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2015-10-10, 09:47 PM
OOC Thread:
Recruit Thread:

Welcome to Newton.

As you've noticed while wandering about, this little village is abuzz with activity. Caravans come and go, occasionally stopping at some brokerage warehouses and occasionally simply exchanging entire wagons with their prearranged trading partners from other towns. The air is filled with the sounds of quiet, orderly commerce, and the scent of exotic foods, spices, and other wares from places near and far. Yes, against all sensibility, this little outpost in the middle of nowhere has become quite the trading hub simply by being right smack in the middle of everywhere as much as nowhere, and the safety and convenience it offers to caravans has proven very popular with traders throughout the region. Being situated along the celebrated new "Road to Nowhere," hasn't hurt it a bit, and in fact is it's main driving force.

Ah, the Road to Nowhere... it's been a few years now since that crazy contraption from another plane tore through the land and carved out this amazingly smooth road which goes nowhere useful. The little tiny hamlet of Hag's End, which almost no one had ever even heard of, was pretty much the only little speck of civilization to be found along the Road's entire length. A quick name change and a few civic improvements by quick thinking investors, however, resulted in New Town, which soon thereafter was changed again to Newton. Not long after that, the word started to spread that a magnificent new road had been built which allowed for rapid, smooth travel, and soon people made their way to marvel at it. Not long after that, someone figured out that even though traveling to the Road took awhile, the increase in travel speed once they reached it more than made up for it, and before long many towns and cities built little roads to connect to the Road to Nowhere, resulting in its eventually becoming the Road to Everywhere. Sometimes people just call it "the big road."

Newton is still only a very, very tiny village with little to offer anyone who isn't a caravaner, but it's people have high hopes and great ambitions. Those who moved here to capitalize on the caravan trade make a decent living, but there's not much to buy and even less to do.
Naturally, wherever it seems there may be money to be made, people will congregate in an attempt to get their share. Newton is certainly proof of this, as numerous people from all walks of life have been gravitating to Newton, all looking for two things they haven't had much of recently, namely, safety and opportunity.

Alas, safety is an illusion, and there is only so much opportunity to go around even in the best of times.

You guys have been finding this out the hard way for quite some time now, and here you are, a motley assemblage of would-be heroes reduced to seeking any sort of paying jobs you can find. Still, Newton was a heck of a lot better than most of the surrounding towns, and you knew that your best bet was to hang around and wait for.. something, anything, which might come along and get you back on your feet. When you noticed the man nailing up a sign on a tree in the main atrium, it took you very little time to investigate it. To your not-quite delight, the sign was an actual "Help Wanted" type of sign promising some steady income and, if not exactly high adventure, at least something to do.

It didn't take very long to find the new offices of the Quicksilver Messenger Service, and while the door is locked, the sign in the window promises that it will be opening very soon.


2015-10-10, 11:58 PM
Jimmothy van Der Lied, who often went simply by Jimmy or Jimmy the Bard, may not have been the first to notice the sign, but he was the first to arrive outside the Quicksilver Messenger Service office.

Gently fingering the strings of his violin, he tested the reenforced strings with his modified rapier again. All in all, it wasn't that hard to make the combination of a violin and rapier, what was hard was replacing the strings when they broke, which he had just done but hadn't quite finished testing. The only true way to test was to play however, so he began to play a sad slow song.

2015-10-11, 11:11 PM
Vonyo Bor saw the sign looking for help and looked toward his empty coinpurse. While helping out the poor and downtrodden had been a good idea it had also left him with a need to look toward his finances if he was going to make it the next few weeks. Still, he'd have to take this as a sign that he was doing good work and was being rewarded for it.

It took less time than most people would expect for the armored paladin to get out to Quicksilver, though he wasn't the first there. With the sound of music in his ears for the last portion of the trip Vonyo winds up making his way out an alley next to the offices. "You here for the job or just looking for copper. I've never been one to turn down a show, so I'd be glad to call you partner, but I'll see if I can come up with something if you're looking for donations."

2015-10-11, 11:23 PM
Jimmy smiled at the man, and winked. "I see no reason for it to not be both."

He continued the sad song, but managed to cause his hat to fall to the ground, exposed and ready for coin.

2015-10-12, 02:29 AM
Thaia had been hovering all over town, looking for opportunities. Oh, there were opportunities plenty, just not for a wandering bard. Here folks were hard at work, and she was not a good enough craftswoman to do more than provide entertainment relief at the Inn. Sadly, all this netted her was a pitcher of cider, some meal from the common pot, and the right to sleep in the stables' hay. Even the gossip was all business. Not what she would call bountiful.
Thankfully today the most horrible lament had reached her on the wind, and she had followed it, intrigued to see what competition the breeze would provide. Upon arriving at the scene, she elected to approach... cautiously.
She was leaning on a nearby wall, stopped in her tracks by sheer morbid curiosity. Who was this person butchering their violin ? Oh, the sound was good, certainly. But the unorthodox method sent shiver of distaste down her back. Instruments were sacred.
After much disquieted rummaging of her hand in her hair, which now looked about as neat as if she'd taken a nuclear bomb to it, she finally started towards the promise of gold with long, gliding strides. No matter strange techniques, gold was gold.
With a friendly smile on her face, she sauntered the last few paces.
"Hullo there ! Are you waiting for the "Help wanted" sign ? Think you could use an additional pair of hands ?" She winks slowly. "Music certainly helps for the waiting."

2015-10-12, 09:23 AM
Jimmy nodded to the second newcomer as well, continuing to play just a little bit longer, until he finished the song. It seems he had set the strings correctly, and so he had no more reason to play such a sad song.

He would have played another, but he was distracted by this beautiful creature. He tucked his rapier away, and slid his violin in its own sort of sheath on his back. "My, my! What is this? I think I recognize you, though I do not believe we have ever met. My name is Jimmothy van Der Lied, son of the inventor Isaac van Der Lied. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Jimmy quickly crossed the gap between them and offered his hand. "Please, call me Jimmy."

2015-10-12, 11:40 AM
Thaia seems pleasantly surprised by Jimmy's greeting, coquettishly smoothing a silken strand of hair, the open collar of her warm ivory linen shirt, before delicately placing her hand in his. Her fingers are warm, fairly calloused but the skin is soft. Her nails are clipped sensibly short. Up close her eyes are striking, appearing very much like multi-faceted topaz gems.
"You recognize me ? Surely not, I would remember such a striking gentleman. I must insist that it is my pleasure, Jimmy. My given name is Thaia." Her voice is surprisingly husky, perhaps her most human feature. She bends at the waist, graceful despite the deep blue leather corset cinching her waist, while a playful smile tugs at her lips. Under her long lashes, her eyes briefly flicker towards the thus far silent human. She dips dramatically low, rises, and looks solemnly at Jimmy.
"If you strike a more cheerful tune, I would not mind singing in accompaniment." Her eyes crinkle in mirth. "Or perhaps we could trade tales to pass the time." She examines the 'Help Wanted' sign more closely. "There is no harm, since the sign does not say how many are wanted, in getting to know each other. Perhaps it will save us time later."

I have a description in my character sheet, but in case you don't have one, could you please describe yourselves here ? Here is mine.
Thaia is slender and willowy, which makes her appear taller than she really is. Her eyes, sparkling a brilliant topaz, are set in a finely chiseled face. Atop that face sits a decadent mop of white, silken strands tipped with pale blue cut rather haphazardly at fingerlength, revealing tapered ears laden with twinkling silver ornaments. Her thin lips, when they stretch in her customary warm smile, soften her features and lend her an impish look. She has long, agile fingers, callused from continuous musical practice. She wears blues and greens in her clothing, as they set off nicely her almost translucent skin. Close-fitting leathers draped in coloured scarves cannot hide a fine-boned frame, more lithe than strong. Accross her back is a solid leather backpack complete with coiled rope on one side and a bedroll tightly affixed on the other side. Slung over her shoulders are two instrument cases. At her hips a soft-leather belt supports a multitude of pouches, all dyed various hues of blue.

2015-10-12, 01:44 PM
Jimmy gently brought her fingers to his lips before returning her hand to her. "I often hide my features under a hood while I am out and about at night. So, that must be why you do not recognize me. I am certain I have seen you strum your lute and sing a beautiful tune

I would be honored to have you accompany me in a musical adventure. I assume you know the one about a maiden with hair so fair the sun rose just to see it?"

Jimmy pulled his instrument out again, and set the modified rapier to the strings and began to play a jaunty song.

Jimmothy van Der Lied is handsome , with shoulder length blonde hair. His eyes are a pale blue that can turn icy when he is intense about anything.

He is about 6'2", a feature that goes with his slightly pointed ears to show his elven heritage. He wears a small amount of jewelry, mostly for colors than for a sign of wealth. In fact, upon closer inspection, all his jewels are color but not valuable. He also wears a brightly colored jacket over his plain white shirt and his plain brown pants.

He frequently styles or adjusts his appearance with the use of Prestidigotation.


2015-10-12, 02:24 PM
While the three already present converse, a lone figure wanders into a nearby intersection. The boy turns to look down each street before finally continuing straight, away from the office. He appears from an alleyway in the opposite a few minutes later, eyes carefully scanning each building on the side of the street across from the office, until he stood in the intersection he first came from. He spins around once again, and finally sees help wanted sign in the office's window. He approaches the building without acknowledging the group which has already assembled and stands before the sign, cocking his head as he studies it for longer than most would need to read the simple advertisement.

The boy stands fairly short compared to most humans his age. Looking at his overfilled backpack, some would jest that he carries everything he owned on him, but they would be correct. Most of his form is hidden under a sage cloak. His hood is down, revealing curious green eyes, dark brown hair and skin darkened from a lifetime in the sun. Slung on his sider is a crude, though study looking shield and a curved blade stored in a leather sheath. He bares the faint scent of loam and fallen leaves.

2015-10-12, 02:43 PM
Thaia's smile widens, if possible. She starts humming the melody, both to warm up and to find the rythm. After a few measures, she begins singing the popular, and old, ballad. A classic.
While she sings, Thaia's posture straightens, her head is slightly thrown back. She is so absorbed that she pays no attention to the new figure.
Her voice is throaty and full, caressing and warm. The song vibrates with emotion, capturing its subject vividly.

2015-10-12, 04:36 PM
The impromptu little concert does not go unnoticed. In less than a minute, people start poking their heads out of doors and windows, and walking into the street, bobbing their heads at the jaunty tune.
Smiles light up their faces.
Soon a few come closer, and in no time at all coins start falling into Jimmy's hat.

Despite this, though, it's plain to see that these people are a bit nervous about something. Night is falling, and their eyes dart wildly about as if looking for something they expect might be trouble.

At the end of the song, everyone cheers and applauds. Then a bell tolls, and everyone quickly scurries back inside.

The village is very small, scarcely two dozen buildings. There is a tavern/inn, a blacksmithy, 4 livery stables, 4 big warehouses, the spiffy new office of the Quicksilver Messenger Service, a small general store, a sawmill with two big stackhouses, a smokehouse, 6 small farms with farmhouses, a few more small houses, and one grand estate.

In a minute, maybe two, the streets are silent and empty.

Soon, from the inn, a dwarf's accent cuts the still air.
"Are ye daft? Get inside! The night shift is coming!"

2015-10-12, 05:31 PM
Boaz finally finds his way to the shop. He is dressed in fine priestly robes that look a bit out of place in the little town. He begins to hum a hymn before noticing the others. Running his fingers through his light blonde hair, he says Ah! It seems, as usual, that I am late. I apologize, for you see, I was out spreading the word of the angels.

He says this as if it were as normal as waxing one's boots. After giving the party a once-over to see what he's dealing with, he bows to the party. Boaz, Priest of the Heavens, at your service.

2015-10-12, 09:57 PM
Jimmy picks up his hat and scoops out about half of the coins and saunters over to his duet partner. "My apologies, my lady! I mistook you for a humble half-elf like me. Hearing you sing up close I realize now you must be an Aasimar, one touched by divinity. Nothing short of an angel could be blessed with such a voice. I feel ashamed to only give you this much coin. I've never met a real life angel before."

Turning to the priest he bowed. "Well met, Father. It is a pleasure to have a member of the clergy enjoy one of my shows."

It was then that the dwarf had spoken, and Jimmy turned towards the voice. "Well, it looks like our employer is still not ready for us. If I may escort the lady?" Jimmy offered an arm, and a mirthful smile.

2015-10-13, 03:01 AM
I believe we should take the man up on his offer. It seems as if we might be waiting on this man for a while, and I for one would rather wait somewhere warm. And with that, he straightens his collar, slicks back his hair, and walks into the Inn.

2015-10-13, 03:49 AM
Thaia seems rather amused by the reactions of the townspeople, allowing the song to flow to a gentle end as the night draws near. She appears startled by the Dwarf, as much by his appearance than his words. Having kept to the inn during the evenings, she was not aware that anything had been going on apart from a few mutters there and then, that she attributed to a general resentment against authority. She raises her eyebrows at the gruff tone, even more so at the Priest's appearance, but gives an ironic bow complete with flutters when Jimmy compares her to an divine being.
"And a good evening to you, Boaz, Priest of the Heavens." She calls out to his back as he is already hurrying inside the tavern. Well, then. She faces towards Jimmy and accepts the coins gravely, secreting them in one of her many purses. "It would appear that we have just met a specimen of priestly disposition, perhaps he will enlighten us as to my divine nature." She inclines her head, eyes dancing merrily, and delicately curls her fingers around Jimmy's wrist, fingertips brushing his pulse."Towards the warmth, then." She smiles widely, looking at Jimmy, and then turns slightly to include the armoured human and the boy, in a silent invitation.

2015-10-13, 08:42 AM
Towards the warmth would be a good ballad. With a woman being the warmth to move towards. Jimmy thought.

Jimmy raised his wrist slightly and covered the woman's hand with his own. "Well, we had best see what he knows then. Towards the warm, indeed!"

Releasing the maiden's hand from the own for a moment, he gestured for the other two to follow before recapturing her hand again.

Whether he led her, or she led him, they made their way into the inn. Once inside he looked for a table to lead her to, hopefully one that sat a few, so he could encourage those who had also been waiting with them to sit.

2015-10-13, 09:37 AM
Thaia allowed herself to be led into the familiar light of the Inn, greeting the innkeeper and any she recognizes with a smile and small hand gesture. Her voice calls up, only slightly louder than general conversation. "A good evening to everyone. And thanks to you, master Dwarf."
She allows here gaze to cover the main room, noting through ingrained habit who is there, where in the room, both interesting details and the general atmosphere through tones and body language. Her fingertips drum a lively rythm inside Jimmy's wrist, while an absent-minded smile hovers on her lips. Would the human join them ? He had not seemed particularly moved by the concert.. or perhaps cat got his tongue...
"Did you gather anything from your fellow waiter ?", she inquires to Jimmy.
On the subject of waiting, there was the small one too. Seemed young to be seeking employment, but then she was not one to talk about age.
If, or when, she spots the priest, she will lightly steer her fellow bard towards his seat, seating herself at the same table if there is space, or simply bringing a chair over from a nearby table.

2015-10-13, 09:50 AM
"Only that he appreciates a good song. And that he is likely a charitable man. Despite being broke, he offered me coin for my solo performance."

Jimmy heart began to beat at the rapid tempo drummed on his wrist. He looked at her briefly and smiled. "I'd guess the young one would know something, if anyone. Those hardened youth seem always to have keener eyes and ears than most."

Looking back out at the inn, he licked his lips. "I do enjoy this place, but I hope the job has us leave. I want to see the rest of the world, and write songs about it. I've read a few books about the world, but they are always so dry. I prefer to read songs about the world. But there aren't enough songs about everything."

2015-10-13, 10:35 AM
Thaia raises an expressive eyebrow at his answer. "Always a good quality in someone."
A thoughtful moue colours her expression at Jimmy's confession.
"Change would be nice. A change of possibilities... Perhaps we will write our own songs into this world, and the world will ascribe to the song this time around !" She laughs softly at the idea, having entirely forgotten to retrieve her hand from Jimmy.
"You have ambition, but I like your cause. Worthy of a true bard... From where did the thought come to you ?" Her head tilts to the side with a light clink of silver, gaze alight with curiosity. "And more importantly, are you inviting me to drink to the hope of travel and adventure ?" She grins impishly at that.

2015-10-13, 11:48 AM
The inn's door slammed shut, and behind it stumbled Sanrica, wheezing as if she'd just ran a marathon around the village. Shortly after her arrival, the chinking of armor and rhythmic beat of boots on the march echoed from outside the building. Sanrica peered an eye out the nearest window until the sound passed by. When all was quiet again, the rogue let out a heavy breath from her lungs and eased herself towards the small throng of gathered before her.
"Are the rest of you here for the job?" she asked, jabbing a thumb behind her. "Don't usually see such an eclectic crowd unless there's a bit of adventuring involved."

2015-10-13, 12:07 PM
The serving wench emerges from the kitchen, carrying a huge order to go. She gives it to a very peculiar looking, very bald, and very...yellow man who had been sitting by himself in the corner. He silently takes the bundle, gives her an odd smile and a curtsey, and begins to leave. She tells him to be careful.
Outside, a dull, low roaring sound starts to fill the night air. It can barely be heard inside, and when it is, many of the locals shudder a bit with a mild case of the creeps.

2015-10-13, 01:05 PM
Boaz turns to place a hand on Thaia's shoulder, before jumping at least a foot into the air at the sound of the commotion. What in the Divine Name is that!? It takes him a moment to regain his composure, and when he does he calls out to the barkeep. While waiting on his drink, his fingers dance nervously across the bar.

2015-10-13, 01:20 PM
"From... well, have you heard the tale of Saint Joseph and the Dragon? It's a fun song to sing, but the middle part where it describes the dragon... after hearing that, I felt like I truly understood what a dragon was like. But there are few examples of that sort of work. No one sings descriptions and advice about other creatures, no one sings the dangers and weaknesses of less majestic but equally dangerous monsters.

And I think they should. I think I should. Or... maybe you should. Your voice is so lovely.

I plan to go out and experiance these beasts, and then write a song about what thy look like, and how to defeat them."

Jimmy laughed nervously and released her hand again to scratch th back of his neck before collecting it again. "Haha, or at least I think so. Maybe it is a fool's errand. But I've always been a bit of a fool.

As for getting drinks, I'd would love to."

Jimmy beamed at her for a moment, letting the full force of his charm shine for a moment. "Drink to the hopes of travel and adventure, together. Nothing would be quite as pleasing as hearing your voice every day while working towards common goals.

Jimmy began to lead her to the bar when another woman arrived. He thought to welcome her, but then he decided he'd rather drink with the lady on his arm. Hopefully one of the others would speak to her. While it was rude to ignore her, it would also be rude not to take Thaia to the bar.

And so he looked back at Thaia and led her to the bar, and ordered the house wine.

2015-10-13, 02:33 PM
The cloaked boy had followed the group into the inn, and sits down at an unoccupied space near them. "Stew please." He murmurs to the first wench to pass him by, before settling in to wait.

He looks up when the winded rogue enters, and nods adamantly at his question.

His attention turns to the door when the sounds begin outside. Despite his curiosity, he doesn't pry further.

2015-10-13, 09:52 PM
"One bowl of stew, coming right up!" says the wench. After she goes to the back to get it, the barkeep answers Boaz's question.

"'Tis the sawmill. Curse the night. The wood is nice, aye, but I can't say the same for the millwrights. It just ain't right, I tell ye.

Here's yer drink, lad."

2015-10-13, 10:14 PM
Jimmy wraps a knuckle on the bar. "Two glasses of wine if you've got it."

2015-10-13, 10:52 PM
Boaz quickly grabs up the drink and shoots it down. He pauses for second, eyes closed, savoring the flavor. It takes him a moment to regain composure. Millwrights? What, pray tell, is a millwright?

2015-10-14, 01:28 AM
Vonyo enters the bar behind the rest of the job seekers. There's a hint of trepidation in his step as he crosses the threshold, almost as if he's not sure whether he wants to enter. Once in, he hurries off to a seat near the door, keeping his back to a wall where possible.

At the peculiar man starts leaving Vonyo stands up and says "Are you sure you want to go? Most of the people who've lived here seem to not want to be outside right now. Is wherever you're going not going to be there if you leave in the morning?"

2015-10-14, 04:40 AM
Thaia blinks at the strange turn of events. Oh, well.
She has nodded in all the right place during her conversation with Jimmy. Yes indeed, she has heard of the song, but never actually heard it performed fully. Long, long lashes flutter against her cheekbones when he unleashes his charm, and she smiles coyly at his declaration.

However, they are interrupted by the arrival of a halfling woman, to whom she sends a warm smile and a slight welcoming wag of her free fingers in lieu of a yes.

At the sound outside, Thaia shivers visibly. What is wrong with this place ?
Fortunately, nobody looks in mortal danger, and she collects herself fast enough.

"Well, fear and unease are beasts to experience, and it seems there are plenty opportunities around to do that. On the other hand, perhaps a song would help to ease the atmosphere." She shrugs towards the Priest who has just downed his drink.

At Vonyo's intervention, Thaia leans on one elbow, angling herself to see as much of the room as possible without being rude to Jimmy or the Boaz. She speaks out to the armoured man.
"Surely you do not intend to meddle with the affairs of a local ? Concern is a noble thing, but only when you have the right to it. Perhaps before stepping in one should hear the whole tale, and then decide to interfere." She smiles in a friendly manner to soften her words, and then shifts her gaze towards the barkeep.
"Yes indeed, would you mind terribly explaining the lay of the land to a band of travellers ? Understanding is the first step to not getting in trouble, after all." Her voice lightens with humour at that last statement.

2015-10-14, 05:02 PM
The barkeeper pours two glasses of wine and presents them to the bards.

"The Millwrights? Just the fancy name the so-called workers at the sawmill are called. Wretched, undead sons-a..."

The peculiar yellow man looks at Vonyo, gives him a goofy smile, and wordlessly steps out of the tavern into the street.

2015-10-14, 06:25 PM
Jimmy finally releases Thaia's hand and offers it some wine.

Moving slightly to look at both her and the others, he sipped the wine. "No response? What an odd man. No matter. But did you say undead? There's a lot that needs warning songs. "

2015-10-15, 12:58 AM
Undead? They've got actual Wrights working at the mill? Boaz looks at the door for a moment and begins wringing his hands. I believe I'll have another drink

2015-10-15, 01:06 AM
"Aye. Lots 'o bodies strewn about, so the Mill owner rounded up a few dozen, zombified 'em, and put 'em to work. Some guys'll do anythin' for bit 'o cheap labor.
It just ain't right. How's a man s'posed to make a fair livin' when he's gotta compete against the dead?"

2015-10-15, 10:10 AM
"Undead are abominations in the eyes of nearly every God I can think of. Why have no clerics swooped in to stomp out that hive of sin? Curious. It may be that this cleric does, eh?"

Jimmy tilted his wine glass towards Boaz and then took a small gulp of wine. "I can't say I much like jobless peasants, or the undead. Both are dangerous. Besides, having wights around is just asking for trouble. What if they got loose? Maybe we should convince this Mill owner the errs of his ways. Peacefully, of course."

2015-10-15, 02:15 PM
Well, that's just . . . It's . . . Well . . . Boaz takes long sip of his drink, taking a moment to choose his words rather carefully. For years, he had preached of the Evil perversion of nature that is the Undead. He had told his followers many times that it is their duty to stand up against the Undead, and destroy them wherever they may be, despite the risk.

But he had never actually seen an Undead. Nonetheless a whole town full of them.

Eventually, after another drink to ease his nerves, he nods to Jimmy. Of course, you are right, my child. We cannot just stand by and allow these monstrosities to roam about the town willy-nilly. But we must be smart about it. We are of no use to anybody if we're Wright food.

2015-10-15, 04:22 PM
"Great! And with a holy man we should be perfectly safe! I hear holy men can tip undead to shreds with a word, and cause them to burn to ashes just by exposing them to the divine light of their gods. Or so goes the tale of Saint Luis."

Jimmy took another, relaxed pull from his wine cup, leaving it nearly drained. That will be quite the song to write. My first firsthand experiance with the Undead."

2015-10-15, 05:11 PM
Thaia shudders at the mention of undeads, and focuses on her cup while listening to the conversation around her. She would, in fact, really rather not be part of that particular conversation, but she will smile at Jimmy's talks of writing songs about his "firsthand experience".

2015-10-15, 05:39 PM
Boaz chuckles to his self and raises his glass a bit too Jimmy You're not too far off, my child. Not too far off.

2015-10-15, 10:10 PM
The druid noisily slurps down the the rest of the broth in his bowl and turns to the group. "All must die and return to the earth. It is a law of nature, one I must enforce."

He then hands his bowl to the barkeeper. "More please."

2015-10-15, 11:18 PM
"My, my. Looks like those wights won't plague the common man much longer."

Jimmy flashes a smile at the druid, before locking eyes with Thaia again. "Oh bother. You look like you swallowed a bug, dear. Has this talk of wights upset you? They truly are a rather nasty bunch, but it is the job of heroes and those who aspire to be heroes to put an end to nasty, wicked things. And yet this is not a conversation I will insist upon if it makes you uncomfortable. Let's have a change of topic. Where did you learn to play your lute?"

2015-10-16, 12:17 AM
The barkeeper takes the stew bowl and hands it off to a wench for refilling. Soon it comes back full and is served to the Druid.

"What's this, then? Are you going to try to DO somethin' about it? Good luck wi' that."

2015-10-16, 12:23 AM
What makes you say that? He asks. He's a bit relieved, but tries not to show it.

2015-10-16, 05:39 AM
Thaia smiles wanly. "Well, I was taught at some point in a monastery, by a very old Master Bard who had retired. You must admit the very concept of undeath is repugnant... Not to mention the idea that someone would think of using them as tools... Yes, I am aware of the view that one must judge good or evil from the purpose, and a tool is but a tool. However..."
Her lips twist in distaste as she trails off.

"This is truly a corruption of the natural order. Please, do not look at me like that. I may, or may not, have had the most dubious honour of hearing once the Ballad of the Necromancer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JphWi_GOIao). It dearly offended my 'divine nature'." Her eyes fill with rueful humour at that.

"I am no expert on this subject, but common sense points to, well, death and horror." She stops hesitating, fingering her lute with one hand. For an instant only, perhaps a trick of the light, her expression flickers and she seems stricken. But she merely looks curious when she turns towards the barkeeper.
"Did you say "the mill owner zombified them" ?"

2015-10-16, 09:36 AM
Jimmy rubbed his jawbone for a moment then made a bemused sound. "Back to the undead already. No matter. We will do what must be done. Whatever that ends up being. I think our good friend, Mr. Boaz, the cleric will know what to do. You needn't worry."

2015-10-16, 11:26 PM
Vonyo pipes up from his wall Why exactly should the dead hold positions that the living could hold? You can count a second holy man among you if you do go after them.

2015-10-17, 10:50 AM
"Well," says the barkeeper, "when they first started to make a go 'o this place, they needed a lot of lumber, needed it fast, and had no one to cut it.
A wizard who lives nearby came up wi' the answer, and before long we had a whole crew of the dead, all workin' far harder than most of 'em prolly ever worked in life. Gives me the creeps, it does, aye, but we sure get a lot of wood, and get it cheap. Now we just stay out of the way at night.

It's like the time me uncle thought he was a chicken. We shoulda cured him early on, but we needed the eggs."

2015-10-17, 08:57 PM
Well, I suppose this presents us quite the moral quandary. Of course the town needs lumber, but the very idea . . . A town where the economy is reliant on these abominations . . . Surely, there is something that could be done.

2015-10-18, 04:52 AM
Thaia shrugs, both in answer to Jimmy's assurances and the barkeeper's tale. "My apologies if I found the subject somewhat... arresting."
She sips her wine, a soft smile playing on her lips. "Perhaps you should distract me with tales of your apprenticeship to the violin."
Her fingers tap a soft rythm on the wood of the counter, and she sweeps a look over the common room, taking stock of all the newcomers, all the person who seemed to be waiting for the job, and then everyone who has expressed an opinion on the undead. She then looks expectantly at Jimmy, although she keeps an ear out for the discussion with the barkeeper.

2015-10-18, 12:20 PM
For a moment, Jimmy's eyes glaze over but when he blinks, they have returned to normal. His stare is icy and intense, locked onto Thaia's eyes. "As a young man, I often heard bards. My village was two stops before another town, and before this road, it was a somewhat frequent stop. After..."

Jimmy paused, and his eyes darted away for a moment before returning with less intensity. "Well after barbarians razed the village, a travelling circus picked me up. After they were found out to be a smuggling ring, a bard heard me singing my laments, and struggling to play the violin my father had invented. I wasn't making much coin, but the bard offered to teach me how to play, and how to beg."

"And so it was then that I really started to learn to play. I think that was ten years ago. But who keeps track of that sort of thing? Oddly enough... I think it was his death to a wight of all things that really set me on wanting make warning songs about all the many dangers of the world. I can't be sure it was a wight though. It might have been a ghoul or a zombie or something. Really, I guess, I just know it wasn't a skeleton! Haha."

2015-10-18, 11:54 PM
Boaz kills his drink and motions for another. He gives Jimmy a friendly (albeit drunken) slap on the back. You know, my son, I've always had a love for music. My mother, may the gods bless her soul, used to sing the most beautiful hymns. She knew 'em all by heart, too, I tell ya! No hymnbook or nothin'.

He gets up from his chair, staggering a bit, and wraps an arm around Jimmy. Anyways, my child, I hate to hear that about your mentor. Loss is always hard on the heart. But fear not, for no soulless abominations will be bothering us tonight. Except perhaps the tax collector!

2015-10-19, 11:12 PM
"Well, if yer lookin' ta make a ruckus, then get to it. Otherwise, get yerselves some rooms. Either way, it's time ta bar the door."

2015-10-19, 11:18 PM
Jimmy smiles at the man. "Loss is a part of life, which is why we must always enjoy everything we have in the moment. Ah, but the man is quite right. We should either make a ruckus or tuck in for the night. It's been a day, so I wouldn't mind some shut eye, though I'm sure I'll wake right up at the sight of a wight."

Snapping his fingers, he pulls out a piece of paper and an ink pen. "What do you know of wights? I shall begin writing the ballad at once! I've already got a few verses floating about in my head!"

2015-10-19, 11:55 PM
While 'causing a ruckus' He says with air quotes, Might sound like the noble thing to do, I too would like to rest.

2015-10-20, 12:35 PM
Yawning wide, the druid pushes an emptied bowl away. He is also ready for rest.

2015-10-20, 04:59 PM
Thaia listens gravely to Jimmy's story, hazarding a soothing hand on his arm. She smiles gently when he finishes, chuckling a little at his attempt to joke before sobering.
"And I am immensely regretful that present events threaten to remind you ever more of dark times in your past. It is... unfortunate. Thank you for sharing such an intimate story." She seems visibly distressed by Jimmy's story, and takes a few seconds to regain her bearing.
"This might actually be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to observe wrights closely and gain more knowledge. After all, they must be well controlled if they are employed as a labour force."

She pulls away slightly when the priest moves for a friendly, manly backslap on Jimmy. Sipping her wine with half-closed eyes, she drinks in the night and the warmth of companionship. At the talk of rest, her gaze flit from speaker to speaker with grim intensity.

During a lull in the conversation, the pale half-elf, whose tired eyes flicker with the light, chimes in lightly.
"It is my experience that attempting anything on less than a good night's sleep results in world-shattering catastrophes. So say the stories, and I for one am not willing to test their truths." She smiles wrily at the room, looking at no one in particular. Her bearing indicates clearly that the weariness in her voice is not feigned.

"As for wrights, I believe a census on the gathered information we all possess could wait until after dawn. They do not make for a very good night-time conversation subject."
She inclines her head towards her fellow bard good-naturedly. "Not that I'm refusing to participate in your information gathering, mind. It seems very a-propos given the situation."

"Perhaps we can discuss grave matters of employment and labour forces at breakfast. I've heard that the oats are good." She adds in an offhand manner.

2015-10-20, 07:07 PM
"Ah, well; right then!" Says the dwarf. He then assigns you your rooms.
This inn doesn't have anything fancy like keys for individual rooms. His staff just keeps watch on everything all night.

Throughout the night, you hear the droning of the sawmill, the crackle of the fireplace below, and not much else.

Eventually the sun comes up, the sawmill stops running, roosters crow, and the smell of breakfast starts to waft upstairs into your rooms. As you awake and wander downstairs to eat, you find that everything seems perfectly okey-dokey; just another wonderful day in Newton. The front door is open, and a few locals have come in to eat breakfast.

2015-10-21, 12:34 AM
Jimmy gave Thaia an appreciative smile but a dismissive flick of the wrist. "A rough youth builds a hearty man. It was unfortunate, and painful. But it is in the past. And you are in the present. So how could I be sad?"

In the morning Jimmy was up early. He never slept much, bad dreams usually. But in any case, he was down as soon as the smell wafted to him.

Wordlessly, the young bard sat at the bar and smiled at the bar keeper.

2015-10-22, 04:53 AM
Thaia was up right at the first rays of dawn. She luxuriated in the rich smells wafting from the common room, quickly splashing herself with a nearby basin to achieve a rough hygiene. Once everything was to her satisfaction, after all a dirty bard didn't garner as much appreciation as a clean and flamboyant one, she headed downstairs.
She had chosen a vibrant emerald-green scarf draped over one should and knotted at hip, offsetting her azure blouse beneath the leather corset also etched in blue. Her hair was slicked back with water, tamed for the few moments it took to dry.
She sauntered happily inside the common room, immediately spotting Jimmy.
Greeting everyone with a wave, and him in particular with a smile, Thaia slips in the seat next to his.
"Why, fancy seeing you there ! Had a good night ?"

2015-10-22, 06:40 AM
Boaz rubs his eyes and lets out a yawn before stretching and wandering back to the bar. Good morning, my friends. How are you on this fine morning? He plops down on a bar stool and yawns once more before signaling the bartender. No food for me this morning, darling, I'll just take some coffee. And, if you don't mind, but a splash in there for me to get the day started.

While waiting on the bartender, he looks around to see which of his companions have were up and at it. Well, it looks as if we'll finally get a chance to speak with our employer. I'm more than excited to get started working again. Saving souls is more than rewarding, but it doesn't pay the bills . . . A smile crosses his face, because in his case it does pay the bills, but there's no need for his new companions to know that.

2015-10-22, 12:13 PM
The druid ventured downstairs later than most the others. He slumped into a seat, resting his head on the bar. Shortly he was snoozing again.

2015-10-22, 01:40 PM
Vonyo comes down, looking like he didn't sleep at all. Considering just how bad it had sounded to be outside at night he had made an exception and stayed in the inn, but didn't actually sleep at all. Coffee might not be a bad idea. I guess it will have to wait till we've got a job though... I'll be ready to head out whenever the rest of you are.

2015-10-22, 04:37 PM
The barkeep looks pretty haggard, as if he didn't get much sleep either. He probably rarely does, though, in this line of work.

"New employer, ye say? Well, that's always good news.
You wouldn't happen ta mean the new messenger company, aye? If so, then he'll be openin' up any minute now. He already came by a while ago for some breakfast and left."

2015-10-22, 07:44 PM
Jimmy waved at Thaia as well, offering his own smile in return. "I had a great night up until you and I parted ways. The world was so bleak without your glow."

When Boaz arrived, Jimmy scouted out a chair on his other side, opposite of Thaia, and indicated it to the cleric.

"Good morrow, my friend. Didn't get enough sleep? I hope that coffee livens you up. Who knows what today has in store for us."

Finally, when the barkeeper speaks up, Jimmy beams. "And so we shall meet him! After breakfast, of course. It's the most important meal of the day; the one with bacon in it."

2015-10-24, 04:19 PM
Boaz takes the seat and gives Jimmy a smile Why, yes, my child. I slept like a log last night. A good cup of Joe and I should be in tip top shape. I, too, am curious about what the day shall bring us.

2015-10-27, 03:31 PM
Thaia, after beaming at Jimmy, sits down to wolf down her porridge, a cheap and hearty meal that suits her just fine. She shimmies out of her seat as soon as she finishes.

"Well, I don't know for any of you, but I'm getting curious ! And I intend to sate that curiosity. Meet you at the job office !"

That said, and after a short bow to the room, she saunters to the door of the inn, peeks at the help sign, and sets out accross the street with long, decisive strides.

2015-10-27, 05:38 PM
It's a short walk to the office. The door is locked, but the sounds of someone shuffling inside can be heard.

Over in the distant woods, Thaia hears the cry of a hungry grue!

2015-10-29, 11:39 PM
Jimmy watched Thaia walk away, and then finished his breakfast. "I'd better get over there with her."

After eating he heads on over after her.

2015-10-31, 01:25 PM
Hearing, people begin to leave, the Druid snaps awake and shovels his breakfast into his mouth before running after to catch up. A few coins were left on the table in return for the food and lodging.

2015-10-31, 04:44 PM
Boaz makes his way to the office. He straightens his hair, clears his throat, and knocks on the door.

2015-11-01, 05:42 PM
A bit of soft thumping noise can be faintly heard coming from within the office, and a moment later the sound of several clicks and shuffles is heard and the door finally opens. It swings open easily and silently, being as new as the rest of the building, and the only other noise it makes is the dingle-jingle of a string of bells against which it brushes.

A male human steps into view, wearing the too-nice clothes of a commoner who isn't accustomed to wearing nice clothes and doesn't know how to shop for them. He is apparently not especially adept at hair & skin care, either.

"Oh. 'ello!" he says. "I 'ope you lot 'aven't been waitin' long. I was just havin meself a spot of breakfast, aye?" So, 'ow might I 'elp you fine gents..and lady? Got anything needs deliverin', or are you 'ere for the job?'

2015-11-04, 09:51 AM
Thaia smiles engagingly at the human specimen. She tilts her head just at the right angle to maximize cuteness.

"And good morning to you ! Apologies for interrupting your breakfast. As for our purpose, I think I can speak for everyone in saying that the "Help Wanted" sign is what drew our attention. You are offering a job, yes ? Is there room for all of us in your employment ?"

She makes a sweeping gesture including herself and everyone else, slightly reminescent of a merchant presenting his wares, or perhaps a circus trainer showing off its bears.

2015-11-04, 04:06 PM
"Oh, yes, madam; there's plenty of room for quite a few. 'ow many are ye, anyway?"

OOCMy computer is having serious problems. CMOS battery. I might have to post on my phone soon, which means I won't be able to post in colored text.

2015-11-06, 01:02 AM
"Good morrow, my good man. Pleasant morning as far as they go, isn't it?"

Jimmy walked forward and extended his hand. "The name is Jimmy, and I am a bard of nearly unrivaled gift. Beside me here is Thaia, the only bard even more talented and charming than myself. And this man is Boaz, and impressive man of the cloth, and a right gentleman if rumors are to be believed. I'm afraid I didn't catch you name, sir."

Gesturing at Thaia and Boaz again, Jimmy pressed on. "There is at least the three of us, though we saw a few others who seemed interested. Ah, here they come now. I'm sure they are interested as well."

2015-11-06, 03:31 AM
"Well now, what a fine lot are you lot! Me name is Tidwell, and it's me great pleasure to be makin' your fine aquaintances. As it 'appens, I have a rather urgent bit o' business what needs attendin', and you look like just the right persons for the job.

" 'ere at Quicksilver, our business is one of expediency and discretion. We 'andle our client's delicate packages and make bloody well sure that they get where they're goin', safe, on time, and with no questions asked. You look like the more adventuresome types who wouldn't normally be attracted to this type o' work, but sometimes your type is just what we really need. The pay may not be what you'd like, but many o' your expenses'll be covered, and it's steady work what takes you places and lets you meet all the right people. Sound good?"

2015-11-07, 10:02 AM
The Druid shifts his balance from one leg to the other anxiously.

"Mm-hmm!" He hums, nodding adamantly.

2015-11-09, 05:19 PM
Thaia smiles brilliantly, cranking up the watts.

"A most interesting job offer if I've heard one ! Perhaps we could take a look at the contract you're offering in you office, sir Tidwell ? "

She rubs her hands together inconspicuously, the gesture meant to convey subtly how awkward it is for all four - err, five - of them to conduct business on the doorstep.

"I am sure we can make haste without sacrificing to civility."

A polite inclination of the head smooths the edge of her words.

2015-11-10, 03:10 AM
"Quite right! Absolutely. Do come in."

With that, he opens the door wide with a flourish and motions you all inside to a table surrounded by a few chairs.

There's not much else in here.

2015-11-12, 06:48 AM
Thaia steps in gracefully, holding the door behind her for only the barest fraction of a second, probably as a reminder that one of them should be holding the door for her.
She follows their host, her eyes tracking details for storage and analysis.

"This is a new office ? Or perhaps the company is just now on the launch ?" She questions the human who shouldn't be here, as the face of an opening venture. He gives off a terrible image, but then, that also means he appears harmless.

After taking in her surroundings, Thaia smiles. "Bare is efficient. A good omen for conducting business." Her eyes glitter mischievously.

2015-11-13, 01:58 PM
Boaz follows Thaia and has a seat in the office.

2015-11-13, 04:50 PM
Always the gentleman, Jimmy rushes forward to ensure the door is open proper for Thaia, and then holds it open for Boaz as well, and anyone else who moves quickly inside.

Noticing the spartan decor, Jimmy tries not to look disappointed, and stands near the entrance. "Sounds like quite the opportunity, indeed, my good man. Please, spare us no detail."

2015-11-13, 05:04 PM
"Eh? Oh, right. Yeah.. just setting up shop.

So, adventurin' types, eh? That'll come in right 'andy sometimes, I'd wager.

Well, 'ere's the job:

We 'ave a client who 'as arranged for a certain Mr. 'oratio 'alfold to receive a present for 'is birthday. 'E lives out in the Swamp 'o a Thousand Screams in some old stone ruins. Poor bugger went a wee mad when 'is family died in a tragic fire, so 'e moved out to something what couldn't burn.
The Orb 'o Despair is the object in question. It's got magic what can cheer up anyone, they say.
Small problem-- the Orb is currently on the Isle of Immaculate Doom. No, it's not really a problem, since it's already boxed up and waiting to be picked up at the 'arbormaster's office. I just need someone to head down to the docks, book passage on the good ship Harm's Way, set sail for the Isle 'o Immaculate Doom, pick up the Ob, and bring it back to deliver to Mr 'alford.

I'll pay ye 300 gold each plus expenses like boat fare. Not bad money for 4 days of super-easy work, aye?"

So in plainer English... just look at my signature below. Pick up the orb, bring it back here, then trek to deliver it a few dozen miles away to Horatio Halford, a formerly wealthy noble who now lives in some old stone lizardman ruins in a swamp.

2015-11-15, 09:30 AM
The druid, who had followed inside, frowned. This did not sound like a job that was going to be 'super easy', as the man has put it. If this job needed an able entourage like this instead of a single person, it very well may be dangerous. There might be some beasties he had never seen before, and it would certainly give him a chance to hone his magic.

The druid smiled, visible relaxing. This was just what he was looking for after all.

2015-11-15, 09:23 PM
Jimmy smiled through the frightful names, emboldened by the knowledge that may places are so named merely because someone wanted to name it that for whatever reason, rather than due to a real danger.

"That's two jobs, innit? Going and getting the thing is one job. And then bringing it somewhere is another job. Normally a delivery team delivers things they are given, no?"

2015-11-17, 03:40 AM
"Ain't nothing about these jobs what you might call "normal," lad. We give our clients total service, aye?"

2015-11-17, 07:34 AM
Thaia smiles thoughtfully.

"Meals on the road and inn stops are part of expenses, too ? Is the client paying us, or are you paying us after receiving their money ? Have they already paid an advance sum ?", queries the sweet smile behind flashing eyes.

She waves a dismissive hand. "Oh, I'm not calling into question the secrecy or professionalism of this office, rather wondering what happens if we finally bring the item to the required doorstep, only to discover its would-be owner has met with an unfortunate fate... You did say he lived alone in a swamp, not the safest neighbourhood. I'd hate to go to all this trouble for nothing."
She tilts her head sidewise with a disarming smile, spreading her hands helplessly.

"Moreover, do you have maps of this swamp ? Or perhaps you know enough that we can draw one ? It wouldn't do to get lost, expediency is key for a delivery after all. If not, perhaps you have some advice, or names of people who would know this area ? An unknown swamp is as treacherous as any dragon's lair, dozens of songs attest to this truth."
Thaia nods decisively with her pointy chin.

"Perhaps you'd like me to sing you one, Sir Tidwell." Her eyes twinkle mischievously. "Before our hasty departure, that is."

2015-11-17, 10:07 PM
"You get boat fare each way, which includes meals. You get paid 'alf in advance, too, to cover anything else. It's not a long trip, and of course I've got a map for ye."

2015-11-18, 09:48 AM
Thaia shrugs as the human straightforwardly ignores her teasing proposition.

"Consider me hired, then."

2015-11-18, 01:58 PM
"Well, if not just to visit such interestingly named places, consider me hired as well." Jimmy smiled briefly before adjusting his cloak. "When does the ship depart, and how far away is it? Should we leave now or tomorrow morn?"

2015-11-18, 03:50 PM
Boaz thinks for a moment, glancing around at his new associates. Swamp of a Thousand Screams? Orb of Despair? Isle of Immaculate Doom? What kind of suicide mission is he being sent on?

But, alas, he needs the money. He says a quick prayer before extending his hand to his new boss. Pleasure to meet you, Sir. I am Boaz, Priest of the Heavens, but mostly I am a poor man looking for work. I shall take this job, and my associates and I will get it done. No matter the cost!

He tried his hardest to sound confident and tough, but a slight quiver in his voice and the shake of his hands reveal that he's as nervous as he was on the first day of school as a child. If you think about it, it's a rather similar situation. Being thrown into an unfamiliar place, full of unfamiliar people being given an unfamiliar job. But this is what he wanted, right? To help people. Hell, that's why he became a priest in the first place. Well, that and so that the voices would leave him alone . . . but that's a story for another time.

2015-11-18, 07:27 PM
"Sounds fun! I'll come!" The druid announces excitedly.

2015-11-18, 11:24 PM
"Excellent! The ship shoves off at Midnight, so you'd best be going. You don't want to miss it. Miss a ship heading for the Isle 'o Doom, and you've got a month's wait for another. Just head down the big road a few miles and take the right turn at the sign pointing toward Cliffport. You can't miss it."

He then opens a big chest and pulls out a few bags, one for each of you, and passes them out accordingly.

"ere you go.. two hundred and fifty gold coins each, and the other one-fifty upon your return. 'ave a good trip.

Right then, off you go!"

2015-11-22, 01:10 PM
I tuck the gold away in one of my bags and head to the door, pausing at the exit for the others.

2015-11-25, 07:18 PM
Thaia promptly pockets the precious manna, having memorized the instructions all the more clearly from the added incentive. Which was a clear indication that the job was dangerous.

'Oh, well. What's the worse could happen ?', flickered through her mind, before she firmly shuttered herself against the flood of possibilities.
'What will be, will be. Que sera, sera. And the future's not ours to see.'

Buoyed by the nihilistic thoughts, she flashed a devil-may-care smile to her companions, saluted their employer with carefree abandon, and breezed out of the building. She nonchalantly stepped right in front of the lil'one and opened the door to fresh air and beyond. The air seemed awash with opportunities. A lump sum of money did that sometimes.

Surveying the street from the doorstep, she noticed that she had been humming a jaunty tune the whole time under her breath.

2015-12-01, 01:04 AM
You can make it easy if you walk with purpose, but you can also rent horses at the livery stable.

2015-12-02, 03:10 PM
Jimmy took his coin and hefted it to test the weight. Satisfied, he grinned and followed Thaia out.

"How grand. An adventure to such exciting places! Shall we rent horses to make our journey quickest? It will mean we will have some time at the port to put on a quick show, and earn more coin. With your gifts and mine, we must always think of when we can employ our talents to brighten people's days, and lighten their heavy coin ourses!"

Jimmy's grin and chuckle were jovial as he walked with a skip in his step, eagerness winning out over anxiousness.

2015-12-02, 05:40 PM
Thaia perks up as her fellow bard joins her, and beams at his proposition.

"That is a very good idea if I've ever heard one."

She gestures towards the street, indicating she'll follow him as soon as everyone is set.

2015-12-15, 05:52 PM
As our tiny little band leaves the office, they encounter a small group of other job-seekers standing outside.

2015-12-26, 05:15 PM
Thaia turns towards the new arrivals, a smile on her lips and a sparkle in her eyes.

"Hullo there !", she calls in a clear voice, cutting through the fresh morning air.

She gestures welcomingly with a flourish of wrists and a slight inclination of the head.

Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=583676)
Description :
Thaia is slender and willowy, making her appear taller than she really is. Her eyes, sparkling a brilliant topaz, are set in a finely chiseled face. Atop that face sits a decadent mop of white, silken strands tipped with pale blue cut rather haphazardly at fingerlength, revealing tapered ears laden with twinkling silver ornaments. Her thin lips, when they stretch in her customary warm smile, soften her features and lend her an impish look. She has long, agile fingers, callused from continuous musical practice. She wears blues and greens in her clothing, as they set off nicely her almost translucent skin. Close-fitting leathers draped in coloured scarves cannot hide a fine-boned frame, more lithe than strong. Accross her back is a solid leather backpack complete with coiled rope on one side and a bedroll tightly affixed on the other side. Slung over her shoulders are two instrument cases. At her hips a wide, soft-leather belt is laden with pouches of different size, colour, and material.

2015-12-27, 02:29 AM
A wiry redhead in rageddy garb gives a curt wave.

"Yo," she says, "they still hiring in there? Cause I could use the cash."

2015-12-27, 04:09 AM
After a pained moment and an eye roll, Jimmy smiles at the newcomers and shrugs nonchalantly. "You would have to ask the employer, of course. It sounds like quite the adventure, full of danger and excitement. I would welcome more to the little band we have forming."

"I would be happy to wait here for a few minutes while you discuss it with him, but we've little time to waste as our boat departs with or without us aboard, and I'd prefer for it to be with us."

2015-12-28, 04:38 PM
Myv smiles at the bunch, wrinkling up the corners of her minty green eyes. "I don't imagine it'd take long. Work's not so easy to find around here that we've got the luxury to be picky." She brushes some strands of blonde hair out of her face. She steps up and starts to move past the group. "We should be out quick, especially if it's as exciting as you say. Hard to say no to a good adventure!"

2015-12-28, 07:43 PM
Mr. Tidwell appears at the doorway, having opened the door a bit after hearing so much conversation outside.

"What's this, then? More applicants for the work? Well, I'd say you're just in time, you are."

2015-12-28, 10:47 PM
"We in then," asks the redhead, idly scratching the back of her neck.

"Some kinda delivery job, right? I'll get your whatever where ever whenever, no problem."

2015-12-29, 10:05 AM
Thaia shrugs delicately, sharing an oblique look with her fellow bard.

"Welcome on board, then. We're headed to catch our ship. I'm sure we can fill in any details en route."

She smiles politely all around, visibly ready to take off.

2015-12-30, 02:46 PM
"Right, then," says Tidwell. "The more the merrier, aye?"

He then goes back inside for a moment, and soon emerges with little sacks of gold for the new party members.

2015-12-30, 04:08 PM
"Oh, well..." Myv finds herself a bit off-balance, since jobs never came quite so easy before. She regains her wits, accepts the gold and faces the rest of the group, mirroring Thaia's desire to get on with things. "See? Quick, just as I said! I'm ready to get sailing when you are."

2015-12-31, 01:56 AM
The redhead tests the weight of her bag, tossing it up and catching it on the way down. She nods, seemingly satisfied.

"Works for me. Name's Crimson Lotus. You can fill me in on the job on the way."

2016-01-03, 09:47 AM
"And I am Thaia.", the impish half-elf bows with a flourish.

"Well, stables it is. We have calculated that renting horses will be more expeditious. As for the mission, it's quite simple really.", starts Thaia, while moving at a healthy pace towards the said stables.

She takes a quick breath, and launches into a heavily abbreviated version of the facts.
"We are boarding the "Harm's Way" at the docks before midnight, headed for the Isle of Immaculate Doom. There we'll retrieve our parcel at the harbourmaster's office, which we must bring back and deliver to our client, Mr Horatio Halford, who lives in a nearby swamp. It sounds very simple, as I said."
She explains somewhat hurriedly, with a lot of gestures and some grimaces. At her last sentence, an ironic expression twists her lips, and she glances at Jimmy.

2016-01-03, 03:15 PM
"Right." Jimmy continues. "The package is already waiting for us, so it'll be a simple task, the employer claims. Yet, no matter simple it appears to be, we will nevertheless get to visit exotic and excitingly named locations and we can honestly say we had a mission in them."

"How exciting indeed!"

Jimmy spoke hurriedly as he crossed over to the new comers, stopping just in front of them presently. "I am Jimmothy van Der Lied, but all my fans call me Jimmy the Bard. My colleagues who will slowly become my friends and my friends, with whom I share an eternal bond, both call me Jimmy."

2016-01-03, 05:10 PM
The druid doesn't say anything to introduce himself, but gives the newcomers a warm smile.

"More new friends," He says, cheerfully, as he follows Thaia to the stables. "Will be fun!"

2016-01-04, 03:17 AM
When you each the livery stables, the attendants are friendly and efficient. In no time at all you are all loaded up and on your way.

The village of Newton is small indeed, so it doesn't take long to see the end of it and find yourselves in the deep forest. It seems odd to see such a fine road surrounded by so much.. nothing, but travel is smooth and quick.

Soon you find the turnoff onto the dirt road which leads to the docks. You immediately notice how much less pleasant it is to travel on, but at least it's new and not plagued with ruts and potholes.

The woods are quiet. Very quiet. Downright serene. You don't run into any monsters or bandits, but you also don't see much in the way of any wildlife.
In fact, aside from a couple of rabbits, the only critters you see are a pair of crows sitting high atop a tree, looking down on you, one black as pitch, and the other white as snow.

Eventually you start to smell the salty sea breeze, and find a road sign informing you that you are about to reach the port docks.

2016-01-06, 04:44 PM
Myv keeps a watchful eye scanning over the environs, more by habit than any real expectation of danger. "Hey," she pipes up, "does anyone else think it's weird that there's not really any wildlife around? Not even birds, except for those two crows. I've never seen a white crow before..."

2016-01-07, 03:08 AM
Lotus nods.

"Definitely weird," she says, peering up at the birds.

"Not the kind of thing you see every day."

2016-01-08, 10:10 AM
Jimmy enjoys the ride for many reasons: the company, the warmth of the sun on his skin, the cool of the wind, the steady rhythmic clop of hoof beats
Hearing the almost musical quality of the horses, he put his bow to his strings and played a lovely song, low, and moody, but still thick with happy overtones. It was a song of eagerness and excitement but also of anxieties and trepidation. There were no lyrics, but the ambiance was shifted.

After he stopped, he looked up at the crows. He called to them to come down, and they seem intrigued, but they did not come to him. Perhaps they were too wild to trust humans, or perhaps they were not truly mere crows. He had no way of knowing for sure.

"They are no omen, neither of ill or blessings. They may be familiars. Or just crows. I've never seen a white crow. Perhaps it is albino, or sick in another fashion. Or maybe it's another sort of bird. But it is lovely. I wish I had a pet bird that lovely. Maybe even both of them as pets. They are probably the handsomest pair of birds I've ever seen." I should write a song about such lovely birds. What rhythms with avian beauty?"

2016-01-10, 06:41 PM
"Haught and snooty?" Myv provides helpfully.

2016-01-12, 08:50 AM
Thaia, abruptly awoken from her reverie, pats her horse in an effort to give herself countenance. She seems uncomfortable and edgy, peering beneath the foliage anxiously. She watches Jimmy's antiques with a barely concealed grimace, and is visibly trying not to comment negatively, and failing.

"Esteemed colleague, perhaps we should for the time being focus on speed, and save our tunes for our arrival. Music might be our banner, but only a fool floats a banner in unknown surroundings and small numbers."

That said, she eases her mount into a small trot, waiting for the others to follow suit before lengthening her horse's strides.

2016-01-12, 09:18 AM
"Ah, but we are close enough that I can say I am home. I'm not afraid of the trees or what lurks under their boughs. I'm only afraid of missing out on adventure."

But the lass seems frightened, and a gentleman never makes a woman uncomfortable when he doesn't have to. "Ah, but let us make haste so we can enjoy the city briefly before we have to board our ship."

Having said as much as he needed, Jimmy urged his horse onward.

2016-01-12, 11:11 AM
"So... you're afraid of danger, yet you choose to go to a city? The masters we right, you are strange people. At least out here, you know what wants to harm you." The Druid mumbles, toying with his mount's mane the whole while.

But he agreed to work with these people, and that meant staying together. He was not going to keep the party back, and kept pace with the bards.

2016-01-16, 01:02 AM
In just a few more minutes, you find a row of large shacks and a warehouse situated at the top of a cliff. Far below you can see the ocean, and you can already smell the salty air and feel the breeze.
The warehouse has a large deck which hangs out above the docks below, and a crane system is about to lower a large dumbwaiter styled scaffold full of cargo down to the waiting ship.
A few workers are scurrying about, but they are intent on their work and don't seem to notice you.

2016-01-20, 10:04 AM
Thaia slows her horse down to a walk, surveying the scene.

"Well ?", she turns towards Jimmy with a half-hearted interrogative gesture.

2016-01-20, 11:02 PM
Jimmy chuckled at Thaia and smiled. "The local tavern would be happy to hear our duet, and then after we play, we can learn some local gossip. After that, it is likely that we should head to our boat. We may end up there too early still, but I would rather be early than late in this case." Leading his horse to the front, he urged it into a steady, if not slow pace, and lead them to the tavern of which he spoke: The Greasy Eel, know for it's delicious eel sandwiches, which is nothing more than a long roll cut almost in half and then stuffed with a greasy eel and some pickled cabbage. It was possibly the best thing Jimmy had eaten at a tavern.