View Full Version : About Lesser Celedrins

2015-10-06, 09:50 PM
SO I was looking up something just to confirm what i read, Specifically with lesser assimars
Apparently what they lose for going lesser isn't much, They lose the outsider type(which means no Free proficiency, and no dark vision but gets to keep everything else.
So good stat boosts, Bonuses on checks it will probably pump anyway, a free nightlight and good resistances.....I'm really liking planetouches and alternates to humans and silverbrows.

On that note I was looking up Lesser Celedrins and they seemed slightly more ridiculous.
I will go down the list.
Medium Size
Average Movement
Fire resistance/10
Immune to Magical Sleep
+4 to Perform Sing
+2 to Spot, Listen and Search
Outsider Type
Auto Proficiency with Bows, Longswords and Rapiers
Fiery Gaze which allows you to use Scorching Ray once perday using your character Level as the caster level
Melodious Voice: Gives 1+1 per 5 Character levels To diplomacy for the sake of improving a creatures attitude and on wild empathy checks(making fey bard seem a bit more appealing.
And an auto search check to see if they pass through a Concealed or hidden Door

Now I would imagine the Lesser version would look something like this
Medium Size
Average Movement
Fire resistance/10
+4 to Perform Sing
+2 to Spot, Listen and Search
Fiery Gaze which allows you to use Scorching Ray once perday using your character Level as the caster level
Melodious Voice: Gives 1+1 per 5 Character levels To diplomacy for the sake of improving a creatures attitude and on wild empathy checks(making fey bard seem a bit more appealing.
And an auto search check to see if they pass through a Concealed or hidden Door

Is that accurate?

2015-10-06, 11:26 PM
What book are Celedrins in?

Also, the outsider type is hugely useful for Alter Self shenanigans, so that's another thing that hurts to lose with the lesser planetouched option. But yeah, lesser planetouched is still pretty good. Right up there with Humans and Strongheart Halflings.

2015-10-06, 11:28 PM
What book are Celedrins in?

Also, the outsider type is hugely useful for Alter Self shenanigans, so that's another thing that hurts to lose with the lesser planetouched option. But yeah, lesser planetouched is still pretty good. Right up there with Humans and Strongheart Halflings.

Celedrins are introduced in Dragon magazine 350 I think, But since the Lesser template is in Players guide to faerun i think it applies.

2015-10-06, 11:34 PM
My wife played one once.

I've not let her use it or talk a DM into doing it since. Aasimar are really at the low end of LA +1 and so aren't game-breakers at LA +0. Celadrin, on the other hand, are a bit excessive at low level.

Oh, and they should have the weapon proficiencies as lesser celadrin. The proficiencies are listed in their specific racial traits, rather than being due to their outsider type. They also match up with the elven weapon proficiencies, which makes sense being as they're planetouched elves.

2015-10-06, 11:45 PM
My wife played one once.

I've not let her use it or talk a DM into doing it since. Aasimar are really at the low end of LA +1 and so aren't game-breakers at LA +0. Celadrin, on the other hand, are a bit excessive at low level.

Oh, and they should have the weapon proficiencies as lesser celadrin. The proficiencies are listed in their specific racial traits, rather than being due to their outsider type. They also match up with the elven weapon proficiencies, which makes sense being as they're planetouched elves.

Oh come on...aside from a free scorching ray at level 1 how bad could it have possibly been?

2015-10-07, 12:06 AM
Mostly, it's the scorching ray at level one coupled with the ability scores being really good for a Cha-based build (she had a 1-level dip in battle dancer on a mostly bardic build). By around third level the advantage has significantly narrowed, which is by sheer coincidence where the LA buyoff becomes available.

2015-10-07, 12:20 AM
Mostly, it's the scorching ray at level one coupled with the ability scores being really good for a Cha-based build (she had a 1-level dip in battle dancer on a mostly bardic build). By around third level the advantage has significantly narrowed, which is by sheer coincidence where the LA buyoff becomes available.

So for the first couple of level's she was absolutely beastly, but eventually balanced out as the game went on yes?

2015-10-07, 12:00 PM
My wife is currently playing one (spellthief with the trickster variant). We just hit 3rd level. She also took magic in the blood for the scorching ray 3/day instead of once. Still not really overpowered. Then again, we were largely facing goblins and giant bugs early on so it resulted in a few crispies but not really overbalanced compared to the other PCs (a fighter, psychic rogue/ardent, a ranger/barbarian). Is it effective at low levels, certainly, but not really overpowered and quickly balances out.

2015-10-07, 01:05 PM
My wife is currently playing one (spellthief with the trickster variant). We just hit 3rd level. She also took magic in the blood for the scorching ray 3/day instead of once. Still not really overpowered. Then again, we were largely facing goblins and giant bugs early on so it resulted in a few crispies but not really overbalanced compared to the other PCs (a fighter, psychic rogue/ardent, a ranger/barbarian). Is it effective at low levels, certainly, but not really overpowered and quickly balances out.
That's actually rather brilliant.

2015-10-07, 03:29 PM
So for the first couple of level's she was absolutely beastly, but eventually balanced out as the game went on yes?

I wouldn't say absolutely beastly, rather she was noticeably more powerful than the other characters (which included my gray elf rogue/wizard and a lesser aasimar cleric). However, your assessment is correct - it balanced out as the game went on and class/build began to matter more than race.