View Full Version : [3.PF] A 9 level spell caster using a 6 or 4 level casters spell list?

The Vagabond
2015-10-05, 10:18 AM
This is just a random thought;

How balanced would it be for a Wizard to swap out the Wizard's list for the Bard's list? What about the Paladin's list? But still maintain the Spells per day and Spells Known progression of a Wizard? So, at level 3, you'd get 2nd level Wizard spells, or at level 3, getting second level Paladin spells? What about other 6 and 4 level casters lists?

2015-10-05, 12:32 PM
They work. The paladin spell list is seven kinds of terrible.

If you want casters who don't automatically overshadow everything, don't use full casters at all. Stick to the half casters (bard, summoner, magus, alchemists...). Works like a charm and they still are nasty strong.

The Vagabond
2015-10-05, 01:36 PM
They work. The paladin spell list is seven kinds of terrible.

If you want casters who don't automatically overshadow everything, don't use full casters at all. Stick to the half casters (bard, summoner, magus, alchemists...). Works like a charm and they still are nasty strong.
I'm not doing this because of the caster balance; I'm asking this out of curiosity. It's more "How would a paladin's early access spells mesh with Wizard spell casting" Kind of thing.

2015-10-05, 02:06 PM
The paladin and ranger lists mostly expect you to be punching things, so making wizards use them is a huge nerf.

The bard list is still a nerf - the early access to spells is usually only by 1 spell level, and doesn't have a lot of especially powerful spells on that list. Once they hit 13th level, the only use for new slots is metamagic.