View Full Version : Dr.Strange (A few questions...)

2007-05-20, 01:43 PM
I was wondering what comic/s (as in title) I could find Dr.Strange in?
I've been to several comic book stores (some didn't even sell comics:smallconfused: ), but none of the comics I've found there had Dr.Strange in them...
Could somebody help me with this?

2007-05-20, 05:24 PM
Originally, the good Doctor (not to be confused with fellow master of the deus ex, the Doctor) had his own title under the moniker "Strange Tales", I think. That's where classic Stephen Strange would be. Nowadays? He's mostly a support character, but Illuminati titles should feature him, as will World War Hulk a bit later in the Summer. Oh, and if you're an alternate reality fan, I highly recommend Marvel 1602...it features Strange quite heavily, and does so in a very unique take on the Marvel milieu.

Gavin Sage
2007-05-20, 06:54 PM
Dr. Strange is currently a member of the New Avengers. In fact said team uses his house as their hide out, albeit magically hidden to leave the impression Strange left and sold it to Starbucks.

He also had a recent limited series called Dr. Strange: The Oath which you may be able to find lying around.

2007-05-21, 04:29 AM
Unfortunately my comic book store doesn't carry New Avengers for some reason. It's like they hate me personally. Dr. Strange is one of my favorite Marvel characters. I'm going to throw in with the suggestion of reading Dr. Strange: The Oath limited run series as an introduction to the character. It goes over his backstory in brief detail, and serves to whet one's appetite for the type of adventure that the Sorcerer Supreme deals with. The trade paperback of Dr. Strange: The Oath also happens to come out in 4 days. He's also getting a straight to DVD animated movie sometime in... August, though it's going to play all kinds of wonk with his backstory, the role of Clea, Wong having hair, and a half dozen other travesties if what I've seen of it is any indication. Still, it's being done by the same people (I believe) who did the Ultimate Avengers movies, and the more recent Iron Man movie, which were all quite entertaining.

2007-05-21, 06:58 AM
I've read a few of my Dad's Dr. Strange issues and I find him a bit boring with his overpowered magic.

He's already the most powerful sorcerer on earth. They keep having to pair him up with third tier super heroes so someone in his comics can be mildly frustrated.

2007-05-21, 06:28 PM
Alright, thanks for the information...
I guess I'll look for a New Avengers comic and a Marvel 1602 next time I go.
Thanks for the help.

2007-05-21, 09:08 PM
He was also a founding member of The Defenders, which recently had a miniseries.