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View Full Version : [Exalted] The Restoration of the Solar Deliberative II [IC]

2015-10-06, 08:29 PM
Welcome to our second IC thread!

Before we go on, I'd like to remind you your actions define the events in the game. For example, had more PC Solars (other than Shiori) voted for Aquerne, the Deliberative would have been a brighter and more lawful place. Had you not stood up to Lyta, the Deliberative would have been a darker and bloodier place. Much hangs in the balance still in the Deliberative, and elsewhere: the North confronts dual threats in a life or death battle. Samea the Witch menaces all of Creation. The survival of entire nations and possibly the world depends on your actions.

Old Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?403140-Exalted-The-Restoration-of-the-Solar-Deliberative-IC)

2015-10-07, 12:10 AM
With Sparda

Time to go see what evidence is left. "Stand close, please." The mark of the Twilight burns on Shiori's pale brow as she intones the ancient words of sorcery and makes the mystic gestures. White mist gathers near her feet, thickens, and on the last word Shiori, Lily and Sparda rise into the air on a Cirrus Skiff. "To the Crystal Isle, then."

With Icon

The two Exalts relax in one of the many lushly appointed rooms in Shiori's co-owned mansion. After a servant brought tea and a simple snack of fruit and cheese, Shiori requested that they be left alone. "It almost looked like Sohoron had researched Michael's combat style ahead of time. What are the odds that he would know that Michael, a Solar, would use Air Dragon's Sight instead of a Solar Charm and be ready to counter it?" She takes a sip of tea. "And why did Michael have a sorcery-capturing cord if he planned to use a Charm that sent him into a berserk fury? How does Sohoron's platinization ability work? At first I thought he might be using an artifact like the Eye of Autochthon, but he manifested a caste mark. Like that of the Zenith or Full Moon, but platinum in color. Too many things do not make sense, and I cannot in good conscience stay here to study them when my home is at risk."

2015-10-07, 01:09 AM
After sitting with the younger ones for a while, Darryl bids them farewell. "Thank you. I'll pass on your challenge to Pia." He then returns to Pia, explaining that he comes not with the bracers, but with a challenge. If she is willing to duel Little Wolf for them, he'll give them back. "I don't know how the politics of the Solars who've controlled you will affect the situation. You've proven yourself more than competent at fighting, though." Darryl wanted to have his words with the Cult of the Illuminated, but for now, he'd hold his tongue. They vehemently believed that what they were right about the place of the Lunars, so it would not help to argue as of yet.

Please tell me Jak comes up and tries talking to me. PLEASE. I'm going to Temperance 1 all over his face. Still, if he doesn't, I won't be mad.

Silent Wayfarer
2015-10-07, 01:43 AM
With Sparda

Time to go see what evidence is left. "Stand close, please." The mark of the Twilight burns on Shiori's pale brow as she intones the ancient words of sorcery and makes the mystic gestures. White mist gathers near her feet, thickens, and on the last word Shiori, Lily and Sparda rise into the air on a Cirrus Skiff. "To the Crystal Isle, then."

Sparda's hand closes around both their waists.

"Ah, pardon me. I almost slipped."

That's a blatant lie; his Charms for automatic balance are always on. Still, it gives him a chance to hold on the girls...

As the Dawn cuts in at Darryl he finds his attacks answered by swipes from the Lunar! And of course, since he's already committed to the attack, he can't answer like he wants to...

"Yeah, I'll need to put in the hours for this," he says. He swats the blows aside, panting heavily.

"Well, it looks like it's decided. I can't beat you yet. Any more would just be a waste of time and Essence."

OOC: HGD x2 Not much more I can do, is there? :p

Personal 25/25
Peripheral 4/33
WP 7/10

2015-10-07, 02:48 AM
As the Dawn cuts in at Darryl he finds his attacks answered by swipes from the Lunar! And of course, since he's already committed to the attack, he can't answer like he wants to...

"Yeah, I'll need to put in the hours for this," he says. He swats the blows aside, panting heavily.

"Well, it looks like it's decided. I can't beat you yet. Any more would just be a waste of time and Essence."

OOC: HGD x2 Not much more I can do, is there? :p

Personal 25/25
Peripheral 4/33
WP 7/10

OoC: I could have been super mean and noted that ranged uses of quills were still Martial Arts weapons. Would have been rolling fewer dice, but would have been hilarious.

Darryl landed a little ways off, and seeing Sparda drop his stance, did likewise. "Well one of us was going to win. Still, you're pretty good. I can't stand all this "run them out of perfect defenses" style combat. I can never get back motes, so I'm stuck putting the minimum behind everything. We should be able to succeed in the North." Darryl took a deep breath, and shed his mutation and returned to human form. He'd learned to change his body at will. That kind of power required him to keep grounded in his true forms. At war, though, how many times would he have to let his guard down? It would feel like walking around in four skins at once.

OoC: Also, if Darryl were still with Shiori and Sparda, he'd have smacked Sparda for womanizing, with an offhanded comment about western treatment of women.

Silent Wayfarer
2015-10-07, 06:41 AM
OoC: I could have been super mean and noted that ranged uses of quills were still Martial Arts weapons. Would have been rolling fewer dice, but would have been hilarious.

Darryl landed a little ways off, and seeing Sparda drop his stance, did likewise. "Well one of us was going to win. Still, you're pretty good. I can't stand all this "run them out of perfect defenses" style combat. I can never get back motes, so I'm stuck putting the minimum behind everything. We should be able to succeed in the North." Darryl took a deep breath, and shed his mutation and returned to human form. He'd learned to change his body at will. That kind of power required him to keep grounded in his true forms. At war, though, how many times would he have to let his guard down? It would feel like walking around in four skins at once.

"Unfortunately, that's how battle seems to flow. It's a test of your mental endurance too; how long can you hang on before you snap and try for a big attack to end it quickly? I lost that particular bet, even though I knew there was no chance of winning in the first place. I've always thought a solid defense was the key to victory, but I guess without a good attack, you can't make yourself a proper threat."

The horned angel of Sparda's anima pouts as the Dawn puts his sword away, and sticks her tongue out at Darryl before she vanishes.

"Anyway, I daresay I'd do better with someone to protect. I know a Charm which grants me motes when I or an ally gets hit, for instance, and I've studied an amusing little technique which lets me intercept hits for people, and of course the Ready In Eight Direction Stance lets me counterattack anyone who tries to attack me... so yeah. Incidentally, that's part of the reason why I was confident of protecting people in the face of the Thousand-Forged Dragon... although it's probably not that simple."

Sparda walks over, a hand extended in friendship.

"That was pretty educational. Thanks for the spar. Hopefully, next time we can fight side by side."

OOC: Also to be fair, Sparda has no ill intentions toward them. Pretty girls ought to be held close! Though the smack would probably be well deserved.

2015-10-07, 09:25 AM
The Jianshi Emperor

Purist Meeting
The Emperor of An-Teng was waiting when the purist arrived. There were no official offices for his directorate, but there was a suit of rooms once assigned to attaches of the Heptagram. He had assistants compiling every demon known to currently be summoned and by who, the allocation of every infernal relic, coordinating with the spy networks on yozi cults, and generally doing the work of setting up the resources an organization like the one he know led would need to function.

He met the purists in what had once been sun room, windows on three walls ensuring it was full of light.

"Please be welcome. I apologize for the chaos outside, there is a method to the madness though it takes a while even for me to see it by looking. Now then, I have asked you here to hear your opinions on certain practices which now fall under the purview of this Directorate. As friends, a frank discussion on such things seems in the best interests of all Solars. After that, we shall have to determine what is best to do where such things are concerned. Please feel free to call my staff if you require supplementary information, but I really do wish to hear your views."

2015-10-07, 09:45 AM

Crescent Rain, Iay the Witch, and Gannett do not hide their tribal origins. It is apparent they have experienced the threats of the Wyld first-hand. Madame Pure stands out in her conservative clothing. She speaks.

"Thank you for seeking our expert counsel, Emperor. We have concluded Malfean forces have long conned us by offering their sinister assistance, all the while advancing their own inimical goals."

"There is only one step that can be taken in the interest of all of Creation: the utter castigation of anything hellish."

"All summoned Demons must be banished. All treastsies on summoning and binding must be burnt, other than a copy to remain with the Directorate. All non-Celestials who are known demon-summoners will be placed in registry and monitored. Demon summoning will never be practiced again."

"All Malfean alchemy, poisons, exotics, and other such products will be destroyed, as well as any texts on their produce. All known Malfean alchemists that are non-Celestials will be placed in a registry and monitored."

"All Infernal relics will be confiscated and destroyed."

"All Malfean manses and demenses discovered will be destoyed."

"It is high time Creation acts against the Infernal threat, lest we all follow the Sidereals' fate.

2015-10-07, 11:21 AM
With Icon

The two Exalts relax in one of the many lushly appointed rooms in Shiori's co-owned mansion. After a servant brought tea and a simple snack of fruit and cheese, Shiori requested that they be left alone. "It almost looked like Sohoron had researched Michael's combat style ahead of time. What are the odds that he would know that Michael, a Solar, would use Air Dragon's Sight instead of a Solar Charm and be ready to counter it?" She takes a sip of tea. "And why did Michael have a sorcery-capturing cord if he planned to use a Charm that sent him into a berserk fury? How does Sohoron's platinization ability work? At first I thought he might be using an artifact like the Eye of Autochthon, but he manifested a caste mark. Like that of the Zenith or Full Moon, but platinum in color. Too many things do not make sense, and I cannot in good conscience stay here to study them when my home is at risk."

"Sohoron certainly possesses All-Encompassing Sight and superb senses. He is also trained as a Royal Guard and has countless missions behind him. It is not surprising he knew what to expect."

"While only Micheal and the Cyan Sifu could answer about the cord, I expect that was a backup in case Micheal was forced out of the Ascendant Battle Visage (most likely by Sohoron protracting the time between his attacks)."

"Best guess for the platinization is the spirit charm Essence Bite. Is Sohoron a spirit? Or is he endowed or using a yasal crystal? Who knows..."

"I can't speak of the Zenith castemark. What I suspect is an immeasurably powerful artifact at work. It will have to be analyzed by a custom made charm that branches from All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight and deep understanding of creating the most powerful artifacts out there."


Sparda and Shiori

Evidence may be gone, but Sparda questions witnesses once again, starting with Ousiarches' soldiers and continuing with other guards, and civilians...


Darryl and Pia

Pia manages to reclaim the bracers in the duel. The Silver Pact is content with Darryl's resolution and declares Pia worthy of moonsilver.



The party is about to begin...

2015-10-07, 12:27 PM
"Don't every single one of them ?" Reshar asks as he recovers his pistols and sheathes them "Though these raids seem to be dangerous, those barbarians could be a serious threat even to a seasoned exalt. I wonder how is your company handling them, do you train them personally ? In any case, my offer for making equipment for them still stands, i think i would me more useful creating arms for a thousands warriors than kill half a dozen tear eaters"

2015-10-07, 12:42 PM
Expert counsel? Oh this is going to be a wonderful working relationship.

"Your points are well founded, and I have already started work on some of the very suggestions you have made. For the moment, the assembly of a registry is progressing slowly. The directorate's staff is fairly small, the number of summoners large, and numerous reports are contradictory or made by the uninformed. However, as a matter of practicality, the demonic taint cannot be purged at a stroke of my pen. Not yet at least."

He neglected to mention that celestials were being recorded as well, the Witch of the North was justification enough.

"This will sound insincere of me, but as a practical matter there is no way to enforce such a ban at this time. The so-called realists see far too much advantage in demons to give up them or their works. Moreover, they have a strong coalition under the Vizier allowing them to see that their views are what prevails in the Deliberative. That is why the first committee meeting of this directorate will be an attempt to circumvent their open power with more subtle influence.

However, I am still limited in what I am able to do. If, or rather when, the Vizier's si she gong tang finds me guilty he will replace me with someone more pliable and it will be business as usual. For the moment I am attempting to set in motion things, such as the registry, that can survive my removal. I am unsure at this time how successful I will be."

There, he had left them the opening. He was not trading favors for votes, or at least he thought he could convince himself of that.

What has this place made me?

Si she gong tang a romanization of the mandarin for kangaroo court.

2015-10-07, 01:08 PM
"Don't every single one of them ?" Reshar asks as he recovers his pistols and sheathes them "Though these raids seem to be dangerous, those barbarians could be a serious threat even to a seasoned exalt. I wonder how is your company handling them, do you train them personally ? In any case, my offer for making equipment for them still stands, i think i would me more useful creating arms for a thousands warriors than kill half a dozen tear eaters"

"Only proven heroes make it in the company. I don't train them."

"Let's make these weapons."

2015-10-07, 01:16 PM
Expert counsel? Oh this is going to be a wonderful working relationship.

"Your points are well founded, and I have already started work on some of the very suggestions you have made. For the moment, the assembly of a registry is progressing slowly. The directorate's staff is fairly small, the number of summoners large, and numerous reports are contradictory or made by the uninformed. However, as a matter of practicality, the demonic taint cannot be purged at a stroke of my pen. Not yet at least."

He neglected to mention that celestials were being recorded as well, the Witch of the North was justification enough.

"This will sound insincere of me, but as a practical matter there is no way to enforce such a ban at this time. The so-called realists see far too much advantage in demons to give up them or their works. Moreover, they have a strong coalition under the Vizier allowing them to see that their views are what prevails in the Deliberative. That is why the first committee meeting of this directorate will be an attempt to circumvent their open power with more subtle influence.

However, I am still limited in what I am able to do. If, or rather when, the Vizier's si she gong tang finds me guilty he will replace me with someone more pliable and it will be business as usual. For the moment I am attempting to set in motion things, such as the registry, that can survive my removal. I am unsure at this time how successful I will be."

There, he had left them the opening. He was not trading favors for votes, or at least he thought he could convince himself of that.

What has this place made me?

Si she gong tang a romanization of the mandarin for kangaroo court.

"We are most certain the esteemed Knives-Like-Eyes will be a veritable bulwark against injustice."

"Once we have the law on our side, those of righteous hearts will find a way to enforce it. The Malfean taint must be dealt with once and for all. We urge to declare the bans, and you will see the mutually-beneficient fruits of our cooperation ripen."

On a sidenote, Ousiarches has to train his own bureaucrats and spies, or work with those who have them to staff the Directorate.

2015-10-07, 02:44 PM
"Good enough for me, see if you can organize a meeting between me and the Blacksmith's union, working together will only improve the speed of our work. Given the resources of the area, i can make a reasonable number of reinforced jacked out of fur, and we have enough access to bronze and iron to create some weapons, preferably swords of some variety or spears. I will leave the details to you, but nothing that it is individually too complicated as they will be mass produced (anything abouve resources 2) . I don't think we car create perfect armaments, but give me a week and i can create gear of exceptional quality for two thousand men"

2015-10-07, 02:44 PM
The Jianshi Emperor

"Let us be honest with each other. We want the same things. What you listed is the way the world ought to be. We appear to disagree on the best way to bring about such a world.

To my mind, actions are the overflow of the heart. Only by changing hearts will we change actions. To issue these bans now, even if they could be perfectly enforced, would be like cutting down weeds and leaving the roots undamaged. Attacking the practices will only drive them underground. We must attack the cause of the practices and people will abandon them freely.

What are the causes of these practices? Power, and what is perceived as a shorter and easier path to it. Being both frank and honest, demon summoning is useful. With a single spell it is possible to call up a host of many different entities who can perform a variety of tasks. By design it is difficult for any chosen who has taken appropriate precautions to fail to bind these demons. The threat is not in the violence of a failed binding, but in what comes after. Dependency on our enemies, complacency, indolence, the failure to seek a better way. Hell is exotic, the seeds of artiface are there in greater quantity than in any place in Creation. Artificers must ask themselves if there is any real gain by climbing mountains and trekking through swamps to find what they seek instead of using the ingredients of the Malfeans.

It is ignorance that leads them to believe that they are taking the better path. They justify what they do to themselves, saying there is no moral corruption and the need is great. What is more, they are right. In the short term it is better to take the quick way. That is why demonic corruption is so insidious. By banning tainted practices without making people understand why and showing them a better way we will never actually put a stop to them. I want them stopped and, because I believe what I have said, it seems to a broad package of incentives and deterrents along with better education will accomplish what a simple ban will not.

So far as I am concerned, if you are angry with me, you are angry with one who has, I think, at least as much ability as anyone to see what ought to be done, and to explain what he sees, one who loves Creation and one who is above being influenced by graft. A man who has the knowledge but lacks the power to express it clearly is no better off than if he never had any ideas at all. A man who has both these qualities, but lacks patriotism, could scarcely speak for his own people as he should. And even if he is patriotic as well, but not able to resist a bribe, then this one fault will expose everything to the risk of being bought and sold.

I am not willing to endanger a real chance at freeing Creation from the Infernal just because I must suffer disgrace. To do so would make me just as bad as those I am trying to stop. So please, tell me why I am wrong. I hold the one who corrects my thinking better than a doctor, for ill thought is a greater malady than ill health. I am willing to be convinced, my mind and heart are open, and I hold no more attachment to my position than the strength of the evidence I have. I freely admit I do not know everything."

Italicized is a quote from Pericles

Activating Honest Voice Louder Than the Crowd
Charisma 3 + Presence 5 + Excellency 8


11m personal + 2wp

2015-10-07, 03:14 PM
A 3-die stunt. Nevertheless, the attack goes against their Motivation so they spend wp to resist.

Madame Pure squints. "I see your technocrat reputation is well-deserved. However, I know when I am being conned. These negotiations are over. I will pray for your soul."

2015-10-07, 03:22 PM

The Deliberative votes to entrust Ousiarches with an inquiry into the Ebon Dragon's new nature. Results are expected as soon as possible.

2015-10-07, 04:22 PM

A couple of days interviewing witnesses yield a result. Most witnesses wholly blame Tengese guards for the attack. A few witnesses of strong will, however, aren't so sure. At different moments they have seen Swallowflock be the aggressor. Most of these witnesses, however, are tiger warriors: Tengese or One Kingdom's. In In'iko's knowledgeable opinion, they might be enough to convince a just and experienced judge, but no one else.

2015-10-07, 04:39 PM

As famine grips the streets of the Imperial City once again, the Vizier presents the best bargain he clinched from the Dynasts:

"7 votes per House for an year and a day."

"5 votes per House for ten years and a day."

"3 votes per House for a thousand years and a day."

"1 vote per House forever."

This is for Houses Sesus, Ragara, and Peleps only. Not only the others won't get as much, but the reason the Dynasts insisted on higher count of votes earlier is exactly in order to make sure other Dragon-Blooded Houses and entities won't be as important as the first three to join the Deliberative.

As hunger looms the vote will be expedited. For the time being, it has sufficient support to pass as is.

2015-10-07, 04:45 PM

Where is the party to be held? Default will be the Cathak HQ (former Lookshy HQ) palace.

Illustrious Dragon-Blooded and Lunar guests begin to arrive. For the time being, everyone is cheerful and friendly.

2015-10-07, 05:37 PM
"How am I conning you Madame Pure?

Is it because I refuse to stroke your ego while insulting your intelligence? Is it because I refuse to promise what I cannot give? Or is it because I have the terminity to tell you the unvarnished truth; that what you want is hard and the path to achieving it will be a difficult one?

I am offering you a hard truth, but the truth non the less. No one: not me, not the Vizier, and not even the Most High could stop all demonic practices with a stroke of the pen. There is not, and cannot, be a perfect solution that will make all of it go away. If you care about bringing them to an end, actually care and do not pay lip service to an ideal you refuse to work for, then you will have to fight. It will be long, and full of suffering. You will fail, again and again, and every victory will feel as though it is not worth its costs. Yet if you hold the course, if you put the cause before your feelings, then there will come a day when you have won."

He had stood even as his voice was colored by passion.

"No Madame Pure, I am not conning you. I am showing you more respect than everyone who speaks empty words and does nothing. I care about this cause enough to do what will work because it is more important that we be free of this taint than that I have the reputation of the hero who freed us from it."

2015-10-07, 05:54 PM

Socialize reveals Madame Pure hasn't written off the negotiations entirely; her departure is a strong-arm tactic to highlight her importance to Ousiarches, but she still hopes to hear from him on agreeing on the bans. The rest of the analysis is edited in my post in OOC.

2015-10-07, 06:22 PM
With Icon

"Sohoron certainly possesses All-Encompassing Sight and superb senses. He is also trained as a Royal Guard and has countless missions behind him. It is not surprising he knew what to expect."

"While only Micheal and the Cyan Sifu could answer about the cord, I expect that was a backup in case Micheal was forced out of the Ascendant Battle Visage (most likely by Sohoron protracting the time between his attacks)."

"Best guess for the platinization is the spirit charm Essence Bite. Is Sohoron a spirit? Or is he endowed or using a yasal crystal? Who knows..."

"I can't speak of the Zenith castemark. What I suspect is an immeasurably powerful artifact at work. It will have to be analyzed by a custom made charm that branches from All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight and deep understanding of creating the most powerful artifacts out there."

"Lovely." Shiori sighs. "I have never crafted anything more powerful than alchemical medicines, although I plan to learn more about crafting soon." After all, somebody will have to do the urban planning and geomantic calculations to help restore Whitewall. "Are you planning to develop this Charm, Icon?"

The Crystal Isle

Shiori keeps her All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight active as she accompanies Sparda on his rounds of questioning. When they hear the tiger warriors' account of Swallowflock being the aggressor, she wonders how the Solar might have fooled everyone else... if indeed she is guilty.

How much time did it take to reach the Crystal Isle and get the info from the tiger warriors? Shiori used all her Personal Essence casting Cirrus Skiff and using overkill Excellencies during the duel, but she does have a Cult and a hearthstone that might have given her more Essence en route. I don't want to freak everyone out with an iconic anima again when I roll Occult. :smalltongue:

2015-10-07, 06:27 PM
With Icon

"Lovely." Shiori sighs. "I have never crafted anything more powerful than alchemical medicines, although I plan to learn more about crafting soon." After all, somebody will have to do the urban planning and geomantic calculations to help restore Whitewall. "Are you planning to develop this Charm, Icon?"

The Crystal Isle

Shiori keeps her All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight active as she accompanies Sparda on his rounds of questioning. When they hear the tiger warriors' account of Swallowflock being the aggressor, she wonders how the Solar might have fooled everyone else... if indeed she is guilty.

How much time did it take to reach the Crystal Isle and get the info from the tiger warriors? Shiori used all her Personal Essence casting Cirrus Skiff and using overkill Excellencies during the duel, but she does have a Cult and a hearthstone that might have given her more Essence en route. I don't want to freak everyone out with an iconic anima again when I roll Occult. :smalltongue:

"Could be, could be." Icon says. "But I have so much to do and learn. As intriguing the Prophet is, Mahalanka is where it's at. The Book of Three Circles, Shiori! Why isn't the Deliberative doing anything about it? Perhaps I must urge the Prince to acquire it and bring it to the safety of his Sanctuary..."


Tiger warriors and such aren't alarmed. As for regular citizens, they are getting accustomed to Solar anima bonfires.

2015-10-07, 09:15 PM
"Could be, could be." Icon says. "But I have so much to do and learn. As intriguing the Prophet is, Mahalanka is where it's at. The Book of Three Circles, Shiori! Why isn't the Deliberative doing anything about it? Perhaps I must urge the Prince to acquire it and bring it to the safety of his Sanctuary..."

"Speaking of the Prince, have you heard just how he acquired the food he was feeding the citizens of the Imperial City?" Blue eyes glitter like shards of ice as Shiori produces three loaves of bread from a skirt pocket that shouldn't hold nearly that much, each neatly wrapped in rice paper and labeled in her neat, precise hand. Given the timeless nature of Elsewhere, the Wyld-shaped bread is still as stable as it was when she received it.

"I bartered with ordinary citizens to get these samples. Most of the food, like this loaf with the blue writing, was created with Wyld-Shaping Technique. Not Wyld Cauldron, interestingly enough. Somehow the Prince got this food from the Wyld to the Blessed Isle in under two days, or he was keeping it Elsewhere as I did." She gestures to the second loaf. "This one with the black ink is an ordinary loaf. According to analyses provided by Reshar Righteous Wanderer and Darryl of the Full Moon, it was produced in Skullstone." The third loaf is labeled in red. "And this one was shaped from the chaos of the Labyrinth. But ordinarily, such objects would evaporate under the light of the Unconquered Sun. Do you know how to make Labyrinth-shaped goods endure sunlight, Icon?" Shiori doesn't wait for an answer. "It requires a sacrifice. The shaper must sacrifice human souls by entombing people in the walls of the Labyrinth.

"How many people died beyond hope of Lethe and reincarnation for this, Icon? How many souls were lost to Oblivion? If the Shining Prince did not know that his source was making food in this dreadful fashion, did not think to check, then he is criminally negligent. If he did know, then he is complicit in a great many murders. Either way, I have ample reason not to trust him."

With Sparda

Now surrounded by a halo of golden Essence, Shiori scowls as she realizes no spell or Charm she knows of would produce such an effect. "I'm sorry, Sparda, I know of no Charm or spell that would produce an illusion such as this. Perhaps a supernatural martial art? I lack expertise in that area."

2015-10-07, 09:17 PM

The Grand Vizier passes by.

"My dear Ousiarches, I hear Madame Pure left a meeting with you fuming. That's a pity, she is a foremost expert on matters demonic."

"All in all, your, shall I say, opinionated nature is closing many doors to you. Indeed, I fear that will prevent you from being the successful Director we need."

"Luckily, you still have a friend: me. I beg you, resign as Director on the 1st of Ascending Water. We will find someone more suitable for the good of all."

"Oh, and one other thing. You ought to be elated, my friend. I am told the judge House Sesus is sending us is a paragon of justice!"

2015-10-07, 09:22 PM
"Speaking of the Prince, have you heard just how he acquired the food he was feeding the citizens of the Imperial City?" Blue eyes glitter like shards of ice as Shiori produces three loaves of bread from a skirt pocket that shouldn't hold nearly that much, each neatly wrapped in rice paper and labeled in her neat, precise hand. Given the timeless nature of Elsewhere, the Wyld-shaped bread is still as stable as it was when she received it.

"I bartered with ordinary citizens to get these samples. Most of the food, like this loaf with the blue writing, was created with Wyld-Shaping Technique. Not Wyld Cauldron, interestingly enough. Somehow the Prince got this food from the Wyld to the Blessed Isle in under two days, or he was keeping it Elsewhere as I did." She gestures to the second loaf. "This one with the black ink is an ordinary loaf. According to analyses provided by Reshar Righteous Wanderer and Darryl of the Full Moon, it was produced in Skullstone." The third loaf is labeled in red. "And this one was shaped from the chaos of the Labyrinth. But ordinarily, such objects would evaporate under the light of the Unconquered Sun. Do you know how to make Labyrinth-shaped goods endure sunlight, Icon?" Shiori doesn't wait for an answer. "It requires a sacrifice. The shaper must sacrifice human souls by entombing people in the walls of the Labyrinth.

"How many people died beyond hope of Lethe and reincarnation for this, Icon? How many souls were lost to Oblivion? If the Shining Prince did not know that his source was making food in this dreadful fashion, did not think to check, then he is criminally negligent. If he did know, then he is complicit in a great many murders. Either way, I have ample reason not to trust him."

Icon face darkens. "Perhaps the Prince was criminally negligent, Shiori. But what then of the Deliberative? If ill food is criminal, what do you call no food at all? Open your eyes, Shiori. Soon you all will be pawns of the Shadow Behind Thrones, only because you turned your back on an honorable man."

2015-10-07, 09:56 PM
"Unfortunately, that's how battle seems to flow. It's a test of your mental endurance too; how long can you hang on before you snap and try for a big attack to end it quickly? I lost that particular bet, even though I knew there was no chance of winning in the first place. I've always thought a solid defense was the key to victory, but I guess without a good attack, you can't make yourself a proper threat."

The horned angel of Sparda's anima pouts as the Dawn puts his sword away, and sticks her tongue out at Darryl before she vanishes.

"Anyway, I daresay I'd do better with someone to protect. I know a Charm which grants me motes when I or an ally gets hit, for instance, and I've studied an amusing little technique which lets me intercept hits for people, and of course the Ready In Eight Direction Stance lets me counterattack anyone who tries to attack me... so yeah. Incidentally, that's part of the reason why I was confident of protecting people in the face of the Thousand-Forged Dragon... although it's probably not that simple."

Sparda walks over, a hand extended in friendship.

"That was pretty educational. Thanks for the spar. Hopefully, next time we can fight side by side."

OOC: Also to be fair, Sparda has no ill intentions toward them. Pretty girls ought to be held close! Though the smack would probably be well deserved.

Darryl smiles and takes Sparda's hand. "Yes, I look forward to it."

OOC: I mean, yeah. He's not being malicious, he's just kinda breaking personal space barriers.

Darryl and Pia

Pia manages to reclaim the bracers in the duel. The Silver Pact is content with Darryl's resolution and declares Pia worthy of moonsilver.

Darryl congratulates Pia, though not grandiosely. He wishes Pia well in whatever she pursues this season.

2015-10-07, 11:39 PM
Icon face darkens. "Perhaps the Prince was criminally negligent, Shiori. But what then of the Deliberative? If ill food is criminal, what do you call no food at all? Open your eyes, Shiori. Soon you all will be pawns of the Shadow Behind Thrones, only because you turned your back on an honorable man."

"Whatever made you think that I trust the Grand Vizier? I do not. But he is a known quantity; a power hungry, amoral politician with no regard for justice or the well-being of anyone other than himself. I have encountered the breed before, both in person and in history books." She pauses, considering how to word her feelings on the Vizier and the Prince. "But the Prince... there is a very old saying in the North. 'When you meet your heart's desire, look for the trap.' I do not know where you come from, but in the North wariness is a matter of survival. The Prince offers a great deal, more than anyone else I have ever encountered. But everything in life has a price. I cannot tell what his price is, and that is why I do not trust him.

"As for the matter of food supplies, the Vizier is arranging for three of the Dynastic Houses to tend to that. Will their help have a price? Absolutely, they are asking for a ridiculous number of short-term votes in the Deliberative. The Vizier stands to gain a great deal from this bargain. But at least the Dynasts' food will not cause illness, infertility, and easier haunting by ghosts." She lets out a long sigh, staring into her teacup. Weariness and pain settle upon her features, making the youthful Solar look much older than her years. "I hope that you are right about the Shining Prince, Icon. I truly do. But I cannot make myself trust him right now, and I must leave for Whitewall as soon as I have gathered the necessary resources for what I plan to do there. I am not a detective, to uncover the Vizier's plots and discredit him; or a politician, to create an opposing voting bloc. My talents will be better used on the warfront."

Shiori raises her head again to look at Icon. "Should you wish to pursue the Book of Three Circles, I suggest speaking to Shuyana. The One Kingdom is offering rewards for exploring Mahalanka that may attract other Solars to accompany you. Should you wish to pursue the crafting Charm angle, Reshar Righteous Wanderer is said to be a truly excellent crafter who may have some useful insights. Right now he is in the Haslanti League, but I am sure he will return eventually."

2015-10-08, 12:37 AM
The Jianshi Emperor

After the purists left, the Emperor began issuing decrees. He mandated that no direct soul of the Yozi might be summoned without the express approval of the Deliberative, divided their souls into categories of restriction, and issued ordinances concerning the proper summoning of the least of Hell. The hopping puppeteers must be individually attended at all times, the fevered smiths were not to be allowed near any mortal woman, the Sigil's Dreamer was not receive any promise of dreams of anyone save the summoner, and so forth. It was not yet a ban, but a mitigation of risk. It would not satisfy them, but it was a sign of good faith. Much of it was an update of the old Dynastic laws, though with far less leniency for negligence. He was careful, placing the most stringent bans on those things least likely to occur so that the authority of his directorate would not be openly flouted frequently. Moreover, he defined the greatest transgressions as crimes to be judged in consulendo, an irony as the first such trial was to be his own. The Deliberative would enforce his sanctions, yet the Vizier's faction could not point to any of his decrees as unreasonable, yet. It was merely good sense after all, codifying what every careful sorcerer should have been doing anyway. Time would tell if it was enough.

Amaya Meeting
The setting was an intimate dining nook, which of course meant it would have been overlarge and ostentatious anywhere else in creation. A light meal of fruits, teas, juices, and salad was prepared. Only one item seemed out of place. On the table was a small, spherical box, ornately carved from fine woods. It was something of a toy, unfolding like a lotus when opened and having very little space within. When Amaya arrived the Jianshi Emperor stood to greet her, motioned for her to be seated, and then indicated the box.

"Before we begin, I want to demonstrate something. Not because I think you do not know, but to set... the mood for the conversation I hope to have. When we are done here I am going to give you that box and whatever is in it. You might be interested to know that it was meant to house a rather large diamond, part of the crown jewels of An-Teng. It is meant to illustrate rather concretely a saying imparted to me by the Golden Lord.

'If the box contains a diamond,
I desire to believe that the box contains a diamond;
If the box does not contain a diamond,
I desire to believe that the box does not contain a diamond;
Let me not become attached to beliefs I may not want.'

There is another that is somewhat harder to back up with props.

'What is true is already so.
Owning up to it doesn't make it worse.
Not being open about it doesn't make it go away.
And because it's true, it is what is there to be interacted with.
Anything untrue isn't there to be lived.
People can stand what is true,
for they are already enduring it.'

Why do you suppose I would go to all this trouble to have an excuse to relay these litanies before we have even really started talking?"

The first quote is the litany of Tarski. The second is a quote from Geblin.

Edit: The Vizier

"If I might stop you, I would prefer if you use my title from now on. I have done you the courtesy of using your's and I earned mine only with a great deal of blood and suffering. Moreover, it is the custom of my land to refer to people by their titles unless you stand in a certain relationship with them. I am afraid we do not stand in such a relationship."

Sending an infallible message to Panther:

I do not know why you have gone, or why you refused to see me before you did so. There are my suspicions, and I have little doubt they are true even if they motivated you not at all. I am pompous, arrogant, full of empty words and condemnations without the experience or moral authority to deliver either. I will be blunt, I am not good enough. I am not good enough for the task I have set myself of reforming the Deliberative. I am not good enough to bargain with the fate of Creation. I am not good enough to have been chosen by the Sun. I know all these things, and yet I continue in a struggle that may destroy me. I do not believe I am destined to succeed, or that I have any special place or power in the scheme of things. I continue because of something that was said to me at the lowest place I have ever been.

I have never told anyone, not even the Gold Lord, what I am about to tell you. Please treat it with all the seriousness you believe it deserves, for what I tell you is more important than me or all I have done. I do not communicate it in full, for what I keep is very precious to me.

This is what the Sun said to me,

"You will stumble, as I have stumbled. You will err, as I have erred. You will fail, as I have failed. It is not those who have never fallen who can bear the weight of the world, it is those who fall and rise again, over and over, long past endurance and hope who are worthy to be called Unconquered."

This is why I try, knowing I will fail. Perhaps you have washed your hands of this whole affair, and if so I cannot blame you. But I have not. The Deliberative that should have been is gone, even as the glorious age that should never have fallen into darkness. We have only the world that is Panther, and it is not as it should have been. I am not worthy, but I am all I have to give. So I give my everything, even if it is not good enough.

I wanted to ask for your blessing to speak with your voice in the Deliberative, to cast your vote and the vote of your circle so that I can try to make the world a righteous place as I know best. I cannot promise that if you agree that I will always do as you would have done or that I will not make horrible mistakes. But I will try to do what is right. My voice is too weak to be heard alone. Perhaps I will fail and you will have been proved right to walk away. But I must try, if I am ever to be worthy of His charge. If your answer is no, I would no why; if for no other reason than that I might know how I have fallen short that I may try again to meet the bar. If your answer is yes, I will take the oath of the Eclipse before the Deliberative to act faithfully even when I must cast your votes against the causes I advance.

You have all of me, I can offer no more.

OOC: Is Sparda going to respond to my invitation?

2015-10-08, 03:55 AM
The Jianshi Emperor

Amaya Meeting

"Why do you suppose I would go to all this trouble to have an excuse to relay these litanies before we have even really started talking?"

Amaya is silent for a minute. "Your litanies are for me, and yet they are for you."

Silent Wayfarer
2015-10-08, 09:57 AM
SpardaA couple of days interviewing witnesses yield a result. Most witnesses wholly blame Tengese guards for the attack. A few witnesses of strong will, however, aren't so sure. At different moments they have seen Swallowflock be the aggressor. Most of these witnesses, however, are tiger warriors: Tengese or One Kingdom's. In In'iko's knowledgeable opinion, they might be enough to convince a just and experienced judge, but no one else.

"Some kind of magic's afoot here," Sparda mumbles. "And the only ones who claim differently are tiger warriors - who might possess strong wills that resist Charms of deception."

Sparda decides to take his time questioning the Tiger Warriors, with the Judge's Ear Technique active. His questions revolve around what they saw, and where they were at the time of the attack. He'll cross reference the datapoints to see if the sightings can narrow down a route of escape for the perpetrator that might yield physical clues or witnesses which would not be defeated by whatever Charm obscured the events.

With Sparda

Now surrounded by a halo of golden Essence, Shiori scowls as she realizes no spell or Charm she knows of would produce such an effect. "I'm sorry, Sparda, I know of no Charm or spell that would produce an illusion such as this. Perhaps a supernatural martial art? I lack expertise in that area."

"Some martial arts obscure the practitioner. Those who master Crystal Chameleon hide in their own brilliance, while Ebon Shadow Stylists are the original masters of silent death. There are as many technique as there are colors in a refracted ray of sunlight, and my knowledge is not nearly that extensive. First, we need to find the perpetrator and then we can try questioning them. But even that means nothing if we cannot properly convict them. Justice must be seen to be done."

2015-10-08, 10:26 AM

These tiger warriors saw the First Duchess Swallowflock initiating the altercation, and/or initiating the fight on the Isle itself after her jump on it.

She didn't flee; once Sohoron put down the attacks against the Exalted, she calmly took off with Ousiarches' jade. She then proceeded to her fortress in the Western Borough, until the Jadeborn threatened her there. The Jadeborn were recalled, but Swallowflock ultimately decided to abandon her fortress to Cathak's legion and return to the Sanctuary of the Shining Prince. The already taken jade and the Crystal Isle were the initial retribution demanded by her representative Emerald Grasshopper that triggered all the recent events in the Deliberative.

2015-10-08, 12:49 PM
After Reshar returned to Shield, he started managing the logistics of the project. THe first ones he had to talk to were the members of the Silver Company, since he would be the one to make their equipment. He gives their sergeants a selection of gear for them, and asks them to report back to him the exact number of orders

-Buff Jackets
-Reinforced Buff jackets
-Chain Shirts (Limited somewhat due to iron focused on making weapons)

-Longbows/Crossbows (assuming there is enough wood)
-Slashing Chopping/Straight/ Great swords

All equipment will be of exceptional quality. He ofrsees a batch of armors and weapons fit to equip two thousand men within the week

Silent Wayfarer
2015-10-08, 07:07 PM

These tiger warriors saw the First Duchess Swallowflock initiating the altercation, and/or initiating the fight on the Isle itself after her jump on it.

She didn't flee; once Sohoron put down the attacks against the Exalted, she calmly took off with Ousiarches' jade. She then proceeded to her fortress in the Western Borough, until the Jadeborn threatened her there. The Jadeborn were recalled, but Swallowflock ultimately decided to abandon her fortress to Cathak's legion and return to the Sanctuary of the Shining Prince. The already taken jade and the Crystal Isle were the initial retribution demanded by her representative Emerald Grasshopper that triggered all the recent events in the Deliberative.

Sparda relays what he's learned to Shiori.

"We might want to request these people be seconded to us before she starts eliminating witnesses. Because once she finds out people can remember her and provide effective testimony, that is exactly what I would do in her position."

If nothing else, he'll remember them so he can have a necromancer raise their spirits for questioning... assuming she uses an attack that even leaves a soul to be questioned.

2015-10-08, 09:19 PM
Cathak Azeri, to a round of good-natured applause, steps up to a dais near the center of the banquet hall. He's been slightly elusive tonight, even at his own party. This is intentional. In the social circles of the Blessed Isle, Azeri was taught to leave your guests always wanting more. Tonight, he aims to put the social acumen he couldn't help but acquire to good use.

He beams good-naturedly toward the gathered guests, and waits for the applause to die down.

"Thank you all for coming to my little get-together. It has been a true pleasure to spend time with all of you, during this wonderful evening. Of course, I must now ruin this otherwise delightful party by giving a speech." Azeri pauses for the perfunctory laughter.

"I invited you all here tonight to give all of you a chance to see each other in a different light. As we all strive to build a new and better world, our ideas and interests may pit us against each other. I hope that perhaps, tonight, you might have seen someone you thought you knew well in a different light. Perhaps, a better light."

"I did have a specific group of people that I wished to know better tonight, and to have them know me. I speak of the Lunar Exalted. I am honored to see those of you who accepted my invitation, and humbled as well. For, I feel that my people have not correctly honored your service to this Deliberative. I want to make amends for this."

"For my entire life, I have been a devoted servant of the Realm. My record of service is a matter of public record, and I am proud of it besides. This has at times put my directly at odds with the Children of Luna. I have lost subordinates, friends, and family in conflict with them, and I am sure they can say the same of me, and mine."

"These are the realities of war. But we are here, I believe, because we see the chance to turn away from the anguish and bloodshed that has defined the past thousand years. And to this end, we must put the grudges of the past behind us."

"This is never easy... but I will do so, to the utmost of my ability. And that begins by a proper acknowledgement."

Azeri holds up his handless right arm. "I lost my hand fighting in the Jade Coast. Too many of our Lunar comrades lost their lives on that same, awful night."

"I spoke briefly with Uka the Boar before he departed for the Coast. I asked him to be careful. I wonder now, before sleep takes me, if I could have convinced him not to go. If I could've found the right words to save his life."

Azeri hangs his head for a moment, overcome by his own emotions. This is both sincere, and calculated- he wants to show everyone here the depth of his regret.

"... As we move forward, building a new and better world, let us all remember. Remember that when this fledgling body was threatened, it was the Chosen of Luna who first shed blood for the Deliberative."

Azeri raises his hand in signal, and indicates the grounds outside. During the festivities, servants had placed a long row of braziers along a hill, visible from the hall. Now they stand by, with lit torches. As Azeri reads aloud the names of each Lunar who died in the Jade Coast, the servants light the braziers, igniting an alchemical mixture that burns silver in the night sky. Azeri concludes his list with Uka the Boar, the Youngling Elder.

Azeri bows his head again, as the silver flames twinkle in the dark. "Thank you all, once again, for coming." He raises a glass of fine spirits, and toasts. "To the Chosen of Luna."

2015-10-09, 12:29 AM
With Sparda

Sparda relays what he's learned to Shiori.

"We might want to request these people be seconded to us before she starts eliminating witnesses. Because once she finds out people can remember her and provide effective testimony, that is exactly what I would do in her position."

If nothing else, he'll remember them so he can have a necromancer raise their spirits for questioning... assuming she uses an attack that even leaves a soul to be questioned.

Shiori nods grimly. "The mansion I share with Darryl and Reshar has guards, but I believe the vast majority are ordinary- albeit well-trained- mortals. Shuyana is still here, but most of the tiger warriors that were with her have gone to fight in the North. Word has it that the Roseblack is leaving for the Deshen satrapies, but I am not sure if her legion has gone yet." She frowns. "If all else fails, we might simply have to guard the witnesses ourselves."

Ousiarches' Meeting

Although Shiori invited all of her Northern friends, she isn't sure if all three will want to attend a meeting on how to restrict demon summoning. After all, she's the only sorceress out of the four. It will be an opportunity to listen and observe the Jianshi Emperor in action, though, which could be valuable. Right now she considers him the best choice of the three emerging political leaders, and has explained her reasoning to them. The Grand Vizier cares only for his own power, as demonstrated by his unwillingness to rein Lyta in and the fact that he used impending famine as an excuse for a blatant power grab. And Amaya's faction considers Lunars to be second-rate, which is an insult to the North's well-known and respected Gerd Marrow-Eater and Wiseman.

Once Madame Pure flounces out, Shiori decides to step forward. "At this moment, I do not think it plausible to completely forbid most aspects of demon summoning and interaction with Malfeas. Do I like the fact that so many Exalts fall prey to Hellish influence? Certainly not! But outright forbidding something makes it all the more tempting. Instead I believe that we should simply make it more burdensome and difficult to use, perhaps with paperwork and waiting periods attached.

"At the same time, we need to present an alternative and make it more attractive to those who currently rely on demons and Malfean artifacts. Many sorcerers, for example, use sesseljae to heal their wounds and those of their friends. Not everyone is inclined to study medicine and learn healing Charms as I have done. But sobeksis, a race of water elementals, are quite good at healing wounds, and can also cure sickness, poisoning and crippling. Granted, sesseljae tend to be less intelligent and more easily controlled, which is why those who do not care about allowing Malfean influence into Creation prefer them to sobeksis. But if we make demon summoning more cumbersome, preference might swing the other way.

"In order to make any of this stick, though, there must be consequences for breaking the law. What enforcement power will this Directorate have, Emperor Ousiarches?"

To Uvanavu, God of Health: "Good, then I will speak freely. Does Whitewall currently have the resources to rebuild the city's sacred geomancy? I believe that it might serve as a defense against the dead if the Lover gets as far as Whitewall. I will have the skills to recreate the ancient design, and if the city has the will and the funding, I can probably get a Zenith Caste- one Karal Fire Orchid- to perform the necessary blessings. She is fighting icewalkers at the moment, but I imagine there will be preparation work necessary before the actual building can begin. I have also convinced a Night Caste, Jiunan Nightwarden, to help myself and Lily scout Marama's Fell. He is said to be most experienced when it comes to the dead and Shadowlands.

Please let me know as soon as possible if you think reconstruction is feasible. I will be on my way to Wallport within the week. Oh, and if you can acquire some texts on sacred geomancy for me, it would be most appreciated. I'm sure I can find the basics here in the Imperial City, but the libraries of Yu-Shan are said to be without peer."

To Karal Fire Orchid, Zenith Caste Solar: "I completely understand. Do you have a rough estimate on when you might be able to travel to Whitewall? No doubt there will be much preparation for me to do before the blessings and actual construction to begin. I will do my best to have everything organized and streamlined so that your part will take as little time as possible. If you are needed urgently on the warfront, I will not be offended at all. I greatly appreciate your efforts to defend a land so far from your home."

2015-10-09, 04:46 AM

Underworld Directorate goes to Morning Breeze.

2015-10-09, 05:33 AM

Cathak Azeri's speech is applauded.

The party will be remembered as a testament of the good relations between the Dragon-Blooded of the New Realm and Lunars, other than those following Knives-Like-Eyes and/or the Platinum Dragon Faith.

Whether the same could be said about the soon expected representatives of Houses Sesus, Ragara, and Peleps remains to be seen.

successful 3-die stunt

2015-10-09, 12:06 PM
The Jianshi Emperor

Amaya Meeting
"Just so. I am afraid there are beliefs I may have become attached to that I do not want. I hope we can both be honest now without taking offense. What I have to say will not be pleasant to hear, and I hope what I have to hear will be likewise unpleasant if it needs to be. Delusion has done me a great deal of harm already.

The reason I asked you here was to discuss the future of your voting block. In my analysis, it is going to split apart and indeed has already begun to do so. The group was held together, opinions on Lunars and Sidereals. The first are greatly reduced in influence and the second are a non-issue for the time being. If it is going to stay together, rather than buttressing the Objectivist coalition, you need a new platform of ideals. I have some thoughts on what might work, and am trying with mixed success to put a coalition of my own together. As of now, I have perhaps two thirds of your faction and two fifths of the Vizier's. In other circumstances I would simply propose a political alliance with you. However, the dissolution I see makes that a more complicated proposition.

If it sounds as if I have become as the Vizier is, in that at least you need not fear. Practicality need not be unprincipled, and Lyta's arrows will not care if I am armored in righteousness."

Meeting of Friends
OOC: Will edit this in later

Committee Meeting
"Esteemed Shori is correct, and it is gratifying that her thoughts are so close to my own. I called this meeting specifically to discuss to the feasibility of two proposals, and to solicit the ideas of so wise an assembly which may have failed to occur to me. I will be brief, though the reports before you go into far more detail.

First, I wish to begin collective negotiation of Cselenine pacts with the elemental courts of all Creation. Though no doubt expensive, the possibility of removing the need to bind elementals and the guarantee of assistance from more powerful elementals such as the elemental dragons even to young sorcerers would greatly shift the utility of elementals compared to demons. It would be a slow process, safeguards would have to be put into place to prevent abuse on both sides, but I feel that it would be a more equitable, sustainable, and moral way to conduct affairs.

Second, in order to facilitate artifice without demonic materials or components I propose to catalog the sources of exotic materials in Creation and establish a network to collect and transport them. Either from a central location, perhaps here, or in directional depots authorized crafters would be able to collect exotic material components without having to personally gather them in safety and security. This would require an extensive network, likely support by artifact infrastructure to collect, store, and transport the more volatile or delicate components. It would also require a transportation network far in excess of any that now exists. I had considered alternate location manses or perhaps attempting to partially restore the Gates of Auspicious Passage.

Now the floor is open for discussion."

Second Purist Meeting
"On my desk is a moratorium on all demon summoning for the duration of my investigation into the Lotus Massacre. It will be very contentious, and will likely aggravate numerous people already indifferent to my living or dying. Speaking of such people, I am given to understand that Knives-Like-Eyes was chosen by the Lunars specifically to punish the Solars for the slight of giving the Terrestrials the vote first. Given that if the esteemed Lunar rules against me I have little chance of leaving the courtroom alive I would like something resembling assurances that this document I am about to sign will not also be my death warrant.

It is not that I value my life over much, but I learned on the battlefield that sometimes you must live in order to continue the battle at a later date. Were you in my position, what would be sufficient for you?"

2015-10-09, 01:41 PM
ooc: time is linear again, so a second meeting with the Purists won't happen for at least a day. Let's focus on the others, particularly Amaya's as it is the crucial one.

Amaya Meeting

The golden-haired Twilight stares at you.

"Ousiarches, every second I spend in this meeting is another child dying from malnourishment. I'd gladly discuss non-urgent matters with you after we vote the Dynasts' proposal."

"Now, I'll be heading back to the Exalted Assembly's floor."


Committee Meeting

The Purists don't attend (Amaya might not too depending on the meeting with her and how busy she is).

Sayn expresses his desire to head the effort to catalogue and provide Creation-substitutes to demonic ingredients. He also supports the restoration of the Gates of Auspicious Passage.

2015-10-09, 06:57 PM

White Rabbit meets you in the Rath before you depart. "Darryl, here are my gifts for your fight against the Bull of the North."

"Firstly, swear an oath on this Banner of the Wolf: I will not visit my loved ones until I defeat the Icewalker threat. Take it."

"Now, have this handful of gossamer dreams."

"Put on this white mantle next."

"Finally, take these two small eggs of adamant: they are the heart graces of your gatekeeper, and your lorekeeper."

"May Luna show you the path."

The banner is Darryl's Staff (Conviction) Grace. It is now a 2-dot Adjuration requiring 2m to attune. Until Darryl fulfils his oath, he gains +2 Martial Arts:Natural Weapons Specialty that can go over the limit of 3 dice from specialties max for any pool (so +2 accuracy and +1 PDV), and +1 Dexterity to his true human form for all purposes.

The gossamer is 1 gossamer to be used on the mantle.

The white mantle is called the "Winter Emperor's Mantle" and is Darryl's Cup (Compassion) Grace forged into Oneiromancy. Invoking it requires one scene, 15 uncommitted motes, and 1 gossamer. It lasts for a story. While invoked, it doubles Darryl's Wings mutation fly speed, and makes his Social attacks unnatural and costing 2 wp to resist. It has no commitment cost as your lorekeeper pays it. White Rabbit warns you to not wear cold iron lest you lose the mantle's powers.

As long as the adamantine eggs belong to Darryl, the two Raksha will serve him.

PS. Darryl's accuracy was 1 off (46 instead of 47) in the fight against Sparda if Darryl was Giant.

2015-10-10, 01:28 AM

White Rabbit meets you in the Rath before you depart. "Darryl, here are my gifts for your fight against the Bull of the North."

"Firstly, swear an oath on this Banner of the Wolf: I will not visit my loved ones until I defeat the Icewalker threat. Take it."

"Now, have this handful of gossamer dreams."

"Put on this white mantle next."

"Finally, take these two small eggs of adamant: they are the heart graces of your gatekeeper, and your lorekeeper."

"May Luna show you the path."

The banner is Darryl's Staff (Conviction) Grace. It is now a 2-dot Adjuration requiring 2m to attune. Until Darryl fulfils his oath, he gains +2 Martial Arts:Natural Weapons Specialty that can go over the limit of 3 dice from specialties max for any pool (so +2 accuracy and +1 PDV), and +1 Dexterity to his true human form for all purposes.

The gossamer is 1 gossamer to be used on the mantle.

The white mantle is called the "Winter Emperor's Mantle" and is Darryl's Cup (Compassion) Grace forged into Oneiromancy. Invoking it requires one scene, 15 uncommitted motes, and 1 gossamer. It lasts for a story. While invoked, it doubles Darryl's Wings mutation fly speed, and makes his Social attacks unnatural and costing 2 wp to resist. It has no commitment cost as your lorekeeper pays it. White Rabbit warns you to not wear cold iron lest you lose the mantle's powers.

As long as the adamantine eggs belong to Darryl, the two Raksha will serve him.

PS. Darryl's accuracy was 1 off (46 instead of 47) in the fight against Sparda if Darryl was Giant.

Darryl bows his head slightly. "Thank you. I'll put these gifts to good use." He takes the banner, putting a bit of his essence into it, "I will not visit my loved ones until I defeat the Icewalker threat." at which point he looks away for a bit, knowing that it might not mean as much without living loved ones to visit. Still, it was an oath, and oaths have power. He then fitted the mantle, and stored the two eggs while holding the gossamer.

He looked back at the elder. "In the future, how would I gather my own gossamer? I don't want to bother you every time I go on an adventure." He looks to the gossamer in his hand, and the new wonders at his side. "And, thank you. I'll give all of my stength."

Sweet! This is pretty great. I assume that this counts as if it were from the charms, so the extra Dex dot adds to DBT, but not to Claws of the Silvermoon. Still, rockin' buff. Makes it worth it to take Quills. then I get a net of +2 PDV, though I'm not sure how the third excellency reacts with Mutation/Artifact dex (presumably it doesn't count), and then with X.5 DVs and odd attributes, should it count.

And that's some nice Utility, especially since I wasn't getting people to listen to me!

Any suggestions on where to keep them besides a mutated orifice/pouch or a pocket in his armor?

And okay. I think I may have added wrong or something. Thanks for catching it.

2015-10-10, 01:59 AM
Amaya Meeting

"Do you actually believe that? Do you actually believe at this juncture that anything that happens on the Deliberative floor will change things? I have been with armies in the field without food, I know how many days people can survive. With proper rationing it stretches to years, not that anyone took my advice and suggested it.

The Vizier has won. You have already acknowledged it. He has the votes to pass his treaty even if both of us and everyone who supports us votes against it. What purpose do you really serve there except to legitimize what he has done? But then, I suppose he did hand you what you wanted. Was that your price, the Lunars of the Jade coast? Or were their lives the gift he gave to assuage your grief when the Sidereal's were murdered? It doesn't really matter in the end, the Solars are sheep and he the wolf among them. He will have his Age of Shadows, and what is my blood to lay at his feet with what is already there.

I am blunt Amaya. I am rude, disrespectful, arrogant, and opinionated. But I do not lie and I do not put expediency ahead of righteousness. I see now that an honest voice isn't worth very much these days. So feel free to go, in as much outrage as you like. I am only a failed murderer after all, or at least I will be when you must appease your conscience later. Its probably even for the best. Next time Lyta will murder children so she will be happy, the Vizier can have Exalted murdered at will so he will be happy, the Shining Prince will take what he likes from the ranks so he will be happy, and your hands will be clean of all of it. Everyone wins, don't you think?"

Well, that is perhaps the stupidest thing Ousiarchies has ever done.

Charisma 3 + Presence 5 + First Excellency 8

Activating: Honest Voice in the Crowd for 8m, 2wp.


2015-10-10, 02:00 AM

"Gossamer? First, you will have to acquire more servants of your own. Command many Raksha Hearts."

If I weren't clear enough, it is native Dexterity as from Impossible Dexterity Improvement.

Quills are in-style for Lunar Hero, but not for other styles. Only punches, kicks, and clinches are in-style for all styles (unless a style specifically says they are not).

There isn't a special rule for dice caps or Third Excellency, so both round up for magic beings.

Maybe Darryl can Wyld-evoke the hearts in and out of Elsewhere with a shaping action...

The "47" includes Darryl's Ring artifact.

2015-10-10, 03:13 AM
Amaya Meeting

"Do you actually believe that? Do you actually believe at this juncture that anything that happens on the Deliberative floor will change things? I have been with armies in the field without food, I know how many days people can survive. With proper rationing it stretches to years, not that anyone took my advice and suggested it.

The Vizier has won. You have already acknowledged it. He has the votes to pass his treaty even if both of us and everyone who supports us votes against it. What purpose do you really serve there except to legitimize what he has done? But then, I suppose he did hand you what you wanted. Was that your price, the Lunars of the Jade coast? Or were their lives the gift he gave to assuage your grief when the Sidereal's were murdered? It doesn't really matter in the end, the Solars are sheep and he the wolf among them. He will have his Age of Shadows, and what is my blood to lay at his feet with what is already there.

I am blunt Amaya. I am rude, disrespectful, arrogant, and opinionated. But I do not lie and I do not put expediency ahead of righteousness. I see now that an honest voice isn't worth very much these days. So feel free to go, in as much outrage as you like. I am only a failed murderer after all, or at least I will be when you must appease your conscience later. Its probably even for the best. Next time Lyta will murder children so she will be happy, the Vizier can have Exalted murdered at will so he will be happy, the Shining Prince will take what he likes from the ranks so he will be happy, and your hands will be clean of all of it. Everyone wins, don't you think?"
Well, that is perhaps the stupidest thing Ousiarchies has ever done.

Charisma 3 + Presence 5 + First Excellency 8

Activating: Honest Voice in the Crowd for 8m, 2wp.


Bright flames and ephemeral winged mirrors reflecting her glorious image roar around Amaya. The mark of the Twilight shines on her forehead.

"People rationed food in the previous famine, until it was over! The Prince's charity never amounted to more than meager sustenance, people never rebuilt their stocks. Tell me, why should they suffer because of your vanity? First, you caused the abrupt end of the Prince's shipments. Now, you are fine with children dying as long as the Shadow doesn't get...what, really? Peace with the Dynasts? Why is that so horrible? And it isn't like you have a plan for war against them either, should one break out again if we rebuff their extended hand. You will contribute as little as you are contributing against the Icewalkers."

"I was there when we stopped Lyta, have you forgotten? Her deeds were a crime. But it isn't a crime to be the most influential Solar in the Deliberative. I am not interested in prolonging the chaos gripping our assembly anymore, only to spite others because of my own conceited dreams."

2-die stunt, unsuccessful. Amaya activated Eye of the Unconquered Sun. She is about to leave, but hasn't yet.

2015-10-10, 03:26 AM
If I weren't clear enough, it is native Dexterity as from Impossible Dexterity Improvement.

Quills are in-style for Lunar Hero, but not for other styles. Only punches, kicks, and clinches are in-style for all styles (unless a style specifically says they are not).

There isn't a special rule for dice caps or Third Excellency, so both round up for magic beings.

Maybe Darryl can Wyld-evoke the hearts in and out of Elsewhere with a shaping action...

The "47" includes Darryl's Ring artifact.

Darryl holds a hand to his chin. "Hmm. I see. Well the next time I visit the Middlemarches, I'll keep my eye out." He then sends the eggs to Elsewhere, where nothing would happen to them and they would stay safe.


Which is why I'm using them and not sticking with basic punches. It's also useful since I can sprout claws in Human form so I can use Lunar Hero then.

All the rounding!

Right... Because I can still make those on Creation. Derp. I may keep rations (along with my everything else) in there. They won't spoil. WAIT. I have solved part of our Wyld Cauldron Food problem. 2m personal

Ah, well the current 39 so 40 so 48 at +6Str 1dx2 stunt should be ring artifact free.

Silent Wayfarer
2015-10-10, 04:24 AM
With Sparda
Shiori nods grimly. "The mansion I share with Darryl and Reshar has guards, but I believe the vast majority are ordinary- albeit well-trained- mortals. Shuyana is still here, but most of the tiger warriors that were with her have gone to fight in the North. Word has it that the Roseblack is leaving for the Deshen satrapies, but I am not sure if her legion has gone yet." She frowns. "If all else fails, we might simply have to guard the witnesses ourselves."

"Or recruit them for a unit under me... assuming that's allowed, of course."

2015-10-10, 04:32 AM
"Or recruit them for a unit under me... assuming that's allowed, of course."

Shuyana is no longer in the city, she left with the One Kingdom's elite units.

Btw, Shuyana=/=Samea=/=Swallowflock

The One Kingdom's tiger warriors don't worry about their well-being.

Ousiarches' tiger warriors will obey his orders.

However, both will be considered biased by the tribunal. Knives-Like-Eyes and Sesus will disregard their testimonies.

2015-10-10, 07:15 PM
Azeri, Sparda, Darryl

Before you leave north the Wiseman marks you with Faithful Ally.

2015-10-10, 08:42 PM

Shiori's friend, Elias of the Night Caste, asks Darryl for transport to Icehome.

2015-10-10, 10:49 PM
Azeri, Sparda, Darryl

Before you leave north the Wiseman marks you with Faithful Ally.
Darryl thanks the Wiseman. "For the sake of everyone, I will not fail."


Shiori's friend, Elias of the Night Caste, asks Darryl for transport to Icehome.

Darryl smiles. "Sure. You can spend the day in the Middlemarches, don't shape it or hurt my goblin, or I can carry you for a few thousand miles. But seriously, if you choose to go in the portable Wyld Pocket, I'm not 100% sure about if you kill my goblin, but if you Wyld shape it, you'll end up lost in Pure Chaos. You should be safe for only a day, but if you want to be safe and ride or use charms, go ahead." He laughed a bit on the inside, thinking about how much he'd been getting out of this well. With that, he was just about ready to take off. He'd be in Icehome shortly after sundown.

Silent Wayfarer
2015-10-10, 11:12 PM
Sparda pokes at the tattoo. If he's not wrong, this should be a backup, just in case something goes wrong.

2015-10-11, 09:31 AM
Azeri, Sparda, Darryl

Before you leave north the Wiseman marks you with Faithful Ally.

Azeri offers a curt nod to the Wiseman. "When I return, I should like to ask a few questions of the One King."

2015-10-11, 01:20 PM
Sparda pokes at the tattoo. If he's not wrong, this should be a backup, just in case something goes wrong.

Azeri offers a curt nod to the Wiseman. "When I return, I should like to ask a few questions of the One King."

Darryl thanks the Wiseman. "For the sake of everyone, I will not fail."

"The tattoos are more than a backup. Through them, we can communicate at all times. I myself will be coordinating with other strike teams and the One King's High Command.

"I've joined forces with the Kingdom to save the North, but don't think I have any standing with them normally."

Darryl smiles. "Sure. You can spend the day in the Middlemarches, don't shape it or hurt my goblin, or I can carry you for a few thousand miles. But seriously, if you choose to go in the portable Wyld Pocket, I'm not 100% sure about if you kill my goblin, but if you Wyld shape it, you'll end up lost in Pure Chaos. You should be safe for only a day, but if you want to be safe and ride or use charms, go ahead." He laughed a bit on the inside, thinking about how much he'd been getting out of this well. With that, he was just about ready to take off. He'd be in Icehome shortly after sundown.[/COLOR]

"A few hours in a cozy Middlemarch sound better than a few hours against the piercing winds of the North, thank you."

2015-10-11, 01:31 PM
Which is why I'm using them and not sticking with basic punches. It's also useful since I can sprout claws in Human form so I can use Lunar Hero then.

Ah, well the current 39 so 40 so 48 at +6Str 1dx2 stunt should be ring artifact free.
The Ring's sheen-gloves are still natural weapons and can be used with Lunar Hero and Claws of the Silver Moon. They offer +2 accuracy, +2 defense, and +5 damage over basic punch stats. Basic punch is +1 accuracy, +2 defense.

2015-10-11, 02:21 PM

To Uvanavu, God of Health: "Good, then I will speak freely. Does Whitewall currently have the resources to rebuild the city's sacred geomancy? I believe that it might serve as a defense against the dead if the Lover gets as far as Whitewall. I will have the skills to recreate the ancient design, and if the city has the will and the funding, I can probably get a Zenith Caste- one Karal Fire Orchid- to perform the necessary blessings. She is fighting icewalkers at the moment, but I imagine there will be preparation work necessary before the actual building can begin. I have also convinced a Night Caste, Jiunan Nightwarden, to help myself and Lily scout Marama's Fell. He is said to be most experienced when it comes to the dead and Shadowlands.

Please let me know as soon as possible if you think reconstruction is feasible. I will be on my way to Wallport within the week. Oh, and if you can acquire some texts on sacred geomancy for me, it would be most appreciated. I'm sure I can find the basics here in the Imperial City, but the libraries of Yu-Shan are said to be without peer."

To Karal Fire Orchid, Zenith Caste Solar: "I completely understand. Do you have a rough estimate on when you might be able to travel to Whitewall? No doubt there will be much preparation for me to do before the blessings and actual construction to begin. I will do my best to have everything organized and streamlined so that your part will take as little time as possible. If you are needed urgently on the warfront, I will not be offended at all. I greatly appreciate your efforts to defend a land so far from your home."

Uvanavu: "Thank you for your help. We will be ready for the repairs. It is fortunate Jiunan has agreed to scout Marama's Fell, we've heard much of his skill. We're looking forward to meeting you in Whitewall."

Shiori notices her mentor uses "we" more and more lately...

"Best estimate is we stop Samea in the first month of the war - failure is not an option - and then defeat the conventional forces of the Icewalkers throughout all of Water Season. So, Ascending Earth, Mars be willing."

Shiori feels Karal is not telling her everything, but that is hardly a surprise: as a leading general of Lookshy she knows more about the war situation than anybody but the One King.

2015-10-11, 04:47 PM

Amaya Meeting

"It's a pity what divided the honorable men of the Assembly was the naive view about the Lunar warlords. Godspeed." Amaya says before re-joing her faction to vote for the Dynasts proposal.

The treaty with Houses Sesus, Ragara, and Peleps passes. Their representatives will arrive on the 1st of Ascending Water. The Grand Vizier is pleased.

Second Purist Meeting

"On my desk is a moratorium on all demon summoning for the duration of my investigation into the Lotus Massacre. It will be very contentious, and will likely aggravate numerous people already indifferent to my living or dying. Speaking of such people, I am given to understand that Knives-Like-Eyes was chosen by the Lunars specifically to punish the Solars for the slight of giving the Terrestrials the vote first. Given that if the esteemed Lunar rules against me I have little chance of leaving the courtroom alive I would like something resembling assurances that this document I am about to sign will not also be my death warrant.

It is not that I value my life over much, but I learned on the battlefield that sometimes you must live in order to continue the battle at a later date. Were you in my position, what would be sufficient for you?"

In the meantime, Horakinis passes by and commends Ousiarches for standing up to Madame Pure's demands.

The Purists agree to only send aides, and only to speak with the Sage Emperor's aides. They say:

"It is ludicrous to think Madame Pure will agree to achieve her life's work, only to see it undone a week later."

"Let us clearly state: anything less than the total and permanent ban of everything pertaining to Third and Second Circle Demons and any Infernal geomancy is a non-starter."

"We see no reason to give a pass on Infernal alchemy or poisons. Non-relic artifacts of tainted magic materials other than soulsteel can be cleansed. Tainted soulsteel is to be destroyed."

"Summoning First Circle demons or attuning their relics or utilizing other derivative products can be discussed on a case-by-case basis, if you must for some ungodly reason not ban them. Those most odious to Mankind, as the Sesseljae, must be banned."

"Cleansing all beings of Demonic taint in Creation can be postponed."

2015-10-11, 05:47 PM
"The tattoos are more than a backup. Through them, we can communicate at all times. I myself will be coordinating with other strike teams and the One King's High Command.

"I've joined forces with the Kingdom to save the North, but don't think I have any standing with them normally."

"A few hours in a cozy Middlemarch sound better than a few hours against the piercing winds of the North, thank you."
"I figured. I can keep in touch the whole time. I can have a free hand."
Darryl set down the well. "Well then hop on down and we'll be off shortly."

The Ring's sheen-gloves are still natural weapons and can be used with Lunar Hero and Claws of the Silver Moon. They offer +2 accuracy, +2 defense, and +5 damage over basic punch stats. Basic punch is +1 accuracy, +2 defense.

But those are 6m, can't communicate poison until I get the right charms, and quills have range, which is useful for flying. When I get Silver Lunar Resolution, I'll start attuning my Ring as more than my Ring (Grace vs Treasure).

2015-10-11, 05:50 PM
But those are 6m, can't communicate poison until I get the right charms, and quills have range, which is useful for flying. When I get Silver Lunar Resolution, I'll start attuning my Ring as more than my Ring (Grace vs Treasure).[/QUOTE]

Not questioning your choice, just making sure you know the stats. As before, I believe the +1 accuracy you keep missing is the base accuracy of Punches.

2015-10-11, 06:08 PM
Not questioning your choice, just making sure you know the stats. As before, I believe the +1 accuracy you keep missing is the base accuracy of Punches.

Right, well I'm 90% sure 39=>48 is right for 0m. 11Str+6MA+5Spec+7Silvermoon(Dex)+6Bracers(essence) +4SLDS:39+1Punch+6Str+2Stunt:48

2015-10-11, 06:27 PM
Right, well I'm 90% sure 39=>48 is right for 0m. 11Str+6MA+5Spec+7Silvermoon(Dex)+6Bracers(essence) +4SLDS:39+1Punch+6Str+2Stunt:48

Seems 100% correct to me.

2015-10-11, 10:30 PM
Uvanavu: "Thank you for your help. We will be ready for the repairs. It is fortunate Jiunan has agreed to scout Marama's Fell, we've heard much of his skill. We're looking forward to meeting you in Whitewall."

Shiori notices her mentor uses "we" more and more lately...

"Best estimate is we stop Samea in the first month of the war - failure is not an option - and then defeat the conventional forces of the Icewalkers throughout all of Water Season. So, Ascending Earth, Mars be willing."

Shiori feels Karal is not telling her everything, but that is hardly a surprise: as a leading general of Lookshy she knows more about the war situation than anybody but the One King.

Shiori frowns at her mentor's message. Not at the content- on the contrary, it's good news- but at the pronouns he's chosen to use. Sounds like somebody hasn't spent enough time listening to his pet angyalka's music lately. If Uvanavu and the other two Syndics don't make an effort to remember who they are, it's entirely possible that they will merge into a single three-bodied entity, and then the jig would be up in Heaven. Would they even keep their original portfolios, or would they simply become the city god of Whitewall? She shakes her head. Once she and the other Exalts going to the Once-Holy City get there, she can nag the three deities to spend some time alone either listening to the angyalka or doing things related to their original portfolios. Or both, that would be even better.

As for General Karal's message... well, at least Whitewall will have plenty of time to get ready. The holy architecture probably won't be of use against the Solar-led icewalkers anyway; Shiori wants to restore it for use against the Tear Eaters and the Lover. With a deadline of Ascending Earth, she'll probably even have time to accompany Jiunan to Marama's Fell. Assuming he wants her non-stealthy help, of course. Perhaps he would be more willing to take Lily. She can be much more subtle than I, and she is excellent at tracking and wilderness survival. It always helps to have another person to split the watches at night.

Meeting with the Northern Solars

After parting ways with Sparda, Shiori calls Elias, Rune, and Macha to a meeting at her shared mansion. Servants offer tea and snacks (she's found that they become sad, offended or both if she doesn't give them something to do), and shortly thereafter the Twilight gets to the point.

"Thank you for coming, my friends. We will all be leaving for the North soon, and we must decide what to do with our Deliberative votes. There is a system in place for us to name proxies in our absence." She takes a deep breath. "Much as I wish that everyone would simply vote their conscience, in the Vizier's Deliberative votes are a valuable commodity. It would be foolish for us to simply leave when we could use our votes to secure further assistance for the North, and hopefully more influence on other issues that matter to us. I plan to make Emperor Ousiarches my proxy, contingent on his acquittal in the matter of Swallowflock."

Shiori begins to pace, a nervous tic that everyone present will recognize, before remembering herself and standing still again. "I took it upon myself to investigate the incident with the Dawn Caste Sparda. I have seen his investigative skills in action before and was quite impressed. Our conclusion, backed up by my occult knowledge, was that some sort of illusion effect was used. The tiger warriors present, both those of An-Teng and those of the One Kingdom, maintained that Swallowflock attacked first. I know of no Charm or spell that would produce such an effect, so our conclusion is that she used one of the supernatural martial arts. In any case, the testimony of tiger warriors from two different nations has convinced me that Ousiarches' soldiers were simply doing their jobs.

"I realize that he is a controversial figure. But not only did he help me by providing extra guards for my Golden Tree hospital, he spoke up against Lyta and Knives-Like-Eyes' barbaric sacrifices. I have no doubt that he knew doing so would make him a target and put him at odds with Lyta's supporters, and he did so anyway. These strike me as the actions of a righteous man, or at least one more righteous than the Grand Vizier and his toadies. Amaya did support me in trying to stop the sacrifices, but she holds no respect for Lunars. The North owes too much to Gerd Marrow-Eater and the Wiseman for me to give her my proxy vote.

"The three of you will, of course, do as you please with your votes. I simply wish to let you know what I am doing and why." She turns and smiles slightly at Rune. "Rune, even if you choose to support someone else, would you please bind an oath between myself and Ousiarches? My vote for his support in the North. His kingdom lies in the South, but I think An-Teng's resources can be valuable in the war regardless." Shiori believes that Ousiarches would commit any spare resources to stopping the Bull. Believing is different from knowing, though. And maybe an oath would make her friends more comfortable in giving him their votes.

2015-10-11, 11:02 PM
Cherak - Azeri

The sea of Water Season is deadly cold, but calm. The galleys the Roseblack selected for you move fast by oar. The troops unload for hours in Cherak as the two of you command tens of thousands. However, you are pleasantly surprised Cathak's army is already in the city, led by one Titus who used to be the secular commander of the forces of the Wyld Hunt in the North.

"Greetings, cousin. We are to ride northeast to the Pinnacle of the Eye of the Hunt, a great fortress-manse overlooking the region. From its unassailable walls, we checkmate the Icewalker invaders. We will prove to them Cathak is no Tepet."


Icehome - Darryl

Once in Haslanti's de facto capital, Elias quickly brings Darryl into the planning. The Lunar's spectacular mastery over sky and sea will come in handy in a key area: Malice Bay.

"Haslanti may be located on the coasts, but its heart beats in the White Sea. Yurgen Kaneko, of course, is a military mastermind shrewd enough to know this, and years ago he sent his agent Nalla Bloodaxe to take over the land of Karn. Today, the Karnese water and ice and even air-borne fleets pose a critical threat from their bases in Malice Bay. You, Darryl, are not only equipped to fight in all these mediums; you are also a warrior famed enough to stand a chance against Nalla Bloodaxe."

2015-10-11, 11:30 PM
Shiori frowns at her mentor's message. Not at the content- on the contrary, it's good news- but at the pronouns he's chosen to use. Sounds like somebody hasn't spent enough time listening to his pet angyalka's music lately. If Uvanavu and the other two Syndics don't make an effort to remember who they are, it's entirely possible that they will merge into a single three-bodied entity, and then the jig would be up in Heaven. Would they even keep their original portfolios, or would they simply become the city god of Whitewall? She shakes her head. Once she and the other Exalts going to the Once-Holy City get there, she can nag the three deities to spend some time alone either listening to the angyalka or doing things related to their original portfolios. Or both, that would be even better.

As for General Karal's message... well, at least Whitewall will have plenty of time to get ready. The holy architecture probably won't be of use against the Solar-led icewalkers anyway; Shiori wants to restore it for use against the Tear Eaters and the Lover. With a deadline of Ascending Earth, she'll probably even have time to accompany Jiunan to Marama's Fell. Assuming he wants her non-stealthy help, of course. Perhaps he would be more willing to take Lily. She can be much more subtle than I, and she is excellent at tracking and wilderness survival. It always helps to have another person to split the watches at night.

Meeting with the Northern Solars

After parting ways with Sparda, Shiori calls Elias, Rune, and Macha to a meeting at her shared mansion. Servants offer tea and snacks (she's found that they become sad, offended or both if she doesn't give them something to do), and shortly thereafter the Twilight gets to the point.

"Thank you for coming, my friends. We will all be leaving for the North soon, and we must decide what to do with our Deliberative votes. There is a system in place for us to name proxies in our absence." She takes a deep breath. "Much as I wish that everyone would simply vote their conscience, in the Vizier's Deliberative votes are a valuable commodity. It would be foolish for us to simply leave when we could use our votes to secure further assistance for the North, and hopefully more influence on other issues that matter to us. I plan to make Emperor Ousiarches my proxy, contingent on his acquittal in the matter of Swallowflock."

Shiori begins to pace, a nervous tic that everyone present will recognize, before remembering herself and standing still again. "I took it upon myself to investigate the incident with the Dawn Caste Sparda. I have seen his investigative skills in action before and was quite impressed. Our conclusion, backed up by my occult knowledge, was that some sort of illusion effect was used. The tiger warriors present, both those of An-Teng and those of the One Kingdom, maintained that Swallowflock attacked first. I know of no Charm or spell that would produce such an effect, so our conclusion is that she used one of the supernatural martial arts. In any case, the testimony of tiger warriors from two different nations has convinced me that Ousiarches' soldiers were simply doing their jobs.

"I realize that he is a controversial figure. But not only did he help me by providing extra guards for my Golden Tree hospital, he spoke up against Lyta and Knives-Like-Eyes' barbaric sacrifices. I have no doubt that he knew doing so would make him a target and put him at odds with Lyta's supporters, and he did so anyway. These strike me as the actions of a righteous man, or at least one more righteous than the Grand Vizier and his toadies. Amaya did support me in trying to stop the sacrifices, but she holds no respect for Lunars. The North owes too much to Gerd Marrow-Eater and the Wiseman for me to give her my proxy vote.

"The three of you will, of course, do as you please with your votes. I simply wish to let you know what I am doing and why." She turns and smiles slightly at Rune. "Rune, even if you choose to support someone else, would you please bind an oath between myself and Ousiarches? My vote for his support in the North. His kingdom lies in the South, but I think An-Teng's resources can be valuable in the war regardless." Shiori believes that Ousiarches would commit any spare resources to stopping the Bull. Believing is different from knowing, though. And maybe an oath would make her friends more comfortable in giving him their votes.

Shiori feels all her thoughts on Whitewall are spot on. Is that how Zenith feel all the time?

Jiunan thinks both of you can accompany him. He can scout ahead when needed.

"It would be my honor." Rune says with uncharacteristic humbleness.

Elias and Macha have the well-being of their respective Northern states as Motivations: that outranks their alliance with Shiori in priority; however the two of them and Rune trust Shiori's judgement. They agree to delegate their votes to Ousiarches.

2015-10-12, 12:39 AM
The Northern Four

It takes a great deal of effort not to slump with relief. Shiori's friends can probably tell anyway, but she has standards to maintain. "Well then, let's find him and decide on the exact wording of this oath before we make it official in front of the Deliberative." She opens the door to an antechamber where Lily is reading a scroll. "Lily, would you go send a Wind-Carried Words message to Ousiarches? Tell him to expect the four of us for a discussion about proxy votes." The mansion isn't that far from the Imperial Palace, and Lily's Charm is considerably cheaper in terms of Essence than Shiori's Infallible Messenger.

"Sure thing!" Lily bounces out of her chair and out of the mansion. In order to ensure that her message will get to the recipient, the Air Aspect travels a few blocks toward the Palace before hopping onto a roof. She's liked high places ever since her Exaltation.

"Good afternoon! This is Glacier Lily speaking for Ardis Shiori. Four Solars are coming to discuss proxy votes with you. We're coming from the east." That should let him know which entrance to either meet them or send a servant to meet them and guide them to him. The message swirls away on the wind to the Palace and Ousiarches.

Yay, Wind-Carried Words Technique! Lily can send a message 7.576 miles using 3m.

IIRC Ousiarches is still under house arrest so they have to go to him.

2015-10-12, 08:32 AM
Cherak - Azeri

The sea of Water Season is deadly cold, but calm. The galleys the Roseblack selected for you move fast by oar. The troops unload for hours in Cherak as the two of you command tens of thousands. However, you are pleasantly surprised Cathak's army is already in the city, led by one Titus who used to be the secular commander of the forces of the Wyld Hunt in the North.

"Greetings, cousin. We are to ride northeast to the Pinnacle of the Eye of the Hunt, a great fortress-manse overlooking the region. From its unassailable walls, we checkmate the Icewalker invaders. We will prove to them Cathak is no Tepet."

"Careful, Tidus. The Roseblack's selected these vessels, and she may yet hear what you say." Azeri smiles at his little joke.

What do we know of our enemies forces? Are we facing any notable members of the Bill's retinue?"

2015-10-12, 03:07 PM
Committee Meeting
Ousiarchies invited Sayn to join the directorate on Malfeas to head the project. He also solicited ideas about the feasibility of restoring the gate network given essence costs and what the advantages would be over alternate location manses or more traditional but enhanced transportation methods.

Faction Gathering
Within the grounds of the Red Garden, amid coleus, ti, Lookshyian maple and barberry, there stood an open-walled structure to large to be called a gazebo. There Ousiarchies waited in the shade for those he had invited, talking to his shadow. He wondered if Sparda would come or if he had already gone. There were so many reports and he was hesitant to commit any of his own staff to official business for fear they would become entangled in his mess.

The once proud dragon had looked ever more sickly since the day of its "birth" but when Amaya had burned away the possibility of alliance it had withered. Every day Sheut weakened a little more, its once crimson scales flaking off to reveal a new, brassy set below. Neither of them were happy about it.

You act in bad faith to stay here, when you no longer believe. It is a sin against everything you claim to stand for. None of them are virtuous who are not blind. None of them act benevolently who are not schemers. None of them care about the truth enough to make it matter. This meeting is a farce, this trial is a farce, this deliberative is a farce.

"I did not give my word that I would remain, Lyta's bow and the Vizier's legions are what binds me. Even so, if I will not have faith in the process how can I expect anyone else to when it is as it should be?"

But it is not as it should be! You play the game as if you were fit to do so. Where is the wisdom in pretending O Knowledge Increasing Emperor? Where is the prize worth An-Teng? That is what you are gambling with.

"It is true, that I might die and my kingdom thereby come to ruin. Yet it is already forfeit if things continue on as they are. Those with principle refuse to act on it and those with power refuse to invest it back into the world. As things now stand, the next age will be darker than this one."

He turned toward everyone and began to address them.

"I had a speech planned, but now I realize here, of all places, I should not give it. If my position is not persuasive to you on its own, then it does not deserve ostentatious words to cover its flaws.

Here are the principles I mean to advance in the Deliberative and Creation.

First, in the highest level of governance, there should be a voice for all. Each Exalted is a nation unto themselves in terms of power, but we do not speak for our species. Those who must live and die by our decisions should have a say in our actions. Nor does humanity have exclusive right to be heard because it produces the greatest luminaries. The other species, Jadeborn and beastmen among them, deserve a say in how their lives will be affected and how the Creation we all share is to be governed.

Second, there is an innate dignity to all sentient beings which is inconsistent with being used as ends. It is wrong to sell the dreams of people to fey or demons, to forge soulsteel, to bind mortals, ghosts or spirits to labor without respite, and to endanger the eternal souls of any. Slavery is wrong because it treats people as property, not as agents able and deserving to make their own choices.

Third, dependence on non-native forces for the security or prosperity of Creation is dangerous and leads to stagnation. Human and native species industry and knowledge should be increased until there is no longer any need to depend on the Wyld, Hell, or the Underworld. Not only will this strengthen Creation, but it will put the power to solve its problems into the hands of those who must suffer under those problems.

Fourth, as a general rule, cooperation is to be prefered to division. Alliance between nations should be encouraged over war, open trade rather than embargoes, cultural exchange instead of isolation. This principle must be allied carefully, or else it will allow the exploitation of the weak and encourage their dependency on stronger nations rather than stronger realms. Also, strong military alliances could easily embroil many nations in a directional war over what should have been a minor incident or local problem.

Fifth, none of of these principles can ever be perfectly upheld all the time by all people. When war does come, when extreme measures must be taken, when something necessary but distasteful must be done; it is to be done quickly, quietly, and cleanly. No one will ever have justification for genocide no matter the force of the rebellion or insult. No civilians are to be intentional targets in war times. In short, retribution should never exceed harm and collateral damage is to be minimized.

No doubt these could be put better and more pithily, but that is not the point of this meeting. In pursuit of these goals I propose the following items as part of a unified political platform.

The Lunars, Sidereals, Jadeborn, Beastmen, and Mortals should receive Deliberative votes.

Projects such as my proposed Creation-wide exotic component registry and distribution service and panelemental pact should be undertaken and encouraged.

Permanent peace should be negotiated in regions such as the Hundred Kingdoms.

We must prepare a unified strategy to respond to the Bull and similar threats rather than allowing individual exalts to approach the problem on their own. Not only does this lead to duplication of effort, but it runs the risk of failing to bring sufficient force to bear where it is needed.

There are and will be more, but I wish to illustrate what this philosophical commitment means in action. I invite comment and critique for where I have erred or fall."

Wind Carried Word Message
Ousiarchies sent a servant to receive the northerners while he spoke to his nascent faction.

2015-10-12, 11:25 PM
Faction Gathering

The servant quietly brings Shiori and her friends to where Ousiarches is speaking in time for them to catch most of his speech. She nods approvingly when the emperor finishes. It all sounds good, if he can pull this off. He will probably face opposition over the mortal and beastman vote, and it would take a miracle of diplomacy to get Lunars and Sidereals to work together. Not that the Maidens' Chosen will have time to participate until more of them have Exalted and been trained.

For now the healer opts to remain silent; no doubt there will be others who wish to respond.

2015-10-13, 08:32 PM
"Careful, Tidus. The Roseblack's selected these vessels, and she may yet hear what you say." Azeri smiles at his little joke.

What do we know of our enemies forces? Are we facing any notable members of the Bill's retinue?"

"There will be snow, sun, and countless Icewalker barbarians. Get ready for the trickery of the Anathema. We set on on the morrow."

Azeri concludes Cathak isn't included in the information-sharing network Shuyana had created for the war.

Azeri has to decide whether to go with Cathak (they expect him to) or stay with the Roseblack.

2015-10-13, 08:41 PM
"There will be snow, sun, and countless Icewalker barbarians. Get ready for the trickery of the Anathema. We set on on the morrow."

Azeri concludes Cathak isn't included in the information-sharing network Shuyana had created for the war.

Azeri has to decide whether to go with Cathak (they expect him to) or stay with the Roseblack.

Azeri chooses to depart with the Cathak forces. He gets the sense that if he doesn't look after them, nobody will.

He does inquire as to whether anyone in the company can fire off an Infallible Messenger to Shuyana, and perhaps gain inclusion into Shuyana's network.

2015-10-13, 08:52 PM

Committee Meeting
Sayn accepts to head the project. Truth to be told, even he isn't knowledgeable on the Gates.

Javran, who seems more of an elderly pirate than a Twilight savant, nods "Good work, good work. This old grandpa will dedicate to learning of the things you speak of."

Faction Gathering

Rose is a young Exalt of the kind that fell pray to the Shining Prince's lure, but she didn't as Ousiarches acted that day which now seems a distant memory. Rose grew up in a small community and met her Lunar mate early. She is deeply disturbed by the rift between the Lunars and the Deliberative.

Lenurel also grew up in a smaller, successful community. There aren't many other similarities between this calm middle-aged man and Rose. Lenurel is the kind of man who turns down offers of greater power every day as he tries to live simply and guide his community with the least amount of power wielded. He has no illusions about the Grand Vizier's nature.

Ultimately, the three of you hail from communities that have become successful one way or another, and that has shaped your worldviews.

2015-10-13, 08:53 PM
Azeri chooses to depart with the Cathak ship. He gets the sense that if he doesn't look after them, nobody will.

He does inquire as to whether anyone in the company can fire off an Infallible Messenger to Shuyana, and perhaps gain inclusion into Shuyana's network.

Azeri realizes it will be easier to tap the Wiseman's tattoo and speak to him: the Lunar is directly linked to Shuyana.

PS. You are already in Cherak. No more ships.

2015-10-13, 08:58 PM
Azeri realizes it will be easier to tap the Wiseman's tattoo and speak to him: the Lunar is directly linked to Shuyana.

PS. You are already in Cherak. No more ships.

Azeri requests an inclusion from the Wiseman, slightly uncomfortable with the sorcerous mark on his body. He's not much of a savant, and he's never experienced this spell before.

2015-10-13, 09:02 PM
Azeri requests an inclusion from the Wiseman, slightly uncomfortable with the sorcerous mark on his body. He's not much of a savant, and he's never experienced this spell before.

The Wiseman tells you Shuyana will soon send information for the forces heading to the Pinnacle of the Eye of the Hunt, however she prefers to work with Azeri and let him handle Cathak.

2015-10-13, 09:11 PM
Icehome - Darryl

Once in Haslanti's de facto capital, Elias quickly brings Darryl into the planning. The Lunar's spectacular mastery over sky and sea will come in handy in a key area: Malice Bay.

"Haslanti may be located on the coasts, but its heart beats in the White Sea. Yurgen Kaneko, of course, is a military mastermind shrewd enough to know this, and years ago he sent his agent Nalla Bloodaxe to take over the land of Karn. Today, the Karnese water and ice and even air-borne fleets pose a critical threat from their bases in Malice Bay. You, Darryl, are not only equipped to fight in all these mediums; you are also a warrior famed enough to stand a chance against Nalla Bloodaxe."

Darryl nods, thinking back on what he knew of the White Sea and what he'd heard of The Bull's Night. "I understand. I know I can handle most things, but Nalla himself will be quite a challenge. What do we know about the armies holding Karn and about Nalla? Anything is helpful. Also, when you mean ice fleets, do you mean traveling through ice or across ice? I can handle the latter with ease, but the former may be a bit trickier. I may have a form that could work."

Any forms that aren't supernatural and can move through ice? Otherwise I'll have to fly behind enemy lines and hunt an ice mutant. Oh, well.

Int:Lore on Malice Bay, Karn, and the exploits and fighting style of Nalla: +3 Successes (8m Staff) [roll0]
Int:Survival on the landscape of Malice Bay, to see whether I'd need more than Armored Hide to keep warm, and what kind of things I could use for food/shelter. +3Successes (8m Ring) [roll1]

Also, I have the regen to keep using my Dex Unity for 8m regularly so I still have that up in the case of ambush. If off screen scenes are an hour, I'll also be applying my Lunar Hero Form. However, in the field I'll probably have my personal essence full of Form and Unities.

2015-10-13, 09:33 PM
Darryl nods, thinking back on what he knew of the White Sea and what he'd heard of The Bull's Night. "I understand. I know I can handle most things, but Nalla himself will be quite a challenge. What do we know about the armies holding Karn and about Nalla? Anything is helpful. Also, when you mean ice fleets, do you mean traveling through ice or across ice? I can handle the latter with ease, but the former may be a bit trickier. I may have a form that could work."

Any forms that aren't supernatural and can move through ice? Otherwise I'll have to fly behind enemy lines and hunt an ice mutant. Oh, well.

Int:Lore on Malice Bay, Karn, and the exploits and fighting style of Nalla: +3 Successes (8m Staff) [roll0]
Int:Survival on the landscape of Malice Bay, to see whether I'd need more than Armored Hide to keep warm, and what kind of things I could use for food/shelter. +3Successes (8m Ring) [roll1]

Also, I have the regen to keep using my Dex Unity for 8m regularly so I still have that up in the case of ambush. If off screen scenes are an hour, I'll also be applying my Lunar Hero Form. However, in the field I'll probably have my personal essence full of Form and Unities.

"Not all of the White Sea freezes in winter, but all coastal areas do. The ice ships are usually made of wood and sail on snow and ice on giant ski, not unlike the sand ships of the fabled Fire Direction."

"The Karnese have a tradition of building ice and sea ships, but Nalla taught them to build air ships like ours too."

"We don't know if Nalla Bloodaxe has a wonder that can travel through the ice itself or underwater. We'd better be vigilant though, the Circle of the Bull has robbed many ancient vaults."

There are plenty of knowledgeable fellows when it comes to Karn and Malice Bay around, they can answer any additional questions. Overall, the Karnese are a reaver culture that was taken over from within by the Bull.

Nalla Bloodaxe is not one to shy from legends. His main style is most certainly Solar Melee, and he is a rough warrior most often seen covered in the blood of countless enemies, but he is not afraid to spill his own too. He probably has some ranged skills and will be quite mobile during the Malice Bay operations - chances are by the powers of some looted treasure.

Curiously, there are conflicting reports on Nalla's sex: most sources list him as male, but some as female. However, all depict him as rough and long-haired.

Winter in the North is so cold it's best to have Air Adaptation (1-dot Pox).

Per the Corebook, scene length vary wildly. I'd say Darryl can keep up mote costs, but not WP costs: so feel free to maintain scene-longs that don't eat up WP.

2015-10-13, 09:40 PM

2015-10-14, 06:59 AM
"Not all of the White Sea freezes in winter, but all coastal areas do. The ice ships are usually made of wood and sail on snow and ice on giant ski, not unlike the sand ships of the fabled Fire Direction."

"The Karnese have a tradition of building ice and sea ships, but Nalla taught them to build air ships like ours too."

"We don't know if Nalla Bloodaxe has a wonder that can travel through the ice itself or underwater. We'd better be vigilant though, the Circle of the Bull has robbed many ancient vaults."

There are plenty of knowledgeable fellows when it comes to Karn and Malice Bay around, they can answer any additional questions. Overall, the Karnese are a reaver culture that was taken over from within by the Bull.

Nalla Bloodaxe is not one to shy from legends. His main style is most certainly Solar Melee, and he is a rough warrior most often seen covered in the blood of countless enemies, but he is not afraid to spill his own too. He probably has some ranged skills and will be quite mobile during the Malice Bay operations - chances are by the powers of some looted treasure.

Curiously, there are conflicting reports on Nalla's sex: most sources list him as male, but some as female. However, all depict him as rough and long-haired.

Winter in the North is so cold it's best to have Air Adaptation (1-dot Pox).

Per the Corebook, scene length vary wildly. I'd say Darryl can keep up mote costs, but not WP costs: so feel free to maintain scene-longs that don't eat up WP.

"Hmm. I'm not sure what all he has, but I think we should assume that Nalla has such a wonder. It would be better to be cautious, but at the same time, we will want to keep from guarding an unnecessary flank. I may be wrong, of course, large scale tactics are something I'll be growing into.

"Is there an existing plan as to how you want me to deal with this? Will there be a full battle or will a blazing silver hodgepodge be fighting people one after the other? I'll still do it if that's the plan, just let me know." Darryl twitched for a moment, knowing that days on the ice required very warm coats, so he did something a little better. The skin beneath his fur turned white as he felt himself warm up.
2m Air Adaptation based on the ability of the Shard Bat to survive these temperatures.

Cool, so I guess I'll have to be even more mobile than he is.

Cool, so I believe my Scene Longs that aren't reflexive are Str Unity, Dex Unity, and Lunar Hero Form, none of which require WP.

2015-10-14, 08:46 PM
[COLOR="#800080""Is there an existing plan as to how you want me to deal with this? Will there be a full battle or will a blazing silver hodgepodge be fighting people one after the other? I'll still do it if that's the plan, just let me know."[/COLOR] Darryl twitched for a moment, knowing that days on the ice required very warm coats, so he did something a little better. The skin beneath his fur turned white as he felt himself warm up.
2m Air Adaptation based on the ability of the Shard Bat to survive these temperatures.

Cool, so I guess I'll have to be even more mobile than he is.

Cool, so I believe my Scene Longs that aren't reflexive are Str Unity, Dex Unity, and Lunar Hero Form, none of which require WP.

"Our fleets will meet in battle in Malice Bay. Seek Nalla and defeat him."

Instinctive Unities require WP.

2015-10-14, 09:37 PM
"Our fleets will meet in battle in Malice Bay. Seek Nalla and defeat him."

Instinctive Unities require WP.

Darryl chuckled a bit. "That simple? Well I'll give it everything I have. When Nalla is down, I'll join the fleet. When do we move out? And if not tomorrow, is there anything I can do for you in the meantime?"

So they do... I may have been not paying that for the whole of the campaign up until now. So can you PM me the makeup of that universal (probably celestial MA) WP regeneration? Or is it homebrewy?

So I guess all I have up is Lunar Hero form. I'll commit personal essence to my gifts and Hero Form, then light my anima with my Unities upon the opening of a combat scene (so things like, when I reach the battlefield, there will be enough time to activate Unities before diving in).

2015-10-16, 01:23 AM
Once it becomes clear that nobody else is going to talk, Shiori and her friends approach Ousiarches. "A good speech, Ousiarches. Unfortunately we will not be hearing many more from you for some time, as my friends and I will shortly be leaving to defend our homelands. And since the Deliberative has a convenient proxy system in place... we would like to extend our votes to you, in exchange for an oath to help defend the North to the best of your abilities." She hates exchanging votes for anything. But some things are more important than ideals of honesty, and the safety of Fella is one of them. "I believe you would do so regardless, but I cannot risk my home and family on faith." Shiori gives him an apologetic shrug and glances at her fellow Northerners. Do they have anything to add?

2015-10-16, 02:46 AM
When Reshar returned to the city, his first act was to gather the provisions for his work. THankfully Shield was quite helpful, the council of the city giving him nearly a ton of fur, along with all the facilities of the city's workshops. The Leatherworking guild gladly offerred it's services, and Reshar was quite happy to comply, he could begin working.

Firstly he had to harden and clean the furs from dirt and leftover meat. That task he assigned ot the leatherworkers,using large cauldrons to boil the furs. Once they reached a temperature to be malleable , the workers removed them, shaping them into proper clothing with shoirt but quite sharp knives, forming large overcoats. Once they had dried up, it was Reshar's turn. He used metal bars from the city's mines, using his fists to infuse them with essence. Manipulating them from within, he split the bars into tiny metallic threads, as thin as the Daughter of the moon's hair. Then, he carefully inserted multiple threads into the fur coats, reinforcing them from the inside. After their main teck was done, he decided to add some artistic details. Nothing grandiose, but anything made from a twilight had to bear a mark that signified them to be above the common craft, even the mass produced ones. With the metallic threads, he inscribed each coat with the mark of the Daughter's brow. He hoped that she would not mind that detail.

He had many days of work in front of him, and he toiled quite a bit with the leatherworkers. In his little free time, he either tried to train himself, or spent his time with the Daughter. He was a bit less awkward with her by now, but it was still obvious that the RIghteous Wanderer was not immune to her many charms. He also awaited the return of the person the brought him here, the Platinum Dragon cultist, now member of the Company, before a spy of Amaya. He also awaited for the company to decide on the exact number and kind for each weapon.

2000 Exceptional Buff jackets require 4000 succeses. CNNT reduce each hourly interval of roll by Essencex3=15. Meaning i make a roll every 4 minutes. My dice pool is 10 (assuming acess to a +0 dice workshop), plus Peerless paragon of Fire, and the maximum amount of mortal workers fora Recources 2 item, which is 2, so 2 sucesses . That gives an average of 10 successes per roll. So 400 rolls to reach 4k successes, or 1600 minutes. That is an average of 27 hours. Assuming he will work for 8 hours per day, he will finishin 4 days.

2015-10-16, 05:56 PM
Faction Meeting

"No. I said before, and I repeat now; you should never give away your voice. However, if you wish to give me instructions for how you wish your votes cast I will swear to faithfully carry out those instructions. If you trust me to cast them as I see fit, I will accept the responsibility to allocate them as I believe you would.

Your land deserves support regardless of what you can give. My own plans to support it are already in motion back in An-Teng, and I will have to return there to begin the process. A pity Darryl has already left, his speed would have expedited things immensely."

OOC: Yes, but don't want to come off as greedy

2015-10-17, 03:57 PM
"And that is why I chose you to have my proxy vote." Shiori smiles at the Emperor. "You may cast my vote as you see fit. Very few plans survive first contact with the enemy, after all. There will always be unforeseen circumstances." She turns to the other Northerners. "What say you, my friends?"

2015-10-24, 10:31 PM
somewhat OOC: Getting Back on Track


The Haslantian forces will try to stem the Karnese advance at the mouth of Malice Bay. It will be a fleet battle, including air ships. The Haslantians are ready to answer more of Darryl's questions or aid him in whatever else he needs. When he is ready, it's all about locating Nalla (who will also be flying above the battlefield bay.

The Wiseman who Darryl can contact at any time via the sorcerous tattoos can advise on the secrets of restoring one's willpower to live and fight. Such a question will have to be framed in-character.


Cathak are preparing to summon Stormwind Riders and travel to the Pinnacle. Shuyana informs you of three factors:

- it's highly unlikely any of the Bull's Solars are in your region. She doubts any of his Lunar allies are there too. The Night Caste can't say about Outcaste Dragon-Blooded serving Kaneko.

- the Bull of the North is a very capable strategist. He will have a plan to deal with the Pinnacle, and it won't be conventional siege.

- While it happened only recently, the Bull's Solars have progressed to the point where they can fully train Essence 2 Supernatural Martial Artists, and also train any Enlightened mortals under them that reach Essence 3 into Sorcery. Expect unusual amount of opposing Terrestrial Sorcerers and Martial Stylists.

Azeri has some time to talk/act in Cherak on any matter he deems vital; after that it is a long blizzard-y treck with Stormwind Riders.

Ousiarches and Shiori have to catch up with everyone else's timeline. Rune sanctifies the oath (leaving to Ousiarches to propose exact wording). The Eclipse says "Yurgen Kaneko is only the first deadly thread the North is to face, the aid of An Teng can yet prove crucial in our survival."

Once the oath is worded, Shiori will be in Whitewall with Jiunan. Ousiarches will be on the 1st Day of Ascending Water. There is no need to reply to the Purists or give up the Directorate Seat. Unless Ousiarches wants to act, his time can progress to further in the week when things will happen, including the beginning of the trial.


Reshar's plan has hit a snag. He has estimated the basic time to craft an armor as an hour, but it is usually a week. Once the workings of his plan are resolved, he can move on to other adventures.

2015-10-25, 01:05 AM

The Haslantian forces will try to stem the Karnese advance at the mouth of Malice Bay. It will be a fleet battle, including air ships. The Haslantians are ready to answer more of Darryl's questions or aid him in whatever else he needs. When he is ready, it's all about locating Nalla (who will also be flying above the battlefield bay).

The Wiseman, who Darryl can contact at any time via the sorcerous tattoos, can advise on the secrets of restoring one's willpower to live and fight. Such a question will have to be framed in-character.

Darryl looks to the Haslanti commander "How long can you hold them off, and has Nalla shown himself in battle? I want to know if it is safe to train. Also, do you have any non-essence dependent methods of increasing perception? I'll need everything I can get to engage a night caste."


Darryl held one of his hands to his neck. "Wiseman, I am in need of some wisdom. This war will have many long battles. To bend the essence of charms to function simultaneously, it is very taxing on the mind. I can only get so much strength to go on from success in the battle. Are there ways to replenish your will to fight during battle? I would appreciate any help you can give, as I don't have the time to discover something on my own.

If I had a month and a half, I'd use a month and a half on making an Elder Stamina Charm and putting it in combo if it wasn't a permanent charm.

2015-10-25, 03:11 PM
Azeri confers with his fellow Cathaks. "How are our supernatural forces? Will we be able to counter the large number of sorcerors? Are there any spirit courts nearby who might be willing to assist our fight?"

2015-10-27, 12:04 AM
Darryl looks to the Haslanti commander "How long can you hold them off, and has Nalla shown himself in battle? I want to know if it is safe to train. Also, do you have any non-essence dependent methods of increasing perception? I'll need everything I can get to engage a night caste."


Darryl held one of his hands to his neck. "Wiseman, I am in need of some wisdom. This war will have many long battles. To bend the essence of charms to function simultaneously, it is very taxing on the mind. I can only get so much strength to go on from success in the battle. Are there ways to replenish your will to fight during battle? I would appreciate any help you can give, as I don't have the time to discover something on my own.

If I had a month and a half, I'd use a month and a half on making an Elder Stamina Charm and putting it in combo if it wasn't a permanent charm.

"There isn't much time before they strike, days at most. Nalla hasn't yet shown himself."

"Perhaps alchemy can be of help to you, Exalted One..."


"Hrm. There is an old technique that magistrates developed in their pursuits of criminal fugitives. It taxes the body to invigorate the soul. Incidently, Luna's strength is one of the few ways to replenish the body in such moments..."

Arbiter Style's Form (Imperfect Lotus) trades ahl for wp. The style is also a non-Solar way to boost stunt rewards.

2015-10-27, 12:07 AM
Azeri confers with his fellow Cathaks. "How are our supernatural forces? Will we be able to counter the large number of sorcerors? Are there any spirit courts nearby who might be willing to assist our fight?"

Titus admits he has thought he had many sorcerers, but the number Shuyana suspects give advantage to the enemy. Azeri's cousin reveals that he had an iron grip on the spirit courts in the region during his time in the Eye of the Pinnacle of the Hunt. "They will do my bidding. What do you need?"

2015-10-27, 02:34 AM
"There isn't much time before they strike, days at most. Nalla hasn't yet shown himself."

"Perhaps alchemy can be of help to you, Exalted One..."


"Hrm. There is an old technique that magistrates developed in their pursuits of criminal fugitives. It taxes the body to invigorate the soul. Incidently, Luna's strength is one of the few ways to replenish the body in such moments..."

Arbiter Style's Form (Imperfect Lotus) trades ahl for wp. The style is also a non-Solar way to boost stunt rewards.

Darryl's face tore to the side in a mark of disdain. "Dammit! Well it looks like I'll have to wait on getting that before the fight. Unless you plan to meet Nalla's first move, I'm ready to go as soon as the fleet is.

"If you have alchemical resources at your disposal, please show me what you have. I would like to make it quick, since battle may be upon us at any moment."


"You don't say?" Darryl Smiles, at least something was looking up, if only a little. "I'm afraid I don't have the time or experience to absorb a new style of Martial Arts. Though perhaps I will soon. Thank you for your suggestion. Also, I need to learn things faster. If I'm going to have these people depend on me, I need to have some way of making myself stronger faster.

"I don't know if you have any advice for going beyond the limits that even the Exalted have. Maybe there are special training charms, maybe White Rabbit can train me in some. I don't know, but I need to get things done now or I put all these people in more and more danger." Darryl knew there was a solution, wracking his mind for anything he'd heard of the Elders being able to accomplish. There were so many stories, so many tales, surely one of the First Age Exalts had managed to figure the secrets of surpassing the limit of time.

Arbiter: I assume that one reflexive trade counts as a single wound for Purging the Tarnished Silver as the Form is worded as sacrificing any number reflexively and gaining temp WP of an equal amount. Of course if I trade act trade even in one tick, that's two separate wounds.

Also, I just now looked up the Destiny Background (Online and couldn't find a source citation). As an Exalt, how much of that do I have? Furthermore, can I spend something to get it?

White Rabbit: So I've heard stories, so I'll use my Second Staff Excellency (pretty sure that's lore) for 8m(probably have enough personal essence, if not, yippee, I'm glowing) and add a WP for a success. (9/10)(I'll still be better in the morning) [roll0]+4 Successes. + [roll1] stunt?

2015-10-27, 03:36 AM
Darryl's face tore to the side in a mark of disdain. "Dammit! Well it looks like I'll have to wait on getting that before the fight. Unless you plan to meet Nalla's first move, I'm ready to go as soon as the fleet is.

"If you have alchemical resources at your disposal, please show me what you have. I would like to make it quick, since battle may be upon us at any moment."


"You don't say?" Darryl Smiles, at least something was looking up, if only a little. "I'm afraid I don't have the time or experience to absorb a new style of Martial Arts. Though perhaps I will soon. Thank you for your suggestion. Also, I need to learn things faster. If I'm going to have these people depend on me, I need to have some way of making myself stronger faster.

"I don't know if you have any advice for going beyond the limits that even the Exalted have. Maybe there are special training charms, maybe White Rabbit can train me in some. I don't know, but I need to get things done now or I put all these people in more and more danger." Darryl knew there was a solution, wracking his mind for anything he'd heard of the Elders being able to accomplish. There were so many stories, so many tales, surely one of the First Age Exalts had managed to figure the secrets of surpassing the limit of time.

Arbiter: I assume that one reflexive trade counts as a single wound for Purging the Tarnished Silver as the Form is worded as sacrificing any number reflexively and gaining temp WP of an equal amount. Of course if I trade act trade even in one tick, that's two separate wounds.

Also, I just now looked up the Destiny Background (Online and couldn't find a source citation). As an Exalt, how much of that do I have? Furthermore, can I spend something to get it?

White Rabbit: So I've heard stories, so I'll use my Second Staff Excellency (pretty sure that's lore) for 8m(probably have enough personal essence, if not, yippee, I'm glowing) and add a WP for a success. (9/10)(I'll still be better in the morning) [roll0]+4 Successes. + [roll1] stunt?

They can offer Eagle's Eye potion (Oadenol's).

The roll is good enough for Darryl to suspect such possibility. However, the Wiseman can't speak of White Rabbit's magic, and would rather not have Darryl take any risks, be it the unusual dimensions White Rabbit has studied or the dangers of other missions like Mahalanka, while he is needed to stop Samea.

Root of the Lotus (however it is named for Lunars) will halve TMA costs.

Arbiter reflexively trades any number of HL for equal number of WP, and Purging will heal them one by one, effectively trading 5m for 1wp.

The background is from Scroll of the Monk. Celestial Exalted cannot have Destiny.

2015-10-27, 04:08 AM
They can offer Eagle's Eye potion (Oadenol's).

The roll is good enough for Darryl to suspect such possibility. However, the Wiseman can't speak of White Rabbit's magic, and would rather not have Darryl take any risks, be it the unusual dimensions White Rabbit has studied or the dangers of other missions like Mahalanka, while he is needed to stop Samea.

Root of the Lotus (however it is named for Lunars) will halve TMA costs.

Arbiter reflexively trades any number of HL for equal number of WP, and Purging will heal them one by one, effectively trading 5m for 1wp.

The background is from Scroll of the Monk. Celestial Exalted cannot have Destiny.

And I will take them up on that offer. Every die is precious when saving Essence for a fight.

Of course he does. Party pooper. But anyways, with battle imminent, I can't just run off right this minute. I can decide a few weeks from now when Nalla is dead tomorrow.

Oh, that's interesting. Well then I'll have to spend 5 days training that.

Okay, so it looks like an out of combat measure, at least until I get the artifact weapon and a clear ruling on said weapon. I mean, the charm texts say round up, but the errata implies they round down without actually saying they round down. Otherwise, since they're treated as separate wounds, In combat you get 10m for 1wp, or 15m for 2wp, but you're never going to have 20m to spend by the time you're in need of 3 wp. Or since I'll have Flowing body Ascension, I can just eat 4 agg and heal later.

Yeah, I dug some more and was disappointed. Especially due to the discrepancy without actually addressing a change. But it's probably the best I can get.

2015-10-27, 04:14 AM
And I will take them up on that offer. Every die is precious when saving Essence for a fight.

Of course he does. Party pooper. But anyways, with battle imminent, I can't just run off right this minute. I can decide a few weeks from now when Nalla is dead tomorrow.

Oh, that's interesting. Well then I'll have to spend 5 days training that.

Okay, so it looks like an out of combat measure, at least until I get the artifact weapon and a clear ruling on said weapon. I mean, the charm texts say round up, but the errata implies they round down without actually saying they round down. Otherwise, since they're treated as separate wounds, In combat you get 10m for 1wp, or 15m for 2wp, but you're never going to have 20m to spend by the time you're in need of 3 wp. Or since I'll have Flowing body Ascension, I can just eat 4 agg and heal later.

Yeah, I dug some more and was disappointed. Especially due to the discrepancy without actually addressing a change. But it's probably the best I can get.

Not much point for a Lunar to take the artifact charms of Arbiter. They can't be rated high without Destiny, and they also are always jade-like, so an armor won't work for a shapeshifter (not moonsilver-like), while low-rated weapons would be inferior to claws of the silvermoon. The familiar would be fun, though.

The style's errata is one of the worst things ever written by the Ink Monkeys. It shows total lack of understanding of the charms, and total inability to write rules readably.

2015-10-27, 10:44 AM
Titus admits he has thought he had many sorcerers, but the number Shuyana suspects give advantage to the enemy. Azeri's cousin reveals that he had an iron grip on the spirit courts in the region during his time in the Eye of the Pinnacle of the Hunt. "They will do my bidding. What do you need?"

"If they're put to use correctly than they could serve to defray the Bull's advantage. It's mostly Air elementals this far north, yes? Have them Harry the Icewalkers with storms and lightning, have them serve as scouts and messengers. They could serve as a peerless strike force, hitting hard and vanishing."

"And Titus... do be diplomatic. Don't be the Mighty Immaculate doling out commands. We need to seem the more agreeable ally than the Bull of the North."

2015-10-27, 03:16 PM
Not much point for a Lunar to take the artifact charms of Arbiter. They can't be rated high without Destiny, and they also are always jade-like, so an armor won't work for a shapeshifter (not moonsilver-like), while low-rated weapons would be inferior to claws of the silvermoon. The familiar would be fun, though.

The style's errata is one of the worst things ever written by the Ink Monkeys. It shows total lack of understanding of the charms, and total inability to write rules readably.

Right. Since "Claws" weapon would just produce jadeish light claws, rather than augment my claws. Though if I wanted a familiar, I'd probably take the charisma charms. Though that's iffy because they're not favored. Eh, it's whatever. The style still means I can be in more than one fight per 2-3 days.

Well then it's a good thing we've decided those charms aren't worth it at all.

2015-10-28, 02:11 AM
Once the Northern Solars have formally passed their votes to Ousiarches, the Whitewall contingent has just enough time to pack their things before boarding a Peleps trading ship en route to Wallport. The Realm might think that Whitewall is full of heretics, but they sure do love the blue jade from Whitewall's mines. Shiori passes the time by reading sorcerous texts she picked up in the Imperial City markets, and in Mnemon's former mansion. One thing is becoming inescapably clear; Emerald Countermagic will not suffice for an expedition where they might encounter necromancers. She needs Sapphire Countermagic, and for that she has to think of another Sacrifice.

Oh, who am I kidding? Shiori already knows of something. Something she really does not want to give up, and that's the clearest indication that it will make a good sorcerous Sacrifice. Woman up and do it already. She takes a deep breath, sequestered in the cabin she shares with Lily and Macha while the other two Exalts are elsewhere on the ship. Her Emerald Sacrifice was performed in the more structured setting of the Haslanti Wind-Savants' longhouse in Shield, but the act of Sacrifice is simple enough to perform anywhere. One need only formally state exactly what one is giving up. It's the will behind the action that makes the difference between mere words and a transition between states of being.

"For the knowledge of the Sapphire Circle of Sorcery, I, Ardis Shiori of the Twilight Caste, hereby sacrifice my identity as a simple healer. No more will I wander where my whim takes me. I will take up my mantle as a member of the Solar Deliberative, a major potential force in the future of Creation. I recognize and acknowledge this power and shoulder the burden it brings me."

2015-10-30, 01:24 AM

The walls of the cabin slightly echo her words. Nothing visibly changes, yet Shiori has changed.

Days later, she and her companions reach Whitewall. The city is preparing for siege, although no enemy is present for the time being. A restless Jiunan awaits you and suggest you head into Marama's Fell as soon as possible, before the undead Icewalker hordes invade it. However, Shiori probably has a thing or two to attend before scouting the sprawling shadowland...



The stormwinds rise and the forces of Cathak head north. Your first stop is a lonely, wind-blasted hill. Locals know it as a spirit-possessed place and shy away from it. Titus knows it as the seat of an Air Court.

In this season, the steep path up is frozen. It won't be an easy climb for the cousin. Moreover, he intends to call on a full dragon of soldiers to accompany you...



Your airship exits a cloud. Below, a large river pours into Malice Bay. Ice has it in a solid grip, though, so the ships of the Karnese advance on giant skis as black bugs on white tablecloth.

Their airships are also nearby, swooping from the west. You don't yet see Nalla.

"Beware their sorcerers if you get too close to their ships." The Wiseman warningly whispers via the tattoo.


Ousiarches and Mirajane

The days pass in the Imperial City. Mirajane doesn't know what to think of the trial against her Crystal Isle host. Commoners seem convinced he is guilty, and the cause of the end of their beloved Shining Prince' largesse. Her newfound Platinum-Blooded friends aren't so sure. It's unfortunate the Prophet, of whose wisdom they speak every day, is no longer in the city, as he was quick to the crimescene.

Ousiarches spends his time in the Palace. The Deliberative is finally issuing laws and regulations. Judge Sesus has arrived and is acquainting himself with the case against the Emperor. The opening sessions of the trial must be any day now.

However, today is turning out to be a strange day. It has begun with a Water Season mist: not uncommon, heavy and cold. But the mist has continued to "thicken", and now is like a pall of grey wool blunting sight and hearing. It's eerie and unsettling. More and more of the Exalts surrounding Ousiarches in the Deliberative's chamber look over their shoulders to the mist beyond the windows; while Mirajane sees the commoners make warding signs against evil and disappear from the promenade in homes or in pubs.

2015-10-30, 02:05 AM
Fortunately, the journey along the Holy Road was cold but uneventful. The Water season chill is depressingly familiar to both Shiori and Lily. Whitewall is a welcome sight, especially when one knows about the hot public baths available.

"I know you're eager to get going, Jiunan, but we should check in with the Syndics. There may be new intelligence on movements in the Fell since I last spoke with them." Spoke with one of them, rather, but Shiori isn't going to reveal her relationship with one of the Syndics unless Uvanavu gives his permission. Even Lily only knows that Shiori is on good terms with a Syndic, she doesn't know the deity's name. "And given the nature of where we're going, I would really rather have a good night's sleep and start out at dawn."

2015-10-30, 02:27 AM
Earlier that morning, Darryl had attempted to make his eyes even better, knowing that it might well be impossible to do so, not as designed. He stood near the front of the ship, looking on abut the battlefeild, see what was about to become a mess of metals.

He touched the tatto with one hand and responded to the Wiseman. "Okay. How close is too close? And would they likely be Terrestrial sorcerer's or Celestial? And how likely is it that I can fly in, punch a ship, and fly out? I was planning on regaining essence with that."

He looked out onto the bay, buffing himself up and drinking some potions.

Tiger's Heart Elixir, Eagle's Eye, Bright Morning: (addiction to Bright Morning (5/6 days since arena battle) [roll0], need one success or become an addict.

Scene Long Charms: Lunar Hero Form, Dex Unity 8, Str Unity12: 26m 2wp

Attempting to Stack Improved Sense, but I'll not depend on that. My current Per+awareness is 7+Ess+ability of Improved Sense mutation to stack d10.

2015-10-30, 11:46 PM
Azeri decides that, given his power of flight, it might be easier for him to petition the Air Court. He plans to visit them alone, then rejoin the Cathak forces at their next stop.

2015-11-02, 03:31 AM
Mirajane was not really expecting the situation she was thrown into. Her adoptive father's letter did not say anything about he rhost being imprisoned. She enjoyed the hospitality of the Crystal Isle, but her mind wandered about Ousiarche's fate. She was informed by Reshar aboutthe Prince, so she paid little mind to what the locals said. She was either studying in the city's library or observing the Deliberative's procedures, until the mist fell. Something was off, the citizen's definetely thought it was a bad omen. Having nothing better to do, while also having a nagging feeling of suspicion, she wentoutside. Taking quick breaths, she opened her eyes, activating her essence sight as she inspected the fog that surrounded the city .

All-enompassing sorcere's insight [roll0], stunt pending, channeling wp for one auto success

2015-11-03, 02:14 AM
Mirajane was not really expecting the situation she was thrown into. Her adoptive father's letter did not say anything about he rhost being imprisoned. She enjoyed the hospitality of the Crystal Isle, but her mind wandered about Ousiarche's fate. She was informed by Reshar aboutthe Prince, so she paid little mind to what the locals said. She was either studying in the city's library or observing the Deliberative's procedures, until the mist fell. Something was off, the citizen's definetely thought it was a bad omen. Having nothing better to do, while also having a nagging feeling of suspicion, she wentoutside. Taking quick breaths, she opened her eyes, activating her essence sight as she inspected the fog that surrounded the city .

All-enompassing sorcere's insight [roll0], stunt pending, channeling wp for one auto success

it's just a mist...

2015-11-03, 02:16 AM
Azeri decides that, given his power of flight, it might be easier for him to petition the Air Court. He plans to visit them alone, then rejoin the Cathak forces at their next stop.

Titus protests. "Dear cousin, is this smart? I know those spirits well from my time at the Pinnacle. Best await me at the top."

2015-11-03, 02:22 AM

"A hundred yards or so as to avoid their Howls. They are Terrestrial Sorcerers, if you encounter anything more powerful it will be the doing of another Exalted or a Second Circle Demon of Samea's."

Darryl is ready to jump into the fray. Encountering Nalla probably won't take long.

2015-11-03, 02:28 AM

The Twilight bides her time in a chilly hall in Whitewall's palace, awaiting her meeting with the Syndics. Perhaps due to her prior suspicions, Shiori notices the music of the bound demon is ever-so-slightly off...

2015-11-03, 02:59 AM
Shiori frowns at the angyalka. Why is her playing off? Angyalkae always play perfectly, it's in their nature so deeply that they can't stop playing even if a sorcerer or higher demon tries to compel them. Something must be wrong with her. What could make an angyalka play off key?

The Twilight gets to her feet and walks over to the many-fingered demon. "Good day, angyalka. Is something upsetting you? Are you ill, or injured? I mean no offense, but... your music is not quite as exquisite as I have heard in previous visits to the Syndics. If anything ails you, I would be happy to help." She activates her All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight to see if there's something wrong with the demon's Essence.

2015-11-03, 06:39 AM
Darryl took a deep breath and limbered up his several limbs. He couldn't decide whether to smile or to scowl. On one hand, he would likely be in the most testing battle of his life so far, to say nothing of the mission to take down a Solar Sorceress, but in both of those instances, someone would have to die. But now it was necessary, at least he hoped. There was little time to think of it as he stepped to the troop deployment hatch. "Thank you. May luck be with you. Open the hatch and let's get down to it." He looked out at the emptiness that was the sky. This would be his first seriously threatening fight in the sky, but that was okay. He thought to Heaven, "Luna be my shield, you who gave me change. My courage is your sword. May I protect a piece of this world today." With luck, Nalla's next incarnation would be more willing to work for the gain of the whole of Creation.

2015-11-04, 01:52 AM

Was no one taking this seriously? Oh granted, the Deliberative wasn't really worthy of any solemn respect. Not yet anyway. Not the people who could see it clearly. To some it was a gateway board where they could finally get the thrill of playing the game of nations and kings. Other saw it as a theater, a stage on which to demonstrate their manifest worthiness to those who could actually appreciate it. And for one Emperor, it was an an asylum run by the inmates. Oh some were well meaning, even good, people to be sure. But none with the right perspective really believed in it. It was a tool to be used, for the good of Creation or personal gain. There was no awe, no attainable idea, no reverence.

It was a pity really, because the ones who could most contribute were the ones least inclined to. The politically ignorant were the best hope it had of being more than... this.

During a break in proceedings Ousiarchies met with his master enchanter.

"Care to lay a wager on what this fog was conjured to conceal? Personally, I favor larceny since even with Sohoron gone it would be suicide to provoke all these Exalted. Regardless I had a thought which might solve some of the remote voting problem. There is a certain, naturally occurring, object colloquially referred to as a 'lucky rock' which always manages to find its way back into its owners possession. I know there is some thaumaturgy to influence this property, though I am not well versed in the subtle nuances of your craft. Might it be possible to deliberately change ownership to allow such an object to cycle quickly between locations? At worst, I imagine a relay of some kind. Two parties could exchange a number of rocks and keep them under constant observation to prevent them from returning. Then either writing could be affixed on, or in, one and it intentionally misplaced to allow a quick exchange of information between non-sorcerers.

I assume someone has thought themselves clever prior to me and this doesn't work for some reason. If you would elaborate why I would appreciate it."

2015-11-05, 06:36 AM
"Care to lay a wager on what this fog was conjured to conceal? Personally, I favor larceny since even with Sohoron gone it would be suicide to provoke all these Exalted. Regardless I had a thought which might solve some of the remote voting problem. There is a certain, naturally occurring, object colloquially referred to as a 'lucky rock' which always manages to find its way back into its owners possession. I know there is some thaumaturgy to influence this property, though I am not well versed in the subtle nuances of your craft. Might it be possible to deliberately change ownership to allow such an object to cycle quickly between locations? At worst, I imagine a relay of some kind. Two parties could exchange a number of rocks and keep them under constant observation to prevent them from returning. Then either writing could be affixed on, or in, one and it intentionally misplaced to allow a quick exchange of information between non-sorcerers.

I assume someone has thought themselves clever prior to me and this doesn't work for some reason. If you would elaborate why I would appreciate it."

"The fog appears mundane, my Emperor, if unusual. Perhaps Thaumaturgy or Sorcery summoned it."

"There are no known ways to claim possession of another's property at great distance, my liege."

2015-11-05, 06:42 AM

A nigh-intangible sorcerous curse has befallen the demon.

Occult+Int to delve deeper in the mystery

2015-11-05, 06:44 AM


It takes a while but your group successfully climbs the icy hill. The spirits greet you, but are not overthrilled to see Titus and a dragon of his soldiers again. They rebuff him:

"The time of Immaculates is over. We want no part in dying for or against the Bull Warlord."

2015-11-05, 06:49 AM

Amid the clashing airships, Darryl glimpses a flash of gold. It's Nalla Bloodaxe, flying fast on his Raptor Wings.

You are at 300 yards. Join Battle.

2015-11-05, 06:59 AM
Darryl sees the other exalt flying past, and charges after him.

My Move action is 144 yards/tick, so hopefully his Normal Running Speed is less than 29.

JB: Meerkat Alertness Practice+Combo: WP 7/10, 2m peripheral. [roll0]+6 Successes:8

2015-11-05, 10:02 AM
Darryl sees the other exalt flying past, and charges after him.

My Move action is 144 yards/tick, so hopefully his Normal Running Speed is less than 29.

JB: Meerkat Alertness Practice+Combo: WP 7/10, 2m peripheral.

Can you list all the effects Darryl is under at one place: Charms, alchemy, mutations from DBT, mutations from Hybrid Body Rearrangement. Presuming the anima is active.

Darryl's speed: he has his native DBT Dex 9 + Essence 6 (Instinctive dice of 1st Dex Excellency, the 3rd cannot be used in this way - remember the combo PMs) + 6 (running); multiplied by: hrm have I ruled on Mantle + anima interaction yet? Leg mutations don't affect Wings' speed.

We will do Sorcerer's Sight fully per the rules this time, so roll for Nalla's essence rating and later we'll go roll by roll for artifacts and hearthstones ratings (diff 2), and identifying charms (diff 5).

I don't see alchemy or enhanced senses in the JB. Mind you, Bright Morning is effectively -2 external on it.

2015-11-05, 12:00 PM
Can you list all the effects Darryl is under at one place: Charms, alchemy, mutations from DBT, mutations from Hybrid Body Rearrangement. Presuming the anima is active.

Darryl's speed: he has his native DBT Dex 9 + Essence 6 (Instinctive dice of 1st Dex Excellency, the 3rd cannot be used in this way - remember the combo PMs) + 6 (running); multiplied by: hrm have I ruled on Mantle + anima interaction yet? Leg mutations don't affect Wings' speed.

We will do Sorcerer's Sight fully per the rules this time, so roll for Nalla's essence rating and later we'll go roll by roll for artifacts and hearthstones ratings (diff 2), and identifying charms (diff 5).

I don't see alchemy or enhanced senses in the JB. Mind you, Bright Morning is effectively -2 external on it.

The anima is quite active.
Charms: Lunar Hero Form, Str Unity (12m), Dex Unity (8m), Limb Shielding Growth: 30m
Gift: Armor Forming Technique (6m), Bruise Relief Method, Halting the Scarlet Flow, Claws of the Silvermoon (3m), Limb Shielding Growth: 16m
DBT Mutation: Armored Hide, Gazelle's Pace, Vicious Fangs (Bite Talons), Tail, Enhanced Sense (Smell)
Hybrid Body Rearrangement: Wings, Extra Arms x6, Toxin x6, Quills, Talons (Kick and Punch), Enhanced Sense (Hearing and Smell), Air Adaptation, Giant, Night Vision, Gills (Still breathes air), "Third Eye" (based off things like the Chameleon's ability to pivot eyes in separate directions), Acidic Pustules (acid spitting animals, but mixed with the skin poison of the Toad), Cheetah's Pace(caps out from Gazelle's), Frog Tongue(there are some big frogs), Chameleon
Darryl's gonna need to spend some time in human form after this. I mean, I sort of was telling a friend that if I put "all of them" for HBR, I wouldn't be wrong. So now Darryl is a 14 armed weird thing... Would Serpent's body improve flight? Maybe?

I've lost the Combo PMs. The important thing is: Does this disallow the use of the 3rd for DVs? And Mantle and Anima were in the same magic step rather than putting the Mantle in a separate Sorccery step. But this was after the mundane flight step, so the final multiplier is x6 of the "normal running speed."

Cool, cool. Though, if he uses charms with which I'm familiar, I believe that I get automatic identification. Here's the roll for the ratings with the 1die combat stunt [roll0]

Right, Bright Morning affects wits and the mutations hit awareness... Well, the Eagle Eye is perception, but here's Sense and Third Eye: [roll1]

2015-11-06, 01:04 AM
The anima is quite active. OK, but it does cost 5m.

Charms: Lunar Hero Form, Str Unity (12m), Dex Unity (8m), Limb Shielding Growth: 30m
Gift: Armor Forming Technique (6m), Bruise Relief Method, Halting the Scarlet Flow, Claws of the Silvermoon (3m), Limb Shielding Growth: 16m

I see the confusion about how Limb-Shielding Growth works continues. Number of arms has nothing to do with number of L-SG activations per scene. Darryl begins with one charm activation, and one DBT activation.

DBT Mutation: Armored Hide, Gazelle's Pace, Vicious Fangs (Bite Talons), Tail, Enhanced Sense (Smell)
Hybrid Body Rearrangement: Wings, Extra Arms x6, Toxin x6, Quills, Talons (Kick and Punch), Enhanced Sense (Hearing and Smell), Air Adaptation, Giant, Night Vision, Gills (Still breathes air), "Third Eye" (based off things like the Chameleon's ability to pivot eyes in separate directions), Acidic Pustules (acid spitting animals, but mixed with the skin poison of the Toad), Cheetah's Pace(caps out from Gazelle's), Frog Tongue(there are some big frogs), Chameleon. Strongly suggesting to reconsider Cheetah's Pace if lacking reflexive Drawing and Readying Weapon.

Would Serpent's body improve flight? Maybe? Yes, it improves speed in fluids.

I've lost the Combo PMs. The important thing is: Does this disallow the use of the 3rd for DVs? No.

And Mantle and Anima were in the same magic step rather than putting the Mantle in a separate Sorccery step. But this was after the mundane flight step, so the final multiplier is x6 of the "normal running speed." To recap, Darryl's flight speed when in Combo is 9 + 4 (1st) +6 (run) +4 (serpent) = 23*6 = 138; 114 when not in Combo.

Cool, cool. Though, if he uses charms with which I'm familiar, I believe that I get automatic identification. Yes (as long as obvious which sorcerer's sight provides).

Right, Bright Morning affects wits and the mutations hit awareness... Well, the Eagle Eye is perception, but here's Sense and Third Eye: roll If you remember Haslantians had Eagle Eye versions for other mental attributes, so +1 Wits [roll0] and +1 Int for the Int+Occ rolls.

Comments in red.

2015-11-06, 01:24 AM

A nigh-intangible sorcerous curse has befallen the demon.

Occult+Int to delve deeper in the mystery

A curse? Who could have got this far into famously paranoid Whitewall to place a curse on the Syndics' bound angyalka? A sinking feeling settles into Shiori's stomach as she pumps Essence into her efforts to remember what she learned about behavior-altering curses. The Curse of Slavish Humility is much more obvious than this. Corrupted Words... would that alter an angyalka's music? Perhaps this is the lingering effects of a Droning Suggestion or someone using Peacock Shadow Eyes. Oh, please don't let it be a Threefold Binding of the Heart- wait a minute, I can cast Sapphire Countermagic now!

If this is Solar Circle sorcery, well, the Syndics are out of luck until Shiori can coax Arianna or another Deliberative Solar Circle sorcerer to come fix this. Might be easier to release this angyalka and have whoever summoned her in the first place summon another one.

Ludicrous overkill? Ludicrous overkill! Yay Solars! (I don't get to do this with my Alchemical or Sidereal, let me have my fun. Although the Sidereal can totally cheat with the Fateful Excellency.)

Int 5 + Occult 5 + 1st Excellency 10 = [roll0]

Possible stunt = [roll1]

2015-11-06, 09:28 PM
Comments in red.
Mine'll be blue
The anima is quite active. OK, but it does cost 5m. I've got at least 20 Peripheral motes active, and it fires for free at 11+.

Charms: Lunar Hero Form, Str Unity (12m), Dex Unity (8m), Limb Shielding Growth: 30m
Gift: Armor Forming Technique (6m), Bruise Relief Method, Halting the Scarlet Flow, Claws of the Silvermoon (3m), Limb Shielding Growth: 16m

I see the confusion about how Limb-Shielding Growth works continues. Number of arms has nothing to do with number of L-SG activations per scene. Darryl begins with one charm activation, and one DBT activation.
Yeah, that's why it's under both sections, 16m is the total commitment to Gifts.

DBT Mutation: Armored Hide, Gazelle's Pace, Vicious Fangs (Bite Talons), Tail, Enhanced Sense (Smell)
Hybrid Body Rearrangement: Wings, Extra Arms x6, Toxin x6, Quills, Talons (Kick and Punch), Enhanced Sense (Hearing and Smell), Air Adaptation, Giant, Night Vision, Gills (Still breathes air), "Third Eye" (based off things like the Chameleon's ability to pivot eyes in separate directions), Acidic Pustules (acid spitting animals, but mixed with the skin poison of the Toad), Cheetah's Pace(caps out from Gazelle's), Frog Tongue(there are some big frogs), Chameleon. Strongly suggesting to reconsider Cheetah's Pace if lacking reflexive Drawing and Readying Weapon. Do you need to draw hands? Also, Serpent Body obviates the need. Also, I'm not sure if I want silver razor nimbus covering my tongue, and Frog Tongue makes you sound like an idiot, so dropping that.

Would Serpent's body improve flight? Maybe? Yes, it improves speed in fluids.Beautiful. Then I'll be a 12 armed Quetzalcoatl, since I think my real arms get subsumed. now I really need that day of human form.

I've lost the Combo PMs. The important thing is: Does this disallow the use of the 3rd for DVs? No. Then we're good.

And Mantle and Anima were in the same magic step rather than putting the Mantle in a separate Sorccery step. But this was after the mundane flight step, so the final multiplier is x6 of the "normal running speed." To recap, Darryl's flight speed when in Combo is 9 + 4 (1st) +6 (run) +4 (serpent) = 23*6 = 138; 114 when not in Combo. Cool, still super fast.

Cool, cool. Though, if he uses charms with which I'm familiar, I believe that I get automatic identification. Yes (as long as obvious which sorcerer's sight provides). Cool.

Right, Bright Morning affects wits and the mutations hit awareness... Well, the Eagle Eye is perception, but here's Sense and Third Eye: roll If you remember Haslantians had Eagle Eye versions for other mental attributes, so +1 Wits [roll0] and +1 Int for the Int+Occ rolls. Nifty. Alchemy can to all sorts of wonders.

2015-11-06, 11:17 PM


It takes a while but your group successfully climbs the icy hill. The spirits greet you, but are not overthrilled to see Titus and a dragon of his soldiers again. They rebuff him:

"The time of Immaculates is over. We want no part in dying for or against the Bull Warlord."

Azeri steps forward. "My name is Cathak Azeri, and I come as a representative of the Solar Deliberative. I do not wish to assert the Immaculate Order on you; rather, I would approach you in a new spirit of cooperation and friendship."

"I promise you that, should the Bull achieve his aims, he will suffer nothing but slavish obedience from you. His rule will not be an improvement for your court. But if you agree to help the Deliberative, and House Cathak, at this critical impasse, you will be justly rewarded."

2015-11-09, 04:09 AM
Mirajane saw the mist was completely mundane. That however was of little meaning on itself. Either through the use of charms or sorcery, sucha mist could be created. But she lacked the means to investigate it herself. Sighing, she headed for the palace. Perhaps Ousiarches would havea better view of the matter.

2015-11-15, 06:19 PM
Darryl Made his way to fly into striking distance from Nalla.

JB: 2m Meerkat Alertness Practice: 1die Stunt: Alchemy +1, Mutations +3 [roll0]+4 Successes:8

Sorcerer's sight IDs: 1die Stunts Alchemy +1

2015-11-15, 06:38 PM

The northern sky is leaden and freezing...

Only sight applies to this roll for Darryl, so knocking off the two rightmost dice.

Nalla isn't in a rush [roll0]

Darryl acts on 0, Bloodaxe on 3 (both will fly reflexively starting from 0).

As Darryl approaches he will be able to take a better look. The king of the Karnese wears thick clothes and simple crown of copper, pearls, and amber. Nalla deftly flies on his jade wings, and wields an axe-blade of golden sunlight.
Darryl doesn't recognize the grand grimcleaver as artifact, but as a charm roughly equal to orichalcum in strength. Nalla's wings are jade raptor wings, their gorget is set with a Freedom stone, and their speed is boosted by an obvious stack of Lightning Speeds which reveal the workings of an unknown to Darryl permanent charm that allows such stacking. The rest of the Night Caste's possessions, if any, are hidden under his thick attire.

Darryl recognizes the transformative marks of the Bronze Skin spell on Nalla's face. The Lunar also detects two soak charms and a damage-enhancing charm that kicks post-soak, but cannot identify specifics about them.

Darryl detects Overdrive aura about Nalla.

2015-11-15, 07:39 PM
Darryl speeds through the sky, white as snow from the Air aspected into his form to make the cold seem warm. It was no less cold, but his muscles did not ache, adding to the feeling of righteous dread the Lunar feast. What was once a man was now something completely different, and there was no question that he would have to take at least one life this day. He was silent, not finding the proper words to say. only rushing in to close the distance they had.

First action is a Dash Action. He seems to be Melee atm, though he could have a ranged combo, so I'll be dashing without excellency for 114 yards/tick to keep from getting locked in a single charm. I'll still be faster unless he's stacked it more than 3 times or fires up an excellency. On tick 3, I'll switch to move actions and guard, which will likely require excellencies to keep up.

Quills have a range of 15 yards, so I'll attack with those once I'm in range. They're basically Punch +1L. I'm pretty sure they still get poison since it makes more sense to put the poison on the quills, since they augment every natural attack. Clinch is unfortunately off the table. Just tell me when he launches his counter assault and if I can get a 6 or seven attack flurry in before then.

2015-11-18, 06:16 AM
First action is a Dash Action. He seems to be Melee atm, though he could have a ranged combo, so I'll be dashing without excellency for 114 yards/tick to keep from getting locked in a single charm. I'll still be faster unless he's stacked it more than 3 times or fires up an excellency. On tick 3, I'll switch to move actions and guard, which will likely require excellencies to keep up.

Quills have a range of 15 yards, so I'll attack with those once I'm in range. They're basically Punch +1L. I'm pretty sure they still get poison since it makes more sense to put the poison on the quills, since they augment every natural attack. Clinch is unfortunately off the table. Just tell me when he launches his counter assault and if I can get a 6 or seven attack flurry in before then.

Nalla speeds back some to postpone the clash till his action tick, and then you clash. Let's start with Darryl's first quill attack (which is MA due to quills being Lunar Hero form weapon, otherwise their dart application requires Thrown.

2015-11-18, 07:16 AM
As they near, Darryl fires his quills into the Solar, using the protean energies of Luna to send the the quills as if from all directions.

Yay Moonsilver Kata Bracers and Lunar Hero granting some of that stunt reasoning.

Combo: 7/10 WP
Relentless Lunar Fury: Secure Cat Stepping, Golden Tiger Stance, Might Bolstering Blow, Wasp Sting Blur: 6/10 WP, 9m
Flurry: 6 Quill "punches": -1, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5
Quills: Str Excellency for 6(0m), 1die Stunt. Damage 32L + Poison
[roll0]+1 Success:27

2015-11-24, 04:05 PM
Azeri steps forward. "My name is Cathak Azeri, and I come as a representative of the Solar Deliberative. I do not wish to assert the Immaculate Order on you; rather, I would approach you in a new spirit of cooperation and friendship."

"I promise you that, should the Bull achieve his aims, he will suffer nothing but slavish obedience from you. His rule will not be an improvement for your court. But if you agree to help the Deliberative, and House Cathak, at this critical impasse, you will be justly rewarded."

"How so rewarded? The Winds inquire with interest! The Bull of the North is a merciless and trecharous ruler, we would take a great risk by defying him."

It's cold on the hilltop, so very cold. Only the inner fire within Azeri helps him to carry on as usual.

2015-11-24, 04:16 PM
A curse? Who could have got this far into famously paranoid Whitewall to place a curse on the Syndics' bound angyalka? A sinking feeling settles into Shiori's stomach as she pumps Essence into her efforts to remember what she learned about behavior-altering curses. The Curse of Slavish Humility is much more obvious than this. Corrupted Words... would that alter an angyalka's music? Perhaps this is the lingering effects of a Droning Suggestion or someone using Peacock Shadow Eyes. Oh, please don't let it be a Threefold Binding of the Heart- wait a minute, I can cast Sapphire Countermagic now!

If this is Solar Circle sorcery, well, the Syndics are out of luck until Shiori can coax Arianna or another Deliberative Solar Circle sorcerer to come fix this. Might be easier to release this angyalka and have whoever summoned her in the first place summon another one.

Ludicrous overkill? Ludicrous overkill! Yay Solars! (I don't get to do this with my Alchemical or Sidereal, let me have my fun. Although the Sidereal can totally cheat with the Fateful Excellency.)

Int 5 + Occult 5 + 1st Excellency 10 = [roll0]

Possible stunt = [roll1]

Barely perceptible, the curse is intricate, subtle, yet more playful than sinister. It is not a spell Shiori knows, but the design carries the marquee effortlessness of a true master of the Salinan Absorption.

Luckily, now that it was spotted, the Twilight healer-turned-politico and the Syndics are able to replace the angyalka.

Finally, Shiori is able to address her divine hosts on the matters of importance that brought her to Whitewall.

2015-11-24, 05:35 PM
As they near, Darryl fires his quills into the Solar, using the protean energies of Luna to send the the quills as if from all directions.

Yay Moonsilver Kata Bracers and Lunar Hero granting some of that stunt reasoning.

Combo: 7/10 WP
Relentless Lunar Fury: Secure Cat Stepping, Golden Tiger Stance, Might Bolstering Blow, Wasp Sting Blur: 6/10 WP, 9m
Flurry: 6 Quill "punches": -1, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5
Quills: Str Excellency for 6(0m), 1die Stunt. Damage 32L + Poison
[roll0]+1 Success:27

Nalla's DDV is 12.

Darryl's quills easily find their mark...

Extra successes+damage on the first attack don't result in higher than minimum damage for Darryl - go ahead and roll it.

2015-11-24, 05:57 PM
Darryl'd quills sink into his enemy, but the pesky use of the Sun's power led to his strike diminished.

He then fired the next volley of quills, knowing that it would not be worthwhile to funnel more essence into the attack.

looks like my mote pool is full since I got the +8
Damage: [roll0]3-post soak and the possibility of Poison.

Then the next attack at 0m Acc and 0m Dmg.
[roll1]+1 Success:23

2015-11-24, 06:23 PM
Darryl'd quills sink into his enemy, but the pesky use of the Sun's power led to his strike diminished.

He then fired the next volley of quills, knowing that it would not be worthwhile to funnel more essence into the attack.

looks like my mote pool is full since I got the +8
Damage: roll 3-post soak and the possibility of Poison.

Then the next attack at 0m Acc and 0m Dmg.
roll+1 Success:23

Darryl draws first blood, but his next volley is countered by a bright display and a mysterious kata.

Yup, pool is full. Nalla doesn't seem affected by the poison. He has 1 post-soak success, and so takes 2 HL damage.

Darryl recognizes two permanent charms as they flash in action: Red Dawn Ascending, and another Overdrive charm whose effects the Full Moon discerns: Essence-Gathering Temper (per errata)

Nalla's DDV against the next attack is 11 (due to a higher wound penalty, not onslaught). The Solar is hit and activates a Combo. First, he tries blocking the damage with Iron Skin Concentration [roll0]...Succeeding, Nalla utilizes Day and Night Kata to halt Darryl's momentum. The other charms in the combo are Reflex Sidestep and Seven Shadows, as well as a charm that can restore Willpower.

2015-11-24, 06:45 PM
Nigh-simultaneously Nalla Bloodaxe charges at Darryl with his great grimcleaver...

Nalla will do two attacks enhanced under maximum Red Dawn Ascending and a number of charms - all are Overdrive and require no Combo. Some of them are known to Darryl already:
sun-suffusing slag 2m
bloodied king rebuke 0m
hewer sharpened fist 0m
joint-wounding attack 0m
1st melee excellency 0m for six dice under Supreme Perfection of Melee

Others Darryl doesn't recognize (and tries to, he mostly understands the effects well-enough to simply list them):

one weapon, two blows (errata) + flashing edge of dawn (errata) 0m
hungry tiger technique 0m + golden destruction cut (a permanent DOFTA charm that quadruples triples Nalla's threshold to damage)
fire and stones strike (core) 0m for three dice

The entire attack is under the effect of the scene-long post-soak damage enhancer Darryl noticed already. Finally, Bloodaxe's assault relies on Rising Sun Slash (errata, 3m) to be both unblockable and undodgeable. His dice pool for the first attack is 21 dice.

2015-11-24, 10:30 PM
Darryl shatters the secondary shield on the first attack, then rolled around to the other side of Nalla.

First Attack: Limb Shielding Growth Gift PD increasing my mote regen cap by 2
Second Attack: Free 3rd Excellency, Thunderbolt Shield, 2die Stunt, Valor Channel: 11+[roll0]:12DV 5/10WP

2015-11-25, 01:09 AM
Barely perceptible, the curse is intricate, subtle, yet more playful than sinister. It is not a spell Shiori knows, but the design carries the marquee effortlessness of a true master of the Salinan Absorption.

Luckily, now that it was spotted, the Twilight healer-turned-politico and the Syndics are able to replace the angyalka.

Finally, Shiori is able to address her divine hosts on the matters of importance that brought her to Whitewall.

The spell on the angyalka is worrying, but at least it is easily fixed. All angyalka have the skills that the Syndics require. Once the harpist is dealt with, Shiori marshals her thoughts and begins to speak. "Honored Syndics, as you no doubt know by now, I have brought the Sijanese Night Caste Jiunan Nightwarden and my assistant Glacier Lily to help explore Marama's Fell. Your message to the Deliberative said that there had been worrying activity, but little else. Are there any details that you can give us? Just where in the Fell has this activity occurred? It is, after all, one of Creation's largest shadowlands.

"After we return I plan to begin reconstruction of Ondar Shambal's sacred architecture. While I can make plans, actual construction will require a Zenith Caste to bless the tools, materials, workers and building sites. I have made arrangements with Karal Fire Orchid to do so. However, she is a general of Lookshy and currently fighting the Bull's forces. Her best estimate on when she can get here is sometime in Earth season if all goes well." Shiori frowns slightly. "It may be possible to get a different Zenith here faster. However, such help would probably come with strings attached. I chose General Karal because she is well known to be apolitical in the Deliberative. Whitewall may owe Lookshy a favor for her services, but I judged that to be preferable to owing the One King, the Grand Vizier, or the Order of the Illuminated a favor. If you do not agree, simply tell me and I will try to arrange for someone else."

2015-11-25, 12:02 PM
Darryl shatters the secondary shield on the first attack, then rolled around to the other side of Nalla.

First Attack: Limb Shielding Growth Gift PD increasing my mote regen cap by 2
Second Attack: Free 3rd Excellency, Thunderbolt Shield, 2die Stunt, Valor Channel: 11+roll:12DV 5/10WP

After revisiting Fivefold Bulwark errata it won't do anything for DDV, not even the no -1 for own actions; so Nalla doesn't have it (and his second defense was at 1 less DV). Also, Darryl didn't notice a permanent dodge charm, but he did notice a permanent resistance charm at work when he struck Nalla.

The Gift LSG ought to have three charges before breaking too, so the mote regen cap isn't up yet.

Nalla's second attack has one less die [roll0]

Darryl's defiant attempt before the Karnese King's deadly swing succeeds.

ooc: 4 ticks later Darryl is to act a tick before Nalla. Nalla keeps at close distance during this time.

2015-11-25, 01:32 PM
Darryl chose to delay his attacks, leave the offensive to Nalla, if only for a little bit.

I don't know if I'm faster than he is, or if I am, I wasn't told, so I'll try this strategy.
Guard for one tick. I will fly past Nalla on his action tick. Day and Night Kata is a counterattack, so I'm going to use Hungry Eagle Method/Snake Body Technique on his attack/s and then use my quills on the disengage.

Also, I will gladly take the extra PDs.
Edit: Oh, and Regen WP off Stunt: 6/10

2015-11-25, 03:37 PM
Darryl chose to delay his attacks, leave the offensive to Nalla, if only for a little bit.

I don't know if I'm faster than he is, or if I am, I wasn't told, so I'll try this strategy.
Guard for one tick. I will fly past Nalla on his action tick. Day and Night Kata is a counterattack, so I'm going to use Hungry Eagle Method/Snake Body Technique on his attack/s and then use my quills on the disengage.

Also, I will gladly take the extra PDs.
Edit: Oh, and Regen WP off Stunt: 6/10

Nalla is fast enough to keep up at current 1st Dex for Darryl and wound penalty on Nalla.

Guarding 1 tick will result in Darryl acting simultaneously with the Solar (without knowing what the Solar will do). Guarding two ticks will guarantee attacking after the maximum number of counterattacks have occured.

2015-11-25, 03:40 PM
Nalla is fast enough to keep up at current 1st Dex for Darryl and wound penalty on Nalla.

Guarding 1 tick will result in Darryl acting simultaneously with the Solar (without knowing what the Solar will do). Guarding two ticks will guarantee attacking after the maximum number of counterattacks have occured.

Beautiful... I could always burn essence on speed, but eh, that's fine.
I'll guard 2 ticks then.

2015-11-25, 03:52 PM
Beautiful... I could always burn essence on speed, but eh, that's fine.
I'll guard 2 ticks then.

The Solar wounds are fading, as he attacks.

At refresh, Bloodaxe upgrades his successful 1-die stunt's reward to 2-die stunt via unknown permanent Solar charm.

The Solar also heals 1 lhl: source of healing isn't a charm, but the healing itself triggers a permanent Elder charm that restores motes on heals: these are real motes, not Overdrive.

Nalla makes a flurry of two attacks. The first has all the charms as last time, minus Sun-Suffusing Slag, plus 2 more motes spent on Supreme Perfection of Melee for total accuracy of 25.

2015-11-26, 11:52 AM
The Solar was putting strength behind his blows, and if he remembered correctly, the use of overdrive prevented them from properly defending themselves. The Lunar had already shown what happened when a Solar decided to show his strength, and prayed it would work the same. He shattered his reformed shield against the blade, and forced it to turn back on its weilder.

I believe you houseruled something's about using Overdrive Motes not letting you use true motes, but I can't remember the specifics. But that won't change my plan. Snake Body now, then Hungry Eagle if necessary to conserve WP.

Combo: WP 5/10
Gift LSG Perfect Parry: 1/3 left, 3/3 charm.
3m 1wp, Snake Body Technique. Enhance damage with +6 Str and Might Bolstering Blow. His permanent charm should be useless against un-X-ables, since it's likely a preservation.

2015-11-26, 12:18 PM
Nalla invokes the powers of the Sun to protect himself against his own blade which the Lunar craftily redirected. The Karnese King's onslaght is not over yet.

Nalla doesn't feel like being hit by Joint-Wounding Attack, so he Iron Skins the redirect [roll0] Essence-Gathering Temper delivers a mote of Overdrive.

His entire combo is activated along.

His second and last attack is boosted as the previous one, but without J-WA, and is at 24 dice accuracy.

There are no houserules on Overdrive, I only reminded everyone that to activate charms from Overdrive without combo one must not mesh normal motes.

2015-11-26, 12:48 PM
The Lunar decided this was not going to be the way this ended and broke his secondary shield, reaching around the Solar to strike at him.

Okay, so Gift PD: break, now my regen cap goes up by two. I will probably get 8m back from threshold and none from damage because Iron Skin is stupid
5m Hungry Eagle Method: 8m spent, so 10m to the cap. 2die stunt, +6str(0m). Dmg 33L
[roll0]+1Success:22, so should be ~10 threshold so +8m.

2015-11-26, 01:04 PM
Nalla's DV is 9 in this exchange, Darryl hits him for minimum damage.

2015-11-26, 01:11 PM
Min Damage: [roll0]
Now let's hope he isn't annoying. Because I'm never gonna get him to run out of motes.
Regen 8m then. And I've got a successful 2die stunt.

2015-11-26, 01:43 PM
and an Overdrive mote for him.

next tick, Darryl aborts guard and attacks; both of you will act 4 ticks later.

2015-11-26, 06:21 PM
Darryl leaves a bit of space between them, and fires his quills.

6 Attack Flurry of Quills: -1, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, All +6Str: 0m, 1 die stunts
Attack 1
[roll0]+1 Success:17 so 8 threshold (I think) and I regen my missing 2m.
I assume he then Iron Skin Concentrations, except for the part where he wouldn't. ISC is Step 7, so he wouldn't use Iron Skin on this attack since he didn't on my previous counterattack, unless he's retcon spending 1m, which is also fine, but more annoying because I still have to deal with Iron Skin.
Then he uses Day and Night.

2015-11-26, 07:27 PM
Onslaught has reset to 0 so Nalla is at -2 from his own actions for a DDV of 10 at 1-die stunt. He keeps in the R reach of his great grimcleaver (although range of melee counterattacks includes reflexive move too).

Minimum damage for Darryl, again.

2015-11-26, 07:31 PM
Riiiiiiight. That. Cool cool. Reach is fun, but I suspect he'll go for Day and Night, since he's at -2 now not -4 and can't activate Solar Counterattack for free.


2015-11-26, 07:49 PM
As Darryl strikes again, a piece of Nalla's thick clothing flies away, revealing gleaming dark metal underneath. The Full Moon's sorcerous sight identifies it as Starmetal Lamellar.

Golden motes swirl around Bloodaxe as his magic comes alive. Then, he retaliates.

Final damage is reduced by one, so four health levels.

Nalla's comboed willpower-restoring charm activates [roll0]

The King of the Karnese unleashes a Solar Counterattack with everything he's got (same charms as his very first attack in the battle with max excellency). Darryl, who understands Red Dawn Ascending better, judges the Solar still benefits from -3 cost reduction. Dice pool is 27.

Finally, a permanent charm flashes in use - Darryl can't understand its workings exactly, but it heals the Solar based on his Virtues somehow [roll1]. As Nalla does so his Elder Resistance charm restores him true motes - like the ones he spent on the willpower-restoring charm.

Nalla speaks
"As you can see now, your strength is but an illusion, while mine is truthful. It is the same between the Bull of the Empire of Sun and Ice, and your One King."

"You and your allies have no idea of the clever defeat that awaits you."

2015-11-26, 08:21 PM
Darryl shattered his shield on the blade. He responded in Old Realm. "You have chosen a side that refuses to compromise, that responds to attempts for peace by waging war. I cannot stand for you. Also, can we find a better way to exchange banter?"
How does someone even have that many -4 health levels? Is he a behemoth?
PD: 2/3 left.
Second Attack
[roll0]+1 Success: 21

2015-11-26, 08:36 PM
Wits+War roll could answer Darryl's conundrum.

Nalla's DV is now at -5 (3 from his own actions, 1 from onslaught, 1 (more) from wounds), so Darryl easily hits; Nalla Iron Skin Concentrates [roll0] and follows with another Solar Counterattack exactly as the previous one (27 dice).

2015-11-26, 08:53 PM
Darryl responds with his shield once more.
I mean, I already know the answer is Solar BS OP Cheese. 1 die stunt[roll0] + Eagle Eye? [roll1]
PD: 1/3 remaining
Third Attack
[roll2]+1 Success: 23

2015-11-26, 09:21 PM
Ousiarches and Mirajane

The cold mist hangs heavily in the Deliberative's grand hall. It is as if night has come early: darkened and eerily quiet. Your fellow dignitaries go on their daily business, pretending not to notice the mist and seeking solace in the Twilights' assurances it is only a normal Water-season fog.

Then you hear the kiais and the clash of metal upon metal. The mist diminishes both sight and sound, so at first you only see two shadows beyond the main entrance: they move fluidly one against the other and brief bright displays momentarily pierce the gloom.

As one of the shadows backs towards the hall, you recognize Magister Sammon. He is chased by a woman with the rising sun of the Dawn shining on her forehead, and white lightning in her hands.

The Magister spits, then reaches to his Ring of Vanishing Escape. "We will meet again, Slayer." The great artifact does as commanded, and Sammon vanishes without a trace.

You have only a moment to look at the woman. Judging by her face she is quite young. Her fair hair is carefully braided and kept close to her unusually pale skin. After that, more strangers appear behind her as the mist itself parts. You see thirteen black-clad, hooded figures, who clutch lanterns and thuribles in ghostly hands. You see at least twenty pale-skinned youths, also black-clad and hooded. The Vizier's tiger guard nervously eyes them.

The white lightning in the woman's hands has stopped swirling, and now falls to the ground in two long, twitching lines held by her.

"I am Alizee of the Dawn. They call me Slayer because I killed a Deathlord. I come here to cleanse this den of corruption you have built. You shame the Sun. You disgust me."

"You!" Alizee points at the towering hellstrider of Logrym. "Remove this abomination right now or I will cut you in pieces for every day you desecrated the Sun's Assembly with the presence of the Demon Queen of Discord!"

"Where is Moray Darktide? From now on, death is the only fate that awaits the servants of the Deathlords and the Yozi. Any of you who stray from the righteous path I will behead, and behead again when reincarnated, and then again, as many times as it takes until you are returned to me as a righteous person!"

"Make no mistake: from this moment, all of you follow me in the righteous defense of Creation - those who do not I will slay. The Second Breath doesn't always choose right - but I do."

"I am Alizee of the Dawn. Since the very moment my Second Breath graced me, I have been prepared to lead the Exalted Host in the ultimate defense of Creation. And here is my teacher..."

2015-11-26, 09:31 PM

Darryl remembers he knows Red Dawn Ascending from Michael's fight - the Warmaster also wasn't "hurt" until the end.

Nalla Iron Skins and Katas [roll0] - should he succeed both act simultaneously 4 ticks later, let me know what Darryl's action is.

2015-11-26, 10:07 PM
Ousiarches and Mirajane

The mist contracts. The air itself doesn't move, but the vapors do - and fast. In mere moments the gloom that blanketed all of the Imperial City enters the hall of the Deliberative and coalesces in a single form: a dark, lumbering, menacing one; half-human, half-beast. It is clad in black, and a shadow shrouds its face, but doesn't hide its big, beastly, and pointed ears.

"It can't be! You are dead...you must be! I was young when you were old...no one has seen you in two thousand years!" White Rabbit's voice trembles as he speaks.

Alizee smiles and nods.

"He wasn't dead, White Rabbit. He waited - for me to return. He trained me in everything I needed to know. Not here, in this gentle world, but in the Labyrinth itself. There, I slew my first Deathlord. And we will get all of the remaining ones - and all other enemies of Creation too."

"First, we cleanse the Sun's Assembly of the taint: demons, Abyssals, servants of the Deathlords like Sammon and Moray. All of them can be used to spy on us - a fact even your Twilights are oblivious of. Demons can serve, but will stay far from this holy ground, and so will Abyssals who are on the path of redemption."

"The Solars who serve the Deathlords I sentence to death. Anyone caught colluding or harboring them will meet the same fate. Sammon and Moray aren't the only ones. You should know the so-called Shining Prince is in collusion with the Deathlord of Skullstone Archipelago. This "Prince" is also a sifu of a forbidden demon-martial-art, Black Claw Style, that deceives the eyes and hearts of the gullible, and binds its students in servitude to the their sifu."

"I knew it!" the Cyan Sifu exclaims.

"Indeed. The Tengese emperor you've imprisoned - he is an innocent victim of their lies. I hereby free him. The Shining Prince and all sworn to him are to be killed on sight. Bring me their heads, and may their Second Breaths choose better."

"No!" Nightingale screams and grabs the hilt of her daiklave.

2015-11-26, 10:08 PM
Darryl spontaneously decides to become an Akuma and learn Scarlet Patterned Battlefield. Or Prismatic, but probably Battlefield, I like Battlefield. I am essentially dead. As soon as he hits me, I have no post soak and have to eat 3-8 LHL, and I can only regen one of those each action. then he gets in another attack before I can recover because I can't afford to Valor channel to up my DV because I'm running on 4WP and will likely be stunting on offense to keep up my WP regen. the only difference between us is that I'm getting every mote I spend back, whereas his regen is undefined. He has more tricks, so he wins.

Now then, on their action tick, Darryl will fire another ranged flurry, but I would rather resolve his attacks first for counterattacks unless there is an explicit rule that states PC/Lower Speed resolves first.

As always 0m 1 die stunts: 6 attacks, now tell me which of us starts rolling.

2015-11-26, 10:29 PM
Darryl spontaneously decides to become an Akuma and learn Scarlet Patterned Battlefield. Or Prismatic, but probably Battlefield, I like Battlefield. I am essentially dead. As soon as he hits me, I have no post soak and have to eat 3-8 LHL, and I can only regen one of those each action. then he gets in another attack before I can recover because I can't afford to Valor channel to up my DV because I'm running on 4WP and will likely be stunting on offense to keep up my WP regen. the only difference between us is that I'm getting every mote I spend back, whereas his regen is undefined. He has more tricks, so he wins.

Now then, on their action tick, Darryl will fire another ranged flurry, but I would rather resolve his attacks first for counterattacks unless there is an explicit rule that states PC/Lower Speed resolves first.

As always 0m 1 die stunts: 6 attacks, now tell me which of us starts rolling.

"Despair cuts deeper than daiklaves" the Cyan Sifu was fond of saying.

If you act on the same tick, you resolve simultaneously, unless one of you has magic that alters that. Anyway, he guards. He restores a health level from something, gets an Overdrive mote from Glorious Solar Saber, probably chooses motes for his 2-die reward on 1-die stunt, and activates his permanent healing charm [roll0] for the action to no effect.

PS. Be careful with his post-soak. He has 5 essence, adds 5 dice from Shining Razor Wind, usually 3 from Fire and Stones, and 1 from Flashing Edge - so 14, and One Weapon, Two Blows doubles it to 28.

2015-11-26, 10:49 PM
Shiori and Star-Silencing Soothsayer

"General Karal is a wise choice. We will have the tools and the materials ready for Ascending Earth. We feel this restoration will be most timely."

"As for the Fell...the peasants are most worried. It seems the Fell has been...pacified. There are less ghosts, and they are peaceful. Our subjects speak of strange lights and voices deeper in the Fell, but no mortal dares go there."

"We would like you to meet another Chosen that has come to Whitewall's aid. Perhaps he could join you on this expedition."

The Syndics welcome Star-Silencing Soothsayer to the throneroom.

2015-11-26, 10:59 PM
I can't be careful about his post soak, I never roll well on defensive Valor Channels and can't afford to use them anyways. His post soak is so bad that I've already almost burnt up my PDs. After that I'm dead. Unless I can flurry in a prayer roll, which isn't a good idea unless it's the only action, as I've only got 4 dice +Stunt. Like, the only chance I have of winning is statistical. In that there is a statistical chance that I win. But it's so small that I'm not one to count on it. Nalla is just far higher on the optomization scale, Solar or no.

That being said. First Attack
[roll0]+1 Success: 20

Edit: it's not despair, it's math. I'm facing a superior opponent that is immune to all my tricks. The only thing I can think of is praying on my next action.

2015-11-27, 12:53 AM
Star pulled the rough hooded-cloak formed by the amulet closer to his body as he made his way inside Whitewall, studying the preparations for siege and the looks on people's faces on the streets. The few days of travel from the last extended stop had made him anxious about any possibilities - like finally arriving at his destination would open the curtain to yet another incredible story in his life. It probably would. Never a dull moment for a Chosen of Luna.
And as he looked he realized how true it felt that war would soon touch the city – even if one had been living under a rock and stopped by only to resupply their moss, the tension in the air was palpable, it tasted of metal and smoke to him - and the thought of the Bull's forces marching on the inhabitants with death and destruction, whenever that may be, made his pulse rise with anger. He hoped to make a difference there.
'Luna, please, release whatever horrors you have on the ones who would trample on a super-powered-jerk-whim those fighting to survive amidst the whims of super-powered jerks.' - Star lifted his uneven gaze to the sky and offered a brief prayer in thought, hoping, like always, the informal tone wouldn't hurt his chances of being heard too much. He then resumed his search for the Syndics' palace, trying to remember Whitewall from the last time he'd been there and having the feeling he was confusing it with somewhere else.
After what felt like much longer than it should've taken him he finally found it, standing splendidly.
'It's not like it's a huge palace and the city's seat of power, Star, old friend. Good job.' - Staving off the anxiety with humor, the Lunar presented himself to the guards, lifting his hood and stating his purpose there. He was taken to see the rulers and once again offered his services in defense of that place and its people – and they accepted. After finding himself somewhere to sleep he sat and offered prayers for his parents' souls, and for his mate's safety to Sol. Then fell asleep wondering why bastards like the Bull weren't burned from the inside by their Exaltations and spared everyone the grief of their existence.


A new day, and the one in which they would give him his first assignment in Whitewall's defense. Star got up at dawn, prayed to Luna for strength and to guide him in the murder of his foes then put on his equipment, trying to look formidable and honorable, traits which had always comforted those who looked to him for aid.
-Let's do this. - He once again arrived at the Syndics' palace, apparently at a time they were otherwise occupied and not present at the throneroom.
Star stared with curiosity at the demon playing the harp in the hall filled with North's characteristic chill before being directed to an adjacent room until his hosts were ready to receive him. After some time a guard opened the door to the sound of words that were obviously referring to Star and told of another Exalted who had come to help, which he would meet in a few steps.
He walked to the hall. He bowed his head slightly to the Syndics. And then he placed his attention on the person they'd been talking to.

A thousand different emotions ran through him as his mind raced to follow. She was a tall northern woman, blue eyes and red-gold hair with a green tattooed word under her right eye that he couldn't make out from the current distance. And she was beautiful, as she had always been beautiful. He felt it in his soul – the one he had crossed centuries to find was now standing right in front of him as if it wasn't the most incredible thing to have ever happened. His heart raced with everything it had and his mouth hanged open as he stared at his Mate for the first time in two lives.
He realized he had to say something. He couldn't look at anyone else, but there were a lot of other people there, and they had literally just introduced him. But what words would be any good right now?
“I love you. Though I understand your heart may already belong to another or that it is yours and under no obligation to be given to anyone and I will respect that, know that my love will always be there to support you and my hand will always be there for you, to lift you up if you fall and decide to take it. If you'll have me, I will always fight by your side, and if you go into the dark I will follow.”? That was the first thing that formed coherently into his mind. But it was too... Much. Too true. Not a first-meeting confession.
“I found you, like I promised I would.”? That one he felt at the back of his mind, as if Silver was still there, and Star heard the promise he made to Firebird as they lay drawing their last breaths together, just like in his dreams. Simpler, but too cryptic. She probably wouldn't understand any of it either.
'While you CAN stand there like an idiot I would prefer if we actually did something this year. She's going to think you're so dumb.' - Star forced himself forward and finally managed to appear to know how his body functioned. He bowed slightly to her, his heart hammering away even harder now.
-I'm... Star. Star-Silencing Soothsayer. Uhm... What is your name? - And as the initial hit from the realization passed - though the electricity running through him seemed like it never would, as wouldn't the heat on his chest - Star smiled. Because he felt like it. Because now his latest memory of her wouldn't be tainted with blood, only with a stupid and honest smile and the harshest case of shyness he had ever experienced. The memories hurt, both in a good and in a bad way, but right now he felt like he could take on anything.

2015-11-27, 02:32 AM
Oh. Oh my. Shiori's poise and intellect desert her for an endless moment, drowned out in a flood of wow, he is incredibly handsome! This is hardly the first time she's seen an attractive man, or god, or spirit. But there's just something about that shy smile, those warm blue and brown eyes, those muscular arms, that makes her go weak in the knees. It's obvious that Star is a Lunar; nobody else would dare wear such tattoos. So not only is he beautiful, he's powerful and likely knowledgeable as well. Highly improper thoughts well up from the back of Shiori's mind.

She bites the inside of her lip, hard, and the pain helps to clear her mind a little. Focus! This is not the time for fantasies! Clearing her throat, the Twilight returns the Lunar's smile. "Welcome, Star-Silencing Soothsayer. I am Ardis Shiori of the Twilight Caste. I would be honored to have you on this expedition."

2015-11-27, 10:58 AM
-Ardis Shiori. - He repeated it aloud without meaning to, committing it to memory and feeling that dumb smile grow as she smiled back at him. That in itself was worth whatever may happen to him from then on. From their current distance he could also understand her tattoo: “Fella”, the city he had been taught was cursed by his mother in his tribal days. Was she royalty there? Or just really fond of it? He absent-mindedly touched the rings and medallion around his wrist at the thought of home.
All in all, it didn't seem like she found him particularly stupid so far, which was great. And though Star wanted nothing more than to be able to talk to her – sit down somewhere quiet to really talk and start saying and asking some of the things that permeated his mind, her exact words called him back to the moment at hand. “Expedition” was the one that reminded him there were in fact other things happening at the current moment. He somehow forced all the feelings deeper inside and focused on that – the people and the city who needed help.
-The... Honor, would be entirely mine. But, uhm, I haven't heard the specifics about this expedition yet. - He forced his gaze back to the Syndics. -What would the objective and subject of it be? - He was hesitant to meet with the Bull's forces head on while taking the very owner of his heart after finally meeting after so long, but she was not a child and he wouldn't disrespect her courage in helping Whitewall by treating her like one.

2015-11-27, 06:19 PM
I can't be careful about his post soak, I never roll well on defensive Valor Channels and can't afford to use them anyways. His post soak is so bad that I've already almost burnt up my PDs. After that I'm dead. Unless I can flurry in a prayer roll, which isn't a good idea unless it's the only action, as I've only got 4 dice +Stunt. Like, the only chance I have of winning is statistical. In that there is a statistical chance that I win. But it's so small that I'm not one to count on it. Nalla is just far higher on the optomization scale, Solar or no.

That being said. First Attack
roll+1 Success: 20

Edit: it's not despair, it's math. I'm facing a superior opponent that is immune to all my tricks. The only thing I can think of is praying on my next action.

Nalla Iron Skin [roll0]
The Night Caste responds with a fully-powered Solar Counterattack (27 dice).

PS. What happened to Darryl taking Flowing Body Evasion? I thought he had it for this fight - obviously going against one of the oldest combat Solars in Creation with mere six instant-duration perfects is a dead end (and you even thought they were four).

2015-11-27, 06:25 PM
Ousiarches and Mirajane

Alizee assumes a martial stance. Her determined gaze is not even directed at Nightingale, but at empty space. The Cyan Sifu and Michael are visibly concerned, Amaya is appalled, Lyta is wide-eyed, and the Vizier is thoughtful.

The captain of the Tengese guard advises. "We must leave now, Majesty: before a chaotic fight among godly Chosen breaks out, and before Lyta decides to defy this Slayer in the chaos."

2015-11-27, 06:28 PM
Shiori and Star

The Syndics repeat what they just told Shiori. Ultimately, they don't know much about the seeming pacification of the Fell: but they seriously doubt it is a good portent.

2015-11-27, 06:35 PM
Nalla Iron Skin [roll0]
The Night Caste responds with a fully-powered Solar Counterattack (27 dice).

PS. What happened to Darryl taking Flowing Body Evasion? I thought he had it for this fight - obviously going against one of the oldest combat Solars in Creation with mere six instant-duration perfects is a dead end (and you even thought they were four).

So it's totally too late to pray instead of Attack, but can I take the prayer as my second -1 action?
I'll use my last PD. Or does prayer even take flurry penalties?

He just finished training Wind Dancing method the day before coming here. That's why he was hoping to get training time cheese. I thought you would go easy on me because I wasn't able to train another week without a chance of Nalla attacking anyways.

(Hint: I will be more than happy if prayer results in a training time stunt to learn Flowing Body Evasion.)

2015-11-27, 06:55 PM
So it's totally too late to pray instead of Attack, but can I take the prayer as my second -1 action?
I'll use my last PD. Or does prayer even take flurry penalties?

He just finished training Wind Dancing method the day before coming here. That's why he was hoping to get training time cheese. I thought you would go easy on me because I wasn't able to train another week without a chance of Nalla attacking anyways.

(Hint: I will be more than happy if prayer results in a training time stunt to learn Flowing Body Evasion.)

It's unclear to me if you waited for my answer about prayer before amending your turn entirely or not.

If you did, you pray as a single miscellaneous action without penalties.

If you didn't, choose between -3 multiaction penalty or praying reflexively.

I presume Darryl is praying to his patron and the Fickle Goddess' reply (if any) will be appropriate for her ways.

2015-11-27, 07:06 PM
Darryl takes a deep breath and looks to the sky. He pulls several things from beneath his armor. First is the pendant his father had gifted him, then a few vials and packets of alchemical goods. He crushed the magical goods with his claws and let them fall to the ground. He closed his eyes and prayed, using his claws to write it in the language of Luna's Chosen."Luna, these better my sight and boost my courage, but never has anything empowered me more than your choosing me. You have given me sight I could never have dreamed of. I can cross the realm on my own back in a matter of days, I have seen the corners of Creation. I have faced dangers unafraid which would kill any mortal man, I have saved people from dangers that would have added any mortal man to the body count. All this I have done because you are with me. Please Luna, your child needs you once more. His strength from you to change and grow had led him through his years. The obstacle before him wishes to continue a war that would scar Creation. In defense of all the people that would die, he stands, and I ask you now to show you stand with him." Darryl then crushes the pendant and similarly drops it to the bay. This time, The Lunar speaks in Old Realm, "Luna, for many decades I have walked, ran, swam, flown as your Chosen. All these years, you have been mother and father to me. My mortal parents are gone, but I have gained a mother who will help me ever to learn, grow, and change."

Prayer Roll instead of Flurry because that just reduces my chances of effectively counterattacking anyways.
DV refreshes: WP regen 5/10
Sacrifices: Bright Morning, Tiger's Heart Elixir, all the spares he'd had on him. At one of those is probably Resources 4, but I'm not sure if they jump to Resources 5. Pendant belonging to father, meant to fuel the stunt/lower the difficulty
Conviction Channel: WP 4/10
Prayer Roll: [roll0]+Stunt? [roll1]
I hope this works. With my luck, it just might not... However, yay speaking as a free action!

2015-11-27, 07:49 PM
2-die stunt (successful)

The waxing moon is visible on the leaden sky. A voice whispers in Darryl's head.

"Luna is adaptable, not obstinate."

"We fight, we bleed, we learn, we survive."

"The Dawns were forsaken, but the Moons fled."

"We lived to fight another day."

Darryl's recently tattooed wrist tingles, and his wings ache to go as fast as they can.

2015-11-27, 10:13 PM
Darryl smiled, and gave the solar a two fingered salute, "It looks like there are other plans. But I promise you that if you insist on keeping this war, I will come for you." He then sped away. He would grow, and live. He then touched his tattoo. "It seems Luna would have me back away from this fight to live another day. WouldIcehome be safe without me for a week?"

I'll spend 11m to max out my Dex excellency this tick, and steadily deplete my mote pool save for 5m. I'll dash as soon as I can and end Fury as soon as I can. I've got a negligible chance of running back into the fight. If I do, I'll punch an enemy airship. I think I'll reapply my Unity and get another 2 to my base movement speed.

2015-11-27, 10:56 PM
"How so rewarded? The Winds inquire with interest! The Bull of the North is a merciless and trecharous ruler, we would take a great risk by defying him."

It's cold on the hilltop, so very cold. Only the inner fire within Azeri helps him to carry on as usual.

Azeri takes a deep breath, fanning the fiery essence coursing through his body. "While the Immaculate Faith is still the Faith of the Realm, the orthodoxy is more or less in shambles. We can draw up a new calendar for this satrapy, with a very generous schedule... as well as, say, a holy week to honor the courageous and puissant Air Courts. Should give you plenty of cachet with spirits in the region, correct?"

2015-11-28, 12:26 AM
Ousiarchies gave an almost imperceptible nod, knowing how many here had beyond exceptional hearing. He gave meaningful glances toward Mirajane and Stalwart Mercury. He was probably going to leave someone behind, but he had given his word to protect these two.

He followed his head of security as discretely as possible, knowing that simply not drawing attention would be more effective than true stealth right now. It was a pity, in a selfish short-sighted way, that he wouldn't get to see how much this upset the Vizier. Perhaps it wouldn't at all, and this upstart would just be another pawn in his hand. Or perhaps she would have him executed. Either way, the Emperor was putting far too much focus on one man, even if it was a Solar. To allow himself to be defined in that way was foolish and stupid. He would go, and remember that the Deliberative, whether in this city or elsewhere, was enemy territory.

2015-11-28, 09:08 AM
As he listened to the Syndics' explanation, Star's expression turned increasingly more serious. Not a conflict with the Bull's forces then, but a mysterious occurrence that could menace the city. Whatever was happening inside Marama's Fell was definitely a reason to be worried; things hardly just solved themselves without someone's plot behind it or a price to be paid, usually in blood. He turned back to Shiori, giving himself a moment to recover at the sight of her once more before speaking again.
-...I have entered the Fell's borders to rescue lost travellers in the past, though that's been a while, but I'm afraid I can't see the unmaterialized. Whatever knowledge of the region I still have and all other abilities are at your service, though. When do... We, depart? - Star felt foolish for reacting that way, but referring to them as “we” for the first time made him happy.

2015-11-28, 10:53 AM
Mirajane followed her benefactor, if a bit worried, her hand in her flame projector."Forgive me for my ignorance noble Ousiarches, but what exactly is going on ? Do you believe that solar will take advantage of the slaughter to take a shot on us ?" She asks humbly

2015-11-28, 10:32 PM
As he listened to the Syndics' explanation, Star's expression turned increasingly more serious. Not a conflict with the Bull's forces then, but a mysterious occurrence that could menace the city. Whatever was happening inside Marama's Fell was definitely a reason to be worried; things hardly just solved themselves without someone's plot behind it or a price to be paid, usually in blood. He turned back to Shiori, giving himself a moment to recover at the sight of her once more before speaking again.
-...I have entered the Fell's borders to rescue lost travellers in the past, though that's been a while, but I'm afraid I can't see the unmaterialized. Whatever knowledge of the region I still have and all other abilities are at your service, though. When do... We, depart? - Star felt foolish for reacting that way, but referring to them as “we” for the first time made him happy.

"Then it is fortunate that I know both the Spirit-Detecting Glance and the All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight. Combat is not my specialty, although I do possess some ability with a bow, but I can at least tell you where the enemy is. I am primarily a healer and a scholar." Shiori smiles slightly. "The plan is to depart tomorrow at dawn, in order to make the most of the daylight."

She turns back to the Syndics. "Is there anything more you wish to say to us right now? If not, I ask your leave to depart. Jiunan, Lily and I have had a long walk from Wallport, and Star should have some time to meet them before tomorrow." If possible she'll track down Rune and Macha and introduce Star to them as well; both are old friends. They went their separate ways once the group entered Whitewall's gates, Macha to the Guard barracks and Rune who knows where.

2015-11-29, 10:42 AM
Shiori and Star / Darryl / Azeri / Varos / Reshar

As Shiori and Star are crossing a narrow bridge which leads out of Whitewall's palace after their meeting is over, and Darryl swoops behind an air-ship and catches his breath, and Azeri speaks before the elemental court, and Varos skirts the northern wastelands on the stormwind rider his companion Ledaal Odidi summoned, and Reshar deftly cuts another thick animal skin; a blazing spot appears silently on the eastern horizon, fleetingly illuminates the sky as brightly as a second sun, and then collapses into a rising column of smoke.

Ousiarches and Mirajane

As your guard huddles you into the safety of a side corridor, the earth groans. Red dots are blooming on the Imperial Mountain, and dark dots are ejected from them, flying and falling to the Isle below.

A shockwave hits the Imperial Palace. Mortar is seeping upon you from cracks on the ceiling that open at an alarming rate. The windows' glass sharply creaks. The ground shakes wildly in the throes of an earthquake of strength you haven't experienced before.

The Tengese warriors raise their shields and move you. You can barely stand straight. Somewhere, walls are falling, and people are screaming. You make it out of the palace and cross the gardens. Finally, you are hidden in a safehouse attic somewhere - perhaps in the Market District. The quake is over, but fires rage throughout the city, and the sky is darkened by ash.

2015-11-29, 05:10 PM
Shiori and Star / Darryl / Azeri / Varos / Reshar

As Shiori and Star are crossing a narrow bridge which leads out of Whitewall's palace after their meeting is over, and Darryl swoops behind an air-ship and catches his breath, and Azeri speaks before the elemental court, and Varos skirts the northern wastelands on the stormwind rider his companion Ledaal Odidi summoned, and Reshar deftly cuts another thick animal skin; a blazing spot appears silently on the eastern horizon, fleetingly illuminates the sky as brightly as a second sun, and then collapses into a rising column of smoke.

Azeri marks the ill omen with a vague sense of dread. East... so not from the Blessed Isle, nor from the Bull's stronghold. So where?...

2015-11-29, 05:48 PM
Darryl looked onto the giant explosion, and his eyes went wide. He contacted the Wiseman. "What was that?! It came from the fork of the Silver River and the River of Tears, I think. I could be there by nightfall. I- Where are you? Nalla is one of the first Solar Exaltations that got released, and he wields Elder Charms. If I only had one more week, I'd be able to face him for as long as he could take it, but I must pull back. And I won't be faster than him for long. Can you spare me a ride?"

2015-11-29, 07:09 PM
Shiori stumbles for a moment, eyes wide as she spots the light on the horizon. "Great gods!" Her mind spins into action once more. Light of that magnitude indicates sorcery of either the Sapphire or Adamant Circle- probably Adamant-, heavy Essence weaponry, the catastrophic failure of powerful magitech, or possibly a powerful god getting angry enough to smite something. Quickly she looks up at the position of the sun and the skyline; she's been in Whitewall often enough to be able to orient herself by the buildings. "Northeast... so, likely somewhere in the Linowan or Halta lands..." she mutters to herself. What might be going on there?

Yay Excellency! I'll go with Occult for this.

Int 5 + Occult 5 + 1st Excellency 10 = [roll0]

Possible stunt = [roll1]

2015-11-29, 08:40 PM

"It was one of our Thousand-Forged Dragons destroying a manse-fortress of the Bull. It was planned."

"Its disheartening to hear Nalla will wreak havoc on the Haslantian force at Malice Bay, however your bravery against such a powerful enemy is commendable. I researched your earlier query - some of our allies might have training scrolls for the style..."

"What do you mean a ride? Do you want me to recall you? I can restore our link later."

2015-11-29, 08:49 PM

What Shiori understands doesn't bode well.

The explosion was a geomantic catastrophe, caused by a Thousand-Forged Dragon judging by certain traces in its aura, if the ancient texts Shiori had read on the matter, but hoped to never see validated in her lifetime, were correct. And judging by the motonic blasts released, the destroyed manse was of Earth Aspect.

However, Shiori knows the Usurpation conflict unleashed many such dragons, and permanently damaged Creation's geomancy. This attack will likely cause great stress at the Elemental Pole of Earth, and unleash a devastating backlash on the Blessed Isle. Shiori doesn't know how many more such attacks can Earth-Aspected geomancy take before unraveling, but ancient texts say it was the most damaged one of the five during the Usurpation.

Successful 2-die stunt.

2015-11-29, 09:12 PM

Prior to the explosion the elementals were expressing their satisfaction with Azeri's proposal. In the aftermath, they are jolted, fearful, and pray to Mela for guidance. Azeri doesn't know if Mela replied, but the Court agrees to aid his side against the Bull of the North.

"What is it you need exactly, Prince of Earth?"

2015-11-29, 09:25 PM

"It was one of our Thousand-Forged Dragons destroying a manse-fortress of the Bull. It was planned."

"Its disheartening to hear Nalla will wreak havoc on the Haslantian force at Malice Bay, however your bravery against such a powerful enemy is commendable. I researched your earlier query - some of our allies might have training scrolls for the style..."

"What do you mean a ride? Do you want me to recall you? I can restore our link later."

Darryl let out a sigh. "At least it wasn't the Bull's doing. But did we need to use something so... big?

"It shouldn't be disheartening. SIX DAYS! Thank you for looking into it for me, but if I had only learned Flowing Body Evasion one week sooner... I was missing one thing!

"And yes, I prayed to Luna. She told me to run, my wings burned to fly and the tattoo for the link called. I think it would be best to call me back."

2015-11-29, 09:40 PM

You find yourself next to the sea, in a military encampment. Nearby, Lookshian soldiers hastily move. The Wiseman is before you.

"The Bull's fortress design is effectively unassailable. We have to destroy them geomantically."

"Perhaps it's worth asking White Rabbit for...locations of different timeflow. I know of only one Lunar technique we have in a training scroll, and I doubt you seek it."

Darryl receives 15 bp for the fight with Nalla.

2015-11-29, 10:11 PM
Darryl sighs. "Thank you, and I hope this war is worth it. The Bull's reason isn't enough to justify staying in a war against creation.

"So I guess I'm on my way back to the Blessed Isle for a few days. How do these training scrolls work? I've never learned charms from scrolls. Are they reusable? And I'm guessing the Lunar one you have is some high tier charm of the No Moon?"

He looked around. "I can make it across the sea rather easily. Do you need any help before I go?"

2015-11-29, 10:33 PM
Before answering Mirajane, Ousiarchies turned toward the head of his security. "Captain, begin making provisions for our ship to depart. I want to leave as soon as possible, preferably before the chaos of this event has subsided. We can go dressed as soldiers or servants if need be..."

He looked at something invisible over his shoulder.

"I cannot risk An-Teng for what good I can do here now. Too much rests on me alone for now." He seemed to listen for a moment.

"Then I fail the Sun! Whatever the hypocrisy of running if he answered my prayer for struggles that I remain unconquered by them, I do not care. If it were just us, then perhaps. But I do not have the right to chose for my people. I will accept the label of coward and all the shame this brings."

Once the guards were busy, and his side conversation concluded, he turned to his charge.

"I believe this Alizee is mad. She has proclaimed herself lord of Creation, declared war on two fifths of All Under Heaven, threatened to kill every Solar who does not agree with her on the authority of her sword, and does not admit of the possibility that she can be wrong about any moral judgment. No doubt someone will find a way to take advantage of her to advance there position, or at least try it, but I cannot bring myself to do so. In fact my own opinions when I arrived were perhaps not much different than her's now. But I was wrong, and I know she is. You cannot force people to be righteous. The more you try the more damage you do to the goodness that was already there. It is said, 'If you would convince a man that he does wrong, do right. But do not care to convince him. Men will believe what they see. Let them see.'

If you wish to stay, that is your decision. Otherwise, I am afraid your trip here will be a rather short one."

He sat down heavily in a chair.

"Did I make the wrong choice? Should I have been more like that? Creation seems the playground of the mighty, with little more concern for the weak save as the concern of children for castles made of sand."

2015-11-29, 10:54 PM
Shiori blanches as the answer hits her, grabbing hold of the bridge's railing for support. "Sol have mercy, someone's found a working thousand-forged dragon. And they used it! On an Earth-aspected manse!" She swallows hard. All the descriptions she's read of the horrors of Exalted combat, how the devices of ages past tore at the very fabric of Creation... it's not history anymore. It's real, here and now. "The Elemental Pole of Earth will have been affected, most likely the Blessed Isle is suffering from earthquakes." Who does she know that is still there? The hospital should be all right, most of its buildings are relatively low to the ground and she left them a fairly good-sized contingency fund. Elias went somewhere in the Haslanti League, Rune and Macha are in Whitewall with her, Gerd Marrow-Eater and the Wiseman left months ago, so that leaves... "Ousiarches. Pardon me for a moment, Star. I need to send him a message."

The mark of the Twilight burns bright on Shiori's brow as she weaves the spell of the Infallible Messenger. "To Emperor Ousiarches of the Zenith Caste: Greetings, Ousiarches. This is Ardis Shiori. I have seen the explosion that just occurred, and I believe I know what caused it. Someone has acquired and used a thousand-forged dragon on an Earth-aspected manse, likely somewhere in the Linowan or Halta area. This will have caused great stress on the Elemental Pole of Earth, which was also damaged during the Usurpation. If more Earth-aspected manses are attacked thus, the consequences could very well be catastrophic for all Creation. It is up to you what you do with this information. To be quite honest, I have no idea who, if anyone, would be able to prevent further attacks. Perhaps if we had a functioning Deliberative that was not led by an amoral, power-hungry Vizier... someday, maybe. I trust you to do your best for Creation. Farewell for now. End message."

Failed Phantasm
2015-11-30, 12:20 PM
‘To my most honorable and pious son,’

In spite of the stormwind roaring in his ears, stinging his face with the cold, and whipping his personal effects around in its frenzy, Varos had his eyes closed and wore a perfectly blank expression as he hovered wordlessly behind his kinsman. Without being able to see the landscape whirling past, he had no sense of being moved forward or back or in any direction whatsoever except around and around in circles — were it not for the ostensible urgency of their task, he would not have been surprised if they had not moved one inch from their point of departure. The wind was lifting the satchel at his side and slamming into his leg with an almost rhythmic regularity, accompanied by the delicate, barely-perceptible ringing of moonsilver-on-moonsilver as the razor claws shifted within. He reached up idly and slid his fingers through the folds of his headscarf so that he could rub at his ears, which were becoming unbearably hot and itchy as the fur became matted from hours spent so concealed, but as it gave him only the barest relief, he quickly abandoned the effort.

‘On this auspicious and blessed celebration of your birthday, it pleases me to inform you...’

As he finished, his hand lingered over the coat pocket where he’d hidden the letter he’d so unexpectedly received in Cherak. Varos opened his eyes and sighed quietly as he reread it in his mind for what must have been the hundredth time. ‘He knew I wouldn’t refuse,’ he thought with a slight frown. Odidi deftly navigated through a stand of hoary old pine trees punctuated by the occasional rocky outcropping, sinuously twisting along like a brush setting ink to paper. It made him remember how his father would sit at his desk and compose his letters, each stroke a painstaking exercise in exacting precision that made each character seem perfectly — almost mechanically — formed while somehow retaining the idiosyncratic imperfections that made calligraphy so artful. It was how he recognized the letter’s author, whose handwriting was the same as it had been fifteen years ago. ‘Why would he wait this long?’ he thought. He lowered his head and reached up to rub the bridge of his nose. ‘Why couldn’t I say no?’

‘...matter of grave importance for the future of our House and for the very Realm itself...’

‘Well, here I am now,’ he thought as he looked up to the sight of Odidi almost casually dodging a family of elk, towards whom he shot a glance as they soared past. ‘Hm... haven’t had elk in a while. That buck looked like he had a limp. Maybe I—’ He winced at himself. ‘No, no. Focus.’ Varos took a breath to steady himself and fixed his gaze on the horizon so that he could avoid looking at any more delicious-looking wildlife they might happen to chance upon. It gave him a very good view of the sun as it started to rise in the east and set the sky ablaze with its riotous— “That’s not the sunrise,” he said under his breath, barely able to hear himself over the stormwind, as his eyes widened in realization.

‘...that even the un-Exalted must make themselves equal to this task we collectively face, but I am proud knowing my mortal children have proven their worth a hundredfold. I have faith that you will not allow yourself to fail.’

Whereas his kinsman was likely Heptagram-trained, Varos was no sorcerer — Caste notwithstanding — but neither would he stand there dumbstruck at what was happening. In the instant that he recognized that what he was seeing was decidedly not natural, he quickly performed the Mudra of Jupiter’s Revelation and directed his Essence through his crown and third eye chakras; the flows of Creation’s Essence came alive in response. Past the swirling eddies kicked up by Odidi’s sorcerous working, he witnessed the blazing light just as it briefly flared as bright as the sun itself and then collapsed into a column of smoke. ‘By Luna, what am I seeing?’

‘With my most sincere wishes for your health and peace,
Ledaal Garan’

Charm activations (during and prior):

➜ All-Encompassing Sorcerer’s Sight (6 motes committed from Personal Essence)
➜ First Intelligence Excellency (3 motes spent from Personal Essence)
➜ Subtle Silver Declaration (1 mote committed from Personal Essence)
Varos has had Hide of the Cunning Hunter active for quite some time now, having committed the two motes from his Peripheral Essence when it was safe to do so.

Reflexive — Intelligence [3] + Occult [5] + First Intelligence Excellency [3] to analyze the explosion with All-Encompassing Sorcerer’s Sight: [roll0]

Stunt dice, if applicable (from left to right): [roll1]
Result: See corrected roll in this post (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20137690&postcount=97).

Essence 53 / 85, Health Uninjured (-0), Willpower 10 / 10

➜ Personal 15 + (7) / 25
➜ Peripheral 38 + (22) / 60


All-Encompassing Sorcerer’s Sight — (One Scene)
Hide of the Cunning Hunter — (Indefinite)
Subtle Silver Declaration — (One Scene)

2015-11-30, 01:41 PM
Now that he had a moment to stop and think, Ousiarchies began to organize and analyze the flood of information that struck him this last day. In his mind's eye he was back home, in the Jade Plum Citadel. It was a technique his father had taught him, about building a palace of memory. As a young boy the only palace he could think of was his own home, so that is what it resembled.

He was in the map room now, looking at the Imperial City as a bird might. He saw the damage to the palace and further destruction along the route they had taken. The event hadn't started here though...

Not local, but what else but all these Exalted could affect the Omphalos like that?

With a step he was in the library. Yet every tome he brought to hand lacked the information he sought. Mandala theories of geomancy, the Weaver-Self Weaving conjecture on dragon lines, mythic cycles about the Creation, none of it described the phenomena. Looking around, noticing the indistinct corners and blurry titles he knew he would have to reach deeper. It wasn't like lighting a lamp, or stepping through a door to a different place. It wasn't like anything at all, save perhaps suddenly noticing that after a long talk with a close friend it was suddenly afternoon. Or was it morning?

The golden light through the imaginary windows illuminated a place at once like and unlight what had been there before. He looked down at a city of onyx and splendor. Vehicles he had never seen unloading cargoes of flame-bright flowers and taking on loads of gold, chalcedony, and jade. Turning back to the library he saw sheets of crystal scribed with ever changing runes suspended in floating rows between golden pylons, hologlyphic projectors turned the dome like ceiling into a living mural of scenes and images, and comfortable looking chairs sat with haloes of moonsilver and unmelting blue ice about there headrests.

So this is what it looked like.

It hadn't, not really. This was something else, built from every scrap of conversation he had heard then forgotten and every design and device he had studied all assembled into a vision of what might have been. He sat in one of the throne like chairs and leaned back, felt flexible wires flow along his cranial meridians, and suddenly sensed every scrap of data present. Now he could truly look.

Yet even as he sorted through the massive collection of everything he had every known, something troubled him. The Slayer, she he sent an emperor running. Unbidden his memory of what he had seen filled the dome above him. With fresh eyes he watched the fire in her's. With fresh ears he listened for meaning where before he had calculated advantage.

Who is this? A new player at the table or a new piece to be played? How much of the world must be burned down in her zeal, and why does it feel as though some god favors her so abundantly that if the consequences of her actions ever come due they will strike her far more lightly than then mine will me?

Analyze the explosion
Int 5 + Occult 5 + Excellency 5


Social analysis of the new Solar and what is likely to come of this
Int 5 + Socialize 5 + Excellency 10

All personal motes.

2015-11-30, 03:11 PM
-Yes, it is. And don't worry, combat is where I can say with confidence I will not be lost. On my life, I won't let anything happen to you. - When she mentioned their departure Star felt some excitement build up, for it meant he had an entire day to explain some of the current situation and perhaps get to know her.
As Shiori excused them from the Syndics' Palace, Star half-bowed to them and walked with her while thinking. She hadn't come from Fella but from Wallport, which meant she was somewhere else entirely until very recently, perhaps even with the Deliberative in the Blessed Isle. He'd have to ask; he had no information about it so far.
While they crossed the bridge leading outside and he prepared to voice the question, the horizon to the east was suddenly taken by a shining blaze that soon gave way to a rising smoke column. -What the hell?! - Star stared while trying to make sense of it, a feeling of unrealness spreading through him. He snapped out of the daze in time to support Shiori as she lost her balance, focusing his mind on finding out more about whatever had happened. He was trying to ascertain where exactly it came from before his Mate's next words added yet another layer of urgency to the occurrence.
“Thousand-forged Dragon... The name seems suggestive enough.” - Star tried remembering whatever he could about it as it seemed familiar, though matters of essence-fuelled artifacts and sorcery were definitely not his area of expertise. -Who the hell would just go ahead and use something that could disrupt one of the Elemental Poles..? And against whom? - The most depressing part was that he could think of several possible candidates that would care little about collateral damage, if at all. Shiori mentioned another name and asked for a moment to communicate with them, and it was obviously important. -Of course, take your time. - He moved to give her some space and sinked back into his thoughts. Once it seemed like she was done he approached once more.
-Shiori. Would you by any chance have contacts within the new Solar Deliberative? I believe as a gathering of powerful Solars they could have information and the means to dispatch help in case a populated area was hit. Personally I have high hopes for the good they can do in all of Creation. - Star wasn't sure if they should just drop the mission in the Fell and move to investigate and possibly aid in the aftermath of that aerial strike, as whatever was happening in the shadowland would not cease simply because another problem had showed itself.

2015-12-02, 12:23 AM
"That is who I just sent the Messenger to, actually. Emperor Ousiarches of An-Teng, a Zenith Caste of strong convictions. And, unfortunately, a propensity for making enemies... but he has been a force for positive change in the Deliberative so far. I hope that he will be able to do something, or pass the information on to someone who can." Shiori sighs, leaning against the railing. "Unfortunately, the Solar Deliberative has so far fallen short of its potential. An amoral opportunist known as the Grand Vizier or the Shadow Behind Thrones has taken advantage of the absence of many fine Exalted who departed for the warfront earlier, and of a famine in the Imperial City. Immaculate loyalists were burning the local farmlands and disrupting shipments of food from elsewhere, you see. It's a long story, and parts of it I only suspect, but the result was the Vizier as Chairman. I doubt he will do anything unless he sees an advantage for himself, and the other Solars are either on his side, fighting him in the political arena like Ousiarches, here on the Northern front like myself, or pursuing their own projects."

The Twilight shivers briefly at a gust of wind and wraps her cloak tighter. "Perhaps we should continue this discussion indoors. My companions- our companions now, pardon- are waiting at the Crowned Sun." She names one of Whitewall's finer inns, not ostentatious but quite comfortable with good food, spacious beds, and a short walk to the closest of the city's famous public baths.

2015-12-05, 01:11 PM

3-die stunt on the Occult roll. The aftermath of the geomantic attack Shiori reported (the explosion wasn't seen in the Imperial City) matches what Ousiarches understands the status of Creation's Earth geomancy is after the Usurpation conflict. There's only a limited number of similar attacks the geomancy can suffer before major unravelling occurs. When it does, the Blessed Isle may follow the fate of Okeanos, and Pasiap may perish - and while the nature of the impending disaster is not certain, the magnitude is. Prior to that event, each attack will be met by increasingly severe aftershocks and disasters across Creation.

Ousiarches cannot evaluate the political fallout. For one, he lacks a full picture of the destruction, or how many in the Deliberative will realize the cause and the risks. Moreover, the new players are too poweful, unknown, and unpredictable. It isn't just the Slayer: Ousiarches' occult advisors reveal the "mist" figure backing her was an Exalted with Incarna level Essence, the most powerful being they have ever seen.

2015-12-05, 01:17 PM

3-die stunt. More or less, Varos reaches the same conclusions on the nature of the explosion Shiori did earlier. It was a Thousand-Forged destruction of a major Earth manse, and the ripples teared into Earth's geomancy old wounds. Notwithstanding the loss of life this caused on the Blessed Isle, any further such attacks will be escalatingly worse in result. Eventually, the Elemental Pole, Pasiap, and the Blessed Isle themselves may unravel and follow the fate of Okeanos.

2015-12-05, 01:25 PM

Ultimately, Reshar will be able to discern the cause of the blast. However, he has a leg up when it comes to information about the Thousand-Forged Dragons...

Shiori and Star

At the inn, you meet a restless Jiunan first and introduce Star.

"I was in the Fell already, Shiori, Star. What the Syndics say is true: it is pacified. I've never seen anything quite like it. Inhabitants speak of strange lights, whispering chants, construction noises carried by the wind...and of a great skeletal man wrapped in shadows."

"Whatever it is, I'm eager to delve deeper."

Varos and Azeri

Ultimately, you have to go on to the Pinnacle. Your stormwinds enter a large, snowy plain. You see each other in the distance, still many miles apart, and recognize each other as Ledaal and Cathak forces.

However, a third stormwind is moving fast from the east. You don't know who rides it, and it seems its intent is to intercept you.

2015-12-07, 08:56 PM
Star stared in disbelief while Shiori told him about the Vizier-led Deliberative, so far from what he'd hoped them to be and from all they could do. -That's... - Surreal. "Taking advantage of" famine to politically maneuver oneself into a position of power seemed like the furthest thing from what the Solars stood for, especially with the level of change they could bring to anything with enough numbers. He liked to think he wasn't as naive behind closed doors as his demeanor might suggest, but the fact was he honestly expected all of them to cooperate, even with mishaps and grudges, in bringing Creation to a brighter future. Were other Solars closer to the Bull than Firebird, then? And what of the Immaculates, destroying the means to feed those people in the Imperial City? He could feel the old anger towards the Dragonblooded rise up and pushed it down as best as he could before gathering himself. It wouldn't help now.
-That's the way things are, I suppose. For now. I hope this Emperor can change them as much as possible. - Striving to be better than the past was something he had decided on, no matter what, so Star wouldn't lose heart with this news. -I... Thought about going to the Isle when I heard of the gathering.... To try and find my mate, if nothing else. - He felt himself blush at that and quickly moved his gaze from her before continuing. -But the North is my home and so I stayed to help. Still, I'd like to lend him and whoever is willing to fight for a proper course to the Deliberative a hand when I can.
As Shiori suggested they continued their discussion at the Crowned Sun, Star felt his heart slightly escape from the weak grasp he had managed to establish. The fact she seemed ready to include him like that made him happy, but the thought of sharing the same roof sent nervousness to his very last fiber, even if their rooms happened to be nowhere near one another. He made a noise between a "yes" and a "huh" and followed her there, wondering why he was walking so strangely and what he usually did with his arms the entire way.
Star only realized they had already arrived when he was being officially introduced to one Jiunan Nightwarden, trying to ground himself in reality again as he bowed his head in acknowledgement of the Solar. Shiori had mentioned him in the throneroom. He seemed a little too excited to go into the Fell, but Star listened to his words with utmost attention for he was one of his mate's companions.
-Let's go for worst case and work down from there. Could this figure by any chance in Creation be a Deathlord? If not, could it be a Deathknight? If it's neither of those it's either one of the Undead or a Necromancer. Or a Raksha with a thing for bones and death. I know things seem more curious than dangerous, but in my experience they're usually both. - He remembered vaguely a Chimera that liked to appear as a disturbingly owl-like child, so long ago. He shuddered.

2015-12-09, 02:23 AM
Shiori winces at the mention of Deathlords. "Let us hope that we do not encounter the Lover or the Bishop, for those are the two most likely to be active in this area. An Abyssal is indeed a strong possibility; Marama's Fell is one of the largest shadowlands in Creation, and thus a rich prize for one who would move large numbers of people between the worlds. I doubt it is a raksha; the static Essence of death does not agree with them."

Just as she pauses for thought, the inn door opens and admits a swirl of icy wind, along with a young Air Aspect. "Hi Shiori, hi Jiunan, hi... oh my gods." Lily screeches to a halt and just stares at Star for a few seconds. From the rising flush in her pale blue-tinged face, it's obvious that the supernaturally attractive Lunar has effectively short-circuited her brain. Shiori sighs, gets up, and moves between the two to block her view.

"Good evening, Lily. Would you like to meet our new comrade for the trip into the Fell?" Her tone is ever so polite, and yet it manages to hold a slight rebuke.

"Wha... new comrade, really? Wow!" Lily shakes her head as if to clear it. Stepping around her mistress, she flashes a bright smile at Star. "Great! I'm Glacier Lily, an Air Aspect Dragonblood in case it wasn't obvious what with the skin and hair and all, I like thrown weapons, long walks in the wilderness, and learning new things. And Shiori, but that goes without saying since I'm her assistant and all. What's your name? Nice tattoos, Lunar, right? And are you single?"

"LILY!" Shiori sputters, turning an interesting shade of bright pink.

"What? Oh come on, don't tell me you weren't thinking it! This way is faster than all that dancing around the so-called 'civilized' people do! All he has to do is tell me yes or no and then I know whether it's safe to flirt!" The Air Aspect huffs and folds her arms across her chest.

Shiori covers her face with a hand. "That- that- that- no, Lily, just no."

2015-12-11, 02:13 AM
Star listened to her thoughts on the matter, mentally centering the list of suspects on Abyssals. That could possibly mean higher circles of necromancy and a lot more problems in combat - maybe even a physical confrontation depending on the mystery figure's area of focus.
He was about to ask if either of them could counter stronger necromancy, not paying much mind to the inn's door opening, when a new voice clearly aimed at their little group interrupted. Star turned to its source only to realize the owner was... Blue. And she seemed as surprised at seeing him as he was at meeting a Dragonblooded like that, out of nowhere. The feeling of old resentful anger started aching as Shiori got up to address the new arrival, but it was almost immediately wiped away when the dragonblooded stepped around her and offered him a beaming smile. He blinked once, and felt the animosity fade. She was his mate's friend, and had done absolutely nothing to warrant anger from him.

And as Glacier Lily introduced herself fully, Star felt a smile spread through his face, right until the moment she asked if he was single or not. He coughed for time and shot a glance at Shiori, shyness and unsureness taking over for a while as he thought of how to answer. The Solar reprimanded her companion, but Lily's answer was so straight-forward he couldn't help but chuckle. Star got up and approached them, offering Lily his hand and a smile.

-It's been a while since I met a dragonblooded who made me smile, thank you for reminding me past scars belong in the past. ...Alright, in order. I like well-developed combat forms, the stillness and grandiosity of the wilderness and also learning whatever I can. Shiori's... Definitely someone I would add to the "like" side of things. - He avoided eye-contat at all costs at that moment. -My name is Star-Silencing Soothsayer, of the Full Moon. - Only now did it occur that he hadn't told Shiori his caste, too busy with being smitten by her presence that he was. Best pretend not to have noticed. -And... I am single. But I've been waiting for someone for the past seven-hundred and thirty six years. - Did he just give the actual ammount of time himself and Halved Moon had waited between them? -Or, you know, six hundred, five hundred... I forget.

While mentally chastising himself for not filtering things properly before saying them, Star felt how Lily's words had hit his emotions almost accusingly. Dancing around was exactly what he'd been doing; after having one of the greatest wishes of his life finally granted. And why? It suddenly made no sense, and an urgency to take action took hold of him.

-You know what...? You are absolutely right. People stand and wait too much without doing anything. - He looked around for a place to take his mate, but she'd been cold outside and asking her to one of their rooms would be entirely rude and strange. - "Seriously? I have to do this here?! It's only the most important conversation in forever!" - As his mind went over ideas and his heart refused to do that in public, Star decided to adapt, turning his eyes towards Shiori. -Don't go anywhere. - He raced outside, feeling like he was seeing everything for the first time in a long time, looking through merchants' wares until a distressed-brown leather coat with furred lining around the neck called to him, which he promptly bought - not bothering with change - and draped over his shoulder. Those extra minutes only made the wait seem more grandiose, so by the time he made it back to the group there was a very percetible nervousness around him.

-Shiori. Would you please come with me? - Star looked into those blue eyes, gathering courage to take what felt like the final step on the longest road ever, but which was in fact the very first. He gently took her hand, electricity arcing from where they were connected, and led her outside and to a place away from movement, looking briefly to the sky then back at her. -Excuse me. - Picking up the coat, he put it around her shoulders as carefully as possible, then took a step back. -You... Seemed cold earlier. - Heart racing again, but with a firm voice, he proceeded. -So. I'm sorry, I am entirely sure this is too sudden. But the wait has been killing me. I... You are my bondmate. I could tell as soon as we met. - The feeling greater than anything he'd ever experienced before, the certainty, the fear of what it all meant to his life from then on. He felt all of those again. -And I remember you. And it felt incredible to see you again... But not because it does for every Lunar. Not like that, at least. - Star was stalling now, trying to find the way to properly convey that which seemed too much to be explained in any simple way. -I remember all we went through... We were... Together. Ten-Bladed Silver Tongue and Firebird Glorying at First Light. We used to rule a beautiful city in the far north, where we exchanged vows. - He laughed to himself a bit as he remembered, sharing the content of his dreams for the first time. -You were an engineer last time, made me a Warstrider. Or, him, I suppose. Still feels like “me”. The... Sidereals, killed us during the Usurpation, in the end. - Saying it aloud like that to her made his heart hurt. He could almost see Firebird's eyes as the life went out of them. -I still remember holding you close and promising to find you again; guess that's a promise fulfilled. Which brings me to the next part. It's probably going to be uncomfortable to hear from someone you just met, more so than anything else, but please bear with me. - His face felt hot, and so did his chest. No going back now.

-I still love you. I've searched for you all over Creation and prayed every day to see you again. I haven't been with anyone since we parted ways, because there was something no one could compete with in my heart, and that was... You. - Star wondered if other Lunars went through similar things, especially the fear of the very real possibility she would find all of that too much and just walk out right now.

-If... You'll let me, I want to get to know you again. Find out what makes you laugh, what path you have chosen... To be by your side, fight for you and your dreams. I want to see you smile and have your hopes rewarded. Know that I will not impose any of this on you, and I won't ask for any answer if you don't have one. If your heart is someone else's, I will respect that. Or if you just wish to keep it for yourself. But... My heart will be yours, forever. Do with it what you will. - There. A piece of all those feelings had been said, oficially, for the first time since death did them part.

2015-12-12, 01:08 AM
Shiori follows Star outside, bemused. She has no idea what the Lunar could possibly want with a strange Solar. There's no harm in playing along, though, if his intentions are hostile all she has to do is flare her anima. The Whitewall city guard has been working under Macha long enough that they know a Solar with her anima active likely means trouble and should be investigated. So she puts on the offered coat- she can make her own with her infinite resplendence amulet, but it's the thought that counts- and listens.

"I... my mate?" For the second time that day, Shiori is struck speechless. She hadn't even considered this possibility. Oh, she knew that every Solar has a Lunar mate, but she also knows just how enormous Creation is. What are the odds that her mate would even be in the same Direction of Creation, let alone the same city at the same time? "This is... very sudden. Give me a few moments, please." He loves me? No, he loves the idea of her. How much of this is First Age memories? How much is the compulsion built into the Solar Bond? And oh, how she's hated that idea since she first read about it. It's all very well for Solars and Lunars to work together, even to have a special bond. But to her thinking, if there was going to be an emotional aspect it should have worked both ways. Oh no, couldn't have that. The servants of the Emperor of Heaven had to be above everyone else, even the people who were supposed to be their partners. As it is the Bond was terribly abused in the First Age.

Yet the world is rarely as it should be. Shiori has to deal with what is. Poor Star looks so hopeful, so afraid of what she might say but willing to bare his soul to her anyway. She unconsciously toys with the end of her braid, thinking. Would it really be so bad, to have a partner? I could at least give him a chance. Get to know him. Ever since she Exalted Shiori hasn't had a relationship beyond occasional rolls in the hay with Elias. Pure physical release with someone they can trust for both of them; he had his duties for the Haslanti League, and she was unwilling to settle down in one country. She was always afraid to get close to mortals or even god-blooded because of the enormous power difference. How could they have a healthy relationship? But a Lunar... this might work. The Bond would still create a power difference, but Star would most likely be physically capable of standing up to her if Shiori let her power go to her head.

Finally she lets out a breath and looks back at Star. "I cannot say I love you back right now; I remember nothing of the First Age. But know that if I do ever say those words, it will be because I mean them. I swear by Sol Invictus and the Argent Madonna, by all that I hold dear, that I will not use the Solar Bond to manipulate you. In fact, when we are finished in the Fell I would like to find my friend Rune, an Eclipse Caste, and make those words official. I know far too much about how Solars abused the Bond in the First Age." She smiles tentatively. "But if you are willing to bear with me, Star, I would very much like to get to know you."