View Full Version : Is the comic over?

2007-05-22, 12:27 AM
With the deaths of everyone in the party except for Vaarsuvius in 455... is the comic over now? Will V have to find a way to find the bodies of his comrades and resurrect them? Since they fell off the wall and the hobgoblins won't earch, maybe that's the case - but I don't see any way for Xykon NOT to win now.

Sheesh, that's brutal - I would have said "maybe they survived," but they all had X's for eyes!

2007-05-22, 12:28 AM
I assume this is in jest, but in case it isn't:

those bodies were illusions made by Elan

Commander Hayes
2007-05-22, 12:29 AM
Erm...did you READ 455? The "dead" PCs are illusions.

2007-05-22, 12:30 AM
Umm... they didn't die in 455, that was just the illusionary workings of Elan(with prompts from Haley). And this comic isn't over by a long shot; there's just too many plot points that need resolving. Rich did say he had things mapped out more or less for several years yet.

2007-05-22, 12:30 AM
Maybe it'll focus on Miko and the Linear Guild from now on.

2007-05-22, 12:31 AM
If they shift the focus to Miko and the LG, I will scream. :smallyuk:

2007-05-22, 12:32 AM
Ladies and gentlemen, I present the result of a failed Will Save versus illusions.

2007-05-22, 12:35 AM
Ladies and gentlemen, I present the result of a failed Will Save versus illusions.

Indeed. Even with that +4 bonus with successful disbelievers pointing out the illusion.

2007-05-22, 12:39 AM
Maybe Elan is in fact a specialist illusion wizard using the variant class from UA. He denies the +4 bonus because of his specialty in return for the loss of any familiar he could ever have.

UA = Unearthed Arcana (For everyone who doesn't have the book or doesn't play)

In fact, it has now been revealed to me that Elan is in fact the smartest person in the party and he simulates all his bardic abilities with copious amounts of illusions! Hahahaha, I figured it out first! (Joking, for anyone who's failing their Sense Motive)


2007-05-22, 02:35 AM
Maybe it'll focus on Miko and the Linear Guild from now on.

One suspects this is a commentary on the ignorance of people in formulating their opinions, to whit, they tend to ignore what they want to ignore in order to think what they want to think.

Commander Hayes
2007-05-22, 03:01 AM
Or the OP is in a somewhat daft mood.

2007-05-22, 05:07 AM
With the deaths of everyone in the party except for Vaarsuvius in 455... is the comic over now? Will V have to find a way to find the bodies of his comrades and resurrect them? Since they fell off the wall and the hobgoblins won't earch, maybe that's the case - but I don't see any way for Xykon NOT to win now.

Sheesh, that's brutal - I would have said "maybe they survived," but they all had X's for eyes!

Yeah, I agree.. It's over now... The OOTS is over.... :eek: I never thought I'd live to see this day... This is like that strip where Gabe and TYcho died, like the time that 4chan died, like that time when O and Carlos died in a freak accident...

Why do every webcomic character I love dies??!!! :cry:

2007-05-22, 05:18 AM
Yeah, I agree.. It's over now... The OOTS is over.... :eek: I never thought I'd live to see this day...

Well that doesn't mean the comic is over. I predict Mr. Scruffy, Belkar's wiener dog, V's familiar and the flumphs join up and avenge the OOTS.

2007-05-22, 05:31 AM
V is still alive. He will collect piece of everyone skin when invisible.

Then he will spend another hundreds of years to become 17 level cleric.
Then he will ressurest everyone. No problem as you see.

2007-05-22, 06:09 AM
I just have one thing to say - Deus ex Machina.

2007-05-22, 06:11 AM
With the deaths of everyone in the party except for Vaarsuvius in 455... is the comic over now? Will V have to find a way to find the bodies of his comrades and resurrect them? Since they fell off the wall and the hobgoblins won't earch, maybe that's the case - but I don't see any way for Xykon NOT to win now.

Sheesh, that's brutal - I would have said "maybe they survived," but they all had X's for eyes!

Heh. Nat 1 on the will save but... *skims over the thread* nat 20 on the bluff one :p

2007-05-22, 06:32 AM
This IS a joke, right? I mean, you can't actually think that thay are dead, right? I mean, I am reading the same webcomic as you, right? I mean... *shoots himself*

2007-05-22, 06:48 AM
This is either a Haleyesqe ridiculous bluff or some people really dont read things properly!

The Pink Ninja
2007-05-22, 06:51 AM
The Giant is bored with the comic and is leaving to go work in Hollywood :(

Death Giant
2007-05-22, 12:16 PM
I think somebody didn't properly read 455 throughly. The ones who died were illusions from Elan. You should go back and read it again without reading the middle.:smallmad:

Death Giant
2007-05-22, 12:16 PM
I think somebody didn't properly read 455 throughly. The ones who died were illusions from Elan. You should go back and read it again without reading the middle.:smallmad:

Death Giant
2007-05-22, 12:17 PM
I think somebody didn't properly read 455 throughly. The ones who died were illusions from Elan. You should go back and read it again without reading the middle.:smallmad:

2007-05-22, 12:26 PM
but on the other hand, that is pretty impressive illusion. Each has their own sound and action which is pretty cool control on Elan's part :)

He all grown up now.

2007-05-22, 12:28 PM
I still can't believe Elan's illusion WORKED, omg :O

2007-05-22, 12:36 PM
Heh. Nat 1 on the will save but... *skims over the thread* nat 20 on the bluff one :p


Unless the people that seem to be taking the OP seriously are also bluffing. I guess anything is possible on the internet, but it's hard to believe an obvious joke thread like this could completely sail over so many people's heads... :smallconfused:

2007-05-22, 12:40 PM

Unless the people that seem to be taking the OP seriously are also bluffing. I guess anything is possible on the internet, but it's hard to believe an obvious joke thread like this could completely sail over so many people's heads... :smallconfused:

What do you mean a joke? The order and Hinjo obviously just died! Now the comic will change its name, instead of the Order of the Stick its going to be the Happy adventure of Thog and Nale.

But seriously you are right, I always wondered if people around here are guillible or if they are just way too sarcastic...I guess its just that one half is guillible and the other half is sarcastic but its hard to see a difference between the two.

2007-05-22, 12:42 PM
No-one gets interent humour unless you say


loudly and unneccarily, then fill the entire post with leet speak.

2007-05-22, 12:50 PM
I still can't believe Elan's illusion WORKED, omg :O

Actually, Elan's illusions have always "worked" in the sense that the target doesn't realize that it's an illusion. He just had an unfortunate habit of using a standard "hot babe" illusion against targets who were in committed relationships, or afraid of girls, or gay. :smallsmile:

2007-05-22, 12:57 PM
Why is everyone laughing? Did we want to see the bad guys win?

2007-05-22, 01:03 PM
The bad guys haven't won yet; while the army has taken significant losses, the OotS is still 5/6 alive(the only thing that died recently via arrow was ELAN'S ILLUSION), Hinjo's still alive, and the Ghost-Martyrs are about to make a Xykon-kabob upstairs. So don't say it's over till it's over.

2007-05-22, 01:10 PM
Why is everyone laughing? Did we want to see the bad guys win?

Ladies and gentlemen! I present you..
F O R U M --T R O L L ! ! !

2007-05-22, 01:12 PM
Ladies and gentlemen! I present you..
F O R U M --T R O L L ! ! !

He's not a twoll just a person with an abysmal will save...

2007-05-22, 01:24 PM
Ladies and gentlemen! I present you..
F O R U M --T R O L L ! ! !

Don't feed it

But what are these illusions that everybody keeps talking about, i thought that the OOTS siblings had just been killed :mitd:

2007-05-22, 01:38 PM
I agree. I think he is a troll.

2007-05-22, 02:08 PM
He's not a twoll just a person with an abysmal will save...

As far as I'm concerned you have a pretty bad wisdom if you dont realize he is not serious...of course you could be sarcastic but its hard to tell.

2007-05-22, 02:21 PM
It always bothers me, why should anybody waste time for such pathetic activity. Writing such unfunny provocation, which cause only that people don't know how to answer it.
If somebody have satisfaction from, i can only commiserate him:smallfrown: .

2007-05-22, 02:22 PM
What do you mean with "illusions"?

And more importantly: What gate?

Green Bean
2007-05-22, 02:27 PM
*sniff* Poor Elan. He lived as he died; filled with the enemy's weapons. :smallfrown:

2007-05-22, 02:43 PM
What do you mean with "illusions"?

And more importantly: What gate?

hey, my joke

F.H. Zebedee
2007-05-22, 02:53 PM
Aw, crud! I don't have any Fire or Acid spells prepared for today. Looks like we'll need to improvise something with torches and lantern oil again.

Yeah, they'll pull off a win. That's pretty much certain. The only question is what losses we'll suffer in the process.

2007-05-22, 02:56 PM
Indeed. Even with that +4 bonus with successful disbelievers pointing out the illusion.

Well it's easy to see which of the comic readers used INT and WIS as dump stats! :D (I meant the OP, not this one.)

2007-05-22, 02:57 PM
This guy says it best. (http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?p=922818#922818)

2007-05-22, 02:58 PM

Unless the people that seem to be taking the OP seriously are also bluffing. I guess anything is possible on the internet, but it's hard to believe an obvious joke thread like this could completely sail over so many people's heads... :smallconfused:

Sorry, but doesn't soemthing have to actually be funny, or amusing, to be considered a joke thread? :smallbiggrin:

Emperor Ing
2007-05-22, 03:15 PM
I know what this *guy* was thinking when he first saw the comic, same as me. Until i read the actual dialogue.

But the Hobbos failed an Awareness roll. Unfortunately, their TShirts will reduce their defense

2007-05-22, 03:36 PM
seems a lot of people failed their sense motive, or else they made a dam good bluff check.
hmm dam now im confused as well....

2007-05-22, 03:54 PM
You don't resist Troll Atacks with Sense Motive Checks. You resist them with Will Saves. There's two. The first is a Save vs. Realizing That the Guy is Just Being a Stupid Prat and has Nothing Better to Do.

When people fail this save, it generally results in Flame Wars.

If you succeed on the first Save, then you make a Second Save vs. Not Giving the Little Punk the Satisfaction of Replying. This Save has a MUCH, MUCh higher DC than the first. Almost no one makes it.

If you succeed, you move on to a more rewarding thread. If you fail it, then you make a post infomring the Troll that you know they're a Troll, that they're NOT funny, and that you won't give them the satisfaction of responding to them.

Such a failed Save can often result in long-winded posts creating Rules for real world situations by posters who think they're FAR more clever than they really are.

Good thing I made BOTH my will Saves!


2007-05-22, 03:56 PM
Okay, okay, it's gone from a funny discussion to people arguing about trolls. But it was amusing for a good 24 hours or so! Maybe my last comment was dragging it out too long.

2007-05-22, 07:07 PM
Alright, I accept that this was a joke thread, but seriously, you could work on your sarcasm in posts.

Also, he's not trolling so lay off the OP.

2007-05-22, 07:18 PM
I's probably because I only posted three or four times. Notice how at first some people were duped, some people thought it was funny (and made wisecracks), and then people started... SPECULATING!

But come on, somebody had to fail a Will save!

2007-05-23, 05:05 AM
Okay, okay, it's gone from a funny discussion to people arguing about trolls. But it was amusing for a good 24 hours or so! Maybe my last comment was dragging it out too long.

No, it was never funny. What people like you don't realise is that you just make yourself look like you really are that stupid, because there are peope that stupid out there. Being ironically stupid doesn't make you seem less stupid to other people.

Twilight Jack
2007-05-23, 11:37 AM
No, it was never funny. What people like you don't realise is that you just make yourself look like you really are that stupid, because there are peope that stupid out there. Being ironically stupid doesn't make you seem less stupid to other people.

I beg to differ. Being ironically stupid is one of the longest standing traditions in the history of comedy. No matter how stupid you seem, everyone else seems either equally dumb or at best reactionary and hypocritically condescending when they deign to respond to you seriously.

Joke's on who?

2007-05-23, 12:00 PM
The joke is on the goblins! There that solved that.

( I was kidding)

Twilight Jack
2007-05-23, 12:33 PM
The joke is on the goblins! There that solved that.

( I was kidding)

Indeed. I'm glad we cleared that up.