View Full Version : The Crater

2007-05-21, 11:32 PM
What it once was:

How it all began:

Go'Ying Tudye, the completely random NPC farmer, gets out of his simple, 2-bedroom farmhouse, located very close to a pasture for dairy cows in the Countryside. He takes a stretch as he looks at his 20-acre farm which has been passed down from generation to generation for as long as his family history goes. Go'Ying yawns, and sets to his regular work which involves herding some cows to more well-grown pastures, and bringing others in for milking.
He stops as he sees a cloud on the horizon, a strange dark cloud.
"Hm, that's odd," Go'Ying says as he observes the suspicious cloud for a moment before turning back to his work.
While walking over with his walking stick and his trusty farmdog, Go'Ying notices that the cloud is getting bigger. Being a farmer with considerable experience with adverse weather effects, Go'Ying realizes that this is no cloud.
"Mother of God..." Go'Ying swears before he rushes back to the farmhouse, yelling to his wife, Awlsow Tudye, "Awlsow! There's a stampede coming! Get the kids out of here!"
But it was too late to escape, as the stampede quickly descends over the hills, with fire and the glint of steel.
Go'Ying, Awlsow, and their two children tried to run away, but were quickly swept over by the stampede. They never turned back, so they didn't know that the stampede was actually a charging horde of orcs.

One of the orcs - some sort of leader, judging by his armor - yells at the horde, [Orcish]"Stop here! Chieftain is close! Set camp!
The orcs quickly obey, dropping in one part of the new campsite a pile of bones, lightly damaged from the trip. They are all in a bundle now, but if one were to sort them out, they would quickly notice the shape and form of a triceratops skeleton.
Other orcs set up makeshift tents using hides and leathers, others still set to nearby trees and chop them down, aiming to turn them into firewood or fencing. Yet another group of orcs chases down the cows in the area, no doubt for food and more hides.
The leading orc yells at what is, apparently, his tribe. [Orcish]"I will find Chieftain! He will watch me eat his precious dinosaur! Then I will eat MURK!"

Off in some area of the Countryside, a fair but not unreasonable distance from the Town's walls, lies a short hill. On top of the hill used to be good, fertile pasture and a farmhouse. That farmhouse has now been burnt down and its ruins are now accompanied by a series of makeshift tents and more open forms of shelter, made out of hides tied together against wood and rope. A campfire is placed in the middle of this camp, blazing during the night but doused at daytime.

There are three more striking features about this campsite.
The first would be the pile of bones sitting off to one side of the largest tent in the campsite, which seem to be made of some beast. If one were to piece them out, they would recognize the form as that of a triceratops.
The second would be the totem on the other side of the largest tent in the campsite as the bones, depicting a great eye over a double-ended axe. This totem spans two lengths of a person, and is as thick as one as well.
The third makes everything fall into place. The camp is inhabited by orcs. Orcs on guard duty, orcs 'training' with each other, orcs feasting and drinking, but more than that, just orcs.

PC's typically in camp:
Bob [The_Chilli_God] - In the current absence of this tribe's chieftain, his left hand and highest priest of the Orcish God has taken up the mantle of leadership. Bob, however, has no interests in playing steward; he wants full leadership of the tribe of orcs, and has plans to become the chieftain through the traditional customs of this tribe.
Bob has a very strong grip on the orc tribe, and is usually the one that moves them to ambush merchant caravans and raid small villages.

Blog [Nightwing] - The tribe's champion. His job is to fight those who challenge the tribe, to fight for the tribe's honor, and usually as second-in-command of the chieftain's.

NPC's typically in camp:

Vorr - The second priest in the tribe. Is fiercely loyal to Bob. Can be used for more intelligent conversation.

Flak - Hunter Master. Flak is very skilled at picking out targets among animals or people to hunt, and can find most necessary "supplies" in the wilderness. And, by supplies, I mean innocent travelers and villages.

Random Orcs - Consisting of the majority of the tribe, the Random Orcs orcs are fierce, brutal, and incredibly suggestible. Though they number around 750, that number never seems to get any smaller, no matter how many of them die!. If you need someone to either talk to or beat up, the Random Orcs are there.

This area used to be a happy farming community in the middle of the Countryside.
This area used to be an orc campsite, where orcs went about their typical orcish activities.
This area used to be where Bob, the head shaman of the tribe, intended to bring MURK, the chief, to his knees and claim chiefship of the tribe.

However, things got out-of-hand.

Nothing is left of the fertile fields and wavy grass that once marked the area as a happy place. Now, all that is left is a crater.
Roughly nine hundred feet in diameter, the Crater is exactly what it is. A Crater.
It is very likely that nothing will ever grow here again.

On the other hand, it is out of the way of vulnerable buildings and innocent people, and so makes for a good scene for any large-scale combat.

2007-05-22, 05:34 AM
*Blog walks in to the campsite*

Blog want to now were most mighty is! Blog want to fight him!

2007-05-22, 02:12 PM
Of course...

A random orc points to Gruunkuk's lair. "Gruunkuk champion, he give you fight."

Gruunkuk walks out of his lair, sensing his name being called. "Someone want to fight me?" he demands fiercely.

2007-05-22, 03:13 PM
Blog smash you into lots little of vary small tiny pieces!

*He draws his mace*

2007-05-23, 12:29 AM
The orcs around Gruunkuk snarl at the newcomer and his blunt attitude. Gruunkuk laughs and takes out his signature weapons - a pair of rather oversized waraxes that could almost be confused for greataxes! "You walk here and think you just smash tribe's champion?! I'll make sure you don't live to regret!"

The random orcs form a circle, and wait for the entertaining fight to start.

2007-05-23, 02:44 AM
An orc walks into the camp quietly sipping from a gourd.
"So... orc camp huh? Good orcs or bad orcs?"

2007-05-23, 04:13 AM
A random orc who happens to be guarding that point and not looking at the fight, says to the other orc visitor as proud as he can, "We're good orcs. Good at human-ambush, good at pillage and burning. We get lots of that since Bob in charge!"

2007-05-23, 06:19 AM
*Blog charges and swings the powerful attacks. If any of these hit they will send him 10 feet back.*

2007-05-23, 06:34 AM
"Huh... Okay then listen. I've got some high explosives to invent, but when I come back I'm gonna kill all of ya. Then I'll go, then come back and kill you again and then blow ya up and... well. Yeah, I'm gonna kill ya."
The orc grins and walks off.

2007-05-23, 02:12 PM
Gruunkuk takes the hits and is blown back, while the circle of orcs moves themselves around to accommodate his movement. Gruunkuk then lets out a roar of primal fury and charges straight back in with his two axes, one right after the other, attempting to cleave into and through Blog.
The surrounding random orcs begin a chant. "Oo. Oo. Oo..."

The random orc looks at the funny orc that says something about killing his fellow orcs with confusion. Surely all orcs are good at pillaging and ambushing and such!

2007-05-23, 02:45 PM
* Blog dodges the attacks and swings his mace (If you play DND then call it a +5 mace) at the orcs jaw.*

2007-05-23, 02:54 PM
The mace takes Gruunkuk square at the jaw, since the orc wasn't really focusing on defending himself. The other orcs fall silent.
Gruunkuk regains his footing somehow, going past the pain to continue his attack, though it is getting clear at this point that Blog is the superior.

2007-05-23, 03:02 PM
*Blog dodges most attacks but he gets a few cuts. He just ignores the pain and swings his mace at a tree. The tree falls and is coming down right over were Gruunkuk standing. should it hit it will probably crush him like a bug*

2007-05-23, 10:54 PM
The Random Orcs move to accommodate Blog's moving towards a near tree, but by that time, Gruunkuk already notices what Blog is up to. He's not stupid, after all.
... Relatively speaking.
The warrior anticipates the path of the falling tree well enough to get out of the way quickly enough. Some of the Random Orcs try to move away as well, but one or two inevitably get squished.

Gruunkuk continues his rather predictable and unchanging assault. After all, if you throw enough steel at a problem...

2007-05-24, 05:55 AM
*Blog Dodges a few attack and the ones that hit are manly Small cuts (all though you gave a pretty nice cut in the arm. He smashes the tree in half, picks up the half closet to him and swings it at Grunnkuk*

(Blog is Really strong. His intellect (or lake of there of) is not so high. If he were smart would he have walk into a camp full orcs and demanded to fight their strongest member?)

2007-05-25, 12:04 AM
If he was smart and strong? Knowing orcish culture, he would, yes.

There's a tree in the way. There's a tree in the way!
Gruunkuk can't duck under it. He can't jump over it. He can't go around it.
Looks like Gruunkuk will have to go through it!

And so Gruunkuk did.
Going through solid wood usually hurts, wood being solid and everything. And Gruunkuk didn't really bother to use anything but his shoulder to try and barge through. So he kind of has a broken shoulder now.
And yet, even with one arm completely nonfunctional, Gruunkuk still advances towards Blog.

2007-05-25, 06:23 AM
((well thats trough. But the messsig is blog is not vary smart))

*Blog attempts to smash the other shoulder with his mace*

2007-05-25, 02:30 PM
Gruunkuk is hit solidly with the mace, and falls over to the ground. With both of his arms out of action, he's pretty much lost.
The Random Orcs chant again, "Oo! Oo! Oo!" They start to crowd around Blog, not with weapons drawn, but with open arms.

Bob walks out of his tent, with Vorr close behind.
"What is all this ruckus about?" Bob asks.
"It seems we have a new champion," Vorr answers.
"Good, I never liked Gruunkuk. Too much like the chief."
Bob stands in front of his tent, and the Random Orcs make way for Bob towards him.
"State your name, Champion," Bob addresses Blog.

2007-05-25, 03:05 PM
Blogs name is Blog mister chief sir.

2007-05-25, 03:22 PM
Bob smiles evilly as he speaks. He likes this new guy already! "Blog, you have defeated our tribe's champion in martial combat. By tradition, you are to take his place, as a member of our tribe and its champion. If you accept, eat Gruunkuk, so that you might consume his status."

The Random Orcs also make way for Blog towards Gruunkuk, who's still lying on the floor, his eyes swollen in terror.

2007-05-25, 03:28 PM
Does blog have to eat him? Blog will happily send him into exile to live in a life of pane and humiliation. blog think that better way to show him pain for losing. If he dead how will he suffer for this?

2007-05-25, 03:35 PM
Bob's eyes suddenly narrow, his smile gone. "Exile is the more painful choice. However, exiles betray. Exiles return. Exiles seek revenge. Eaten corpses don't.
However, as champion, the choice is yours. Eat Gruunkuk or not. When you finish, come inside." Bob concludes as he makes his way back into his tent, with Vorr in quick following.

2007-05-25, 03:39 PM
* He walks in side*

Blog will kill but blog not eat... eating other orcs gives blog bad digestive problems.

2007-05-25, 03:48 PM
Bob chuckles. "It is an acquired taste."
He remains standing inside the tent as he continues, "As one from around here, I assume you know about the Town? You know your way around, and know who to speak to?"

2007-05-25, 04:49 PM
Yes mister chief sir.

2007-05-25, 04:54 PM
"Good. There is one in the Town I am looking for. An orc that goes by the name of MURK. He's usually with a half dark elf. Have you heard of him?"

2007-05-25, 04:58 PM
*He smiles so big you are probably surprised that his fangs dont stick him in the head*

Yes! Blog fought him once!

2007-05-25, 05:01 PM
A cloaked figure, garbed in white, walks in. only a small slit is in his clothing for him to see out of, and inside is very shadowy. two skeletons suddenly appear, dressed in black armor.
hey. you must be that skeleton we heard about. The boss wants you to come back.
I want some fun. don't be wet blankets.
He reaches out with his bony hands and grabs the skeleton ninja/fighters' weapons, which freeze. the skeletons scream in terror, drop their weapons, and run off. the figure walks into camp.

2007-05-25, 05:01 PM
Bob smiles. This is easier than he would have expected. "Excellent. I want you to bring him here. I need him here alive. Do it however you can. You can use some of my Random Orcs is you wish."

Random Orcs approach the cloaked figure, weapons ready for anything nasty. But they're just NPC's, so not very threatening.

2007-05-25, 05:03 PM
Okey doky!

*He marches out of the camp with a battalion of 50 Orcs*

2007-05-25, 05:07 PM
where is your leader?

2007-05-25, 05:09 PM
Random Orc #54 points to the leader's tent.

2007-05-25, 05:24 PM
Thank you.
The figure whips out a scythe and walks towards the tent.
I might not kill you, as thanks.

2007-05-25, 05:32 PM
Bob walks out of tent. He sees the cloaked figure and raises his eyebrows.

2007-05-25, 05:38 PM
Hello there. I would like the fun of a battle with any competitor you choose.

2007-05-25, 05:43 PM
"Great, and he's just gone out now, too...
Sorry, I've sent my tribe's champion out. He should be back soon," Bob replies. He then peers at the cloaked man, trying to see who/what it is under the hood. "...Who are you?" Bob asks slowly.

Random Orcs gather up again. This is a rather interesting day, actually.

2007-05-25, 05:49 PM
The figure swings his scythe at Bob's neck
That does not concern you.
He halts it before it would hit, if it would hit.
You call yourself tribe cheiftan, don't you? Aren't cheiftans the strongest? let's see how strong you are.

2007-05-25, 05:49 PM
*Blog and the orcs come back*

Sorry chief he was under KNAVES pro-tec-tion.

he says the last word vary slowly as he struggles on trying to say a word more than two syllables long.

2007-05-25, 05:58 PM
Bob does not budge at the scythe, does not flinch, continues leering at the shadowed man.
His glare flickers slightly, to look at Blog.
"Perfect timing, Champion. I will ignore the slight for now, as you are needed to fight this person who thinks he has more power than the tribe." Bob resumes his glaring at the shadowed figure.

2007-05-25, 06:01 PM
*Blog charges at the man and swings at him with his mace* (If you play DND you could say the mace is +5)

2007-05-25, 07:50 PM
The figure blocks with his scythe (Also +5), then hurls a fireball at Blog.

2007-05-25, 07:51 PM
Umm... an orc encampment, I don't really believe there's anything usefull in there but I could at least have a snack...

Draken walks into the encampment, dojng few noise disregarding his size, is many heads tower above the frightened proto-hominids, while he moves near the center of the place, where a battle seens to be happening.

How odd, a fight. Well probably it will be a good show.

He Grabs a nearby orc with the tail and aproaches him of one of his heads.

hey stupid-o, tell me what's happening and go find someone in this place who doens't have mud for brains.

2007-05-25, 08:07 PM
Okay, this can go two ways.
Either the Random Orcs notice that there's a freaking Cyrohydra in the camp, and remember that cyrohydras = bad, so will try to kill it (most likely resulting in the camp's annihilation).
Or they can just go about their regular business like there is not a 22-foot tall beast in their base half-threatening their dudes.

Luckily, these Random Orcs are very stupid.

"Fighty-fight between Champion and shady man," the Random Orc says. He then makes a beeline for Bob, who's already noticed. Bob shakes his head.
[Orcish]"Lovely. And I suppose the deities of the pantheon of good are the next ones to drop by?"

2007-05-25, 08:16 PM
((You forgot to add a 15° Druid CL and a 20° Wizard CL... and paragon nonethless, you would probably be better off with a pantheon of good elf deyties))

Draken shifts into a tall Human covered from head to toe in Black Dragonhide Armor.

So, you are the leader of these... orcs. I was looking for some fine books, would you have any, of any subject?

He stares a bit, goes back to normal and speaks telepathicaly, before changing back.

@Bob: You better have chap.

2007-05-25, 08:30 PM
No, I didn't. Orcs wouldn't be able to tell a paragon wizard 15CL/druid 15CL cyrohydra from a regular cyrohydra. These ones can't even tell the difference between a cyrohydra and another orc!

Bob laughs for a moment. "This is an orc encampment, if you have not noticed. Orcs are more renowned for their pillaging and burning of helpless villages, not for reading books. We prefer information by word of mouth, not by written works which are heavy to carry in large groups, and fragile.
You'd have better luck in a human place. Like over there," he says as he indicates the Town.

2007-05-25, 08:35 PM
*He dodges the fire ball and attacks again*

2007-05-25, 08:38 PM
The unseen human grumbles something in a language that is probably not worth trying to understand.

Indeed, but i was hoping you prototypes of humanoid could have a wizard among you, or you could just have kept something you had pillaged...

He shifts back to his normal appearance and stares arround, keeping five heads staring at the battlefield.

Well, at least i can watch the show. I bet on the hooded fella, whe smells like cript, what about you?

2007-05-25, 08:41 PM
"Blog is are champion! Today he crush old champion! Old champion was vary good! But Blog much better!" says a random orc.

2007-05-25, 08:49 PM
Bog shakes his head. "I don't bet. I plan for both outcomes." He continues watching the fight for a few minutes more before losing interest and retiring to his tent to do "chieftain" stuff.

2007-05-25, 08:50 PM
Really? I'm pretty sure i could eat his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.

Stares at the random orc, who is staring at his face and trying to discover what's a liver.

Aw, forget...Dumb mud brains...
Actually, I'm kinda hungry.

Bites the random orc and begins chewing him.

2007-05-25, 09:03 PM
An elf approaches the camp. It is very unlikely anyone sees her, since she is currently about 100 feet in the air (and everyone knows that you roll a D1 for spot checks), flying on copper wings, which would be what would draw any attention. She lands next to Draken.

2007-05-25, 09:25 PM
Loking around one of the heads stops at the newcomer

How very odd, and elf. I'm sure chief Bogger will not be delighted, huhuhuhuhu.

2007-05-25, 09:27 PM
I have no interest in racial tensions. Where I come from, the rulers were to cruel for such things. The common people had to work together to survive. I simply believe that these orcs are willing to fight, and my betrothed needs a safer place to swing his chain than in Trog's Tavern.

2007-05-25, 09:29 PM
A few Random Orcs notice the elf. Being orcs, and not liking elves very much in the first place, they attack her with weapons.

Not too many Random Orcs, though. Most are busy doing stuff (taking, like, -15 on spot checks, which were bad to begin with).

2007-05-25, 09:31 PM
Katriana sighs and puls out her bow, taking to the air again and shooting both arrows from her bow and blasts of acid from her mouth at the attacking Random Orcs.
Speaking to Draken I am Katriana. And you are?

2007-05-25, 09:36 PM
Speaks to the elf with the same head of before.

Draken Sapphiron Frosthand milady, pleased to meet you. I have just opened a shop in Town, drop by anytime.

Looks at the nearby orcs.

Try to attack me and i will make ice sculptures of you, with you inside.

2007-05-25, 09:37 PM
I take it that this isn't your only form?

2007-05-25, 09:43 PM
I'm a druid, a shifter, a wizard, this is my original form, but yes. I can shapeshift into nearly anything you can think of.

2007-05-25, 09:46 PM
Interesting. Do you use this power for good, evil, or neither?

2007-05-25, 09:53 PM
Why, you ask a lot but I haven't had a good conversation with someone whose I.Q. was bigger than that of a lemming so I will answer. Neither.

2007-05-25, 09:56 PM
I ask a lot because I am new here and want to hear it from your mouth, rather than someone that would bend the truth to manipulate me.

2007-05-25, 10:08 PM
Point taken, and no matter this place having every kind of weirdo in the multiverse, a Criohydra still has the looks of a criohydra.

I just wondered that you migth be one of those pansy self-righteous paladins, I can't think how these people so fond of "Attack first, questions doens't matter" can be called "Good"... I should tell you about the time an order of then sent a group for counseling with the druid who lived in the nearby swamp, guess who was the druid, guess what was the first thing they did.

2007-05-25, 10:11 PM
I most certainly not one of those stuck up, self-righteous killers. I have little lore of druids, so I don't know who the druid was or what happened, but I'll take a guess on them both. You were the druid, and they tried to kill you.

2007-05-25, 10:14 PM
Perfect guess, and be sure it didn't end good looking.

An angry mob of orcs surround both.

Now I repeat, attack me and you will be my next meal people Spits the prior guy's skeleton and covers it with ice.

2007-05-25, 10:21 PM
To make the point that it would be a bad idea to attack her as well, Katriana adds some acid to the now frozen skeleton.

2007-05-26, 04:54 AM
The cloaked figure leaps back and his cloak burns away, revealing a skeleton.
This will indeed be a good fight.
The skeleton's skull begins to burn, lightning trails from his eyes, ice forms around his shins and forearms, and sound distorts around his body, creating an eery wailing noise.
Now die.
He waves his hand, creating a massive icicle pointed at Blog, then kicks it, causing it to fly at him point first.

2007-05-26, 06:25 AM
*Blog dodges it. He then hits a tree with his mace. It falls down and he picks it up, he swings it the skeleton*

2007-05-26, 09:00 AM
The skeleton blocks with its icy forearm, cackling madly. unless blog reacts quickly, the tree will freeze and freeze his hand with it. The skeleton wreathes his hand in sonic energy and attempts to hit blog in the face.

2007-05-26, 09:26 AM
(He knocked down the tree and swung the TREE at you, not the mace. Trust me, Nightwing is the guy I do most of the plots for my first three characters with.)

Katriana gets bored with watching the two fight with long pauses due to dead time and leaves after saying goodbye to Draken and promising to visit his shop very soon.

2007-05-26, 09:33 AM
Ok, fixed it.

2007-05-26, 12:58 PM
Draken leaves the campsite to take a look at his store, but leaves his animal companion, Zu, with a special designed magic item for recording images.

Come home when the fight is over.

2007-05-26, 03:40 PM
*Blog drops the tree. He then swings attacks with his mace*

2007-05-26, 06:57 PM
The skeleton meets it with a blast of fire.

2007-05-27, 11:40 AM
*Blog runs over to the stump of the tree, ripes it out of the ground, and throws it at the skeleton*

2007-05-27, 12:20 PM
The skeleton spits acid and the stump melts.

2007-05-27, 12:31 PM
Why you not attack Blog? You just stand there!

2007-05-27, 12:42 PM
Two massive pillars of sound and ice erupt from the ground at Blog's unmentionables. the ice pillar then tries to constrict him as the skeleton charges and swings his scythe.
Because I was waiting for the constricting pillar to get into position!

2007-05-27, 01:56 PM
*He jumps out of the way of the pillars, then he smashes the ice pillar as it comes near him, and then he blocks the scythe with his mace. He then swings he mace at the skeleton*

You cant beat Blog!

2007-05-27, 02:27 PM
The skeleton blocks with its forearm, though the ice cracks a bit.frost forms on the mace as the metal cools.
You will die.

2007-05-27, 02:35 PM
Bob sticks his head out of the tent.
..."I can't believe that one side hasn't crushed the other yet..."
He sighs, and thrusts it back in again.

2007-05-27, 02:53 PM
*Blog swings a punch at the skeleton*

2007-05-27, 07:27 PM
The skeleton coats its fist in ice, forming a gauntlet. It then meets Blog's punch.

2007-05-27, 08:17 PM
Eìdaro wanders into the orc camp, notices the fight going on, and heads around it, looking for some Random Orcs to kill.

2007-05-27, 10:48 PM
Oh yeah, there's definitely Random Orcs around to kill.

Bob again takes a little peek out of his tent, and frowns. "People walk right into this camp as if it were some Human market! Why do the orcs not kill them, yet?!"
However, like all non-stupid orcs, Bob is a coward at heart. He withdraws back into his tent.

2007-05-27, 11:39 PM
(You do realize that when Katriana and Draken were there, about 50 got melted by Katriana's acid attacks?)

2007-05-27, 11:44 PM
((quite a slaughter, I just ate one))

Zu keeps recording the fight, but a bit hungry, he leaves the cam on a tree and grabs a random orc for a snack.

2007-05-27, 11:45 PM
((Yeah, sure. But there's about 750 orcs left, and that number (thanks to plot device) almost never seems to go down.

Besides, they're just orcs. I don't really know why people like coming in here to kill orcs. They're just here, minding their own business...
A business which includes pillaging caravans and stuff, sure. But it's their own business.))

2007-05-28, 12:00 AM
((Random Orcs are good to feed large twelve-headed monsters and their pets, specially when they reproduce like rabbits))

2007-05-28, 12:00 AM
((Random Orcs are good to feed large twelve-headed monsters and their pets, specially when they reproduce like rabbits))

Fualkner Asiniti
2007-05-28, 12:02 AM
A stready trickle of spiders is slowly gathering behind the chief's tent, away from most of the orcs. Eventually the spiders form a humanoid shape with four arms. The humanoid takes a mighty leap and flies over Dartonus's head. Suddenly, the man drops and loses his defined shape. A cloud of millions of spiders falls towards Dartonus from above, all of which have bared their fangs.

2007-05-28, 12:12 AM
They bonk into the anti-interference field around the fight. Ever seen bugs smashed on a windshield?

2007-05-28, 06:31 AM
*Blog swings his mace at the skeletons right leg*

2007-05-28, 06:42 AM
The skeleton's ice on its right leg shatters. The skeleton swings its scythe and icey fist at Blog.

2007-05-28, 06:45 AM
*Blog dodges the punch and blocks the scythe with his mace. Then he swing a punch for the skeletons rib cage. Blog is so strong that if it hits, the fist will go right through the ribs.*

2007-05-28, 06:47 AM
The ribs are coated in acid right before he hits. ouch.

2007-05-28, 06:50 AM
*Blogs hand hurts, but there is not much real damage. He is in battle so he does not notes the pain. He swings three attacks with his mace at the mans rib's*

2007-05-28, 07:58 AM
The skeleton's ribs are coated in ice. 4 Stalagmites of ice erupt from the ground beneath blog's feet.

2007-05-28, 08:14 AM
*Blog jumps back and doges them. then he picks up a rock and throws it at the skeleton, aiming for it's head.*

2007-05-28, 08:36 AM
The skeleton hits it with a shot of ice, then leaps at Blog, creating a blizzard of icey shards as he attacks. anything in it will be torn to shreds unless immune to ice.

2007-05-28, 08:57 AM
*Blog knocks down a tree, and throws it in front of the ice. The tree is cut to bits, but it tacks up all the ice damage. Blog attacks the skeleton with his mace*

2007-05-28, 09:23 AM
((sorry about the unannounced dead time))

Eìdaro notices the large numbers of Orcs, draws his blade, and charges at the nearest.

2007-05-28, 09:26 AM
The skeleton puts its scythe away, clasps its hands together, and forms ice around them to make a giant hammer. It then brings the ice hammer down on blog's mace.

2007-05-28, 09:31 AM
*Blog dodges the mace and jumps forward attacking the skeleton with his mace*

2007-05-28, 09:35 AM
The skeleton blocks by creating a wall of ice. Chunks of ice rip themselves out of the ground and fly at blog from all directions.

2007-05-28, 09:38 AM
Eìdaro notices all the ice from the fight, pulls up from his charge, and decides that it's probably a good idea to leave now. He does.

2007-05-28, 09:42 AM
*They crash into blogs armor and fall harmlessly onto the ground in pieces.*

2007-05-28, 09:45 AM
The skeleton creates 2 more skeletons out of ice, then is concealed behind a dome of ice. When the ice disappears, all 3 skeletons look the same.

2007-05-28, 09:51 AM
*Blog knocks down another tree. He swings it from the side so all three will be hit if they dont dodge*

Fualkner Asiniti
2007-05-28, 12:41 PM
The spiders swarm away from the campsite.

2007-05-28, 05:14 PM
The skeletons block with ice simultaneously, then shoot pellets of sharp ice at blog's head.

2007-05-28, 05:23 PM
*Blog puts the tree up in front of his head and it blocks the ice. He swings the tree at the one on the right*

2007-05-28, 05:28 PM
The one on the right dissassembles and forms 8 mostly ice skeletons and one mostly bone skeleton, which then all attack with Warhammers of ice. (Cold instead of bludgeoning damage)

2007-05-28, 05:33 PM
*The attacks bounce off of Blogs armor. Blog swings his mace at one of the ice skeletons*

2007-05-29, 11:35 PM
Bob hiccups, accidentally bumping the thread.

He then holds a pleasant conversation with his second, Vorr, in his tent.
"From the new Champion's description, MURK is at some place called Knaves. Or KNAVES, I wasn't paying much attention."
"I hear that they are, apparently, an evil organization. Police-related."
"Then, in that case, that elf w**** Megara knows that we're here. I doubt Blog made any attempts at stealth when locating MURK."
"Should we see if any of the other members are willing to hand him over?"
"If they're truly evil, they'd turn in their own mothers for a good profit. Gold, perhaps... Maybe even some of our best fighters."
"Shall I organize this, sir?"
"Later. I want to speak to the man who is in combat with our Champion afterward, to see if he knows anything more useful."
"What if he doesn't survive?"
"I seriously doubt that will happen. But, just in case, I prepared Raise Dead this morning."

2007-06-09, 03:15 PM

Bob slams his fist down on the desk. "Alright, that's it! Get Flak and that Champion if he's still available, and two dozen Random Orcs, and get me MURK! This has gone far enough!"

Vorr, startled by the sudden reaction, hesitates.


Vorr quickly rushes out of the tent to organize the expedition, which is quickly gathered and sent out.

2007-06-09, 04:44 PM
*Blog, board with this fight fallows the group that is hunting MURK*

2007-06-09, 04:57 PM
The group returns (Most likely with Blog carrying MURK with one arm). Flak points to the spot where MURK should be dumped, then approaches the largest tent.
"We've found and knocked the chief out, Bob," Flak says.
In no less than a half of a second after 'chief,' Bob appears outside the tent, and looks at the returned group of orcs - smaller in number than before, but that's of little consequence.

2007-06-09, 05:01 PM
A group of ninjas approach the camp, following the orcs that kidnapped MURK. As they reach the camp, they spread out, all invisible. Then they go for various Random Orcs, as well as Flak, Blog, and Bob.

2007-06-09, 05:12 PM
((Happy ninjas, aren't they?))

"FOOLS! You dare come into my camp during my hour of glory?! You shall pay the price for your foolishness!"

Bob happens to have True Seeing active at the moment, so he isn't caught by surprise by the ninjas. He turns around in rage, and quickly draws his glowing-red longsword (Made of Kheferu, which just ignores Damage Reduction of earth creatures) and makes a wide swing with it at the ninja which is attacking him. Vorr, who is also in the tent, makes an effort to get out of the way as the swing cuts the tent open and falls on top of him.

Flak takes the first hit, but he knows at least where these interfering ninjas are coming from. They're coming from somewhere close by, that is. Flak makes a swinging attack with his longspear, which is spun around him at unpredictable heights and angles, which would thwack any close-by enemies out.

Random Orcs aren't quite as prepared for being attacked by invisible foes, so they kind of make attacks at random. Or flee screaming for cover, either way.

And I don't know what Blog will do, but MURK decides that now is the best time ever to remain unconscious.

2007-06-09, 05:13 PM
*Blog smacks them away with his mace*

Blog make jumpy men go BOOM!!!!!!

2007-06-09, 05:18 PM
The ninjas recover and focus on the guys that are actually doing something, a.k.a. Blog, Flak, and Bob. Flak launched a ninja like a stone at Bob while he was flailing around. Same with the one Blog hits. Bob swings high. Ninjas also go etheral (now Bob can't see them either!).

2007-06-09, 05:46 PM
Incorrect, since True Seeing allows one to see into the Ethereal.

The ninjas thrown like stones at Bob are going to be very hurt. Mostly because Bob has his spiked adamantine full plate on at the moment.

"I don't know who you are, but you shall pay the price for your foolishness!"

Bob casts a spell, a divine spell, whilst holding his holy symbol in his hand and making prayers to One-Eye, and his eyes begin to glow a most foul black. He casts this new gaze upon one of the ninjas, which then has this strange (and very compelling) urge to curl up and die.

Flak reverses his swing, and goes back the other way in a surprise maneuver that would catch most people off-guard. He doesn't really understand that the ninjas are now ethereal.

Vorr fumbles his way around the now-ruined tent, trying to get out so he can judge what the heck is going on.

Random Orcs continue attacking randomly or running around screaming.

2007-06-09, 05:54 PM
*Blog smashes all the ninjas he can see*


2007-06-09, 06:35 PM
You know, back when I started this thread, I seriously considered adding the [Plot] tag to it. I decided against that, because I wanted the Orc Campsite to still be here after I had done the plot bit, and it'll attract others to take part in the plot.
In hindsight, the latter reasoning was a rather weak one. :smalleek:

2007-06-09, 08:38 PM
(Spell fails. These are high level ninjas. Also, Nightwing, Blog can't see them because they are currently only on the material plane long enough to attack. Then they go back to the etheral plane.)

The ninjas keep going etheral and slashing with their kukris.

2007-06-09, 08:41 PM
*The attacks bounce of Blogs armor*

2007-06-09, 09:09 PM
What organization are these ninjas from, anyway? LAW? FE?

Vorr finds his way out of the tent canvas, and kind of makes a break for it, running for the hills (not literally).

Bob changes tactics. He glares at one or more of the ninjas that are attacking Blog and Flak (who again have this rather nasty urge to curl up and die), and casts Dimensional Lock in an area around them, completely prohibiting extraplanar travel of any sort (including the Ethereal Plane). He just hopes that Blog and Flak can figure out the position of invisible enemies as he moves over to their position, swinging his sword professionally at any ninjas in the way.

Blog soon finds himself back-to-back with Flak, who is still using sweeping moves to ward away the ninjas.

2007-06-09, 09:17 PM
(They're from the Thieves' Guild, who thinks that you mugged and kiddnapped MURK. My guild HIGHLY dissaproves of any form of freelancing, and the guy that does the warnings is a little busy now.)

The ninjas change to crossbows.

2007-06-09, 09:28 PM
Well, that makes sense. And it's pretty much true - MURK was mugged and kidnapped.

Bob notices the crossbows being readied, and gets to Blog and Flak - who's still seriously injured, it doesn't look like Flak will last much longer. Bob says to the ninjas, "P'tah! Cowards! You can't show yourselves even in an open battle!"

Random orcs are still running around. They may or may not end up tripping over a few ninjas.

MURK is still unconscious, though he's stirring a little.

2007-06-09, 09:29 PM
(That's kind of what ninjas do, you know. Not fight face to face, with no dirty tricks. And they were already firing. These are a special mixture of hand, repeating, and heavy crossbows.)
The ninjas ignore bob and keep shooting.

2007-06-09, 09:38 PM
Someone here doesn't recognize a taunt when they see one.
Also, and I hate being direct about it, but :smallmad: . You deserve it about now.

Since Blog seems to be deadtimed, the bolts will likely do nothing to him.
Since Flak is an NPC, he'll die from the crossbow fire.
Since Bob currently has Player-protection, the bolts will do nothing to him.

Bob looks over at Flak's dead body, then decides to pick the body up and throw it at the ninjas.

Random Orcs are still running around, and may or may not trip over some ninjas.

MURK stirs again. He might be coming to.

2007-06-09, 09:41 PM
(These are well trained ninjas. They have earplugs in. And they got away from the Random Orcs, who are now trying to kill the "invisible attackers", but probably killing each other instead.)

The ninjas keep shooting.

2007-06-09, 09:45 PM

*Ping!* *Ping!* *Ping!* *Thwack!*

As in, *Thwack* into Flak's flung corpse.

Bob keeps up the defense, and is now trying to guide Random Orcs to areas where he can see the ninjas. Random Orcs aren't very smart, but at least they know how to walk into an area and trip over ninjas.

2007-06-09, 09:47 PM
The ninjas, having gotten out of the dimension lock, go etheral to avoid the corpse and Random Orcs, cutting the legs off of any that come to close.

2007-06-09, 09:55 PM

Bob tries gazing at a few more ninjas, to see if he can't catch one dead, noticing that they are withdrawing. After all, a new bodak ally tomorrow would be usually welcome.

Random Orcs get their hamstrings strung and their legs chopped. They turn into Paraplegic Random Orcs.

2007-06-09, 09:56 PM
The ninjas stop retreating and keep firing.

(deadtime. Use what they've been doing as a template for their actions.)

2007-06-09, 10:06 PM
Zu, the Dire bat, keeps recording the battle, knowing that his chief will laught a lot at it.

2007-06-09, 10:36 PM

Paraplegic Random Orcs crawl around pitifully, while more are being added to their number.

Bob continues holding his ground against the crossbow fire, waiting until they run out of ammunition and will have to come back into the field to attack in melee.
Unless they've somehow got infinite-ammo pouches. Bob really wouldn't be surprised at that.

Since he has the time to talk, he lets it all out. "Stupid assassins. I came to this place for one thing and one thing only. To claim my rightful place as chief of this tribe. Instead, the tribe has suffered wave upon wave of monsters and adventurers and assassins, bent on wiping us from the face of the Town! Is MURK really that important to you fools? Does he hold so much of an importance to you, that you have to come here and kill us all when we have no intention of attacking you? Or do you just like reckless and wanton slaughter for your own... Idiotic... PLEASURES?!?"

2007-06-09, 11:31 PM
(I repeat EARPLUGS!)

The ninjas, as it happens, have more or less infinite ammo, because they all have a ring of infinite crossbow bolts.

2007-06-10, 12:48 AM
:smallfurious: 2...

Bob figures that he and the ninjas are now pretty much at a standoff. So he remains there and fumes a little.

MURK wakes up.

2007-06-10, 07:34 AM
((I'm not even involved in this plot and the uber ninjas are even annoying me so...))

From somewhere severeal thousand bolts of destructive energy strike the area where the ninjas are, however Ba'al doesn't take sides so they'll probably hit a few orcs as well. None of the bolts of destruction go anywhere near Bob, not even Ba'al would try and get past player protection.

2007-06-10, 12:04 PM
About half the ninjas are killed by the blast. They cease firing, and one of them, whom appears to be the leader, approaches Bob, calling to him from a distance
Had enough, orc?

2007-06-10, 12:43 PM
Waddle Dee (slightly drunk) wobbles into the camp

2007-06-10, 02:23 PM
:smallfurious: 1...
I'm going to be very blunt, now. By the time I finish my next post, either you or I am going to **** off of this thread.

Random Orcs and Paraplegic Random Orcs are killed by the blast. An inconsequential loss, really, considering the proliferation of the orcs.

Bob remains in his Dimensional Lock, and states very clearly, (whether or not that ninja has earplugs) "Yes, I have had enough! I have had enough of every half-witted soul that walks into this camp and starts slaughtering Random Orcs like it's their god-given right to kill us just because we're orcs! Now, what is it that you want? Do you want our stolen riches? We have none to speak of! Do you want vengeance? We've done nothing! Do you want satisfaction? What satisfaction is there in laying waste to a bunch of orcs for no good reason? Is Erythnul your overlord and deity in there or something, because that would really not surprise me!"

Meanwhile, MURK stands up.

2007-06-10, 02:58 PM
Next time, think twice before performing an unsanctioned mugging and kiddnapping. We'll leave you be now. And your prisoner is about to start defending himself.
The ninjas leave.

2007-06-10, 02:59 PM
Waddle Dee trips over and begins rolling about

2007-06-10, 03:21 PM
Ba'al's voice rings out once more. "This place has been scheduled for destruction in T-minus...nothing!" Laughter rings outfor a short while as a huge sphere of white light appears in the sky, and by huge I mean as big as the whole campsite. "Goodbye!" The sphere hits the campsite, and there is a massive explosion that is contained within the campsite...However something weird happens. A portal appears sucking all the orcs and their various tents and things into it before disappearing. At thie sight of this Ba'al's voice can be heard once more. "WHAT THE HELL?" All that is left is a smoking crater, minus all the orc bodies that really should be there right now...

2007-06-10, 03:23 PM
Waddle Dee sits there through the exlposion, pressess a button on a device he is holding and The strange orb protecting him vanishes, he gets up

so thatsh what it does...

He wobbles off back to town

2007-06-10, 11:46 PM
This area used to be a happy farming community in the middle of the Countryside.
This area used to be an orc campsite, where orcs went about their typical orcish activities.
This area used to be where Bob, the head shaman of the tribe, intended to bring MURK, the chief, to his knees and claim chiefship of the tribe.
However, things got out-of-hand.
Nothing is left of the fertile fields and wavy grass that once marked the area as a happy place. Now, all that is left is a crater.
Roughly nine hundred feet in diameter, the Crater is exactly what it is. A Crater.
It is very likely that nothing will ever grow here again.
On the other hand, it is out of the way of vulnerable buildings and innocent people, and so makes for a good scene for any large-scale combat.

Dinony walks in from the Countryside. He seems saddened.

2007-06-11, 01:03 AM
Zu leaves the place carrying his camera back to the Ice Castle, with everything recorded.

2007-06-11, 01:07 AM
A vehicle with Blackout Raider markings comes into the area: A large floating box-shaped vehicle, looking like some kind of hover-APC. Inside are several squads of infantry, and a squad of scouts.

Driver: Command, this is Blue-5, we are entering the uncharted region and are headed to the recon-probe's last known position. 5 out!

2007-06-11, 06:51 AM
Hamilton of XENOS approaches the crater. She pulls out a comlink and messages back to base "It looks like someone else has already taken care of these orcs. We'll need to find something else to start the racial hatred in this town."

2007-06-11, 12:51 PM
Hamilton can probably just make out Ba'al's voice. "Yeah, I got here first, I destroyed this place. Not because I hate orcs or anything, but because I felt like it. And you know what, I'd do it again..."

2007-06-11, 01:51 PM
The hover-APC passes through the area...and then a stray missle fired by the zeppelin over the ZoC hits it, killing everyone. :smallsmile:

2007-06-13, 06:47 AM
Hamilton does in fact here Ba'al's voice. "Damn god-like beings." she curses as she walks away.

2007-06-17, 10:37 AM
The skeleton drops his wall of ice and walks off towards town.