View Full Version : Tom's Tyranny of Dragons - Rise of Tiamat

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2015-10-07, 10:02 PM

The Cult of the Dragon has been active in Faerun for centuries. For most of that time, its focus has been on undead dragons, but that’s changed. Now the cult seeks to act more directly and more boldly—by summoning Tiamat out of the Nine Hells and bringing her bodily into the world z. So far, cultists and their leaders have gathered great stores of treasure, forged an alliance with Thay to assist with learning and performing the required summoning ritual, gathered up the five dragon masks central to the ritual, and persuaded or cajoled many of the oldest and strongest evil dragons of Faerun into supporting them.

However, not everything has gone according to the cult’s plans. The discovery of an alliance between the Cult of the Dragon and the Red Wizards of Thay has shaken the various factions aligned against both organizations. The Harpers view any such alliance as an abomination, as does the Order of the Gauntlet. The Lords’ Alliance recognizes the obvious threat to the lands and rulers of the Sword Coast and the North, while the Emerald Enclave suspects that anything Thay promotes is likely against the natural order. Even the Zhentarim fear the union of two such powerful forces.

News of the alliance has thus brought the various factions of the Sword Coast together. The leaders of those factions understand that they must gather and rally forces to fight the cult, even as the situation in Faerun grows more dire. Abductions and raids undertaken by the Cult of the Dragon increase daily, and refugees are fleeing from burned-out regions under cult attack to major cities and fortresses. Villagers have abandoned their crops and herds, fleeing the constant predation of dragons.

In many cities, all-out panic has created a growing movement in favor of agreeing to the cult’s demands in the hope of winning concessions in return. It is difficult to muster troops when people are afraid they will be burned by dragonfire. This is a time for heroes to inspire the people of the Sword Coast with a great victory or two. Fortunately, the Forgotten Realms has just such a group of heroes.

Each of our heroes know this much about the evil alliance forged under the direction of Severin Silrajin, whose ambition and direction have brought the cult dangerously close to bring the former Nemisis of the Gods Tiamat herself from the deepest pits of Hell into corporeal form on Faerûn. This news has spread across the whole of the world through sendings and information networks, creating gossip that has been unknown to the current stock of young-blooded heroes being sent on mission by the dominant factions of the Sword Coast. By striking far and wide, those of you familiar with the workings of these factions are aware the cult seems to have the upper hand thanks to Thay and a score of giants operating with the help of chromatic dragons. There has been a lull of news lately, and the situation remains in heavy in the background in your normal lives; waiting for your call to action.

Recently you have been contacted by the Dutchess, and once again it was in her unique style catching you completely offguard. You have been instructed to drop everything and make your way to Waterdeep as soon as possible. She tells you to stay at a Harper's friendly tavern you know and await further orders.
Your request was much more straightforward. You were called before the Council of Vindicators, an honor only bestowed once before when you received your rank of Whitehawk from the Righteous Hand with a sizable crowd. This time it was only you who stood before them receiving direction to stay with Ontharr Frume, one of the Vindicators on the council, in the City of Splendors until such time they will meet with the other factions and go on a mission against the Cult of the Dragon. You have arrived in Waterdeep first, spending time in temple dedicator to Torm. There is ample to see and do, and quite a number of grand libraries... but you cannot stray from the side of Ontharr until instructed.
I'm not sure what a halfling barbarian guide does on his spare time, whether that means drinking with sherpas in the mountains or staying dedicated to a patch of land that reflects your wild nature. Whatever you do, it is interrupted by a strange bird not of the region you need. Attached to this messenger is a simple scroll an a small piece of tinder with runes inscribed along its' length. You have been given an exact time to toss the tinder into a fire while holding any gear you wish to travel with. Either way, the message is signed by Darina and you know this means faction orders.
Amalia works for the Lords' Alliance, and she is a vassal under a Lord in some unnamed location around the Sword Coast. Her employer is handing her over to the Lady Laeral Silverhand, with the instruction of following the lady's every instruction.

There is two possibilities from the meeting between the lords:

If the lord Amalia works for is in Waterdeep, then the trip back to the Silverhand estate is just a carriage ride from one estate to another estate.
If the lord Amalia works for is somewhere else, then the trip is a convoy of other servants, knights, maidens, and vehicles carrying the Lady's goods.
If you choose option 2, then Amalia arrives in the morning with the Lady talking of a council meeting referred to as "the Waterdeep experiment" occurring late that night. Otherwise, you have spent a few days in the Lady Silverhand's estate left mostly alone with access to a garden much more impressive than any you have seen and access to two personal libraries she has allowed you to read from (the tombs are mostly related to history, politics, and arcane magic). You don't know what the "Waterdeep experiment" is about but the Lady has made it clear you are to attend.
For the past two months you have been working at a hunting lodge high in the Greypeak Mountains, just long enough to appreciate the windy slopes and the constant shifting of cold air around you. You have been an attendant serving as a fly on the wall to monitor the arrogant Talis in service of the Cult of the Dragon. Your information sent back through your handler has resulted in a recent raid of the lodge by a party of Zhentarim mercenaries who razed the place with your aid. All loose ends have been severed and your identity has been maintained in the cult. From the information you have collected you bring important news to bring before the gathering in Waterdeep.
You know of a castle in the sky run by storm giants with the help of a chromatic dragon
This is vault of all the horde collected by the cult trying to fund their dark rituals.
You have stolen away the necessary banner to present to the sky castle to gain access.
You know where and when it will make landfall again.
You are to join a group to raid the castle and prevent the loot from furthering the cult's influence.

I leave it to you guys to role play your first few days in Waterdeep before the meeting. I will start the action up in the morning, and the true story will start.

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-07, 10:32 PM
Nangwen arrives in the tavern and orders some light food and drink. I don't know how long I'm going to be waiting for new instructions, but I'm still alert and optimistic that whoever I'm waiting for will arrive soon and I'm not so bored as to risk my professionalism just yet.

While waiting in the tavern proper, I choose to sit on the side of the room (but not the corner), performing maintenance on my tools, and tuning my Doss Lute while occasionally snacking on something small.

To anyone at a glance, she appears to be uneasy and seems to be intentionally distracting herself.

2015-10-08, 12:48 AM
Grokk's travel to the city of Waterdeep has been uneventful, apart from the many strange looks he gets for his appearance, as he nears more civilized areas. He just scoffs at them and moves on. Nature has no word for modesty. Once he arrives, he finds the city very confusing. He has only rarely ever been in a city before, and takes a while to find anything. He can't stand the feeling of the place, but instead of getting angry, he resolves to remain overly stoic, though he mainly just comes across as grumpy. Eventually, he discovers a tavern, and decides he'll spend the better part of his stay in there, to be sure he won't get lost again, or worse, have to deal with city folk.

Having checked in and ordered some food from the most likely baffled tavern keeper, he sits down with a mug of ale and a hearty meal, before noticing Nangwen from across the room. He calls out, "Nangwen! Is that you? Finally, someone around here who isn't a complete fool!"

2015-10-08, 01:14 AM
Rudii arrives at the all too familiar city of Waterdeep. If it wasn't for that lucky day she sneaked onto a trade caravan heading for this very city she'd most likely still be living outside of the city of Hillsfar as a gate urchin. What a dreadful memory. A memory she was intent to never re-live.

Her first stop would be the local inn, where she'd procure herself a room for her stay. A place she's certainly been before, however, Rudii maintained an identity that was elusive at best, at least to those not affiliated with the Zhentarim. Most of the denizens of Waterdeep knew little to nothing about her, not even her name.

Khador Green
2015-10-08, 07:58 AM
Soveliss currently perched on top of a gargoyle over looking the temple grounds directly below him is Ontharr, speaking with one of the priests.

Internal Monologue 'Day four: the mousy haired priest has returned to duty, him and the nun, halfling with short black hair, seem to be involved in some way, not sure if romantic or possible conspiratorial further investigation may become necessary if odd behaviour continues. Other points to remember the watch that operate near the temple changed their pattern, they now march around the temple square once ever half hour rather than ever three quarter, possibly an increase in security connected to the small scuffle down in the dock district.'

Since there arrival Soveliss has taking to making notes of everything and anything that could be a possible problem or point of interest, he has also been Ontharr's personal second shadow, practically sleeping at the foot of bed to keep an eye on him. He has also interrogated anyone who interacted but was not scheduled to meet Ontharr, so much so there is now a very upset kitchen maid who Soveliss had to apologise too for startling when he sprang down from the roof to ask her business.

If it was any other time he would be happy to be in waterdeep, this city was one of the rare place he was likely to see any of his kind, heck he was aware of at least one rather talkative gentleman nesting over by the celestial observatory, however the events as of late has had to put personal wants on hold.

Checking the time on the temples beautiful waterclock, Soveliss gently drops to the ground behind Ontharr.

"My lord, my apologies for interrupting but it is time for your meal, the paladins have prepared a secure patch in the temple gardens if you wish to enjoy the outdoors a bit more, I have checked over it and their will be no easily accessible points for any enemy agents or creatures to reach without us seeing them."

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-08, 08:12 AM
Grokk's travel to the city of Waterdeep has been uneventful, apart from the many strange looks he gets for his appearance, as he nears more civilized areas. He just scoffs at them and moves on. Nature has no word for modesty. Once he arrives, he finds the city very confusing. He has only rarely ever been in a city before, and takes a while to find anything. He can't stand the feeling of the place, but instead of getting angry, he resolves to remain overly stoic, though he mainly just comes across as grumpy. Eventually, he discovers a tavern, and decides he'll spend the better part of his stay in there, to be sure he won't get lost again, or worse, have to deal with city folk.

Having checked in and ordered some food from the most likely baffled tavern keeper, he sits down with a mug of ale and a hearty meal, before noticing Nangwen from across the room. He calls out, "Nangwen! Is that you? Finally, someone around here who isn't a complete fool!"

Nangwen laughs and begins putting her things away to free up table space. She is a bit surprised Grokk is eloquent enough for speech but the thought is only on her face for a moment. Still laughing, she says,
"They wouldn't seem so foolish if you listened and gave pants a try, they're quite warm. How are you, old friend?"

2015-10-08, 08:41 AM
Amalia, alone in the Silverhand's garden, strips off her armor, leaving just an ordinary set of clothing on. She gently places it aside on a bench, where it won't disturb any of the plants, and proceeds to walk through the garden, eyes open wide in appreciation of the beauty of the plants.

2015-10-08, 09:01 AM
As fate brings the heroes closer together, they learn more about their purpose and of this "Waterdeep experiment"
As Grokk and Nangwen speak, an unusual murmur waves from the front of the tavern to the rear; though only Nangwen seems to notice. Looking the direction of the entrance while Grokk continues speaking she sees an Elven man bearing the clothing announcing he works for a noble house. You don't recognize the house but it is a foreign style, and you see a telltale pin on his collar that signifies he is also is a Harpshadow in the faction.

You see him scanning the room for something, maybe he is the messenger that the dutchess mentioned?
Ontharr turns from the priest he was conversing with with a bit of a surprise - obviously still unused to the exotic companion - and says, Oh! Soveliss! I fear I may never get used to you dropping in on me. Yes, a meal would be fantastic; please come dine with me in the garden. he turns to the priest, You too, Sammel! You have come all the way here to bring me this message, stay and enjoy a meal under the eyes of Torm.

The priest politely refuses before bowing slightly and leaving the temple grounds. Ontharr lets Soveliss lead him through to where the meal is prepared trying to assure him that there is no danger this far into the city and at this temple and only a fool you attempt to attack these grounds filled with clerics and paladins. As you both sit and eat with other knights of the Order, Ontharr speaks, Soveliss, I have learned tonight is the night. I have been attempting to dissuade her, but we must travel under the cloak of night to Lady Silverhand's estate where we will be discussing some events surrounding the Cult of the Dragon. As undignified traveling by foot and entering through servant's quarters may be, I had no choice but to agree with the up-most discretion. You and I will be alone tonight, so make sure you have packed your things I do not know if we will return to this temple or not.

With that your meal continues.
The Inn you have chosen may not be the most expensive or offer the best security, but you know the owner and neighborhood so well that there is no chance your bounty will be at risk. The tapestry is a rare treasure, and item almost everyone desires for one reason or another; and even better you are the only reasonable choice to use the item to have a crack at an incredible bounty. You can't help but feel excited for the upcoming meeting, and have placed notice with the Zhentarim that you have arrived.

In mere hours a coalition of your brothers had checked into the Inn and you saw many familiar faces in the crowd though there was never more than a knowing nod in your direction. As the Zhentarim quietly took over the Inn it wasn't long before another Viper and close confidant entered with a face you did not know. Salazar Marivaldi entered the Inn with a tiefling woman that caused some other members to turn twice or give some other tell that she held some importance within the faction.

Being even more direct than usual, Salazar moved quickly ahead of the tiefling (who calmly sat at a table that cleared for her) being a bit of a brute chasing the innkeeper in staff out of the main room and clearing the tavern of anyone not in the family. Soon lesser members manned the doors and made sure the room was clear as the woman finally speaks, Please, my child, sit sit me. May I offer drink? After sitting and either refusing or accepting the offer for a drink she continues, I am called Rian Nightshade, and I am one of the Ardragon's put in charge of leading the family. We are most impressed with the successes you have in north, the information and treasure puts us ahead of the others seeking to disband the Cult of the Dragon. We have leveraged this to force the other factions to acknowledge our abilities despite an undeserved reputation. She sips some tea before continuing, Tomorrow night you come with me to a noble house... one Lady Silverhand. We will enjoy her company and let even the Order of the Gauntlet beg to join our activities, with this there will be no one who denies the power of Zhentarim. No one will dismiss us as thugs and thieves!

A small cheer is heard form some of the guards, and a smile draws across Rian's face. Her eyes flickering with light and her tail twitching back and forth behind her.

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-08, 09:22 AM
As fate brings the heroes closer together, they learn more about their purpose and of this "Waterdeep experiment"
As Grokk and Nangwen speak, an unusual murmur waves from the front of the tavern to the rear; though only Nangwen seems to notice. Looking the direction of the entrance while Grokk continues speaking she sees an Elven man bearing the clothing announcing he works for a noble house. You don't recognize the house but it is a foreign style, and you see a telltale pin on his collar that signifies he is also is a Harpshadow in the faction.

You see him scanning the room for something, maybe he is the messenger that the dutchess mentioned?

Nangwen spots the messenger enter the building and quickly glances back to Grokk and says, "I'm sorry, hold that thought for a moment." Leaving behind a couple of her more unconsequential belongings to indicate she is not leaving just yet, Nangwen rises from the table and begins walking towards the man and gestures to him. Louder than a whisper but softer than her normal voice, Nangwen points to her pin says to the man in Elvish, "My name is Nangwen, what news do you bring?" She makes a small gesture as if to invite him into the tavern to give his report.

Khador Green
2015-10-08, 09:35 AM
Soveliss makes a note at the priest refusal.

"Yes sir I would happily join you."

Even after being told to relax Soveliss is watching the four vantage points he knows that can be reached outside the temple that allows the view into the grounds.

"Of course my lord my things will be packed immediately after this meal. However if we are to travel at night to this ladies estate then may I suggest"

He stops for a moment to reach into his robes and pulling out a map of the area.

"I assume she lives within the noble quarter, then there are 15 possible routes to take, if we write off any route that goes near bodies of water deep enough to hide in, any with bottle necks or roofs with good vantage points we narrow that down too two possible paths, one takes use via the avenue up through market red brick square, very open but should be fine if we leave at half the twenty minuets past the hour as we will arrive at the watch as they patrol that area, then via the Star gate on the eastern end of the noble quarter which at night has the highest number of guards. If we do not wish to travel in this manner then the second option would be to travel down to Winter gale river and take one of the noble barges up into the quarter at the green meadow park which is very central."

Soveliss says all this while marking off the routes with ink.

2015-10-08, 10:12 AM
"They wouldn't seem so foolish if you listened and gave pants a try, they're quite warm. How are you, old friend?"

Grokk had moved his meal over to sit near her, "Bah. Fighting spirit and a good meal provide all the warmth I'll ever need... I've done alright. The lands are intact. With talk from the Enclave, though... There's probably some work that needs done. Not surprising. Its been quiet for too long... And how have you been faring?"

It was in the middle of saying this that she had excused herself. Grokk nodded, despite his disappointment, and returned his focus to eating.

2015-10-08, 11:05 AM
Amalia, alone in the Silverhand's garden, strips off her armor, leaving just an ordinary set of clothing on. She gently places it aside on a bench, where it won't disturb any of the plants, and proceeds to walk through the garden, eyes open wide in appreciation of the beauty of the plants.During your tour of the garden you hear a voice behind you, Isn't it lovely? I have spent more of my resources than I would like to admit building this sanctuary... if it wasn't for my personal library this would be my favorite place to spend my time. she pauses focusing on a plant before continuing, So I hear you play music. Would you join me in my terrace with your instrument? I would love to hear you play. She then moves on with her staff leaving one behind to serve as your guide.

When you rejoin the Lady she is sitting reading a large and obvious spellbook held by her personal maiden attendant. She is just finishing reciting a spell, an arcane light glowing from her hand motions as you enter the area. You feel a brief chill but have no other indication of what her incantation has done (OC: Without a check anyways). There is a small table with one glass and a pitcher, and as she sees you she waves you over. I'm afraid my invitation was for a bit of privacy, I never trust personal conversations outside of a controlled circumstance. Please sit. I would like to discuss tonight.

After a few moments she continues, I have convinced my peers that the threat of the Cult of the Dragon has grown too severe to try this on our own. Many of them still look to 'hog the glory' if you would, and have grown ignorant of both how far behind they are in the race for personal glory and how dangerous their adversaries have become. she sips from her glass silently, Some time ago I-we found out the Cult is interested in collecting dragon masks to use their power to control dragons and summon their deity. We spent our resources finding in protecting these masks when we heard about a woman named Talis who felt the Cult wronged her and wanted to help us to help her overthrow the current leaders of the Cult to allow her to fill the void with the promise that she would turn the dragon masks over to our care. Negotiations had finished, but when our chosen group arrived at the agreed location we found Talis slaughtered and the lodge cleaned of all evidence... and furnishings. her expression sours, It didn't take long for our network to find out the Zhentarim had gained a valuable prize. Unfortunately, there is no proof but we believe that our factions have uncovered similar information and used... different tactics to achieve our common goal. Because of this incident we cannot afford for the 'good guys' to step on each other's toes and allow for the villains to onyl grow in power. I have arranged for the five strongest factions this world knows to my estate where we will each send a representative on a critical mission against the cult. The Zhentarim have told me that it involves striking the finances of the cult, and I feel that is a tremendous effort. While I am the host I know little else about the mission and will have to find out when you do... Champion of the Lord's Alliance. she smiles brightly.

I know that there are some among the lords with less reputable means, but since this got to be my choice I wanted a true champion of justice who would not lose sight of the target; defeat the evil Cult entirely and prevent the doom many seem to dismiss. Prepare your bags tonight, I suspect your party will leave from my estate as soon as the meeting ends.

Nangwen spots the messenger enter the building and quickly glances back to Grokk and says, "I'm sorry, hold that thought for a moment." Leaving behind a couple of her more unconsequential belongings to indicate she is not leaving just yet, Nangwen rises from the table and begins walking towards the man and gestures to him. Louder than a whisper but softer than her normal voice, Nangwen points to her pin says to the man in Elvish, "My name is Nangwen, what news do you bring?" She makes a small gesture as if to invite him into the tavern to give his report.The courtier is somewhat surprised by hearing his tongue, No time to sit, I must return to Lady Haventree immediately. She has given her instructions here, the scroll remains sealed until you open it... but do so in privacy. He finishes with a stiff bow and darts into the streets once more.

Open the scroll when you are ready, but this is what happens when you do:The scrolls lifts from your grasp and a voice enters your mind. Greetings, chosen of the Network. Meet me, Remallia Haventree, in the noble's ward location... When the spell ends there is a brief flash of light showing a picture of an Elven woman wearing dark clothes with a silver pin indicating her rank of Wise Owl. This will help you pick her out having never met her.

Grokk had moved his meal over to sit near her, "Bah. Fighting spirit and a good meal provide all the warmth I'll ever need... I've done alright. The lands are intact. With talk from the Enclave, though... There's probably some work that needs done. Not surprising. Its been quiet for too long... And how have you been faring?"

It was in the middle of saying this that she had excused herself. Grokk nodded, despite his disappointment, and returned his focus to eating.You were supposed to use the scroll, the voice catches you off guard as a man you hadn't noticed before is now sitting beside you, It took some doing finding you, but at least you are in the right place, the guy sort of man-spreads before you revealing a weather-worn face and clothes and a badge indicating the rank of Winterstalker sewn behind his cloak, Name's Delann, Darina didn't mention you were pint sized. You're with me buddy, we are going to meet with the other factions at some noble house and discuss a mission quite a ways from here. Think you are up for fighting some dragons?

The man looks towards Nangwen, You've good taste. She's going to be in your party too, lucky boy. He then continues to drink in silence next to you leaving an uncomfortable third wheel dashing your hopes of spending time together with Nangwen.

Soveliss makes a note at the priest refusal.

"Yes sir I would happily join you."

Even after being told to relax Soveliss is watching the four vantage points he knows that can be reached outside the temple that allows the view into the grounds.

"Of course my lord my things will be packed immediately after this meal. However if we are to travel at night to this ladies estate then may I suggest"

He stops for a moment to reach into his robes and pulling out a map of the area.

"I assume she lives within the noble quarter, then there are 15 possible routes to take, if we write off any route that goes near bodies of water deep enough to hide in, any with bottle necks or roofs with good vantage points we narrow that down too two possible paths, one takes use via the avenue up through market red brick square, very open but should be fine if we leave at half the twenty minuets past the hour as we will arrive at the watch as they patrol that area, then via the Star gate on the eastern end of the noble quarter which at night has the highest number of guards. If we do not wish to travel in this manner then the second option would be to travel down to Winter gale river and take one of the noble barges up into the quarter at the green meadow park which is very central."

Soveliss says all this while marking off the routes with ink.Ontharr laughs as you go into details about the travel path, I trust you, Soveliss. Whichever direction you lead us will be best for me! Your attention to detail is as impressive as always! I think I picked right traveling with you!OC: Sorry for the spoilers, I promise they will end when you guys are in the same location which will be most of the campaign. I'm just trying to bring you together and introduce some NPCs :smallbiggrin:

2015-10-08, 11:12 AM
Yes, of course My Lady. But... Amalia asks, Are you sure it's wise to work with the Zhentarim?

2015-10-08, 11:37 AM
Yes, of course My Lady. But... Amalia asks, Are you sure it's wise to work with the Zhentarim?She laughs lightly before responding, These are dark days, we have little option in our allies as unfortunate as it may be.

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-08, 12:10 PM
Nangwen receives the scroll and waves good-bye to the messenger. Nangwen asks the Tavern's owner if she can run into a spare room to be alone for a minute. After receiving permission to do so, Nangwen quickly checks the room for any sign of spies or foul play.

Investigation: [roll0]

After failing to find anything suspicious, Nangwen opens the scroll and receives the message.


Nangwen is surprised to see such coordination among the Harpers', and the significance of one of the leaders asking for her arrival directly is not lost on her. Steeling herself for what is inevitably going to be a very serious test of her skills, Nangwen attempts to recall anything she can on this woman before re-rolling the scroll.

History: [roll1]

She re-enters the tavern in a slight daze and looks more distracted than she did before, as if she has a slight headache. She rubs her right temple with her hand before remembering where she was and what she was doing. Nangwen returns to the table and finds Grokk and another man Nangwen doesn't recognize at the table. The man's staring eyes are enough of a concern to her that she attempts to get a read on the new man's behavior as she walks back.

Why is this man staring at me?
Insight: [roll2]

Nangwen keeps one eye on the new man - slightly perturbed from his glances - and turns to Grokk with a hesitant and cautious smile.

"I'm afraid I won't be staying for nearly as long as I thought I would be, old friend. My boss' boss has requested my presence and I fear that whatever the matter is, it was enough to make the messenger depart the second he had delivered the message. I am sorry that my business has gotten in the way of our reunion, but hopefully the matter will resolve itself quickly and we can have a more proper reunion when I return."

Nangwen recollects her belongings and excuses herself from the two men, leaving the tavern. She takes the scenic route to the noble's ward attempting to arrive there without anyone following her at the expense of some urgency; Nangwen doesn't know how many people are involved and who knows what, so some precautions seem necessary.

Stealth (to hide from any potential pursuers in the interim): [roll3]
Perception (to notice any potential pursuers in the interim): [roll4]

2015-10-08, 01:53 PM
Yes, of course My Lady. But... Amalia asks, Are you sure it's wise to work with the Zhentarim?

Very well, My Lady. I don't like it, but if it's to stop a greater evil... I'll do it. But if they cross the line in front of me, there will be no mercy. Amalia's usually sunny face turns grim for a moment, before brightening again a little. So where to from here?

2015-10-08, 03:21 PM
Very well, My Lady. I don't like it, but if it's to stop a greater evil... I'll do it. But if they cross the line in front of me, there will be no mercy. Amalia's usually sunny face turns grim for a moment, before brightening again a little. So where to from here?We enjoy this lovely weather, and wait for the meeting tonight. Maybe you can play your instrument for me now that the business discussion has been finished. And afterwards you can prepare your things. the Lady punctuates the statement about the weather with a sweeping gesture, Having such a young, bright girl like you around has been a blessing. If you need anything just ask, and I will direct my stewards to aid you.

2015-10-08, 03:24 PM
Amalia nods, drawing her flute from her pack. After a few moments spent tuning the instrument, she starts on a melody her mother used to sing while working the forge-it sounds odd on the flute, being a bawdy Dwarvish tune, but it's a song that Amalia holds dear to her heart.

2015-10-08, 03:38 PM
Rudii maintained a passive demeanor while her faction invaded the inn. Coming to sit across from the tiefling woman upon her beckoning, she would give polite refusal to the drink. "No, thank you." An arrogant smirk presented itself on her striking features as Rian recounted her successes and offered her praise. Just like the others present, Rudii found the announcement to be quite inspiring. "Tomorrow I will show the other factions first hand that we alone have achieved what none of them could. For The Zhentarim!"

2015-10-08, 03:53 PM
Rudii maintained a passive demeanor while her faction invaded the inn. Coming to sit across from the tiefling woman upon her beckoning, she would give polite refusal to the drink. "No, thank you." An arrogant smirk presented itself on her striking features as Rian recounted her successes and offered her praise. Just like the others present, Rudii found the announcement to be quite inspiring. "Tomorrow I will show the other factions first hand that we alone have achieved what none of them could. For The Zhentarim!"A loud cheer errupts and the Inn's business is let back in to resume normal operations. At this point Rian sticks with you and the two of you are together until the meeting late tonight, she can guide you to the location.

OC:At this point, my next post is going to the meeting late tonight. If there is anything you want to ask or do before that post act it out now and I will include it as a part of that post. I plan on getting it out tonight, but if real life gets in the way I will post it ASAP tomorrow.

2015-10-08, 04:16 PM
Grokk half-sighs at the man's comment about Nangwen, not to mention being called "boy", but shakes it off, addressing his surprise at his size, grinning cockily, "Bet its the name, huh? Well, don't be fooled by my height. If it's strength you expected, I can beat out an orc any day. As for dragons, sure. Not half as worrying as visiting some preening noble's house..."

"I'm afraid I won't be staying for nearly as long as I thought I would be, old friend. My boss' boss has requested my presence and I fear that whatever the matter is, it was enough to make the messenger depart the second he had delivered the message. I am sorry that my business has gotten in the way of our reunion, but hopefully the matter will resolve itself quickly and we can have a more proper reunion when I return."

Grokk replies with a nod, "If I'm not here, I'll be back soon after. I have some things to do as well, but have no reason to linger."

2015-10-08, 04:25 PM
Grokk half-sighed at the man's comment about Nangwen, not to mention being called "boy", but shook it off, addressing his surprise at his size, grinning cockily, "Bet its the name, huh? Well, don't be fooled by my height. If it's strength you expected, I can beat out an orc any day. As for dragons, sure. Not half as worrying as visiting some preening noble's house..."Haha! Smart boy! He slaps your back and says, Then let us drink the day away, I have not been in a tavern in nearly a year!

He then starts trading stories of the wilds with Grokk.

2015-10-08, 04:31 PM
Rudii would take the time before the meeting to prepare and recount prevalent information with Rian. She would then don her fine clothing consisting of a steel boned black leather corset with lace sides, thin shoulder straps and fancy black ribbons that lace up the back, an asymmetrical silk skirt that is gathered into ruffles at the left side and black heels along with obsidian bone shaped earrings and a black onyx pendant, wanting to look particularly striking when she basks in superiority while her factions unrivaled success is announced to the others. With all that she knows, the journey ahead will undoubtedly be a long one, so she will take this opportunity to revel in accomplishment and enjoy herself.

2015-10-08, 04:57 PM
Grokk reciprocates the man's trading of stories, telling him about Darina, and how she taught him to appreciate the natural forces and spirits of animals, instead of just raging blindly at the world. He eats and drinks some more over the night, but resolves to only get a bit drunk, given that they had to be somewhere later. He doesn't hold back on food, though, and clearly has a massive appetite for someone so small.

Khador Green
2015-10-08, 06:21 PM
(Sorry for late reply internet is tricky when you move through time zones, hopefully that will stop by 14th at the latest)

"Thank you lord Ontharr you honour me with thus task. Do know anything of the lady or her affiliations at this present time?"

Soveliss says while carefully dismantling a piece of fish counting the rib bones he removes to make sure that gets them all.

2015-10-08, 10:16 PM
(Sorry for late reply internet is tricky when you move through time zones, hopefully that will stop by 14th at the latest)

"Thank you lord Ontharr you honour me with thus task. Do know anything of the lady or her affiliations at this present time?"

Soveliss says while carefully dismantling a piece of fish counting the rib bones he removes to make sure that gets them all.She is a part of the Lords' Alliance, but she seeks to join all the major factions in a single mission. I feel her ambition is beyond her personal faction, though her heart and interests may simply be pure and I have grown cynical in my old age. We will listen to what she says, but I have reservations signing our members to a mission along side the dark network or even put them int he pocket of the Lords, he sighs, Sometimes duty wears on me. I understand the stakes but I will not sign a deal with a devil to spare the world.

Evening turns to night, the sky is bright and clear leaving shadows under a full moon. Maybe not the best night for hidden rendezvous, but few people walked the streets in the witching hours of the morning. Each of you travel with the faction superior assigned to this meeting of the minds in various ways; each by yourselves, close together and in plainclothes, effortlessly in the shadows, or just enjoying a lovely evening at home. Whatever the method the members of the Waterdeep experiment arrive within a couple hours of each other.

Amalia is prepared well before the Lady summons her. She is led underneath the earth and stone, into a somewhat confusing set of chambers with secret door entrances and exits. The final destination was a long chamber with an incredibly well crafted stone table surrounded by a dozen chairs of equal craftsmanship. As Amalia admires it, Lady Silverhand explains it was a gift from the dwarven architects of these halls when teh faction saved their home from a drow that insisted on being called the "spider". Along the table is a fine silk runner, dried fruits and nuts, and fine wine and teas in pitchers and kettles. She motions for you to sit to the right side of here seat at the head of the table, her family's crest and the Lords' Alliance sigil hanging behind the seat. Candles that burn particularly bright sit in silver colored holders, and light the room entirely without casting shadows. Looking down the table you can see the sigils of other factions hanging between paired seats along the length of the table with the two seats at the far end left empty. The seat faces an obvious door, and you cannot tell where the secret door you entered from is despite just having traveled through it. It is not a long wait before there is a knock at the door and four more guests enter the room.

Grokk and Delann travel without drawing much attention, having come down from their day-drinking buzz some time ago. Their natural instincts and ease of traveling the alleyways keep them out of the line of sight and combined they circumvented any locals that might give trouble. Reaching the servant door a little before the designated time, Grokk spots a familiar face come into the light while waiting for someone to answer his knock at the door.

Nangwen spends the afternoon becoming a ghost. With a little luck and stage magic any pursuers would sooner think she spontaneously sifted planes than remained in the city. Even approaching the cloaked figure who was expecting her, she got a surprised look with an instinctual gripping of sword hilt in response to stepping into the light. Remallia Haventree instantly regains her composure before complimenting Nangwen for her approach and skill. She gives a brief introduction before guiding you to the Silverhand estate, and when Nangwen and Remallia step into the light they are only a second behind a tall and very short figure who step before the servant's door knocking loudly in the still night. Though Nangwen would swear nothing gave the traveling women's position away, the small shape turns to face them revealing Grok's wild eyes in the street light.

A somewhat confused greeting later, and the door swings open apologizing for the delay. The small group is led deep into the cellars of the estate where they are brought to an impressive door. The servant gives a brief knock before swinging the door wide open and revealing an incredible meeting space. The Lady Silverhand (one would assume) stands and motions for you to take a seat, each of which is labeled for your faction. For some time the six sitting at the table are free to converse and snack, before the next knock at the door comes around 15 minutes later.

This time two extremely exotic individuals reveal themselves from beneath deep hoods. The fair blue skinned Rudii reveals herself along with the red skinned and horned tiefling Rian Nightshade, the Lady seems relieved and mentions that the guests of honor finally arrived. She introduces herself and the guests already sitting at the table, and motions for the Zhentarim to sit in the labeled seats.

At this point the crowd questions whether the Order of the Gaunlet will show, Lady Silverhand mentioning that they were most resistant to the meeting. She remains hopeful and insists that everyone enjoy the refreshments and discussion at least until the top of the hour. When the door knocks next, it was close enough to that deadline that everyone was already soured to who walked through the door.

The next figure to walk through the door is an impressive human with graying hair and full armor. He removes his helmet and sits at the table where the Lady indicates, apologizing for his tardiness. He explains that business at the temple forced them to leave late and it was entirely unintentional. (OC: Soveliss can explain whether this is true or not if he wants) Frustrated but full of energy, Lady Silverhand barely leaves time for introductions; especially since several of the group greeted Soveliss by name before he was able to speak.

Greetings all, I am very happy to see the full roster answered my call to action gainst the Cult of the Dragon. From what I understand, we are in the presence of the individual who has infiltrated the cult the deepest, and maintains a rank just under wearing purple garments. Rudii, I wish to start this meeting with your report and the information you have uncovered about the cult activities. I know that for this crowd to be gathered the threat of the cult is being taken seriously - especially with the union with Thay. And as such I wish to keep this meeting focused on the mission before us, and not on the differences between out factions. Whether or not methods are questioned, we all ave the same goal and enough power to strike a final blow to the cult before their plans come to fruition.

With that, the Lady awaits Rudii's report. Rudii stands and organizes her thoughts as hushed curious whispers are passed between the others at the table.

2015-10-08, 11:11 PM
Grokk spends less time whispering, and more silently watching the Zhentarim members. He never liked the Zhentarim. Very shifty folk. He paid attention to their report as much to learn their discoveries as to glean more about their intentions in coming here.

He watches the Zhentarim members carefully as they go about their report, trying to discern their intentions in coming here.

2015-10-09, 01:01 AM
Rudii would notice Soveliss enter but refrained from acknowledging him at this point in time. Standing, she'd begin to speak without delay. "Talis was the cult leader. She opposed a cultist named Rezmir who she feels stole her rank in the cult. There is a small village of particular interest among her territory, Parnast, which is regularly covered by a strange fog that seemed to worsen Talis mood each time. After the fog arrives, a party from Parnast would bring supplies to The Hunting Lodge where I was stationed. I took it upon myself to thoroughly probe the village, I found that it can be a dangerous place if provoked, however, the Cult works hard to keep its presence there hidden. This means travelers, or more specifically, we, can enter without being attacked."

Pure white, pupil-less eyes scanned the participants of the room thoroughly as she continued to speak.

"While scouting, I found a hidden room containing a horde of treasure. The cultists in town told me the the cult holds storm giants in their ranks who use a floating castle to house treasure until it's handed over to the true leaders of the cult in a location that is yet to be known. When the castle arrives, there is a Tapestry in a location we know that is used to sign for the castles safe docking. There is also a pass phrase that answers a question to prevent the castle from attacking the town. The Zhentarim have taken Parnast and are awaiting my next instruction. The fog arrives at the end of the present tenday. It takes a full 7 days to ride to the town by horse. I suggest a group of us leave immediately to have time to prepare in town for the mists arrival."

Khador Green
2015-10-09, 01:18 AM
Soveliss nods at Ontharr comment.

"As it should my lord as any world saved by the hand of evil is not the world for good. As this idea for uniting the factions, interesting, I would be more concerned with who will gain most form this and on top of it will this set a precedent, the last thing we must risk is those of the other factions learning anything they can use to harm the gauntlets work."

Looking again at the waterclock and too the sky.

"My lord we will only have some time to get prepared for the talks with this lady, to wit I would suggest you finish your food. I have some last questions however, as this is to be on her estate have we had any assurances that her guards are legitimate and without possible issue also has each other representative been cleared?"

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-09, 08:58 AM
Rudii would notice Soveliss enter but refrained from acknowledging him at this point in time. Standing, she'd begin to speak without delay. "Talis was the cult leader. She opposed a cultist named Rezmir who she feels stole her rank in the cult. There is a small village of particular interest among her territory, Parnast, which is regularly covered by a strange fog that seemed to worsen Talis mood each time. After the fog arrives, a party from Parnast would bring supplies to The Hunting Lodge where I was stationed. I took it upon myself to thoroughly probe the village, I found that it can be a dangerous place if provoked, however, the Cult works hard to keep its presence there hidden. This means travelers, or more specifically, we, can enter without being attacked."

Pure white, pupil-less eyes scanned the participants of the room thoroughly as she continued to speak.

"While scouting, I found a hidden room containing a horde of treasure. The cultists in town told me the the cult holds storm giants in their ranks who use a floating castle to house treasure until it's handed over to the true leaders of the cult in a location that is yet to be known. When the castle arrives, there is a Tapestry in a location we know that is used to sign for the castles safe docking. There is also a pass phrase that answers a question to prevent the castle from attacking the town. The Zhentarim have taken Parnast and are awaiting my next instruction. The fog arrives at the end of the present tenday. It takes a full 7 days to ride to the town by horse. I suggest a group of us leave immediately to have time to prepare in town for the mists arrival."

Luthwen takes a moment to once again read the actions and gestures of the speaker, but the pupil-less eyes of the woman are a distraction she didn't anticipate. How do you watch the eyes of someone who is pupil-less?

What part of the explanation is delivered the most strangely?
Insight: [roll0]

She doesn't seem to be lying...

After a momentary pause, Luthwen glances over to Redellia before addressing the room and breaking the silence,
Esteemed guests, I would like to volunteer my skills and services for this mission...although I am not without questions.

2015-10-09, 10:49 AM
This timeline is from before the meeting

Soveliss nods at Ontharr comment.

"As it should my lord as any world saved by the hand of evil is not the world for good. As this idea for uniting the factions, interesting, I would be more concerned with who will gain most form this and on top of it will this set a precedent, the last thing we must risk is those of the other factions learning anything they can use to harm the gauntlets work."

Looking again at the waterclock and too the sky.

"My lord we will only have some time to get prepared for the talks with this lady, to wit I would suggest you finish your food. I have some last questions however, as this is to be on her estate have we had any assurances that her guards are legitimate and without possible issue also has each other representative been cleared?"The Lady Silverhand is a paragon of nobility in this city, and while she is too curious about the depths of magic for her own good I cannot deny she has done a great deal more good with her position than harm. There are few other lords I would even consider allow such a meeting of the factions to occur with, and while I don't have high hopes for tonight I am more than willing to make an appearance for the Order. I leave the preparations to you, I will be in prayer and attend to some business inside the temple. Do try and relax at least a little in your short stay in the city, Soveliss. Life it too short to worry so much. With that Ontharr continues to eat and converse with the knights and clerics at the table telling stories and occasionally laughing just as through the entire meal.

This timeline is during the meeting late that same night

Rudii would notice Soveliss enter but refrained from acknowledging him at this point in time. Standing, she'd begin to speak without delay. "Talis was the cult leader. She opposed a cultist named Rezmir who she feels stole her rank in the cult. There is a small village of particular interest among her territory, Parnast, which is regularly covered by a strange fog that seemed to worsen Talis mood each time. After the fog arrives, a party from Parnast would bring supplies to The Hunting Lodge where I was stationed. I took it upon myself to thoroughly probe the village, I found that it can be a dangerous place if provoked, however, the Cult works hard to keep its presence there hidden. This means travelers, or more specifically, we, can enter without being attacked."

Pure white, pupil-less eyes scanned the participants of the room thoroughly as she continued to speak.

"While scouting, I found a hidden room containing a horde of treasure. The cultists in town told me the the cult holds storm giants in their ranks who use a floating castle to house treasure until it's handed over to the true leaders of the cult in a location that is yet to be known. When the castle arrives, there is a Tapestry in a location we know that is used to sign for the castles safe docking. There is also a pass phrase that answers a question to prevent the castle from attacking the town. The Zhentarim have taken Parnast and are awaiting my next instruction. The fog arrives at the end of the present tenday. It takes a full 7 days to ride to the town by horse. I suggest a group of us leave immediately to have time to prepare in town for the mists arrival."Lady Silverhand leans slightly to the side resting her head in her left hand as Rudii speaks, her face bears an open frown that seems to indicate to all that she is unsatisfied with the report - though she does not speak. In fact, teh whoel room falls silent briefly digesting the statements Rudii delivers. The first to break the silence in Nangwen startling many with a short outburst...
After a momentary pause, Luthwen glances over to Redellia before addressing the room and breaking the silence,
Esteemed guests, I would like to volunteer my skills and services for this mission...although I am not without questions.This action creates a rippling burst of discussion about the events as Remallia pulls Nangwen down back into her seat roughly while standing herself, While I find you news lines up with my personal knowledge of the events, I have received word that your thugs executed the entire cult controlling the area. Despite my companion's desire to leap into action, this Talis and even the cultist soldiers seem a font for intelligence when the correct incentive is applied. This is an error I want to ensure won't be repeated-

Remallia looked as if she would continue but Lady Silverhand raised her hand - an act Remiallia looks angered by - and adds, I too am concerned about the elimination of a valuable resource to those against the dragon. I know that my network has been in communications with Talia before the Zhentarim raid, and she was willing to flip on the cult leadership above her in order to leave a power void she could step into. My personal soldiers are presently in the Greypeak Mountains waiting my instruction after finding the Zhentarim took Talis' lodge. While I find the loss of the resource painful, it sounds like the Zhentarim did their due diligence and turned this into a complete advantage addressing this misty castle the cult claims to have.

Ontharr slams his gauntlet on the table and rises him self pointing angrily and seemingly at everyone at once, DUE DILIGENCE!? Their savage bloodlust eliminates those who could be turned against this vile evil along with the wicked indiscriminately, and you are satisfied with that!? I have no reason to trust either of these black network goons, and little reason to spend my precious resources launching an assault on some supposed castle in the sky! It sounds like any promise of gold is good enough for their greedy mitts!

At the repeated insults Rian stands to face Onthar and speaks calmly despite her wildly lashing tail giving her feelings away, I will not have to speak of my family that way. The order has been sitting in their ivory tower waiting for something to happen instead of proactively seeking this cult's elimination, and now that it is the Zhentarim that has gained the upper hand you still refuse action? How does this stand against your tenants of righteous fury? Is cowardice the new standard Torm holds his knights to?

Don't mock my ways, you fiend! Ontharr now has veins throbbing in his neck and forehead, I came to this meeting as a courtesy only to hear that, as usual, the Zhentarim is only interested in blood and gold! At this point the discussions break down as Rian and Ontharr continue to fight it out, and the other Mentors turn to their Stalwarts to discuss the report quietly.

Lady Silverhand casts a simple spell and begins to whisper, to your ears her voice is as clear is it can be despite the arguing and echoing discussion around the table. I'm curious what you take on this situation is. I may not agree with the Zhentarim's methods on this occasion, but they appear to have had a decisive success that we shouldn't let slip by. I know you have a strong moral compass, maybe my dream of a cross-faction party mission can be achieved with some clauses built into the agreement? She patiently awaits you response.
Remalia collapses into her chair and turns to Nangwen and casts message as well, I cannot apologize enough for suppressing your spirit. I wish I could have readily signed you up immediately, because ultimate the Harpers need to be involved with this mission and because the world needs to be saved... but Talis was not just being pressed by the Lords' Aliance, we had invested in negotiating with us. I suspect she would have turned against us before doing any good, and while I hate to admit it the Zhentarim has put us in a good position. I plan for you to join this group, but I want to make sure the mission is carried out in our best interest. Thank you for being a true hero in this situation, the Dutchess chose well in assigning you to this task.
You notice Delann struggling to hide a sensible chuckle at the events unfolding before him he leans to Grokk and whispers the old fashioned way, I struggle to make sense of what to do next, it appears that there is little more the Enclave would be a great benefit to here other than the ride to this village... Parnast. A guide would serve them well, it's not an easy ride by horse to the Greypeaks. I also fear remaining too distance from the mission will result in the enclave being left out in topping Tiamat from trampling all that is right in the balance of the world, I wish the death of only the dragons and men that are required or else we might see humanities' ability to spread take hold once against and cause unintentional harm - a misdeed against harmony that is much more difficult to resolve effectively. What say you, Grokk?
It appears your Mentors have taken to opposing one other, an act I think would surprise no one in this room. What, if anything, do you do as you see the negotiations breaking down before they even ebgin?

2015-10-09, 10:53 AM
Amalia whispers back, assuming the spell will carry her words properly.

I'm not sure I would trust them to hold true to an agreement. They would need someone there to personally ensure they follow any tenents, and even then they're a slippery bunch.

But if Soveliss were along... He's a wise man. I believe he could help keep them in check. I know I'm not the most perceptive myself, but two people with right moral compasses together might be sufficient.

2015-10-09, 11:10 AM
Amalia whispers back, assuming the spell will carry her words properly.

I'm not sure I would trust them to hold true to an agreement. They would need someone there to personally ensure they follow any tenents, and even then they're a slippery bunch.

But if Soveliss were along... He's a wise man. I believe he could help keep them in check. I know I'm not the most perceptive myself, but two people with right moral compasses together might be sufficient.The Lady smiles brightly and casts a second message while sitting more upright, Perhaps you are right, it probably does require the moral foil of you and the Order. If you trust this Soveliss, and he has the ear of Ontharr, perhaps you would like to address the crowd and suggest the advantage of the Order joining this alliance? It is indeed fate for you to be here with me, the Order's response to my proposed alliance was always what had me worried. She then gives a slight encouraging gesture; moving her hand palm up in a slightly forward and upward motion.

2015-10-09, 11:24 AM
Amalia clears her throat, standing to be heard more clearly. SILENCE! Amalia shouts out, gently reinforcing her voice with magic. I will not stand to see people bickering like school children when the world is at risk!

Amalia waits a beat, to make sure all are paying attention to her, before carrying on. What the Zhentarim did is in the past. While there should be recrimination to be had, the time is not now for it. The fact of the matter is that the Cult of the Dragon is a threat to the whole world-each and every last one of us, and more importantly, to all the innocents out in the world. The only sensible course of action is to stop them.

However, that does not mean we must become them. We are not monsters, and we should never stoop as low to become them. Any of us, Amalia adds, looking at Riann and the Zhentarim as she speaks the last phrase. To that, I propose that we all aid one another as best we can-the Zhentarim providing their skills, and the Order of the Gauntlet and the Lord's Alliance providing a guiding light.

I will personally go with any Zhentarim agent to ensure that the only bloodshed is needed. I will fight alongside them, giving my life if need be, so long as they stay true to what is right. If that is not acceptable, Amalia says, her hand on the hilt of her sword, then there is no compromise that can be had.

So, Riann, fellow Zhentarim-are you willing to put aside your baser urges? For the sake of the world?

2015-10-09, 12:00 PM
If you had eyes behind your head, you'd the Lady Silverhand beaming at your speech

Amalia clears her throat, standing to be heard more clearly. SILENCE! Amalia shouts out, gently reinforcing her voice with magic. I will not stand to see people bickering like school children when the world is at risk!

Amalia waits a beat, to make sure all are paying attention to her, before carrying on. What the Zhentarim did is in the past. While there should be recrimination to be had, the time is not now for it. The fact of the matter is that the Cult of the Dragon is a threat to the whole world-each and every last one of us, and more importantly, to all the innocents out in the world. The only sensible course of action is to stop them.

However, that does not mean we must become them. We are not monsters, and we should never stoop as low to become them. Any of us, Amalia adds, looking at Riann and the Zhentarim as she speaks the last phrase. To that, I propose that we all aid one another as best we can-the Zhentarim providing their skills, and the Order of the Gauntlet and the Lord's Alliance providing a guiding light.

I will personally go with any Zhentarim agent to ensure that the only bloodshed is needed. I will fight alongside them, giving my life if need be, so long as they stay true to what is right. If that is not acceptable, Amalia says, her hand on the hilt of her sword, then there is no compromise that can be had.

So, Riann, fellow Zhentarim-are you willing to put aside your baser urges? For the sake of the world?While the aggressive throat clearing had little effect, the intensity of Amalia's forceful shout caused those gathered around the table to freeze-frame in place; turning only their heads to view the young woman with a powerful voice. At the well earned ribbing, Rian and Ontharr (who we previously nearing blows) leaned back to standing upright and straightened their appearances while Amalia continued her speech. As her honest and true words end, the room falls silent again but far less tense than they were before. Again the Mentors discuss with their Stalwarts.

Nangwen did not get a chance to reply to Remalia's message before Amalia's speech interrupted discussion. Remalia stands and addresses the crowd, Between the heroic nature in Nangwen here and Amalia, I am deeply embarrassed to ever raise concerns about this union. You have the Harpers' support, and I leave the decisions related directly to the mission to be handled by Nangwen... she turns to Nangwen and says, I am sorry to pull you down when you stood so proud, please feel free to act in any way you wish from here on. I should have been more confident in my trust of the Dutchess.

Denlann's eyebrows rise sharply as Amalia speaks and he whispers, If you don't want this mission I call dibs. He then gives a wink and a nudge with his elbow.
Ontharr is calm but he doesn't appear to be swayed completely by Amalia's words. Soveliss has spent enough time with the man to know this by now.
Rian sits quietly, but if you didn't know better you would swear she was happy with this outcome.

OC: Give me a wisdom check when you get a chance.

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-09, 01:19 PM
Nangwen did not get a chance to reply to Remalia's message before Amalia's speech interrupted discussion. Remalia stands and addresses the crowd, Between the heroic nature in Nangwen here and Amalia, I am deeply embarrassed to ever raise concerns about this union. You have the Harpers' support, and I leave the decisions related directly to the mission to be handled by Nangwen... she turns to Nangwen and says, I am sorry to pull you down when you stood so proud, please feel free to act in any way you wish from here on. I should have been more confident in my trust of the Dutchess.

OC: Give me a wisdom check when you get a chance.[/spoiler]

With a visible nod and a smile, Nangwen turns to Redallia and finally responds to the Message.
I figured everyone else was suspicious of the Zhents and acting openly would force everyone else to act openly and voice their concerns or risk losing face. I couldn't think of any other reason you would have chosen me if you didn't intend for me to go, and this way if it goes south it doesn't look like your idea.

Also because otherwise we'd be here all night dancing around the issues and I'd like to get some sleep before this journey.

2015-10-09, 02:50 PM
Rudii was rather unconcerned with the volatile bickering and was prepared to have aided Rian if it had indeed came to blows, which thanks to Amalia, it hadn't. Feeling that the inferior factions and their representatives, for the most part, were highly ungrateful of the Zhentarims success. Standing, she would announce. "The lot of you are sure to get yourselves killed without the assistance of myself, a Zhentarim Viper. Being that I am the one who knows the inner workings of the village and the necessary components required to board the castle, I suppose you'll have to trust me. That is, unless you don't see the Cult of The Dragon as a threat."

One would have to be quite foolish to disregard the Cult of The Dragon as insignificant. Before the others would have a chance to respond to her initial commentary, she'd continue. "If we are to leave, we must leave immediately, for time is not in our favor and the proper preparations and precautions must be taken if we are to succeed."

Wisdom Check: [roll0]

Khador Green
2015-10-09, 04:39 PM
Soveliss prepares and the leave for the meeting, 5 minuets after a squad of paladins and 5 minuets before another squad, the walk is timed that the watch are always within line of sight .

(OOC: I actually didnt realise that we were at the meeting since the before meeting spoilers were still going and I didn't want to ruin the surprise so I wasn't reading the other stuff, sorry)

Soveliss has been rather conservative in this meeting taking the time to take in everything that has been said, mentally constructing the whole situation in his mind, village, mist, floating castle and Giants. if it would take them seven days to reach then it will leave them three days to finish the task, but there were several details that concerned him.

"My apologies but I must ask some questions that are concerning me, to wit, Where is this treasure coming from, the village, raids a hidden supplier, also what are we planning to do, is it to take the castle from the giants or are we hoping to stow away on the ship till it takes us to the cult leaders so we may work out their location and strength?"

2015-10-09, 06:44 PM
While Grokk continues to pay attention to the conversations, as they become more complicated, some of the intrigue goes over his head. He frowns, frustrated. He did gather that the Zhentarim seemed overly cruel in their methods, but that wasn't his biggest concern. His main qualm was with their obvious hunger for coin. That kind of greed can lead to great dangers. Still, he didn't see that as reason not to use their assistance against more pressing dangers to the natural world, at least for now.

But Grokk didn't go on about his motivations, just whispering back to Delann, "I agree that we need to have people out there who care for the natural balance. I will go. Such travel is nothing to me, and it's been too long since I've had a serious mission." He looks as if he might have said more, but didn't.

Amalia clears her throat, standing to be heard more clearly. SILENCE! Amalia shouts out, gently reinforcing her voice with magic. I will not stand to see people bickering like school children when the world is at risk!

Grokk stared blankly at Amalia for a moment. Even he was never so overly bombastic. He wasn't sure whether to be impressed or annoyed. As for her speech, he had to stifle a laugh. Such idealistic words were typical of humans. Truly, he wasn't sure what to think of that, either.

2015-10-09, 07:40 PM
Soveliss before the meeting

While technically flawless, your planning and extensive effort slipping from the crowded temple and arriving at the secret meeting site focused too well in the task. Anyone but the attendees of the meeting thinks both Soveliss and Ontharr are sleeping in their beds thanks to a little magic. However, such plans take a long time to execute. The lengthy path and magic ritual have made you fashionably late, though Ontharr continues to marvel at your attention to detail and focus. He didn't even notice the time pass by, though the servant opening the door makes a point to remind you you are late.

Still remaining prideful you are led through the estate cellars to the meeting room where eight people turn and face you as you enter. Taking your places, the meeting starts.

OC: I don't mind doing separate narratives like this during role playing parts. I don't want to combine this with combat though.

Back to the present

After Remalia said her piece, Delann stood and says simply, For now the Enclave will provide Grokk as a representative. He then sits back down and draws down the brim of his hat, It's your business now, boy. Do us proud. The unconventional approach still made the point clear, only the Order of the Gauntlet remained unmoved.

After Rudii restates her case for a union between factions, Soveliss brings up his concerns with the mission with an exaggerated approving nod from Ontharr...

"My apologies but I must ask some questions that are concerning me, to wit, Where is this treasure coming from, the village, raids a hidden supplier, also what are we planning to do, is it to take the castle from the giants or are we hoping to stow away on the ship till it takes us to the cult leaders so we may work out their location and strength?"Rian's eyes flash colors while she answers, What we have presented has been enough for the other factions to commit. I do not say your questions are not important, but they are also questions undeserving of an outsider to the mission. If you agree to undertake this mission we will decide its scope right here and now, but otherwise leave. We have business to attend to, and thanks to someone's preening, glaring at Ontharr, We have little time left to plan properly.

2015-10-09, 08:50 PM
After Remalia said her piece, Delann stood and says simply, For now the Enclave will provide Grokk as a representative. He then sits back down and draws down the brim of his hat, It's your business now, boy. Do us proud.

"Boy", again. If he had met Grokk a few years ago, that tongue of his would have long since parted with his mouth.

He nods to acknowledge his involvement, but, for now, doesn't say more than that. He has never been very talkative in such large meetings.

Khador Green
2015-10-09, 08:59 PM
Soveliss completely calm just watches the madam talk waiting for his answers. He sighs at her statement.

"Madam only children and fools rush in, yes we are on a timetable but please note that travel to the area takes seven days, from what you said that normal travel, however if we were to arrange the drop off of fresh horses at each possible inn we could probably reach the location in six maybe even five. On top of this saying that we will work out details after everyone has agreed to help is neither here nor their its going to have to be discussed otherwise nothing will happen. A group of us will arrive and just stand around get ourselves hurt or killed while wasting a valuable opportunity for information on the cult."

Soveliss says this while pulling out a pad of paper and begins to make notes in Aarakocra.

"So please lets elaborate on the goal on this mission first then with all hast we can depart."

2015-10-09, 10:14 PM
Soveliss completely calm just watches the madam talk waiting for his answers. He sighs at her statement.

"Madam only children and fools rush in, yes we are on a timetable but please note that travel to the area takes seven days, from what you said that normal travel, however if we were to arrange the drop off of fresh horses at each possible inn we could probably reach the location in six maybe even five. On top of this saying that we will work out details after everyone has agreed to help is neither here nor their its going to have to be discussed otherwise nothing will happen. A group of us will arrive and just stand around get ourselves hurt or killed while wasting a valuable opportunity for information on the cult."

Soveliss says this while pulling out a pad of paper and begins to make notes in Aarakocra.

"So please lets elaborate on the goal on this mission first then with all hast we can depart."Rian seems unimpressed by Soveliss' logical words, and responds, The goal of the mission seems obvious to me, we know a key enemy asset will have an opening at a set time and place and we have a small window of time to insert a small team. Any further detail than that will be gone through, but sitting at this table is a team capable o the task - with or without your order.

Lady Silverhand leans forward some, I must agree with Rian, we have a common enemy and an uncommon opportunity. I'm not sure why we would lay out what is quickly becoming the business of everyone but the gauntlet so plainly. I have little interest to share more of my business than is necessary. Ontharr, Soveliss; you must decide now if you are even willing to continue to sit in this meeting and discuss the details of the mission you have committed to join.

Ontharr leans close to Soveliss, I share the same concerns, and they don't seem to know we have uncovered our own asset we can focus on. It would be your life at risk, so I leave the final choice to you. I will advise that I find this mission to carry significant risk, though I am forced to acknowledge that this activity may both fund our efforts and delay the cult's ability to break down the barriers between this world and Hell.

Khador Green
2015-10-09, 11:39 PM
Un-phased by these ladies Soveliss puts the quill and pad away.

"Madam's I have not said I am not doing this task, a chance like this is not worth wasting. However if you, stubbornly, feel inclined to run in like headless lunes very well."

Soveliss turns to Ontharr and bows slightly.

"My lord please not that the same procedures to return you to the temple are in place and you just need to meet with the watch in the square.

Turning back to the group.

"Since we aren't going to discuss anything of use at this moment in time, we are burning possible time to advance on the location. I shall meet whoever is going to try and deal with this matter at the River star inn, it is the inn standing ten paces away from the meadows gate which we will need to leave to get to this village in time, if you cant arrange your own horses on route to the inn, there is a stable nearby. Prepare yourselves for a long ride. I shall see you all shortly."

Soveliss gets up and heads for the door.

"That's if any of you wish to actually take the advantage of this before we lose it."

2015-10-09, 11:58 PM
Rudii adopts an agreeable expression as Soveliss speaks, speaking before getting up to leave immediately after the avian creature. "Indeed, let us now take our leave and prepare the horses."

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-10, 12:53 AM
Standing, she would announce. "The lot of you are sure to get yourselves killed without the assistance of myself, a Zhentarim Viper.

Soveliss completely calm just watches the madam talk waiting for his answers. He sighs at her statement.

"Madam only children and fools rush in, yes we are on a timetable but please note that travel to the area takes seven days...

Soveliss says this while pulling out a pad of paper and begins to make notes...

Rian seems unimpressed by Soveliss' logical words, and responds, The goal of the mission seems obvious to me, we know a key enemy asset will have an opening at a set time and place and we have a small window of time to insert a small team.

Lady Silverhand leans forward some, I must agree with Rian, we have a common enemy and an uncommon opportunity. I'm not sure why we would lay out what is quickly becoming the business of everyone but the gauntlet so plainly.

As the zaniness in the conversation plays out, Nangwen occasionally glances over to Remellia with a face that can only be described as saying "Really?" Nangwen eventually mouths, "I have an idea" and waits for a pause in the talking.

Well if no one is going to act professional, let's try learning something shall we?

When the wizard and thief stand up excited to see progress on the quest, Nangwen's face turns to a sly smile and cracks a joke loudly so everyone can hear her, but not in Common:

And don't forget the weddings bands for the bird and the genasi!

The comment is paired with some mocking kissing noises towards Remellia.

Those of you who understand Elvish may make an Insight check against the following Deception (Charisma) roll: [roll0] (to guess at the motives for this comment). You may also try to hide a reaction to the comment with a Deception or Stealth roll against Nangwen's Insight (Wisdom): [roll1] (I will accept either, although Deception is more appropriate).

Khador Green
2015-10-10, 01:24 AM
Soveliss opens the door and looks back into the room.

"Apparently we do not have time for Tom Foolery, so everyone to a horse and we sort it out on route."

OOC not rolling is ticked off enough to mostly ignore it and only register people were speaking elvish.

2015-10-10, 04:58 AM
As the zaniness in the conversation plays out, Nangwen occasionally glances over to Remellia with a face that can only be described as saying "Really?" Nangwen eventually mouths, "I have an idea" and waits for a pause in the talking.

Well if no one is going to act professional, let's try learning something shall we?

When the wizard and thief stand up excited to see progress on the quest, Nangwen's face turns to a sly smile and cracks a joke loudly so everyone can hear her, but not in Common:

And don't forget the weddings bands for the bird and the genasi!

The comment is paired with some mocking kissing noises towards Remellia.

Those of you who understand Elvish may make an Insight check against the following Deception (Charisma) roll: [roll0] (to guess at the motives for this comment). You may also try to hide a reaction to the comment with a Stealth roll against Nangwen's Insight (Wisdom): [roll1].

It would only be logical to think Rudii does not understand elvish due to her lack of acknowledgement or reaction to the comment as she heads out the door.

(OOC: I will take you up on the roll against your wisdom for hiding a reaction, however I personally feel a deception roll would be more fitting for the situation since stealth, at least by game mechanics, is physically hiding from a person where as deception is lying or hiding the truth from a person. Hope that makes sense. I have a +9 in both stealth (dex) and deception (cha) so I would suppose it really makes no difference either way.)

Deception (Charisma): [roll0]

2015-10-10, 08:26 AM
As the conversation breaks down, Lady Silverhand stands and in a forceful voice says, Enough! I will not stand for further disruption! As you have pointed out, we have little time to prepare. Leave and begone! I do not understand how the Order of the Gauntlet remains so arrogant to think this missions requires their presence. This meeting was called to form a coalition against the Cult of the Dragon, not to beg for your aid. There is nothing forcing you to stay, and no force compelling us to keep you here.

And with that servants enter the room and clean the place settings of the order of the gauntlet. With Soveliss and Ontharr gone, the fire is shut once more. Lady Silverhand turns to Rian and says, I apologize that you revealed so much to those who will take no part in the mission, but as you can see there are still many who wish to maximize this advantage.To the group as a whole she says, As for travel, with the Enclave's help we can reach Parnast in just a few days. Less than a tenday ago, the local guard of a small village in the north found the cult used a tunnel to bring trade goods and stolen riches to an abandoned keep in marshland. We have since seized control of the keep and discovered a teleportation circle to Greypeak. Using a boat to get to the marshes and a good guide you can sleep on the water and get to Greypeak in a single day. Whether that means more preparation is desired before or after the trip, it means there is plenty that can be set up.

She continues, And while the parting was unfortunate, that bird-man was right about defining the objective - though with so much unknown it is also hard to set things in stone. I would like to hear from the team what their approach to the castle would be.

OC: Well, we'll where this goes then. I would allow a DEX check to hide a reaction physically, but failure might give different consequences.

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-10, 08:44 AM
It would only be logical to think Rudii does not understand elvish due to her lack of acknowledgement or reaction to the comment as she heads out the door.

OoC: Nice try, but I'm smart enough to know you can't prove a negative. You successfully deceived your understanding of the comment, but you also can't confirm the motive behind making it (you can only speculate).

And with that servants enter the room and clean the place settings of the order of the gauntlet. With Soveliss and Ontharr gone, the fire is shut once more. Lady Silverhand turns to Rian and says, I apologize that you revealed so much to those who will take no part in the mission, but as you can see there are still many who wish to maximize this advantage.To the group as a whole she says, As for travel, with the Enclave's help we can reach Parnast in just a few days. Less than a tenday ago, the local guard of a small village in the north found the cult used a tunnel to bring trade goods and stolen riches to an abandoned keep in marshland. We have since seized control of the keep and discovered a teleportation circle to Greypeak. Using a boat to get to the marshes and a good guide you can sleep on the water and get to Greypeak in a single day. Whether that means more preparation is desired before or after the trip, it means there is plenty that can be set up.

She continues, And while the parting was unfortunate, that bird-man was right about defining the objective - though with so much unknown it is also hard to set things in stone. I would like to hear from the team what their approach to the castle would be.

OC: Well, we'll where this goes then. I would slow a DEX check to hide a reaction physically, but failure might give different consequences.

Without missing a beat, Nangwen does a 180 and goes back into "serious" mode for the moment. She'll save the "take your breath away" quip for later. Nangwen was trying to watch too many people at once and only heard Soveliss' reaction as he left. I over did it. Nangwen knows other people "got the joke," but is completely unsure of any given person besides Amalia and Remellia. She'll have to ask Remellia later.

Do we have a map or a lay-out of the castle's defenses to use as a guide for this excursion?

Nangwen appears to be deep in thought.
Why would the Order of the Gauntlet be so detached and uninterested in the meeting?
Intelligence Check: 19 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19934406&postcount=26) (I wasn't sure of whether or not to add proficiency to this or not when I made the roll, but DM confirmed proficiency, so I have added 3 to the number here.)

Khador Green
2015-10-10, 02:29 PM
Soveliss brings Ontharr back to the temple via the same method as before.

"Ontharr I am sorry we left early but I am not going to listen to people who are politicising something so important as to not answer simple questions, I must make haste to get there I am not going to be able to do this by myself however if the children in that house reach the location it will at least be of help. I have an idea but its a bit of a long shoot sadly, the village is in the Grey peak mountains, we need to talk to one of the many mages in this city with a teleportation circle even if its too Glen Lake that would take four days away from the trip."

Soveliss says all this while packing.

"If you have any ideas right now would be excellent"

2015-10-10, 09:05 PM
Nangwen appears to be deep in thought.
Why would the Order of the Gauntlet be so detached and uninterested in the meeting?
Intelligence Check: 16 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19934406&postcount=26) (I wasn't sure of whether or not to add proficiency to this or not.)Add you proficiency to any ability check you are proficient in.

The Order of the Gauntlet is the most exclusionary faction, and prides itself on the standards it sets for their members. They have good relations with the Harpers, and Nangwen would have had positive experiences with the order one on one. The problem is that the Order has little desire to align itself to the power hunger factions like the Zhentarim and the Lords' Alliance, though the political and legal nature of the Lords' means the relationship is much stronger. The Order likely feels that they should be wooed from their ivory tower, and that any alliance should have strict morality based rules in place to make sure the mission remains righteous.

Soveliss brings Ontharr back to the temple via the same method as before.

"Ontharr I am sorry we left early but I am not going to listen to people who are politicising something so important as to not answer simple questions, I must make haste to get there I am not going to be able to do this by myself however if the children in that house reach the location it will at least be of help. I have an idea but its a bit of a long shoot sadly, the village is in the Grey peak mountains, we need to talk to one of the many mages in this city with a teleportation circle even if its too Glen Lake that would take four days away from the trip."

Soveliss says all this while packing.

"If you have any ideas right now would be excellent"I understand you feelings. If you feel it is your duty to shepherd these individuals, then I you have the Order's blessing. I will provide for you the expensive of traveling to this village, there isn't much time but I will provide a small group to travel with you for protection that will depart once you are delivered to the village. I must return to the Keep, I have to report the events that have transpired here to my peers. I expect as our representative you will ensure the conduct of the group will be righteous, and prevent another massacre as these fools play hero. Ensure the world is not save at any cost, but saved with it's goodness intact. He clasps Soveliss' shoulder, Godspeed, Soveliss.

When Soveliss inquires about his advice, Ontharr says, I lost my temper in that meeting, and the idea of an alliance isn't terrible. I'm glad you are going, and i hope for the best. My advice is to remain as cautious and vigilant as always, the Cult is not likely to be dependent on this fortress alone though it is likely very valuable. I will also tell you this - storm giants and chromatic dragons are enemies. This union is unholy, and likely is vulnerable to outside influences. It may be possible to turn the alliance on itself under the right circumstance. Ontharr pauses a long time apparently deep in thought, I will prepare a satchel for you. I want to make sure you come home, so these items I loan to you I will take back when you return.

Disappearing for a while he returns with a plain leather bag, This is a simple bag of holding from the stores here, inside I have provided a gift as well. This satchel will allow the safe transport of key items that must be presented to leadership, I want you to be the one trusted to hold these goods and make the right choice in their fate. The equipment inside was once used to slay a green dragon, while it will be of little use to you pleae use your best judgement it putting into the right hands.

2015-10-10, 09:29 PM
I would like to hear from the team what their approach to the castle would be.

Grokk replies stiffly, still rather uncomfortable with meeting in such a large group, not to mention inside, cut off from the wild, "I'm not going to pretend I'm the planning type. Unless what you suggest is completely ridiculous, or I suddenly have a good idea, I'll mostly leave that sort of thing to you. My skills are in the field."

He considered commenting about the amount of elvish going around, to ask that while they're being friendly, they keep it to common for those who don't speak their fancy languages, but he remembered who it was that spoke before, and thought better of it.

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-10, 10:59 PM
Grokk replies stiffly, still rather uncomfortable with meeting in such a large group, not to mention inside, cut off from the wild, "I'm not going to pretend I'm the planning type. Unless what you suggest is completely ridiculous, or I suddenly have a good idea, I'll mostly leave that sort of thing to you. My skills are in the field."

He considered commenting about the amount of elvish going around, to ask that while they're being friendly, they keep it to common for those who don't speak their fancy languages, but he remembered who it was that spoke before, and thought better of it.

Nangwen turns to Grokk - the missing tactical information burning in her mind - and speaks.
Let me recap the information we have so far so then everything will be clear:

OoC: (I have divided everything by spoiler tags for ease of reading, there is no RPing reason for anyone to not to be in-the-know on what I'm saying here.)

The Cult of the Dragon is amassing treasure to hand over to its leaders - presumably magical equipment, gemstones and other prerequisites for rituals, money that kind of thing - and is storing it all in a flying castle protected and powered by storm giants. Ten days from now, this castle will land near the town of Parnast - which is roughly a week's journey by horse from here. The cult member Talis was responsible for the affairs of our enemies in this town of Parnast, but has since been killed by the Zhentarim during Ms. Amikiir's last extraction.

When the flying castle arrives at Parnast, they will attempt to met to receive the resources they've gathered and store it in the castle. This flying castle is effectively a really giant carriage
*Nangwen pauses for emphasis, looks around the room with a smile, clears her throat as anyone groans and immediately resumes with only confidence gleaming from her face*

Our mission is to infiltrate the castle and prevent the loot they have gathered from reaching the leaders of the cult by any means necessary. Reclaiming the loot for ourselves is the most obvious choice, but destruction of the loot, or dare I say, seizing the castle both accomplish the task.

The Cult of the Dragon, however, likely has other forms of "goods, prizes, and loot" on board this castle. It is not implausible that they are also moving captured slaves, soldiers, and other people for hard-labor or perhaps ritual sacrifice to Tiamat. We may be able to gain allies or worst-case scenario a distraction by starting a prison riot in one part of the castle if this is the case.

But there is another reason I mention this. If there is in fact, a prison within this flying castle, it means it is also likely that the storm giants have smaller races serving as support and auxiliary functions. This means we can use equipment and gear left behind by the ransacked outpost overtaken by the Zhentarim at Parnast and infiltrate the flying castle by acting as the very agents who are supposed to bring loot into the castle. We'll find whatever container they use for transporting goods and fill it up with something worthless like a bunch of ordinary rocks, lay tarps or blankets over each layer, and then make the top 2 layers actual loot in the event they decide to check for fakes when we go on board. We might even be able to take it straight to the castle's vault without removing our disguise depending on their security procedures they have.

And of course, any information on their future plans we can get our hands on is fair game.

This is the matter of getting there to Parnast at all - however. We can either go the whole way by mount - horse, pegasus, griffon - which we currently estimate to take a week; or we can take a day's journey to a castle in the marshland, use a teleportation circle discovered in that castle and cut the length of the journey in half.

It may be safer to use the circle as an escape route than as an entry-point, honestly. But I don't know how the conditions of the seized base in Parnast is, so I can't say when we'll need to be there to begin our preparations.

*Nangwen takes a deep breathe and turns to everyone else*
Did I miss anything?

2015-10-11, 07:07 AM
Rudii is standing outside of the meeting hall beside the door with her back to the wall and arms crossed over her chest with her dark hood drawn over her face, awaiting Rian's emergence or the meetings end. An interesting, if not entirely productive meeting, to say the least.

2015-10-11, 02:47 PM
Grokk responded to the Nangwen's suggestions, "A more straightforward journey is probably for the best. That plan is alright with me."

Well, that wasn't completely true. There was the matter of disguises that bothered him, as he didn't relish wearing whatever uniforms the cult members wore, which were probably quite constricting relative to what he was used to. But he couldn't think of a real reason to object to that, so didn't.

Since he's trying to hide his discomfort with that plan, I'll do a deception check, which people can contest if they want, not that it really matters.

2015-10-11, 09:48 PM
Let me recap the information we have so far so then everything will be clear:The Cult of the Dragon is amassing treasure to hand over to its leaders - presumably magical equipment, gemstones and other prerequisites for rituals, money that kind of thing - and is storing it all in a flying castle protected and powered by storm giants. Ten days from now, this castle will land near the town of Parnast - which is roughly a week's journey by horse from here. The cult member Talis was responsible for the affairs of our enemies in this town of Parnast, but has since been killed by the Zhentarim during Ms. Amikiir's last extraction.

When the flying castle arrives at Parnast, they will attempt to met to receive the resources they've gathered and store it in the castle. This flying castle is effectively a really giant carriage
*Nangwen pauses for emphasis, looks around the room with a smile, clears her throat as anyone groans and immediately resumes with only confidence gleaming from her face*There seems to be stiff nods in agreement from the Zhentarim side of the table.

Our mission is to infiltrate the castle and prevent the loot they have gathered from reaching the leaders of the cult by any means necessary. Reclaiming the loot for ourselves is the most obvious choice, but destruction of the loot, or dare I say, seizing the castle both accomplish the task.The suggestion of taking the castle ignites some bright smiles around the table, as if childhood dreams were coming true for some.

The Cult of the Dragon, however, likely has other forms of "goods, prizes, and loot" on board this castle. It is not implausible that they are also moving captured slaves, soldiers, and other people for hard-labor or perhaps ritual sacrifice to Tiamat. We may be able to gain allies or worst-case scenario a distraction by starting a prison riot in one part of the castle if this is the case.

But there is another reason I mention this. If there is in fact, a prison within this flying castle, it means it is also likely that the storm giants have smaller races serving as support and auxiliary functions. This means we can use equipment and gear left behind by the ransacked outpost overtaken by the Zhentarim at Parnast and infiltrate the flying castle by acting as the very agents who are supposed to bring loot into the castle. We'll find whatever container they use for transporting goods and fill it up with something worthless like a bunch of ordinary rocks, lay tarps or blankets over each layer, and then make the top 2 layers actual loot in the event they decide to check for fakes when we go on board. We might even be able to take it straight to the castle's vault without removing our disguise depending on their security procedures they have.

And of course, any information on their future plans we can get our hands on is fair game.Rian speaks, A simple ploy may get us through the door, but even a rudimentary security check would see through the rouse. But perhaps the Zhentarim can modify the typical cart to include hidden panels to hide a couple of individuals... Her eyes drift to Grokk, Maybe three. I can send word and have the work completed by the time you arrive, and would only need to know who would be in what position. That way we can take your measurements now and the fit will be... adequate.

Remallia pipes up, It's also a huge risk. If you are found out in the courtyard, you might as well have launched a frontal assault. This structure is obscured by constant fog, if you can move along the outside perhaps you can discretely enter a more sensitive area. I can't imagine the castle has many defenses once inside it's outermost, the nature of flying combined with a massive payload - combined with how routine the business has been so far - means it is unlikely there is an army within as well.

Lady Silverhand adds, Castle Naerytar.., er that is the name of the cultist keep we captured with the teleportation circle, relied heavily on the secret tunnel leading into the Mere and the difficult landscape. It was only held by a bullywag tribe.

Rian, It is a difficult choice then, it's not like climbing the damp outer walls will be easier than fooling giant guards. I will prepare the cart either way, plans can be changed last minute.

This is the matter of getting there to Parnast at all - however. We can either go the whole way by mount - horse, pegasus, griffon - which we currently estimate to take a week; or we can take a day's journey to a castle in the marshland, use a teleportation circle discovered in that castle and cut the length of the journey in half.

It may be safer to use the circle as an escape route than as an entry-point, honestly. But I don't know how the conditions of the seized base in Parnast is, so I can't say when we'll need to be there to begin our preparations.

*Nangwen takes a deep breathe and turns to everyone else*
Did I miss anything?Lady Silverhand reaches for something in a sleeve, producing a wand, Perhaps this will help make the travel planning easier. Ajji Majji la Tarajji!

Sand starts to spiral from nothingness as Lady Silverhand narrates, The thick black line is the coastline, to the south some sandbars south of Waterdeep. Here it is in red. Water flows from Greypeak to the sea so this river extends from the coast to Llork; from there it is just a short ride through the Llork Pass to Parnast. To get there take this blue line south to Daggermark and tehn along the riverbed to Llork Pass. My suggestion is to take a boat north along the coast in the purple route. Avoiding this poisonous water where ships don't return from, you would pass north to the west coast of the Mere of Dead Men. From there the guide points you forty degrees from north along the trail pocked with purple cloth to Naerytar. You then teleport to area around the Hunting Lodge and travel to Parnast.

She then is unable to stifle a yawn, The discussion has gone long, though I feel the planning is nearly complete. I will prepare whatever travel method you plan for, and my servants will procure climbing gear and take your measurements. If there are any preparations you need to make, let us know now before you depart.

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-11, 10:28 PM
Rian speaks, A simple ploy may get us through the door, but even a rudimentary security check would see through the rouse. But perhaps the Zhentarim can modify the typical cart to include hidden panels to hide a couple of individuals... Her eyes drift to Grokk, Maybe three. I can send word and have the work completed by the time you arrive, and would only need to know who would be in what position. That way we can take your measurements now and the fit will be... adequate.

Remallia pipes up, It's also a huge risk. If you are found out in the courtyard, you might as well have launched a frontal assault. This structure is obscured by constant fog, if you can move along the outside perhaps you can discretely enter a more sensitive area. I can't imagine the castle has many defenses once inside it's outermost, the nature of flying combined with a massive payload - combined with how routine the business has been so far - means it is unlikely there is an army within as well.


Perhaps, but I don't know if we can successfully navigate the exterior of the castle without the Wizard's wings and I believe I can successfully pose as a member of the Cult for the purposes of getting onto the Castle itself (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TrojanHorse).
Persuasion: [roll0]
(OoC: See Disguise Self, Suggestion, Hypnotic Pattern, and Charisma Expertise)
Ms. Amikiir already has a persona for this mission so that would make any others the preferred candidates for hiding, in my opinion.

Nangwen's face switches to a mix of amusement and concern as she clears her throat and continues.
I'm not sure if Ms. Saadia can be made to fit in a box though. She's a bit tall. Maybe some form of invisibility?

2015-10-12, 09:57 PM
Amalia, Grokk, Nangwen, and Rudii: 5 days until castle arrival

With a plan decided, the meeting broke with groups going their own way to prepare and the group planning to leave immediately. The Lady Silverhand pulled her personal carriage from it's garage, revealing four warhorses of impossible stock that seemed to dance lightly on their massive bodies. She led the foursome into the carriage, telling them This will take you to Daggerford, and from there you can take just the horses and continue on to Parnast. Just... bring them back... or at least their horseshoes.

With that the group rests during the first leg of the journey, making it to Daggerford by noon. The carriage pulled up to a temple to Mystra, and the group is told to have lunch inside while the horses are attended to. Grokk expresses concern about the horses, and Nangwen confirms they are exhausted from the travel at supernatural speed. The priests assure you no harm will come to the horses and the group heads to lunch.

When ready to leave again, the horses look completely rested. The head priest explains this was a favor to the Lady that went back years. The only ting to complain about now is Nangwen and Grokk sharing a horse because of his stature. The fourth horse was used for bags.

Back on the trail moving quickly along the river bank, any trouble that exposed itself was quickly outpaced by a brief gallop. Days pass, and on the fourth night the group rode into Llorkh. The next day they would cross through the previously Cult controlled territory to Parnast.

The nerves of the mission ahead and the possibility of cultists hidden in the mountains becomes a reality when the party is forced to halt by a sudden rock fall. Echoing in the mountains you hear sudden sharp barking noises along with taunts in a strange language:

This is our home now, soft-skins!
Turn back before oyu are lizard food!

and so on.

Post your first round of actions.
Grokk noticed a Lizardman leaping from the rocks to an obscured location easily climbable from where you are at. You could probably get behind that rock in a turn with a strength or acrobatics check.

Soveliss: 8 days until castle arrives

Leaving with a small squad of knights, you ride along the road to Daggerford. About 12 hours outside the settlement, you hear female cries for help in the woods to the eat of the road.

The men look towards you expectantly. What do you do?

2015-10-12, 10:02 PM

I thought we were doing different initiative?

2015-10-12, 10:06 PM

I thought we were doing different initiative?Wow you were fast!

That was my mistake I must have been editing my post when you posted. Just post your first round of actions - you are not surprised but the enemy is hidden.

2015-10-12, 10:08 PM
Behind me! Amalia says, drawing her sword in one hand and shield in the other. Show yourselves, cowards! she shouts out.

Perception roll: [roll0]

And ready an action to attack any enemy that shows its stupid face.

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-12, 10:24 PM
Nangwen is prodded by Grokk about potential hostiles due to being (somewhat embarrassingly) on the same horse, but doesn't seem to see them herself at first. Nangwen remains on the horse for the interim but casts Enhance Ability (Bear's Endurance) as a 3rd level spell: targeting herself and Grokk at Initiative 15 (18-3), but he scrambles away too quickly and she decides to buff the horse instead of Grokk. She also cheers on Amalia, strengthening her morale with Bardic Inspiration.

For the next hour or until Nangwen loses Concentration, the two have advantage on Constitution checks and gain [roll0] temporary HP (that are lost when the spell ends).

For the next ten minutes, Amalia may add 1d8 to any ability check, saving throw, or attack roll she makes. She may choose to do so after the roll has occurred but must decide to use it before the result of the check is decided. Once used, the bonus d8 is lost.

Nangwen is hoping to end this fight quickly and decisively by strengthening her allies right out of the gate.
Because that's meh jerb.

2015-10-13, 01:29 AM
Rudii scowls as the rock slide impedes their journey, draws her short bow and an arrow, ready to attack as she answers the taunts fluently.

"Let us pass and I will not be forced to skin you for a new suit of lizard hide armor."

Rudii readies an attack.

If the lizardfolk engage in further conversation, do not reveal themselves to her, or make no move to attack, Rudii does nothing further on this round.

If a lizardfolk reveals itself to attack, Rudii will make a ranged attack with her short bow.

attack roll: [roll0]

damage: [roll1]

possible critical hit: [roll2]

2015-10-13, 03:37 AM
Grokk, noticing a lizard person trying to jump into a hidden location, pulls out his battleaxe and attempts to leap from the horse into the the obscured area, after momentarily prodding Nangwen to alert her to their approach. As he jumps, Grokk barks, "Give up, this is your one chance! If you attack us, you will not survive."

Acrobatics: [roll0]

If we're in initiative, Grokk would be at 22 with this.

Sorry about the whole touch spell thing, Nangwen, but as long as he's not reading minds, this is what he'd do, and Grokk's faster than pretty much everything. I guess this is a good opportunity to decide what we're doing for situations where things move before an action regarding them takes place...

2015-10-13, 08:43 AM
Round 1!

Rudii calls out a challenge to the lizardfolk. A large lizardfolk rides a massive lizard to the top of a huge boulder on the mountain sides. He points and responds to Rudii, You will not take our home for a third time! We make our stand here! He barely finishes the sentence when an arrow strikes him in the chest. The lizard makes a sound combining a hiss and a growl and pulls the arrow from his chest crying, Charge!

Grokk leaps from the mount he shared with Nangwen to attempt to scramble up the rocks to wear he knew lizardfolk hid, but a piece of rock gave way under him despite his small size causing him to stumble. When Grokk catches his footing, a half dozen lizardfolk climb over their rocky hiding place to charge the group. Grokk is quickly surrounded by a group of two lizardmen who take advantage of his position. Grokk manages to scramble out of the way from the attacks of the first one, but the other catches him with its club. As it moved to continue its attack by stabbing with its shield an arrow sinks into its skull killing it instantly.

Nangwen cast enhance ability hoping to buff herself and Grokk but the halfling scrambled away too fast.

Amalia rides in front of the group in the bottom of the pass, and is immediately surrounded by the remaining lizardfolk. They hopeless try to hit he with their weapons, and she strikes two swift blows severely injuring one of the lizardfolk.

One lizardfolk is making a move towards Rudii but doesn't manage to close the distance this round. The party sees the leader with two mounted lizardfolk holding spears begin decenting the pass towards them.

Enemy status:
Attacking Grokk Lizardfolk 1: Dead
Lizardfolk 2: Full health

Attacking Amalia: Lizardfolk 3: 15 damage, bloodied
Lizardfolk 4: Full health
Lizardfolk 5: Full health

Lizardfolk 6: Full health

Mounted Lizardfolk (can reach Grokk next round if they dash): Lizardfolk 7: Full health
Lizardfolk 8: Full Health
Lizard King: 31 damage, not bloodied

The lizardfolk leader takes heavy damage but it still standing strong.

Grokk takes 5 damage before being saved by Rudii.

Nangwen can choose to cast her spell at 2nd or 3rd level (if you wanted to target the horse?).

Amalia may choose to use a smite in round 1, I will edit it in.
Submit Round 2 actions!

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-13, 12:34 PM
I guess I'm retroactively buffing the horse.

Nangwen sighs after Grokk scrambles away. She points her finger at one of the lizardfolk (#7) accompanying the king and attacks with Eldritch Blast.

The description says to make separate rolls for each beam.

Attack Roll 1: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Attack Roll 2: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]

2015-10-13, 01:33 PM
Surrender now and you will live! Keep fighting and we will not show quarter! Amalia shouts out, continuing to strike at them, confident in her armor protecting her.

2015-10-13, 01:43 PM
Grokk, frustrated from stumbling and the attacks of the lizardmen, growls, "I warned you," and is silent for half a moment, before launching himself wildly at the nearby lizardman with his battleaxe, and loosing a blood-curdling roar. If it dies from the attack, he runs up near the lizardmen attacking Amalia.

First, entering rage.
Then attacking lizardfolk 2.
Attack 1: [roll0]
Attack 1 damage, if it hits: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2]
Attack 2 damage, if it hits: [roll3]

2015-10-13, 01:51 PM
Forgot my rolls.



2015-10-13, 01:53 PM
Sorry, I haven't played martial classes at high level much in 5e. I just realized I can't extra attack using a bonus action when activating rage. If you're ok with it, I'll roll a d2 to determine which attack is the actual one.


Edit: Intended this to be in the OoC...

Edit 2: Actually, never mind, I was wrong, I can totally do that.

2015-10-13, 11:45 PM
One lizardfolk is making a move towards Rudii but doesn't manage to close the distance this round.

Rudii would draw another arrow, taking aim and making a ranged attack against the lizardfolk advancing upon her.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Possible Critical: [roll2]

2015-10-14, 10:04 AM
Round 2!

Rudii fires an arrow into the Lizardfolk coming for her, striking the creature a glancing blow that causes it to step back for a second before continuing its pursuit. Lashing out with its shield and club it is unable to land a blow as Rudii causes her mount to dance sideways effortlessly.

Grokk brings his battleaxe down in a wild vertical hack that strikes the remaining Lizardfolk in the shoulder, causing the creature to drop down to it's knee dazed before he brings his ax back upward catching it in the throat. The creature flies backwards with an arcing spray of blood and gore. The halfling then scrambles back to the main group to support Amalia.

Nangwen evokes the grave powers of the unknowable, causing streaking beams of energy to travel erratically to one of the mounted lizardmen approaching the group from the steep walls of the pass. The first beam strikes the rocks leaving a dark scar against the lightly colored stone, but the second finds its mark hitting the lizardfolk in the abdomen and causing it to shriek in pain.

Amalia lands a devastating blow with a third chop against the injured Lizardfolk before her, but before the final killing blow could be struck one of the others manages to deflect the killing blow. Her own use of her shield and sword meant none of the other attacks against her could land on her or her mount, sitting unsullied against the mob.

The leader and his companions draw near, occupying the space Grokk just vacated. While the battle is currently decidedly in the party's favor these new threats may turn the tide.

Enemy status:
On the boulder: Lizardfolk 1: Dead
Lizardfolk 2: Dead
Lizardfolk 7: 10 damage, not bloodied
Lizardfolk 8: Full Health
Lizard King: 31 damage, not bloodied

Attacking Amalia: Lizardfolk 3: 21 damage, critical but alive
Lizardfolk 4: Full health
Lizardfolk 5: Full health

Lizardfolk 6: 9 damage, not bloodied

Nangwen maintains concentration.

Amalia is surrounded by Lizardfolk 3-5, Grokk is 5ft from Lizardfolk 4-5.

Rudii has disadvantage on ranged attack rolls (lizardfolk within 5ft) but you can cunning action to disengage before attacking, she may want to focus on creatures when they have an ally within 5ft for sneak attacking.
Submit Round 3 actions!

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-14, 10:29 AM
Nangwen observes the critically injured Lizardfolk (#3) near Amalia and turns, firing off additional magical force.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

Roll 1: [roll4] Roll 2: [roll5]

2015-10-14, 12:29 PM
Round 2!
Enemy status:
On the boulder: Lizardfolk 1: Dead
Lizardfolk 2: Dead
Lizardfolk 7: 10 damage, not bloodied
Lizardfolk 8: Full Health
Lizard King: 31 damage, not bloodied

Attacking Amalia: Lizardfolk 3: 21 damage, critical but alive
Lizardfolk 4: Full health
Lizardfolk 5: Full health

Lizardfolk 6: 9 damage, not bloodied

Nangwen maintains concentration.

Amalia is surrounded by Lizardfolk 3-5, Grokk is 5ft from Lizardfolk 4-5.

Rudii has disadvantage on ranged attack rolls (lizardfolk within 5ft) but you can cunning action to disengage before attacking, she may want to focus on creatures when they have an ally within 5ft for sneak attacking.
Submit Round 3 actions!

Indeed, I intended to use the cunning action to disengage. As far for the sneak attacking, that would be optimal, however for IC reasons Rudii would be most likely to kill the one who is attacking her prior to aiding her companions, which of course is subject to change once she gets to know them better, especially if she takes a liking to them, plus she wants to see if they prove to be worthy enough combatants to fight alongside her. :-D

After dodging the lizardfolks blow, Rudii would use her cunning action to disengage. (Moving as far back as the mount can without going out of range of her short bow.)

She would then make yet another ranged attack against the same lizardfolk who tried to attack her (Lizardfolk 6, I believe it was).

attack roll: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
possible critical: [roll2]

2015-10-14, 12:46 PM
That's fine. I don't know how much 5e experience people have.

2015-10-14, 01:01 PM
Grokk's rampage does not stop for a second, as he swings his axe up at one of the lizardmen near him.

Attacking lizardfolk 4.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Attack 1 damage, if it hits: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2]
Attack 2 damage, if it hits: [roll3]

2015-10-14, 01:03 PM
Amalia focuses her attacks on the leader, infusing her blows with divine energy.



First level divine smites.

If I hit, that is.

2015-10-14, 02:46 PM
Round 3!

Rudii is able to get her mount to step back cautiously after the Lizardfolk's assault and prance away while firing another arrow towards it. She strikes it in the leg, causing it to grab at its thigh and make a shrieking noise. It manages to steel itself and gives on on Rudii to rejoin the main force against Grokk.

Grokk a wild blur catches a Lizardfolk with his ax causing it to take a step back, and Grokk instantly follows through with a brutal strike to its shoulder lopping of it's arm and causing it to bleed out and die quickly rolling on the ground.

Nangwen once again releasing a barely controllable blast that arcs erratically around the battlefield causing the Lizardfolk wounded badly by Amalia's blade leap aside to avoid the first bolt. Though now on the ground the second bolt strikes its forehead, causing the creature's head to split open and spill out onto the ground.

The two mounted Lizardfolk move in a coordinated strike, rolling to the ground and popping up to throw javelins at Nangwen. Though dramatic, the movement disrupts their aim causing the javelins to strike the ground far enough away that Nangwen didn't even bat an eye. Their mounts, however, are now free to crawl away.

The only standing Lizarfolk in front of Grokk swings desperately hoping to avoid the fate of its tribe, and Grokk easily deflects the club and shield. The Lizardfolk running from Rudii has a little better luck, missing with his club but biting into Grokk's arm after his shield deflected it's first attack. It steps back, licking its teeth with a serpentine tongue.

The two large lizards used as mounts charge past Grokk and Amalia aparantly directed to strike at Nangwen or Rudii.

Amalia seeing an opening moves for the lizardfolk leader, riding up to the creature as it decents the rocky wall and striking with holy might. The leader's skill surpases its soldiers, and manages to parry the blows with the hardened scales on its arms.

Seeking vengeance, the leader then takes its wicked looking barbed spear and aims for Amalia's mount missing with one strike but grabing the horse's head in its jaws. The horse rears back in reaction, injured but only superficially.

The battle is reaching an apex with all individuals engaged in combat, the party must continue to fight hard to maintain their significant advantage.

Enemy status:
On the boulder with Amalia: Lizardfolk 7: 10 damage, not bloodied
Lizardfolk 8: Full Health
Lizard King: Mounted, 31 damage, not bloodied

Attacking Grokk: Lizardfolk 5: Full health
Lizardfolk 6: 17 damage, bloodied

Making their way to the back lines: Giant Lizard 1: Full Health
Giant Lizard 2: Full Health

Dead: Lizardfolk 1: on boulder with an arrow to the head
Lizardfolk 2: on the boulder with a massive gash across its torso
Lizardfolk 3: head split open by Grokk
Lizardfolk 4: split in two near Grokk

Nangwen maintains concentration.

Grokk takes 5 piercing damage (so 2, I'm not tracking your resistance so keep them in mind). Grokk has Lizardfolk 5 & 6 flanking him.

Amalia Is engaged with the leader, and the two other lizardfolk that were mounted are now about 10ft away.

The giant lizards are past Grokk and close enough to attack Rudii or Nangwen next round.
Submit Round 4 actions!

2015-10-14, 02:48 PM
Good-but not good enough! Amalia says, striking again.



Same thing as last turn.

2015-10-14, 03:22 PM
Grokk hardly even notices the bite from the lizard, and pays it absolutely no attention as he continues the rage and swing his axe madly at whatever hostiles might be nearby.

Attacking lizardfolk 5.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Attack 1 damage, if it hits: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2]
Attack 2 damage, if it hits: [roll3]

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-14, 06:33 PM
Sensing the danger of the incoming giant lizards towards herself and Rudii, Nangwen attempts to lure them to herself so they attack her in melee range.
You should ge-cko-ing while you still have a chance!

Nangwen makes one attack roll against both of them.
Giant Lizard #1: [roll0] [roll1]
Giant Lizard #2: [roll2] [roll3]

If either giant lizard attacks Rudii and hits, Nangwen will use a Bardic Inspiration die for the Cutting Words reaction, and removes [roll4] damage from the attack.

If Rudii is adjacent to one of the giant lizards' at the start of Nangwen's turn, Nangwen will attack first and then ride her horse so she flanks the same lizard at the end of her turn.

2015-10-14, 08:52 PM
The giant lizards are past Grokk and close enough to attack Rudii or Nangwen next round.[/spoiler]
Submit Round 4 actions!

Rudii would once again retreat, moving as far back from the Giant Lizards as she can without surpassing the range of her short bow.
( I'm assuming the lizard is not within 5 feet of Rudii by your post, but if it is she used cunning action to disengage as a bonus action to move away. )

She would then draw another arrow, making a ranged attack against Giant Lizard #1.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Possible Critical: [roll2]

( If giant Lizard #2 is within 5 feet of #1 and her attack hits, she uses sneak attack to deal extra damage, if not, disregard the sneak attack. )

Possible Sneak Attack Damage: [roll3]

2015-10-14, 09:34 PM
Round 4!

Rudii is able to get her horse to circle back around the pass floor to a safe distance as Nangwen positions herself between Rudii and the giant lizards. The movement cause Rudii's arrow to strike the ground nead one of the lizards, and it doesn't even seem to notice.

Nangwen, now positioned between the lizard mounts and Rudii, allows them to meet her as she strikes out with her rapier. The blade moves quickly, but the lizards are so low to teh ground she can't quite reach them.

Grokk continues raining heavy blows, this time not finishing his opponent immediately. The Lizardfolk does seems to be caught off balance, though. The creature tries to step forward and swing it's club but the akward position it is in leaves Grokk and opening and he strikes with his ax, nearly cleaveing the lizardfolk in twain with a devistating horizontal swipe.

Undeterred by his friend falling, the injured Lizardfolk that joined the battle against Grokk tries to capitalize on Grokk's attention being elsewhere. Grokk raises his shield and fends the creature off, this time not falling for the bite attack.

Seeing the scene below, the lizardfolk on the rock attempt to strike Nangwen with javelins but the missiles once again go wide. They stick harmlessly inthe ground a dozen feet away.

Amalia's noble blade strikes true, and the follow up attack pierces the flesh of the lizardfolk leader. As Amalia channels a radiant power into its body charring flesh, the leader grips its trident with two hands and piercing her armor with a mighty blow. The spear leaves a nasty gash on her thigh as the leader pulls it back and strikes again, but Amalia easily defelcts the blow. The creature grins and appears to have regained soem of its vitality from the successful attack.

The lizard mounts, now directly by Nangwen, try to snap at her legs. She guides her horse to prance away from the bites, only getting struck by the drool of one and getting her boot caught by the other. . They did manage to leave some viscous drool on her legs and the horse's flanks.

With only a few of of the ambushers left standing, will the lizardfolk's will break?

Enemy status:
On the boulder with Amalia: Lizardfolk 7: 10 damage, not bloodied
Lizardfolk 8: Full Health
Lizard King: Mounted, 70* damage, bloodied

Attacking Grokk: Lizardfolk 6: 17 damage, bloodied

Making their way to the back lines: Giant Lizard 1: Full Health
Giant Lizard 2: Full Health

Dead: Lizardfolk 1: on boulder with an arrow to the head
Lizardfolk 2: on the boulder with a massive gash across its torso
Lizardfolk 3: head split open by Nangwen
Lizardfolk 4: split in two near Grokk
Lizardfolk 5: almost split in two by Grokk

Nangwen maintains concentration even with the hit, and takes 8 piercing damage. The Giant Lizards are both within 5ft from her.

Grokk onyl has lizardfolk 6 near him, and is within a move action away from Nangwen or Amalia (though it would take a DEX or STR check to not be difficult terrain).

Amalia Is engaged with the leader, and the two other lizardfolk that were mounted are now about 10ft away.

Rudii is about 60ft from Nangwen and 120ft from Amalia.
Submit Round 5 actions!

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-15, 12:28 AM
The giant lizards chase Nangwen, but only one manages to get her foot dealing 8 damage

Normally maintaining Bear's Endurance would require a Concentration check, but since the damage from it effectively negated the Temp. HP, I'll just drop it.

Rudii, now's your chance! Go for the kill!
Nangwen gives Rudii a Bardic Inspiration die (1d8) to be used within the next 10 minutes. (Nangwen has 2 remaining).

Nangwen unsheathes her Rapier and attempts to stab at the Giant Lizard that Rudii doesn't attack.
[roll0]; [roll1] (+ [roll2] if Rudii flanks)

2015-10-15, 01:31 AM
The still raging Grokk immediately turns to slash through what remains of the other lizard near him. He doesn't seem to even think about his movements at all in this state. He is acting primarily on instinct, the instinct of a truly terrible beast, moving more like an animal than a man. In his heart, the spirit of the bear burns, and he roars with it, as one.

After finishing with off the lizard, he dashes away, seeking another enemy on which to quench his still unsatisfied fury.

Bit repetitive, but the barbarian's gotta do what the barbarian's gotta do.
And that's attacking Lizardfolk 6.
Attack 1: [roll0]
Attack 1 damage, if it hits: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2]
Attack 2 damage, if it hits: [roll3]

2015-10-15, 09:27 AM
Amalia, determined to see the leader fallen, strikes out with her blade again.



2015-10-15, 08:45 PM
Normally maintaining Bear's Endurance would require a Concentration check, but since the damage from it effectively negated the Temp. HP, I'll just drop it.

Rudii, now's your chance! Go for the kill!
Nangwen gives Rudii a Bardic Inspiration die (1d8) to be used within the next 10 minutes. (Nangwen has 2 remaining).

Nangwen unsheathes her Rapier and attempts to stab at the Giant Lizard that Rudii doesn't attack.
[roll0]; [roll1] (+ [roll2] if Rudii flanks)

Rudii scowls as her previous arrow misses the Giant Lizard, nods to Nangwen and draws another arrow, aiming at the Giant Lizard yet again to make a ranged attack...

attack roll: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
possible crit: [roll2]

(once again, using sneak attack if the giant lizard is within 5 feet of the other)

sneak attack damage: [roll3]

2015-10-16, 12:33 AM
Round 5!

Rudii's arrow finds purchase, threading a hole through the creature's neck and causing it to collapse gasping for air before dying quickly floping on the ground.

Grokk turns and obscures his ax from the lizardfolk's view with his shield. He is able to use this ruse to come across and lop of it's head in a devestating blow. Roaring like a beast, he effortlessly leaps foothold to foothold up to the lizardfolk leader, where the charge ends with a strike to the surprised creature's side.

Caught off guard by the thrashing lizard, Nangwen cannot land a blow.

Amalia uses the advantage caused by Grokk to quickly dart her blade into the lizardfolk leader, first breaking its guard and then running the leader terough with her blade. As she pulls it out the leader silently falls from its mount with a heavy thud. Dead.

The pair of lizardfolk remaining cry out wordlessly and begina retreat. One draws a whistle and signals retreat to the giatn lizards that start to scramble up the walls of the pass. The other calls behind in draconic, Please don't follow! It is only some women and children left besides us! Let our tribe live as hunters in these mountains; it was our leader who had the ambition of war and banditry!

The battleground clears, as quickly as battle started it ended leaving the party only with the blocked passage to deal with. You all can see the lizardfolk using their entire effort moving up the walls of the pass, and the blocked passage cannot be passed with the horses. It's about a 36 hour walk to Parnast from this position, the horses can cover the ground in 9 hours but cannot pass the blockage.

Combat over! How do you handle to blocked pass?

2015-10-16, 02:38 AM
Grokk, seeing that the lizardfolk have given up, turns away from the battle, having no desire to fight an enemy that has no fight in them, but tries to use what remains of his fury to try and clear a path through the blockage with his bare fists, pulling away what he can, and breaking through what he can't.

Strength check to attempt to clear the blockage. Not sure if this is possible, as it depends on the size and nature of the blockage, which wasn't described in tons of detail, but regardless of if it is sensible, he would give it a try.
Strength: [roll0]
If he can reach the blockage before his rage ends (the end of the next round), he does it with advantage, using this die: [roll1]

2015-10-16, 08:13 AM
5 days until the castle arrival

Leaping from the pass walls, Grokk spits in both of his hands and rubs them together to get the slippery grime off them before attempting to lift a rock three times his size. It doesn't go well, and he if forced to start removing small rubble. The process is not going quickly, but should be able to clear a path with some hard work and time.

With Grokk's roll I'm going to say it would take about 2 days of work to clear the pass unless someone comes forward with an amazing strength check or a different approach. The horses got you there extremely quickly, so you have the time; but it does cut into the time you would have in town if you wanted to build defenses or something.

It would be quicker to abandon the horses and hope for the best, but that has its own risks. They also move 4 times faster than you all do so it's a tough sell.

2015-10-16, 11:18 AM
Amalia, emboldened by the bard's music, attempts to lift the boulder that Grokk failed to.

[roll0] + [roll1] for an 18 on my strength check. 21 if it's Athletics.

2015-10-16, 12:14 PM
5 days until the castle arrives

Amalia begins helping Grokk, showing him a more efficient way to remove rubble and working together.

All ability checks you are proficient use the proficiency bonus, so it would be like all strength checks are Strength(Athletics) checks - breaking objects, shoving creatures, jumping, etc. are all the same proficiency.

With Amalia's help it takes half the time, so a full day's work. If you push yourselves you can reach Parnast late, late tomorrow with a couple endurance checks.

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-16, 07:18 PM
I don't think I'll be much help, but I'll see if I can lend a hand.

Nangwen spends a minute ritually casting Leomund's Tiny Hut so there is a safe place to rest in case we are attacked again.

Nangwen then begins attempting to help clear the rubble.

2015-10-16, 07:20 PM
Let's clear the path then rest for the night. We're still making fairly good time.

2015-10-16, 09:03 PM
Rudii would go around the area, retrieving any possible ammunition she'd expended from the ground and fallen foes while checking to see if they carried anything useful upon them.

2015-10-16, 10:51 PM
4 days until the castle arrives

Grokk and Amalia spent the entire evening working to remove the stones enough to get a horse through. They manage to get most of the job done, but they need to spend another half a day clearing rubble before they can leave for Parnast. Nangwen prepares camp, and a meal for everyone. Rudii spends some time gathering arrows, and spends the rest of the time looking out. Aside from an underage lizardfolk that immediately turned tail and ran there was no activity.

The night passes peacefully, the high altitude and clear air made for an incredible view of a galaxy overhead. The concentration of stars practically lit the surroundings all night. Morning came quick with a brief breakfast and Grokk and Amalia getting back to work. It was after noon when the rubble cleared enough to march the horses through single file. After the party broke out into a trot putting the miles behind them as the sun dipped behind the mountain peaks. By the end of the day they saw the lights of the town in the distance, but had to push the horses to keep moving.

By the time they reached Parnast they are greeted by some guards surrounding the party. Seeing Rudii they call out to the gates, and give a brief cheer to the returning champion.


Inside the gates the horses are sweating, shaking and desperate for care. You stop by the stables (#3 on the map), but a few men immediately run up and tell you horses cannot be kept there. They guide you to the inn (#2 on the map) where a skeleton crew takes your horses and guides you to three rooms - one for Amalia, Nangwen; one for Grokk with an extra empty bed; and one for Rudii that is of higher quality with wine and simple dried fruits and nuts set out for her. You all retire for the night.

You guys decide the next move. Here are the labeled locations:
The entrance where the guard ambush is prepared.
The Golden Tankard - The only Inn in town and a Tavern twice the size of the Inn.
The stables - Odd noises can be heard inside, has posted guards.
A shrine to obscure gods - The main statue has been desecrated, and one of the minor statues has been painstakingly cared for.
Well and Town Square - There is small stage for hangings and public speeches along with a well that has plenty of water in its depths.
Previous Mayor residence - Now serves as a makeshift jail for the living Cult of the Dragon members.

Post what you want to do for the next few days, and I'll let you know what happens.

Yes, I know Soveliss is missing, and if Khador Green doesn't post by next week you'll be a foursome for now until I can find a replacement.

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-17, 11:47 AM
I don't think there's paint on hand, but Nangwen will spend any down time attempting to clean and if possible, repair the statues; especially paying attention to the statue of Angharradh (of the three damaged statues, Spring is her favorite).
(OoC: I don't know if you want me to roll anything for this.)

2015-10-17, 12:42 PM
OC: Give me a charisma and dexterity check. One for carving the fine details of the missing pieces, one for painting and getting things restored properly.

This would be about a day of work, but you still can talk to people and check on things during the time. It's a day of finding materials, carving, and painting. A significant portion is downtime.

I also want to be clear: you will be successful, the checks are just to see how well it all goes.

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-17, 02:50 PM
Charisma Check: [roll0]
Dexterity Check: [roll1]

Edit: Did I just roll a 20 on post 100? :smallcool:

2015-10-17, 10:38 PM
You guys decide the next move. Here are the labeled locations:
The entrance where the guard ambush is prepared.
The Golden Tankard - The only Inn in town and a Tavern twice the size of the Inn.
The stables - Odd noises can be heard inside, has posted guards.
A shrine to obscure gods - The main statue has been desecrated, and one of the minor statues has been painstakingly cared for.
Well and Town Square - There is small stage for hangings and public speeches along with a well that has plenty of water in its depths.
Previous Mayor residence - Now serves as a makeshift jail for the living Cult of the Dragon members.

Post what you want to do for the next few days, and I'll let you know what happens.

Feeling entirely prepared for the mission ahead and having been curious about the stables and the strange noises that come from them since her previous stay in Parnast, Rudii would head there to converse with the guards casually and see what, if any, information they'd be willing to part with.

2015-10-17, 10:40 PM
Amalia will go to the Golden Tankard and be generally friendly and sociable.

Charisma Check: [roll0]

2015-10-17, 11:37 PM
Grokk spends little time in his room, instead sleeping outside, nearby the town, though he does have meals in the tavern. While outside the town, he seeks out local animals, communing with them, and asking if anything strange has happened in the area recently. He spends a little more time speaking with Nangwen, though by now they have most likely caught up on everything that needs to be caught up on. He occasionally checks in on the party, and helps with whatever they might need doing. But he rarely talks to the locals unless spoken to, and if so, responds with gruff disinterest or annoyance. It isn't the city, but it is still alien to him. He could never fathom actively wanting to wall yourself in from the world. One of the few times he does speak with locals is to ask what the problem with the stables is, somewhat worried about the noises and what these "civilized" folk might be doing to the animals. He does not press if they refuse to answer, however, as whatever is happening with that isn't really their main purpose here.

At some point he casts Speak with Animals.

He's not really trying to persuade anyone of anything, just asking questions, so I won't bother with charisma unless you want me to.

2015-10-18, 02:05 PM
3 days until the castle arrives
...Nangwen manages to find everything she needs from a chance encounter with a local. The woman was the one who had restored the statue of Mielikki, and has plenty of paint supplies to work the restoration of the others. You get some wood for free from a vendor she knew with the same interests, and get to work. Before lunch you have restored the wooden statues to a workable condition, though they are not a perfect as the originals. Working paint you find that you can use shading and highlighting to make up for the flaws in the carvings. With a few layers of paint you finish the four statues by the time the sun has gone down. During this time the woman works at cleaning and refinishing the small shrine. Together you have restored this simple shrine to grace, and a small crowd has gathered to admire the work. An old man steps forward, Thank you ma'am, the shrine now looks like I remember it as a boy. For decades it served as tribute for the lumber we cut and brought down the mountain for trade. The trees grew tall and straight, and a single tree could make longboats that were desired at the coast. We have lost our faith though, the trees do not grow anymore thanks to the storms that began at the top of the mountain over ten years ago. It only got worse when the cult arrived. They had no respect for this shrine of axes and took our treasure, the Railsplitter. It should be in the misty castle with the other treasures they collected. Maybe if you bring it back this shrine will allow for divine interference and the trees will grow again.

Feeling entirely prepared for the mission ahead and having been curious about the stables and the strange noises that come from them since her previous stay in Parnast, Rudii would head there to converse with the guards casually and see what, if any, information they'd be willing to part with.As you discuss the stable with the guards a smile grows on each of their faces. Each missing a few teeth, they explain that the stable has some rare treasures. There are two wyvern mounts, the materials for mounting them, and some training tools in the stable. They have posted guards to ensure the safety of the public, and have been unable to break the wyverns so they can be suitable mounts. They have been feeding them sheep from the local herds.

Grokk spends little time in his room, instead sleeping outside, nearby the town, though he does have meals in the tavern. While outside the town, he seeks out local animals, communing with them, and asking if anything strange has happened in the area recently. He spends a little more time speaking with Nangwen, though by now they have most likely caught up on everything that needs to be caught up on. He occasionally checks in on the party, and helps with whatever they might need doing. But he rarely talks to the locals unless spoken to, and if so, responds with gruff disinterest or annoyance. It isn't the city, but it is still alien to him. He could never fathom actively wanting to wall yourself in from the world. One of the few times he does speak with locals is to ask what the problem with the stables is, somewhat worried about the noises and what these "civilized" folk might be doing to the animals. He does not press if they refuse to answer, however, as whatever is happening with that isn't really their main purpose here.The stable guards chase the wild halfling off not knowing his connection to the mission, but in the wilderness you form a bond with an eagle that senses the kindred spirit. The eagle gives you some interesting information that humans never seem to be so forthright with.

The stables have dragons in them, the humans give them sheep to placate them but have no real control over the lizards. I try to stay away from town because of it.

The big men in the clouds come to town soon, they don't have many people in the place, but the people they have are massive. There is also the owner of the dragons in the stables, a bat lady, and even a true dragon in its belly.

The storms on the mountain top hid the big men, but now they move to the flying place.

There are many men living secretly in the mountains after the big rush. They avoid the other men near the town.

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-18, 05:36 PM
An old man steps forward, Thank you ma'am, the shrine now looks like I remember it as a boy. For decades it served as tribute for the lumber we cut and brought down the mountain for trade. The trees grew tall and straight, and a single tree could make longboats that were desired at the coast. We have lost our faith though, the trees do not grow anymore thanks to the storms that began at the top of the mountain over ten years ago. It only got worse when the cult arrived. They had no respect for this shrine of axes and took our treasure, the Railsplitter. It should be in the misty castle with the other treasures they collected. Maybe if you bring it back this shrine will allow for divine interference and the trees will grow again.

The Railspitter?
Nangwen stares off into space for a couple of second as the gears in her head turn as she tries to imagine it, but don't seem to go anywhere certain.
I don't believe I'd be able to tell it from a glance. What does this axe look like?

2015-10-18, 07:53 PM
It bears no embellishments or special appearance, but I can give you a sketch, with a charcoal nub the man draws a quick picture, Here, the handle is a light colored wood and the head is red except the sharpened edge. The ax can fell a tree in a single blow, and was the cornerstone of our lost lumber business.

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-18, 09:33 PM
It bears no embellishments or special appearance, but I can give you a sketch, with a charcoal nub the man draws a quick picture, Here, the handle is a light colored wood and the head is red except the sharpened edge. The ax can fell a tree in a single blow, and was the cornerstone of our lost lumber business.

Taking some of her leftover paint, Nangwen tries her hand at improving (https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/thumb/b/be/Axe_IMG.png/250px-Axe_IMG.png?t=20111119100438) the charcoal drawing.

You mean like this?
Charisma Check: [roll0]
Well, I'm not sure if I'll be able to tell it from any other axes I find, but I'll keep an eye out.

2015-10-18, 09:48 PM
Why yes! That's a spitting image! Thank you so much for your help. Knowing you have looked it all we can ask.

2015-10-19, 03:02 PM
As you discuss the stable with the guards a smile grows on each of their faces. Each missing a few teeth, they explain that the stable has some rare treasures. There are two wyvern mounts, the materials for mounting them, and some training tools in the stable. They have posted guards to ensure the safety of the public, and have been unable to break the wyverns so they can be suitable mounts. They have been feeding them sheep from the local herds.

"How interesting." Oh how Rudii would love to obtain the wyverns herself, however, she'd much rather wait until the guards have finished training them to avoid any potential mishaps, for it is too close to the day of her mission to try and achieve such a thing at the moment. "Perhaps I will return to Parnast at a later time to see if you've made progress with them."

2015-10-19, 03:29 PM
"How interesting." Oh how Rudii would love to obtain the wyverns herself, however, she'd much rather wait until the guards have finished training them to avoid any potential mishaps, for it is too close to the day of her mission to try and achieve such a thing at the moment. "Perhaps I will return to Parnast at a later time to see if you've made progress with them."Sounds good, Rudii. Let the family know, we will keep outsiders from entering. We have requested some trainers, but no updates on the request yet. The guard gives a brief salute/Zhentarim secret handshake and sits back down watching the area, The only time we will not have guards posted is when the castle arrives to prevent you cover being blown.

The other guard stands and begins his rounds at the stables.

Later that evening (as the sun goes down) Rudii gets a message from a boy serving as a message runner. The cart with the false bottom is ready for inspection if she would like to bring the party by.

2015-10-19, 04:18 PM
Later that evening (as the sun goes down) Rudii gets a message from a boy serving as a message runner. The cart with the false bottom is ready for inspection if she would like to bring the party by.

Once receiving the message, Rudii would take her stance in front of the entrance of the inn, waiting for the return of the other party members.

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-19, 04:54 PM
After repairing the statues of the area, Nangwen wonders around a bit looking upon the local area and wildlife. When sundown hits, she returns to The Golden Tankard and finds Rudii standing outside, as if avoiding the cantankerous laughter and cheering from inside.

With a genuine look of confusion on her face, Nangwen asks her,
Has something happened?

2015-10-20, 01:04 PM
5 days before the castle arrives.

The call to the "major leagues" came quick for Lia when her uncle came to her late in the night as she rested, You are summoned from your chambers to the foyer being forced to once again put your face on for the day to meet your favorite family member and mentor.

Lia! It's been too long, daughter of my brother! he takes your embrace knowing the privacy you share in your family's residence, I have news, the Alliance needs someone to undertake a mission... and it comes from Lady Silverhand herself.

The name catches you off guard, Lady Silverhand is one of the most powerful members of the Lords' Alliance and is one of the most powerful individuals on the Sword Coast. Your uncle continues after a moment while you absorb the information, She has sent an agent as part of experimental union between the major adventuring factions. Most have taken up the call, but the Alliance's champion must be recalled. Assassins have made an attempt to her lord's life, and he lays injured in hiding. You must go to her and give her this message, he reaches into his sleeve and produces a small sealed scroll, and instruct her to return to his side to aid his troubles. You are then to take her place representing the Lords' Alliance in attacking the Cult's treasure horde.

He beams brightly, You have done well to prove yourself, and now I have given you the opportunity to save the world itself! You will get the recognition you deserve, from more than just myself. Make sure to prepare your things, you leave tonight for a teleportation circle that will take you close to Parnast - where the mission will take place. There are some men to guide you there and bring the Lady's horses back to her household. The group should be the ones to fill you in on the details of the mission, but it should be executed in 5 days time.

You exchange some more friendly words before he yawns and apologizes. He leads you to the group that will take you to Parnast outside, and then brings you back telling you his old bones are weary and must retire for the night. Lia is now standing alone in the dead of the night with a new mission.

2015-10-20, 04:31 PM
Aldros emerges from the woods, his gait shifting to a limp as he moves up to Grokk. His current face was very much similar to his original, thanks to good fortune in the cultists he killed, and his own combination of magic and artistry. Now, by merely changing his walk he was an experienced cultist one moment, a wizened adventurer the next, and an old man shortly after, merely looking for directions.
His hair was a similar shade of black to his normal appearance, and his skin was not quite so pale. His green eyes stared forward, the one constant among his changing appearance. His posture made him seem even more diminutive than normal, and certainly did nothing for his apparent weight.
"Greetings, traveler," Aldros sneered, "I will get straight to the point. I need to get into Parnast, plain and simple, and you are going to help me. You can tell I am no friend of the cult, but I am perhaps not too friendly with this town's new overlords. I was wondering if I could recruit your help as a fine, upstanding member of society."

2015-10-20, 06:17 PM
The trip to the town was uneventful. Lia kept quiet through the ride, humming to herself in attempt to keep herself calm. From the excitement of being given such an important mission, of course. And perhaps a little anxiety over going out to work with other people, other magic users who might-well that wasn't important. What was important was focusing on the mission for the Lords Alliance. And the first part of the mission was to deliver the letter.

When they arrived in Parnast, Lia headed straight to the tavern.Not the normal place to find paladins, but someone there might know her. Once in the tavern, she looked around to see if there was anyone matching her contact's description.

Should I roll Perception?

2015-10-20, 08:25 PM
After repairing the statues of the area, Nangwen wonders around a bit looking upon the local area and wildlife. When sundown hits, she returns to The Golden Tankard and finds Rudii standing outside, as if avoiding the cantankerous laughter and cheering from inside.

With a genuine look of confusion on her face, Nangwen asks her,
Has something happened?

"Indeed. Our transport cart has arrived. Have you seen the others?"

2015-10-20, 10:22 PM
The trip to the town was uneventful. Lia kept quiet through the ride, humming to herself in attempt to keep herself calm. From the excitement of being given such an important mission, of course. And perhaps a little anxiety over going out to work with other people, other magic users who might-well that wasn't important. What was important was focusing on the mission for the Lords Alliance. And the first part of the mission was to deliver the letter.

When they arrived in Parnast, Lia headed straight to the tavern.Not the normal place to find paladins, but someone there might know her. Once in the tavern, she looked around to see if there was anyone matching her contact's description.It doesn't take any time spent in the Golden Tankard to spot the obvious paladin in heavy armor with a radiant aura. The proudly displayed Lords' Alliance clasp on her cloak also was a dead give away. She is discussing recent events with the patrons, as the tavern is not just a watering hole but the cultural nerve center for the small town. Few are the drunk and pitiful, as Raggnar Redtooth keeps the place in check. The man is a mountain, and proud of it.

You approach Amalia and introduce yourself, handing the letter from the alliance. Amalia pulls you away from obviously prying eyes to read the message. Her sunny expression sets as she reads, and quickly stuffs the letter away when finished, My lord is in need of me, there are those who wish to end his life prematurely. It seems my absence is known and he was immediately targeted because of it. I will return with the men and the horses. Godspeed in the mission, thank you for delivering the news quickly, she gives an oddly out of place salute as she hurriedly packs and leaves telling you brief descriptions of Rudii, Grokk, and Nangwen. They should stick out like a sore thumb in the current crowd.

Serendipitously, the unmistakable pair of Nangwen and Rudii appear to be conversing near the tavern by the time you leave. You can't hear what they say, but you are only a few dozen feet from their location.

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-20, 11:36 PM
"Indeed. Our transport cart has arrived. Have you seen the others?"

No, I've been in town repairing the statues of the deities of the seasons for much of the day. I imagine Grokk is somewhere in the wilderness communing with nature, but I have no idea where Amalia has gone. The only half-elf I've seen all day is the one that just ran past us into the tavern. The funny thing is, I swear I recognize her from somewhere.

2015-10-21, 12:44 AM
Suddenly seeing and hearing the very people she was looking for right in front of her. Just as the first place she looked was exactly where she was meant to go. The threads of the universe pulled in odd ways. Sometimes like now she could almost feel them tugging on her, like she was a puppet on strings. But who was on the other end? Was there-

Lia shook her head sharply. This was good. She could get introductions out of the way quickly, which she was that much closer to proving herself to the Lord's Alliance and saving the world. But she needed to be careful choosing how to approach them without arousing suspision from them...

"Hello! Are you the former adventuring companions of the paladin Amalia Sedida?"

2015-10-21, 03:24 PM
Aldros emerges from the woods, his gait shifting to a limp as he moves up to Grokk. His current face was very much similar to his original, thanks to good fortune in the cultists he killed, and his own combination of magic and artistry. Now, by merely changing his walk he was an experienced cultist one moment, a wizened adventurer the next, and an old man shortly after, merely looking for directions.
His hair was a similar shade of black to his normal appearance, and his skin was not quite so pale. His green eyes stared forward, the one constant among his changing appearance. His posture made him seem even more diminutive than normal, and certainly did nothing for his apparent weight.
"Greetings, traveler," Aldros sneered, "I will get straight to the point. I need to get into Parnast, plain and simple, and you are going to help me. You can tell I am no friend of the cult, but I am perhaps not too friendly with this town's new overlords. I was wondering if I could recruit your help as a fine, upstanding member of society."

Grokk glares up at the man who still towers over him despite his smaller size, with an attitude in no way cowed by that fact, "First, I am not a member of any society, and second, don't take my help for granted. I will help you, but only because I am also working against the cult. As for Parnast, it's just nearby," he points in the vague direction of the town, "Unless you are a complete fool, I don't think you'll need my help getting there."

After a moment, he sighs, "That said, I should probably be checking in on some of my allies there, so I will be going there anyway." He gets up and gathers his things, turning to leave for town. He does not indicate that the man should follow, but also doesn't tell him not to.

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-21, 08:54 PM
Suddenly seeing and hearing the very people she was looking for right in front of her. Just as the first place she looked was exactly where she was meant to go. The threads of the universe pulled in odd ways. Sometimes like now she could almost feel them tugging on her, like she was a puppet on strings. But who was on the other end? Was there-

Lia shook her head sharply. This was good. She could get introductions out of the way quickly, which she was that much closer to proving herself to the Lord's Alliance and saving the world. But she needed to be careful choosing how to approach them without arousing suspision from them...

"Hello! Are you the former adventuring companions of the paladin Amalia Sedida?"

With only a look of confusion, Nangwen replies, Former companions?

2015-10-21, 09:07 PM
For the moment, Rudii would simply observe the newcomer, allowing Nangwen to do the talking.

2015-10-21, 09:35 PM
"Yes! I've been sent to replace her. I am Lia Kulenov, of House Kulenov and Liandon, Redblade of the Lord's Alliance, and Wizard extraordinaire!" While Lia spoke, she pulled out her letter of pedigree, and a old and water stained spellbook."See?"

2015-10-21, 09:38 PM
3 days before the castle arrives.

During this discussion would be about the time Grokk and yet another new face enters the square.

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-21, 10:47 PM
"Yes! I've been sent to replace her. I am Lia Kulenov, of House Kulenov and Liandon, Redblade of the Lord's Alliance, and Wizard extraordinaire!" While Lia spoke, she pulled out her letter of pedigree, and a old and water stained spellbook."See?"

Nangwen gives Rudii a glance and then walks over and examines the paper. She occasionally mutters to herself a word or two off the document before her.

Anyone who can make out her face may take an Insight check against the following Charisma (Deception) DC: 17 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19980426&postcount=96)

Nangwen appears to be studying the pedigree for consistencies and examining its legitimacy.

Nangwen's glance is hollow or perhaps vacant; her eyes move across the page but she is definitely not paying attention to what she's reading. She is at best, skimming the paper as a courtesy. You can't tell exactly what questions she's asking herself, but she is clearly displeased by their mere existence.

Nangwen's glance is hollow or perhaps vacant; her eyes move across the page but she is definitely not paying attention to what she's reading. She is at best, skimming the paper as a courtesy. Given the recent course of events, you reason thatNangwen is upset by the lack of stability in both the group and the other factions' choice of agents. Perhaps she is taking it as an omen?

Nangwen offers no protest to Lia's claims.

2015-10-22, 12:44 AM
"Very well, Lia." Rudii did not seem to give much thought or care into the matter, for she hadn't put much trust in the other factions initially, therefore anyone proving to be fickle would come as no surprise to her. She's overconfident in the idea of success and reluctant to admitting the worth of others since she'd led such great recent strides for her faction on her own.

As Grokk and the other new face arrive, Rudii would continue. "Well, it appears our rustic companion has made a friend. Excuse my lack of pleasantries but we have a job to do. Grokk, was it? The cart we've previously discussed has arrive. It is now time for us to consider our course of action. I will allow Nangwen and yourself to confer with these new counterparts prior to making any final decisions."

Though she must admit Grokk and Nangwen proved useful in their prior scuffle with the lizard folk, it would appear Rudii still had some warming up to do.

2015-10-22, 01:51 AM
Grokk arrives, walking nearby to another man who hadn't been in the town before, though not nearby enough to really be walking with him.

"Well, it appears our rustic companion has made a friend..."

"I wouldn't call him a friend. I can hardly say I've met him."

Leaning against a wall close to the cart, the halfling looks up at the other new face in group and says, "Who's this, then?"

2015-10-22, 02:10 PM
The frail voice of an old man comes from Aldros, with his now-crooked back, "Greetings. I am Aldros, and I have come here because I know that the cult of the dragon is approaching. It would please an old man dearly if you could tell me anything you know about them. I know that I may seem untrustworthy, or perhaps just deluded, but I have an old grudge that needs settling with a certain red wizard who I is working with the cult. I would appreciate any help you can give me, and if so, I might just be able to help you with a few of your problems as well."

Aldros smiles briefly, before staring intently at the others, waiting for a response, with eyes that seem to stare deep into their very soul.

2015-10-22, 02:24 PM
Lia stood waiting, cheerfully oblivious to any sort of tension or irritation from the group. "Amalia was needed by the Lord's Alliance elsewhere, so they sent me to replace her on the mission. Perhaps we should go somewhere private to discuss things."

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-23, 01:49 AM
Nangwen is most startled by the new Wizard in their midst. She has not heard of him, she does not know how he knew they would be here now, and while he claims to seek revenge or vengeance the original circumstances for the operation have been modified so much and so quickly that Nangwen is now on a bit on edge. This could be a one in a million shot to use the knowledge of the Red Wizards against itself; this could be a ploy by the Red Wizards to cripple the alliance and remove their biggest enemies.

She had seen barbarians massacre innocents under false pretenses before and so that silent fear lingered.

Nangwen didn't know who this man was, whether or not he seeked vengeance, or whether or not he was trustworthy.

What she did know, is that a stranger had found Grokk in the woods, approached him, and had outsmarted him, the newcomer, and Rudii into revealing much of the nature of their group and goals in a matter of seconds. She had expected such a mistake from Grokk - she had tried to teach him before (was it years ago?) - but if Rudii was slipping too, then the Zhentarim here must be getting cocky. And against a man this so subtly clever...she was going to have to take control of the conversation from the other three and mind her own tongue.

The others had already given away that they were a group on a mission, and the "old man" already knew that the castle was coming (which made a certain amount of sense). But as far as she knew, he didn't know what they were trying to accomplish or who even most of them were. Nangwen needed to test this man but needed to play dumb to do it.

To see through Nangwen's ploy quick enough and convince her of his intentions, Aldros may try the following:
1) Pass an Insight check against the following Deception DC: [roll0]. You may lower the DC by pointing out inconsistencies in the information Nangwen gives you. For each inconsistency you spot, lower the DC you need to succeed by 3.
2) Pass an Investigation check against a DC of 15 to identify personal affects and images on the people present that give away the true affiliations of the members. (If the result is too low, Nangwen senses Aldros is stalling and calls him out on it, dismissing it as evidence.)
3) Pass an Investigation check against a DC of 15 to identify materials and objects in the environment that give away the objective of their mission. This is a separate check from above. (If the result is too low, Nangwen senses Aldros is stalling and calls him out on it, dismissing it as evidence.)
4) Offering tangible proof of his claims and intentions accompanied by a Persuasion check of 10 or higher. (If the result is too low, Nangwen assumes the proof is either a forgery or carries a more mundane history, as appropriate.)
5) Explaining how he came to be here more thoroughly and giving a longer introduction of where he comes from. This doesn't require a check, but if there isn't enough information Nangwen will assume he's keeping secrets.

Aldros must succeed at least 1 of these 5 tasks to convince Nangwen of his claims at all. Succeeding at 2 or more will satisfy her paranoia and she will drop the matter.

I don't know what she'll do if you fail right now, so don't fail.

Nangwen gives a harsh, bitter glance at Rudii and Grokk that is over in a flash before a pair of dull, silver eyes turn to Aldros and a voice stirs from her.

The Lord's Alliance has hired us mercenaries to assist one of their agents in assaulting and destroying the enemy headquarters when it arrives in 4 days. Originally, a man by the name of Amalia Soleviss was going to lead us, but he has been recalled for something else and so they have sent Ms. Kulenov here to command us in his place. If I recall the mission debriefing correctly, we should be receiving some kind of magical explosive devices to place around the castle's interior and exterior once it lands. With the flying castle destroyed, the forces of Tiamat will be decimated and they will be forced to surrender this conflict.

When her mind begins to scramble for more, she turns to Rudii and with a hint of harshness to it she asks,
Do I have that right, Captain?

2015-10-23, 06:33 AM
At Nangwen's glance, Grokk does nothing to hide his vexation as he tries to think of what he possibly could have done to upset her. He really doesn't want her to be upset, especially not because of something he did. In the end, he comes up completely blank and decides to merely return to leaning cross-armed against the wall, silent, not acknowledging the wizard's introduction, or even introducing himself to the more official new arrival. He rarely bothers with or thinks of such things when he isn't completely frustrated. He doesn't interject when she starts giving the man false information, assuming she knows what she's doing. Besides, he has not taken well to the man, anyway, after his initial attitude towards him. And something about him is off-putting to him... unnatural. Like every man and woman, and every smashed up stone in the city, his eyes looked dead. Still, his opposition to the red wizards boded well. From what he knew of them, they were a disgusting plague on any land they influenced, and anyone truly against them could not be all bad. Or at the very least, could be useful in fighting against them.

2015-10-23, 12:20 PM
Aldros glances around at those around him, and quickly deduces that these are not simply mercenaries. Intrigued by this, he will cast Detect Thoughts using his Helm of Telepathy, to find the surface thoughts of Nangwen. In the mean time, he begins to stall.
"Well, if you are mercenaries, perhaps a bit of coin would convince you to help me? Since you need to enter the castle anyway, it won't be much of a detour, and you'll make some cash on the side."
Aldros is using this primarily to learn more about Nangwen and the others, but if necessary he is willing to hand over some gold to get into the castle.

2015-10-23, 02:22 PM
Rudii scowls at the thought of being reduced to a mere mercenary but does not object the claim.
Looking to Aldros, she simply retorts.

"If the old man gets in our way we can sacrifice him to the giants."

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-23, 03:56 PM
Aldros glances around at those around him, and quickly deduces that these are not simply mercenaries. Intrigued by this, he will cast Detect Thoughts using his Helm of Telepathy, to find the surface thoughts of Nangwen. In the mean time, he begins to stall.
"Well, if you are mercenaries, perhaps a bit of coin would convince you to help me? Since you need to enter the castle anyway, it won't be much of a detour, and you'll make some cash on the side."
Aldros is using this primarily to learn more about Nangwen and the others, but if necessary he is willing to hand over some gold to get into the castle.

Nangwen's thoughts are dripping with distrust of Aldros' motives and arrival, money and treasure, and infiltrating the castle. You don't find anything inconsistent in her thoughts with the words that she speaks, but out of the corner of your eye you catch the symbol of the Zhentarim on a man walking in the background, and you spy a partially obscured pin of the Harpers in Nangwen's personal affects, though it appears to obscured by accident rather than on purpose.

It is obvious to you that the group before you are clearly not ordinary mercenaries but seem to be a desperate coalition of some of the other factions of Faerun to oppose the Red Wizards and the forces of Tiamat. It is unlikely that you were just told the real goal of the group given how much of her explanation crumbles under scrutiny, but you didn't see anything that indicated when she spoke that she was lying to you either. Perhaps showing off what you now know will prove you to be trustworthy and resourceful.

2015-10-23, 04:20 PM
"Hahaha. You wouldn't really do that do to a helpless old man would you? Especially when you're not the rough and tumble mercenaries you want me to believe you are. Oh, I don't really care if you sell your services or give them out of the goodness in your hearts, but I want to get into the castle, and you need help too, just admit it. I know that the Harpers like everyone to think their in control, but they trade in secrets, and boy do I have secrets for you. So what will it be? Help an old man, or hinder him?"
Aldros attempts to use what he spotted to his advantage, and seems confident on the outside, but internally he does wonder about what this group really wants, beyond simply getting into the castle. He decides not to pry deeper into Nangwen's thoughts, since he feels generally in control of the situation.

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-23, 05:23 PM
She had been pegged and the shock of it had paralyzed her.

Nangwen returns the man's words with a moment of wide-eyed surprise and then a longer look of sad frustration that her attempts to confuse the stranger had failed before she even began. She was sure that was one of the most convincing lies she had ever told so she had no clue how the man had known she was an agent of the Harpers. She hadn't introduced herself and she kept her membership pin well-hidden on the inside of her collar and there's no way he could have seen it. After all, she never adjusted her collar unless it was too h-

She had been outside painting in the sun all day.

Wait, this man knew that they were from different factions working together and only asked to come along? Every cell in her brain, every bit of her training told her to be suspicious but not a single bone in her body responded in turn. She felt...at ease?

2015-10-23, 10:29 PM
"Hahaha. You wouldn't really do that do to a helpless old man would you? Especially when you're not the rough and tumble mercenaries you want me to believe you are. Oh, I don't really care if you sell your services or give them out of the goodness in your hearts, but I want to get into the castle, and you need help too, just admit it. I know that the Harpers like everyone to think their in control, but they trade in secrets, and boy do I have secrets for you. So what will it be? Help an old man, or hinder him?"

Rudii seems entirely unaffected by the speech. "You can come along but if you slow us down I will have no qualms about leaving you to your own devices."
She then addresses the others. "Shall we inspect the cart?"

2015-10-23, 11:31 PM
Lia stood blinking in confusion as the somewhat familiar Harper listed a large number of details that were,as far as she could tell, very wrong. Am I supposed to be in charge right now? Uncle didn't say they were mercenaries, but are they? Is Amalia a man after all? Fortunately, she long been trained by her mentor and uncle that when her mind wandered off like that, the best thing to do was to stay quiet, and wait for things to settle. Which it had seemed to now.

"Yes, let's inspect the cart! So what are we looking for?"

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-24, 07:26 PM
Lia stood blinking in confusion as the somewhat familiar Harper listed a large number of details that were,as far as she could tell, very wrong. Am I supposed to be in charge right now? Uncle didn't say they were mercenaries, but are they? Is Amalia a man after all? Fortunately, she long been trained by her mentor and uncle that when her mind wandered off like that, the best thing to do was to stay quiet, and wait for things to settle. Which it had seemed to now.

"Yes, let's inspect the cart! So what are we looking for?"

Ah, screw it.

Something to hide yourself behind. We're going to hide you, Aldros, and Grokk behind false panels in this box, and smuggle ourselves on board when the castle arrives. Rudii and myself are going to pose as the escort.

2015-10-24, 08:54 PM
3 days until the castle arrives

Hopping from his seat by the well in the square, the boy messenger approaches the group. Excuse me, ma'am. Is this the group? They're waiting for us by the cart. Getting a nod from the group, the boy leads the party to the former mayor's house which served as Captain Othelstan's residence during the cult occupation. Currently it is being used as a jail for the few remaining cult members left from the raid, as well as a jailhouse and meeting place for the Zhentarim. The former mayor does not ask for his home back, and is living with his extended family elsewhere in town.

Walking to the large structure, you see a side structure that has a large open area that is lit and filed with tools. The boy points that way and instructs you to follow, and runs ahead. As you walk to the are three men with aprons standing around a large wagon. The walls are coated in hanging tools, and there is wood and metal stocks in barrels along the wall. This must have been designed to repair carriages of travelers and wagons to take goods to market. One from the group approaches extendign a hand to Rudii, Rudii? My name is Geoff, the guy in charge of getting you guys through the gate in this wagon. It's finally complete, and looks pretty good. You should be able to hide under the wagon, and quickly drop to the ground by pulling the straps. He begins stepping through the cart features in detail.

If you stand more than 10ft away the cart looks completely normal, but when you are close the base of the wagon is obviously much thicker than normal. However, once filled with goods it would obscure the oddities in the construction. Do any of you have any concerns? Want to do a dry run?

2015-10-25, 01:06 AM
Rudii would nod. "Very well Geoff. I suppose a test run could prove beneficial if the construction is flawed."
Addressing all others present but Nangwen, Rudii would announce. "Alright, into the cart you three. I'm sure you'll be nice and snug in there." Spoken with a smug grin present on her features.

2015-10-25, 02:26 AM
"Oh my, what a marvellous contraption! You outdid yourselves with this one, I would never have known that it would be so easy to sneak in by hiding in a cart. Well, I guess that renders my invisibility spell useless. I don't suppose you would need any help with making disguises or anything?"
Alders rambles on for a bit, before eventually getting into position in the cart.
"It's a bit cosy in here, isn't it?"

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-25, 04:49 PM
"Oh my, what a marvellous contraption! You outdid yourselves with this one, I would never have known that it would be so easy to sneak in by hiding in a cart. Well, I guess that renders my invisibility spell useless. I don't suppose you would need any help with making disguises or anything?"
Alders rambles on for a bit, before eventually getting into position in the cart.
"It's a bit cosy in here, isn't it?"

You can snark all you like, but we only have uniforms for two, and we need to get everyone inside. Not to mention they're expecting cult members to be bringing stuff on board. If we fail, we'll be significantly reducing the number of goods, gems, and such that the cult gains than if we had done nothing to prevent the delivery they expect. If we succeed, we'll deal a crippling blow to the organization by stealing the resources they need to move their plans forward.

Not to mention invisibility is useless if you can't stay quiet...which was a problem when we were still bringing someone in heavy armor.

2015-10-25, 10:17 PM
"Alright then," Lia hopped into the wagon. "Don't worry about getting trapped. I can blast out way out."

2015-10-25, 11:29 PM
As the suggestion is made to test the card, Grokk nods, seeing the benefit to testing any flaws in it while it's still relatively safe, rather than have it break while in front of the gates. He climbs up the side of the cart and jumps in, likely having some difficulties with understanding whatever machinery it uses until getting some help, but is eventually in with the others. Despite the uncomfortable situation, he doesn't complain. It was a clever plan, definitely better than any he could've come up with.

2015-10-26, 09:54 AM
3 days until the castle arrives

The system holding you in place under the cart is not comfortable for a normal human-sized person, the opening under the cart is narrow and shallow; only a foot deep and Aldros and Lia are pressed tightly together. Grokk's experience is similar but not as confined; his position is perpendicular to the others near the hitch of the wagon. Each of you are held by a single leather harness that requires help to install into the cart due to the quick release mechanism and awkward position you have to held yourself in during installation. There is then a dark tarp that covers those hidden in case someone takes a look under the cart.

Geoff show everyone how to get people into the cart in case you all have to re-hide, but it takes a few minutes for each person. He then shows you all a small embroidered handle for the leather that is heavily textured and easily found without looking. By giving it a stiff jerk the clasps release and you fall unceremoniously to the ground in an instant. Geoff makes sure to warn you about the dangers of pulling the release while the cart is moving. The whole thing is slick, and makes you start to question how much the Zhentarim smuggles around the world.

Mechanics: Positioning yourself underneath the cart where the cavities are and getting secured in place with covering and everything takes as long as donning heavy armor. That means with help it takes five minutes of work, and if everyone is acting on their own it takes ten minutes. Pulling the chord is an action that makes you fall prone beneath the cart instantly, but requires a very easy strength check. With an action to drop prone and a move action you can be beside the cart and armed with no issues.
With everyone hidden the cart looks identical to when no one is hidden inside. You try talking to Grokk, Lia, and Aldros from the outside but communication is very difficult through the wood. You can hear their muffled noises but it is very difficult to make out what they are saying without both parties shouting at each other.

We normally would give the signal like this, Geoff says before knocking a few times on the outside of the cart, If you guys stand on either side of the cart then you can both knock and let those inside know to drop out and get ready to fight. He then crouches down putting his head under the cart continuing, Alternatively, you can speak at a normal volume and communicate underneath the cart.

After trying it you find that Geoff is probably right that this is the easiest way to give a signal unless you guys can figure out something cleverer.

Mechanics: Knocking on the side takes no action, and can be combined with a move action but does require you to be on either side of the cart for everyone to hear. Bending down and saying something takes an action, and the words can be quiet enough to not escape the bottom of the cart in much more than a mumble. If you shout something at the cart they can hear you, but you look like a crazy person.

All this work has taken the rest of the evening, and it is quite late by the time you all feel comfortable with the inner workings and how to give a signal to get out it's quite late. If you don't have anything else you want to do, you should probably head to bed.

2015-10-26, 01:48 PM
Rudii supposes the cart will do and after bidding every one farewell for the night she would retire to her room at the inn.

2015-10-26, 02:54 PM
With nothing about the cart seeming faulty, Grokk says little about it. Before leaving town to sleep outside again, he speaks to Nangwen, "Hey, do you have a minute?" By his leaning away, it's obvious he wants to talk to her alone.

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-26, 05:10 PM
With nothing about the cart seeming faulty, Grokk says little about it. Before leaving town to sleep outside again, he speaks to Nangwen, "Hey, do you have a minute?" By his leaning away, it's obvious he wants to talk to her alone.

With a genuine look of confusion, Nangwen replies, "Of course, lead the way."

2015-10-26, 07:55 PM
He leads her to somewhere behind the tavern. Apologizing does not come naturally to Grokk, as it was not really a concept practiced among the orcs, but he feels he has to try to say something. He unnecessarily readjusts his goggles for a moment while trying to fill the space as he thinks of what to say.

"The other day... If I did something to make you mad at me.... I really didn't mean for that to happen. And... I don't know what I did, but... Sometimes I can be an idiot. I get that. I make a lot of stupid mistakes, especially around civilized folk. So, if I did anything wrong, just tell me. It's probably my fault."

2015-10-26, 11:58 PM
"We're done? Good. This'll work great" Lia said, stretching and staring up at the sky. Inside, her thoughts were scattered, avoiding one particular thought about a long cart ride with nothing to keep her attention-

Lia quickly turned to Alders."So how have things been going? Have you struck many great blows against the cult?"

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-27, 09:23 AM
He leads her to somewhere behind the tavern. Apologizing does not come naturally to Grokk, as it was not really a concept practiced among the orcs, but he feels he has to try to say something. He unnecessarily readjusts his goggles for a moment while trying to fill the space as he thinks of what to say.

"The other day... If I did something to make you mad at me.... I really didn't mean for that to happen. And... I don't know what I did, but... Sometimes I can be an idiot. I get that. I make a lot of stupid mistakes, especially around civilized folk. So, if I did anything wrong, just tell me. It's probably my fault."

I'm a bit lazy at the moment, so I'm just going to repeat the OoC explanation I gave you; Nangwen was terrified that Rudii and Grokk immediately trusted Aldros with their secret mission when there was no reason to at the time.

However she apologizes because she feels like she's made a mountain out of a mole hill.

2015-10-27, 06:54 PM
Aldros clambered out of the compartment, stretching briefly before commenting, "Well, this all seems to be in order. But there must be some spell I have that can improve this further... Hmm..."
His mind drifts off into various ideas for elaborate magical contraptions, but he is torn back into reality as he hears Lia's questions.
"Have I struck great blows against the cult? Ha! I have killed a great number of their servants, and discovered secrets even their highest agents did not know they had. But even then, they are not my true enemy. No, it is there new allies, the Red Wizards that I am sworn to humiliate, and I have struck greater blows against them. I presume you have aided us against the cult in a similar matter?"

2015-10-28, 03:16 AM
I'm a bit lazy at the moment, so I'm just going to repeat the OoC explanation I gave you; Nangwen was terrified that Rudii and Grokk immediately trusted Aldros with their secret mission when there was no reason to at the time.

However she apologizes because she feels like she's made a mountain out of a mole hill.

"Oh... I never really trusted him, and I only ever mentioned my own working against the cult, but... you're right. It could have been dangerous for me to be giving that information to the wrong people. I guess I'm not used to being on missions where that actually matters. The Enclave usually leaves me for... simpler things. I guess times really are desperate if they let someone like me handle this... I'll try not to do stuff like that again from now on."

Unless Nangwen has anything else to say, his question is satisfied. He says goodnight and leaves for the outskirts.

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-28, 07:55 AM
"Oh... I never really trusted him, and I only ever mentioned my own working against the cult, but... you're right. It could have been dangerous for me to be giving that information to the wrong people. I guess I'm not used to being on missions where that actually matters. The Enclave usually leaves me for... simpler things. I guess times really are desperate if they let someone like me handle this... I'll try not to do stuff like that again from now on."

Unless Nangwen has anything else to say, his question is satisfied. He says goodnight and leaves for the outskirts.

Nangwen retires for the evening.
Don't let the bed bugs bite.

2015-10-30, 09:06 AM
At last the day arrives...

The dawn of this day was not unlike any other, but as the sun rises above the flat horizon to the east a peculiar cloud is spotted far to the north. The citizens know the drill and scramble around to their homes or into public housing, knowing that they are to only be present when given the all clear. The Zhentarim mercenaries adjust their positions to be more discrete, and position a large white flag into a watch tower next to a short cliff at the south end of the town.

It takes some time, but within the next few hours the cloud descends from the sky and hovers silently next to the cliff face. Within a few hundred feet it is clear a castle that is made of some sort of pale blue material is shrouded in a misty fog given it a cloud-like appearance. The mists dissipate and a drawbridge that looks too narrow for a structure that size drops carelessly to the edge of the cliff with a thud, kicking up a small cloud of dirt. The iron gate behind is drawn in stuttered motion, about the height of a man at a time. To massive guard towers flank the gate, one twice as tall as the other with the tallest standing 120ft high.

The thick walls stand as high as the gate, hiding anything in the lower courtyard, but behind the wall is a mountainous shape with another large flattened tier of similar size to the courtyard now bridged to the town. From this mountain and upper courtyard sprouts a large keep and several spires reaching over a hundred feet into the air.

Through the gate you can see large shapes moving slowly around still obscured by some trapped mist, and can here steady rhythmic thudding noises if you stand at the edge of the drawbridge.

The drawbridge is only 30ft wide, but is also 60ft long and exposes a 30ft high gate with a portcullis raised allowing entry. Here's a picture of the outside:


The party gathers with Geoff's crew as they prepare the wagon. Aldros, Lia, and Grokk are strapped in place and manage to achieve some level of comfort for the ride into the castle. Nangwen and Rudii man the head of the wagon, pulling it from the garage and overseeing treasure and food loaded into the cart wearing their thick purple robes. They are glad to have them as the temperature in the area dropped from temperate to hovering just above freezing since the castle arrived despite the sun shining overhead.

With the cart fully loaded the group approaches the gate. One the drawbridge Nangwen and Rudii sees three large figures at the top of each tower that don't seem to notice the cart. Looking up, the shorter gate shows the figures clearly as around 10ft tall portly creatures with no hair and over-sized mouths that can't seem to contain their drool. The three atop the shorter tower appear to be squabbling yelling insults and shoving each other around; It were my food! followed by, You so tiny, you no need so much food, me big and strong need more food.

A heavy oak-and-iron portcullis is drawn up just behind the drawbridge. Two life-sized statues of 18-foot-tall giants of some kind— one male and one female— stand behind the portcullis, facing each other within the covered gateway. When Nangwen and Rudii start moving past the two statues rattle and their eyes glow with an arcane energy. At the clear warning you stop and ponder what to do next.

If you can't figure out what to do next you can make an intelligence check to try and jog your memory (with advantage).

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-30, 10:10 AM
15 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20014759&postcount=119) to remember what to do next although I think I've got it anyway.

"Two returning from Loot Retrieval." Deception: [roll0]

2015-10-30, 12:09 PM
Nangwen, while not knowing what exactly what to do recognizes these statues to be stone golems, a common magical gatekeeper that requires some sort of pass-phrase or action. Her bluff seems to cause no indication of success.

2015-10-30, 09:55 PM
Rudii smirks in the direction of Nangwen before announcing. "Tiamat, our Mother and Strength."
Figuring this pass phrase she learned while spending her time among the ranks of the Cult of the Dragon may ( or may not ) prove useful.

Ghost Nappa
2015-10-30, 10:12 PM
Rudii smirks in the direction of Nangwen before announcing. "Tiamat, our Mother and Strength."
Figuring this pass phrase she learned while spending her time among the ranks of the Cult of the Dragon may ( or may not ) prove useful.

From the distance Rudii is standing at, she can make out a slight shrug from Nangwen as if to say, "I tried."

2015-10-31, 08:44 PM
Lower Courtyard

The golem's eye-light fades into nothing again, and the statues stay in place as you moving into the courtyard with the cart. Walls of solid ice enclose this courtyard. Another courtyard partially overhangs this one. It is held aloft by sweeping arches of ice that soar to a height of over 100 feet. Doors of sculpted ice fitted with iron hinges lead to various outbuildings and main keep on the far side of the courtyard from the gate towers.

You can see a few human sized creatures moving quickly along the edges of the courtyard, but they pay you no heed.

OC: Wisdom(Perception) checks from Rudii and Nangwen.

To the immediate right is a long squat (12ft tall) building running along the wall, to the far right is a bustling kitchen preparing lunches for the inhabitants (you have food in the cart), to the immediate left appears to be stables of some kind, and the far left is a keep reaching to the upper courtyard above.

I don't have a map yet, but those are the general directions.

Ghost Nappa
2015-11-01, 09:04 PM
Nangwen's perky pearls of perception are particularly powerful (19 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20020392&postcount=125)).

2015-11-01, 10:13 PM
Just a status update with a map!


The keep entrance - 30ft tall double doors entering into the castle made of cloudy blue ice.
20ft tall archways leading into the keep are with no doors.
The upper part of the castle overhangs the courtyard, and the sun has cast a pitch shadow over the back half of the courtyard. You cannot make out the details without going into the darkness.
The entrance to the kitchen.
One entrance to the short building.
Another entrance to the short building.
The entrance to the tallest guard tower.
One entrance to the stables area.
Another entrance to the stables area.

Nangwen cannot make out any additional detail from her current position.

Ghost Nappa
2015-11-02, 01:12 AM
Are there any personnel in the area?

2015-11-02, 09:38 AM
You can see a few human sized creatures moving quickly along the edges of the courtyard, but they pay you no heed.
Yes, they are moving between buildings in thick robes. You even see one go into the shadowy area, but most of the movement seems to be around the keep and stables.

OC: I rolled Rudii's perception and she didn't see anything new either. Go ahead and decide where you take the cart next now that you are through the gates.

Ghost Nappa
2015-11-02, 11:38 AM
Keep and stables are bad. Giant Archways are bad. Darkness is suspicious but I'm not sure if I want to risk it just yet.

Let's listen at door number 6 for signs of activity. [roll0]

I'll go in if there's nothing.

2015-11-02, 12:21 PM
Lower Courtyard

Nangwen breaks from the wagon briefly to listen in on the door to the short building. Inside she hears no no noise at all, but the action draws the attention of one of the robed figures moving around the courtyard who comes over to see her saying, Hey, hey, hey! That's the barracks, you went the wrong way.

The man trots over to you and you see a dark skinned human male with a full beard and exotic tattoos, It's easy to get confused your first time.. his gaze drifts up and down Nangwen and Rudii's figures, ... but you need to take this to the storeroom in the keep. You're early, which is good, but it means you have to find Blagothkus for the key since Rezmir will be asleep. Just roll the cart through the doors there, pointing to the large double doors to the keep, then leave it and go to the spiral staircase at the back of that darkened area. The stairs will take you to the upper level. This time of day the cloud giants will be in the largest tower at the back of the upper level. You can't miss it. Go into the door and tell the ogres that the supplies from the village need the storeroom key.

He exchanges some cultist pleasantries and Ruddii responds appropriately before he enters the barracks. As you roll the cart away you notice that all the figures walking around the yard appear to be headed to the barracks. You are soon in the center of an empty courtyard.

Ghost Nappa
2015-11-02, 03:04 PM
"Oh, thanks. I just hoping to get directions and I figured the barracks was near the entrance but didn't want to wake anyone if they were asleep. Sorry, we'll be on our way."

Nangwen returns to the cart and follows the directions she's been given, hiding her disgust.

Why would everyone be going to the barracks? Is there a party or something?

As they begin to move the cart again, Nangwen asks Rudii, "Do you want to stay with the cart or should I?"

2015-11-03, 10:52 AM
Lower Courtyard

The double doors to the keep are hardwood like all the other doors, and have two sets of handles at different heights to accommodate the various creatures living in the castle. Nangwen and Rudii are able to open the doors without much trouble, and push the cart into a large hallway with 30ft arched ceilings. The walls are blue and being this close you realize the walls are pure ice, but even enclosed in this space the room is cooler than normal but not freezing cold.

The hallway extends to a well work center area with a desk. The seat for the desk is pushed back sloppily, and there are notes displayed. There are five sets of wooden doors with iron features, all as remarkable as the others except the double doors to the south - and even then the remarkable feature is that there are two of them.

The halls are silent, and once the doors closed behind you the silence is deafening. The walls and thick doors prevent any sound travelling through them... and only the creaking wagon and footsteps on solid ground can be heard.


Ghost Nappa
2015-11-03, 02:12 PM
(whispering to Rudii) Is the coast clear? I don't think there's anyone else in here.

Nangwen motions to knock on the box slowly, giving Rudii time to interrupt.

2015-11-04, 01:50 AM
Sensing the cart had come to a halt, Aldros casts Detect Thoughts using his Helm of Telepathy to search for thoughts within 30ft (unless the cart walls are thick enough to block it).

2015-11-04, 04:53 PM
Lower Courtyard

Rudii looks at Nangwen and shrugs before whispering, Having extra hands may be necessary from here. She softly whaps one side of the cart with her palm so the sound doesn't travel far but is clear under the cart. Nangwen repeats the action and all who are under the cart have heard the sounds of knocks on the side of the wagon.

One of these doors is the storeroom, but which do we investigate? I imagine it will be the locked one... but any unlocked doors will probably have residents inside, Rudii says calmly looking around from under her purple robes. Looking at the desk she says, This appears to be an inventory of supplies for the inhabitants... looks like they are collecting fresh blood along with the normal food and water and ale... I don't see anything here related to treasure.

Her looks around once more and says, I guess we just need to pick randomly unless you have a better system.

Sensing the cart had come to a halt, Aldros casts Detect Thoughts using his Helm of Telepathy to search for thoughts within 30ft (unless the cart walls are thick enough to block it).Aldros had to concentrate a little harder than normal, and before he was able to get a reading from Rudii he heard the knock to the side of the cart. He hears the thought "Time to move" before he was interrupted.

Ghost Nappa
2015-11-04, 10:11 PM
Lower Courtyard

Rudii looks at Nangwen and shrugs before whispering, Having extra hands may be necessary from here. She softly whaps one side of the cart with her palm so the sound doesn't travel far but is clear under the cart. Nangwen repeats the action and all who are under the cart have heard the sounds of knocks on the side of the wagon.

One of these doors is the storeroom, but which do we investigate? I imagine it will be the locked one... but any unlocked doors will probably have residents inside, Rudii says calmly looking around from under her purple robes. Looking at the desk she says, This appears to be an inventory of supplies for the inhabitants... looks like they are collecting fresh blood along with the normal food and water and ale... I don't see anything here related to treasure.

Her looks around once more and says, I guess we just need to pick randomly unless you have a better system.

Aldros had to concentrate a little harder than normal, and before he was able to get a reading from Rudii he heard the knock to the side of the cart. He hears the thought "Time to move" before he was interrupted.

I'll follow the instructions of the man we encounter earlier and get the key. Our target is probably in a locked room anyway and I'm confident in my ability to talk my way out of trouble. You guys should investigate this room discreetly for hiding places, ambush points, and stuff like that. We may need to fight our way out so setting up whatever advantage we can will be useful.

Nangwen leaves the room and proceeds to the stairwell the man mentioned.

2015-11-04, 10:59 PM
It was fine. Fine. The plan was going fine. Just keep saying that, Lia. Things were fine. The important thing was to focus. Focus on the wood of the cart, the sounds outside, the breathing of her companions. Focus on reality, not the vibrations of the universe. What was here, tangible.

Upon hearing the knock, Lia grasped the rope and pulled, rolling to the edges and popping up in a single motion. Her hand clutched her spellbook, and a wide smile was plastered on her face. "Ready to complete the mission, everybody?" she whispered excitedly. Focus was always easier when there was something to do in front of her.She was a wizard. And she was on a mission.

2015-11-06, 01:32 PM
Lower Courtyard

Nangwen leaves the group to enter the darkness outside. Passing through the double doors, she darts along the side of the keep passing a 20 foot tall, 8 foot wide archway near the double doors to enter the keep. Turning her head she sees inside the room clear through to another archway leading into the darkness. In the middle of this frost-glazed room stands a nine-foot tall table of carved stone surrounded by three giant-sized chairs, also carved from stone. A fat iron cauldron etched with runes rests upon the table. On the floor in the far corner sits a large iron chest. A male stone giant gazes into the cauldron while a female stone giant sits nearby. As Nangwen passed they seem invested in whatever they are doing.

Crossing the courtyard, you see that it is still empty.

Moving along, Nangwen rounds the corner and sees (in black and white darkvision):


Sure enough, in the back of the darkness is a rime covered spiral staircase. The cold deep in the belly of the castle is causing a constant draft drawing the air downward. In the morning dew the frost has formed into something like sheered wool laying thick on the staircase. You see the stairs head down about a half story into a cellar looking area, as well as spiraling upward into darkness; you assume it goes to the upper level of the castle like the cultist said.

Ghost Nappa
2015-11-06, 01:41 PM
For now, let's head upstairs and complete the main objective.

I have no reason to hide at the moment, but I do want to be alert to booby traps or secrets. I'm not particularly interested in what things do at the moment, just if there are any and where they are.

Perception (people):[roll0]
Investigation (Traps and secrets): [roll1]

2015-11-06, 03:16 PM
Lower Courtyard

Nangwen climbs the stairs, trying to search for traps or secrets along the way. Despite being cut from ice, the stairs are easily climbed with no slipping. However, each step on the thick layer of wool-like frost leaves an obvious mark and makes an audible crunching noise as the ice is crushed underfoot.

Upper Courtyard

The top level of the castle is much warmer, with a steady breeze despite the tall walls surrounding the ice floor. The towers here are much taller and more narrow than the guard towers on the lower courtyard. In the wide open area immediately in front of the stairs three ogres are playing some sort of strange game with javelins, throwing at a target drawn on the floor beneath another ogre's feet (OC: imagine lawn darts). Nangwen instinctively crouches behind the door opening to the staircase, and the ogres have not noticed her.

There is no shadow or any object to hide behind in this area. Updated map:

A - This 20ft door is the only decoration on the front side of a 25ft tall squat and rectangular building. The breeeze from the north towards you brings a foul smell from that general direction.
B - This tower is a distinct pale blue color that sets it apart from the other towers you see. It has a small winding trail up to reach the door, and this tower is the tallest of any other.
C through E - These are identical 20ft doors in a semi-circular building attached to the outer wall of the court yard. These are not towers, but are 30ft high.
F and G - These are identical doors that are sized for a human leading into another short building like the one in the lower courtyard.
H - This tower is slightly wider and has a distinct set of windows facing away from the upper courtyard. There is no doorway, but a 20ft tall archway with a spiral staircase beyond the opening.

Around the north side of the building with door A is more courtyard you can't see without exposing yourself to the ogres. Same goes for the area around door C.

Ghost Nappa
2015-11-06, 09:39 PM
Well...he did say to tell the ogres that the storeroom key was needed...If you need to outsmart them be subtle. Don't overdo it.

Nangwen walks casually out from the stairs (trying to look like she belongs there) and slowly approaches the ogres, saying, "Excuse me, Blagothkus? I was told to get the storeroom key from you, the supplies from the village arrived early."

2015-11-06, 10:02 PM
Looking around, Lia's smile widened. "It looks that things are clear," Lia said, struggling to keep her voice quiet. "Nangwen has gone ahead, so let's go find some disguises while she's doing that."

2015-11-07, 03:49 AM
Hearing the signal to get out, Grokk released himself, and stood, grabbing his axe and looking around the room quickly, before calming down, realizing they were alone.

Hearing Nangwen's plan, he remained with the cart, readying with his weapon and hiding behind some of the boxes in the corner of the room, in case they were discovered.

He whispers back at Lia, "Maybe we should stay here... and ambush anyone who comes through for disguises. I don't think going out looking for them is the best idea while we're separated."

He sniffs the air and actively listens for sounds that might betray anyone nearby the room. He knew from his contact and oneness with the animal spirits, the value of smell for a hunter is invaluable. It is an immense pity to have been born in such a disconnected form, which could discern so little from it. He still sometimes forgets himself and how he is meant to experience the world. The bear surfaces at strange times, and it wants to smell things that he can't.


2015-11-07, 11:13 PM
Upper Courtyard
Well...he did say to tell the ogres that the storeroom key was needed...If you need to outsmart them be subtle. Don't overdo it.

Nangwen walks casually out from the stairs (trying to look like she belongs there) and slowly approaches the ogres, saying, "Excuse me, Blagothkus? I was told to get the storeroom key from you, the supplies from the village arrived early."The ogre that was currently lining up his shot got startled by Nangwen's sudden appearance and hits the ogre by his target with a javelin. The now wounded ogre hollers in pain and the two start arguing loudly while the third starts laughing and heads to Nangwen. Little human, follow. Blagothkus this way. and walks off around the large square building. Wrapping around the large icy outcrop in the center of the upper courtyard, he stops in front of a large square tower at the far end of the courtyard that stretches about 70ft high. He enters the tower with Nangwen behind, and teh door makes a loud chiming noise due to device connected to the door.

Inside the tower the walls are sculpted with an elaborate battle scene showing all sorts of giants in a pitched battle between giants and monsters. There is a stairway wrapping up the wall to a landing above you, and the well furnished room has four ogres who immediately scramble to their feet. They all wear plumed helmets that signify they are of a greater station than the ogre that brought you to the tower, and have a men look in their eye when one asks, Why you come here?

Lower Courtyard

The group by the cart discusses what to do with the cart and remains undisturbed during this time.

Ghost Nappa
2015-11-08, 01:29 AM
Attempting to sound all official, Nangwen replies,
"Sir, the cart with supplies from the village has arrived early. I have brought the cart to the storeroom and was told to ask you for the Storeroom key to finish the task, as Rezmir might not yet be awake."

2015-11-08, 03:52 PM
Upper Courtyard, Cloud Giant Tower

The ogre leans in an sniffs deeply giving a nod he says, A'ight, go up to room above. The ogre then shouts loudly, Oi! New shipment, capt'n! Human need key!

Ghost Nappa
2015-11-09, 08:53 AM
This giant's nose worries me...but maybe not as much as the stairs.

Nangwen bows and says,
"Enjoy your game, gentlemen," before following the ogre's instructions and going up the stairs to the captain.

2015-11-09, 09:24 PM
Upper Courtyard, Cloud Giant Tower

Climbing the stairs you hear an argument break out after an ogre says he thinks Nangwen looked like an elf and not a human. The sounds drowns out as you open the large elaborately carved door, using the knocker placed near teh door you hear a booming, Enter, human.

Nangwen opens the door and sees that the walls of this room are sculpted with icy murals depicting cloud giants riding giant birds. An enormous bed with a headboard of ice sculpted to resemble clouds dominates the room. Bear furs are heaped upon the bed, and two large wooden chests rest at the bed’s foot; you see the name Blagothus carved on one and Escarlotta on the other. A blue-skinned giant sits on the floor with his legs crossed while two ogres comb his snowy white hair. The giant’s hulking morningstar leans against the bed within arm’s reach. You see he is wearing no armor, and has spectacles on staring at a scroll. When Nangwen enters he removes them and stares at her menacingly.

You certainly don't waste any time, we're still preparing on our... I don't recognize you. For the last time, you miserable wyrm-loving scum cannot surprise me with new people! I don't care about recruitment numbers and your skirmishes, I'm tried of strangers in my home! he gathers himself before sighing heavily, Pay me no mind, half-breed. The key is in the box by the door. Return it to me once the wagon loads have been delivered. Begone. With a massive hand he waves at Nangwen dismissively.

You see the box on a human-sized 10' square table by the door. Inside is an iron key the size of a baseball bat.

Ghost Nappa
2015-11-10, 10:14 AM
"I don't know why I didn't expect this..." Nangwen mourns anticipating the weight of the key.
Remembering her manners, Nangwen says, sorry, Sir. I'll - uh, pass on your concerns."

Nangwen walks over to the key and attempts to lift it.

Strength check: [roll0]

2015-11-10, 12:42 PM
Upper Courtyard, Cloud Giant Tower

Nangwen hoists the key onto he shoulder and leaves quickly. The argument below seems to be going on still and the ogres don't even seem to notice her departure until she opens the large door to exit the tower and the chimes jingle again.

Upper Courtyard

Nangwen travels back to the stairway, the courtyard completely empty except for the blood and targets left from the ogre's target practice. The trip back doesn't have any issues.

I'm assuming Nangwen goes directly back to the group, but if there is something else she wants to investigate, here is the updated upper courtyard map:http://i65.tinypic.com/ws9pw2.png

I numbered the entrances of locations for ease. The only ones that are not just archways or wood doors like the others is in location #6 and 7, which are attached to a cracked and crumbling tower around 100ft tall. The tower has had its windows boarded up and even those seem weather-worn and in need of replacing. The door #7 is in similar disrepair, hanging from its hinges. Door #6 is on a balcony at the top of the tower but looks like it at least functions.

Lower Courtyard

You heard the sound of door b being unlocked while Nangwen is out.

To reference the map click this link. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20043531&postcount=175)

Ghost Nappa
2015-11-10, 11:27 PM
No, Nangwen just heads straight back with the key.

2015-11-11, 09:12 AM
Lower Courtyard

The door doesn't open but remains unlocked when Nangwen arrives with a massive key.

OC: I'm going to try and rally the troops here...

2015-11-11, 01:05 PM
Hearing the door unlock, Grokk moves just nearby it and tries to silently listen at it to determine what might have caused it, prepared to attack any enemy force that might be inside if it comes out while he does so.

As Nangwen returns, he acknowledges her with a silent nod, his posture making it obvious that he was intending to be quiet.

Moving to just beside the door handle of door B.
Preparing an action as stated above.

Ghost Nappa
2015-11-11, 11:20 PM
"I think I should probably relock this door behind me. I don't remember seeing anything important when I came this way."

2015-11-12, 03:29 AM
Aldros gets out the carts and joins the group, following the others' lead.

2015-11-12, 10:02 AM
Lower Courtyard

Grokk lets his instincts take over, silently placing an ear to the door the unlocking sound was made from. Inside he hears the faint squeaking of a rat and no other sounds. He drops down and looks in the small crack under the door, and clearly sees (with darkvision) a room stacked high with fully stocked shelves with food products. There are also some non-edible goods; hanging robes, shoes, ropes, and hardware for doors all arranged inside. He also sees the rat in question sitting under a shelf eating a small amount of food.

As Grokk stands, he sees a faint glowing from the side of the door. When he looks in the space between the door and frame he figures out the massive security bolt (which is about 15ft in the air) must be enchanted with some kind of magic.

There is no key hole in the door.

2015-11-13, 03:00 PM
Grokk steps back from the door for a moment, looking it up and down.

"I think one of you should take a look at this," he whispers, quietly pointing out what he saw inside previously, and the magical mechanism, "It looks like... Magic, of some kind. I don't know much about it, but it's probably dangerous to just barge in."

Ghost Nappa
2015-11-13, 06:24 PM
"Either the keyhole has been hidden by magic, or the door is only intended to be opened by magic. I can magically identify what if anything is on this door, but it will create noise (Musical Instrument as Spell Focus) and leave me vulnerable for a minute. I could attempt to just dispel any spells on the door, but if this is just a stone wall and not an illusion, I'll be regretting it later. I could also attempt to magically manipulate the raw stone into a passage way, but it's risky if we're not sure it's just solid rock."

Nangwen investigates the surface to see if it's an illusory wall or normal solid rock. [roll0]

OoC Edit: You're breaking my heart, RNJesus.

2015-11-13, 10:55 PM
Lia stepped forwards, smiling. "This looks like a job for a real arcane master. For a wizard." Lia said dramatically, waving her arms about. She focused all her power on understanding the spells.

Time for an Arcana Check:

2015-11-14, 11:54 AM
Lower Courtyard

You are convinced the magic is preventing the key from being inserted without a pass phrase .
You realize that the door has been modified for human use, the key no longer actuates a lock - it is enchanted so being nearby unlocks the door.

Ghost Nappa
2015-11-14, 03:09 PM
"Oh no, are all of the magic doors in this place locked by passwords? How?! I don't think a castle run by ogres and giants have enough people on staff capable of remembering all these codes!"

Nangwen's face scrunges up at bit until she concludes, "Unless they all use the same one...but that seems kind of pointless. Even if their security has been solid so far you'd still think that they would have different passwords for different authorizations and statuses.

Whatever, uhh..."

Nangwen walks up to the door with the key and repeat the password Rudii used at the door, "Tiamat, our Mother and our Strength."

2015-11-14, 03:16 PM
Lia shook her head. "It is not a password. The door opens via proximity."

2015-11-17, 09:44 AM
OC: I'm going to start rolling some encounter dice to keep things moving.


Ghost Nappa
2015-11-19, 10:53 PM
Lia shook her head. "It is not a password. The door opens via proximity."

"I think we're both wrong. I've been standing next to this door with the key for what feels like awhile now and nothing has happened. I wonder what we're missing."

2015-11-19, 11:15 PM
Lia tilted her head. "Maybe the key is a bluff, and a proper member's proximity is what's required?" Lia tries the door anyway.

2015-11-21, 11:30 PM
Lower Courtyard

The door to the storeroom swings wide open, revealing a room stacked high with fully stocked shelves with food products. There are also some non-edible goods; hanging robes, shoes, ropes, and hardware for doors all arranged inside. If there is any treasure stored here, then you cannot find it.

2015-11-22, 12:35 AM
"Excellent!" Lia said, skipping into the room, and grabbing one of the robes. "Well, no time to waste!"

2015-11-22, 02:08 AM
Grokk squints from behind his dark goggles, gingerly surveying the contents of the room to see if there's anything that might be used as a disguise for someone of his size. Even if he does find something perfectly fitting, he shudders visibly at the thought of wearing something so constricting as it would no doubt have to be, seeing that it was so-called "civilized folk" who ran this operation. He'd do it for the sake of the mission, naturally, but he wasn't going to like it. He'd never be happy having any more weighing him down than necessary for the weather. And this climate suited nothing, for one tough as himself, who has faced the harshest of winters with only the spirits and his instincts to keep him company.

2015-11-23, 09:56 AM
Lower Courtyard

As the group is in the storeroom, they hear two voices come from the hall.

It's a shipment, Rath! They got an early start this time, I told you it was nothing! says the first

Don't act like it didn't surprise you too, bastard. Rath responds

You're just mad that you lost our debate this morning, this was a clever ploy but you will never match wits with the great Azbara Jos! comes the response from Azbara.

Aldros visibly bristles at the conversation.

2015-11-23, 05:08 PM
Aldros cursed and dashed behind the cart. "Not that fool again", he muttered to himself as he cast Disguise Self, making his skin pigmentation darker, and his hair curly. He removed his shoes, changing the wedges inside to make himself appear taller. Shortly afterwards, he got up and signalled to the others not to ask questions yet, as he prepared to cast a spell.
Deception Check: [roll0]

Ghost Nappa
2015-11-23, 09:17 PM
Nangwen has since moved over to one of the other doors and tried opening it, hushing her feeble attempts at unnecessary password guessing at Aldros' signal.

2015-11-24, 04:51 PM
Lower Courtyard

Rudii, Nangwen, and Aldros enter the hallway. Immediately Azbara looks up from the cart startled, Don't sneak up on me! Peons like you might get injured!

Red: Azbara
Purple: Rath
Yellow: Aldros
Dark Red: Rudii
Blue: Nangwen
Green: Grokk
Light Blue: Lia

You guys are still free to act until combat starts (if it does).

Ghost Nappa
2015-11-24, 10:56 PM
The presence of the two strangers scares Nangwen, she didn't expect anyone to be in here so soon when they planned the infiltration. Nangwen tries positioning herself and the key to appear as if she's being hazed by Rudii by making the situation look embarrassing and does not acknowledge the pair. Deception: [roll0]

2015-11-28, 10:42 PM
Lower Courtyard

Do I make you nervous, girl? Azbara croons, You have good instincts, now unload this cart like a good worker bee. Come, Rath, let us have breakfast.

Ghost Nappa
2015-11-29, 02:15 PM
Nangwen pauses for a moment when "addressed," but doesn't speak and continues "working."

Wow. These people have to be the dumbest people in the entire organization.

I wonder what the higher-ups are like? Are they all stupid like this guy or is he just full of himself?

2015-11-29, 02:30 PM
Lia, having finished dressing, popped her head out of the closet. "Help unload? Of course! Everything for the glory of our mother Tiamat!" She quickly went the cart to work.

2015-11-29, 04:00 PM
Meanwhile, Grokk finds a place to hide amid the clothing in the closet, in case anyone came in. While doing so, his eyes continue to dart around where they can, looking for something that might fit him.


I kind of expected an answer on the disguise thing before, maybe I should make a roll for it?


2015-11-30, 09:55 AM
Lower Courtyard

The two wizards move south and exit out of the double doors past the storeroom. The halls are once again empty and quiet, but for how long?

Grokk, I thought I answered you. The purple cultist robes are all medium sized, but there are blue small robes in the closet that would fit you. You easily hid from these wizards as they past. If you wanted to pass as a cultist it would take some creativity or magic.

If you guys plan on unloading the cart completely, it doesn't take long to drop the treasure off in the storeroom.

2015-11-30, 05:45 PM
As he notices the guards leaving, Grokk waits a moment before he pokes out from within the closet, saying quietly, "I really doubt disguising myself will work, unless you guys have any clever ideas."

"And as far as any other strategy goes... much as I'd prefer it to all this skulking around, I doubt any kind of direct assault would work, either."

The halfling looked, by his furrowed brow, to be thinking hard about any other possible approaches for a few moments, seemingly with little success.

2015-11-30, 06:01 PM
Lia tosses her hair back, thinking. "Well, what is our objective? To learn, to sabotage? Assassinate a key figure in the cult? I think I left my adder's poison at home, unfortunately." Lia begins rummaging through her bag.

Ghost Nappa
2015-11-30, 10:33 PM
Lia tosses her hair back, thinking. "Well, what is our objective? To learn, to sabotage? Assassinate a key figure in the cult? I think I left my adder's poison at home, unfortunately." Lia begins rummaging through her bag.

In a hushed whisper, Nangwen turns to Lia and begins, "Our mission is to prevent their war funds from returning to their base to slow down and disable their dark rituals. There are different ways of accomplishing this including destroying their loot, taking it ourselves, seizing the castle, or destroying the castle. I would prefer to seize the castle but I am unsure if we can actually accomplish that. I didn't get a good enough read on that guy who walked to judge the quality of the people here with any degree of confidence.

Destroying the loot should be our last resort as it is preferable to siphon their resources than to eliminate them.
I have similar opinions about destroying the castle. I think it would help to begin my finding the treasury and seeing what state their valuables are in. If everything is contained in a single gem or a set of specially marked orbs for example, we should just take that before we do anything else.

As far as seizing the castle goes, we would need to avoid engaging large groups, especially in open areas. Due to our smaller numbers, our combat effectiveness is at its strongest in tight corridors and in areas where we cannot be easily flanked. We also preferably want some place to hide and rest, and would need to quickly destroy the corpses of anything we kill to avoid having to deal with zombies."

Nangwen begins to teeter off, trying to think of anything else to add but concludes with a slightly doubtful look on her face. It would help if we had some way of knowing the amount of enemies in the castle as well as establishing some way to ambush them, or some form of quick traps to leave at the doors."

2015-11-30, 10:43 PM
Lia pulled her hand out of her bag and pondered for a moment. "Why don't we just ask someone?"

Ghost Nappa
2015-12-02, 09:46 PM
Lia pulled her hand out of her bag and pondered for a moment. "Why don't we just ask someone?"

Nangwen is blind-sided by the line of questioning and without thinking, replies still in a whisper,
"Because that seems like a really good way to announce our presence? I really don't want to stay here for any longer than I have to."

She stops for a moment after considering it more seriously and says, "...We could get them drunk and then ask questions..."

2015-12-05, 06:29 PM
Grokk nods dumbly, listening to Nangwen's ideas, now leaning against the wall just inside the closet.

"That all sounds right," his hand, seemingly subconsciously, hovering around the hilt of his axe, "But, uh, whatever we're doing, we should do it soon. If they notice we're sitting around here all day, they'll probably know something's up. Besides, this sneaking around is trying enough without it lasting all day..."

2015-12-05, 09:08 PM
Lia claps her hands with excitement!"Excellent! Let's go find the main group!"

Quick question. Is it possible to cast Suggestion in a way that people don't know you're casting it?"

2015-12-05, 10:20 PM
Suggestion is pretty much only useful as an esoteric experience - even in a setting like Forgotten Realms with crazy magic power being thrown around everywhere. I would rule it as something someone might know happened after the spell ends, but not be able to pinpoint the source without succeeding a saving throw.

So where are you guys headed?

Ghost Nappa
2015-12-06, 11:02 PM
Suggestion is pretty much only useful as an esoteric experience - even in a setting like Forgotten Realms with crazy magic power being thrown around everywhere. I would rule it as something someone might know happened after the spell ends, but not be able to pinpoint the source without succeeding a saving throw.

So where are you guys headed?

Nangwen is going to try and find the actual Treasure room off of the rooms she HASN'T opened in this chamber first.

OoC: If anyone has a more general plan of what to do after that (burn things, rout the castle, load the cart we came in with things and then Polymorph someone into a large flying animal to escape, etc.), I'm all ears. I kind of want to rout the castle for the glory, but I don't want to go that route without everyone being on board.

2015-12-06, 11:24 PM
Lia wants to do exactly what she said. Find the main group, get information, then make plans from there.

2015-12-06, 11:45 PM
Nangwen is going to try and find the actual Treasure room off of the rooms she HASN'T opened in this chamber first.

Grokk is helping with this and whatever else anyone does. As I said, he doesn't have too many good ideas of his own right now.

I'm personally fond of the "take all their stuff and polymorph out" solution, since direct confrontation seems suicidal or at least very difficult (not to mention, if plan "attack them" fails we won't have time to get stuff if we do need to run, because they'll be attacking us, whereas if we try the "steal stuff and go" route first, we can still do the "fight everything" route about as well, if that fails. Not to mention that I think polymorphing Grokk is extremely fitting to his character, and something he'd be more than okay with. The only thing more fitting would be if owlbears were an option and could fly...

2015-12-08, 10:52 AM
Lower Courtyard

Exploring this small keep completely, Nangwen finds the door across from the storeroom is locked but the other door around the corner is unlocked - as is the room the two wizards came from.

Ghost Nappa
2015-12-11, 11:04 AM
Lower Courtyard

Exploring this small keep completely, Nangwen finds the door across from the storeroom is locked but the other door around the corner is unlocked - as is the room the two wizards came from.

Nangwen will examine the storeroom once more with Detect Magic before she call it quits.

2015-12-11, 02:32 PM
Lia headed towards the room the wizards had left from.There might be all sorts of spellbooks in there.

2015-12-14, 10:26 AM
Lower Courtyard, Red Wizard's Room

The final search of the storeroom reveals only 1 gold, 3 silver, and 1 copper coins that were under the shelves of the room.

Entering the red wizard's room, Lia sees hundreds of horse skulls nailed to the ceiling; covering it entirely. Thick carpets cover the icy floor, and desks, chairs, and lecterns are everywhere, some covered with books and scrolls, others with potion vials, bits of meat and fur, and other things. Four hulking gargoyles stand frozen in the room along the back wall. To the left are two windows showing the outside world beyond. It appears that there is some sort of landing beyond them, but no door.

While the spellbooks of the wizards has been carried away their personal effects still litter the room.

2015-12-14, 06:40 PM
Grokk enters the red wizard's room behind Lia, and immediately grimaces, almost as if he is going to be physically sick at the sight of the ceiling.

"Humans can be such disgusting things," he mutters. Taking a breath to regain his composure, he takes a short look around, trying to see if there is anything importance in the room before moving on.


2015-12-14, 09:52 PM
"Oooh!" Lia says, completely oblivious to everything except the scrolls and various papers. She hurried into the room to examine them.

Does this require an Investigation check? I think it requires an Investigation Check:


2015-12-14, 11:35 PM
Lower Courtyard, Red Wizard's Room

Grokk spends some time investigating the room when he accidentally bumps the wall that windows are built into. The entire wall dissolves in an instant radiating from his touch, revealing a balcony jutting from the side of the castle with no guard rail or wall. Stepping outside he can see a second identical balcony to his left.

Lia dives into the personal effects of the wizards and begins searching. As she begins one of the stone statues begins to move and step from the others, Ποιος διαταράσσει το έργο του κυρίου μου? The thick guttural tongue expects an answer.

OC: Anyone speak Terran?

2015-12-15, 01:52 AM
Is the statue considered a creature? As a Great Old Ones Warlock, Lia can establish telepathic bonds with others and communicate with them despite not sharing a language.

If not (which is certainly possible)...

Uhh, would Lia have time to cast Comprehend Languages as a ritual? :smalleek:

2015-12-15, 09:46 AM
I just checked the book, and I'm going to say the GOO pact allows you to communicate with the statue as it understands at least one language.

2015-12-15, 03:22 PM
Grokk grabs his axe and jumps back from the opening as it is revealed. After realizing that it isn't going to attack him, he calms down, only cautiously peeking out to see where it might lead for a moment before returning to the room.

He grumbles quietly, "Crazy wizards..." but continues, "There's another balcony. if we need to get over there, we should keep this in mind."

He then turns to watch what is happening with Lia and the statue, his axe raised, prepared to strike at it if it tries anything offensive.

2015-12-16, 10:46 PM
"I'm sorry. I don't-"

Lia couldn't finish that thought. There were too many of them crawling, chanting. Pushing to escape the barrier she kept them behind because that was the way things worked. She was a wizard, and wizards didn't do those things;didn't think these things. But now she needed it...

Her mind burst open. For a moment, Lia felt like she could feel everything in the room with her mind,like she had a hundred hands crawling over everything.But Lia grasped her mind as best she could;directing it back inot her own head. Except for one strand, which she attached to the statue. In a way, their minds were one.

I'm sorry,could you repeat that?

2015-12-17, 02:24 PM
Lower Courtyard, Red Wizard's Room

The gargoyle clutches its head and Lia hears a response.I do not like this, but I acknowledge your magical prowess. Who are you, and why do you disturb the work of my master?
Its ears flick wildly and it stares directly at Lia.

2015-12-18, 05:11 PM
At the complement,Lia straightened up a little and smiled. Oh we're new arrivals, trying to catch up. How are things here? Got a big gathering this time?

2015-12-19, 06:27 PM
Phone post, sorry.

So you admit you trespass!? Leave now or be torn asunder!

2015-12-19, 06:59 PM
Lia's eyes widened innocently. "What? Oh, nonono! We are new recruits to the cause. Here for the sake of our Mother Tiamat! We are just a bit lost and confused, is all"

Attempting to avoid asking if Deception works through Telepathy...Screw it, asking and rolling at the same time:

Ghost Nappa
2015-12-26, 10:56 PM
Nangwen pockets the coins in frustration.

"I don't understand. Isn't this the store room? There's like nothing in here. I can't believe we were sent to raid a flying castle all for a single gold coin and change...What exactly am I not seeing? What sort of trickery am I facing? It's safe to say that it's likely magical but "

Nangwen emerges from the room at wits end...only to notice that Lia and Grokk had vanished and a new path was open.

Nangwen turns to Rudii and a harsh whisper asks, "What's going on? There's no way this is the right storeroom and now we're down two people! What exactly are we trying to prevent from going anywhere?"

2016-01-04, 01:55 PM
Lower Courtyard, Red Wizards Room

The Gargoyle simply points to the door and says, Last chance, leave now. I have no interest in harming you, but if you do not leave this room I will be forced to.

Lower Courtyard, Storeroom

Rudii shrugs, I guess this is just a staging area, you are the one that explored the castle more, did you see anywhere a vault or something might be? I think we need to go deeper and figure out what's going on.

2016-01-04, 11:54 PM
Lia's expression didn't change much, only her eyes widening slightly. Inside, she focused her magic, working to subtly convince the garygoyle to calm down. Oh, but that isn't necessary! Why don't you calm down so we can have a chat?

Going for broke and trying to use Suggestion on the thing. Save DC is 17.

2016-01-05, 10:20 AM
Lower Courtyard, Red Wizards Room

The creature takes a step back as the spell clouds his mind, he shakes his head for a moment before moving to its perch and thinking, So, what do you want to talk about?

Ghost Nappa
2016-01-07, 10:57 PM
Nangwen will open the door labelled 'E.'

(And if nothing's there, I'm going downstairs.)

2016-01-08, 10:01 AM
Nangwen tries the door, but finds it's locked.

Ghost Nappa
2016-01-08, 04:37 PM
OoC: Oh. I get it. I missed that hint the first time.
I don't remember who has the key. And I don't think what we're looking for it in this area anymore.
The first place to check would be to go back to the stairs and go down.

"Rudii, pocket any valuables left in the cart. If anyone asks we'll say someone is hazing us."

Nangwen casually walks out of the room towards the stairs.

2016-01-11, 12:39 AM
Lia surpressed her relief. Of course things worked out. She was a powerful wizard, capable of doing many things. Still, she should do her best not to make the creature angry again. Maybe you could start by telling me a little about yourself. Who are you? Do you have a name? And what are you doing stuck in this old room?

2016-01-11, 10:25 AM
Lower Courtyard, Red Wizards Room

My name is Palaus, I have followed master Rath for many years now. My loyalty is with him. I know not more than that.

Lia finds a scroll of dimension door, feather fall, and fireball. There is also Rath's Staff of Fire. She also finds a book entitled Beyond the Iron Gates that appears to have several annotations and pages marked. There are also correspondence between the Red Wizards of Thay and the Cult of the Dragon. There's also internal messages between Red Wizards revealing reservations in tying so deeply with the Cult of the Dragon.

Taking these items will likely be difficult even with the suggestion.

Lower Courtyard, Spiral Staircase

Rudii and Nangwen approach the staircase, and have the choice to move up into the Upper Courtyard or descend into the caverns.