View Full Version : Pathfinder Monkey see, monkey do, monkey is gonna Make a fool out of you!

2015-10-08, 10:52 AM
So I was looking at the Advanced Race guide, and I loved the style of the Vanaras race. Then I looked back at the class list and saw monk and thought "I must do this."

I kinda want to design a character to similar style to the Monkey King Jet Li played from the Forbidden Kingdom. You know, pretty much just enjoying himself even in a fight. Or make Sun wukong type of character where here's OP, but really childish. You know Monkey stuff, monk-ey stuff. PUNS!

I was trying to find a build guide that would help me with a Vanaras Monk. I had looked at Treantmonk's guide, but I hadn't read all the way through it yet. I think it looks good but it seems to be for before the ultimate guides and the advanced race guide came out.

I've got a 20 point build character.

2015-10-08, 11:42 AM
Vanarans make good monks. I mean, really good monks. They are probably the best race in the game for monks. Perfect ability mods, bonus to acrobatics and stealth, a tail to hold things and do stuff, low light, and the ability to replace their climb speed with every knowledge as a class skill. The treetop monk is okay, not great not terrible. The tree hanger feat is pretty fun, and amazing for a zen archer.

For stats, Strength is your highest unless your going zen archer. Then wisdom and dex, then con, then intelligence. Throw charisma down the well.

I suggest the Zen Archer, Master of Many styles, or a dex based maneuver master for an archetype.

2015-10-08, 01:24 PM
Vanara are (very) good monks, but I wouldn't call them the best - there are a few races that have them beat, like Kasatha, Strix, and Aasimar (Gardua-blooded), while Humans/Half-Elves/Half-Orcs give them a run for their money as well.

Revel's guide (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7b8EGfd1Lu3MTNiMjIyMjUtOWVkYS00ODEyLTkwMTAtMTI3Y jk1MTFkNDFk/view) is better (Treantmonk's is old/core-only), however I highly recommend Unchained Monk for this, a guide on which I'm actively working.

Also, I strongly suggest your GM allows the Combat Stamina rules.

Secret Wizard
2015-10-08, 04:24 PM
Monkey Goblin master race.

2015-10-08, 11:29 PM
Monkey Goblin master race.

I played a Monkey Goblin Alchemist once. It was fun.