View Full Version : Share your character concepts. Awesome, funny, or just plain cool! all are welcome!

2015-10-07, 01:21 PM
So, this is a thread for sharing your character concepts (obviously). Any edition of dnd (5e would be best). Or just share your characters.
One that I'm using right now is Lenthus Dilwam or; the Lawyer Warlock. He's a human fiend pact warlock, who used to be a judge. He believes in fairness and justice, and also have a devil in his brain named Axthres. All of his spells take one word to cast.
Daek of the Black Sun or; the Believer. Half elf human light cleric. He worshiped an imaginary god, but was so devoted to him that it became a real god.
Sally Greenwood or; the Doll Slayer. A human child (reflavored halfing) ranger with favored enemy: Constructs. Specifically dolls. Her parents were killed by a possessed doll, and she swore revenge.

2015-10-08, 01:22 AM
Ari Auburnhide; The Bloodstained Totem. My longtooth Shifter barbarian. He's trying to find a way to 'thicken his blood' in terms of his ancestry, and goes around hunting true lycanthropes to both learn from them, and find a way to steal a part of the curse.

Illius "Throne" Cambell; The Teifling of Twisting Words. My teifling Bard. He's brand new, but in the first session he snuck into a noble's house, stole the deed to the land, wooed the Nobleman's daughter, forged documentation that put him in possession of the land should the Nobleman be convicted of a crime, snuck back in, planted a second copy of his forgery in the man's archives, putting the deed back, uncovered some seedy dealings with the neighboring orc raiding parties, brought it to the town's law force, had him arrested, and now has the noble's daughter, his new fiancee, take care of their home and staff with the money he just inherited from the false documentation. First bard I ever played, and everyone thought it was hilarious.

2015-10-08, 03:21 AM
I'll play around with different concepts of my favorit class, namely the Warlock.

The Wicked Warlock: Born with a Dragonic bloodline, he had magic innately. However, lack of guidance made his process in the Arcane arts slow. This is why he decided to contact a patron, to learn the secrets of magic faster. Since that, he has been around for many years. And in those years, rare were the days he did not kill something with Finger of Death. He has a zobie army, "True Polymorphing" the strongest among them into monsters of appropriate CR. He has some Dragons, some Balors and ghosts... a lot of ghosts. Eventhough he used to be a high elf, he has now polymorphed into a Red Dragon, shifting between forms as he likes.

The Jack of Arcane Trades: Creating firebolts since a kid, due to his innate spellcasting tallent, he often got in trouble growing up. When he attained puberty, he had a very dark phase, and to revolve against his parents, stroke a bargain with an otherworldly patron. Latter, at the end of highschool, he came to love music, and made a band with a few frinds. When he finally became a young adult, he decided it was time to go to college, and found a Magic Academy to attain. His overall life experiance gives us a Sorcerer/Warlock/Bard/Wizard. Depending how you read the spellbook, you can even gain all the spells you need as a full caster 17.

The Bardlock: Wile this bard was searching for his muse, he found an ACTUAL muse, followed her, and she became his Patron and mistress. Wile this inspired him greatly into his art, he was no longer weak, gaining access to Eldrich Blast, to fend for himself, and teach a lesson to "those brutes that don't get modern art".

2015-10-08, 04:15 AM
Hi! Interesting thread!

I have many concepts in store, but away from it for now. So only one who comes to mind:

Kahn Tripper: this guy has always been overly curious of magic and developed a passion for cantrips. As such, instead of becoming a powerful Wizard like others, he spent most of his life finding ways to learn and master every cantrips available and design his own. Now around 45-year old, he is renowned as the Grand Cantrip Master and teaches the basics of arcanic and divine magic to every class in his own dedicated school.
Build: I'll edit later for detail, but basically 2-3 level dips in every caster class ;).
Use: Best used as a NPC obviously, either as the classic "player's master", quest provider or to award a cantrip against dangerous quest if player really wanted cantrip but class limits it. You could even design dedicated cantrips for him. As a PC, well it will be totally underpowered unless you adapt the build (and totally drop the "know max cantrips ever possible" idea in favor of "know the 15 best cantrips").

2015-10-08, 06:50 AM
Beholder in Disguise I thought about a character who believed that he was a Beholder who had been True Polymorphed into a human and was trying desperately to be changed back. It would either be a Warlock or Sorcerer using similar spells to a Beholder's abilities. It would make for very interesting interactions during the game, especially after he learned to fly.

Gnome Fighter I really just wanted to play a tiny, angry-all-the-time thrill seeker. I imagined him dressed poorly, duel wielding handaxes and running into every combat like a mad man. Maybe he would turn out to actually be a noble who had run away from the responsibility.

Ghost An Eberron Changeling, evil Rogue, who killed people and took their appearance. It was compulsive. No one could ever see his Changeling form and live, he made sure of that. I multi-classed him with Bard so he was one kick-butt skill monkey (Expertise x4!) with magic, especially after he got Blink.

Jack Lantern This is a character concept I'm planning to use for my friend's Princes of the Apocalypse campaign. A Light Cleric of Sune. He's a wandering Cleric who goes around trying to find the best way to portray just how beautiful his patron deity is. He has proficiency with artist's supplies so everywhere they go, he's trying to paint murals of her. His armor is an amazing combination of red and black with the figure of a beautiful woman made of flames painted onto the chest.

Bahrash A Dragonborn Monk who used to be a feared Pirate but lost his ship to a Dragon. He washed up on the shore before an abandoned monastery where he recovered, learned about the monks' way of life and converted. Now he tries to bring the order back to life. I imagine him using all sorts of pirate jargon that throws people off. I also envision finding his ship restored by the Dragon that sunk it.

Rusty Killinger
2015-10-08, 09:24 PM
Lawrence Rothchild - Party Accountant: I played a cleric of Boccob (neutral god of knowledge and magic) in 3.5. He was an obsessive librarian that eventually went lore master. When 5th edition came out I started looking for a way to re-create him. The knowledge domain was a natural choice where I could pick up a couple of knowledge skills with double proficiency. Then I looked at backgrounds and realized I could be a profession scribe (guild artisan) in addition to being an adventurer.

Thus was born Lawrence Rothchild - Party Accountant. I figure he could be sent by wealthy patrons to watch over the group of hired knuckledraggers adventurers. Or he could find records of some magical artifact in some old scrolls and organize a group of meatshields allies to retrieve it. Either way he's there to do his duty. He keeps the books in good order and meticulously documents everything that happens.

Oh, and I suppose that he would also heal and use magic and make knowledge checks to avoid danger. But mostly he cares about his books.

2015-10-08, 09:31 PM
Thus was born Lawrence Rothchild - Party Accountant. I figure he could be sent by wealthy patrons to watch over the group of hired knuckledraggers adventurers. Or he could find records of some magical artifact in some old scrolls and organize a group of meatshields allies to retrieve it. Either way he's there to do his duty. He keeps the books in good order and meticulously documents everything that happens.

As an accountant who's always had a giggle at the idea of accountancy for adventurers in fantasy settings, I approve. A+, best concept.

2015-10-13, 02:46 PM
I have an other one for you:

A Silver Dragonborn Dragon Bloodline Sorcerer with a single barbarian level. He is proud of being almost a true dragon, and wants to be considered one, despite all of it being just a facade. He goes to great lengths to do so, using the enlarge spell when he enders a fight, and even growing a tail sometimes, with the Alter Self spell. He is quite offended when people point out he is not a true dragon, and takes it personally. His goal is to someday archive Dragonic Apotheosis, and be considered a real dragon. He prefears more illiterate societies, where people don't know of Dragonborn, and he can tell everyone he is a dragon. An other thing that irritates him is then someone offends casters as weaklings, and will go beat such a person down with his mighty fists.

On a side note, this is meant to be a polar antithesis to true Silver Dragons, who spent many decades of their lives disguised as humanoids, and don't want people to find out of their alter ego's Dragonic nature.

2015-10-14, 01:39 AM
Og The Breaker: half orc barbarian with tavern brawler and entertainer background, inventer of "break dancing" instead of raging he flies into interpretive dance.

Joe the Rat
2015-10-14, 08:17 AM
A favorite of mine from the AL:
Gulgrim the Seabeard, Dwarven "Sailor" and Tempest Cleric of Umberlee. Who wears heavy armor. He's the party anchor in more ways than one.

Confronted with the standard Dwarven culture of honor and duty, he ran like hell and joined a sailing vessel, which may or may not have been pirates. His boat was sunk in battle (in a storm, natch), and all hands were lost save him. Attributing his survival to the whims of Umberlee, he picked up the faith. He revels in the freedom of the sea and the fury of the storm, and delivers his faith as appeasement: Make your offerings, and you might not be lost at sea. Being both a dwarf and a sailor, he drinks like... a lot. This may be related to his losing everyone he knew, and being spiritually shackled to a not very nice deity.

2015-10-14, 06:04 PM
Garrick the Tall - Wizard (Transmuter)

As a child, Garrick longed to be tall enough to grasp apples from trees or to reach the pots that mother stored over the fireplace in their home. He even dubbed himself "Garrick the Tall" among his childhood friends, because he one day hoped to be a tall, dashing hero (for a halfling; 3' 9" would have made him jump for joy!). However, once he reached his full height, he was only a tiny 2'", which is very short for a halfling. His childhood friends constantly mocked him about his name, and he gradually fell away from halfling society at large. Then, one day, an old wizard ran across him, and told him that he could learn the ways of magic and could even, perhaps, find a way to make himself taller.

He was a fun character to play.

2015-10-14, 07:07 PM
Oh wow. I thought this thread would be dumped quickly. Great concepts everyone!
The truthful deceiver: Basically the idea behind this character is a manipulator who never lies or threatens. Expert persuasion and performance, but no intimidation or deception.
The vocal thinker: This character always says whatever they are thinking. Bonus points if they are a manipulator, lying but then pretty much just telling people you were lying.

2015-10-21, 09:42 AM
Mephista "Meph" Hellschild: 6th level wizard. Chaotic Neutral. Teifling.

Meph was forcibly removed from her home by a sect of hyper-religious nuns of Heironeous. She was raised to believe that her kind, the Teiflings, were a disgusting and horrible race. She did not learn Infernal as a result. She was also thrown into wizardry early on as she had a natural proclivity for evocation magic.

She escaped one night, stealing the Mother Superior's most prized enchanted bow, and fled to a near-by home-brew pirate island run by a Teifling Pirate Lord. She tried to fence the bow there to continue on, but the Pirate Lord caught her and took her in. In exchange for fencing on her territory, the Pirate Lord asked Meph to come on board her ships and act as a human canon, basically. She taught herself Infernal, abandoned her old name and embraced her heritage. She named herself after Mephistopholes.

She became fast friends with the crew. Eventually she decided to go to university to become a full-fledged wizard. In order to finance her studies, she spent the summers on the high seas looting and plundering.

2015-10-21, 10:28 AM
Niglar Stakkendirth, a gnome Illusionist/Rogue. He ran into the party at a lodge one time and stole some of their stuff, along with the macguffin o' the day. Needless to say, they weren't too happy when they found him. Of course, being an illusionist/rogue, he managed to escape...

I kept him around as a recurring character, just to mess with the players. He never stole anything valuable again, but the players got paranoid whenever he appeared, which added some fun to the campaign.

2015-10-21, 11:15 AM
Bartholemew Helder, NOBLE Fist-Wizard of the Helder Line, a man dedicated to the way of Fists through Wizardry. Most attacks in combat were delivered by electric punching, and he is noted as a man of beautiful physique (a friend once commented that if this was a Mega Man X-like game, when he spoke, his chat panel avatar's pecs would flex for every syllable.) Can't wait to learn Bigby's Hand... "I cast FIST."

Jerry the Druid. His actual name is Charles, and in the campaign thus far, nobody has referred to him as Jerry, within his memory at least. Backstory: A neurotic and nervous individual takes some mushrooms he was offered by an elderly woman. Five years later, he comes out of a huge blackout with Druidic magic and a journal full of (mad?) scrawlings.