View Full Version : Forgotten Realms for 3.5

2015-10-07, 07:26 PM
So the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting is 3.0, in order to use it for 3.5 what do I need to change (LA, feats, etc.)? Also how do I change those things? Just the most important stuff is fine, and if there are places people have made guides for this please point me their way!

2015-10-07, 07:34 PM
i am also interested in this

2015-10-07, 07:39 PM
Player's Guide to Faerun updates much of the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting.

2015-10-07, 08:10 PM
Much, although not everything. I wonder about updates to say, the shade template. The PGttF does update all the PrCs from the FRCSB though.

2015-10-08, 12:47 AM
3.5 update to FRCS
FAQ for FRCS is near the bottom of the page
AND the errata file for FRCS

for the shade template

I wrote about this for Dragon magazine!

The shade has a 3.5 update in Dragon #322 (August 2004). It's divided into a Savage Species style progression for the article, but is otherwise functionally identical to the version in both the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (2001) and Races of Faerun (2003), except for the following changes:
•Level adjustment is +4, concurring with Races of Faerun rather than the original FRCS (+2) or the FRCS 3.5 errata (+5).
•The shade can only use its invisibility power on itself.

However, the shade's ability set is extremely good, and I'd think very carefully before allowing it as a PC race. It gets flat bonuses to saving throws, skills, attack, damage and AC that ease the penalty of level adjustment considerably. Fast healing lets him heal to full between combats, for free. His hiding becomes exceptional. In dungeon campaigns, you rarely encounter daylight, so the shade rarely loses his powers.

That said, if you often fight encounters in bright light so that the shade can't use his powers in every encounter, I actually consider it balanced at +4. The invisibility ability consumes a standard action so it's not as good as plain sneaking, and what you gain in defensive abilities (saving throws, AC, spell resistance and improved hiding) you lose in hit points and class abilities. The control light and darkness-reliant abilities hinder allies who can't see through magical darkness.