View Full Version : Expanded Spheres of Power content Patreon

Adam Meyers
2015-10-11, 01:35 AM
There have been a lot of people asking about when the next expansion for Spheres of Power will be published, but all my time is currently being spent on Skybourne. Clearly the answer is to bring other people in.

We have hired a lot of freelancers to do a series of Handbooks expanding each of the 20 spheres, which at a rate of one handbook per month, is a project we're fully-intending to take almost two years to finish. To get this off the ground and to help us pay for such a elongated investment, we've also started a Patreon. Backers will get playtesting documents, input on the artwork and potential chapter-starting stories, and of course copies of everything before anyone else does.


I have loved the support Spheres of Power has been getting, and with this I hope to be able to bring more content to people at a much, much faster rate. Thanks to everyone who checks it out.

And now, back to writing...

Adam Meyers
2015-10-11, 04:51 PM
One day in and we're 2/3rds the way to the first milestone. Thank you to everyone who's checked it out.

2015-10-11, 07:28 PM
If I had a steady income, I would totally snag that last $50/month spot for my candy mage XD but alas, it is not to be. Looking forward to seeing more spheres content, even though my groups have yet to actually use it, I still really love all the difference concepts you can so easily make with it, and with more content, that will expand even further.