is partially shaded or out of direct sunlight the chosen of Mask gains all of the benefits of ¾ cover.

EX: Shadow senses: The chosen of Mask has heightened senses allow her to operate within complete darkness without penalty. Equivilent to the Blindsight ability with a range of 120'. This ability also allows the Chosen to operate traps, locks, disable devices, etc without illumination penalties.

EX: Perfect mission: The chosen can sanctify a local guild or thief’s plan of action against a single individual, edifice, or small group of people by bestowing favor on that individual or the group that will carry it out. Individuals so targeted by the chosen receive a +4 on any skill attempts directly related to performing the mission, are immune to fear, and have SR equal to 10 + ½ chosen’s level + Int bonus. This mission must be carried out within a number of tendays equal to the individual or guild master’s intelligence bonus. The chosen may sanctify a number of separately running operations equal to her intelligence score.

Spell like abilities (Sp):
At will: Disguise Self, Detect Thoughts
5/day – Distraction, True Filch, Improved Invisibility
3/day – Perfect crime, Teleport w/o error
1/day – Shadow Walk

Special Qualities: Chosen of Mask retain all their special qualities.

Immunities (Ex): A Chosen of Mask is immune to Poison and Disease. 5 resistances to elemental attacks from cold, fire (heat) and electricity. He or she is also immune to aging, does not age, and is effectively immortal.

Immune to Mind Affecting Abilities
Abilities: +6 Dex, +4 Int, +4 Chr.
Alignment: Any
Skills: +10 to Spot and Bluff checks.

Chosen of Gond By Arthan "Heavy Fist"

Creating a Chosen of Gond
“Chosen of Gond” is a +4 template that can be added to any humanoid creature. A Chosen of Gond uses all the base character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted.

A Chosen of Gond only has its power at the will of Gond; should the Wonder Bringer decide to remove Chosen status from a character, he or she reverts to their old abilities.

EX: Enlightenment; the chosen may grant a bonus to particularly devout researchers. The chosen can only help as many researchers as her intelligence bonus. Researchers gain the following benefits: +2 Intelligence, +2 Knowledge (Arcana), +2 Craft (Alchemy) +4 Craft (dependent on primary research) and most importantly a DR 15 / any non research generated attacks. IE: The DR ONLY works to protect against lab accidents.

EX: Soul of the Forge: The Chosen of Gond is dedicated to creating wonders and draws upon the power of Gond’s own forge to power her creations. She pays only 1/100 of the base price in EP.

EX: Artifacter: For purposes of creating items the chosen is considered 10 caster levels higher then her normal level. This DOES not increase any other level dependent abilities, saves, spells, etc.

Spell like abilities (Sp):
At will: Resist energy
5/day – Identify (no material component needed), Dispel Magic
3/day –Anti-magic field, Lab Assistant*
1/day – Mordenkainen’s Dysjunction

Special Qualities: Chosen of Gond retain all their special qualities.

Immunities (Ex): A Chosen of Gond is immune to Poison and Disease. 10 resistance to mechanical or item based elemental attacks from cold, fire (heat), acid and electricity. He or she is also immune to aging, does not age, and is effectively immortal.

Immune to Mind Affecting Abilities

Abilities: +10 Int, +4 Chr.
Alignment: Any

Skills: +4 Knowledge (Arcana), +4 to any 3 knowledge, profession, or crafts.

Weapons: The chosen is familiar with all firearms and the production of smokepowder if these items are allowed by the GM within their campaign.

*Lab assistant is similar to Unseen Servant:
Level: Sor / Wiz 5
Components: V,S,M
Casting time: 1 Standard action
Range: Long (400 feet +40 feet per level)
Effect: One translucent or invisible servant.
Duration: 1 Hour per level
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: No
As Unseen Servant with the following changes:
A 16 strength for moving items. It is imbued with rudimentary coherence and can complete set tasks in the order it was given until complete. It can receive telepathic corrections or updates up to a distance of 1 foot per point of caster intelligence. It’s lab preparation skills give the caster a +1 bonus to craft or profession rolls.

I used the write up in F&P (which is kinda thin on Set) to create the template. It did seem to stress the disruptive nature of the diety, so I tried to emphasis that aspect. To that point, I figured he would need a very nasty ability to corrupt both the living and dead and then several lesser abilities to help avoid the followers of the other Mulhorand gods. The write up seemed to also point to a very organized, powerful and secretive group of followers that would take care of their own. I would suggest that they would be a nasty bunch to have hunting anyone. Especially if they were to capture a party member... (evil grin) and brought to face the Chosen of the Father of Jackels.

Chosen of Set By Arthan "Heavy Fist"

Creating a Chosen of Set
“Chosen of Set” is a +4 template that can be added to any humanoid creature. A Chosen of Set uses all the base character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted. A Chosen of Set only has its power at the will of Set; should the Lord of Carrion decide to remove Chosen status from a character, he or she reverts to their old abilities. Because of the potential impact of the Carrion Touch ability, I removed elemental resistances from this template.

SU. Carrion Touch: The chosen of Set may draw upon the corruptive nature of the Defiler of the Dead to devastate both the living and the dead. The fear of this aspect of the chosen is a great motivator to any reluctant faithful and the bane of those who would interfere with the overthrow of the Mulhorandi pantheon.
Once per ten day the Chosen may direct dark energies through his hands or spear. The chosen may channel this power for a number of rounds equal to the chosen’s level, and may spread the touch in seperate attacks as he sees fit.
This corruptive touch acts as an Energy Drain against the living, should the victim die while being exposed to this attack, they will rise as an undead of the chosen choice, under the control of the chosen.
If used against a corpse the Chosen may defile the dead and raise them as undead under his control. For purposes of how long it takes to raise the dead and the undead’s strength use the actual level the person attained in life. For every round that the chosen expends toward corrupting a corpse he corrupts one level the person attained in life. If the Chosen fully corrupts the corpse it rises as an undead creature, equal in power to that which it held in life. It also follows the command of the chosen. (Individual GMs can determine what if any memories or powers it retains from life.)

EX: Scent of death: The chosen of Set has a heightened sense of smell, allowing him to locate dead bodies within 10 yards/meters per level. In all other aspects it acts as the Scent ability with a range of 60’.

EX: Dark thoughts: The chosen may communicate telepathically to any snake, scorpion or Jackel within 30 feet.

Spell like abilities (Sp):
At will: Disguise Self, Detect Thoughts
5/day – Non-detection, Giant Vermin, Improved Invisibility
3/day – Un-hallow, Blasphemy
1/day – Create Greater Undead

Special Qualities: Chosen of Set retain all their special qualities.

Immunities (Ex): A Chosen of Set is immune to Poison and Disease. He or she is also immune to aging, does not age, and is effectively immortal.

Immune to Mind Affecting Abilities
Abilities: +6 Chr, +4 Int.
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Skills: +4 to Bluff and Intimidate checks

Chosen of Oghma By Arthan "Heavy Fist"

Creating a Chosen of Oghma
“Chosen of Oghma” is a +4 template that can be added to any humanoid creature. A Chosen of Oghma uses all the base character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted. A Chosen of Oghma only has its power at the will of Oghma; should the Lord of Knowledge decide to remove Chosen status from a character, he or she reverts to their old abilities.

The Chosen of Oghma is a protector of knowledge, defender of singers and truthseer. She seeks to inspire literacy and maintain a balance or status quo across Faerun.

EX: Truth be told: The chosen of Oghma may deny the creation or spreading of falsehoods, rumors or deceitful tales within 5’ / level. Any being wishing to partake in these activities within the chosen’s sphere of influence must make a Will save (DC = 10 + Chosen’s level + Charisma bonus) to do so.

EX: Preserve the word: The chosen of Oghma can provide protection to singers (bards or other oratories) or written texts as a free action if within 15’. The chosen must be actively persuading the attackers from their course of action or attempting to save the person or item in question. While actively seeking a resolution or escape the subject or object gains DR 5 / +3 and immunity to fire.

EX: Muse: The chosen may bless a number of people with inspiration equal to her charisma score. This inspiration lasts for a number of ten days equal to her charisma bonus. While inspired the person gains a +4 insight bonus into their area of interest (craft, profession, knowledge), requires only 4 hours of sleep daily and may subsist on the smallest amount of food and water for the duration of inspiration. If illiterate; the person gains literacy at the end of the inspirational period and a desire to continue learning or sharing their new gift.

Spell like abilities (Sp):
At will: Tongues, Comprehend Languages
5/day – Legend Lore, Sanctuary (usable on singers)
3/day – True seeing, Scrying Greater
1/day – Geas / Quest

Special Qualities: Chosen of Oghma retain all their special qualities.

Immunities (Ex): A Chosen of Oghma is immune to Poison and Disease. Fire immunity (heat). He or she is also immune to aging, does not age, and is effectively immortal.

Immune to Mind Affecting Abilities
Abilities: +4 Int, +4 Chr, +4 Wis.
Alignment: Neutral
Skills: +10 to Sense motive, Perform and diplomacy checks. Perform, Sense Motive, Diplomacy as class skills.

Chosen of Silvanus By tf-guyver

Also called the children of the oak father, these fighters, druids, clerics and rangers are the protectors of the forest and strive to keep a balance of the forest with the people of the realms. With the power of the oak father, the chosen’s fight against all those who kill and burn the trees and forests with unraveled vexation.

Immunity to ageing: the chosen do not age at all. The chosen can still be slain by normal means, but like the great oaks, their power increases with their age and they stand tall forever until burned down by a greater force.

Immunity to all poisons: the chosen are immune to all forms of illnesses, including, plunges, diseases, and poisons of all kind.

Tree morph; 1/ per day the chosen can morph thy self into a great tree of the chosen likening. When in tree form, the chosen heals all physical injuries 5x faster then normal, and heals 8x faster if in the suns light.

Chosen innate abilities: the chosen can choose any three spells from the list to act as a innate spell.
earth fast**, one with the land*, remedy moderate wounds*, scent*, chare husk*, healing sting*, land womb***, breath of truth**, vine mine*, crumble*, stone hold**, master earth***, poison vines*, storm tower**, aura against fire*, wall of the earth*, strength of stone*, bark skin*, entangle*, jump**, blur*, remove disease*, green fire**.

Spells if one * can be used 3/day, spells with ** can be used 2/day and spells with *** can be used only 1/day

New magic ** wall of the earth: the caster creates a wall of stone and wood that sprouts up from the ground in a 20 feet area and +5 feet for each of the chosen level.

Abilities in constant effect: communicate with trees and plants, pass with out trace, detect magic, detect poison, night vision, low light vision, resist fire /-3, rejuvenate health 3 hp every 5 min, sure foot, communicate with NG, LG, CG, TN animals,

**Special ability**: when within a forested area, the chosen can call upon the forest to aid the chosen and the chosen’s allies. This ability can only be used 1/ week and Silvanus urges the chosen only use this ability when in a dire situation, because this ability uses Silvanus’s power and energy. When this ability is used, the chosen gains +5 to all stats and +75 hp.

2015-10-05, 01:48 AM
Prestige Class, adapted from "The Seven Sisters.'
By: Brad Bemis ([email protected]
Web: www.Bradleyb.net/adnd/dndindex.htm
Version: 1.1 Last Updated: October 13,2000

The Chosen of Mystra
Of all the mortal creatures that exist in Faerun, none instills a greater sense of awe than those known as the Chosen of Mystra.
The chosen prestige class is not one that a character can choose to pursue, the character herself is chosen. This prestige class is only granted to a handful of good hearted, strong spirited adventurers who serve Mystra in a very special and demanding manor.
Hit Die D6

To qualify as a potential candidate for wielding the full power of Mystra, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria
Abilities Wisdom 13+, Constitution 15+
Spell casting: Ability to cast 3rd level spells
Special: The touch of Mystra

Class Skills
The Chosen's Class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (int.) Balance (dex), Bluff (cha), Concentration (con), Decipher Script (int), Diplomacy (cha), Gather Information (cha), Innuendo (wis), Intimidate (cha), Intuit Direction (wis), Knowledge (all skills taken individually) (int), Read Lips (int), Ride (dex), Scry (int), Search (int), Sense Motive (wis), Speak Language, Spellcraft (int), Spot (wis), Use Magic Device (cha), See Chapter 4: Skills in the Players Handbook for skill descriptions.

Skill Points at Each Level: 4+Int modifier

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the chosen Prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A chosen of Mystra is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields. Note that armor check penalties for armor heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pockets, and Tumble.

Sells Per Day: A spell caster chosen continues to train in magic as a member of the preferred spell casting class previously obtained, gaining new spells as if having advanced a level in the preferred spell casting class.

Signature Spells, A spell caster chosen also has the benefit of gaining one additional spell of choice for each cast able level, This spell requires no components and is cast by silent will alone. It returns without study 24 hours after use. This spell is cast using the chosen's character level. When the chosen's casting level would allow access to 9th level spells, she gains the ability to cast the (9th level spell "Laeral's Crowning Touch" as another bonus spell per day (in addition to her 9th level signature spell.

The Touch of Mystra: The Touch of Mystra provides the chosen with control over the Silver fire of Mystra's essence. The presence of the silver fire is the main source of the chosen's power. If at any time a chosen falls out of favor with Mystra, the chosen looses her power over the silver fire, and with it all of here granted Powers.

Con Bonus" As the Silver Fire grows with in the Chosen, her body begins to change and grow stronger. For each level gained as a chosen, the character adds a +1 to her constitution score (to a maximum of +10), This bonus remains so long as the light of the silver fire continues to grow within.

Immortal Fire: Age continues to have an effect, but the body (now supported by the silver fire) does not wear out. The chosen's rate of aging slows down, allowing her to age twice the amount indicated by race before suffering the physical effects of aging. The chosen does, however, continue to experience the aging increases to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma as normally indicated by the effects of aging chart in the Players Handbook, The physical appearance of the chosen stops changing after reaching the venerable stage of life. In addition to the given rate of aging listed in the Players Handbook, the chosen continues to receive a bonus +1 ability score change to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma for each period of difference in age between venerable and Maximum age, See chapter 6: Description of the Players Handbook for the effects of age. (Example" A human is considered venerable at 70 years of age. The maximum age for a human is 110 years. Forever period of difference {40 years}, the chosen gains an additional +1 ability score change for the listed abilities. The chosen would actually be venerable at 140 years for the effects of physical aging, but would still gain this bonus every 40 years). See table 1-2: Effects of aging on the chosen, below for questions.

Table 1-2 Effects of aging on the chosen

Age category Physical Age Mental Age
(STR, Dex, Con) (Int, Wis, Cha)
Middle age Base *2 Base
Old Base *2 Base
Venerable Base *2 Base
Immortal None Venerable + max

Bonus to saves vs. Disintegration Magic’s: A chosen has the supernatural ability to reduce or even shrug off the effects of disintegration based spells. This bonus extends to all items worn or carried by the chosen. See Table 1-1 below.

Bonus to saves vs. Spells and Spell like effects: A chosen has a high degree of resistance to all spells or spell - like effects used against her. This supernatural ability is a result of the presence of the silver fire within the chosen. This bonus extends to all items worn or carried by the chosen. See table 1-1 below

Silver warmth: The chosen can wrap herself in the warm embrace of the silver fire. This ability provides her with a normal body temperature, protecting her form conditions created by the effects of cold weather. She also has the power to gain back any damage caused by cold-based attacks at a rate of 1hp/ 10 minutes. This is in addition to her normal regenerative abilities. When cloaked in this silver warmth, she gains a +2 to saves vs. cold based attacks and reduces any cold damage sustained by 1 point / die. This power can be used at any time for any duration, but cannot be used in conjunction with silver Mind or Silver Breath.

Silver Mind: The bright blaze of the silver fire within the mind of the chosen allows her to block the effects of divination magic’s used against her mind (ESP, Know Alignment, Detect lie, etc). This power can used at any time for any duration, but cannot be used in conjunction with Silver warmth or silver Breath

Silver Breath: With the silver fire, comes a breath of life. The chosen can use the silver fire as an alternative to normal breathing. This power protects the chosen from gas based attacks, drowning effects, or any other time during which the ability to breath would be impacted. This power can be used at any time for any duration, but cannot be used in conjunction with Silver Warmth or Silver Mind.

Detect Magic: The chosen can read the outline of magic in relation to any magical item or device as if casting a spell detect magic. The range for this power is identified in table 1/1: Powers of the Chosen. This ability is a kind of second sight operation at all times. This second sight allows them to see magical auras in much the same way a spell caster does when casting the spell Detect Magic.

Spell Immunity: At each level above first, the chosen may chose one spell of the level indicated in table 1-1" Powers of the Chosen, to which she is completely immune. This power is always in effect and completely protect s the chosen form the spell named, as well as similar spell-like abilities or minor modifications to the named spell. This choice cannot be unmade, this power extends to all items worn or carried by the chosen.

Accelerated Healing and Regeneration: The silver fire heals the chosen of all physical damage in a very special way. Chosen heal faster than most normal folk of their kind and begin to slowly regenerate at 4th level. This ability to regenerate is in addition to the Accelerated Healing. Internal damage and limb replacement periods are also listed in table 1-1: Powers of the Chosen) for all but the head).

Utterance of the Name: The chosen gains the power to hear her personal rune chanted or name spoken (including nicknames and titles) anywhere on Toril. She also hears the next 9 words uttered, no mater how long it takes for these words to be said, This power is always in effect.

Sleepless Nights: The need to sleep slowly departs the chosen as she learns to use the silver fire as an alternate source of rest. The number of days indicated in table 1-1 provides the number of nights a chosen can go with out sleep before suffering the effects of sleep deprivation (i.e., count the 4th night with out sleep as the 1st night for a 3rd level chosen).

Sustenance: As with the ability to use the silver fire for rest, the chosen may also use the silver fire as an alternate source of physical nourishment. She no longer suffers penalties for lack of food or drink for up to the number of days indicated in table 1-1; Powers of the Chosen.

Immunity to Disease and Afflictions: The nature of the silver fire protects the chosen against all natural diseases and mortal afflictions.

Spell fire: This is the chosen's ability to call upon the silver fire as a magical weapon. Usable a number of times per day equal to the Chosen's level, this power provides the ability to unleash the silver fire as a beam of spell fire (under complete control of the wielder). This beam pierces all known materials and magic barriers. Its touch does magical damage to all beings (no save) and destroys all items that fail to save. Use of this power requires an act of concentrated will and counts as a standard action.

Psionic and Magical Compulsion Banishment: Silver fire can be released within the body of the chosen to banish all external Psionic or magic mental compulsions. This power is usable once per day per level of the chosen. Use of this power requires an act of concentrated will and counts as a standard action.

Mystra's Last Stand: Once per day, the chosen has the power to teleport to the last place the silver fire was called upon for any reason (not just her own silver fire, but that of any wielder).

Dispel Wild Magic Area: At this level, the chosen's beam of spell fire can instead be used as a cloud (cone shaped 5 feet wide at the base, 70 feet long, and 70 feet wide at the distant end). In this way the cloud is used to permanently restore a wild magical area to normal magic. Mystra frowns on the use of this ability and requires the Chosen to sacrifice a small porting of the essence to use this power. The cost for its use is 1,000 XP's per 10 feet affected. This power is only usable once per week.

Mystra's Gift: The powers of the chosen represent a base ability to harness the raw magical nature of the silver fire. In addition to the powers of the fire, Mystra grants three special and personal powers to each of her chosen. These three spell like powers duplicate the effect of any one single spell or measurable magical effect equal to or lower than 3rd, 5th, and 7th level spells, or spell like abilities (respectively). These personal powers are useable at will as a free action spell like ability. These powers are chosen by Mystra and usually directly reflect the personal individuality of the chosen receiving the gift.

conversion by: BradleyB, www.bradleyb.net, [email protected]

Permission is given by the author to publish and share this resource for personal use only. Dungeons and Dragons, D&D 3E and AD&D are all property of Wizards of the Coast.

The Chosen of Gruumsh By El_Machinae

Gruumsh makes a chosen for only one reason, to inspire fear of Gruumsh-worshiping Orcs. He creates Chosen mostly to show that he can, and he cares little for their fates after they've been let loose.

All Chosen to date have been paragonal (the adjective, not the statistic) Orcs, and sought much of their lives to be pleasing to their god. All Chosen have been Eyes of Gruumsh (CW) with Cleric levels to boot. Finally, they've also lost a number of sons to battles.

This template can be applied to any Orc or Half-orc. All Chosen must have levels in cleric and the Eye of Gruumsh PrC. The template is lost when the Chosen dies, and likely, he will die soon.

Special abilities

Only the Worth may Stand (Su) : Gruumsh is fickle and is quite willing to withdraw the Chosen status. In fact, he'd rather his people die than admit their weakness.
No healing magic will work on a Chosen, hit points must be recovered through natural healing. Please note that this does not apply to spells such as cure blindness .

Let All Know Me (Ex) :
The Chosen is intended to stand out, and let all know about Gruumsh's horde.
Upon being chosen, the Chosen gains a size level (Medium to Large) and receives all the effects listed in the Monster Manual. Every level afterward, the Chosen gains another size level until the most successful chosen become mistaken for Avatars.

Open the Heavens (Su) :
The Chosen's sons are waiting in the afterlife, hoping to gains some prestige from their famous father. The afterlife has changed them into something that Gruumsh desires.
When the Chosen is observed killing a (minimum) 4HD creature with a critical with his Orc-Doubleaxe, his sons spill out of the afterlife, to celebrate and attack his enemies. 2d6 Frenzied Berzerkers (CW) weilding +1 flaming, ghost-touch shortspears appear within 20ft and immediately attack the Chosen's enemies (or allies if there are no enemies present) for five rounds. They completely disappear if killed or when the time is expired.

Ravenous Consumption (Ex) :
The enemies of the Chosen become fuel for combat.
The Chosen gains a bite attack appropriate for his size as a secondary attack. If he successfully kills a humanoid with the attack, he regains a use of his Spit attack (from the Eye of Gruumsh). Note that he can only "store" so much bile, limited by his level. The bite recharges uses per day.

Special Features

The Chosen gains:

DR: Increase his Barbarian DR by 5.
The feats: Extended Rage, Leadership (with a +3/size increment bonus), and Whirlwind Attack

Chosen of Sseth By bgt

“Chosen of Sseth” is a template that can be added to any intelligent, reptillian creature with a venomous bite. A Chosen of Sseth uses the character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. A Chosen of Mielikki only has its power at the will of Sseth; should he decide to remove the Chosen status from the character, he reverts to his normal abilities. There can be only one Chosen of Sseth at a time, though should Sseth awaken, he may be able to make more.

Special Qualities: A Chosen of Sseth retains all special abilities of the character and gains the following.

Bonus Spells: Constant- Endure Elements (Acid), Handfang (on every hand), Razorscales, Venomfire, Scent At Will- Charm Person, Detect Poison, Neutralize Poion, Calm Animal, 3/day- Serpent Arrow, Dominate Person, Venom Bolt, Ability Rip, Tree Stride 1/day- Awaken (reptile only), Ability Rip.

Immunities:The charachter is immune to all sleep effects, as well as any effect that would alter his body against his will, such as Baleful Polymorph. Any attempts made to scry on the character instead brings up an image of a snake.

Summon Serpents: Once a tenday, the charachter can summon 2d4 deathcoils or 2d6 Huge Vipers.

Taint of the Serpent: The charachter's gains the ability to transform any humanoid scaleless one into a tainted one with a touch. Any Medium or Small humanoid scaleless one that comes in contact with the charachter must succed a Fortitude save (DC 15+Con modifier). or rapidly transform into a tainted one over the course of the next 1d4 rounds. Failing this save,
the target must also suceed a Will save(DC 20+Cha mod) or give themselves wholly over to Sseth (adopt Sseth as a patron diety, refuse to be returned to normal, switch alighnment to evil, ect.). Additionally, anyone that fails both saves slowly begins to turn into a yuan-ti pureblood over ther next 1d6 years.

Abilities: Dex+4, Int+8, Wis+5, Cha+2

Skills: +4 to Balance, Climb, and Swim

Feats: The character automatically gains the following feats, regardless of prerequsites.

-Deadly Spittle
-Gape of the Serpent
-Spit Venom

Challenge Rating: Base Creature +4

Special: The charachter must activly search for where Sseth slumbers under Set's control, alert all who worship Sseth to the fact the are truly worshiping Set, and destroy the church of Set, or lose all benifits of this template.

Chosen of Brandobaris By kalvan

Special Qualities: A Chosen of Brandobaris retains all special qualities of the character and also gains the following.

Bonus Spells (Sp): At will-Detect Secret Doors. 5/Day-Disguise self, Expeditious Retreat. 3/Day-Invisibility, Mirror Image, Spider Climb. 1/Day-Greater Invisibility.

Immunities (Ex): A Chosen of Brandobaris is immune to aging effects and does not age. Bonuses still accrue, and the Chosen still dies of old age.

Saves: Chosen receive a +2 divine bonus to all saves..

Abilities: Increase from the character as follows: Dexterity +4, Intelligence +4, Charisma +4.

Skills: Chosen can always take a 10 on Disable Device, even under pressure.

Feats: Chosen receive Skill Focus (+3) to all rogue skills. Also a Chosen can use Hide in plain site 2/day.

Challenge Rating: Same as character +3. Brandobaris has allowed his chosen a small amount of power from himself. Only those who have tested there luck and have allowed themselves to enter into danger without any question will have a chance at becoming a Chosen of Brandobaris.

Chosen of Talos By Gonnviear

Chosen of Talos have the very essance of Destruction in them, they live out only to invoke Chaos and Destruction across everywhere they walk, inspiring fear at those who dare speak against the Storm Lord, and admire by those who follow it, The Aura around a Chosen always seems static, and electrical energies seems to charge around him.

Creating a Chosen of Talos
“Chosen of Talos” is a template that can be added to any humanoid creature. A Chosen of Talos, uses the character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. A Chosen of Talos only has its power at the will of Talos; should the Storm Lord decide to remove the Chosen status from the character, he reverts to his normal abilities. Their no Knowledge on how many Chosens one can exist, but most likly only those with the most destructive of effect can be potential one's.

Special Qualities: A Chosen of Talos retains all special qualities of the character and also gains the following.

Bonus Spells (Sp): Constant- Endure Elements (acid, cold, fire, sonic), Fly, At will-Obscuring Mist, Call Lightning. 3/day-Lightning Bolt, Control Winds 1/day- Ice Storm, Whirlwind, Earthquake, Control Weather, Storm Rage 1/month-Storm of Vengeance.

Immunities (Ex): A Chosen of Talos is immune to aging and does not age. Bonuses still accrue, the Chosen still dies when his time is up. Chosen of Talos are also immune to all forms of electricity.

Spell Immunity: A Chosen of Talos is Immune to Destruction Spell.

The Destoryer Rage: A Chosen of Talos gain special Rage, that works while in the area of a fierce Storm, A Chosen of Talos who Rage in a Storm gain powers that god-given, his body becomes quick as lightning, his hands become strong as a thunder strike, and his body become more resistent then usual, gaining +4 AC, +6 Strength, +6 Constitution,, 2d6 Electrical Damage while Unarmed, and /10 Against Bludgeoning, Slashing and Piercing Damage, after Rage wears off, A Chosen cannot Cast a spells of any sorts due to the sacrfice of letting divine to be channeled at him, and the energy that was drained while raging.

Saves: Same as character.
Abilities: Increase from character as follows: Str +4, Con +4, Wis +2.
Skills: Intimidate and Taunt are class skills, regardless of the character's class.
Feats: (You gain these feats automaticly without meeting their prerequisites) Toughness, Great Fortitude.
Challenge Rating: Same as character +5.
Alignment: Always CE.

Chosen of Cyric By Messan

“Chosen of Cyric” is a template that can be added to any humanoid creature. A Chosen of Cyric, uses the character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. A Chosen of Cyric only has its power at the will of Cyric; should the Prince of Lies decide to remove the Chosen status from the character, he reverts to his normal abilities. A character of any class can be Chosen, but the majority are either thieves, assassins or clerics. There can be more than one Chosen of Cyric at a time.

Special Qualities: A Chosen of Cyric retains all special abilities of the character and gains the following.

Bonus Spells (sp): Constant- nondetection, misdirection At Will- disguise self 3/day-pass without trace, invisibility, dimension door 1/day- displacement, glibness, greater invisibility, locate creature, true strike.

Damage Reduction: None
Spell resistance: None

Immunities: A Chosen of Cyric is immune to aging and does not age, but she still dies at the normal age for dying. He is also immune to all mind affecting, compulsion and death effects.

Shroud of the prince (su): A Chosen of Cyric is immune to zone of truth and similar effects.

Death’s chosen(ex): All of the Chosen’s character levels count as assassin’s levels for the purpose of determining effects of any assassin skills, spells and abilities.

Death Strike (su): A Chosen of Cyric can use his death attack ability as a standard action without having to study his opponent for 3 rounds. This ability is usable 3/day.

Cyric’s tongue (su): Chosen of Cyric adds a +10 insight bonus to sense motive, bluff and diplomacy checks.

Cyric’s blade (su): Any weapon wielded by the Chosen of Cyric gains Keen, screaming and wounding effects. These effects replace the current effects on the weapon, only the magical enhancement remains. For example a +3 flaming burst longsword would become a +3 keen/screaming/wounding longsword.

Abilities: Dex+6, Int+4, Cha+6,

Skills: Same as character.

Feats: The character automatically gains the following feats and abilities, regardless of prerequsites.
- Death attack
- Poison use
- Track

Challenge Rating: Base Creature +4

Alignment: Any evil

The Chosen of Targus By KnightODaRealms

The Chosen of Targus is a True Master of his/her weapon amongst his fellow followers. The Chosen of Targus is in charge of making special weapons followers/worshipers. But when the time for battle is called upon this the one for the job be it leading an army or a one-on-one fight.

Special Qualities: A Chosen of Targus retains all special qualities of the character and also gains the following:

Bonus Spells: (sp) A Chosen of Targus gains the ability to cast any spell needed for a magical weapon. When making magical weapons is the only time s/he can cast these spells.

Forge Weapon: (ex) The chosen of Targus can automatically make any masterwork weapon with having to make a craft check. Also he do not have to pay for materials or EXP required to make the weapon magical. When making a magical weapon or adding special abilities he may add his STR modifier in addition to his INT modifier to the check roll.

Magical Weapon Affinity: (ex) When a Chosen of Targus studies any magical weapon for at least 5 minutes he can discern any pluses on the weapon. Studying a magical weapon for 10 minutes he can tell what special abilities the weapon might have. Studying an intelligent magical weapon he may speak with the weapon for a number of rounds equal to her character level.

Greater rage: (ex) In times of war or when fighting one-on-one Targus has granted his chosen one the ability of greater rage just like the barbarian ability of the same name. Except the chosen can rage for a numbers of rounds equal to his Character level + his CON modifier. While enraged the chosen does not suffer any negative penalties to Will save and is not fatigued afterwards.

Flurry of Weapon Strikes: (ex) When enraged, The Chosen of Targus may strike with a flurry of weapon strikes at the expense of accuracy. When doing so, she may make a number of extra attacks equal to her natural unmodified STR modifier in a round at her highest base attack bonus, but this attack takes a –2 penalty, as does each other attack made that round. This penalty applies for 1 round, so it also affects attacks of opportunity the Chosen of Targus might make before her next action. When a monk reaches 5th level, the penalty lessens to –1, and at 9th level it disappears. A Chosen of Targus must use a full attack action to strike with a flurry of weapon strikes. This ability may only be used once ever three rounds of combat.

Damage Reduction: 5 + Character level /+1

Immunities: Chosen of Targus are immune to high levels of heat do to working around the forges.

Saves: same as character except he may add his CON modifier to his Will save

Abilities: Increase from the character as follows: Str +6, Con +6

Skills: Receives a +10 to craft checks to make any magical weapon, Knowledge(weapons)

Knowledge(weapon history), Spellcraft (in regards to spells cast from weapons)

Feats: (You gain these feats automatically without meeting their prerequisites) Craft magical weapon, Whirlwind Attack, Improved Critical (this feat stacks with any abilities that enhance the critical.) Two-Weapon fighting

Alignment: True Neutral

Chosen of Bahamut By ambersorsha
Must be Good Aligned Dragon, Half-Dragon or Dragonblooded individual.
Must Worship Bahamut.

Chosen Stat increases: +2 Cha, +2 Int, +2 Wis

Other Abilities: +2 on all Saving Throws ( One of Bahamut’s Domains is Luck and Another is Protection) +4 Vs Dragon Fear to their Allies.

Creatures with out wings Gain Wings and flight Capabilty at Good Level, Creatures with Wings increase their flight Capabilty by one Level (Example Average flight becomes Good Flight) (Another of Bahamut’s Domains is Air)(As Per the Improved Mobility Feat with out needing the prequisties for that feat.)

Scales Turn Platinum in Color (As Per Platinum Knight)

Smite Evil Dragon Kind (As Per Platinum Knight)

Spell Casters Gain 1 Bonus Spell Per Day Per Level of Casting, This Bonus spell must be spent in one of the Spells with the Good, Dragon, Air, Luck, Nobility, Storm, or Protection. See appropriate Cleric Domains. All Arcane Spells that are in the Draconomicon count as Dragon Spells.

Non Spell Casters Gain the Ability to cast the Following spells at caster Level equal to their Class Levels Once per day.
Earthbind (Flying Creatures are bound to the Earth, and cannot fly.)
Resist Energy
Voice of the Dragon (+10 Diplomacy, Bluff and Intimidate. For 30 minutes Period.)
Non Spell Casters all Gain Weapon Prof, and Focus with Bahumuts favored Weapon. (A Heavy Pick or a Bite Attack if they do not already have such, if they do then they gain a one time only +1 to attack with the favored weapon, this is not a base attack, this is a misc.)

The Platinum Knight Prestige Class is found in the Draconomicon. As is all the Information on Bahamut himself and other Spells, Or Domains that I meantion that you are not sure about.

Whilst I have seen ambersorsha's Chosen, and believe it is good, I thought it relied to heavily on the Draconomicon (which, although it makes sense, just didn't work for me). So I decided to post the one I used. Currently, only three of my NPC's have it, but they are also epic beast of AWESOMENESS! ... Ahem ...

Chosen of Bahamut By doublesquirrel

+10 Charisma
+5 Holy bonus to AC
+4 to Challenge Rating
Immunities [Ex]: Chosen are immune to disintegration effects and death effects

Shimmering Breath [Su]: Blessed by the Platinum Dragon himself, the Chosen are able to breathe a magical, shimmering gas. It can be a 100 ft. cone or a 150 ft. line and may be used to the following effects once per a round:
Heal (Chosen Hit dice x Charisma Modifier) x 1.5 /day
Add +15 Deflection bonus to AC for rounds equal to Chosen's Charisma Modifier
Disintegration 1 /tenday (Reflex DC 20+ Chosen Charisma Modifier, Fortitude DC 15+ Chosen Charisma Modifier)
Create a Wall of Ice or Wind
Act as a Ring of Warmth or Cooling
Act as a Rod of Flame Extinguishing with 20 charges per a day

Spell-like Abilities [Sp]: The Chosen chooses two spells of each level to be spell-like abilities usable 1 /day (except for ninth, which they only get one and it is 1 /week)

Doesn't Age [Ex]: The Chosen gains no ill effects from growing old, but does receive bonuses. The Chosen never dies of old age, nor physically ages in any way. When Bahamut has deemed the service of the Chosen over, the Chosen is taken to Mercuria by Bahamut himself.

Doesn't Need Sleep [Ex]: The Chosen never needs sleep, even when fatigued. They do still need the normal amount of rest to prepare spells.

Chosen of Bahamut by zombiegleemax

Restrictions: The Platinum Dragon is very picky about his Chosen. They are usually metallic dragons or those descended from the dragons that make up the very few ranks. Some exceptions to this rule are made, but that is very infrequent and highly unlikely unless the individual has proven themselves to be a very devout follower.

+10 Charisma
+5 Holy bonus to AC
+4 to Challenge Rating

Immunities [Ex]: Chosen are immune to disintegration effects and death effects

Divine Presence [Ex]: By the eternal glory of the Master of the Northern Wind, the Chosen are encased in an aura of true power. This ability takes effect whenever the dragon attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures within 10 feet

Chosen of Loviatar by Porcus the Wombat

Chosen of Loviatar is a template that can be applied to any humanoid creature that has Loviatar for a patron. This template is granted by Loviatar's wishes, and is subject to removal by her at any time.

Size/Type: The creature’s size and type are unchanged.

Special Attacks: The creature retains all its special attacks, and gains those listed below.

Rain of Lashes (Ex): When wielding two whips, two scourges, or one whip and one scourge, a Chosen of Loviatar gains the benefits of the Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, and Greater Two-Weapon Fighting Feats, even if she does not meet their prerequisites. Further, she threatens all squares she can reach and does not provoke attacks of opportunity when making attacks with her whip or scourge. If she can make other special attacks through her whip or scourge, she can make one attack per weapon per round.

Piercing Blow (Su): Any whip or scourge wielded by a Chosen of Loviatar counts as magic, evil, and cold iron for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction only.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will—Nybor’s gentle reminder, sadism; 5/day—mystic lash, Nybor’s mild admonishment; 3/day—fleshshiver, wrack; 1/day—flensing, Nybor’s wrathful castigation. These abilities are used at a caster level equal to the Chosen of Loviatar’s HD; the save DCs are Charisma-based.

Special Qualities: The creature retains all of its special qualities, and gains those listed below.

Chosen traits: A Chosen of Loviatar gains resistance 10 to acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic; immunity to disease, poison, and pain (that is, the debilitating effects of pain, such as from a symbol of pain); darkvision 60 ft., and low-light vision. She is immortal, which means that she does not die of old age, etc.

Shield of Pain (Su): A Chosen of Loviatar may choose to gain a deflection bonus to AC of up to her Cha bonus (min +1). However, for each point of AC added in this way, any normal melee attacks that hit the chosen deal an extra +1 damage. Alternately, the Chosen may choose to gain DR X/--, where X is any number up to her Cha bonus (min. 1). However, in this case she also takes a –X penalty to her AC. Activating this ability is a free action, as is changing its mode or the amount of bonus gained.
Abilities: Str +4, Wis +4, Cha +4
CR: +4
Alignment: LE, LN, or NE

Chosen of Cyrrollalee (Halfing Deity of Fellowship and the Hearthkeeper) By Ambersorsha
Stat Increases: +4 Cha, +2 Wis, +2 Int

Spell Like Abilities: All Spell Like Abilities are Activated as a Free action.
3/Day: Create Water, Detect Posion, Mending, Prestidigitation, Purify Food and Drink, and Know Direction

1/Day: Endure Elements, Locate Object, Cure Light Wounds and Comprehend Languages

Other Abilities:
Host’s Sincerity:
If Completely Sincere, The Chosen Gains a +5 Circumstance Modifier to all Charisma Based Skills and Abilities. All Individuals around the Chosen are at –5 Bluff Checks. This Ability Can Be Activated 1/Week. This is treated as a supernatural Ability and thus there are no saves for this ability because it operates on the Principal of Trust. The Chosen’s Aura projects on or complete trust and trustworthyness. The Penalities because of this ability exist simply because the Chosen become so approachable and trustworthy that the other individuals do not wish to speak lies if they can help it.

Ring of Friendship: A 40 Foot Radius around the Chosen. Each Ally within that radius, gains the bonus of +4 Vs Fear Checks. Once a Turn as a free action while this ring is activated, the chosen may Split the damage delt to an ally as though the Cleric Spell, Shield Other. All Allies are Protected as though under the Sanctuary Spell. This Ability Lasts a round per Character Level and can only be activated Once a Week.

Skill Bonuses: +10 To Profession Cook, +10 To Diplomacy, +10 Gather Information

Immunities: All Posions Magical or Mundane and All Diseases Magical or Mundane.

Chosen of Urdlen, The Crawler Below By Borris

This template can be applied to any humanoid or fey that has Urdlen as a patron.
Size/Type: The creature’s size and type are unchanged.
Special Attacks: The creature gains two claw attacks that deal 1d6 points of damage each and are treated as adamantine.
Rage: A chosen of urdlen who takes damage in combat flies into a berserk rage on his next turn, clawing madly until either he or his opponent is dead. He gains +4 to Strength, +4 to Constitution, and –2 to Armor Class. He cannot end its rage voluntarily.
Spell-Like Abilities: At will - bindness/deafness, scare; 3/day - enlarge person (self only);
Summon Crawler (Sp): Once per day per point of charisma bonus (minimum 1), a chosen of Urdlen can summon a fiendish dire badger as if using summon monster III.
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., Low-light Vision, Tremorsense 30 ft.;
Spell Resistance: 11 + HD
Chosen traits: A Chosen of Urdlen gains resistance 10 to cold and sonic; immunity to poison, immunity to aging and does not age or die from old age;
Abilities: Con +4
CR: +3

Conceptually, I see the Chosen of the Triad as a power-play by the three deities of the Triad. Torm, Tyr, and Ilmater would use such persons to more strongly tie their churches to one another other and thereby solidify their power in Faerun (and among the planes). He could be slightly more powerful than other chosen because he has three deities granting him power rather than one.
(Feel free to determine the CR and level adjustment on your own, since CR has become horribly subjective and broken - especially at high levels.)

Chosen of the Triad By Oy of Midworld

The Chosen of Triad is a template that can be applied to any humanoid of Lawful Good alignment whom all three deities of the Triad favor and whose character level (not ECL) is no less than 10. If one or more of the gods of the Triad (Torm, Tyr or Ilmater) ever come to regard the Chosen as abusive or contrary to the power and responsibility given to him, the template will be removed and the now former-Chosen will either be killed or lose three character levels, depending on the severity of the transgression. The Chosen has all racial and class abilities he possessed before becoming Chosen as well as the following:

Spell-like abilities:
Constant: Endure Elements, Protection from Evil, Mind Blank
At Will: Detect Evil, Detect Chaos, Break Enchantment
3/day: Smite Evil, Restoration, Glory of the Martyr
2/day: Atonement, True Seeing, Greater Heroism
1/day: Greater Sword and Hammer, Holy Word, Hallow
1/wk: Geas/Quest, Resurrection, Discern Location
*The spell DC’s are Charisma-based. Caster Level equals ½ HD.

Ability Increase: +4 Cha, +6 Wis, +6 Dex

Feats: The Chosen of the Triad gains the Endurance, Leadership and Improved Unarmed Strike feats if he does not already have them.

Immunities (Ex): The Chosen of the Triad gains immunities to disease, poison, disintegration, negative energy (as it pertains to reducing ability scores and/or character and class levels), and cannot be magically aged.

Threefold Defense (Ex): The Chosen of the Triad gains the following: Damage Reduction of 12/-; Spell Resistance of 10 + the Chosen’s Constitution score; and a Sacred bonus to AC equal to the Chosen’s Charisma modifier.

Threefold Skill Boost (Ex): The Chosen of the Triad gains a +15 Sacred bonus to the following skills: Concentration, Heal, and Sense Motive.

Ilmater’s Touch (Su): The Chosen does an additional 2d8 points of damage when using an unarmed attack. The damage can be non-lethal if the Chosen wishes.

Torm’s Hand (Su): The Chosen gains the Lay-on-Hands ability if he does not already have it. The number of HP the Chosen may heal per day is equal to: 10 + charisma modifier x character level.

Tyr’s Decree (Su): The Chosen gains the ability to Turn Undead if he did not already have it. The Chosen may Turn Undead a number of times per day equal to 5 + his Charisma modifier, and he gains +5 Sacred bonus to all turn checks (this bonus may stack with the +2 bonus granted by having 5 or more ranks in Knowledge [Religion]).

Chosen of Shar By Oy of Midworld
The Chosen of Shar is a template that can be applied to any character who worships Shar as his or her deity and is of Neutral Evil alignment. Shar is reticent to give away any part of herself, and so there are rarely more than one or two Chosen at any time. The Chosen has all racial and class abilities he (the gender usage for this post, to simplify) possessed before becoming Chosen as well as the following:

Bonus Spells:
The Chosen gains one bonus spell, either arcane or divine, of each spell level 1st through 9th per day, which can be used as a spell-like ability once per day. These spells must have the Shadow or Darkness descriptor, or be of the Divination or Enchantment schools. These spells may even be selected by a character who has no spell-casting class levels. Once these nine spells are selected, they can never be changed. The save DC’s for these bonus spells are Charisma-based and Caster Level equals ½ the Chosen’s HD.

Abilities: The Chosen gains a +8 enhancement to his Intelligence score and a +2 to Charisma.

Feats: The Chosen of Shar gains the Blind-Fight and Shadow Weave Magic feats if he does not already have them. Since the Chosen is now intimately tied to Shar, the Shadow Weave Magic feat, and all metamagic feats that the Chosen knows, may apply to spell-like abilities as well as spells. The Chosen also gains the Spell Focus (Divination) and Greater Spell Focus (Divination) feats, both of which may apply to spell-like abilities as well as spells, such as in the case of the bonus spells gained when becoming a Chosen. Lastly, the Chosen may choose one bonus feat from the following: Insidious Magic, Pernicious Magic, and Tenacious Magic.

Spell Resistance (Ex): A Chosen of Shar gains a Spell Resistance of 10 + ½ HD versus all spells except those with the Good, Holy or Light descriptor.

Darkvision (Ex): The Chosen gains darkvision of 120 ft. or, if he already has darkvision, double his current darkvision distance, gaining whichever is further.

Immunities (Ex): The Chosen is immune to disease, disintegration and poison, and cannot be magically aged.

Blindsense (Ex): The Chosen has Blindsense 30 ft. at all times.

Shadow Jump (Su): A Chosen of Shar gains the ability to travel between shadows as if by means of a dimension door spell. The transport must begin and end in an area with at least some shadow. The total number of feet per day that the Chosen can jump is equal to 10 x his Constitution score. This amount can be split among many jumps, but each one, no matter how small, counts as at least a ten-foot increment.

Steal Spell Knowledge (Su): Shar covets all knowledge, and to her Chosen, if he is a spellcaster, is given the ability to steal spells not normally available to him. The Chosen may steal spells from two sources. First, he may learn any spell from a spellcasting class different from his own as long as the spell has the Shadow or Darkness descriptor. Second, if the Chosen is a cleric, he may steal any domain–specific spells to which he would not normally have access. In either case, the Chosen must be of high enough caster level to cast the spell before he may steal it, and he must have the opportunity to either see it cast or to copy it from a scroll or spell book before he is able to successfully cast the spell himself.

Grace of the Dark Lady (Sp): The Chosen of Shar has access to the following spell-like abilities: Detect Magic, Silence and True Seeing. The number of uses per day, per spell, is equal to the Chosen’s Charisma modifier. The save DC is Charisma-based and Caster Level equals ½ the Chosen’s HD.

Keys to the Kingdom (Sp): The Chosen of Shar may access the Plane of Shadow with a gate spell a number of times per day equal to the Chosen’s Charisma modifier. The save DC is Charisma-based and Caster Level equals ½ the Chosen’s HD.

Darkness’ Boon (Ex): When in darkness or underground, the Chosen of Shar gains the following benefits:
- a +2 competence bonus to attack rolls, damage, AC, saves and caster-level checks for overcoming spell resistance;
- a +4 competence bonus to Concentration, Hide, Move Silent, Listen and Spot checks;
- Blindsight 30 ft. (the creatures sighted must also be in darkness or underground).

2015-10-05, 04:49 AM
Shardkin's Chosen of Selune inspired quite a bit of this template - one with which I am much more satisfied with (and will use in my game) than his. I have to give lots of credit to Shardkin, and perhaps consider this a variation on his Chosen template, rather than one truly separate from his.

(CR and level adjustment are up in the air. You make the call.)

The Chosen of Selune By Oy of Midworld

The Chosen of Selune is a template that can be applied to any humanoid of good alignment whom The Moonmaiden favors, and who, in turn, worship’s Selune. The Chosen has all racial and class abilities she possessed before becoming Chosen as well as the following:

Spell-like abilities :
Constant: Protection from Evil, Endure Elements, Comprehend languages
at will: Detect Evil, Detect Law, Know Direction, Fairy Fire, Moonbeam, Moonblade
3/day: Expeditious Retreat, Freedom of Movement, Moonweb, Moon Path, Moonfire, Remove Curse, True Seeing
1/day: Control Weather, Control Winds, Holy Smite, Find the Path, Summon Monster IX (Moon Dog only)
*The spell DC’s are wisdom-based. Caster Level equals ½ HD.

Ability increase: +4 Wis, +6 Cha

Feats: The Chosen of Selune gains the Endurance feat if she does not already have it.

Immunities (Ex): The Chosen of Selune is immune to Disease, Disintegration, Poison, and cannot be magically aged.

Veiled Moon's Blessing (Ex): The Chosen of Selune gains Darkvision 60ft and Low Light Vision if she did not already have them.

Soothe the Beast (Su): The Chosen of Selune, simply by speaking in a non threatening manner, forces all lycanthropes, in any form, within listening distance, to make a will save (10 + ½ the Chosen's HD + the Chosen’s Charisma modifier) or be effected by a Calm Emotions spell. The target Lycanthropes must make a save each round the Chosen is speaking. If the target lycanthrope fails her save against this ability and she is in animal of half animal form, she automatically reverts to humaniod form and is effectively “calmed.”

Selune's Boon (Su): The Chosen adds her Charisma modifier as a Sacred bonus to all saves and to caster level checks to beat spell resistance. The Chosen also receives a +5 resistance (or enhancement) bonus against the following: spells and spell-like effects of from the schools of enchantment, illusion, and necromancy; any spells cast with the Shadow Weave; and any spell with the Darkness, Shadow, Law, or Evil descriptors. This may be a bonus to saves or to caster level, depending on the circumstances. This +5 bonus cannot stack with itself.

Moonlight Blessing (Su): When in direct Moonlight (more than 50% lit), the Chosen of Selune gains spell resistance 25 and Damage Reduction 10/magic and piercing.

Veiled Moon's Vigilance (Su): The time of the new or veiled moon is a time of great danger to all of Selune's faith; the servants of Shar are most active at these times when the Moonmaiden is "absent". The Chosen knows that Selune is not truly absent, but veiled, and this is the time of the hiding. During the time of the “veiled moon,” when Selune is not visible in the sky, her Chosen gains these new special abilities in addition to all others: +10 sacred bonus to all hide, listen, spot, and move silently checks; she gains the Hide in Plain Sight ability, and may cast Silence 3/day as a spell-like ability.

Selune's Fullness (Su): During the time when Selune is full, the Chosen casts all healing and evocation spells as if they had been prepared with the empower spell, extend spell, and widen spell feats, at no cost. This ability is only usable between sundown and sunrise, and the chosen can withhold any or all of these feats from a spell, if desired.


“Chosen of Eldath” is a template that can be added to any humanoid creature (hereby referred to as the “character”). A Chosen of Eldath uses the character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. A Chosen of Eldath only has its powers at the will of Eldath; should the Green Goddess decide to remove Chosen status from the character, he reverts to his original abilities.

Special Qualities: A Chosen of Eldath retains all special qualities of the character and also gains the following.

Bonus Spells (Su): Constant – Endure Elements (all), Mind Blank, Water Walk. 5/day – Fireward, Wall of Ice. 3/day – Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere.
Chosen Damage Reduction (Su): A Chosen of Eldath who is close to at least 1 cubic foot of water gains damage reduction 10/magic.
Immunities (Ex): A Chosen of Eldath is immune to cold, paralysis, sleep and stunning spells and effects.
Aura against Flame (Su): A Chosen of Eldath is protected by a permanent Aura against Flame spell.
Tremorsense (Ex): A Chosen of Eldath gains the tremorsense ability (the ability to sense the location of anything within 60 feet that is in contact with the ground). If the Chosen’s feet are in contact with water, the ability extends to 180 feet.
Water Protection (Su): A Chosen of Eldath who is close to at least 1 cubic foot of water gains a deflection bonus of +4 to armor class. The Chosen can grant this power to a maximum of four other people, if they’re close to at least 1 cubic foot of water, and the bonus is limited to +2. This bonus doesn’t stack with similar bonuses from nonpermanent sources such as magic items or spells.
Rolling Water Sphere (Su): A Chosen can use small amounts of water to power his melee attacks. As a standard action, by taking 16 ounces of water from any nearby source, the Chosen can make a melee touch attack against a single opponent. If he succeeds, it deals 1d6 of half bludgeoning damage and half raw magic damage per two caster levels. The Chosen can use this ability a number of times per day equal to his caster level.
Saves: Same as the character.
Abilities: Increase from the character as follows: Dexterity +4, Charisma +6.
Skills: Same as the character.
Feats: Same as the character.

Climate/Terrain: Same as the character.
Challenge Rating: Same as the character +4.
Alignment: Any non-evil
Treasure: Same as the character.
Advancement: Same as the character.

Aura against Flame spell is explained in Magic of Faerún, as an spell created by the clergy of Eldath (or by the goddess herself, I'm not sure). Anyway, the spell grants the caster Fire Resistance 12, the ability to automatically eliminate any non-magical fires the caster touches and the ability to dispel fire spells already in place or fire spells aimed at the caster, as a Dispel Magic spell that only works on fire spells.


“Chosen of Sharess” is a template that can be added to any female humanoid creature (hereby referred to as the “character”). A Chosen of Sharess uses the character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. A Chosen of Sharess only has its powers at the will of Sharess; should the Dancing Lady decide to remove Chosen status from the character, he reverts to his original abilities. Sharess usually has as many Chosen as her divine power can afford, the better to preach the message of joy and sensual fulfillment.

Special Qualities: A Chosen of Sharess retains all special qualities of the character and also gains the following.

Bonus Spells (Su): Constant – Expeditious Retreat, Nondetection. At will – Aura of Glory, Calm Emotion, Charm Person, Claws of the Beast, Disguise Self. 5/day – Cat’s Grace, Celebration, Suggestion. 3/day – Charm Monster, Confusion, Dimension Door. 1/day – Aura of Vitality, Dominate monster, Geas/Quest
Feline Reflexes (Ex): A Chosen of Sharess has an innate ability to avoid all kinds of attacks. A number of times equal to the Chosen’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1), whenever the Chosen would have been hit by any kind of attack (physical, magical, trap, etc.), the Chosen can make a Reflex save to negate all damage. The save DC equals the damage she would have otherwise received – the Chosen’s Charisma modifier (or half the Chosen’s Charisma modifier in the case of a physical attack).
Immunities (Ex): A Chosen of Sharess is immune to aging, disease and polymorphing effects. Any polymorphing powers the Chosen might have work normally on itself.
Feline Skill (Ex): A Chosen of Sharess gets its Charisma modifier (if positive) as a bonus on all Balance, Bluff, Climb, Disguise, Jump, Move Silently, Perform and Spot checks.
Extreme Speed (Su): A Chosen of Sharess can reach unconceivable speed, to the point that all other creatures seem not to be moving at all. This works exactly as the Time Stop spell, usable once per day as a 20-th level caster.
Tantra (Su): A Chosen of Sharess can perform a special massage, by which the receiving subject relaxes its body and experiences intense pleasure, to the point that it actually alleviates the pains of its body. This works as a Heal spell, usable a number of times per day equal to half the Chosen’s Charisma modifier, as a Cleric with Caster Level equal to half the Chosen’s Character Level. The Chosen can’t use this ability on itself.
Charm of the Gods (Su): A Chosen of Sharess can use her unmatched powers of seduction and beguiling to entice large masses of people. Once per day, the Chosen can use Mass Charm Monster (Caster Level equals Character Level).
Saves: Same as the character.
Abilities: Increase from the character as follows: Dexterity +2, Charisma +6.
Skills: Same as the character.
Feats: Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes

Climate/Terrain: Same as the character.
Challenge Rating: Same as the character +4.
Alignment: CN, CG, NG.
Treasure: Same as the character.
Advancement: Same as the character.


“Chosen of Aerdrie Faenya” is a template that can be added to any female humanoid creature (hereby referred to as the “character”). A Chosen of Aerdrie Faenya uses the character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. A Chosen of Aerdrie Faenya only has its powers at the will of Aerdrie Faenya; should the Winged Mother decide to remove Chosen status from the character, he reverts to his original abilities.

Special Qualities: A Chosen of Aerdrie Faenya retains all special qualities of the character and also gains the following.

Bonus Spells (Su): Constant – Entropic Shield. At will – Gaseous Form, Gust of Wind, Obscuring Mist, Wind Wall. 1/day – Control Weather
Extra Spells (Su): A Chosen of Aerdrie Faenya can choose between Call Lightning or Ice Storm to use as a spell-like ability five times a day; Call Lightning Storm or Chain Lightning three times per day; and Storm of Vengeance or Whirlwind once per day.
Immunities (Ex): A Chosen of Aerdrie Faenya is immune to aging, electricity, petrification, stunning and paralysis.
Chosen Air Mastery (Ex): A Chosen of Aerdrie Faenya gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage throws if it is airborne. The bonus increases to +4 if both Chosen and opponent are airborne.
Winged Princess (Su): A Chosen of Aerdrie Faenya gains the legendary Princess Wings, a set of beautiful feathered white wings that represent the Winged Mother’s blessing on her Chosen. The wings grant the Chosen a fly speed of 120 feet with perfect maneuverability, as well as several special qualities, as follows. The Chosen can only keep one of these abilities active at a time, and can change abilities each turn:
• Princess Garment: The Princess Wings can irradiate an aura of cold breeze that grants the Chosen immunity to Fire.
• Princess Aura: The Princess Wings give the Chosen an appearance that most humans would label as “divine”, for the strong impression it leaves on sight. While this ability is active, every creature who can see the Chosen must make a Will saving throw (DC = 20 + Chosen’s Charisma Modifier) or be stunned for 2d6 rounds, if the creature has 7 HD or less; or stunned for 1d4 rounds and shaken for 1d6 rounds if the creature’s HD are more than 7. A successful saving throw makes the creature immune to the Princess Aura for 1 minute.
• Princess Weapon: The Princess Wings can be used as a weapon. The Chosen can select whether the wings works as a bludgeoning, piercing or slashing weapon, or even as a melee or ranged weapon (The ranged version is called Princess Arrow), and they deal 1d8 damage plus the Chosen’s strength modifier. The Wings work as a secondary weapon, and the Chosen is proficient with the Wings. The Wings are considered light and natural weapons, as well as magic and good for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
• Princess Barrier: The Princess Wings can be used for protection granting the Chosen damage reduction 10/--
• Princess Slasher: This special attack of the Princess Wings can only be used once per hour. The Chosen extends the wings and spins at superhuman speed, attacking every creature on every square within the wings’ range (a circle 6 feet radius). The Princess Slasher deals 1d6 damage per Chosen’s level, half slashing damage (hence damage reduction applies) and half raw magic damage. If the Chosen uses the Princess Slasher, it must wait a minute before any other ability of the Princess Wings can be used.
• Rising Wings: Like the Princess Slasher, the Rising Wings can only be used once per hour. The Chosen pierces the ground with the Princess Wings, which extend underground to strike a far away opponent. The Chosen makes a melee touch attack. In a successful hit, the wings deal 1d8 damage for each two levels the Chosen has. The damage is half piercing and half raw magic damage. The Rising Wings has a close range (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels). If the Chosen uses the Rising Wings, it must wait a minute before any other ability of the Princess Wings can be used. The Chosen can choose to double or triple the number of damage dice of the Rising Wings. If the Chosen decides to double the damage dice, the Rising Wings can’t be used for another 24 hours. If the Chosen chooses to triplicate the damage dice, it can’t use the Rising Wings for 3 days.
• Princess Punisher: Like the two previous abilities, the Princess Punisher can only be used once per hour. The Chosen must be disarmed to use this special ability. The Chosen wraps its hands with the Princess Wings and strikes with a rain of blows charged with blessed power. The Chosen makes 5 melee touch attacks at its highest attack bonus, each attack dealing 1d6 damage plus extra 1 damage for every two levels of the Chosen. The damage is raw magic damage, so damage reduction or energy resistance doesn’t apply. If the Chosen uses the Princess Punisher, it must wait a minute before any other ability of the Princess Wings can be used.
• Princess Miracle: This ability can only be used once every tenday. The Chosen extends her wings and releases a shower of razor-sharp magic feathers on every creature in a 50-feet-radius hemisphere centered on the Chosen. Target gets a Reflex saving throw for half damage (DC = Chosen’s Dexterity Score). The feathers deal 1d6 damage per point of Constitution of the Chosen plus 1d12 for each point of Dexterity bonus of the Chosen. For example, a Chosen with 22 Dexterity and 16 Constitution using the Princess Miracle would deal 16d6 plus 6d12 damage. If the Chosen uses the Princess Miracle, it must wait 24 hours before any other ability of the Princess Wings can be used.
Saves: Same as the character.
Abilities: Increase from the character as follows: Dexterity +10
Skills: Same as the character.
Feats: Same as the character.

Climate/Terrain: Same as the character.
Challenge Rating: Same as the character +4.
Alignment: CN, CG, NG.
Treasure: Same as the character.
Advancement: Same as the character.

Chosen of Fierna By HalfMunchkin

Creating a Chosen of Fierna
Chosen of Fierna is a template that can be added to any creature with an intelligence of 3 or higher (referred to hereafter as the "character") that Fierna chooses to entrust a portion of her power to. A Chosen of Fierna uses all of the character's statistics and special abilities except as noted here. This is an acquired template, and a Chosen of Fierna has its power only at the will of Fierna; should she decide to remove Chosen status from the character, then he reverts to his original abilities.

Type/Subtype: same as the character.
Appearance: The Chosen of Fierna appear no different than other creatures of their type, except that the chosen's skin turns pinkish-red and grows vestigial horns and grows a tail as long as 75% of the length of its body.
Special Qualities: A Chosen of Mystra retains all of the special qualities of the character and also gains the following:
Bonus Spells (Sp): At will—Flame Blade, Magic Circle against Good, 3/day—Produce Flame, Fireball, 1/day—Wall of Fire.
Immunities (Ex): A Chosen of Fierna is immune to Blindness, Deafness, Disease, Disintegration, Fatigue, Exhaustion, Poison, and Sleep effects. A Chosen of Fierna is immune to fire and heat based damage.
Saves: Same as the character.
Abilities: +6 Dexteriry, +6 Constitution, +6 Charisma
Skills: Same as the character.
Feats: Same as the character.
Climate/Terrain: Same as the character.
Organization: Same as the character.
Challenge Rating: +5.
Alignment: Same as the character.
Treasure: Same as the character.
Advancement: Same as the character.

Chosen of the Triad (Tyr, Ilmater, Torm) pt 03 by magus_angelheart

The Triad is not likely to grant their powers to any creature just walking on Faerun. Only those, suitable will earn the power granted by the Triad.

Since this grants many benefits it has certain requirements.

These are:

MUST be Lawful Good.

MUST have one out of these three gods as patron deity (Tyr, Ilmater, Torm) .

MUST be either cleric or paladin or monk. Multiclass only allowed between those 3 classes or with a fitting prestige class. (Justiciar of Tyr, Hand of Torm, Martyred Champion of Ilmater, Contemplate, Divine Champion, etc). If they are a multi class such as paladin/cleric, they MUST choose which class is important for the benefits they gain.The other will be ignored.


Divine Health: As long as he stays in service of the Triad he is granted immunity to poison (also magic), diseases (also magic), curses and even immunity to negative levels or attribute losses (i.E. Weaken).

Immortality and returning youth: as long as he stays in service of the Triad he is granted immortality and does not age anymore. He does get the benefits of aging though but not the malefits. Already taken malefits are NEGATED. (This means you get the usual boni in INT, WIS and CHA, but not the mali in STR, DEX and CON. Mali that you have already taken in those physical attributes by aging are set back to their original status like you have never aged.)

Additional Attribute bonus:

Strength +4
Wisdom +4
Charisma +4

+ 4 to all saving throws

Threefold Defense (Ex): The Chosen of the Triad gains the following: Damage Reduction of 12/-; Spell Resistance of 10 + the Chosen’s Challenge Rating or Character Level (keep the higher score not both); and a Sacred bonus to AC equal to the Chosen’s Charisma modifier.

Threefold Skill Boost (Ex): The Chosen of the Triad gains a +15 Sacred bonus to the following skills: Concentration, Heal, and Sense Motive.

Additional Feats: The chosen can choose 03 Exalted Feats as a gift of his God.

Immunities (Ex): The Chosen of the Triad gains immunities to disease, poison, disintegration, negative energy (as it pertains to reducing ability scores and/or character and class levels), and cannot be magically aged also he is a deathless creature.

General Abilities:

Alignment Sight:
Every Chosen of the Triad can see any creature´s exact alignment, without even concentrating.
Spells or any other ability can not hinder this ability.

Summon Epic Arms:
Once per day a the chosen can summon an exact “copy” of his patron deity´s weapon, which can not be disarmed. It lasts for the chosen´s complete level + charisma bonus in minutes.
Malefits on these weapons are negated, bonus such as weapon focus are treated normal (i.E. if a cleric of Torm has no weapon proficiency in Great Sword, he does not get the -4 malefits he would normally get with this weapon)

Torm as patron deity: +5 holy avenger greatsword
Tyr as Patron deity: +5 Vorpal longsword
Ilmater as Patron deity: +5 keen, lawful, vorpal unarmed strike
Ilmater’s Touch (Su): The Chosen does an additional 2d8 points of damage when using an unarmed attack. The damage can be non-lethal if the Chosen wishes.

Torm’s Hand (Su): The Chosen gains the Lay-on-Hands ability if he does not already have it. The number of HP the Chosen may heal per day is equal to: 10 + charisma modifier x character level.

Tyr’s Decree (Su): The Chosen gains the ability to Turn Undead if he did not already have it. The Chosen may Turn Undead a number of times per day equal to 5 + his Charisma modifier, and he gains +5 Sacred bonus to all turn checks (this bonus may stack with the +2 bonus granted by having 5 or more ranks in Knowledge [Religion]).

Chosen of Moradin by xaean

Chosen of Moradin is a template that can be added to any dwarf (referred to thereafter as the „character“). Moradin can remove the chosen status from the character at any time, should the character no longer live according to the teachings of the Soulforger. There is only one Chosen of Moradin at a time.

Special Qualities: A Chosen of Moradin retains all special qualities of the character and also gains the following.
Spell-like abilities: at will: detect chaos, detect evil, detect metals and minerals, detect secret doors; 5/day: enlarge person (self only), shape metal, silver beard, stone shape; 3/day: meld into stone, stone tell; 1/day: iron body, righteous might, stone skin; 1/tenday: elemental swarm (earth only), maw of stone; If the character is a cleric, he also gains the ability to cast spells from the dwarf domain as regular cleric spells, not just domain spells.
Iron Mind: A Chosen of Moradin is the embodiment of dwarven stubbornness. He gains immunity to fear and mind-effecting spells and effects. Dwarven allies within 20 feet of a Chosen of Moradin gain a +4 sacred bonus on saves against such spells and effects.
Toughness of Stone: A Chosen of Moradin’s body is best described as rock solid: He gains damage reduction /- equal to his constitution bonus.
Fires of the Soulforge: A Chosen of Moradin has mystical bond with the Soulforge, from which Moradin created the dwarven people. Any warhammer wielded by a Chosen of Moradin temporarily gains the flaming special ability and counts as magic weapon for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction (it loses these qualities when it leaves the character’s grasp), furthermore he gains fire resistiance 5 and a sacred bonus of +10 on any craft (armor smithing and weapon smithing) checks.
Thunder Blessing: Any offspring of a Chosen of Moradin are born as identical or fraternal twins with the thunder twin feat.
Immunities: A Chosen of Moradin gains immunity against poison and disease. He also takes no ability score penalties for aging and cannot be magically aged. He still dies of old age when his time is up.
Special attacks: A chosen of Moradin retains all special attacks of the character and gains also gains the following.
Smite (Su): A Chosen of Moradin may attempt to smite the enemies of the dwarven race: duergar, drow, giants and orcs. He adds his constitution bonus to the attack and deals one point of extra damage per character level. If he accidentally smites a creature that is not of the specified types, the smite has no effects, but the attempt is still used up. He may use this ability a number of times per day equal to his constitution bonus.
Saves: same as the character
Abilities: Increase from the character as follows. Strength +4 Constitution +6
Skills: See Fires of the Soulforge
Feats: A chosen of Moradin gains Craft Magic Arms and Armor as a bonus feat
Climate/Terrain: Same as the character
Organization: Same as the character
Alignment: Lawful Good
Challenge Rating: Same as the character +4

Seraph of Madness (Or Illusion/Intrigue, if you prefer) by Vasyek

“Seraph of Madness” is a template that can be added to any humanoid creature. A Seraph of Madness uses the character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. A Seraph of Madness only has its power at the will of Cyric; should the Prince of Lies decide to remove the Seraph's status from the character, they revert to their normal abilities. A character of any class can be elevated to this status, but the most likely candidates are either bards, clerics, or sorcerers. There can only be three Seraphs of Madness at any given time.

Alignment: Chaotic Evil or Chaotic Neutral

Special Qualities: A Seraph of Madness has all the special abilities of the character and gains the following.

Immunities: A Seraph of Madness is immune to aging (natural or accelerated), all mind affecting, compulsion, and paralysis based effects. The Seraph cannot be locked into a form that they do not wish to maintain, but must shift their appearance at least once every six hours to avoid the onset of fatigue, which they are otherwise immune to, and have no control over how their form shifts while unconscious or dreaming.

Bonus Spells (Sp): At Will- Silent Image, Ventriloquism; Constant- Misdirection; Three Times per day- Enthrall, Hypnotic Pattern, Mirror Image, Modify Memory; Once per day- Blink, Eyebite, False Image, Veil

Shattered Mirror (Ex): The Seraph gains the ability to warp their features with great subtlety or piercing resonance, at their whims or by sheer reflex. For the Seraph, appearance becomes as mutable as light and contrast.
As a free action, the Seraph may tailor their visage as per the spell Alter Self, or direct their visage to coil and refract as a host of dissonant aspects. This latter application of the ability forces those who witness it to make a Will save (DC: 20 + the Seraph's Charisma modifier) to avoid becoming dazzled and shaken while their eyes remain upon the Seraph's fractured mien. Naturally, this ability can only effect those who rely on their sense of sight.
When not in a state of flux, the Seraph's expressions are eerily still or confoundingly oblique if they are not subdued, wreaking havoc on all attempts to gauge the Seraph's intentions by appearance or inflection. All Sense Motive checks against the Seraph suffer a -10 circumstance penalty.

Blood-Wraith's Grin (Su): Through continued focus and fervent invocation, taking no actions or moving no more than five feet per round for three rounds, the Seraph may invoke the dread aspect of their patron god before the eyes of a chosen target. To this creature, the Seraph becomes a horror of shrieking wind and undulating flesh, threads of congealed blood and jagged hoarfrost bristling along their shoulders, arms, and neck.
The target must make a Will saving throw (DC: 10 + the Seraph's character level + the Seraph's charisma modifier) lest the trauma of facing this grim spectre still their heart. Should they successfully resist this ability, they merely suffer as though subject to a Ghost's corrupting gaze.
This is an illusory and fear-based attack, and can be resisted accordingly. Only sentient beings are viable targets for this ability. This ability occurs as a melee touch attack and may be used on anyone within range so long as it is used immediately after the three rounds. The Seraph can use this ability against the Panicked or Insane with no preparation as a full-round action.

Traitor's Hymn (Su): Lies and false endearment roll effortlessly off the Seraph's tongue, such that one must wonder if even they are misled by their charades. The Seraph is henceforth immune to all spells and effects that compel the admission of truth, and may take 20 on any Bluff and Diplomacy check under the same conditions that a rogue with skill mastery could take 10.

Stilled Murmurs (Ex): The Seraph carries within them all the voices of those that they have slain, and may communicate through them with or without spoken word. When adopting the form of one of their victims through the Shattered Mirror ability, the Seraph's ability to mimic their inflections perfectly increases the Disguise check bonus to +15, and these stolen voices may be further employed as a conduit for telepathic communication, within a range of 120 feet. Such communication requires only the presence of a sentient mind and the Seraph's awareness, through whatever means, of the targeted creature.

Sibilant Echo (Su): The Seraph may instill the dust and air around them with their mind's imperative, manifesting their will as a crooning vortex of charnel winds and panicked sighs. The being that emerges from this process is essentially an invisible stalker with the Seraph's alignment and a number of extra hit dice equal to the Seraph's charisma modifier. Its attacks benefit from the Screaming enhancement, unless the Seraph has silenced the creature.
It may condense itself and reduce its size to Small thereby, and as it is essentially just an animate construct of the Seraph's will, the Seraph may see through its eyes as easily as they can through their own, as per the shared senses trait, and manipulate its form to sculpt its aural resonance, further obscuring its presence or affecting speech thereby. The latter ability functions as the Ghost Sound or Ventriloquism spells, depending on the sounds the Seraph intends to make, and Listening checks cannot detect the creature's presence unless the Seraph has willed it to make noise.
The Seraph can communicate telepathically through the sibilant echo, but only within half the previous range. Should their creature be slain, the Seraph cannot reform it for a week.

Delusion's Mire (Su): The Seraph's illusions are imbued with the treachery and resilience of their own fevered imaginations, rebounding in dispersal to converge as new false imagery. In the event that a target successfully disbelieves the Seraph's illusory enchantments, they must make another Will save on the following round to subdue the illusion's resurgence at the same DC.
Furthermore, the Seraph may attempt another Will save a round following the dispelling of their illusions at the same DC. In both cases there is never more than a second chance.

Abilities: Dex+4, Int+6, Cha+4

Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Perform (Acting), and Read Lips become class skills for the Seraph, if they are not already.

Feats: The character automatically gains the following feats and abilities, regardless of prerequisites.
- Slippery Mind
- Spell Focus: Illusion (Greater Spell Focus: Illusion if the Seraph already has this feat)
- Trackless Step

Seraph of Murder by Vasyek

“Seraph of Murder” is a template that can be added to any humanoid creature. A Seraph of Murder uses the character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. A Seraph of Murder only has its power at the will of Cyric; should the Prince of Lies decide to remove the Seraph's status from the character, they revert to their normal abilities. A character of any class can be elevated to this status, but the most likely candidates are assassins, rogues, or strifeleaders. There can only be three Seraphs of Murder at any given time.

Alignment: Neutral Evil or Chaotic Evil

Special Qualities: A Seraph of Madness all special abilities of the character and gains the following.

Immunities: A Seraph of Murder is immune to aging (natural or accelerated), mind affecting, compulsion, poison, and death effects. The Seraph need not eat, sleep, or breathe so long as they have murdered or incited the murder of a sentient being within the last twenty-four hours.

Bonus Spells (Sp): At Will- Align Weapon, Chill Touch; Constant- Deathwatch, Spiderclimb; Three Times per day- Death Knell, Ghoul Touch, Keen Edge, Silence; Once per day- Enervation, Haste (self), Invisibility (Greater), Vampiric Touch

Dearly Departed (Su): The Seraph's very presence becomes inimical to life, corrupting and diminishing it by proximity alone. Wounds inflicted by the Seraph cannot be healed naturally, impeding such abilities as Regenerate and Fast Heal, and the process of dying is grievously accelerated in their presence, making it impossible for any dying creatures within forty feet of Seraph to stabilize.
Anyone wishing to cast a healing spell or otherwise invoke positive energy within twenty feet of the Seraph must succeed at a Concentration check (DC: the Seraph's level + the Seraph's charisma modifier) to preserve the effect's essence and cohesion, failure indicating the useless dispersal of the ability. In regions desecrated or unhallowed in Cyric's name, the Seraph's lethal aura makes such spells and abilities impossible to employ. The Seraph can subdue their aura as a free action, but cannot control who it does/does not affect while it is active.
Those slain by the Seraph can only be brought back to life by True Resurrection or a Miracle.

Wrath of the One (Su): The Seraph channels the virulence of their lord's favor into a chosen weapon, allowing it to cause wounds that bleed endlessly and resonate with the torment of infliction long after the attack has taken place. Henceforth the Seraph's chosen weapon takes on the Wounding quality, and those who suffer its caress will be plagued by agony and insomnia (as per the Nightmare spell) while their wounds remain unhealed.
The malign essence that pervades the Seraph's weapon achieves its most devastating extremes against enemies of the faith, acting as a Bane enchantment against the followers of three other gods chosen by the Seraph.
These effects occur in addition to the chosen weapon's existing traits, but cannot exceed the standard modified bonus maximum in doing so (consider the aforementioned effects to amount to a +5 bonus.)

Laughing Dirge (Su): Upon successfully employing the Death Knell spell or ability against a dying target, the air around the Seraph grows parched and abrasive, laden with the pungent aroma of old blood. The Seraph's eyes become glazed and euphoric, contorted reflections of their victim shifting feverishly in their languid gaze.
Those within melee range of the Seraph must make a Fortitude save every round that the effects of the death knell persist (DC: the Seraph's Level + the Seraph's charisma modifier) to avoid becoming Sickened and Fatigued. The feeling of revulsion subsides after the aura has diminished or the target moves out of range, but the weariness remains. Should those in range fail their saving throws on three consecutive occasions, then their fatigue deepens into exhaustion.
Fellow Cyricists no more than twenty feet away from the Seraph during this time find their spirits lifted as if by a paladin's Aura of Courage.

Tortured Reprise (Su): The Seraph can elect to stay a helpless or willing target's execution and instead bind the victim's essence to their own. The target is allowed a Fortitude save (DC: 10 + the Seraph's level), although even in success they risk dying as though by massive damage (see DMG) as their life-force is disrupted over the course of their struggles. Should they fail, the target immediately suffers four points of constitution drain and two points of charisma drain, which cannot be regained until the link between them and the Seraph is severed (only possible through their or the Seraph's death, or a Dispel Evil spell cast on Hallowed ground by a cleric who is at least as powerful as the Seraph.)
While their souls are entwined, the Seraph suffers only half damage from any attacks against them, the remaining half being transferred the creature at the other end of the link, and good or neutrally aligned foes are haunted by the lingering sense of the soul held hostage by the Seraph, suffering a -4 morale penalty on all attack rolls against them. The bound creature is wracked with blinding agony if they should ever attempt to harm or deceive the Seraph, forcing them to make a Will save at the aforementioned DC to successfully make an attempt to attack or mislead the one who holds the better half of their soul.
The Seraph has a sense of where the victim is at all times, is able to recognize them immediately in any form, and should the Seraph perish so will the target.

Vulture's Eye (Ex): The Seraph gains the Opportunism ability, if they do not already possess it, and may apply their intelligence bonus to damage in place of strength. The Seraph may only use their intelligence bonus as a damage modifier against creatures that are not immune to critical hits.

Parting Gifts (Ex): The Seraph may retract a weapon into their flesh, as though they were wearing a Glove of Storing, and unleash it afterward at the speed of thought. If the Seraph starts combat by recalling their weapon and immediately attacking a nonhostile target, they may attempt a contested initiative roll. If the Seraph's initiative is higher, they are afforded a free attack of opportunity against the target.
This ability can only be employed once over the course of any battle.

Abilities: Strength+2, Dex+6, Con +2, Int+4

Skills: Hide, Intimidate, and Move Silently become class skills for the Seraph, if they are not already.

Feats: The character automatically gains the following feats and abilities, regardless of prerequisites.

- Favored Enemy (Three rival faiths)
- Improved Critical
- Track

Seraph of Strife by Vasyek

“Seraph of Strife” is a template that can be added to any humanoid creature. A Seraph of Strife uses the character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. A Seraph of Strife only has their power at the will of Cyric; should the Prince of Lies decide to remove the Seraph's status from the character, they revert to their normal abilities. A character of any class can be elevated to this status, but the most likely candidates are blackguards, clerics, or spur lords. There can only be one Seraph of Strife at any given time.

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Immunities: A Seraph of Strife is immune to all aging (natural or accelerated), mind affecting, compulsion, and sleep based effects. The Seraph of Strife cannot be affected by the hostile divine spells of fellow Cyricists, and no longer enters into a state of total rest, meditating instead upon visions of past and future upheaval, of loves lost and bonds severed, much as an elf enters reverie.

Bonus Spells (Sp): At Will- Detect Thoughts; Constant- Entropic Shield, Tongues; Three Times per day- Blindness/Deafness, Hideous Laughter, Suggestion, Touch of Idiocy; Once per day- Blade Barrier, Confusion, Dirge of Discord*, Mass Suggestion

(*spell found here)http://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/sb/sb20010601a

Raving Threshold (Ex): Pity all who would brave the din of the Seraph's mind, as perfect a mirror of their lord's twisted anima as any mortal's could ever could be... Any attempts at divination directed against the Seraph fill the caster's mind with thousand-fold chorus of the Seraph's inner voice, forcing them to make a Will save (DC: the Seraph's Level + the Seraph's wisdom modifier) to avoid insanity's onslaught. Those who fail are only able to hear the disparate and obscene chants of the Seraph's psyche, effectively becoming deafened in the process, and succumb to a madness of their own. The deafness is permanent barring magical recovery, and the latter state is identical to Confusion, lasting for a number of rounds equal to half the Seraph's charisma modifier.
Those who successfully resist are merely dazed and deafened for a single round, but the insights procured are treacherous, warping the divination itself. The particulars of this will vary, but any answer from a divination concerning the Seraph of Strife is only ever trustworthy enough to betray the caster in the end. Those who would be overwhelmed by the Seraph's aura, such as in the case of Detect Evil or Detect Thoughts, suffer Insanity for their troubles.

Bedlam's Yoke (Su): The Seraph can feed the terror and hostility in a clouded mind, plying the mad with the dissonance of their own thoughts. The Seraph may rebuke or command the insane (those who have suffered enough temporary wisdom to be rendered unconscious, the Confused, and targets in a Rage) as a cleric of the same level commands the undead.
Those under the Seraph's control enter into such a rabid state of mind that they gain the bonuses and penalties of a barbarian's Rage (if they don't have them already) and ignore pain for the duration, fighting until they are dead and shrugging off all subdual damage until they return to their senses. Should the Seraph relinquish control over them or should the rebuking attempt otherwise come to an end, those under its sway must make a Fortitude save (DC: the Seraph's level) or die instantly from the shock of their frenzy's release.

Visions of the Supreme Throne (Su): The Seraph's presence alone evokes images of betrayal, murder, and conflagration, causing the minds of those within their aura's range to buckle and fray. This ability functions as a perpetual mindfog, save that it lacks any visual indications and inflicts a -4 morale penalty to Armor Class and all Will saves upon all enemies within thirty feet of the Seraph. Allies and fellow Cyricists (if they aren't enemies) within this range are bolstered as though under a continual Heroism effect.
All attempts to pacify or charm creatures within this range must first overcome the Seraph's hideous aura, forcing the caster to make a concentration check (DC: 10 + the Seraph's Level) maintain the intended effect. Should they fail, then the aura distorts it, goading targets to lash out against the caster. In this case, treat the spell as though it were successfully cast, or reversed in the case of spells such as Calm Emotions, by the Seraph.
Those who would be overwhelmed by the power of their auras (as in the case of Detect Evil) are affected by this ability as though they had fallen under the sway of the Song of Discord spell. This aura can be subdued as a free action.

Black Sun's Derision (Ex): Three times per day, the Seraph may reflect any effect that they are immune to or that they have successfully resisted back upon the caster, regardless of the distance involved. The targeted caster suffers a circumstance penalty on their save equal to the Seraph's charisma modifier.

Dance the Razor's Edge (Sp): The Seraph is viscerally attuned to moments of great upheaval and decline. Indeed, they are able to taste discord’s potential in futures that have yet to draw breath. Any conflict or betrayal that threatens the very heart of a city or nation is known to the Seraph six days beforehand. This knowledge is no more specific than a Commune spell, although the Seraph will have an intuitive sense of those who are central to the brewing upheaval.
The Seraph may immediately teleport to that general location, as by the Greater Teleport spell, with an hour's concentration. In addition to sites of potential crisis, the Seraph may choose to use congregations of Cyricists as a focal point for this ability whenever a good or lawfully aligned creature or creatures of at least three fourths the Seraph's total level/hit dice is to be sacrificed for the Dark Sun's glory, or has been no more than a week past.

Abilities: Dex +2, Int+4, Cha+6, Wis+2

Skills: Gather Information, Knowledge (Nobility), and Sense Motive become class skills for the Seraph, if they are not already.

Feats: The character automatically gains the following feats and abilities, regardless of prerequisites.
- Dark Blessing
- Improved Initiative
- Uncanny Dodge

by Seraph_Riel
"Chosen of Lathander" is a template that can be added to any humanoid creature. A Chosen of Lathander uses the character's statistics and special abilities except as noted here. A Chosen of Lathander has its power at the will of Lathander, should the Morninglord decide to remove the Chosen status from the character, it reverts back to its original abilities.

Special Qualities: A Chosen of Lathander retains all special qualities of the character and also gains the following.

Bonus Spells (Sp): Constant—Protection from Evil, Endure Elements (fire, cold, electricity). At will—Detect Evil, Detect Undead. 3/day— Daylight, Searing Light, Holy Smite 1/day—Sunray, Sunburst. 1/week—Undeath’s Eternal Foe.

Immunities (Ex): The Chosen of Lathander are immune to aging effects and do not physically age, however, theChosen still dies of old age when her time is up. In addition, a Chosen of Lathander is immune to ability damage and level drain from any manner of attack from an undead creature.

Perpetual Light (Su/Sp): The light of Lathander shines constantly through his Chosen, as a result, a Chosen can see in the dark (darkvision 60ft.) and through any sort of darkness spell. Furthermore, a Chosen of Lathander can dispel any spell with the darkness descriptor as if she had cast greater dispel magic (use character level to determine level based effects).

Bane of Undead (Su): Any weapon wielded by a Chosen of Lathander is treated as if the weapon had the bane undead weapon enhancement, including any weapon normally not able to have this enhancement.

Superior Turning (Su): If the Chosen of Lathander does not posses the ability to turn undead she gains this ability and uses her character level to determine turning effects. Alternatively, if the Chosen of Lathander already posses the ability to turn undead, then the Chosen can turn undead as if 4 levels higher than she already is and uses her character level instead of class level to determine turning effects.

Renewal of Dawn (Su): Once a year, if a Chosen of Lathander dies due to unnatural causes (ex. being slain by an enemy or due to magical spells or effects), then the Chosen will be returned to life in the closest church of the Morninglord as if a true resurrection spell had been cast on him.

Abilities: Increase from the character as follows: Strength +2, Wisdom +4, Charisma +4

Feats: - Extra Turning (Player’s Handbook pg. 94)
Quicken Turning (Complete Divine, pg 84)

A Chosen of Lathander receives these feat even if they do not meet the prerequisites

Climate/Terrain: Same as the character.
Organization: Same as the character.
Challenge Rating: Same as the character +4.
Alignment: Same as the character.
Treasure: Same as the character.
Advancement: Same as the character

Chosen of Akadi by zombiegleemax
also known as Air Paragon

“Chosen of Akadi” is a template that can be applied to any humanoid creature that has Akadi for a patron. This template is granted by Akadi's wishes, and is subject to removal by her at any time.

Special Qualities: Chosen of Akadi retain all their special qualities.

Bonus Spells (Sp): constant:- Haste; at will:- Feather fall; 1/day: -Shocking grasp, Levitate, Gust of wind, Slow, Lightning bolt, Improved invisibility, Teleport, Chain lightning, Time Stop. (caster level equal to character level).

Immunities (Ex): A Chosen of Akadi is immune to poison of any kind, and has immunity to electricity. He or she is also immune to aging, does not age, and is effectively immortal.

Whirlwind of Akadi (Su): Chosen Akadi is proficient with heavy flail. When wielding heavy flail once per day she can activate this ability and has +5 divine bonus to attack and deal 5 divine +2d6 electricity damage and may stun opponent (DC 20), if opponent is immune to stun this ability still works. When fighting against earth based creatures damage dealt by this ability doubles.

Wings (Ex):Chosen of Akadi gains wings and has fly speed of 60 ft (perfect). If chosen already had wings his fly speed doubles.

Summon Elemental (su): Once per day Chosen of Akadi can summon air elemental as if casting Summon Monster IX spell.

Skills: Chosen of Akadi gets +4 racial bonus to Balance and Spot when flying.

Abilities: +6Dex, +2Int, +2Wis
CR: +4
Alignment: Any partially Neutral

2015-10-05, 06:43 AM
What is up with every one making Tiamat chaotic. She's a lawful tyrant. She's Lawful Evil......

2015-10-06, 03:24 AM
TENDER HAND OF CHAUNTEA by zombiegleemax

Tender Hand of Chauntea is a template that can be added to any humanoid creature. A Tender hand of Chauntea uses the character`s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. They are life loving servants of goddess dedicated to nurturing and tending to all living things. Should Chauntea ever decide to remove Chosen status from the character he reverts to his original abilities.

Special Qualities: A Tender Hand of Chauntea retains all special qualities of the character and also gains the following.

Bonus Spells (Sp) Constant - Endure Elements, Pass without Trace, Protection from Evil. At will – Speak with Animals/Plants, Detect Animal/Plants, Animal Messenger, Create Food and Water, Plant Growth. 5/day – Owls Wisdom, Lesser Restoration, Command Plants. 3/day – Commune with Nature, Protection from Energy, Reincarnate. 1/day – Liveoak, Stoneskin, Restoration.

Immunities (Ex) A Tender Hand of Chauntea is immune to aging, disease and poison effects. Any age penalties to strength,constitution and dexterity Tender Hand had prior to gaining this template are removed but the bonuses to wisdom, intelligence and charisma remain.

Chauntea`s Nurture (Sp) A Tender Hand is nurtured by Chauntea herself. He doesn`t need to eat, drink or sleep. He still needs to spend one hour praying/preparing for spells.

Toril`s Insight (Sp) Once per day Tender Hand can conect to the primordial creative forces of Toril to gain insight boost to his wisdom score. This increase is equal to half character`s HD number and lasts for number of minutes equal to one half his charisma bonus ( minimal 1 minute ).

Power of Earthmother (Sp) Once per tenday a Tender Hand can summon an Elder Huge Earth Elemental. This ability works as Summon Nature`s Ally spell cast by a caster of character`s level.

Meal of The Grain Goddess (Sp)

Wheat of Healing - 1/day a Tender Hand can provide a bowl of grain porridge which has the effect of the Heal spell upon recipient. It takes one minute to consume the porridge.

Loaf of Feasting – 1/tenday a Tender Hand can provide a loaf of bread that can be divided among the number of persons equal to characters HD number. It has the effect of Heroes` Feast spell except that it gives maximum number of temporary hit points and it takes one minute to consume it.

Apple of Restoration – 1/tenday a Tender Hand can provide a fruit (apple) that to the consumer bestows the effect of the Greater Restoration spell. This ability costs 250 xp.

Nectar of Life – 1/month a Tender Hand can provide a container which contains few drops of nectar from flowers that grow in Chauntes`s own garden in House of Nature. When the nectar is spilled on the remains of a deceased creature it is brought back to life. This ability copies the effect of Ressurection spell and costs 2500 xp. Once per year this ability can be evoked without xp cost.

Saves: Same as character
Abilities: Increase from the character as follows Wis +8 and Char +4
Skills: Same as character
Chalenge Rating: Same as the character +4

Chosen of Lathander By JCFreedom
Lathander the Morning Lord is the God of Spring, Dawn, Birth, Renewal, Creativity, Youth, Vitality, Self-Perfection, and Athletics.

Eternal Sustenance - The chosen's body renews itself every morning as the first ray of the morning sun touches his skin. This power only applies if the chosen is above ground and witnesses the morning's dawn.

This ability makes the chosen young again, reversing both the positive and negative effects of aging. The chosen will age naturally from that point on but the effect can be renewed the next day.

The chosen's body is also replenished in the morning sustaining him with lifegiving nurishment. This is equivelent to a full day's food and water. The chosen may still get hungry and thirsty during the day but the morning substenance is enough to survive on for the day.

Perfection of Mind and Body - A chosen of Lathander must be the ideal man: an athlete, a scholar, an artist, and a soldier. To simulate this, a chosen gets +4 to all stats.

Undead Nemesis - Fueled by the positive energy of the sun, the chosen is a dedicated foe of all undead. No special ability from an undead (mummy rot, strength drain, energy drain, etc) will work on the chosen although the chosen is still vulnerable to melee and spell attacks. Any weapon or armor used by the chosen is concidered a ghost touch item but only against undead creatures, other incorporeal creatures are not affected.

Duplicate the Dawn - The chosen can cast the spell daylight as a supernatural ability a number of times per day equal to the chosen's wisdom bonus (minimum of 1/day).

By fayle

Chosen of Gargauth is a template that can be added to any humaniod or Baatezu creature. A Chosen of Gargauth uses the character's statistics and special abilities except as noted here. A Chosen of Gargauth only has its power at the will of Gargauth; should the Tenth Lord of Nine decide to remove Chosen status from the character, he reverts to his original abilities. Normally there is only one Chosen of Gargauth at a time.

Special Qualities: A Chosen of Gargauth retains all special qualities of the character and also gains the following:

Bonus Spells: Constant - Unholy Aura, Devil's Eye, At Will - Undetectable Alignment, Charm Person, 3/day - Suggestion, Forbidden Speech, Entice Gift, 1/day - Demand, Mindrape, Geas/Quest, 1/week - Damnation

Immunities: A Chosen of Gargauth is immune to aging effects, does not age, and is effectively immortal

A Chosen of Gargauth is immune to the effects of the Dismissal and Banishment spells if the Chosen is a Baatezu

A Chosen of Gargauth is immune to the effects of disease and poison

Summon Pit Fiend: A Chosen of Gargauth may summon 1d3 pit fiends as his servants 1/week. These pit fiends will obey all orders passed on by the Chosen of Gargauth and are immune to charm effects from any other than the Chosen. If still alive after 24 hours they return to Baator. This ability is a full round action.

Diabolic Persuasion: A number of times per day equal to their charisma modifier, the Chosen may re-roll any attempt to make someone act differently than they normally would. For example, they may re-roll a Bluff or Intimate check. This ability works for any skill that uses the charisma modifier. Using this ability must be declared immediately after the roll before it is declared if the roll was successful.

Scrying of Nine: Once per day the Chosen of Gargauth may summon a sphere of flame 2 feet in diameter. This sphere glows brightly with the illumination of several torches. Using this ability requires 1 full hour of concentration. This ability allows the Chosen to scry deep into the pits of Baator to view the Archdukes of Hell by peering into this ball of flame. The Chosen must declare what level he/she is attempting to scry upon, and from there a check is made. There is a certain percentage for each level that the Chosen will be successful in the attempt to scry. Consult the chart:

Avernus: 60% chance of success
Iron City of Dis: 55% chance of success
Minauros: 45% chance of success
Phlegethos: 40% chance of success
Stygia: 30% chance of success
Malbolge: 20% chance of success
Maladomini: 15% chance of success
Cania: 10% chance of success
Nessus: 5% chance of success

Gargauth advises his Chosen to use the ability often, for the Archdukes are always scheming and never to be trusted. Both his life and his Chosen's are always in jeopardy according to Gargauth. This ability allows the Chosen to peer directly onto the location of Archduke of that level. It lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Chosen's charisma modifier (minimum 1).

Abilities: Increase from the character as follows: +2 Wis, +2 Inte, +6 Cha

Feats: The character receives the following feats for free: Deceitful, Negotiator, and Persuasive

CR: +4

Chosen of Gargauth by Master Sylvius

level adjustment: +4

At will: know alignment, protection from chaos, protection from good, devils eye*
5/D: charm person, command, weapon of the deity (Gargauth +1 returning dagger)**
3/D: death knell, lesser planar ally (devils only), Geas/Quest, morality undone*
1/D: Blasphemy, Dictum, Demand (sending + suggestion)*
*: Book of vile darkness
**: Magic of Faerûn

Stats: Int +4, Wis +4, Cha +4
AC: add Cha bonus
Immunities: Disease, poison and mind affective abilities or spells (illusions, charms, compulsions) either psionic or magical. The Chosen cannot be magically aged, but still grows older as time passes (with all bonuses but no penalties) and still dies when the time is up. Further more, the true alignment of Gargauths’ chosen is undetectable except by characters of 20th level or more. All others see the chosens’ alignment as lawful neutral.
DR: 5/+1
Skills: bluff, diplomacy, sense motive, intimidate and knowledge.
Feats: leadership, improved initiative, witty (+2 bluff and sense motive checks), courtesan (+2 bluff and diplomacy checks).
Domains: gains access to corruption, diabolic and greed domain spell lists (if possible) and domain linked abilities. (See book of vile darkness)

Here's my version of the Chosen of Corellion Larethian. Many thanks to green elven vampire for the inspiration provided by his version
By slainethehornedgod

Chosen of Corellion Larethian
The Chosen of Corellion Larethian are individuals devoted to his ideals and consider themselves to be sacred caretakers of the elven race. Any elf or half elf may be chosen by Corellion but he favors individuals that work to care for elves or seek lost elven relics and magic.

Spell Like Abilities
At will-detect magic; 5/day-cure light wounds, faerie fire, true strike; 3/day-prayer, remove fear; 1/day-greater dispel magic, prismatic spray; caster level is equal to hit dice and saves are charisma based.

Special Abilities
Corellion’s Companion (sp) The Chosen may summon 1 Cooshee (Elven dog) to have as a companion in war and in peace. This ability requires 24 hours of mediation and once summoned the Cooshee remains loyal to the Chosen and is treated in the same manner as a paladins Warhorse in reguards to Bonus HD, AC, strength adj., Int., and special abilities. If the cooshee dies in battle the Chosen may not summon another for a year and a day.
Damage Reduction: 10/magic
Divine Archery (su) When using a longbow, short bow, composite longbow or composite short bow the Chosen does not receive range penalties. He also gains a +1 sacred bonus to hit when using these weapons.
Divine Swordsman (su) When using a long sword, rapier or short sword the Chosen gains a +4 sacred bonus to confirm critical threats. He also gains a +1 sacred bonus to hit when using these weapons.
Eagle Vision (su) The Chosen gains a +8 bonus to spot checks.
Protection of the Master Archer (su) The Chosen gains the use of the deflect arrows feat. The Chosen simply wills the arrow to not strike so he does not need to have a free hand to make use of the feat.
Shield of Stars (su) Once per day as a standard action, the Chosen may create a Shield of Stars. This consists of a field of sparkling energy which provides the Chosen, or a single creature designated by the Chosen, with protection equivalent to an Absorption spell. As per the spell any absorbed spell levels may be used to cast a spell but they may also be used to create a blast of energy which looks like a shower of stars.
This star shower requires a standard action and creates 3 missiles of force for every spell level expended. These missiles unerringly strike any targets or single target within long range as indicated by the bearer of the Shield. The missiles inflict 1d6 force damage and magic resistance applies. Spells that prevent magic missile such as shield are effective against this ability. The caster level for this ability is equal to the HD of the affected creature. This ability remains in effect for 24 hours, until its absorbed levels have been expended or until the Chosen uses this ability again on the following day.

Immunities (su) The Chosen is immune to effects of aging, disease and poison. The chosen has no need to sleep but still must rest 8 hours to recover arcane spells.

Attribute bonuses: +2 bonus Str, Con, Int, Wis and Cha; +4 bonus to Dex
Level Adjustment: +5

Chosen of Nobanion by realbombchu

I'm the first to admit that I'm not a very good writer. Still, I wanted a Chosen of Nobanion really bad, so I decided to make one myself. It's a composite of the Chosen of Bane, Androsphinx, and Chosen of Malar templates, and the stuff that I borrowed is copied almost word for word because like I said, I'm not very good at this. When I started, I took what I wanted from the Chosen of Malar, as the two have similar portfolios and only their alignment makes them enemies. Then, I scanned the Chosen of Mystra, but didn't see anything I thought I needed, then I scanned the Chosen of Bane, and saw its summon ability, so I took that. Unable to decide on bonus spells, and unwilling to give Nobanion's Chosen claw attacks, I gave it the Androsphinx's roar. That's about all, really, so here it is:

Creating a Chosen of Nobanion
“Chosen of Nobanion” is an acquired template that can be applied to any giant, humanoid, or monstrous humanoid. A Chosen of Nobanion uses the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. A Chosen of Nobanion only retains this power at the will of Nobanion; should the King of Beasts decide to remove Chosen status from the base creature, it reverts to its original abilities. Normally, there are no more than two Chosen of Nobanion at a time.

Size and Type: The creature’s size and type remain unchanged.

Armor Class: Same as the base creature.

Special Qualities: A chosen of Nobanion retains all special qualities of the base creature and also gains the following:

Dire Lion Companion (Ex): Nobanion sends a dire lion to his Chosen as a companion. The dire lion acts in all ways like a druid’s animal companion, including gaining additional HD and abilities as if the Chosen was a druid 9 levels lower than his character level (minimum 1).

Lion Champion: The Chosen of Nobanion gets a +10 bonus on all Charisma-related skill checks when dealing with lions and feline beasts, good beasts, and wemics.

Immunities (Ex): The Chosen of Nobanion is immune to aging effects and does not age. Bonuses still accrue, and the Chosen still dies of old age when his or her time is up. The Chosen of Nobanion is also immune to disease, disintegration, and poison. He or she has no need to sleep (although he or she must rest normally in order to be able to prepare spells).

Roar (Su): Three times per day a Chosen of Nobanion can loose a mighty roar. The first time he or she does this, all creatures within 500 feet must succeed on a Will save or be affected as though by a fear spell or 2d6 rounds.
If the Chosen roars a second time during the same encounter, all creatures within 250 feet must succeed on a Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 1d4 rounds, and all those within 90 feet are deafened for 2d6 rounds (no save).
If the Chosen roars a third time during the same encounter, all those within 250 feet must succeed on a Fortitude save or take 2d4 points of Strength damage for 2d4 rounds. In addition, all creatures smaller than the Chosen who are within 90 feet must succeed on a Fortitude save or be thrown to the ground and take 2d8 points of damage. The force of this roar is so great that it deals 50 points of damage to any stone or crystalline object within 90 feet. Magic items and held or carried items can avoid damage with a successful Reflex save. Other Chosen of Nobanion are immune to these effects. This ability is the equivalent of a 6th-level spell. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Summon Leonal (Sp): A Chosen of Nobanion can magically summon a leonal guardinal as a full-round action as if using summon monster IX. He or she may use this ability a number of times per day equal to his or her Charisma modifier.
Abilities: The Chosen of Nobanion has a +10 enhancement bonus to Constitution and a +4 enhancement bonus to Charisma.
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +4.
Alignment: Usually lawful good (lawful neutral and neutral good druids are the only exception).
Level Adjustment: +8.

My complements to Malachi Helviiryn (and Maskanodel) on the Chosen of Azuth template, however, I would suggest the following tweaks to bring it up to speed with 3.5 rules (ESP for example is now called Detect Thoughts), and, I’ll admit, to make it fit what I envision better.

CHOSEN OF AZUTH by zombie gleemax

The Lord of Spells is dedicated to the mastery, research, recording, and creation of arcane spells and magic items, and as such his Chosen are powerful and skilled mages (in game terms this suggests a few levels of Archmage) to whom he grants special abilities and insight to help them to pursue their Art. Azuth allows his Chosen to pursue their own goals (all the better to promote invention) and has few requirements of them, except that they not use arcane magic for wanton destruction and prevent others from doing so. Azuth usually has at least one Chosen, though rarely more then a two or three; most commonly the Magister is also the Chosen of Azuth. If a Chosen does not hold the position of Magister they commonly wander Toril (and sometimes even the planes) in search of new arcane magic and to prevent the abuse of arcane magic, or set themselves up somewhere with ties to magically powerful groups or magic rich areas to research their magic and craft magic items. Because Azuth is the friend, advisor, and servant of Mystra his Chosen are expected to aid the Chosen of Mystra upon request.

"Chosen of Azuth" is a template that can be added to any arcane spellcaster (referred to hereafter as the "character"). A Chosen of Azuth uses the character's statistics and special abilities except as noted here. A Chosen of Azuth has its power at the will of Azuth, should the Master of Mages decides to remove Chosen status from the character, they revert back to their original abilities.

Special Abilities: A Chosen of Azuth retains all special qualities and physical traits (such as size, speed, and creature type) of the character and also gains the following.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): Constant- Detect Magic, Read Magic. At will- Detect Thoughts, True Seeing. 3/Day- Spell Turning.

Rapid Preparation (Ex): A Chosen of Azuth needs only 10 minutes to prepare spells instead of an hour.

Master of Arcane Creation (Su): when the Chosen of Azuth uses an Item Creation Feat the materials and XP costs are halved (this is applied after any similar reduction such as that granted by Magical Artisan).

Immunities (Ex): The Chosen of Azuth are immune to aging (ageing bonuses still accrue, although penalties do not) and disease. They have no need of sleep (although they must rest normally in order to prepare spells).

Bonus Spells (Sp): A Chosen of Azuth gains one bonus spell of each spell level they can cast 1st through 9th per day, which can be used as a spell like ability. Once these spells are selected, they can never be changed. Note: unlike Chosen of Mystra if the caster has more than one spellcasting class they gain bonus spells for each class.

Spell Power: the Chosen of Azuth’s effective caster level (for arcane spell casting classes only) increases by +2 (for level dependant variables such as range and caster level checks only).

Abilities: Increase from the character as follows: Intelligence +5, Charisma +5

Skills: Chosen of Azuth gain a +10 bonus to Spellcraft, Knowledge (Arcane), and Concentration (for checks pertaining to spellcasting only) skill checks.

Feats: Same as the character. In addition, the Chosen of Azuth is treated as having Spell Focus for all schools they have access to (if they already have the Spell Focus Feat in a school then they are treated as having Greater Spell Focus for that school as well).

Challenge Rating: Same as the character +3.

Chosen of Nerull by zombiegleemax

The Chosen of Nerull are few and far between. Rarely does Nerull decide a mortal is worth being given the honor of being his chosen. This explains the reason why no living chosen are known. Though a few liches are suspected to be chosen, nothing has been confirmed. The main reason being that few people care to go see a lich in person, and few liches are sociable enough to have a conversation with the would-be intruders.
Chosen of Nerull seek power and control above all else. They are masters of deception, trickery, torture and betrayal. They do not fear death, but they get great pleasure from the deaths of others, especially their foes. Death is the only beauty in their lives, and the love beautiful things.

Each Chosen (if any) have the following chosen abilities in common:

Bonus Spells (Sp): While Nerull is focused on death, he encourages magic that kills, causes pain, suffering, trickery, or betrayal. His chosen gain one bonus spell of each spell level 1st through 9th once per day, which is used as a spell-like ability. Once selected these spells can never be changed. Save DCs for these spells are Charisma Based.

Spell Immunity (Su): Chosen are immune to one spell of each spell level 1st through 9th, just as the spell immunity spell but constantly in effect. Once chosen these spell can never be changed.

Immunities (Ex): Immune to disintegration. They have no need for sleep (but still must sleep to recall spells they must prepare).

Feats: The Chosen of Nerull gains the following feats; Weapon Profiency (Scythe), Weapon Focus (Scythe), and one of the following feats: Contagious Paralysis, Empowered Ability Damage, Endure Sunlight, or Improved Turn Resistance.

Betraying Eyes (Su): The Chosen can, with a glance, cause an opponent meeting his gaze to betray his comrades and attack the nearest ally. The target of the gaze must make a successful Will save to prevent betraying his friends. There is no time frame involved and the target will continue to attack friends until the effect is removed by a Wish, Miracle, or divine intervention. While under the effect of this ability the target takes pleasure in the evil acts he commits. So much so that his alignment changes as if under the influence of the morality undone spell until he is cured. After destroying every ally in sight, the target will continue to destroy everything he loves in the world. Be it family, or simply someone who buys him a drink or acts kindly toward him. This ability can only be used once a week. The save DC is (10 + Charisma Mod)

Deadly Mist (Su): The Chosen can, twice a week, create a maroon and purple nimbus of mist around himself starting at 5ft radius and expanding 10ft a round for a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier (maximum 100ft radius). This mist provides 25% concealment to the chosen, but curses all others within. Those within the mist, other then the chosen, take 2d6 negative damage a round and have a -5 profane penalty to all rolls and checks (no save). The foes within the fog can only move at half speed. If any enemies die within the fog as they instantly are returned to life as Quell under the Chosen’s control. This ability lasts a number of rounds equal to the Chosen’s Charisma modifier.

Legion of the Reaper (Su): Once a year the Chosen can summon an army of undead to his aid. Upon activation of this ability the ground shakes, and hoard of various undead rise from the ground. The undead summoned are decided upon casting of the power and does not have to be all of the same type. This ability raises four times the Chosen’s HD worth of undead. They remain under the Chosen’s control until destroyed and do not count toward his normal limit of undead under his control.

Skills: All Chosen gain a +10 profane bonus to Hide, Move Silently, Intimidation, Bluff and Sense Motive

Abilities: All Chosen gain +6 Wisdom and +6 Charisma
Challenge Rating: +5

Chosen of Hoar by zombiegleemax

Hoar is the god of revenge, poetic justice, and retribution. The Doombringer only has one chosen at a time, and expects him/her to select their successor before they die. If a Chosen turns evil or commits unnecessary foul deeds, he/she must repent or be hunted down by The Lord of Three Thunders himself.

"Chosen of Hoar" is a template that can be added to any Lawful Neutral or Lawful Good character. A Chosen of Hoar has its power at the will of Hoar, should Hoar decide to remove Chosen status from the character, they revert back to their original abilities.

Special Abilities: A Chosen of Hoar retains all special qualities and physical traits of the character and also gains the following.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): At will- Detect Thoughts, True Seeing. Once per month- Storm of Vengeance with a 20th Caster level.

Strike of Vengence (Ex): When a Chosen of Hoar exacts revenge upon someone in the form of attacking them, they gain a +4 bonus to hit.

Warrant of Revenge (Su): Upon becoming a Chosen of Hoar, the character receives a magical notepad of seemingly ordinary parchment. When Hoar, or an agent of Hoar requests the Chosen to avenge them, that person's name will appear on the parchment, along with their foul deed and the form of vengeance that will be taken upon them. Once revenge has been served, the paper will turn back to normal. The pad never runs out of parchment.

Shot of Retribution (Su): Any ranged weapon used by the Chosen of Hoar automatically gains the seeking property.

Just Desserts (Ex): When insulted, belittled, or made fun of by someone, the Chosen of Hoar gets a +5 to Intimidate to make an extroardinary comeback.

Immunities (Ex): The Chosen of Hoar are immune to random acts of misfortune (stubbing their toe, running into something by accident, spilling their ale, etc.), as their god is strongly allied with Beshaba.

Abilities: +2 Wisdom

Skills: Chosen of Hoar gains a +4 bonus to Survival, a +4 to Spot and Listen, and a +4 to Intimidate

Feats: Same as character, plus Track.

Challenge Rating: Same as the character +2.

Chosen of Kiaransalee by angelus_obscura

“Chosen of Kiaransalee” is a template that can be added to any humanoid creature with elven blood withint them (preferrably drow). A Chosen of Kiaransalee uses the character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. A Chosen of Kiaransalee only has her power at the will of Kiaransalee; should the White Banshee decide to remove Chosen status from the character, she reverts to her original abilities.

Special Qualities: A Chosen of Kiaransalee retains all special qualities of the character and also gains the following.

Bonus Spells (Sp): Constant –death ward. At will –death knell, detect undead. 1/day –animate dead, circle of death, create undead, create greater undead, flensing, revenance, storm of vengeance, wail of the banshee.

Vendetta's Call (Sp): When a vow is made to seek revenge and enact retribution, the Chosen of Kiaransalee hears the vow, location of the one who made it, and may seek to help the vindicator bring about its vengeance.

General of Undeath (Su): The number of HD of undead the Chosen of Kiaransalee can control is increased tremendously. Add 10 times the Chosen’s caster level to her HD limit for controlling undead.

Hand of Kiaransalee (Su): Once per day, the Chosen of Kiaransalee may deliver a touch attack upon a target. If she succeeds, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10+1/2 character level + Charisma modifier) or to be destroyed permanently. If the target succeeds its saving throw, it instead takes 3d12 + Charisma modifier of damage. This damage bypasses any resistances as it is from a divine source. This ability affects any creature that are immune to death effects, including undead.

Immunities (Ex): A Chosen of Kiaransalee are immune to aging (bonuses still accrue and, the Chosen still dies of old age when her time is up), disease, and poison. She has no need to sleep (although she must rest normally in order to be able to prepare spells).

Summon Banshee (Sp): A Chosen of Kiaransalee can magically summon a banshee as a full-round action as if using summon monster IX. She may use this ability a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier.

Saves: Same as the character.
Abilities: Increase from the character as follows: +10 Charisma, +2 Wisdom
Skills: Same as the character.
Feats: Same as the character.
CR: Same as the character +4.

Chosen of Sharess by zombiegleemax

“Chosen of Sharess” is a template that can be added to any female humanoid creature (referred to hereafter as the “character”). A Chosen of Sharess uses the character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted below. A Chosen of Sharess only has her power at the will of Sharess, if the Lady of the Cats chooses to remove Chosen status from the character; she reverts to her original abilities. Sharess only has one or two Chosen at a time.

Special Qualities: A chosen of Sharess retains all special qualities of the character and also gains the following:

• Spell-like Abilities (Sp): Constant - mind blank, and negative energy protection. At will – feather fall, charm person, command, enthrall, hypnotism. 5/day – freedom of movement, charm monster, and suggestion. 3/day – confusion, emotion, and dominate person. 1/day – kiss of sharess*, dominate monster and demand. (DC based on charisma)

• Immunities: A Chosen of Sharess is immune to enchantment spells and effects. She is also immune to aging effects and does not age. She does not need to sleep, however she must still pray and prepare spells as normal.

• Summon Celestial Legendary Tiger (Sp): A Chosen of Sharess can magically summon a Celestial Legendary Tiger as a full-round action as if using summon monster IX. She may use this ability a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier.

• Lycantrophe: If the chosen of Sharess become wherecat she gains the feats Control Shape and Lycanthropic Spell.

Abilities: Increase Dexterity +4 charisma by +8.
Skills: As character, except that the Chosen of Sharess receives a +4 bonus on all charisma-based (and Comeliness skill checks if you use this stat).
Character: As character +4.
Alignment: Always chaotic good.

Kiss of Sharess
Level: -
Components: S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 0
Target: One creature.
Duration: Special
Saving throw: Will neg.
Spell resistance: Yes

This spell enables a Sharessin to grant any being’s fondest and most pleasurable wish, similar to the effects of a wish spell. Neither the spellcaster nor the recipient has any control over this spell’s effects as they come form the depths of the recipient’s unconscious. (The DM must adjudicate the effects). If the spell recipient does not want to be affected by this spell, she or he must make a successful saving throw vs. spell.
Unfortunately, this spell’s effects only last until the following dawn, never seem so wonderful in retrospect, and seem to have little lasting impact on recipient’s life. For example, a serving maid might masquerade as an exotic princess for one night at the annual ball, but in the morning the prince turns out to be a lout, all her fabulous garments have been misplaced, she still has to go back to her old job, and her debut is quickly forgotten among the city’s social circles and her common friends.

Chosen of Azuth by burpcycle

The Chosen of Azuth are arcane spellcasters, wizards, sorcerers, and occasionally bards, who love the study of magic and knowledge (of spellcasting). Hand-picked by the god of spellcasters, they approach magic from a standpoint of logic and reason. They protect the Weave from those who would harm it, generally the churches of Azuth and Mystra, and try to assemble the largest collection of arcane spells ever known so that no knowledge shall ever be lost.
The Chosen of Azuth appear no different than other creatures of their type.

Creating a Chosen of AzuthChosen of Azuth is a template that can be added to any humanoid creature (referred to hereafter as the "character") that has at least one level of the wizard, sorcerer, or bard class and has chosen Azuth as his deity. A Chosen of Azuth uses all of the character's statistics and special abilities except as noted here. A Chosen of Azuth has its power only at the will of Azuth; should he decide to remove Chosen of Azuth status from the character, he reverts to his original abilities. There can be any number of Chosen of Azuths at once.
Special Attacks: A Chosen of Azuth retains all of the special attacks of the character and also gains the following.
High One’s Magic (Su): Once per day as a standard action, if the Chosen of Azuth makes a melee touch attack against a creature with spell resistance or magic immunity, he can impose an effect called High One’s Magic. If the touched creature fails a will save (DC 45), the Chosen of Azuth’s arcane magic affects the creature as though it had no spell resistance or magic immunity at all for 1d4+1 years. None of the Chosen’s allies gain this benefit, only the Chosen. Once a creature is affected by this ability and it wears off, it becomes immune to it for the rest of its life. If the Chosen of Azuth can use divine magic, this does not override the creature’s spell resistance for purposes of it, only arcane magic is affected. If the creature makes its will save, the Chosen of Azuth gains the benefit of High One’s Magic for 1d4+1 rounds anyway, but the creature does not gain immunity to it afterwards. The Chosen of Azuth can choose to allow the creature to make its will save so that it only works for 1d4+1 rounds and not gain the immunity afterwards.
Lord of Spells (Sp): When counterspelling an enemy spellcaster, instead of sacrificing an equal-level spell to counterspell the enemy’s spell, the Chosen of Azuth can instead choose to sacrifice an equal amount of spells to that spell level. For example, a Chosen could sacrifice a Magic Missile (level 1) and a Melf’s Acid Arrow (level 2) to counterspell a Fireball (level 3) instead of sacrificing his memorized Haste spell (level 3).
Spell-like Abilities: The Chosen of Azuth has access to the following spell-like abilities, which are as cast by a 20th level wizard. At Will - Detect Magic, Read Magic, Tongues 5/day - Dispel Magic, Haste 3/day - Greater Dispelling, True Seeing 1/day Time Stop

Special Qualities: A Chosen of Azuth retains all of the special qualities of the character and also gains the following.
Bonus Spells (Sp): A Chosen gains one bonus spell of each spell level of one arcane class of his choice 1st through 9th (1st through 6th for bards) per day, which can be used as a spell-like ability. Once these nine (six) spell are selected, they can never be changed. The Chosen can only choose spells that he knows, and a sorcerer or bard becomes incapable of forgetting spells he has chosen. The spells require no material components, they are created out of nothing for the spell and disappear if the spell fails.
School Immunity (Su): The Chosen of Azuth, through the power of his god, becomes immune to any arcane spell school of his choice. For example, if a Chosen of Azuth chooses Necromancy as his selected school, Finger of Death will no longer affect him, although Disintegration still will. The Chosen cannot choose spells to still affect him, once a school is chosen, all spells of that school, harmful or beneficial, no longer affect him except those that he casts himself. For example, the Chosen could choose to allow his Mage Armor to work on himself if he chose Abjuration, but if someone else tried to cast Mage Armor on him it would do nothing. A wizard cannot choose the school to be immune to that he is specialized in, so an Evoker could not choose Evocation as his immunity. Once the school is chosen, it cannot be changed. Chosens cannot choose “Universal” as their immunity. If a spell has more than two schools and the Chosen is immune to one of them, he immune to the spell entirely.
Divine spells of the chosen school still affect the Chosen normally, only arcane spells are blocked by it. Therefore, a Chosen who has picked Necromancy as his immune school is still affected normally by a Cause Light Wounds spell. Psionics that cause similar effects to mage spells or are of schools that are similar to arcane schools are not affected by this ability, this is a (slight) exception to the rules in the Psionics handbook that say to treat magic and psionics the same for purposes like this.
If the Chosen chooses Divination, anyone attempting to Scry him (or use similar spells) finds nothing. If they attempt to read his thoughts, they find nothing.
It should be noted that this ability does not cause spells of the school to fail, it causes them to do nothing when they try to affect him. A magic missile is cast normally, but when it reaches the Chosen who is immune to evocation, it disappears.
Cleric Domains (Sp): The Chosen of Azuth can cast one cleric spell per spell level from the Illusion, Magic, Knowledge, Law, or Spell domain (Azuth’s domains) once per day by sacrificing a wizard/sorcerer/bard spell of the appropriate level. For example, a wizard Chosen of Azuth can sacrifice a memorized Protection from Evil (lv. 1 wizard spell) to cast any level 1 spell from the listed domains. The spell is cast as though the arcane class he sacrificed the spell from is a cleric, so a 17 Wizard/3 Fighter can cast the spell as a 17th level cleric. The spell is cast as an arcane spell, so if the Chosen has a feat that applies to arcane spells of the school the cleric spell is of (Spell Focus: Necromancy, for example), it applies. However, each spell level can only be used once per day, so the wizard could only cast one level 1 cleric spell per day (but he could still cast a spell from every other level).
Immunities (Ex): The Chosen of Azuth is immune to aging (both natural and magical), disease, level draining, negative levels, and poison. In essence, he is immortal unless killed (or stripped of his abilities by Azuth).

Saves: Same as the character, except that the Chosen of Azuth gains a divine +5 bonus to all saves against spells cast by wizards, sorcerers, or bards. This does not affect spell-like abilities or non-spell abilities (such as trip attempts).
Abilities: Same as character, except that the Chosen of the Azuth gains a permanent +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence.
Skills: Same as the character.
Feats: Same as the character.
Climate/Terrain: Same as the character.
Organization: Same as the character.
Challenge Rating: Same as the character +4.
Alignment: Same as the character. Azuth usually picks wizards and sorcerers of lawful alignments, though bards he picks tend to show lawful tendencies despite being neutral or chaotic.
Treasure: Same as the character.
Advancement: Same as the character.

Chosen of Talos by burpcycle

The Chosen of Talos are worshippers of Talos who display ferocity and mercilessness in battle and spread destruction and fear wherever they tread. They love spreading carnage and “natural” disasters and live for the moment. Hand-picked by the god of storms and destruction, the Chosen of Talos are some of the most powerful mortals in existence. The main purpose of the Chosen of Talos are to intimidate the unfaithful into worshipping their god.

Creating a Chosen of Talos

Chosen of Talos is a template that can be added to any worshipper of Talos (referred to hereafter as the "character") that has at least one level of cleric, ranger, or druid and has chosen Talos as his deity. A Chosen of Talos uses all of the character's statistics and special abilities except as noted here. A Chosen of Talos has its power only at the will of Talos; and Talos is more than willing to remove the powers he gives his worshippers just to keep them on their toes. All Chosen of Talos are chaotic evil, neutral evil, or very rarely chaotic neutral.
Special Attacks: A Chosen of Talos retains all of the special attacks of the character and also gains the following.
Blessing of the Storm Lord (Su): Because of Talos’ blessing, any lightning damage the
Chosen of Talos deals is automatically enlarged as if it were subject to a enlarge spell (as the feat). If the spell was already enlarged, there is no extra effect. The Spell-like Abilities the Chosen of Talos gains are not affected by this, only spells are.
Touch of Destruction (Sp): Once per day every five levels of the Chosen of Talos (maximum 4/day), the Chosen of Talos can attempt a touch attack called Touch of Destruction against one target. If the Touch succeeds, any lightning damage the Chosen of Talos deals against the target is maximized as by the feat maximize spell. If the spell was already maximized, there is no extra effect. Only the Chosen of Talos’ lightning damage is affected by this. This effect lasts one round per character level of the Chosen of Talos.
Tempest of Chaos (Su): Any spell (arcane or divine) the Chosen of Talos casts can be subject to a wild effect as if it was in a wild magic zone at his will, but he adds 20 to the die roll (so as to get a better effect). He must declare this at the beginning of the round when he casts the spell. He can do this once per day per character level. This may affect spell-like abilities.

Spell-like Abilities: The Chosen of Talos has access to the following spell-like abilities, which function as if cast by a 20th-level wizard, cleric, or druid (as appropriate). At will - detect law, detect good 3/day: lightning bolt, call lightning 2/day chain lightning, control weather 1/day: earthquake, call lightning storm, storm of vengeance

Special Qualities: A Chosen of Talos retains all of the special qualities of the character and also gains the following.

Assured Destruction (Su): The Chosen of Talos does not need to prepare spells from the Destruction domain ahead of time. He may spontaneously cast any spell from the destruction domain by sacrificing a spell he has memorized of the appropriate level. Even if he is not a cleric, or is a cleric without the destruction domain, he may sacrifice an appropriately leveled wizard, sorcerer, bard, druid, ranger, or cleric spell to cast from the cleric Destruction domain. For example, a wizard Chosen of Talos could sacrifice a memorized Wail of the Banshee so that he could cast Implosion.

Storm Shield (Sp): Once per day per two character levels, the Chosen of Talos may create a shield of lightning that makes him immune to fire, ice, sonic, positive, and negative damage for ten rounds. The shield also gives the Chosen of Talos a +5 deflection bonus to his armor for the duration, and a +5 divine bonus to all saving throws.

Immunities (Ex): The Chosen of Talos is immune to disease, level draining, negative levels, poison, aging (both magical and natural), though he still dies when his time is up. The Chosen of Talos is completely immune to lightning and electricity damage. The Chosen of Talos is no longer subject to the massive damage rule and cannot be instantly killed by damage over 50.

Saves: Same as the character, and the Chosen of Talos gains a +4 enhancement bonus to all reflex saves.
Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: +6 Wisdom
Skills: Same as the character. All Knowledge skills are class skills for the Chosen of Deneir.
Feats: Same as the character.
Climate/Terrain: Same as the character.
Organization: Same as the character.
Challenge Rating: Same as the character +4.
Alignment: Same as the character, but all Chosen of Talos are chaotic evil, neutral evil, or rarely chaotic neutral
Treasure: Same as the character.
Advancement: Same as the character

I'd like to introduce you to something that I made for one of my players in my "almost" epic campaign.

When I checked WCB for some chosen templates I found ambersorsha's post and doublesquirrel's post with their idea of Chosen of Bahamut and found out that those are great templates but not for my players. I decided to write up my own chosen template. Please be so kind and find results below:

Chosen of Bahamut by zombiegleemax

Must Worship Bahamut.

LA: +4


Fear [Ex]: Each Chosen of Bahamut is immune to all fear effects (Ex, Su, Sp … etc).

Sleep [Ex]: Each Chosen of Bahamut is immune to sleep effects.

Paralysis [Ex]: Each Chosen of Bahamut is immune to all paralysis effects.

Disintegration [Ex]: Each Chosen of Bahamut is immune to disintegration.

Level Drain [Ex]: Each Chosen of Bahamut is immune to all level drain effects.

Doesn't Need Sleep [Ex]: The Chosen never needs sleep, even when fatigued. They do still need the normal amount of rest to prepare spells.

Doesn't Age [Ex]: The Chosen gains no ill effects from growing old, but does receive bonuses. The Chosen never dies of old age, nor physically ages in any way. When Bahamut has deemed the service of the Chosen over, the Chosen is taken to Mercuria by Bahamut himself.

Special Qualities:

Aura of Platinum Dragon [Su]: When in combat Chosen of Bahamut can activate one of the fallowing aura effects as a move action, once per round:
Aura of Dragon Courage - targets are immune to fear, sleep, paralysis (range 100 ft + 30 ft per CHA mod; duration 10 rounds + 1 round per CHA mod).
Aura of Dragon Valor - +2 holy bonus to all damage and attacks, +4 if fighting against evil dragons or worshipers of Tiamat (range 100 ft + 30 ft per CHA mod; duration 10 rounds + 1 round per CHA mod).
Warriors Hart Aura – Targets cannot retreat from combat until it’s over, Chosen of Bahamut deactivates this Aura effect or its duration ends (range 100 ft + 30 ft per CHA mod; duration 10 rounds + 1 round per CHA mod).
Each target within range can resist Aura Effects with successful Will Save with DC equal 10 + ½ HD + CHA mod.

Heart of Platinum Dragon [Ex]: Chosen of Bahamut receives +2 holy bonus to all damage and attacks, +4 if fighting against evil dragons or worshipers of Tiamat.

Platinum Wings [Ex]: Each chosen of Bahamut can fly on dragon wings and has fly speed of 80 ft (with perfect maneuverability) if he or she already has dragon wings its fly speed is doubled and maneuverability increases to perfect and cannot drop below.

Blindsight [Ex]: A chosen, if not already obtained, gains Blindsight 120ft. If the Chosen already has this or receives it later on from another source adds 30 feet to their maximum.

Keen Senses [Ex]: A chosen, if not already obtained, gains the ability to see up to four times as far as a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. If they do not already have it, they gain darkvision up to 100 feet, but those that do gain a 30 foot bonus. Furthermore Chosen of Bahamut receives +4 bonus to Spot, Listen and Search skills.

Spell Resistance (SR):
Character: 10 + HD + CHA mod (min: 15) if character has SR please add + 5 + CHA mod
Dragon: Please add 10 + CHA mod to existing SR

AC Bonus [Su / Ex]: Chosen of Bahamut receives +5 holy bonus to AC when fighting with evil dragons or worshipers of Tiamat. Furthermore all chosen’s of Bahamut receive Natural Armor bonus depending on size of character and age of the dragon (if chosen of Bahamut is a Dragon):

Natural Armor bonus for characters (not true Dragons):
Size / If the character has Natural Armor / if Not
Tiny / +2 / +4
Small / +4 / +6
Medium / +8 / +10
Large / +12 / +14
Huge / +16 / +18
Gargantuan / +20 / +22
Colossal / +24 / +26

Additional Natural Armor Bonus for Dragons:
Category Age (Years) Natural Armor bonus
1 Wyrmling (0-5) / +2
2 Very young (6-15) / +4
3 Young (16-25) / +6
4 Juvenile (26-50) / +8
5 Young adult (51-100) / +10
6 Adult (101-200) / +12
7 Mature adult (201-400) / +14
8 Old (401-600) / +16
9 Very old (601-800) / +18
10 Ancient (801-1,000) / +20
11 Wyrm (1,001-1,200) / +22
12 Great wyrm (1,201 or more) / +30

Special Attacks:
Breath of platinum Dragon: Chosen of Bahamut can use breath weapons more frequently than normally. Instead of using breath weapon every 1d4 rounds, chosen of Bahamut can use breath weapon once 1d3 rounds.
If the chosen of Bahamut was not able to use Breath weapon as dragon he or she receives such possibility with frequency of one breath per 1d4 rounds with cone of Fire (30 ft) or line Fire (60 ft) and 8d6 fire damage (reflex save 10 + ½ HD +CON mod).
Furthermore Chosen of Bahamut can add ½ normal damage to damage dealt as a positive energy.

+2 Fortitiude, + 4 vs. draconic effects, +8 vs. breath weapons.
+2 Reflex, + 4 vs. draconic effects, +8 vs. breath weapons.
+2 Will, + 4 vs. draconic effects.

+6 STR (holy Bonus),
+4 CON (holy bonus),
+4 WIS (holy bonus) (+8 WIS if Cleric or Paladin of Bahamut),
+10 CHA (holy bonus)

2015-10-06, 04:37 AM
by zombiegleemax

this is my first post as well as my first crack at posting a template. I see I'm very late in the game here, but this is my current spin on a Chosen of Eilistraee; my favorite deity Since there was never an official write up on her Chosen, I tried to draw from several sources (including F&P, CoV, FRCS, and my own fractured memories of 2nd ed material on Eilistraee) as well as my own ideas to produce something versatile, balanced and fun. Enjoy...

Creating a Chosen of Eilistraee

Chosen of Eilistraee is a template that can be added to any creature (referred to hereafter as the "character") that the Dark Maiden chooses to entrust a portion of her power to, most notably those among her followers who revere beauty, music, song and hunting and work incessantly to promote harmony between drow and surface-dwelling races. A Chosen of Eilistraee uses all of the character's statistics and special abilities except as noted below.

Type/Subtype: same as the character.

Appearance: The Chosen of Eilistraee appear no different than other creatures of their type

Special Qualities: A Chosen of Eilistraee retains all of the special qualities of the character and also gains the following:

Bonus Spells (Sp): Constant–freedom of movement, protection from evil, tongues. At will–eilistraee’s moonfire (see Champions of Valor pg 55, also described below), summon instrument. Once every 7 rounds–aid, calm emotions, true strike. 1/day–atonement, commune with nature.

Innitiate of Eilistraee (Sp): Thrice per day, a Chosen of Eilistraee can spend a daily use of one of her racial spell-like abilities (such as faerie fire or darkness) to produce a magic missile effect (caster level equals character level).

Spell Immunity (Su): feeblemind, geas, otto’s irresistable dance.

Immunities (Ex): A Chosen of Eilistraee is immune to aging effects and does not age. Bonuses still accrue, and the Chosen still dies of old age when her time is up.

Dancing Feint (Ex): A Chosen of Eilistraee can use her Perform (dance) skill to feint in combat as if it were the Bluff skill.

Low-Light Vision (Ex): A Chosen of Eilistraee has low-light vision if she did not possess it already.

Sword Song (Su): A Chosen of Eilistraee can attune herself to a particular sword (magical or not), a process that takes one tenday. During this time she must be wearing or holding the sword for at least 8 hours each day, and if interrupted she must start again. She may only be attuned in this fashion to one sword at a time.
Beginning the process of attuning another sword negates the ability of the currently attuned sword. Once attuned to this sword, whenever she wields it the sword sings heroic songs, granting her a +2 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls with the sword and a +3 morale bonus to saving throws against mind-affecting spells and effects.
This ability is a sonic mind-affecting effect, and can be used for a maximum number of rounds per day equal to her character level plus her Charisma modifier. If this ability is applied to a dancing sword, the dancing sword gains the attack and damage bonus, but the saving throw bonus still applies to the Chosen.
At will, a Chosen may call her attuned sword to her hand as if it were enchanted with Drawmij’s instant summons. A sword attuned in this manner is immune to breakage, disintigration and rust (such as an attack from a rust monster) for a period of 3 months.

Sword Dance (Su): A Chosen of Eilistraee can attune herself to a sword (which may or may not be the same sword as her singing sword) in the process described above. Once attuned to the sword, she may use it as if it had the dancing property. She may use this ability a number of times per day equal to her character level. She may only be attuned in this fashion to one sword at a time.

Maiden’s Sword (Su): A Chosen of Eilistraee gains the ability to craft magic swords as if she had the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat. This ability only works on an attuned sword, but the magic abilities given to the sword persist even if she loses or changes her attunement to the sword. She may add any properties (including enhancement bonuses) to a sword as long as she meets the property’s other prerequisites.

Spellsong (Su): A Chosen chooses two domains from the following: Chaos, Charm, Drow, Elf, Good, Moon, Portal. Once selected, these domains cannot be changed. She then has the ability to spontaneously cast any arcane or divine spell of 6th level or lower that she knows or has prepared as one of her domain spells, just as a good cleric spontaneously casts prepared cleric spells as cure wounds spells. Any spells she casts in this manner always have a verbal component (singing) in addition to their normal components.

Saves: +3 sacred bonus to all saving throws against enchantment or mind-affecting spells, spell-like abilities and effects, even against those that normally do not allow a saving throw.

Abilities: Increase as follows: Wisdom +2, Dexterity +3, Charisma +4

Skills: Same as the character, except as follows: +10 insight bonus to Perform (dance and sing) checks, +5 insight bonus to Diplomacy and Knowledge (religion) checks.

Feats: Same as the character, in addition to these: Daylight Adaption, Lightning Reflexes

Climate/Terrain: Same as the character.

Organization: Same as the character.

Challenge Rating: +4.

Alignment: Same as the character, though never Lawful nor Evil.

Treasure: Same as the character.

Advancement: Same as the character.

Eilistraee’s Moonfire

Evocation [Light]
Level: Initiate of Eilistraee 1
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 minute/level or until discharged; see text
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

You surround your hand or some other part of your body with light resembling moonlight. You can change the intensity from a faint glow equivalent to a candle to a clear, bright light equivalent to a torch. It varies in color as you desire, whether blue-white, soft green, white or silver. You can use this moonfire as a melee touch attack that deals 2d6 points of cold damage +1 point per caster level (maximum of +5). Whether or not the attack hits, the spell effect is discharged.
You can cause the moonlight to leave your body and move about as a single light similar to dancing lights. Once it leaves your body, the effect duration is 1 minute per level, and the effect can no longer be used to attack.

Chosen of Bhaal by burningspear

“Make all folk fear Bhaal. Let your killings be especially elegant, or grisly, or seem easy so that those observing them are awed or terrified. Tell folk that gold proffered to the church can make the Lord of Murder overlook them for today.”

The Chosen of Bhaal has to keep this firmly in his mind as he continues on in life, but has some leeway in how and when (as he does not need to be the same person who is the highpriest of the faith.).

When a person becomes a Chosen of the Lord Bhaal, his/ her skin becomes parched and white-ish (as if chalk was smeared all over) and he somewhat smells of herbs, just like a mummified corpse, albeit his skin is not brittle.

Special Qualities:
Bonus Spells (Sp): Constant:
Levitate and Airwalk,

Deathknell 3/ day, Slay living 1/ day, P.w. Kill 1/ month
Immunities (Ex):
Immune to Death effects,
Cold Resistance 20,

Special Abilities:
(Ex)+4 Natural Armor
(Ex)Dam reduction: 10/ Good

Immortality (Ex): Chosen of Bhaal is naturally immortal and cannot die from natural causes. Chosen do not age, and they do not need to eat or sleep(although they can if they wish, and they still need to rest for replenishing spells etc.) . The only way for a Chosen to die is through special circumstances, usually by being murdered in magical or physical combat.

Undetectable (su): The chosen of Bhaal is aware if someone is attempting to scry him (as per detect scrying spell, automatic with no check needed), and can if he chooses be undetectable to this scrying by winning the opposed caster check (incl. getting the effect of seeing what is the face of the "person" scrying him or her, but not be seen by the scryer itself.) .

Death's Chosen (Ex): All character levels count as if they were full levels taken in assasin for all assasin class abilities as:
Poison use, Death attack, Spells per day etc.
All dc's for death attack and spells etc. are done using Intelligence.
(this use of Int. as a base supersedes any other stat used by any other Death Attack etc.)

Death's Hand (Ex): All times the preparation time for the death attack is reduced to 1 round, and 3 times per day he can even ignore that, and use a standard action to gain his death attack on a sneak he makes.

Mimic (Su): In order to reach somewhere where perhaps disguises would not let the chosen go, the chosen may be able to alter their appearance to match someone whom the chosen has murdered within the last tenday. Then upon taking this disguise the chosen can perfectly emulate the person that they have mimic'd, effictively meaning that the chosen also emulates mannerisms etc. incl. voice. However, the chosen gains no memories and is likely to be caught out in a conversation (something the chosen would obviously avoid).
( in all respects treat the effect as if a Alter self was cast of unlimited duration and of a very specific person's looks, not an average of a race.)

Call Servant (Su): Once a month the Chosen can summon a Fiendish Invisible Stalker of 12 hitdice to do a task at hand, the duration of the "summoning" lasts for as long as it takes the Invisible Stalker to finish the task given or untill it is impossible to comply this. Even if u are in a following month, u can only have 1 Invisible Stalker active at one time.

Skills (Ex): +10 profane bonus to Move Silent and Hide in shadows and a +4 profane bonus on Intimidate.

Abilities: Increas from the base creature as follows:
+2 str, +2 dex, +6 con, +4 wis.

Challenge Rating: +5

Fiendish Advanced 12-HD Invisible Stalker: CR 10; Large elemental; HD 12d8+24; hp 78; Init +9; Spd 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (perfect); AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 13; Base Atk +9; Grp +21; Atk +13 melee (2d6+4, slam); Full Atk +13 melee (2d6+4, 2 slams); Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA smite good +12; SQ damage reduction 10/magic, darkvision 60 ft., elemental traits, improved tracking, natural invisibility, resistance to cold 10 and fire 10, spell resistance 17; AL LE; SV Fort +6, Ref +13, Will +6; Str 18, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 11.
Skills and Feats: Listen +17, Move Silently +20, Search +17, Spot +17, Survival +2 (+4 following tracks); Combat Reflexes, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Stunning Fist, Weapon Focus (slam).

References of information/ sources used:
Thomas M. Costa's "PrestigeintheRealms", "ChosenofBhaal's" attempt at the same in a previous post on this forum.
The impression given as in the pockets of the Times of troubles and the older 2nd ed. books, Bhaal was never much using magic to gain an advantage, going from his own physical superiority, and i do not think he prefers to do so except against powerfull oponents (other gods and the like),
thats why i did not go heavy on free spells per day, specially not wizards spells (i did give him the assasins bonus spells etc. but this is not a free use, and he must learn and memmorize then as normal).

Undetectable and Mimic i thought were very good thoughts of "ChosenofBhaal" and as such i put him as a reference and thank him for the input.

I did not think the Slayer change was a good abilitie for a chosen, specially when Bhaal is supposed to be alive when a character has this status, i see this ability as a "death-throw", meaning "Raw and uncontrolled hatred and power of Bhaal" flowing through a mortal, not like a coherent chosens ab..

And Wispering death was simply not a power i associate? (*spelling?) with a god like Bhaal, u kill the target up close and personal to savor it, not afar and impersonal.

Template- Chosen of Torm by Diffan

Special Qualities: A Chosen of Torm retains all special qualities of the character and also gains the following.
Bonus Spells (Sp): Constant- Protection from Evil, Endure Elements (acid, cold, electricity, fire, sonic), Know Greatest Enemy, Zone of Truth. 3/day- Holy Storm, Wall of Good, Dispel Magic. 1/day- Holy Word, Revenance
Damage Reduction (Ex): 5/Adamantine
Immunities (Ex): A Chosen of Torm is immune to compulsion effects, death effects, poison, and aging. Bonuses still accure and the Chosen still die of old age when his time is up.
Spell Immunities (Su): A Chosen of Torm is unaffected by attacks that duplicate these effects: Hold Person, Blindness/Deafness, and Harm.
Summon Angel (Sp): A Chosen of Torm can magically summon an Angel or Archon as a full-round action as if using Planar Ally, greater spell. He may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3+ his Charisma score.
Saves: Same a the character
Abilities: Increase from the character as follows: Constitution +10, and Charisma +2
Skills: Increase from the character as follows: Sense Motive +5, and Diplomacy +5
Feats: A Chosen of Torm gains these as bonus feats: Leadership
Level Adjustment: Same as the character +4
Alignment: Always Lawful Good


“Chosen of Solonor” is a a template that can be added to any Elf ( except Drow or Half elves) character whose patron deity is Solonor Thelandira. A Chosen of Solonor uses the characters statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

Special Qualities: A chosen of Solonor retains all special qualities of the characters and also gains the following.

Bonus Spells (Sp): Constant- Hawkeye, protection from arrows, living prints
At will- camouflage, woodwisp arrow*
5/day- spellslayer arrow*, arrow split*
3/day- darkflame arrow*, serpent arrow*, doublestrike arrow*, hunter’s mercy
1/day- bloodfreeze arrow*, shadow arrow*, true strike

Immunities (Ex): A Chosen of Solonor is immune to aging effects and does not age. Bonuses still accrue, and the Chosen still dies of old age when his time is up.

Trackless Step: As druid Ability (PHB pg 36)
Woodland Stride: As druid Ability (PHB pg 36)
Hide in plain site: As ranger ability (PHB pg 48)
Vital Shot: Once per day as a free action the Chosen gets a +10 competence bonus to hit with a long bow.
Steady Hand: The Chosen Gains the ability to fire a long bow in melee combat and not provoke an attack of opportunity. He can only use this if wearing light or no armor.
Keen Arrow: All arrows fired by the Chosen are considered keen weapons. This does not stack with any other Keen effects.
Projectile Improved Critical: All arrows fired by the chosen increase their critical damage multiplier by +1

Saves: As Character
Abilities: +3 Dex
Skills: As Character
Feats: Weapon focus (Longbow), Greater Weapon Focus( long bow), Weapon Spec (Long Bow), Greater Weapon Spec (Long Bow)
Level adjustment +3

* See Champions of Ruin

Chosen of Hanali Celanil by green elven vampire

Also known as The Goldheart

Its a template that can be added to any Elf or Half Elf. A Chosen of Hanali uses the character's statistics and special abilities except as noted below.

BONUS SPELLS (Sp): Constant~~ Charm person, Charm Monster, Read Magic, Mage armor. At will~~ Hypnotism, Message, Resist elements. 5/day:~~ Detect thoughts, Rope trick, Tongues. 3/day~~ Halt undead, Greater magic weapon, Banishment. 1/day~~ Tensers transformation, Prismatic spray, Protection from spells.

Immunties (Ex): Chosen of Hanali are immune to all Enchantment spells. They never age but still die when the time is at hand.

Romantic interest (Su): This ability enables the chosen to divine the existance and subjects of the unspoken love, crush, or romantic interest of the first creature touched by the chosen. A successful saving throw by an unwilling target (Will DC 25) prevents the chosen from learning the identity of the romantic interest, but conveys to the chosen whether or not the target harbors any such secret affections at the time. This ability can be used twice a day.

Divine beauty: The chosen is so beautiful that opponents rarely want to harm her. The chosen cannot be attacked by anyone who finds her/him gorgeous. If the chosen successfully makes a save check (Chosen's Cha. vs opponents Will) then opponent will not attack the chosen for that turn. This ability can be used as many times a day equal to chosen's charisma mod.

Lady Goldhearts love: This ability can be used three times per day. The Chosen touches the creature and they instantly fall in love with the first person they see unless they make a successful saving throw vs Will (DC 25)

Hanali's restful kiss: This ability can be used three times a day. If the chosen kisses a person they must make a Fort save (DC 30) or instantly fall into a coma-like slumber for as many days as the chosen's total character level.

Flawless Rose: The chosen cannot be scarred, maimed or lose its flawless beauty by any means of attack. If a limb is severed it regenerates like a Troll's regeneration ability. Also, if the chosen is killed by damage they are automaticly under the effect of a Heal spell. The heal ability can be used once a day.

Spell Immuity (Sp): The Chosen is immune to the spells listed here as if she were constantly under the effects of the spell, Spell Immunity.

*Detect good
*Grimwald's Greymantle
*Greter dispelling
*Holy word
*Time stop

Saves: The character adds + 2 as a bonus to all saving throws, and + 4 divine bonus to saves against illusion spells and spells with the evil and Retribution discriptors.

Abilities: Increase from the character as follows: Charisma +6, Wisdom +4.

Skills: Intimidate and sense motive are class skills, regardless of the character's class.

Feats: (You gain these feats automaticly without meeting their prerequisites) Alluring, otherworldly, Smooth talk and Strong soul.

Climate/Terrain: Same as the character.
Organization: Same as the character, But must be a devoted follower of Hanali Celanil.
Challenge Rating: Same as the character +4.
Alignment: CG/LG
Treasure: Same as the character.
Advancement: Same as the character

Chosen of Sharess by zandilar_dup

Creating a Chosen of Sharess
“Chosen of Sharess” is a template that can be added to any humanoid creature. A Chosen of Sharess uses all the base character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted. A Chosen of Sharess only has its power at the will of Sharess; should the Feline of Felicity decide to remove Chosen status from a character, she reverts to their old abilities.

Special Qualities: Chosen of Sharess retain all their special qualities. In addition they gain the following:

Feline Form (SQ): A Chosen of Sharess can assume the form of a medium sized house cat (treat as a leopard). For all intents and purposes, treat this ability as a druid's Wildshape ability, with the following differences: The Chosen may only assume the form of a feline of medium size, and their druid level is equal to their character level.

Bonus Spells (Sp): At will- Charm Person, Command. 5/day - Charm Monster, Magic Fang, Suggestion. 3/day - Eagle's Splendor, Cat's Grace, Sharess's Kiss. 1/day - Mass Charm Monster, Greater Command, Summon Monster VI (Celestial Dire Lioness only).

Immunities (Ex): A Chosen of Sharess is immune to Enchantment Spells or effects, and Disease. She is also immune to aging, does not age, and is effectively immortal.

Seductive Aura (Su): A Chosen of Sharess is very compelling, and when she wishes to, no one can resist her wiles. When a Chosen of Sharess turns her attention to a humanoid with the intention of seducing them, they must make a Will save DC 20, or go where ever the Chosen wishes to consumate the seduction. Additionally, the target can chose not to make a saving throw. However, this will not change the innate sexuality of the target humanoid, and thus, unless the target has forgone a save, the seduction will automatically fail if the gender of the Chosen is "incompatiable" with the sexuality of the target, though there will be no hard feelings towards the Chosen for the attempt.

Friend of Felines (Ex): A Chosen of Sharess may communicate with any feline creature. All good and neutrally aligned felines are helpful, and treat the Chosen as an ally. Evil aligned felines are at least indifferent towards the Chosen.

Feats: Chosen of Sharess recieve Exotic Weapon Proficency: Claw Bracer, and Weapon Finess.
Skills: Chosen of Sharess recieve a +4 Bonus to Profession (Courtesan), and Perform (Sexual Techniques), and a +2 Bonus to to Move Silently, and Hide.
Abilities: Chariama +6, Wisdom +2, Dexterity +4
Alignment: Chosen of Sharess are usually CG, though they must be within one step of Sharess.

Sharess's Kiss (Charm) [Mind-Affecting]

Level: Clr 3, Brd 4
Components: S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: One humanoid creature
Duration: see text
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

You smile at the young man seductively, and lean in to place a gentle kiss on his cheek. At the touch of your lips, he shudders as pleasure overwhelms him.

The kiss of Sharess is said to give overwhelming pleasure. This spell emulates a fraction of the Dancing Lady's bliss, causing the target to become overwhelmed with sensation. The target becomes fatigued, and is dazed for 1 round.

Chosen of Garagos by zombiegleemax

“The Chosen of Garagos” is a template that can be added to any creature with the ability to rage or has at least 4 levels of Fighter. A Chosen of Garagos uses all the base character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted. A Chosen of Garagos only has its power at the will of Garagos; should The Reaver decide to remove Chosen status from a character, he or she reverts to their old abilities.

Spell-like Abilities: Constant- Endure Elements (Fire, Cold, Acid), Haste. At Will- Confusion, Emotion (Rage). 5/day- Fear, Magic Weapon, Bull's Strength. 3/day- Bear's Endurance, Battletide. 1/day- Insanity, Righteous Might

Immunities: The Chosen of Garagos is Immune to aging and is effectively immortal, Poison, Disease, Fatigue, and all enchantment spells that are lower than 4th level

Rage of the Reaver: 1/day per point of charisma the Chosen of Garagos may rage as a 20th level barbarian

Lord of Destruction: The Chosen of Garagos gain a +10 divine bonus on all strength checks made to break objects, and all damage rolls. When sundering a weapon or armor, you ignore all of that weapon's hardness

Abilities: Str +10, Con +2
CR: +3
LA: +4

Chosen of Auppenser: by zombiegleemax

The Chosen of Auppenser are paragons of mental and physical acuity, seeking unfettered control of their abilities through experience, meditation and self study. When they're not improving themselves, they are teaching others that show an aptitude for the "invisible art" how to encourage and grow their own latent abilities. They are vehemently opposed to slavery of any kind, and will never turn down the opportunity to start a revolt, and free as many slaves from the "yoke of tyrrany" as they possibly can. This has brought, and can bring them into conflict with many cities, and the followers of Bane. Being that Auppenser has been in slumber for many years, there hasn't been a known Chosen active for just as long. The original Chosen are probably all deceased by now, killed in the massive tidal wave that destroyed Jhaamdath, but it is largely unknown either way. They could still be alive, spreading the teachings of Auppenser in his stead, and researching a way to awaken their sleeping patron.

Creating a Chosen of Auppenser

"Chosen of Auppenser" is a template that can be added to any humanoid creature (referred to hereafter as the "character"). A Chosen of Auppenser uses the character's statistics and special abilities except as noted here. A Chosen of Auppenser only has it's power at the will of Auppenser; should The Serene One decide to remove Chosen status from the character, he reverts to his original abilities. Normally, Auppenser granted Chosen status to one Psion follower for each of the six disciplines of Psionics, and one Psychic Warrior. Auppenser did not, and does not grant the Chosen status upon wilders.

Special Qualities: The Chosen of Auppenser retains all special qualities of the character, and gains the following, with some qualities according to it's Discipline.
Free Manifestations (Ps): A Chosen selects one power of each power level 1st through 9th that they currently know, which can then be manifested freely (without using power points) as a psi-like ability, once per day. The selected powers must share the same discipline that the character has chosen, but is not restricted to that specific discipline's list of powers. For instance, a 9th level Egoist (the psychometabolism discipline) may choose Leech Field for their free manifestation of 5th level, because it is a psychometabolism power, but it's not on the egoist discipline list itself. If the character is not high enough in manifester levels to have a new power to choose for a free manifestation, then they can select their next one when they gain the required manifester levels to have a new power of higher level. Once these nine powers are selected, they can never be changed*.
Perfection of Body: The Chosen is granted immunities to their bodies that are in concert with their manifestation abilities. This is one of the precepts of Auppenser's teachings, and is shown in his chosen.
Immunities (Ex): All Chosen of Auppenser are immune to disease, and aging effects. They are also granted an extra immunity based on their psionic discipline:
Psychometabolism: Immune to any unwilling transmutation spells or psychometabolism powers.
Psychoportation: Constant and undispellable Freedom of Movement in effect. Successful dispel magics only suppress the effect for 1d4 rounds.
Psychokinesis: Immune to either Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Sonic damage. Can only choose one.
Clairsentience: Immune to any blindness or vision altering effects. The character's vision can still be misled by illusions, just not negated or clouded.

Telepathy: Immune to Spells and Powers with the (Charm) and or (Compulsion) descriptor.
Perfection of Mind (Su): The Chosen's mastery of the mind allows them to automatically apply the Extend Power, Maximize Power, and Empower Power feats upon a power they manifest, without raising the power point cost, and without actually having the feats themselves. This can only be used up to three times per day, and the character must expend their psionic focus in the process. If any of the metapsionic feats of this ability do not apply to the power you are enhancing, then only the others apply. If none apply, then the use is wasted, and the power is manifested normally. The power in combination with this ability cannot be quickened or twinned.
Perfect Balance of Body and Mind (Su): Through rigorous and constant self-discipline, meditation, and training according to the dogma of their patron, a Chosen of Auppenser that has 10 HD or more is granted the knowledge of attaining a nigh impenetrable state of existence. As a swift action, for as many rounds as half the character's HD (rounded down), the Chosen gains a +10 bonus to all it's saving throws. These rounds don't have to be used all at once; they may be split up and used as the character sees fit, but never more rounds than half it's HD (rounded down) may be used in a tenday.
Saves: Same as character.
Abilities: Increase from the character as follows: Strength +2 Dexterity +2 Constitution +2 Intelligence +2 Wisdom +2 Charisma +2. These bonuses reflect the creed of Auppenser; to strive for balance in body and mind.
Skills: Same as character.
Feats: Same as character.
Climate/Terrain: Same as character.
Organization: Same as character.
Challenge Rating: Same as character + 4.
Alignment: Always any neutral.
Treasure: Same as character.
Advancement: Same as character.

*If the character uses Psychic Reformation and replaces a power that they chose for free manifestation, the free manifestation simply disappears. It is unusable until the character manifests (or has manifest upon them) Psychic Reformation again, to choose the original power selected for free manifestation.


I used the WOTC Chosen of Mystra and Chosen of Bane as a guideline for alot of this. I just COULD NOT think of any immunity a shaper would want, as I have never played a shaper myself, so I need your guys' help on that. I was thinking maybe some kind of dispel boost, like on dispel checks, they get twice their manifester level on the DC made to dispel their powers. But I just wasn't too sure on that.

In the "Creating a Chosen of Auppenser" paragraph, I just threw in my own custom lore on the end there, so I'm also not concrete on that. Could change in the future when the actual WOTC ruling comes out.

I wanted to make a different "Perfection of Mind" ability for each of the disciplines too, but I'm drained just after making this for today. Might do it later, or it might just be too much detail, depends on what I come up with.

I also was not sure if the bonus power points would be categorized as (Ps). Small, I know, but I'm picky. :P That and would the CR be right? Or more +5 ?

I wrote the same template up for psychic warriors as well, with a different "Perfection of Mind" ability that I might post later.

EDIT: Lowered the Perfection of mind uses per day, still not sure what to have it at though. And removed bonus power points, just seemed redundant with free manifestations.

Chosen of Sharess by ambersorsha

The chosen of Sharess are sharess’s beloved children, who spread the freedom of Hedonism, Sensual Fulfillment, Festhalls, and the love of Cats around the face of Faerun.

Stat Adjustments:
Wis: +2
Dex: +4
Cha: +4

+5 Climb, +5 Balance, +5 Tumble, +5 Sense Motive, +5 Bluff, +10 Diplomacy
+15 Knowledge Nature Checks involving any type of Feline.

Speed: A chosen of sharess is gifted with being slightly quicker on her feet than your average everyday citizen. +10 to speed, +2 Initiative.

Bonus Saves:
Reflex: +4 [A Chosen of Sharess is known for always landing on her feet]
Fortitude: + 4 vs Disease [A chosen of Sharess is known to have a strong consitution and hardley ever seems to get sick.]
Will: +4 Vs Enchantments [A chosen of Sharess is not weak minded and is strong willed individuals]

Exta Abilities:
+15 Handle Animal checks involving any type of Cat, big or small, wild or domesticated.

The Permanent ability of being able to speak with felines.

Cat Companion:
A slightly different version of the Animal Companion or Summon Familiar ability.

A Chosen of Sharess is imediately befriended by a feline of some kind. The feline follows the Chosen everywhere. This feline can replace a mage’s familiar without damaging the mage or the previous familiar. A chosen can always sense the health status of his or her Cat Companion. This Feline does not take away from the number of HD a ranger or druid’s animal companion.

A chosen Automantically gains the following feats.
Weapon Focus, Weapon Finesse and Exotic Weapon Proficinancy with Claw Bracers.

Immunities: The chosen of Sharess is gifted by Sharess with longevity of life, A chosen of sharess does not age.

CR: +4. Advancement Normally.

The Dancing Lady, Mother of Cats
Symbol: Feminine lips
Homeplane: Brightwater
Aliggnment: Chaotic Good
Portofolio: Hedonism, Sensual Fulfillment, Festhalls, Cats
Worshipers: Bards, Hedonistis, Senualists, Felinari
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG
Domains: Chaos, Charm, Good, Travel, Trickery
Favored Weapon: A great cat’s paw (Claw Bracer)

Once Known as Bast a Mulhorandi diety who served as the Patroness of cats, She taveld and left numerous cults in her wake. She is now tied in friendship to Anhur, Hanali celanil, Lliira, Milil, Nobanion, Selune, and Sune. She is opposed to Set, Shar, and Loviatar. Etc…
Dogma: Life is to be lived to its fullest, in decadent suensual fulfillment of yourselves and others. That which is good is pleasurable, that which is pleasurable is good. Etc…

Sharess: Divine Rank 8
Bard 20, Rouge 5, Druid 10, Ranger 5
Chaotic Good Felinari
Str: 22 Dex: 30 Con: 24 Int: 25 Wis: 30 Cha: 45 HP: 550 Init: +14
Fort: +65 Ref: +73 Will: + 71 Base Attack: +30 From Class Levels
Immune: Transmutation, Entergy Drain, Ability Drain, Ability Damage, Mind affecting, Electric, Cold, Acid, Disease, Posion, Stunning, Sleep, Death Effects, Distintefration, Imprisionment or Banishment, Massive Damage. DR: 43/+4 SR: 40 Fire Resistance 28
Immortal, 8 mile Senses, Remote Seeing, Grant Spells, Divine Aura DC 35, Communication, Remote communication, Teleport without Error.
Skills: Just think high on just about every skill
Spells per Day:
Bard 0th 4, 1st 9, 2nd 8, 3rd 8, 4th 8, 5th 8, 6th 7, 7th 7, 8th 7, 9th 7
Druid: 0th 6, 1st 7, 2nd 7, 3rd 5, 4th 5, 5th 4
Ranger: 1st 3
Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon focus, Weapon finesse, Quick draw, Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Combat Expertise, Skill Focus Cooking, Dodge, Mobility, Spring attack, Whirlwind attack, Leadership

Effective 18th Lvl cleric for Domain Spells, Spell like abilites of all domain spells, DC 35+ spell Level.

Other Divine Abilities: Avatar, Battlesense, Call Creatures, Divine Bard, Divine Druid, Gift of Life, True Shapeshifter, Grow Creature.

Bard Abilities: Bardic music, Bardic Knowledge 27, Inspire Courage +4, countersong, Fascinate, Insipr Competence, Suggestion, Inspire greatness, Song of freedom, Inspire heroics, Mass suggestion.
Druid Abilities: Animal companion, Nature Sense, Wild Empathy, Woodland Stride, Trackless Step, Resist Natures Lure, Wildshape 4/day, Wild Shape Large, Veneom Immunity.
Rogue Abilites: Sneak attack +3d6, Uncanny Dodge, Evasion, Trap sense +1, trapfinding.
Ranger Abilities: Track, Endurance, Animal companion, two weapon combat style, Wild empathy, 1st favored Enemy Abberations, 2nd favored Enemy Vermin.

Chosen of Io by dragonheart

Stats: +4 Str, +3 Con, +3 Int, +2 Ch
Chosen Immunities:
Disease, Disentegrate, Mind Affecting Spells, +4 to saves vs Sleep, Paralysis and poison
Spell Immunities:
EarthBind (L2), Blindness/Deafness (L3C), Wingbind (L4), Feeblemind (L5), Slay Living (L5C), Implosion (L9C), DR 5/-, Acid Resistance 6, Lightning Resistance 6
Spell Like Abilities:
L1: Comprehend Languages, L2: Spider Climb, L3:Dragonskin, L4: SteelSting,
L5: Feeblemind, L6: Legend Lore, L7: Summon Aspect of Io, L8: Icy Claw,
L9: Greater Shout
Maximum Hit Points
Domain Power (& Spells) – Dragon Domain: Bluff & Intimidate as class skills;
Spells: Magic Fang (L1), Resist Energy (L2), Magic Fang – Greater (L3), Voice of the Dragon (L4), True Seeing (L5), Stoneskin (L6), Dragon Ally (L7), Mass Suggestion (L8), Dominate Monster (L9) (Chosen may use any of these spells 1/d of a level they may cast in their normal casting class).
Special Abilities:
1. Draconic Template: AC +1 (natural), Claw Damage (unarmed damage) 1D3, Darkvision 60’, Low Light Vision, +2 to Intimidate & Spot checks; +1 LA/CR. Charisma Bonus included in Statistic bonuses – other template bonuses overlapped by Chosen Template bonuses.
2. Breath Weapon(s): 1/8rds – either a 40’ cone of flame or a 40’cone of cold doing ½ level D4 Damage
3. Dragonwings – Flight at 60’ Maneuverability – Good

Books used to develop: Draconomicon, Races of the Dragon, Dragons of Faerun, Player’s Handbook.

Chosen on Clangeddin Silverbeard by dreadwizarddm

A chosen of the Dwarven god of battle should represent the true fighting spirit of the Dwarven people. They must always be ready to answer the call to arms against the enemies of the dwarves.

Stats: +8 STR, +8 CON

Automatic Feats: The Chosen gets the following feats regardless if they meet the requirements for them or not.

Blindfight, Close quarters fighting, AxeSpike (RoS), Shielded Axe (RoS), Tunnel Fighting (RoS), Great Cleave, Whirlwind Attack, Greater Weapon Focus (Armor Spikes), Greater Weapon Specialization (Armor Spikes), Greater Weapon Focus and Greater Weapon Specialization (Battle Axe, Dwarven War Axe, Dwarven Uhrgosh, Warhammer), Improved Toughness, Improved Unarmed Strike, Iron Will, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Two weapon Fighting.

Clangeddin has also blessed his chosen with some additional powers for the defense of the dwarven people.

Damage Reduction 3/- (Divine bonus that stacks with any class features or items)

Crush our Enemies: The Chosen recieves a +3 to AC, Attack Rolls, and Damage dice versus Giants, Drow, Orcs, Half orcs, Goblinkind, Dueragar and Trolls.

Tough as Iron: The chosen can keep fighting up to -10 HP and has fast healing 2/round.

Rage of Battle: The chosen can rage as a free action 2/day. This functions like the barbarian rage class feature. It stacks with any other rage abilities the character may have from other classes or items.

The Chosen is immune to Poison, Paralysis, Charm, and Hold spells. He is also immune to any compulsions that would cause him to betray or act against Dwarvenkind.

The Chosen of Clangeddin no longer ages.

The Chosen will usually seek the strongest opponent on a battlefield to engage him in battle.

LA: +4

by neferphras
This is an updated Chosen of Tymora template I am using in my campaign. It borrow heavily from the previously posted one but as the writter mentioned, it just did not have the spark of humor a chosen of tymora would have in my eyes, so I added a few things.
Chosen of Tymora

A Chosen of Tymora is the living embodiment of the Lady of Luck, sharing her friendliness and grace, as well as her good nature. The Chosen are full of risks, but aren’t reckless as they the know Tymora will ensure they live a long, eventful life. Tymora chooses only her best and brightest worshipers to become her Chosen, commissioning them to spread good luck throughout the width of the Realms. One of the key goals of the Chosen of Tymora is to hunt down the followers of Beshaba, and to help halt her spreading of bad luck.
As the number 7 is considered lucky by many, Tymora can have up to 7 Chosen at any particular time. As well, the Chosen are commonly women. The identities of Tymora's current Chosen are unknown.

Chosen of Tymora

Immunities: A Chosen of Tymora is immune to aging and does not suffer the effects of aging. The Chosen is also immune to all poisons or diseases.

Aura of Luck: A Chosen of Tymora can create a Lucky Aura a number of time per day equal to her Charisma modifier. Any ally within this aura receives a +2 to any saves, attacks, or skill checks made. The Aura of Luck lasts for a number of rounds equal to 5 plus the Chosen’s charisma modifier. The aura extends for 20ft around the Chosen and does effect the chosen as well.

Good Fortune: 5/day the Chosen may re-roll any roll they may have made and failed.

Luck of the Lady: 3/day the Chosen can automatically succeed at one saving throw, regardless of the difficulty.

Lucky Strike: 3/day the Chosen can automatically succeed at one attack. A roll can still be made to determine whether or not it is a critical.

Divine Grace: The Chosen gains a bonus equal to her charisma modifier on all of her saving throws.

Tymora’s Guidance : The Chosen of Tymora automatically gains the Initiate of Tymora Feat. Instead of 1time per day roll a d6 at the beginning of each day. What ever the result is dictates how many times per day each the following can be used.
1. Add +5 luck bonus to any attack roll, save, skill check, or ability check. This must be done before the DM declares whether or not the roll results in success or failure.
2. Cast Fleeting Fortune
3. Cast Favor of Tymora
If the Chosen does not already have access to the Luck Domain they automatically gain it (and its innate benefit). Chosen of Tymora can also default to any spell in the Luck Domain much like a Cleric normally would for healing magic. If the Chosen is a Cleric they can chose to default to healing magic or a spell from the luck domain.

Take a Chance: Tymora looks after her Chosen, but not too much. Chosen of Tymora can sacrifice spell levels in an attempt to randomly get a spell from the goddess, usually from the Luck domain, that she would find useful. This can be done in 1 of 2 ways.
1. The Chosen selects a spell available to one of the domains available to Tymora., then sacrifices a number of spell levels equal to the level of the needed spell. The GM then rolls a 10 sided die, if the number rolled equals or exceeds the desired spell, the spell is cast as if from the Chosen. If not, fate has not smiled upon the Chosen, the levels are lost and nothing happens. The chosen can decide to double or even triple their odds by paying double or triple the cost in spell levels. In which case the GM rolls 2 or 3 10 sided dice and takes the best result. A “zero” counts as a 10 for this roll.
2. The chosen can also take a chance on whatever effect they wish and sacrifice however many spell levels they feel they need and state a desired effect (need not even be a spell description). The GM interprets Tymora’s sense of humor about the situation and may or may not follow the desired effect but something will happen. The number of spell levels sacrificed determines how dramatic the effect will be and how close to the desired effect the reaction will be (count it as 5% per spell level sacrificed if a guide is needed toward having a target spell achieved, if it is missed then a lesser equivalent spell type occurs), but with this option something (often funny) will always happen.

Abilities: Charisma +10
Alignment: CG or NG
CR: +4

2015-10-06, 05:24 AM
Chosen of Isis by neferphras

A Chosen of Isis is the ambassador to the world of the goddess's good will toward mortals. An unquestioned champion of good, their role is to look after the people of Mulhorand and watch over the family unit as it exists in that society. They can be stern, but are always of a loving heart. Keeping with the best good interpretations of Maat is highly important to the Chosen of Isis. They find harsher interpretations of Maat to be somewhat offensive. Obviously, evil can not be tolerated, a chosen of Isis will bring the full brunt of her powers against an evil opponent unless it would endanger a loved one, or there appears to be hope of redeeming that evil. To date only those female followers of celestial (and preferably noble) blood can become Chosen of Isis. As Isis’s relationship with Mystra, Chauntea, and Sune strengthens, she has become more convinced that purely mortal humans can not handle the strain of being a chosen of the gods, nor should they be expected to. During the Harvest Season, Chosen of Isis and Osiris are often seen walking hand and hand watching over the workers during the long work days. Unlike many nobility they will eat and sleep with the workers. They act as extra guardians during the harvest days as this is a prime time for the enemies of Mulhorand to attack.

Immunities: A Chosen of Isis is immune to aging and does not suffer the effects of aging. The Chosen is also immune to all poisons or diseases.

Spells: Like the Chosen of Mystra, Chosen of Isis can cast spells as spell-like abilities. Unlike the Chosen of Mystra, these spells can be selected at the beginning of each day, however, the spell must be have the “Good” descriptor (in the spell descriptor not from enhancement with a feat) or from the spells specific to the Faith of Isis (below). At the time of casting or when preparing spell like abilities for the day a Chosen of Isis may apply any of the flowing metamagic feats to any good (but not the faith particular spells) spell they wish to cast: Empower Spell, Quicken Spell, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Maximize spell. This does cause the spell to act as a higher spell, and thus use up a higher level spell-like ability slot for the day, however the spell level cost is one less than the cost stated in the players hand book for the given feat. If applied at the time of casting the spell effected by the feat takes up both the original spell slot and the higher level spell slot that the enhance spell suddenly occupies. Good spells and the spells particular to Isis can be selected regardless of normal availability. A Druid or Bard that becomes a chosen of Isis could cast clerical good described spells and visa versa. (all good magic is of Isis, she is not picky) .

Expert good caster: When casting spells (or using spell like abilities) that innately have the good descriptor Chosen of Isis have the following benefits: +2 Caster Level, +2 to save DC , all spell resistances checks made as if the feat Spell Penetration was in use (becomes an addition +2 modifier if the feat is already known). Also, any chosen can always chose a good descriptor spell regardless of class. As an example, a Sorceress who is a Chosen of Isis could select a clerical good spell as one of their known spells without penalty. Any caster regardless of casting type can cast spells from the Good Domain as if it was a domain selected by them as a cleric. They do not however gain additional benefits of having this domain (the above bonuses are superior and do not stack)

Mistress of Charms: Where as Thoth is the unquestioned Master Craftsman of magical items in Mulhorand, Isis is generally considered the crafter of smaller charms and items that are worn as jewelry, and such magical items are worn by many of the Mulhorand upper class. Earrings, Tattoos, regular non armor cloths, and Rings are examples of items commonly crafted by followers of Isis. Chosen of Isis are blessed with the ability to carry and have effective more such magical items. They can use one extra of each such magical item, such as wear 3 rings and/or have 2 magical earrings, and gain the benefit of the additional item/s. Also, spells that create such effects, like Charm of Isis or Create Magical Tattoo, are not limited to 3 as usual. The Chosen of Isis can create and magically maintain 5 effects (or 2 greater than the normal limit for the given spell).

Spells of Isis: Regardless of casting class, the Chosen of Isis have the following spells added to their available spell list.
2nd level: Charm of Isis (Protection, Good)
Duration: 1 Day per level
Casting time: 1 hour
Enchants amulet, talisman, or fetish with a protective charm. This charm provides one of 2 effects. It either provides a +1 deflection bonus to AC or a +1 resistance bonus to all saves per 3 caster levels of the caster. A priest can only have 3 such charms active at a time.

4th level: Weapon Immunity (Protection)
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Casting Time: Standard action
This spell protects the priest(ess) from all damage from a particular type of weapon. This includes any enhancement bonus to the weapon might have but not additional damage holy damage or elemental damage such as an acid burst damage. It would include enhancements such as wounding, bane weapon, or vampiric damage. An damage that is not of an energy type is ignored. Monster attacks such as claws and fangs can not be selected for this immunity, it most be a crafted weapon (a forged claw would count for instance).

7th level: Seed Storm
Duration: Instantaneous, special
Range: 60 Range
Casting Time: Standard action
Area: 5 ft radius plus 5ft radius per level
Save: ½, no
This spell crates an explosion of Seeds. Generally used during the planting season, it can be used in combat as well. Any creature, other than the priest, caught in the area of effect suffers 2d6 plus an an addition 1d6+2 per 4 caster levels (max 7d6 +10). Additional, if the caster desires, she can have the seeds immediately (initiative after the casting is complete) take root and affect those in are of effect as if an entangle spell and a plant growth spell had target the area. This effect act exactly like the Entangle spell except that the DC to escape is 30 instead of 20 due to the sudden density of plant life in the area. If this secondary effect of the spell is used the seeds are no longer useful in planting as the sudden grown expends the seeds potential.

Mistress of the Sky and Waters: Chosen of Isis are constantly under the effect of an Endure Elements spell. Additionally, Spells of the Storm Domain do not effect the the movement of a Chosen of Isis (including swimming or flying movement), they can move as if the spell was not in effect. Any damage caused by spells in this domain still causes damage. This immunity to the spells named in the storm domain is irregardless of spell source.

Bonus Feats: Chosen of Isis gain the Purify and Consecrate spell feats and may apply them to any spell or spell-like ability they cast without level penalty. Also as a crafter of magical charms and jewelry Chosen of Isis gain the following a bonus feats: Craft Wondrous Item, Forge Ring, Brew Potion, Craft Tattoo ( makes permanent magical tattoos).

Form of the Goddess: Chosen of Isis can fly at will. The effect is similar to the Fly spell with no limit to duration. When engaging this ability, blue feathers appear as wings from the Chosen’s arms. These wings are not necessary for flight however they do improve the maneuverability class generated by the spell by one. A Chosen of Isis can also move and breath in water as if it were air, never suffering any penalties for being in water (although this does not improve their swimming skill, that is still personal). Finally, at will, a Chosen of Isis can assume the form of a Giant or normal sized Eagle, in either form the Chosen receive a +6 Sacred Deflection bonus to AC. This is other wise treated as a druid shapechage without the healing benefits.

Grace of the Goddess: Isis protects her chosen. At the time of receiving this template the Chosen of Isis receives a Sacred bonus to saves equal to their Wisdom Bonus or Charisma bonus (their choice). If they already have such a bonus to do to class ability (such as Paladin levels) this blessing instead acts as a Sacred bonus to AC (again Wisdom or Charisma based). This bonus does increase as the relevant ability increases.

Abilities: +4 Cha, +6 Wis
Alignment: Any good

Chosen of Thoth by neferphras

A Chosen of Thoth is tasked with spreading the will, wisdom and skill that is the dogma of Thoth. Much more so than other chosen, they are creators of the god’s ideology in the mortal world. Spreading and collecting Knowledge, finding out new ways to create items, and actively combating the Red Wizards of Thay are all part of their every day life. Unlike most Clerics and Wizard that claim Thoth as their patron, the Chosen of Thoth are very active. Their goals are to go find new magic and new crafting skills by experiencing the world not researching though existing texts. Red Wizards of Thay are known to actively seek to kill Chosen of Thoth due to their ability counter their magic regardless of class or apparent preparedness. Most Chosen of Thoth represent a certain aspect of the gods continuing understanding. Wizards/Clerics are not uncommon, but Cleric/Monks and Wizard/Rogues are not uncommon as well as Thoth expands his options as to how knowledge is attained.
Rogues that follow Thoth generally are focused on countering the mercantile expansion of the Red Wizards of Thay and act as scouts for the more militant Monk/Wizard or Monk/Clerics. If Thoth feels a particular action of the Red Wizards truly is a threat to Mulhorand, he will send a trio of Chosen to deal with it, one will be dual classed Cleric/Wizard, one chosen will have Rogue skills, another a Monk. Few Red Wizard conclaves have survived such attention.

Immunities: A Chosen of Thoth is immune to aging and does not suffer the effects of aging. The Chosen is also immune to all poisons or diseases.

Spells: Like the Chosen of Mystra, Chosen of Thoth can cast spells as spell-like abilities. Unlike the Chosen of Mystra, these spells can not be just any arcane spell. Instead, the Chosen of Thoth first gains access to all of Thoth's Available domains and the benefits of each:
Craft: You cast creation spells at +1 level and gain Skill Focus (+3 bonus) in a Craft Skill of the Chosen’s choice.
Knowledge: All Knowledge skills are added to your class skill list. Also Divine Spells are cast at +1 Level
Magic: Use Scrolls, Wands and other Devices with Spell Completions or Triggers as a Wizard at one half the Chosen’s Cleric level. If already a Wizard, this ability reverses into being able to use Clerical magical items.
Rune: Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat
Spell: +2 on Concentration and Spell Craft checks.
Wizards who are chosen gain the ability to cast any spells in these domains as Wizard Spells.
Chosen of Thoth, at the time of receiving this template, select one spell of every level (1-9) from among those available in these domains that can from then on be cast as a spell like ability once per day. These selections can be changed by the cleric or wizard at the beginning of each day (If Thoth allows it) but the spell at each level must be from one of Thoth's Domains or one of the Spells (below) particular to his faith. A character that is not a cleric or wizard that gains this template can never change their spells once selected.

The Scholar: Chosen of Thoth are constantly under the effect of the following spells Read Magic, Read Southern Magic, and the Comprehend Languages spells.

Spell Foresight: A chosen of Thoth can attempt to couterspell without having to prep spells in advance. At any time before they act in a given round, they can default to counter spelling any caster. Additional, if trying to couterspell a spell cast by a Red Wizard of Thay, they can use any spell of an equivalent level, to attempt to couterspell that spell and get a +4 to any rolls involved in the attempt.

Spells of Thoth: Regardless of casting class, the Chosen of Thoth have the following spells added to their available spell list.
1st Level: Speak with Birds (Divination)
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Casting time: Standard Action
Area of Effect: All Avians 30 ft radius
This spell allows the priest to comprehend and communicate with any normal or giant avian that is not mindless. This has no effect on the attitude the avian has on the caster. If the general alignment of the avian match's the caster, the caster can request a favor of the avian

2st Level: Inscribe Speech (Alteration)
Duration: 1 rounds/level
Range: 3 Yards
Casting time: Standard Action
Area of Effect: Special
This spell inscribes on piece of paper, papyrus, or something similar any words the caster speaks. These are not innately magic, however if the material components and the words of the spell are cast this will allow for someone with the Scribe Spell feat to create a Scroll without actually writing anything. At the caster’s discretion, the scroll or text can be rendered immune to the Read Magic spell and can not be used without a Decipher Script skill check (difficulty equals caster level+int bonus +10).

3th level: Detect Curse (Divination)
Duration: 1 rounds/level
Range: 10 Yards
Casting Time: Standard action
Allows the caster to detect curses on individuals and items within 10 yards of the caster. At 12th level a caster of this spell can discern what caused the curse with a Spellcraft check. This does not detect Lycanthropy, or items designed to do harm instead of being actually cursed. Also this spell sees through concealment magic of 3rd level or less in power.

4th Level: Flock of Birds
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Range: 120 yards
Casting Time: Standard action
Area: 30ft diameter sphere
Save: None
Not a favorite of Druids, this spell summons a dense flock of ordinary birds (there must be birds in the environment for the spell to function). The birds obscure vision (as obscurement spell). If the caster is 11th level or higher he can cause the birds to attack any one being in the area of effect dealing damage equal to 1d2 plus 1 per 4 caster levels of the caster. Invisibility and Protection from Normal Missiles does not protect the target from the birds. These birds are not immune to damage at all however. A single Fireball or similar area effect spell can destroy an entire flock if it does at least 3 points of damage (after saves).

5th Level: Shatter Circle
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 10 yards +10/level
Casting Time: Standard action
Area: Special
Save: Special
This spell shatters the Circle spell often used by the Red Wizards of Thay. When cast the Circle’s focus must make a Will save or the Circle is shattered and all spells focused in the Circle are lost. This spell likewise disrupts other attempts at cooperative magic (always use the highest level caster for the save). The DC save for this spell is modified by +1 for every 4 caster levels the spell caster possesses.

6th level: Resist Magic
Duration: 1min/level
Range: 0
Casting Time: Standard action
Area: Caster
Save: None
Grants 12+1 per level spell resistance to all spells. If the spell is cast by a Red Wizard of Thay, this spell grants 12 +2 per level spell resistance.

8th level: Turn Back the Page (formally Time Warp)
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 0
Casting Time: Standard action
Area: 1 creature
Save: None
Sends one creature back in time with a maximum range of 2 minutes, turning back one page in the great book of Thoth. The target keeps full knowledge of how events had just occurred and is instantly transported to exactly where they were 2 minutes (or less) ago. This grants the target, and those who might have been attacking the target, new saves, new attacks, new damage rolls etc. Only the target and those interacting with the target are effected by the spell, though only the target and the caster (if not the target) are aware that events are re-occurring.

Master Craftsmen: All experience point costs for crafting magical items are halved for the Chosen of Thoth.

Bonus Feats: Chosen of Thoth gain a great number of feats needed for crafting magical items. If they already have one of these feats, the bonus doubles (or +4 to related skill check for crafting that type of item) . The following are Bonus Feats for the Chosen of Thoth: Brew Potion, Scribe Scroll, Craft Rod, Craft Staff, Craft Wand, Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, Forge Ring, Craft Scepter, Inscribe Rune, Craft Tattoo.

Form of the God: Chosen of Thoth can fly at will. The effect is similar to the Fly spell with no limit to duration. When engaging this ability, perfect Owl feathers grow as wings from the Chosen’s arms. These wings are not necessary for flight, however they do improve the maneuverability class generated by the Fly spell by one. Also at will, a Chosen of Thoth can assume the form of a Giant or normal sized Eagle, in either form the Chosen receive a +6 Sacred Deflection bonus to AC. This is other wise treated as a druid shapechage without the healing benefits.

Abilities: +6 Intelligence, +4 Wisdom (unlike the normal rules, Chosen of Thoth gain retroactive skill points per level for the increase in intelligence, +3 skill points per level that provides skill points, when gaining this template)

Alignment: Any Neutral


Chosen of Horus by neferphras

A Chosen of Horus is a horror to behold to all the undead of the Forgotten Realms. Dedicated to defeating the enemies of Mulhorand as well as hunting down the followers of the dark god Set, these beings are blessed with abilities designed to devastate their foes in combat. Often they are sent on particular quests by their god to avenge particular wrongs noticed by the god of vengeance and war. When not on these quests, they serve as generals of the Mulhorandian army, or at least very high ranked military officers. Their unique understanding of their particular enemies has lead to devastating defeats of the Orcish armies as well as complex plots of the Red Wizard of Thay. When not involved in one of these to activities (which is rare) they appear with the rulers of particular lands as a reassuring presence to the people of Mulhorand showing that they are protected and that wrongs will be ferociously avenged. Like all Paladins of Horus, they can be Chaotic Good, however they must always adhere to the guiding light of Maat, any violation of Maat not only loses the character their Paladin abilities, but very likely their status as a Chosen of Horus.

Immunities: A Chosen of Horus is immune to aging and does not suffer the effects of aging. The Chosen is also immune to all poisons or diseases.

Spell Like abilities: Chosen of Horus can use each the following spells a number of times per day as indicated. Caster level = character level Charisma Based.
Constant: Detect Evil, Detect Undead, Protection from Evil
At will: Dancing Lights, Daylight
Cha modifier/day: Eyes of Fire, Bird of Prey
3/Day: Searing Light, Holy Smite
1/Day: Sun Beam or Sun Burst

Avenger of the Gods: As if the chosen were a ranger, the chosen of Horus gain the following benefits to Undead, any Cleric, minion, or servant of Set, and 1 creature (from the ranger list) of their choice. This selected creature must have, in the life of the Chosen, in some way caused harm that would cause the Chosen to swear vengeance on that group of creatures. Due to Mulhorand history, Red Wizards of Thay and Orcs are common choices. For these three groups the chosen gains the following bonus. +6 to Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival skill checks and +6 Damage. The select group can be changed at the god’s will if sufficient justice has been wrought to the first selected group and a new atrocity witnessed by the Chosen demands vengeance.

Spells of Horus: Regardless of casting class, the Chosen of Horus have the following spells added to their available spell list.
3rd level: Eyes of Fire (Evocation, Good)
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting time: Standard action
Range: 30 yards+10 per level
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Save: Reflex ½
Speaking the word of vengeance, the caster points to a target and a beam of fire emits from the caster’s left eye. A creature struck suffers 1d4 damage per level up to 10d4. Undead and Minions of Set suffer 10d6. This fire can ignite items that are flammable. This is considered a ranged touch attack.

3th level: Bird of Prey (Evocation)
Duration: 2rounds/level
Casting time: Standard action
Range: 60 yards+10 per level
Area of Effect: 1 being
Save: None
Summons a Hawk Shaped region of force that hovers above the target. It uses the casters attack base +2 to hit and moves 3 initiatives higher than the caster each round. If it hits it does 2d4+2 damage. This hawk of force can not be damaged by any attack but can be dispelled. It will track the target for the duration of the spell unless a Dimension Door, Teleport, or similar magic is used. Invisibility or obscurement of any kind offers no protection.

Child of the Sun: Chosen of Horus are immune to the effects of intense heat and sun and have innate fire resistance of 10 that stacks with the effect of any energy resistance spell. Also Spells in the Sun domain cause no damage to the Chosen of Horus. Finally when casting spells that have the Light descriptor or are in the Sun domain the Chosen of Horus casts the spell at +2 level and the area of effect for such spells are doubled.

Soul of the Sun: Chosen of Horus are immune to Ability and Level damage resulting from negative plane effects (like a vampires touch) delivered by Undead or minions of Set. Other effects that drain abilities or drain levels are still effective. Also damage or effects caused by negative energy based spells or abilities, regardless of source, are reduced by 10 automatically (if damage based) or reduce by 50% if not damaged based (this includes spell effects such as Vampiric Touch).

Aura of the Sun: By expending one of the Chosen's turning attempts the Chosen can invoke an Aura of Sunlight (as the Sunlight Spell) that can not be extinguished (though a higher level spell will limit the area of effect to 1ft). This aura has the additional effect of granting the chosen a Sacred Bonus to AC equal to their Charisma modifier vs Undead and Minions (followers, creatures, etc.) of Set. This Aura lasts a number of rounds equal to the Chosen’s charisma modifier.

Truth of Horus: Chosen of Horus gain Dark vision, and Low light vision. They also ignore e any chance to miss due to darkness. If viewing an object or individual that is openly exposed to the sun’s rays the Chosen can, at will, view that target as if they had a True Seeing (as the spell) active. Sunlight generated due to a spell like ability or spell does not count for the later effect.

Bonus Feats: Chosen of Horus gain the following feats Greater Turning, Quickened Turning, and Extra Turning feat.

Form of the God: Chosen of Horus can fly at will. The effect is similar to the Fly spell with no limit to duration. When engaging this ability, white and yellow feathers appear as wings from the Chosen’s arms. These wings are not necessary for flight, however they do improve the maneuverability class generated by the spell by one.
Also at will, a Chosen of Horus can assume the form of a Giant or normal sized Hawk, in either form the Chosen receive a +6 Sacred Deflection bonus to AC. This is other wise treated as a druid shapechage without the healing benefits.

Abilities: Str+2, Con +2, Wisdom +4, Charisma +4
Alignment: Any good

The Chosen of Tyr is the right hand of Tyr on the Material Plane. He is the unerring face of Justice as well as good and lawful Vengeance to those committing atrocities across the realms of Faerûn. Individually and decisively chosen by the Maimed God, the Chosen of Tyr is both very charismatic and resolute in his deliverance of just retribution. He seeks to uphold and spread the word of law to the corners of Faerûn, serving The Even-Handed to his utmost capability – where tyranny and fear take hold, the Chosen of Tyr is soon to appear, quelling those evils. The Chosen of Tyr appears no different from other creatures of their type.

The current Chosen of Tyr is Dervin Pendragon, the Right Hand of Tyr. (My own personal character... I can post details if wanted)

Creating a Chosen of Tyr
“Chose of Tyr” is a template that can be added to any humanoid creature (referred to hereafter as the “character”). A Chosen of Tyr uses the character's statistics and special abilities except as noted here. A Chosen of Tyr only has its power at the will of Tyr; should the Maimed God decide to remove Chosen status from the character, he reverts to his original abilities. Normally, there is only one Chosen of Tyr at a time.

Special Qualities: A Chosen of Tyr retains all the special qualities of the character and also gains the following:
Bonus Spells (SP): Constant – Protection from Evil, Mind Blank, Death Ward. At will – Sanctuary, Magic Circle Against Evil, Magic Circle Against Chaos. 3/day – Righteous Might, Hold Person, Holy Smite. 1/day – Last Judgment.
Aura of Menace (Su): A righteous aura surrounds the Chosen of Tyr when it fights or gets angry. Any hostile creature within a 20-foot radius of the Chosen must make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ of the Chosen's level + its Cha modifier) to resist its effects. Those who fail take a -2 morale penalty on attacks, AC, and saves for 24 hours. If an affected creature makes a successful hit on the Chosen, that creature can attempt a new saving throw. A creature that makes a successful saving throw against the effect cannot be affected again by the Chosen's aura for 24 hours.
Smite Chaos/Evil (Su): Three times per day, the Chosen may attempt to smite a that is either chaotic, evil, or both with one normal melee attack. He adds his Charisma modifier to his attack roll. If the attack hits a chaotic or evil target the Chosen deals an additional d10 of damage; if the target is both chaotic and evil, the additional damage increases to 2d10. If the Chosen accidentally smites a creature that is neither chaotic nor evil, the smite has no effect but it is still used up for that day. Smite Chaos/Evil may not be used in conjunction with any other smite ability or spell granted to the character.
Aura of Courage (Su): The Chosen is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Allies within 10 feet of him gain a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. This ability functions while the Chosen is conscious, but not if he is unconscious or dead.
Damage Reduction (Ex): 10/+1.
Spell Resistance (Ex): 15
Immunities (Ex): A Chosen of Tyr is immune to poison and disease; he's also immune to aging effects and does not age, a Chosen of Tyr is effectively immortal.
Saves: Same as the character.
Abilities: Increase from the character as follows: Strength +4, Wisdom +4, Charisma +4.
Skills: Same as the character.
Feats: Same as the character.

Climate/Terrain: Same as the character.
Organization: Same as the character.
Challenge Rating: Same as the character +4. The Chosen of Tyr approaches the power of some demigods and are not to trifled with by most mortals.
Alignment: Always Lawful Good.
Treasure: Same as the character.
Advancement: Same as the character.

The template was partially based off of Raziel, The Crusader in BoED, and the opposite of the Chosen of Bane template.

Chosen of Garagos by schixo

“Chosen of Garagos” is a template that can be added to any humanoid creature (referred to hereafter as the “character”). A Chosen of Garagos uses the character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. A Chosen of Garagos has its power at the will of The Master of All Arms; should Garagos decide to remove Chosen status from the character, he reverts to his original abilities. Usually The Reaver has only one chosen. The Chosen of Garagos attempt to sow strife into the church of Tempus whenever possible, and continually try to thwart the Red Knight at every turn. The Lord of War’s Chosen spend most of their time on the battlefield, destroying whatever enemies they find. Like The Reaver himself his Chosen appear to be mindless, and have little regard for their personal well-being. Garagos’s Chosen are almost always found on the battlefield, often covered in their enemies’ blood.

Special Qualities: A Chosen of Garagos retains all special qualities of the character and also gains the following.

Bonus Spells (Sp): Constant – protection from law, resist energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, sonic). At Will – divine favor. 3/day – insanity, righteous might. 1/day – destruction, word of chaos.

Damage Reduction (Ex): 5/- This ability works exactly like the barbarian’s damage reduction ability and stacks with similar abilities.

Immunities (Ex): A Chosen of Garagos is immune to all enchantment/charm spells and effects. He is also immune to the effects of aging and does not age. The Chosen does not die of old age.

Smite (Su): A Chosen gains the smite power, the supernatural ability to make a single melee attack with a +4 bonus on attack rolls and a bonus on damage rolls equal to his level (if you hit). A Chosen must declare the smite before making the attack. This ability is usable once per day.

Berserker Frenzy (Ex): A Chosen of Garagos may enter a frenzy during combat. A Chosen’s frenzy works exactly like a Barbarian’s Rage ability, except that the Chosen gains a +10 bonus to Strength, a +4 bonus to Constitution, immunity to paralysis, stunning, and death effects, and a -4 penalty to Armor Class. A frenzy lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Chosen’s level + the Chosen’s newly enhanced Constitution modifier, and is usable once per day. The effects of this frenzy stack with those from any rage or frenzy ability the character may have.

Summon Slaad Horde (Sp): A Chosen of Garagos can magically summon 1d4+4 Blue Slaads as a full-round action as if using summon monster IX, except that the Chosen has no control over the Slaads. Each Slaad appears 1d10 x 10’ from the Chosen in a random direction. He may use this ability once per week.

Saves: Same as the character.
Abilities: Increase from the character as follows: Strength +10, Constitution +2
Skills: Same as the character.
Feats: Same as the character.
Climate/Terrain: Same as the character.
Organization: Same as the character.
Challenge Rating: Same as the character +4.
Alignment: Always chaotic neutral.
Treasure: Same as the character.
Advancement: Same as the character.

I decided to break this up into four parts. Each part is worth one level adjustment. I did this so a player character could work towards being a full Chosen overtime.

Chosen of Waukeen by JayHolliday1983

Obligations: All Chosen of Waukeen must have some sort of business. They do not have to manage the business personally so long as they continually invest gold into it. Ninety percent of the bussiness' profits must be reinvested in the business, used to fund a new business, or for philanthropy.

Part 1
Master Appraiser: Automatically knows the value of any object.

Spell-Like Abilities: The Chosen of Waukeen gain spell-like Abilities each level that make it easier to travel and trade. These spells are useable once per day and their DC is Charisma based.

1. Message
2. Comprehend Languages
3. Locate Object
4. Zone of Truth
5. Tongues
6. Suggestion
7. Dimension Door
8. Glibness
9. Leomund's Secret Chest
10. Teleport
11. Mislead
12. Mass Suggestion
13. Phase Door
14. Greater Teleport
15. Discern Location
16. Demand
17. Teleportation Circle
18. Freedom
19. Refuge
20. Gate

Part 2

Attribute Increases: +4 Cha, +2 Int, +2 Wis

Immunities: Disease and Poison

No Longer Need to Sleep

Part 3

Speed: Speed equals that of a Monk of the same character level.

Fast Talker: Once per day you may reroll any failed Diplomacy, Bluff or Intimidate check.

Immunities: Disentegration

No Longer Need to Eat or Drink

Part 4

Immunities: All Mind Altering Effects

No Longer Age or Need to Breath Air

Waukeen's Pillar of Gold (Sp): Calls down a pillar of molten gold surrounded in a rotating helix of gold coins. The spell is identical to the Flame Strike spell except it breaks through any barriers including magical barriers and spell resistance automatically. This spell-like ability is useable once every 70 minutes.

2015-10-06, 05:45 AM
Post Script:

A few Things to ponder:
1) Two templates are published in D&D Books (Bane & Mystra). Using these as a base to build a template for other powers. I come up with that the +10 Con should be a constant for all Chosen templates.. A power is going to want its chosen to be able to survive. The Hp, Sv mod gained by the con gain provides this. I believe this and to support it is say why else would a chosen of mystra have +10 con when they could have a int bonus instead. The only answer is survivability.

2) The two templates for Eilistraee. They both give the Dancing sword ability. Why would a power grant a ability twice. The Dancing sword is a 3rd lvl ability of Eilistraee Sword Dancer Prestige class. I feel that a chosen of Eilistraee should either already be a sword dancer or working to become one. How could they be a chosen and scorn her own prestige class ???

3)I like the Dance of Blades in the Eilistraee template.. However i think it should require a perform check vs anyone attacking them attack roll. And think it should be usable in Full Defense... Feats like dodge and mobility should apply to this also.

Very few of the Template writers on this forum ran with the +10 Con for several reasons:

Remember that the +10 Con isn't automatically retro active for hit points.

It's easy for a person writing an NPC into a book to accidently make the chosen bonus con retro active to 1st level for hit points. It's also probably the reason that template designer added 5 hit points per level to the beloved mage NPCs.

In active campaigns though, the character selected to be the chosen will probably already be 15-20th level before you add on the +4 ecl chosen template. At 19-23 ecl, new levels (and hit points) probably will be fewer and farther between, so the +10 con isn't as helpful.

If you're looking for survivability damage resistance and immunities would protect the chosen from underling attacks better then a few dozen hit points, and allow them to ignore most of the underlings and concentrate on the main threat, then clean up.

Most of the chosen writers here went with +10 stat bonuses that were aligned with the diety's dogma and portfolios. I personally always looked at what would make the chosen smarter, wiser or a better leader. I see a chosen selected more for their leadership aspects and motivating the followers and increasing the flock... then a combat machine or an adventurer.

On that vein, it's not really addressed, most of the templates are a bit overpowered for a +4 ECL. I always saw it as an un-spoken/un-written rule that the chosen gets tagged with allot of **** details helping advance faith and always being hounded for help, advise or tasks that need to be done. This helps balance out the power given in the template and gives the GM allot of plot hooks to get the player into various adventurers.

The reason why the official Chosen of Mystra template grants a +10 bonus to Constitution is really because of a (somewhat inattentive) direct conversion from the AD&D system.

In AD&D 2nd Edition, becoming a Chosen of Mystra caused your CON score to automatically be raised to 25, which under that rules system was the maximum possible. The purpose of this was not so you could have 300 some hitpoints (indeed, you couldn't under that rules system, as mages didn't gain any advantage vis-a-vis bonus hp for a CON higher than 16. In fact, Elminster, the Simbul, and the like all had around 70-90 or so hit points).

The purpose was to ensure the health and longevity of Mystra's Chosen, by giving them the associated benefits of a CON of 25, namely 100% system shock survival, 100% resurrection survival, and regeneration 1hp/turn. That, along with their immunity to poison, disease, or any other affliction curable by an elixir of health, and their inability to die of natural causes, served to make sure her Chosen had a semi deity-like longevity. It also allowed them to make extensive use of permanency spells without the associated detriment of lowering their CON score (primary examples being the permanent spells/magic item effects that Alustriel, the Simbul, and Laeral enjoyed, as described in The Seven Sisters...most of which have been covered in 3E as supernatural abilities gained with wish spells instead).

Because there is no maximum possible ability score in 3E, the CON of 25 changed to +10 CON in the rules transition, since most of the Chosen already had base CON scores around 15 or greater. However, Constitution does not serve the same purposes in 2E that it did in 3E. Namely having +10 Constituition means that Mystra's Chosen have +5 to fortitude saves, +5 to Concentration checks, +5 hitpoints per HD....which, while very nice, was never the original intend when the Chosen of Mystra was conceived.

Like many FR elements and character traints converted to the new system, this aspect of the Chosen of Mystra was converted almost directly with virtually no concern or re-examining of it in light of the new rules.

and that completes this work, I also updated the index to reflect the position in this post and included everything after the post was abandoned by the OP. if anyone else wishes to post thier own chosen templates, please fell free to

2017-03-11, 07:08 AM
Chosen of Malar "The Twisted Run" adventure, Dungeon #129
Chosen of Hastur Call of Cthulhu d20; CoC d20 have official adaptation section for D&D games, and Hastur is canon for D&D anyway - thanks to "And Madness Followed" adventure in Dungeon #134

thanks ShurikVch for those 2

Erevan Ilesere Trickster-Touched by Erik Scott De Bie WOTC author and game designer

2017-03-11, 08:31 AM
Shouldn't this be in the homebrew section?

2017-03-11, 08:43 AM
Shouldn't this be in the homebrew section?

Probly, I may have misposted it when we was working on saving what we could from the WOTC forums when they shut it down

2017-03-11, 08:49 AM
Not a template, but probably still worth mention: in Dungeon #89, the "Headless" adventure, there is a magical trap which, at activation, summons a Chosen of Kostchtchie - "Half-Frost Giant/Half-Fiend Barbarian 1"

2017-03-11, 08:59 AM
I added it under the trickster touched entry
and once a gain, your awesum at finding the obscure stuff

2017-03-11, 10:01 AM
Chosen of Malar "The Twisted Run" adventure, Dungeon #129
Chosen of Hastur Call of Cthulhu d20; CoC d20 have official adaptation section for D&D games, and Hastur is canon for D&D anyway - thanks to "And Madness Followed" adventure in Dungeon #134

thanks ShurikVch for those 2

Erevan Ilesere Trickster-Touched by Erik Scott De Bie WOTC author and game designer

Malar? I remember some monsters related to that name. 3 animals. One a bat. All black with red markings.

2017-03-11, 10:28 AM
Malar? I remember some monsters related to that name. 3 animals. One a bat. All black with red markings.
Malar (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Malar) - chief deity of evil lycanthropes


Anth-Malar (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Anth-Malar) - Chosen of Malar


You remember Beast of Malar from the Monsters of Faerûn:


2017-03-11, 01:10 PM
That would be them, yes. I was always sad beast of malar wasnt a template. Crocs or sharks of malar would be cool. Or dinos. Those are animals too.

2023-09-16, 04:08 AM
"Chosen of Guanadaur" is a template that can be added to any humanoid creature (preferably Drow). A Chosen of Guanadaur uses the character's statistics and special abilities except as noted here. A Chosen of Guanadaur only has its power at the will of Guanadaur; should the Ancient One decide to remove the Chosen status from the character, they revert to their normal abilities. A character of any class can be Chosen, although Guanadaur needs capable servants and prefers spellcasters over martial classes. There can be more than one Chosen of Guanadaur at a time.

Special Qualities: A Chosen of Guanadaur retains all special abilities of the character and gains the following.

Bonus Spells (Sp):
Constant - Cloak of Chaos, Detect Poison, Endure Elements
3/day - Evard's Black Tentacles
2/day - Absorb Strength, Poison, Psychic Poison
1/day - Slime Wave, Wall of Ooze, Touch of Juiblex

Damage Reduction 10/Lawful

Immunities: A Chosen of Guanadaur is immune to aging and does not suffer penalties for aging, although they gain the benefits. They are also immune to mind altering effects. A Chosen of Guanadaur is also immune to electricity and poison.

Gaze into the Abyss (Ex): Any attempts to scry on the character automatically fail and can trigger madness as the viewer's mind touches Guanadaur's domain. Anyone who attempts to scry on a Chosen of Guanadaur must succeed on a Will save (DC 10+1/2 character level+Charisma modifier) or suffer the effects of Confusion for a 24 hour duration.

Mutable Form (Su): A Chosen of Guanadaur can polymorph into any creature equal to it's HD as per the Shapechange spell. This ability lasts for one hour per character level before it must be dismissed. This does not have to be used all at once and can be spread out as the Chosen sees fit. A Chosen of Guanadaur's new form using this ability always have the alien, purple eyes that are identical to the Elder God's own.

Ooze Form (Su): A Chosen of Guanadaur may choose to take a gelatinous, humanoid form. While the Chosen of Guanadaur is in this form their type is changed to Ooze, their size increases to Large, and they gain several special abilities that follow.

Slam (Ex): When a Chosen of Guanadaur is in Ooze Form it gains a slam attack that counts as a natural weapon. It deals (4d6 + 1/2 Strength modifier plus 1d6 acid).

Acid (Ex): When a Chosen of Guanadaur is in Ooze Form anything it comes into contact with takes (3d6 acid plus 1d6 acid). This acid is strong enough to harm metal and stone.

Paralysis (Ex): When a Chosen of Guanadaur is in Ooze Form it secretes anesthetizing slime. A target hit by the Chosen of Guanadaur's melee attack must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 character level + Charisma modifier) or be paralyzed for 3d6 rounds.

Engulf (Ex): When a Chosen of Guanadaur is in Ooze Form it can engulf any creature up to one size category larger than itself. The Chosen of Guanadaur makes a grapple check and if they succeed the target is engulfed. Engulfed creatures are subject to paralysis and acid, are considered to be grappled and trapped within its body and require a Strength save (DC 10 + 1/2 character level + Charisma modifier) in order to escape.

Constrict (Ex): When a Chosen of Guanadaur is in Ooze Form it deals automatic slam and acid damage with a successful grapple check. The opponents clothing and armor take a -6 penalty on Reflex saves against the acid.

Improved Grab (Ex): When a Chosen of Guanadaur hits with a slam attack it can attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can constrict.

Split (Ex): This is arguably one of the most powerful abilities a Chosen of Guanadaur can possess. When the Chosen of Guanadaur is in Ooze Form slashing and piercing weapons and electricity attacks deal no damage. Instead the Chosen of Guanadaur splits into two identical halves. Each with half of the original's current hit points (round up) but all the same game statistics as the original. Each piece of the Chosen remains in mental communication with the original and can travel up to ten miles away before discorporating. This ability is often used to be in two places at once, though greatly weakened while doing so.

Saves: +2 to all saves.

Abilities: Dexterity +4, Charisma +2, Intelligence +4

Skills: Climb +4, Jump +4

Feats: Assume Supernatural Ability, Improved Supernatural Ability

Challenge Rating: Base Creature +4

Alignment: Always Chaotic or Evil

2023-09-16, 02:52 PM
Metamagic Mod: Thread Necromancy