View Full Version : Movies Any silent horror recommendations?

2015-10-08, 11:00 PM
I'm planning an event with the uni library, we're gonna hold a sort of movie night in one of the classrooms and show a bunch of silent horror classics. I'm basically just compiling a list of movies that we could show at the event, but the list is rather short. I probably don't need a very long one, but it would help to be able to get some ideas.

So far, I've got:
Nosferatu- Symphony of Horror
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Häxan- Witchcraft Through the Ages
The Hands of Orlac

The main criteria here are:
Needs to be a silent movie.
Needs to be a well received horror classic.

2015-10-08, 11:15 PM
John Barrymore's 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' from 1920 and 'The Golem: How He Came into the World' from the same year come to mind.

2015-10-09, 09:26 AM
Lon Chaney Sr.'s Phantom of the Opera"! Classic. Iconic.

2015-10-09, 10:57 AM
With Nosferatu and Caligari you have the most important ones.
You might enjoy the "Dr. Mabuse" films. A bit more psychological rather than supernatural in nature but still excellent. They are done by Fritz Lang, so you should enjoy them. I haven't read the books the movies are based on so I can't make any comments about faithfulness.

2015-10-09, 01:08 PM
The main one you're missing is Carl Theodor Dreyer's Vampyr – Der Traum des Allan Grey (1932). Mainly remarkable for being (possibly) the oldest surviving Vampire film that isn't in any way derived from Dracula. Also has the 'Jewish villain cliche' present in lots of German films that's actually because Jewish directors had free run of casting villains so tended to cast their friends while the studios and investors who choose the heroes went for more marketable actors.

Never mind, it is not actually a silent film. Its an early sound film that's 90% silent so I remembered it being silent because all the story telling techniques are silent film ones. Might as well be a silent film since none of the dialogue is plot critical and it still has title cards.