View Full Version : Master of the unseen hand question!

2015-10-11, 10:06 AM
Can't seem to find the definitive answer for this RAW and wanted to make sure I'm reading this right.

Let's assume wizard 15/master of the unseen hand 5, with an intelligence modifier of 5.

Am I reading this right?

MOUH now casts telekinesis at +5 levels, so effective caster level 25 for TK.

Violent thrust now uses your caster level as attack and your intelligence modifier as damage - so can I shoot 15 colossal arrows from a quiver (treat arrows as daggers of the same size, max 375lb they are 8lb each) at a +25 attack at 3d6+5 each?? So possible 45d6+75? Is that correct?

2015-10-11, 10:27 AM
Looking at the math, everything looks right. It's an average of 232.5 damage, which reasonably similar to lower than what an uber-charger would be doing at the same level.

2015-10-11, 10:45 AM
MOTUH doesn't advance casting, to its only CL 20. Other than that, it all sounds sound.

2015-10-11, 10:57 AM
MOTUH doesn't advance casting, to its only CL 20. Other than that, it all sounds sound.

Which is why you throw a bloodline in there as well so it is TK at 26. Of course the best entry into MotUH is Ghost 2 since you don't need to advance spellcasting, you don't get as good a TK(CL 21), but you can spend the rest of your build on other things like 6 into fighter for a lovely dungeon crashing ghost. Be sure to get swift concentration for double TK madness.

2015-10-11, 11:39 AM
Just some napkin math.

Barbarian 20 with a base strength mod of +5 (since the Wizard's Int was +5 in the original example - both would normally be higher)
While raging +9 x1.5 for two-handed weapon =13

Power Attacking for full +40 damage
+5 weapon +5 damage
Greatsword +7 damage

7+13+40+5=65 damage x 4 attacks=260 damage

That's pure class+Power attack+tiniest by of WBL - no valorous weapon+spirit lion totem, no natural attacks, no haste, not even a flaming weapon.

2015-10-13, 12:13 PM
MOTUH doesn't advance casting, to its only CL 20. Other than that, it all sounds sound.

I assumed master of the unseen hand added 1 to caster level naturally per level, and the bonus was specifically applied to telekinesis to enhance it further. Didn't know it didn't advance caster level for anything other than telekinesis - thanks!

Thanks for your responses guys (or gals) - i haven't dealt with many high level characters, so i guess everything here looks reasonable. This is for a campaign i will be running - this NPC will be a much higher level than the characters and i had to know some specific numbers. :D Everything looks good!

I plan on applying a lich template and using some Libris Mortis monsters in this campaign - the lich will be a powerful spellcaster who has MotUH to control his domain. Thanks again for the help!