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Barbarian Horde
2015-10-07, 12:46 AM
If an NPC threatens to kill me and you take that as a hostile action. Am I in the wrong when I decide to planeshift that said NPC to negative energy plane as part of a surprise round? By eliminating a threat before it takes action did I act according to my alignment (Chaotic Neutral)

2015-10-07, 12:56 AM
How is this even a subject of debate?

A NG character could do this and be totally secure in what he's done as appropriate.

2015-10-07, 12:58 AM
Out of context that is hard to say no to. Even LG can have contextual valid reasons for a surprise round Plane Shift.

What you did was temporarily inconvenience the NPC(unless you misjudged their capability to be a threat) as an immediate response to their verbal threat.

PS: Why negative energy plane?

2015-10-07, 01:15 AM
The only real question is if it was a credible threat, but that's really the threshold for Lawful or Good characters, not so much for Chaotic Neutral. Otherwise, I subscribe to the philosophy that if someone says they're going to kill you, believe them.

2015-10-07, 01:21 AM
If an NPC threatens to kill me and you take that as a hostile action. Am I in the wrong when I decide to planeshift that said NPC to negative energy plane as part of a surprise round? By eliminating a threat before it takes action did I act according to my alignment (Chaotic Neutral)

You would be acting according to your alignment if you planeshifted him because;

He had a gun(or other weapon) to your head and was a free action away from killing you.
He threatened you, directly or indirectly.
He looked at you funny, or at least you think he did.
You didn't like the way he looked/walked/talked/ect.
You just felt like it.

2015-10-07, 01:53 AM
You would be acting according to your alignment if you planeshifted him because;

He had a gun(or other weapon) to your head and was a free action away from killing you.
He threatened you, directly or indirectly.
He looked at you funny, or at least you think he did.
You didn't like the way he looked/walked/talked/ect.
You just felt like it.

Those last three are trending decidedly into CE territory.

2015-10-07, 02:51 AM
Those last three are trending decidedly into CE territory.

Granted, but provided they aren't consistent behaviors and/or offset by whims in the other direction, it isn't outside the realm of behaviors a CN character might partake in.

It is worth keeping in mind that, using pathfinder as an example, Proteans will kill and destroy for destruction's sake. Not that they necessarily derive pleasure from the act directly, but to move things back towards entropy. Towards the way they believe all things ought to be.

Another note and for a D&D example there is the leviathan. One of the great and terrible Elder Evils, heralds and bringers of the end of the world, destroyers of humanity and all that share their world; is in fact listed as Chaotic Neutral.

2015-10-07, 03:00 AM
If an NPC threatens to kill me and you take that as a hostile action. Am I in the wrong when I decide to planeshift that said NPC to negative energy plane as part of a surprise round? By eliminating a threat before it takes action did I act according to my alignment (Chaotic Neutral)

I would default to "that's fine," but it could be modified by situation.

Some drunk in a bar mouthed off? Um, might be a bit much.

2015-10-07, 07:33 AM
It's a minor Evil action, but only because you'd be creating undead (the NEP inflicts negative levels, which produce wights when they die). You might be in a bit of hot water if you're a Paladin or Exalted, and it would be a grey mark on your record if you were Good. As a Neutral character, this isn't really that much of a blip on your alignment record. And you could avoid it being even slightly evil by using the PEP instead, and waiting for them to blow up.

Jay R
2015-10-07, 09:47 AM
If an NPC threatens to kill me and you take that as a hostile action. Am I in the wrong when I decide to planeshift that said NPC to negative energy plane as part of a surprise round? By eliminating a threat before it takes action did I act according to my alignment (Chaotic Neutral)

In what sense is your Chaotic Neutral character concerned with being "in the wrong"?

There are several possible ways to answer that, based on your (and your DM's) approach to alignment, cultural conditions in the world, relationships with other PCs, etc. But whatever basis you use to answer my question is the basis you need to use to answer yours.

2015-10-07, 02:59 PM
As long as from your perspective, this guy was sincere in his threats and might have killed you, this action no different from just attacking a group of goblins by surprise. It might not be honorable, but I don't think it warrants an alignment change.

2015-10-07, 03:25 PM
The OP cannot be properly responded to without a much more precise definition/example of the word 'threaten'. If they threatened to cut off their head and began the ritual chant before they start battle, then yes, go ahead. If they were just teasing you.... that's another matter, and also murder. Got a little bit of context for us, OP?

2015-10-07, 07:22 PM
That seems fine alignment wise. The issue I see is with the surprise round in question.

If one party is talking to the other, that means, in most circumstances, that both parties in question are aware of each other and...

When a combat starts, if you are not aware of your opponents and they are aware of you, you’re surprised.

Taking a surprise round when someone is aware of you is, by RAW, supposed to be rolling for initiative to see if you can catch them flat-footed before they react (them winning would be reacting in time to do something about it by taking their turn first).