View Full Version : Building a new pantheon out of exisitng ones.

2015-10-10, 11:35 AM
So while reading my copy of Out of the Abyss, I was particularly interested in Demogorgon's stat block. While reading the flavor text, I got to thinking of making a new pantheon out of existing D&D villains and heroes. So I was wondering, which iconic characters would you have ascend to godhood, and what would you have their portfolios be like? I'm starting with Demogorgon, and having him be the God of Chaos, Madness, and Destruction. Who else belongs among the gods?

2015-10-10, 03:27 PM
Ashardalon didn't die and become a vestige. He lived and became a god.

2015-10-16, 04:40 PM
My favorite iconic characters are probably Lidda and Grazz'at (sp?).

Lidda I see as a goddess of good (or nonevil) rogues an thieves ajd mischief; many tales about are told, not all of which agree with one another. As if Lidda was not one, but a different woman to each of her followers.

Prince Zahn
2015-10-16, 05:00 PM
I'm admittedly not the most educated on D&D lore, but I'd Imagine Elminster being a good candidate for the position of deity of magic. Again, I know little, but I'd guess domains like knowledge, Magic, protection...

I ran an adventure not so long ago where Umberlee was the leader of her own monotheism. In light of that, I'd also like to pitch the Lakhovas (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Iakhovas) to be worshipped by all that is hunter and hunted in the sea.

Ashardalon didn't die and become a vestige. He lived and became a god.

Aww, I'll miss him...:smalltongue: