View Full Version : Homebrew Class/Race/Origin, suggestions/constructive criticism welcome

2015-10-05, 07:32 PM
Hey guys, recently getting back into D&D 5e after a long break.

Anywho, my DM has opened up the option for people at our table to create custom Races and Origins. We aren't using them yet, we are doing an introductory campaign to get everyone up to speed on 5e, but we will do a play-test campaign afterwords to see if any of the custom stuff we make is worthwhile to keep (balanced, flavorful, etc.). This is my first time doing this, so I was fairly excited throughout the endeavor. I am largely interested in an analysis on how balanced these things are, if they appear to be fun to play, if it steps on the toes of existing classes, and so-on.

Funny thing, my DM is allowing only me to make classes. So, I come to you guys to ask for your opinions on what I have created. The files are formatted similarly to the D&D 5e PHB, though I use Open Office so formatting might not transfer properly into Word.


It isn't in the file, but the class gains the ability at 11th level to treat its natural weapon attacks as magic damage to overcome resistances and immunities. That is the only difference, however.

Here is a brief overview of what I have created (names subject to change, not sure if I am happy with them):

The race I have created is called a Darkbeast. It is, for all intents and purposes, a beast. It is however intelligent, and can communicate telepathically, so it can be used in a typical party setting. It has restrictions placed on it, such as not being able to use manufactured armor and weapons, but gains a natural weapon attack of each type (B, P, S), with the added clause that its attacks are limited to the amount of attacks its class can make. It has a few things to counterbalance its limitations, such as increased base AC and drastically increased carrying capacity.

The class I have created is called a Warbeast. Warbeasts require the character to be an intelligent beast, and be unable to use manufactured armor and weapons. It has two paths that you can choose (at level 4 instead of 3), and I may make a third based largely on a utilitarian role. The two available rolls essentially let you be a tank, or to be a fairly beefy rogue. Since the class requires a beast to play it, they are fairly limited in the amount of skills they can use (such as being unable to open locks) so it doesn't step on the toes of a skill junkie class like the Rogue (and appears to do less damage than a Rogue). However, I am worried that I am stepping on the toes of the Barbarian class, since I noticed I put in a couple abilities similar to what the Barbarian can do, but have shorter duration and less uses.

The origin I have created is simply Beast. Not much really to explain about it unless you want to read the flavour, but the origin feature grants +5 to perception and initiative rolls.
EDIT: the origin feature now instead grants this (inside spoiler):

"Depending on what kind of beast you are, other types of fauna may react to you differently. If you are a predator, other predators are less inclined to attack you, predators of your species are neutral to you, and prey animals will flee from the sight of you. As a predator, you are always able to track prey animals regardless of the conditions. If you are a prey animal, other predators are more inclined to attack you, animals of your species are friendly to you, and other prey animals may come to your aid if faced with a predator to distract it, but not fight it. As a prey animal, you are able to run away from predators at full speed, even in difficult terrain."

Anyways, your opinions and thoughts are greatly appreciated, and I look forward to reading them!

2015-10-05, 07:35 PM
Backgrounds do not grant mechanical bonuses like that.

Remove that and replace it with something else.

2015-10-05, 07:39 PM
Noted. I'll get back to reviewing the features of other backgrounds and see if I can't come up with something that is more of a ribbon than anything else.

Here is an updated version of the Origin feature. Tried my best not to step on Outlander, so here it is -

""Depending on what kind of beast you are, other types of fauna may react to you differently. If you are a predator, other predators are less inclined to attack you, predators of your species are neutral to you, and prey animals will flee from the sight of you. As a predator, you are always able to track prey animals regardless of the conditions. If you are a prey animal, other predators are more inclined to attack you, animals of your species are friendly to you, and other prey animals may come to your aid if faced with a predator to distract it, but not fight it. As a prey animal, you are able to run away from predators at full speed, even in difficult terrain."