View Full Version : An Idea for a Nobeldark Setting

2015-10-11, 09:23 PM
So I came up with an idea for a new setting. It would be a scifi setting of sorts with a group of around 1000 noble houses controlling each planet. each noble house would have around 2000000 serfs along with around 2000 stewards. There are 500 worlds with connections being maintained by the ships owned by individual lords which would be the km or two long ships from warhammer 40k which would require thousands strong crews.
The lords would know the most about the technology and would have individualized genetic modifications and then conduct a wide variety of experiments giving the same feeling of the lord from Darkest Dungeon when he was alive. Stewards have some knowledge of the basics and act as officers on the ships and lab assistants on the ground.
The ships would be driven by fusion drives and be almost entirely without gravity. The exception is the living quarters which would be spun around the drive shaft to give it gravity and keep up the crewman's’ strength. The transition between the spinning section and the rest of the ship is the most complicated movement on the ship. The rest of the ship has no gravity in almost all cases with a complicated system of ropes to facilitate faster movement. The main drive is usually a fusion drive and weapons mostly consist of magnetic accelerators, missile platforms, or much smaller ships.
The transit between solar systems would be accomplished by warp gates hauled from Sol to their destination at sub light speeds. This both maintains the Überkönig’s control and provides a central neutral meeting area.
I was putting some consideration into having the ships also be for hunting space whales that would provide a concentrated source of both minerals and organic compounds some possibly unique. The nerve cells of these giants would be the main source of room temperature superconductors. Whales would grow up to an observed 10 km and have internally regulated pressure systems having evolved from species in a gas giant. Proposed method of propulsion for space whales: expels gases continuously and then ignites them and prefers to live in nebulas or gas giants so it can just ignite surrounding gases.
The mining of asteroids would also provide a unique environment. It would be mainly a method of punishment to be sent to serve there but there would still be riches to be made. There are several stages to the dismantling of the small moons and asteroids that are the usual targets. First the crawling foundries would strip and process all material in the first twenty feet of the surface leaving a layer of scree. Second burrowing harvesters triangular grid the whole thing and strip out any veins of interest. Third all the tunnels are seeded with explosive and chained to remove all structure and turn it into an asteroid field any useful gasses are vacuumed up and the harvesters move on.
There is also a wide range of small ships that are highly customized. They are piloted by rebels and criminals to mine the asteroids for material that they can then sell for their continued survival. They are exiled from all planets and are only allowed to target asteroid fields that are too dense or erratic to be approached by larger ships.
On the planets each lord has his own space elevator to a personal space station with the base in their castle. These elevators are the most vulnerable part of the whole system. There’s an empire wide ban on jets and combustion engines of all sorts because of pollution considerations. Therefore both for defensive purposes and for attacking other lords a wide variety of zeppelins and other lighter than air, craft powered by muscle engines are seen on every world.

I still need to decide on what magic if any I want to add.

2015-10-27, 01:19 PM
Too many numbers, too much science!

You're building a setting, mate, connect me to it. Tell me about the cultures of the noble houses, the subcultures within the serf class, what crimes land people in mining duty. Things I can use to substantiate and connect to the people within the setting. The explanations are important for consistency's sake, but they don't make a setting by themselves. Rather than tell me how people achieve interstellar travel, tell me about the ramifications of having it. Do people on those ships become fatalistic and detached due to severe separation from larger society? Or does the ease of travel between planets reduce nationalism and generally help unite people because they don't have a bit of space rock to themselves and their own? Rather than telling me about how cool the rebel's ship customizations are, tell me about the rebels. Why did they rebel or get exiled? How did they manage to escape punishment? What do they usually stand for; are they generally jackbooted thugs looking to get rich, or righteous resisters out to oppose the corruption of the noble system? Speaking of nobles, what are their responsibilities, what purpose do they serve, and how do they interact with their serfs and each other?

Give me some meat I can get attached to and think about, and we might be able to provide some real feedback.

2015-10-27, 05:50 PM
So where does the evil Alfred Nobel come in? Or is there a Nobel prize for evil in the setting?

(Add biting political commentary on the moral character of certain winners of the Nobel Peace Prize to taste.)

2015-10-27, 06:17 PM
Well my first question will come down to: Why should I play this new setting vs Savage Worlds? There is enough similarity to make it impossible not to compare them. This isn't to say "It's been done, quit now", but I want to know what differentiates it and under what styles of Game Play I would pick this new setting.

Also what drives adventures in the setting.