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The Sentinel
2007-05-23, 05:22 PM
Filling in the blanks in Nicholas' unfinished sentence, Plods nods. "I'm doing fine, thanks. Yourself?" He watches the sphere with a look of bemusement.

2007-05-23, 05:28 PM
Aesa appears and goes over to the bar.
Cosmo rolls his eyes, but he has accepted her presence and use of the bar by now. Unfortunately, he is about to get a surprise.
Aesa casts two small seeming spells, and the entire bar starts working itself. Namely, all the glasses, tankards, etc begin filling up and sliding across the bar to Aesa, who starts on them, wondering how far she'll get.

2007-05-23, 05:32 PM
"I have no idea..." the marksmen responds as he cautiously edges around the little ball.

"I'm a scouting probe!" bubbles the scouting probe. The thing sounds like it could explode in a conflagration of happy at any moment. "I'm good at finding things! Want to hear what I found today?"

Nick takes a seat at Joseph's table, still eyeing the ball suspiciously.


"Yay! I found a horse and a horse shoe and horse fly and a horse tail and a horse's tail and a blow fly and a deer fly and a mule deer and a mule and a saddle and some oats and a orc raiding party and some dead farmers and a burnt farm and a portal to a plane that isn't there and a sandwich golem and a dead giant crab and a duck and some duck weed and some crab grass and a +12 magic sword and a barrel and a barrow and a barrow wight and a wight and some white paint and some orange paint and a goose and a squadron of Tau in powered armor and forty three copper pieces and a talking cape and a zombie and..."

It doesn't look like it will be stopping any time soon.

2007-05-23, 05:35 PM
At first, Joseph watches the ball with a mild amount of interest. As the tale goes on, he begins to look agitated. As it goes on and on, his hands grip tightly onto the table. As it goes on and on and on, he grits his teeth and says, "Shut it up."

2007-05-23, 05:36 PM
Let the thing talk while it can. Have a drink.
Aesa shoves a tray of drinks over at Joseph with telekinesis.

2007-05-23, 05:38 PM
Joseph grabs a drink, then looks with suspicion at both Aesa and the drink. He sniffs the drink and swirls it a little bit.

2007-05-23, 05:39 PM
after takeing some time to calm down Tiben relises that he should probbaly leave now that he looks like an Idiot and leaves the Tavern with a grumble.
Shortly followed by his raven

2007-05-23, 05:41 PM
It looks like whatever drink he picked out from the menu.
It IS whatever drink he picked out from the menu. No more, no less.
Aesa uses telekinesis to set the tray down in front of him.
Hell, have a ton of drinks.
She slides an empty glass out of the way and starts on another.

2007-05-23, 05:43 PM
Joseph shrugs and downs the drink. "Thanks." He looks down at the tray briefly, then grabs another drink and starts in on it.

2007-05-23, 05:44 PM
I don't think we've met.
Aesa eyes him calculatingly.

The Sentinel
2007-05-23, 05:47 PM
Plods gives Aesa and the magically refilling drinks a look that implies that he would have liked a few free drinks as well, and would say so, but he's too busy being nearly bored to death by the monologue of the scouting probe.

2007-05-23, 05:47 PM
"We have not." Feeling obligated to be at least somewhat polite to the person that gave him a tray of drinks, he continues, "Name's Joseph. Of Asholme. And you would be..?"

2007-05-23, 05:49 PM
Aesa sends a tray over Plods's way as she idly catches the look. The Vala is obviously in an odd mood.
And Cosmo is having a breakdown. He didn't want to be turned into a crisp... but he also didn't want to explain to his bosses that a goddess came in and drank the tavern's stock.

Aesa pushes aside her... twenty first glass? She'd frankly lost count, and didn't care anyways.
Then she glances at Joseph.
Aesa. The Changing Fate. For a little while longer, at least.

2007-05-23, 05:50 PM
"...And a hoola hoop and some hobos with syphilis and a headless vampire and some dirt clods and a cow pat and grassy knoll and a grassy gnoll and a cart full of pomegranates and a guy pushing a cart full of pomegranates and a Pegasus and some winged sandals and some not-winged sandals and a broken arrow and a piece of string and some old cheese and a pie fight and a top hat and some dust particles and..."

Nick looks... baffled at first, as if he has no idea what to make of the little ball. As it continues to rattle off random objects he honestly can't decide whether it’s the most hilarious ting ever or the most annoying thing ever.

"So, ran into that vampire hunter guy who keeps getting randomly attacked every time he talks to you?" he asks, doing his best to ignore the tide of verbal diarrhea gushing forth from the probe. Then he notices that he's talking to that winged woman from the other day. "Eerr... sorry, didn't mean to interrupt."

2007-05-23, 05:53 PM
Aesa shrugs.
Interrupt what? The universe dying?
Have a drink tray.
She shoves one over at Nick.

Cosmo whimpers behind the bar.

2007-05-23, 05:56 PM
"The Changing Fate?" Joseph raises an eyebrow. "An...interesting title, to say the least. Why would you be losing it?"

He glances over at Nick and shakes his head.

The Sentinel
2007-05-23, 05:58 PM
Plods grins as the drinks slide down to him, nodding and tipping the front of his hood as if it was a hat. "Thank you very much." He begins sampling each one, trying his best to let the taste block out the sound of the probe, though he can't help looking up at the comment about the universe's death.
He glances at Aesa, looking disappointed. "The Universe is dying?"

2007-05-23, 05:59 PM
Because we may be all about to die and get remade, and my status definitely wouldn't be staying around. Have fun while you can, have fun while you can.
Aesa starts on maybe her fortieth drink, and looks at Plods.
Well, being murdered. Same thing, really.

The Sentinel
2007-05-23, 06:03 PM
"I s'pose..." He shakes his head and starts on another drink, mumbling to himself. "I really wanted to do this one myself, as well..."
He looks at the living gummi wom writhing around on the table as consolation, smiling slightly.

2007-05-23, 06:04 PM
The Probe continues to jabber ceaselessly in the background.

Nicholas takes one of the drinks and downs it. Then another. Why not? They're free after all. He's hoping that the end of the world crazy will be stopped since he rather likes questing. Isn't sure if he would still be able to do that should everything stop being as it is.

"Changing Fate? You aren't another goddess are you?"

2007-05-23, 06:06 PM
"Universe is being remade?" Joseph ponders this for a few moments. "Well, I could do with a fresh start. Say, think I can get any requests from the guy doing it?"His voice is sarcastic. It's hard to tell whether he isn't taking Aesa seriously or honestly doesn't care.

2007-05-23, 06:06 PM
Aesa just smirks.
So instead of launching a feeble attempt to save everything like I was supposed to do, I just decided to come down here and have a drink.
Feel happy, guys. I saved you the expense of paying for all of this yourselves. Better than me not saving anything.
She's bitter, a bit insane sounding, and highly amused all at once.
Yes I'm a goddess, no he isn't taking requests.
She answers the last two questions in a monotone voice, rolling her eyes.

2007-05-23, 06:11 PM
Therarde breaks out of dead time and notices Nick and Joseph. He also notices Aesa, but doesn't say anything because I can't remember whether or not they've met. He sips his drink and nods at the two of them.

The Sentinel
2007-05-23, 06:12 PM
Plods nods and looks out the window for any signs of the universe drawing to a close. Not finding any obvious ones, he looks back to his gummi worm, which he stows in his pocket with a sigh. "That was your choice, of course." Deciding that that isn't much consolation, he adds, "And the drinks are good."

2007-05-23, 06:15 PM
Two goddesses in as many days.

This place really is odd.

Nick tosses back another drink, a DLB probably. If it weren't for his poison immunity he would be pretty soundly sloshed by now.

He is, however, dismayed to hear that this 'Changing Fate' person has decided not to go through with her plan to, you know, save everything.

"So... you're giving up? Just like that?" if he knew more about Aesa he probably wouldn't be so blunt about it.

2007-05-23, 06:20 PM
Damn right I am!
Aesa glares over at Nick.
I work in a ministry- by Hel, I worked in a ministry with other deities, and you know what? The guy took half of them out without even breaking a sweat. Sure I'm good, sure I am probably better than any of them, but you know what? I'm not damn good enough! This guy will just cage me as a pet for his amusement!
Aesa looks very, very pissed right now.
I figured, why even bother? I don't CARE anymore! We're all doomed, I might as well admit, get a drink, and wait for things to happen.

2007-05-23, 06:20 PM
Therarde downs his drink and grabs another, noticing that they seem to be free. Even if they aren't, he still should have enough to pay for it. He listens to the conversation half-interested, not hearing anything interesting as of yet.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-23, 06:21 PM
A NPC who has managed to survive an alarmingly long time in Town looks at Aesa and blinks.
"How...unAesa. Where'd the arrogance go?"

The Sentinel
2007-05-23, 06:26 PM
Plods decides to avoid saying anything to the goddess sitting next to him at the moment, deciding that it's both unwise and not the smartest thing to do right before the end of the universe. He looks over at Therarde and nods, raising a small mug of ale. "Good day."

2007-05-23, 06:28 PM
Nick decides that it would be best not to evoke the ire of any gods, even if he is just about to be annihilated and remade. He's just a silly non-epic ranger after all. What could he honestly hope to do?

The marksmen begins to toy with an empty glass aimlessly.

2007-05-23, 06:30 PM
I'm not arrogant, you idiotic lowlife. I have confidence in proportion to my power.
Aesa glares at the NPC.
I'd kill you, but why should I waste the effort when you're about to die anyways?

2007-05-23, 06:33 PM
Therarde nods to Plods. Good day to you as well, I suppose. He catches Aesa say something about everyone about to die. Hmm...That wouldn't happen to be about the freak who's trying to destroy the universe, would it?

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-23, 06:33 PM
The NPC scoffs and gestures inanely.
"Bah, its arrogance even if you fail to acknowledge that. But since when do you go down without a fight? Looks like you replaced arrogance with cowardice."

2007-05-23, 06:34 PM
Tiben walkes back into the tavern and up to the bar where he rents a room for the night abd looks around to see more new people and an odd blue ball that just keeps talking. After watching the ball for a while he orders a drink and listens to the on-going conversation

2007-05-23, 06:37 PM
You know what? Shock not kill you.
Aesa picks up one of the empty trays and flings it at the NPC with high speed an accuracy that will either snap his neck or bust his skull.
She then shoves Tiben a full tray of drinks.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-23, 06:39 PM
"Too cowardly to face your fear!"
Then his head eshplodes. And that was the longest living generic NPC Town ever had...he was just trying to motivate Aesa...oh well.

2007-05-23, 06:40 PM
Osnagard pops through the mirror from the Temple.
"Evening", He says.

His Skeleton NPC is still following him

2007-05-23, 06:41 PM
thank you and, um... may I ask why there are people dieing and one very angry person here

The Sentinel
2007-05-23, 06:42 PM
"Well, if you remove the factor of the universe about to end..." He nods and watches the murder attempt against the NPC with a sort of vague bored expression, then tosses his drink over his shoulder and takes out a yellow legal pad and pen. "Speaking of which, when exactly will it end?"
He waves absentmindedly to Osnagard.

2007-05-23, 06:43 PM
You'd think the longest living NPC would have learned to be a ninja and avoid Aesa, but apparently not.
Aesa just grumbles.
Because I felt like it and it won't matter.
She heads out the door, leaving fifty empty glasses in her wake.
And lots and lots of full ones, just waiting for owners.

2007-05-23, 06:44 PM
"Universe? Ending? Why are we standing around here then?" With look of pure awe on his face from the fact that the world is ending and everyone is just calmly sitting around in the local Tavern. Well, other than that one guy.

2007-05-23, 06:44 PM
EXCUSE ME?! says Tiben in shock
Did you just say the worldis going to END?
I'm gonna need these drinks
Said Tiben as he started on the tray of drinks

2007-05-23, 06:48 PM
Therarde looks at Osnagard and Tiben. Well, unless one of you has the power to stop something that can kill GODS, there's not really too much you can do at this point. Might as well make what you can of the rest of your life. He finishes his drink and grabs one of the ones Aesa left, while his player sets up a camera in the End of the World plot thread because he doesn't have any characters nearly strong enough, or interested for that matter, and he doesn't feel like making one.

The Sentinel
2007-05-23, 06:50 PM
EXCUSE ME?! says Tiben in shock
Did you just say the worldis going to END?
"That's more or less it," Says Plods, looking sort of disappointed. This would seem, to many people, a strange reaction to the universe's end, but looking sort of disappointed is about as sympathetic as Plods can be. And since most of the disappointment had to do with the fact that he wanted to destroy the universe anyway and has been beaten to it, sympathy basically has nothing to do with it.
Mr. Plods begins scribbling down things onto his legal pad, mumbling to himself.

2007-05-23, 06:52 PM
"Eerr... apparently some creature called 'Limos' killed a bunch of gods and intends to take everything apart and build it back up more to his liking," Nick glances at the leaving vala and licks his lips nervously. "I had thought that she was going to help stop him, but apparently not."

2007-05-23, 06:52 PM
Osnagard Poofs away, heading to help save the world, or more likely die in the attempt. The skeleton belatedly poofs afterwards.

2007-05-23, 06:54 PM
You rise a good point.
says Tiben as he Finishes his drink
You even left my Raven speechless, normaly he gives me a poem or something He then turns to look at the raven as if expecting it to say something. It didn't
and for the record I am a traveling trader. If I have anything anyone's intersted in I'd be happy to sell it.
((OOC)) Currently no item list, will put one up eventually((OOC))

The Sentinel
2007-05-23, 06:58 PM
"Hmm? Oh, yes, I'd like a few lovely little trinkets to carry right before the universe explodes in a big fiery red ball." Putting some finishing touches on the scribbles in his notepad, Plods looks up. "Have any pottery?"

2007-05-23, 07:01 PM
I may just be parinoid, but you might be being sarcastic
Tiben says sarcasticly, while searching his supply anyway

The Sentinel
2007-05-23, 07:04 PM
"You're probably paranoid, then. Seeing as how I'm going to be the only one that survives, I'd like something to give to my mother the next time I see her." He runs a finger through his unrealistically long mustache.

2007-05-23, 07:05 PM
1) how do you plan on living through this
2) what do you want me to give her
3) why the heck would I have pottery?!

The Sentinel
2007-05-23, 07:13 PM
"How do I plan on living through this?"
He smiles and begins walking towards the door. "Simple. I'm leaving. Something in earth tones, though it probably doesn't matter now..." He stops at the door for the third question. "You're a traveling trader, right?" He heads out into the streets, pulling his hood over his eyes. "Best be going now..."

2007-05-23, 07:15 PM
Tiben goes upstairs to the room he rented to sleep for the night

2007-05-23, 07:22 PM
Therarde turns to whoever is left in the tavern. Well, drink up. If the world's really gonna end, we might as well make the best of it.

2007-05-23, 07:24 PM
"It's going to be remade, isn't it?" Joseph shrugs. "Can't be too bad. Can't be any worse, at least." He chuckles bitterly.

2007-05-23, 07:40 PM
"Apparently the guy who is trying to do this is going to make everything into some sort of paradise. It would be... pleasant I guess. But I don't know if the prospect of losing part of free will will be worth it," Nick throws back another drink. He would certainly be in a stupor by now if not for that poison immunity. "Maybe someone will be able to stop him..."

2007-05-23, 07:42 PM
I hope so. I sure as hell can't. Anyone up for some poker?

2007-05-23, 07:45 PM
"Sure, why the hell not." Joseph drinks down another mug of ale. It's wonder he hasn't died of alchohol poisoning, let alone shown any signs of drunkeness. "Got cards?"

2007-05-23, 07:49 PM
"I'm game," the marksmen comments before ordering a plate of bamhacon. He can't help but wonder what ceasing to exist will be like.

2007-05-23, 07:53 PM
Therarde nods and pulls out a deck. He begins dealing. *sigh* I wish Nathaniel was here...

2007-05-23, 08:01 PM
Joseph pulls his hat down low and sighs. "I wish I could see Asholme, one last time..."

2007-05-23, 08:03 PM
Nick glares at the still jabbering Probe.

"I wish that thing would shut up..."

2007-05-23, 08:04 PM
Not really caring about consequences, it being the end of the world and all, Joseph draws a revolver and aims it at the probe. "Shut up."

2007-05-23, 08:07 PM
Once all the cards are dealt, Therarde realizes something and gives a sharp whistle.

2007-05-23, 08:10 PM
Joseph raises an eyebrow at the whistling Therarde, collecting his cards in his free hand.

2007-05-23, 08:11 PM
The Probe continues to list random creatures and object, oblivious to the thin ice it's currently treading... eer... floating above.

"Something wrong?" Nick asks while collecting his cards.

2007-05-23, 08:13 PM
"I said..." Joseph raises his voice and c0cks the revolver. "Shut up!"

2007-05-23, 08:13 PM
The reason for the whistling soon becomes apparent, as an eagle flies in through an open window, landing on Therarde's shoulder. Therarde whispers something to the eagle, then puts down a gold piece while picking up his hand. The eagle seems distressed, then takes a couple of gold pieces and flies back out the window.

It should be noted that, although it was difficult to see, the bird was wearing a K.N.A.V.E.S. badge.

2007-05-23, 08:15 PM
Joseph hardly notices the bird fly in, and certainly doesn't notice the K.N.A.V.E.S. badge. He's focusing on the Probe.

2007-05-23, 08:18 PM
The Probe doesn't stop. In fact, things get quite a bit worse.

I begins to sing everything it has found.

Off key.


"Was that your standard issue ranger pet?" Nick asks, failing completely to recognize the KNAVEs symbol as anything important. "They were all out of ferocious animals when I got mine. I was stuck with a mule."

2007-05-23, 08:21 PM
Therarde raises an eyebrow at Nick. Standard Issue? Pet? Trust me, don't let him hear you say that stuff. He can get somewhat sensitive.

2007-05-23, 08:22 PM
Joseph stands and draws his other revolver. He aims both at the Probe. Two shots rings out as he fires at the thing with both guns.


2007-05-23, 08:27 PM
With an "Erk" the Probe ceases to make noise and thumps into the ground lifelessly.

Several NPCs cheer.

"Well, all rangers get one. And what else would you call them? An animal companion?" Nicholas asks incredulously.

2007-05-23, 08:30 PM
((Noo!!! Not the probe!!!))

Therarde rubs his chin. Hmm...I like the sound of that, actually...

2007-05-23, 08:38 PM
Almost immediately a platoon of robots from the Emergency Mechanical Technitians (EMT) divison appear on the scene. They try to resescitate the victim, using defibulators and a cache of RAM as smelling salts to try and wake it up.

"We're losing him doc!"
"Gimme twenty CC's stat!"
"We lost him... Poor guy."

2007-05-23, 08:44 PM
((You wouldn't believe how many of those things Regiji has >.>))

The probe continues to sit on the floor, exceptionally dead.

"I dunno," Nick responds hesitantly. "It sounds like it could be misconstrued as... very personal. How about animal follower? That seems a little more accurate than pet."

He looks at his cards and notices that he's been dealt a bunch of random low numbered cards in random suits.

2007-05-23, 08:45 PM
The throwaway gag of robotic medical personal exit from whence they came, probably to set up some Borg colony some where or exterminate all humans.

2007-05-23, 08:46 PM
Joseph gives a sigh of relief and regains his seat, holstering his revolver. Looking down at his cards, he gives no outwards sign of the horrible, horrible hand he's been dealt.

2007-05-23, 08:54 PM
The eagle flies in through the window, dropping a bottle of armor polish on the table and accidentally flying into Therarde, causing the hand he was raising to look at fall on the table, face up. Five aces. Hmm, looks like that guy wasn't kidding when he said it was a magic deck...

2007-05-23, 08:55 PM
Joseph makes a disgusted sound and throws his hand in. "I fold."

2007-05-23, 08:56 PM
Nick looks down at the cards and then up at Therarde. He may not be good at cards, but he's pretty certain that there should only be four such cards in a deck.

"Uh huh... And what, exactly, would be the point of cheating when the world is about to end?"

2007-05-23, 09:00 PM
Joseph notices the fifth ace, and suddenly stands with an angry look on his face. "Cheating?! You know what I do to cheaters?"

2007-05-23, 09:00 PM
Therarde shrugs. I sure didn't do that. If the world's about to end, why would I be cheating? Here. Therarde shuffles the cards back into the deck, handing it to Joseph. You deal.

2007-05-23, 09:04 PM
"Ah, nevermind..." Joseph regains his seat and takes the deck. He begins to deal.

"So...got any plans on what to do if the world doesn't end? You know, to celebrate?" He grins.

2007-05-23, 09:07 PM
Therarde shrugs. No clue.

2007-05-23, 09:15 PM
"I dunno. Find a nice quest to go on?" Nick responds as he picks up his cards. "I am something of a professional quester after all."

2007-05-23, 09:18 PM
Therarde picks up his hand, noticing that it's a high six. Doesn't get much worse than that.

2007-05-23, 09:19 PM
"Yeah, well..." Joseph finishes dealing, and collects his hand. "I'm a professional vampire hunter, but you don't see me itching to go put some stakes in some hearts. Surely there's something better than 'go on a quest'."

2007-05-23, 09:22 PM
Therarde shrugs. I'll probably just be chugging down beers here. Still, we might not want to get our hopes up too much, no telling what's going to happen. So, what brought you guys here?

2007-05-23, 09:25 PM
"But vampire hunting is a pretty narrow profession, even if you count killing of other undead and evil 'anthropes," Nick responds as he begins looking over his hand. "A quest could be anything. Even something as simple as a side-quest to go get a new cow."

Nicholas shrugs.

"I heard of this place called the OmniShop here that apparently sells everything. I thought it would be worth checking out. I think I'll get a handkerchief of Prestidigitation to clean myself off after fights. That, and a priest of Selune pointed me here."

2007-05-23, 09:29 PM
"Perhaps, but believe me when I say it's not a very predictable profession." Joseph gives a grim smile.

Turning to Therarde, he answers, "The zombie outbreak. There's a vampire that likes to use similar tactics."

2007-05-23, 09:36 PM
(( There's always killing off the live vampire terrorizing the streets. *Blatant Advertisement for my Plot* Warpfire's off the hook because hea lready has the crazy wizard there though. ))

2007-05-23, 09:37 PM
((He's not crazy!

He's...humorously eccentric!))

2007-05-23, 09:38 PM
(( You say potato I say tomato.

Wait a second.... ))

2007-05-23, 09:40 PM
Heh, actually, mine is pretty interesting. I was walking through the forest, minding my own business, when I get shot. Arrow right through the chest. Apparently, while I was stumbling around like that, I ended up here. Not sure how, though. If Joseph picks up his hand, he should notice that it is ridiculously good, like a triple straight or something. Even though that isn't possible.

2007-05-23, 09:45 PM
Nick looks at his hand again and balks.

"A bunch of ones? What the hell? There aren't even ones in a deck of cards!"

2007-05-23, 09:46 PM
Joseph throws down his triple straight. "We need another deck of cards."

2007-05-23, 09:51 PM
Therarde thinks for a moment, then gets an idea. Maybe we could try this one game I picked up somewhere. It's called "War". We split the deck, and everyone gets a third of the deck. We all flip the top cards on our decks, and whoever has the highest gets the cards. Whoever has the most when all the decks are gone wins.

2007-05-23, 09:55 PM
Nick tosses his cards down and scowls.

"I'm sure your magic deck will manage to louse things up regardless."

2007-05-23, 09:59 PM
"No doubt..." Joseph suddenly brightens up with an an idea, and tosses Therarde an empty mug. "Toss this into the air. High."

2007-05-23, 10:00 PM
Therarde shrugs and collects the cards. He puts them away. We could try this game called "Parchment Stone Sword". On the count of three you do either Parchemnt, He makes a flat hand, Stone, He makes a fist, Or Sword. He puts two fingers together. Parchment covers Stone, Stone breaks Sword, and Sword cuts Parchment. Any questions? He then catches the mug. Alright... He throws the mug into the air, much to Cosmo's dismay.

2007-05-23, 10:03 PM
Before the mug reaches the top of its toss, Joseph is standing with revolver drawn and cocked. A shot rings out and, even more to Cosmo's dismay, the mug practically explodes into a great many pieces that scatter about the room.

Joseph smiles, and throws the revolver to Nick. "Now you try."

2007-05-23, 10:09 PM
Nick catches the weapon, being of the rather dexterous sort.

"Can't say I've ever used one of these before," he mumbles while looking the weapon over. "You just shoot them like a cross-bow, right?"

2007-05-23, 10:12 PM
"Yeah. It's optional double action, so just pull the trigger and make sure the hole is facing towards what you want to fire at."

2007-05-23, 10:16 PM
"I figured that much. I've seen them used. Just never shot one before. So, shooting another mug?" Cosmo shakes his head in disgust and retrieves a broom and a dust pan.

2007-05-23, 10:17 PM
Therarde would probably comment had he not been stabbed by a dead time covered dagger.

2007-05-23, 10:18 PM
"Unless you want to try shooting gnome..." Joseph glares menacingly at Cosmo."Anyway, ready, go!" He tosses a mug into the air.

It may be worth noting that Joseph is acting different than he normally does tonight. Mainly due to the whole end-of-the-world thing and slight inebriation.

2007-05-23, 10:35 PM

The mug explodes quite spectacularly as a metal slug blasts through it.

Nick holds the weapon out for Joseph.

"My only problem with these things," he begins, rubbing one ear with his free hand. "Is how loud they are."

2007-05-23, 10:37 PM
Conrad and Akil walk in and take a seat and the floor at an empty table. Conrad oreders them both coffee but get's Akil's in a bowl. They watch the happenings of the tavern as they wait for their drinks.

2007-05-23, 10:38 PM
Joseph takes the weapon and holsters it. "You get used to it. Nice shot." He regains his seat and glances over at the deadtimed Therarde. "That's too bad."

2007-05-23, 10:48 PM
Nick glances at the frozen drinking buddy.

"Seems to happen a lot here..."

Suddenly Nick is wearing one of the shirts Prancibald is handing out. He looks down at himself, trying to read the letters that are, from his angle, upside down and backwards.

"The hell...?"

2007-05-23, 10:56 PM
Conrad and Akil are dead timed just after receiving their drinks and Conrad pays.

2007-05-23, 10:59 PM
Joseph reads off the shirt, "I Survived One of Prancibald's Boss Encounters and all I got was this Lousy Shirt...? Huh?"

2007-05-23, 11:02 PM
"For some reason I get the feeling that this has something to do with that guy who was trying to end the universe," Nick responds as he considers whether or not he should remove the garment. "So... I think that means we... won."

2007-05-23, 11:04 PM
Joseph grins. "It looks like I'm going to have another chance at killing him..."

Warpfire appears and wags a finger at Nick in an admonishing manner. "You meta-gamer, you."

2007-05-23, 11:08 PM
Or it could be that he got a few general perceptions from the copy of himself that was at the fight.

You know, something like that.

"A particular vampire you want to rid the world of, I take it?" Nick responds as he downs another one of those free drinks.

2007-05-23, 11:11 PM
Warpfire doesn't particularly care about Rebonack's 'reason' and 'logic' and continues to wag an admonishing finger at Nick. That is, until he bursts into flames and burns to death.

Joseph nods. "Yeah. I've been hunting him for awhile." Through his tone, one probably couldn't tell that 'awhile' is 'a little over twenty years'.

2007-05-23, 11:18 PM
After fiddling with his new shirt for a while Nick discovers that it's simply sitting over the top of his other clothing. As such he slips it off, if only because it's sort of creepy.

"I was told that this place acts like a magnet for quests and the like. It wouldn't surprise me at all if this neck nipper you're after shows up here by pure happenstance," Nicholas comments as he looks away from the flaming wizard. "Or a hint regarding his or her location falls into your lap. Or something."

2007-05-23, 11:24 PM
"Well, I guess stranger things have happened here." Joseph shrugs. "And there were other leads other than that pointing to here..."

"Say, you have any archenemies?" Joseph randomly asks. "You're an adventurer. Surely there's some evil archvillain that burned down your village, or something."

2007-05-23, 11:35 PM
"No, nothing so exciting or tragic. I'm the youngest son, so my inheritance was relatively meager and my eldest brother got my family's merchant fleet," Nicholas licks his lips, not because he's nervous, but because they're actually dry. Or so he assures himself. "I didn't really feel like being a captain or manage one of our warehouses in some far off port so instead I took my money and set off to do some adventuring. Figured I would see parts of the world I wouldn't see otherwise. Make some more money from selling off ancient magical treasures and get a chance to do some general heroing."

He sighs and then nocks back another drink.

"I'm sure I've still managed to miff a few people, though."

2007-05-23, 11:40 PM
((Man, Nick must be getting pretty drunk if he thinks the drink is an arrow and is trying to nock it. :smalltongue: ))

"I see. So how's the adventuring life been for you?" Joseph idly begins to clean one of his revolvers, opening it up and pulling a cloth out.

2007-05-23, 11:50 PM
((I blame typo gnomes.))

"Generally pretty good. I've managed to avoid getting eaten alive, which is apparently the leading cause of death among adventures. A couple of close calls. One really close call where I got the whole 'anthropy thing from," Nick replies with another lick of the lips. He still isn't comfortable talking about that issue what with past experience with lynch mobs and all. And not the kind of experience you can level up off of, either. "Got to save the day a few times. Saved a damsel in distress once. Though the bard got the kiss for it. Smarmy little bastard."

2007-05-24, 12:02 AM
"Well, that's good. And bards can be like that, can't they? Come in, sing a few useless songs while hiding from the vampire, then take all the credit later." Joseph grins.

"Say, boy, you look nervous. Which is an obvious indicator you aren't as drunk as you should be."

2007-05-24, 12:07 AM
"I'm immune to poison," Nicholas responds with a scowl. "One of the side effects of being an ophisanthrope from what I understand."

He throws back another drink.

"Which means I haven't been able to get drunk for the last three years. It's annoying as hell."

2007-05-24, 12:20 AM
Joseph looks at Nick blankly for a few moments, then suddenly bursts out laughing.

2007-05-24, 12:27 AM
Nick's scowl gets significantly scowlier.

Or something.

"Uh huh. I agree. Certainly is hilarious."

2007-05-24, 12:32 AM
"I'm sorry...it's just, the irony..." Joseph recovers, though a small smile is still on his face.

"You see, I was born to be a Vampire Slayer. This has granted me several abilities. Among them is that I can get only slightly inebriated. This is to protect slayers from going out and getting drunk after seeing their best friend have his throat torn out, and then get their own throat ripped out when they're caught unawares."

"So, basically," Joseph sums up, "We're two guys that can't get drunk, drinking together at a bar."

2007-05-24, 12:38 AM
Ozzy pokes his head in and takes a count of everyone in the room. He quickly shuffles in, although his heavy armor makes this quite noisy, and finds an empty part of the room to sit in, looking at everyone suspiciously.

2007-05-24, 12:38 AM
The scowl begins to get somewhat smirky.

"So, then, our friend Therarde here," he points at the frozen ranger. "Is probably the only one from our little end of the world get together who can actually get hammered."

He studies the man for a long time.

"I'll have to challenge him to a drinking contest later. Seeing him flail around in a stupor should be worth a laugh or two."

Nick pauses for a moment.

"Oh! Speaking of having trouble with being uncoordinated, did you managed to get rid of that curse the snake-demon tossed at you? Those things can be annoying."

The marksmen blinks.

"Joseph? Stupid dead time..."

After a few minutes of grumbling about temporal anomalies Nicholas heads up stairs to go to sleep.

2007-05-24, 02:03 AM
The She-Wolf murmurs in her sleep.

2007-05-24, 02:37 AM
An orc suddenly sits up from behind the bar. He shakes his head a little and gets to his feet.
"Wooo. Haven't slept behind the bar for a while. Not since that buisness with the hydra twins."
Grinning from ear to ear at the memory, he starts pouring himself drinks and checks on the large metallic object sitting next to him.

2007-05-24, 02:43 AM
The She-Wolf stirrs at the noise...

2007-05-24, 11:16 AM
Pelgof appears from a corner, and looks around for Snowraven.

2007-05-24, 11:17 AM
Who is sound asleep, next to Winterfrost, at the bar.

2007-05-24, 11:20 AM
aCastaras wakes up from her sleep on the table, and goes over to the bar, ordering another drink. She sips it, watching the tavern.

2007-05-24, 11:21 AM
The She-Wolf curls up and goes to sleep.

2007-05-24, 11:24 AM
Pelgof wanders over, and nudges Snowraven on the arm, hoping to wake her up.

2007-05-24, 11:34 AM
She snuffles a little

Go 'way

2007-05-24, 11:35 AM
You alright? I was just wondering whether anything happened with that cloth I got you.

2007-05-24, 11:39 AM
Oh, eh, oh the cloth

She blinks a bit

Oh yes, that, yep, found him. He's hiding in a cave in the deep woods with all his supernatural nasties. We'd go and smack him but no one ever seems to be around at the same time at the moment.

2007-05-24, 11:41 AM
Well, I'm here for a while now. Want to stop by the guild and see if Castaras is free?

2007-05-24, 11:43 AM
The She-Wolf doesn't get to sleep, so, looks around.

2007-05-24, 11:44 AM
It's not quite that simple. Nightstar's gone and got herself involved in another plot. It should be fairly quick but she's doing it as we speak. Other than that, I'd say hell yes, but the person who really, really needs to see him dead is double booked.

2007-05-24, 11:50 AM
Fair enough, then. I'm heading back to the guild, then. Let me know if you need me.

He steps backwards, and fades into shadow.

2007-05-24, 12:11 PM
aCast hmms, finishing off her drink, thinking over what she'd heard.

2007-05-24, 12:45 PM
Joseph comes out of dead time, dusting off his trenchcoat and looking around the tavern. Adjusting his hat, he heads over to the bar and orders a drink.

2007-05-24, 12:52 PM
Osnagard walks into the Tavern and sit's down next to Joseph. "Mornin'", he says to the vampire hunter. Then orders a drink.

2007-05-24, 12:53 PM
Joseph quirks an eyebrow at the necromancer that just sat next to him. "Why are you sitting next to me?" He isn't the most friendly of people, esepcially when dealing with necromancers.

2007-05-24, 01:00 PM
"why not?" Osnagard is completely at ease, and leans back. "If you hadn't noticed, the world isn't over. Kinda gives one a nice break. Besides, It likes you." Osnagard is half interested to find out more about the man who is close to his polar opposite, that and he's looking for pretty much anything he can raise since his last skeleton got killed, and figures that vampires must be drawn to hunters.

2007-05-24, 01:03 PM
aCastaras takes out a small mirror from her pouch, and idly watches it, sipping her drink.

2007-05-24, 01:27 PM
Belatedly noticing a figure looking into a mirror, Osnagrad waves.

2007-05-24, 01:28 PM
"That's wonderful." Joseph thinks for a moment, receiving his drink and paying for it. "Go away."

2007-05-24, 01:39 PM
aCastaras doesn't seem to notice, as if the mirror didn't show Osnagard.

2007-05-24, 01:41 PM
The tavern door is nudged open by a large, green wolf carrying a chewed leather purse in his mouth. Upending it at the npc-on-duty's feet, he orders a brownie and sits patiently, tail wagging, for his order to arrive.

2007-05-24, 01:43 PM
The She-Wolf looks over at him and smiles faintly, before trying to sneak up on him.

2007-05-24, 01:45 PM
The wolf is quite blissfully unaware of anything except the smell of a freshly baked brownie getting stronger.

2007-05-24, 01:47 PM
The She-Wolf tries to pounce on his tail playfully.

2007-05-24, 01:49 PM
swish... swish... swish...

She misses. This is one very happy tail.

2007-05-24, 01:50 PM
Osnagard gets bored becasue no one is talking to him, and heads out. Maybe there'll be someone interesting elsewhere.

2007-05-24, 01:52 PM
The She-Wolf takes a step back and watches the tail, before making a better pounce.

2007-05-24, 01:55 PM
aCastaras slowly gets up, moving out of the way of the mirror, just before it explodes in a shower of mirror shards. She hmms, using her magic to pick them all up into one small heap on the table in front of her.

2007-05-24, 01:58 PM

Greeny attempts to spin around on the spot-


-but with his tail caught, he's going nowhere.

"I give in! Take the brownie!"

2007-05-24, 02:00 PM
The she-wolf lets go, smiles and sits by him.

{Lupine}"Hello Greeny"

2007-05-24, 02:02 PM
Joseph glances over at the exploding mirror, wondering what might be going on over there.

2007-05-24, 02:03 PM
Greeny grins.

{Lupine}: "Heya you, how goes it?"

2007-05-24, 02:03 PM
Tiben walkes down from his room upstairs and takes a seet in the bar. Still think the world is over he orders a Beer and quickly drinks it

2007-05-24, 02:08 PM
The She-Wolf smiles.

{Lupine}"It's been ok... not done much... slept really.. just here."

2007-05-24, 02:08 PM
aCast slowly repairs the mirror, thinking hard.

2007-05-24, 02:11 PM
{Lupine}: "Ah, well, these bipeds have a saying "there's no rest for the wicked"... and I suppose I'm deserving of my lack of rest at the moment, but we had only the best intentions! So a night's sleep in the tavern would probably do me some good."

2007-05-24, 02:13 PM
The she-wolf smiles.

{Lupine}"It is nice and warm here."[/color]

2007-05-24, 02:14 PM
after his drink Tiben notices that everybody in the bar is new and decides to go off and explore the town

2007-05-24, 02:20 PM
{Lupine} "And the food's good," the wolf adds cheerfully, before going to take a large bit out of his brownie and hesitating.

{Lupine} "Did you want some?" he asks, nudging the plate towards her.

2007-05-24, 02:25 PM
The She-Wolf smiles and takes a bite.

{lupine}"Thank you greeny."

2007-05-24, 02:28 PM
{Lupine} "You're welcome... just don't go telling anyone or I'll never be able to eat a brownie in peace again. But I've never seen you eat in here. You getting by on scraps?"

2007-05-24, 02:28 PM
Udwin, who has been dosing on the bar, rolls slowly across it and drops off the edge. A surprised 'eep' sounds before he hits the floor, and he picks himself up quickly afterwards, disorientated.
"Why the hell'd I have to be so... round?" he asks himself, glowing brightly.

2007-05-24, 02:29 PM
The She-Wolf nodds.

{Lupine}"Most of the time, yes..."

2007-05-24, 02:34 PM
Greeny tries very hard not to snicker at Udwin. Alas, he fails. he turns back to the She-Wolf.

{Lupine} "I like my food still warm," the wolf says contentedly. "Round here the easiest way is to have it out of the oven. You have to be so careful who you hunt here."

2007-05-24, 02:37 PM
{Lupine}"I have survived so far" He smiles {Lupine}"Thank you though."

2007-05-24, 02:39 PM
Udwin glows a darker shade of red and turns to the source of the muffles laughter.
"Hey, I do-"
He sees that it is Greeny, and his glow fades a little.
"Oh... it's you," he says more calmly, "Kratos' father... uh, Greeny, right?"

2007-05-24, 02:42 PM
{Lupine}: "No problem. I'm genuinely planning on sleeping tonight - the extra buzz of a whole brownie could have foiled my plans for it. Tomorrow night, I doubt I'll sleep at all..."

He looks at Udwin.

"In the flesh. 'Evening Udwin."

2007-05-24, 02:43 PM

She smiles to him.

2007-05-24, 02:51 PM
{Lupine}: "Still, it's nice to talk with someone of a wolfish disposition." He smiles back.

2007-05-24, 02:52 PM
The She-Wolf smiles to him again and her tail flicks from side to side.

{Lupine}"And Nice to talk to someone back."

2007-05-24, 02:54 PM
Therarde breaks away from dead time. Hm. I'm still alive. That's nice. He orders a drink and looks around, noticing Joseph.

2007-05-24, 02:56 PM
Joseph nods to Therarde. "Hello. Apparently the world's not going to end, after all. The "good guys" won, from what I've heard."

2007-05-24, 03:00 PM
The wolf orders a second brownie, this one to be put in a paper bag so that he can take it with him.

{Lupine}: "Best go home and check up on the cub," he says to the She-Wolf. "Stay safe, wolf. Hopefully I'll see you again soon." Grabbing the purse and bag (with difficulty) in his teeth, the wolf trots out of the tavern

2007-05-24, 03:01 PM
The She-Wolf watches him go sadly.

2007-05-24, 03:05 PM
Therarde nods. That's nice to know. So, we still haven't decided how to celebrate yet. A non-existent grumbling can be heard as Therarde's player stomps off in a non-existent huff.

2007-05-24, 03:48 PM
((Sorry...got distracted.))

Joseph nods and looks around. "Say, I wonder where Nick got off to."

2007-05-24, 03:50 PM
((Same here...Guitar hero when I'm supposed to be doing homework. >_>))

Therarde shrugs. Beats me.

2007-05-24, 03:52 PM
Joseph is about to say something when a random NPC hits him over the head with the Dead Time Club.

2007-05-24, 04:07 PM
Tiben runs in and upstairs into his rented room to sleep off the scare of being killed by fox people

2007-05-24, 04:07 PM
Earin comes in and sits at the bar.

2007-05-24, 04:11 PM
Eric comes inside.

2007-05-24, 04:13 PM
Nightstar enters and spots her sisters at the bar. She heads over towards them.

2007-05-24, 04:16 PM
Eric follows Nightstar but keeps an eye out for trouble.

2007-05-24, 04:16 PM
The universe is a bastard.

Everyone knows this.

It becomes even more clear when the aforementioned marksmen heads down the stairs just in time for his acquaintance to get frozen in time.

"Wow... Joseph is still stuck?"

2007-05-24, 04:18 PM
Snowraven makes room for them at the bar.

You 2 look like you've had an interesting afternoon. Where's the little one ?

Left her with Leonel, had some employee relations issues that we might need the rest of you to help sort out. And by that, I mean the relations between Eric and some assassin.

2007-05-24, 04:19 PM
Eric nods and shrugs. Still don't know why he is after me.

2007-05-24, 04:22 PM
Earin's eyes drift over to Eric and co. as he hears something about an assassin.
Missing psionics or not, his hearing is as good as ever.

2007-05-24, 04:22 PM
He's a shadowdancer, which is no real problem but also seems to be able to dimension door too, which is

So you need me to hold him down next time while you pummel some answers out of him ?

Basically, and a little bit of the Duskblossom insanity special wouldn't hurt either

I'm flattered that you hold me in such high regard.

2007-05-24, 04:23 PM
Joseph comes out of dead time just long enough to shake his fist at the universe, then redeadtimes.

2007-05-24, 04:23 PM
I guess it is lucky I was hired by people who seem use to hunting down assassins huh?

2007-05-24, 04:27 PM
Earin keeps listening, though he is very good at not appearing like he is doing so.
Probably because not being noticed is what he has devoted most of his life to.

2007-05-24, 04:27 PM
Nick unintentionally listens in on the conversation about clandestine assassination and the like for a little while before head outside with a bag of oats to feed his mule.

There is a stable adjoining the inn, right? Inns always have stables. It's a rule.

2007-05-24, 04:28 PM
Tiben walks down stairs, sits at the bar, and orders a bottle of wine, to go. Then leaves the bar

2007-05-24, 04:28 PM
Well, when you're one yourself, sometimes people hire other people who do what you do to protect themselves. These people can get in the way at times, especially if you want their employer.

Then it gets messy.

Maybe for you it did.

I'm actually the only one of us who didn't used to kill people, aren't I ?

Yes Yes Yes

Thought so.

2007-05-24, 04:28 PM
A horse whinnies from the stable connected to the inn. The noise causes Ozzy to scream a shrill cry and duck under his table.

2007-05-24, 04:32 PM
Earin mentally raises an eyebrow.
A group of former female assassins. Well that's something you didn't see every day.
Unless you're in Town, but hey.

2007-05-24, 04:34 PM
Well thanks for all the help, it is appreciated.

2007-05-24, 04:37 PM
Ah, no worries, the guy kind of offends my professionality, or at least what remains of it. He was sloppy enough to get surprised by me doing the exact same thing that he did to get to where he was.

So, you have no idea who you've managed to annoy I'm given to believe. That is going to make finding him and his master hard. He'll pop back up though.

2007-05-24, 04:38 PM
A few minutes and a bag of oats later Nicholas steps back into the tavern proper. In doing so he can't help but notice the armored fellow cowering under the table. Apparently he's paranoid to the point of it being a mental disorder.

Or something.

He certainly remembers the jumpy fellow from the night before.

"Hey. You alright under there?"

2007-05-24, 04:39 PM
Ozzy sticks his head up, realizing just as Earin has that there is, in fact, a group of assassins congregated in the room.

Another shrill scream.

"They've come for me!" He wails, throwing the table up so that it provides a makeshift barrier to any possible projectiles. "They've hired you to do their dirty work!!"

2007-05-24, 04:40 PM
Tiben walks into the bar angry for some non appereint reason
He walkes up to Ozzy and pulls a knife on him and yells
You coward, I'll kill ya. looks around the room and screams
I'll kill all of ya
then he starts to laugh crazly

2007-05-24, 04:40 PM
I'm sure he will. But I doubt it will be while I'm sitting around with you guys. He glances at Ozzy.

2007-05-24, 04:41 PM

True, but on the other hand, you should be safe for a while, I at least tagged him with that grenade I shoved through his dimension door after him. He'll be licking his wounds from that.

Winterfrost looks at Tiben

Do I have to put a hold person on you ?

2007-05-24, 04:41 PM
You know, I rather take offense to the idea of being killed. And I've survived far to much to be killed by any knife wielding mad man.
Earin's eyes narrow on Tiben.

2007-05-24, 04:43 PM
Well to be honest I just wanted to kill Ozzy because I thought it would be fun, I just figured that you would all jump in to stop the crazy guy. oh well
Tiben takes a stab at Ozzy

2007-05-24, 04:44 PM
Once again, Ozzy screams. Even such a vague and strangely inappropriate threat from Tiben is enough to send him into a crying fit.

Tiben's knife goes straight at Ozzy's chest. It bounces harmlessly off the ridiculously hard armor he is wearing.

2007-05-24, 04:46 PM
I wish I could have grabbed him before he got away, or maybe see where he went.

2007-05-24, 04:46 PM
Winterfrost sighs and fires a hold person at Tiben.

Don't worry about it. I vaguely recognised him. And he comes here. if need be, we can try and grab him here.

2007-05-24, 04:48 PM
Earin slowly stands up- not because he is doing it in a menacing fashion, but because he is doing it lazily and then pulling his white jacket nicely around himself.
Then he draws his sword, which suddenly glows with a burning golden light.
You know, I'll give you until three to get the hell out of this tavern.

2007-05-24, 04:48 PM
You know, this is the second time this has happened today, but last time there was more shooting statues, and random babble
directly after saying that tiben turns invisable, however he still can't move

2007-05-24, 04:50 PM
((So, is he held ?))

Assuming he's held, Winterfrost tips Cosmo 10 gold to throw Tiben out of the back.

2007-05-24, 04:50 PM
Ozzy, realizing that an attempt on his life has just been made, goes utterly insane for a few moments. He begins shaking so much that one could almost mistake it for a seizure, save for the fact that he is able to stand. In fact, his flailing arms, covered with enough metal to crack an orc's skull, flying about crazily right next to Tiben is probably bad for his health.

2007-05-24, 04:51 PM
((yes he is held, but he's also invisable so cosmo can't find him))

2007-05-24, 04:51 PM
Earin looks at Winterfrost.
I'll do it. Don't bother paying Cosmo- he won't be able to pick him up anyhow.
He goes over to where the man was, squints, makes out an extremely faint outline, and attempts to pick him up and sling him over his shoulder.

2007-05-24, 04:52 PM
Nick, since he's standing right next to the table Ozzy was under anyway, decides to suggest to the knife wielding nut that he should stop.

He does this by utilizing a nice right hook aimed at the fellow's jaw.

"Knock that off."

2007-05-24, 04:52 PM
Eric shakes his head at the crazy man or at least where he last saw the crazy man.

2007-05-24, 04:53 PM
I thought maybe Cosmo could get one of those handy little cart things for it, thanks though.

2007-05-24, 04:53 PM
Therarde wakes from dead time and notices the crazy man he met flailing around and Nick.

2007-05-24, 04:55 PM
I don't know, knife wielding maniacs everywhere.

2007-05-24, 04:56 PM
Tiben would kick and scream but he still can't move, that and he was hit in the face by Ozzy's flailing and is now haveing an unexpected nap.
However when Earin picks him up a bunch of random Items fall out of Tiben's pockets (spoons, forks, keys, beer mugs, Cosmo Ect...)

2007-05-24, 04:58 PM
Earin takes the man to the door and tosses him outside into the streets, hoping some muggers will come by and steal all his stuff.

2007-05-24, 04:59 PM
Apparently, first time I was in here, or close to the first time, I was attacked by a knife weilding maniac.

2007-05-24, 05:00 PM
1st time I was in here I annoyed a Balor and a tentacle thing, got drunk and ended up fighting a half warforged halfling in Inaris along with the rest of the tavern. They got a bit snippy when I dropped a grenade on the halflings head.

2007-05-24, 05:01 PM
Earin shakes his head and looks over at the sisters, then decides to sit nearby them.
Now, I thought I overheard something about trying to track down an assassin...

2007-05-24, 05:01 PM
Tiben regains the abilty to move, picks up his stuff, and heads off down the street as if nothing just happened

2007-05-24, 05:02 PM
Nicholas shakes his head in disgust at the expelled crazy knife wilding person.

And now he turns his attention back to the crazy armor-clad person.

"Hey, calm down. No one is going to hurt you. At least not anyone who's inside at the moment."

2007-05-24, 05:02 PM
Ozzy continues flailing insanely well after Tiben has been thrown out of the tavern. Eventually he calms down.

2007-05-24, 05:03 PM
Yep, Eric here's been targetted by we don't know who. I was having a word with the individual in question but before I could really talk to him beyond "No, I'll never talk", he disappeared through a magical portal, closely pursued by a grenade.

2007-05-24, 05:04 PM
Eric glances at Earin and sizes him up, and comes to the conclusion that he doesn't want to fight him. He wonders how the sisters will handle him.

2007-05-24, 05:05 PM
Suddenly Tibenn jumps in through a shattering window runs in through the back door and attemts to give Ozzy a fibre wire necklace before running away. again

2007-05-24, 05:06 PM
Earin taps his lips.
Well... I have some connections with the assassins around here. It's a win-win situation for you if I ask around for this guy, really. Because either he is one of them, and they'll know, or he isn't, and they'll hunt him down and kill him or hire him. Either way, you gain something.
Earin chuckles quietly to himself.
Back for a couple days and already I'm in the midst of things again.

((Err, check out the first post. Trog's Tavern is indestructable- no window smashing for you))

2007-05-24, 05:07 PM
Well, he's pretty distinctive, black wings, dressed in black, naturally. So, who are you and why would you be wanting to help us track this guy down ?

2007-05-24, 05:08 PM
((Ditto what Vael said. Eric found that out the hard way.))

Those are good questions, I've never seen you before.

2007-05-24, 05:10 PM
Earin Goldshadow, former assassin, the former first Knight Defender of Inari. As for why? Well... it's what you do here in Town, isn't it? Either make mischief or solve it?
He smiles, and though it is a weathered smile, he means it.

2007-05-24, 05:11 PM
The marksmen holds out a hand to help the armor fellow up.

"There, you see? Everything's fine," Nick says in the calmest voice he can manage. "I'm Nicholas. Now, why don't you tell me your name?"

2007-05-24, 05:11 PM
((OOC)) ok, ok so he bounced off the window then ran in through the front door [other wise the same post]( (OOC))

2007-05-24, 05:12 PM
Ozzy does not take Nick's hand. Instead he scrambles to his feet quickly.

"O-Osbourne." He says nervously. "People call me Ozzy. Lots of people." He says, shifty-eyed.