View Full Version : Ascension of Aeternus Act 2: Collapse into Chaos

2015-10-13, 12:45 AM
The capitol building of Drybowl has a fairly basic conference hall, part of the sandstone architecture of the rest of the building and bearing basic wooden furnishings to accommodate. After everyone has consolidated their knowledge, Valen, Nevissine and a few other unfamiliar people quietly discuss matters before getting their presentation together. Valen comes to the front of the conference hall, flipping over the chalkboard to reveal the updated map of the Material Plane.


"Ok, roughly twentyfour hours ago we were first made aware of Aeternus by his declaration." Valen states. "Just moments before, the peace conference at the Milennial Complex had repelled an assault from his forces by the skin of their teeth, through fortune and ingenuity. Hours later, Atropus appeared over Florikeme's capitol, with modifications by Aeternus I will go into detail on shortly. The country is now rendered inhospitable due to the concentration of negative energy and the sheer undead presence there. Moments after its appearance, the capitols of every country in the world came under assault by Aeternus' forces, bolstered with new unit types. Most countries have fallen, and the few that have reported to survive along with us have been identified. Since then, we have not detected any proper activity from him."

"Thanks to the efforts of some of the people to survive the assault on Ulwiss Academy, we now know something about Aeternus." A silent image projects a transparent versions of an Ulwiss student profile, the face and name among the information that has been destroyed through decay. "Unfortunately, Ulwiss used an archival system that was based on an enchantment method that held issues of long-term decay, so we do not know his face or real name. The information that is intact reveals that Aeternus is a male human who attended Ulwiss over three hundred years ago. He bore an unusual aptitude for picking apart how magic worked, but was not skilled at using it personally and eventually dropped out. Other than that, we've confirmed that Aeternus was responsible for the notes that showed us the key to ritual magic, which Lyra Alden demonstrated for us moments earlier. Due to the unbounded potential of ritual magic, and the time gap between his disappearance and now, it can be a safe assumption that it's how he has accomplished the scale of his works."

Nevissine steps forward and the silent image changes to the Blitz Knight unit that was present at both the conference and the capitol sieges. "As we've described with the enemy units in play, the technology we are facing is clearly our biggest obstacle. Even the internal workings of the mechanical shell built around Atropus are a mystery to us. We've also encounter new personal weaponry that uses explosion-based propulsion to launch shards of metal faster than even archers can see, with an interface design similar to crossbows. Some of the ammunition can also produce explosions that vaporize solid material at the epicenter. In addition we are dealing with multiple substances we have never encountered before and are still trying to analyze. This includes the materials used to armor the enemy, which seem to be alloys that we have yet to identify, and a material called 'Phlogiston' which is a solid substance that emits heat intense enough to melt stone. Phlogiston's heat emission seems to be a mundane effect, and thus should only be approached or handled under conditions of fire immunity, optimally Antifire Sphere, should other samples of it be encountered."

Valen takes the center of the stage again. "Currently we only have two leads to approach on finding Aeternus' true base of operations. The first is the mundane Gate device within the command center of the shell around Atropus, which we presume must lead to a demiplane where the main production takes place. Unfortunately, the facility has a self-sustaining security of constructs that are equipped to fight both living creatures and undead, and we do not know the means which determine whether or not that gate is active. The other lead lies within the scope of the weapon that was recovered from an Underdark assassin contracted by Aeternus." He places Ezekiel's rifle on the table. "It seems to be connected to some kind of information network under Aeternus' control, allowing it to identify objects and creatures observed through the scope. The 'Blitz Knight' is the official designation provided for the flying armors, which are outfitted with 'Alloy 7'. Then there's the larger units used in the sieges, which the scope identifies as 'Devaston Walkers', armored with 'Alloy 5'. The aquatic unit defeated and provided by the Verix alliance is a 'Sea Drone' and also bears Alloy 5 in its workings, though its function is still unknown. The only new unit that the scope hasn't provided a name for is the humanoid unit that was sent to crush the Aegis in Gerthom." The silent image changes to show the creature, though oddly enough the sense of wrongness that came across in person doesn't seem to be there. "The mask and boots are made from 'Alloy 12' which we have no samples of but know can resist the impact from this rifle's ammunition, which supposedly can penetrate adamantine. The creatures themselves emit an effect similar to disintegration that erodes all nearby matter that isn't Alloy 12, and can also override magic, as we have confirmation that one of them managed to erode its way out of a Maze spell. Even their blood is corrosive in this manner, but it seems that when parts of the body are separated or killed, they also destroy themselves with this effect. If these are encountered in battle, only engage at long range and with attack forms that have enough mass to still damage before they're fully disintegrated."

"There are also two matters of concern that we must take into account, that appear to be agenda's independent of Aeternus'. First off, Logan Silverkin, the Grand Crusader of Florikeme, has been meddling with an ooze with something fundamentally corrupt about it to the point where divine magic simply rejects it. He's modified some of his own soldiers with this ooze and has imbued it with the power of the Plane of Shadow. Not only are the shadowcasters of that plane very disturbed about its existence, but the ooze has shown to be able to develop a mind of its own if it consumes its host, and could easily spread itself if it reaches that state. We don't know the whereabouts of Logan, currently, nor do we know the exact number of soldiers he has modified with this substance. As much as it would be good to think that he's still an ally, we can't take any risks and need to detain him if possible." Valen then gestures towards one of the side exits out of the conference room where Ian pushes in a rolling table with the remains of the head moderator construct. "And finally, Mechanus is up to something serious enough for its constructs to resort to deception and deplorable methods of strength. The is orb you see was the core of the head mediator from the peace conference, which we've recently discerned contains a lost soul against its will. A kolyarut calling itself Obligatum has been in deployment for an unknown time, and while it has shown to share Aeternus as a common enemy, it is evasive about its motivations. These constructs should be monitored if encountered, and if possible the orbs they carry should be recovered, as it seems that Mechanus favors the remnants of powerful warriors for this method and their revival would be a boon."

"That is the gist of what we're working with, does anyone have anything to add?"

Turrince takes the seat next to her shortly before the presentation begins, speaking softly after it finishes. "The claim is good, but what will you have to say should Drybowl fall and they ask to evacuate to the Verix continent? We should keep recognizing what opportunities are not worth sharing, regardless. With the world in collapse, the alliance and your territory in the sea will need to be in a prime position to help the rest rebuild while becoming the economic centers of the Material Plane."

The package will be behind the Terraforming Department building after the meeting. Faraud sends.

Valen and the others were grateful for the demonstration of ritual magic, which reduced the need for explanation in their own presentation while gathering the interest of influential refugees from other nations. He also mentioned that by having Lyra make the demonstration, she would throw more weight into the request for aiding the survivors her family were with.

During the presentation, Karl sits next to her and waits until the presentation finishes before speaking to her. "So what direction should we take the ritual magic now, in your opinion? I can see abjurations that make almost all fathomable armies come to a halt, but I'm having trouble imagining what sort of offensive application should be utilized. Valen feels that an amplified Celestial Conduit might actually damage Atropus, but given how it negates positive energy so easily I'm not certain."

Turrince seems to be puzzled for a moment when he sees Azerrett, but then simply gives an acknowledging nod before he sits next to Tyrene. "Welcome back, I must admit I regret not being old enough to have seen your efforts in the Great War."

Frederick and Lanulir are present, but they sit on the other side of the room while trying not to stare at her, having yet to approach her since the transformation.

As the presentation ends Azerrett hears Terressa's voice . . . no, a Sending? It must have worked out for both of us. Now I'm stabilized as well, despite our separation. Don't get involved with recovering Sylve from Obligatum, don't cross my path and I'll forget you ever existed. Something is off, the voice now far less delicate, and holding an undertone of malice.

Fafnir and Merideth sit besides Gilana during the presentation, during which they speak softly to each other. "I still think that's as much as everyone should know. Think of the morale hit if we find that Logan has infected himself with the ooze, and it gets out that it was the final state that we find him in?" Merideth seems as strung up as she was during the peace conference yesterday.

"We can't leave them in the dark about the possibility. The ooze is a weapon of willpower, and Logan has an immense amount of that. How dangerous do you think he could become if he's taken that step? It will corrupt him eventually, even if it's not as advanced as the portion that Gilana had."

"Logan was a symbol of power and hope for many of the people in Thylle. We have to uphold the image that he hasn't fallen, even in the face of Florikeme's destruction. Mortal people need symbols of hope."

Due to space restrictions, Mirabelle is only able to invite three students to see the presentation with her. They remain quiet until after the presentation, and look to her for her opinion on the current situation.

Additionally, an unfamiliar Correspondence comes in. Hello? Is this Mirabelle of the Sublime Way? This is very important, please answer. There's suppressed panic and desperation in the voice.

Ezekiel's father sits next to him as the presentation starts. After it finishes, he puts a hand on Ezekiel's shoulder. "You've made a massive contribution to this effort. Remnants of the Aegis, who are used to training civilians, as well as much more information about Aeternus' technology. I'm proud. This whole time all I can think about is how this war could repeat into another when the right people make the same mistakes that are easy to make in war. I'm trying to help others remember that we're fighting for the future, not for the present, as well. The Verix Alliance is obviously exaggerating their current strength, and it is likely that most if not all of their capitols have fallen. They'll be fighting for the future as well, but for a future that only belongs to them. Do you think they'll take any opportunity against the Thylle remnants during the upcoming battles?"

2015-10-13, 03:18 AM
Tyrene sits in the forefront, letting all see her. Her mind is busy, but at the same time, she observes. So many faces, many of them fleeting, mortal. But Aeternus broke through one of the many flaws of his form. She knows many ways to achieve such things, but it still seems offensive. Reason enough to remove him. And that is aside from his attempts to have her hurt of course, she hates those who do that.

But Turrince is right, confirming what she already sees. Opportunity. She replies: "They will not come, and if they truly try, they will be made to obey. There is no way in which we do not gain strength, as we alone have understanding. The future is full of promise, even if some minor matters will have to be negotiated."

She rises, with perfect grace, and steps forwards as if she is dancing: "My dear, dear beloved friends. My heart burns with sadness for the loss that so many of you have suffered, there is nothing worse than to lose your home, your friends and your family. But, remember that you still have friends left, those who would help you, protect you. Friends such as me.

I know that many do not see me in such a way, but I am. I believe in love, in beauty, and in peace. Listen to my words, they are spoken from the depth of my heart. See who your friends are, and do not let yourself be misguided by those who claim moral authority.

This war has come from a clear sky, but we must not let surprise taint our thoughts. At the previous meeting we held, Aeternus could bring his forces to bear. And he was watching, in some way or form. So who is to say that we are not being watched now? That no one is hearing our words being spoken. Yes, there is magic protecting from it, but magic can be broken, especially if one has a deep understanding. We must be careful in what is said, it would be such a terrible shame if our enemy knew all of our plans.

No, let us keep ourselves guarded, be watchful in what we say. I propose forming a more select group, bound together telepathically, so we can speak in safety."

2015-10-13, 12:39 PM
"That's getting ahead of us, I think," Lyra answered Karl. "Ritual magic is only part of the explanation, and in some ways, not the most important part. We have to match him on both fronts. So the first rituals we should be working on are divinations, to learn the second half of how he does what he does."

She considered as Tyrene spoke. In most cases, that would sound like a good move. But all things considered...

Lyra stood and addressed...well, kinda the assembly, although she was speaking directly to Tyrene. "I'm actually not sure that's worth doing. Those 'Devastation Walkers' fired bullets that ignored all magic, up to and including prismatic effects. It sounds like other of these creatures are capable of ignoring the rules of magic outright in their own ways. If we are operating under the assumption that Aeternus can penetrate the privacy spells that have been placed over this meeting - and we should - there is no reason not to assume that he can eavesdrop on telepathic conversations. For now, it is best to assume Aeternus to be arbitrarily powerful. We should proceed not under the impression that there are things he can and can't do, but rather things he will and won't do. Given that, relegating this discussion to a select group is more likely to hinder us than him, because while we have no reason to believe he would be unable to spy on it anyway, we can be certain that it would hinder our own coordination and reduce the number of people capable of making contributions. Rather, I believe what we should focus on is making plans that are not compromised by Aeternus having foreknowledge of them."

"To that end, I want to bring to everyone's attention that ritual magic alone is not a sufficient explanation for what Aeternus has done. Ritual magic is extremely potentially powerful, but it is also extremely costly. Some of what he is capable of doing with ritual - ignoring the normal rules of magic, for example - can be attributed to knowledge or skill. However, the scope of what he is doing requires access to a tremendous power source. I have also theorized that he might be operating on a demiplane where time flows at a much faster rate, allowing him to output more faster. To be able to oppose him effectively, we need similar assets of time and energy. Obtaining them should, I feel, be our immediate focus."

I'm assuming this meeting is indeed protected by the best privacy magic those involved can set up, not that I really expect it to have an impact if it comes down to it. If it's not, we should put those up. May not matter, but it's a cheap way to make things at least a little harder for him, at least.

Taking 10 on Spellcraft (for 39) and Knowledge (Arcana) (for 37) to try and get a rough idea of the sort of resources in terms of spell level and time it would take to accomplish some of the feats Aeternus has done. I don't expect a precise estimate, but hopefully something within a factor of ten ("millions", "tens of billions", etc).

Taking 10 on Knowledge (Arcana) and Knowledge (The Planes) (37 for both) and, heck, let's even go with Knowledge (Nature) at 24 and Knowledge (Religion) at 23 to try to determine what sort of power sources might reasonably be used to achieve such a result.

2015-10-13, 11:53 PM
Through the presentation, Ezekiel's gaze occasionally slips to the appended map and the bright red "X's" that mark it. Despite that minor distraction, he commits the salient details of the presentation to memory. His thoughts have already gone to strategies with the Aegis and that potential mundane Gate when the presentation ends.

That is why you are here, father--to talk sense into the senseless, he says with a ghost of a grin. Ezekiel had coined the phrase for his father as a child. With your words and my actions, we will pave the way for a bright future for our people. I have faith in that.

As for Verix...I believe we cannot ignore that possibility, he says softly, voice heavy with both resignation and determination. They will not hesitate to take an opportunity that would weaken us if it would offer them no consequence for doing the deed. I think you should keep an eye on their politicians, and what they strive for in the coming days.

When Tyrene and Lyra make their cases, Ezekiel takes that time to rise to his feet. I agree with Miss Alden, he says, giving a short nod to the woman in question. We will only hamstring ourselves for little gain if we try to avoid a tactic that we know nothing about. We simply do not have enough intel on the width and breadth of Aeternus' divination powers to formulate comprehensive strategies against them: we are forced to be reactive, instead of proactive. To that end, I believe we must find a way to divine further intel on him, whether by ritual magic or otherwise. I will leave the investigation into that in more capable hands than mine.

He shifts to address the wider audience as he continues, There is one point I would like to include regarding the disintegration units: there is an aura of unnaturalness that radiates from them, a wrongness that causes fear that one can feel as a physical blow. It can take effect at dozens of feet away, and is enough to weaken the resolve of the most disciplined warrior. If they take the field, casters should employ anti-fear spells if able. They can also fling the black disintegration matter as a ranged effect as far away as sixty feet, and so as Sir Valen said, long-range tactics should be employed.

Which brings me to that, he continues, gesturing to the rifle on the table. Of the three weapons I took from Aeternus' hired assassins, that is undoubtedly the most powerful. Its effective range is supposedly one mile, and I've seen nothing to disprove that. It is not a far reach to assume that Aeternus' soldiers have others, and he certainly has the capacity to create more. However, in using it I have gained a modicum of skill in its use; with a little more practice, I believe I could use it to its full potential. It will surely become a vital asset in the battles to come. I believe our best artificers should be tasked with replicating the weapon's ammunition.

2015-10-14, 12:07 PM
Mirabelle drags what can serve as a small desk in front of her, as she begins. Bivarxul, Korth and Renna stand a distance behind her, silent. She pulls out three pieces of metal: a chunk of the metal from a Blitz Knight, Alloy 7, a larger piece of metal from a Devaston Walker, Alloy 5, and a chunk of mithral from the golems that were felled during her short fight against Brint. "Expanding on the metals we have recovered. Alloy 7, how it is now, is weak." She accents this by taking Quill out, and stabbing the metal in a strong but sturdy motion, making it that it is weaker. "Without something of the Blitz Knight, be it magic or its heat or its water, it is weak. It will tear. It will not dent." She holds the piece of mithral up, and holds Alloy 5 up, both with apparent ease, despite their volume. "Alloy 5 is lighter than steel, but heavier than mithral. If a thinner layer is to be used, it would create a better breastplate than what I have now, yet still remain light enough for my purposes. Make of this what you will. I will be taking them to a blacksmith in short time, after this meeting is concluded."

"As my Students may already know, I am on looking to recover my lost blades. I suspect Logan knew the location of one, but there are many others I am after. If Aeternus is to lay his forces upon these weapons, and if the weapons accept his chosen as their wielders, we will be fighting against the Sublime Way itself. As Lyra, Karl, my Students, other denizens of Ulwiss, and the late Archmage Brint may attest, this is not desirable. Fighting Aeternus' forces, I have not seen any notion that he is capable of mustering anyone with the ability, and I would like to make sure that he is unable to do so via my weapons. My goals are thus split, between armament and aiding those who need me."

"Ezekiel. There is, as well, a Discipline of the Sublime Way for use with such weapons. It will take me some time to bring it back to memory, but I am open to training those who are willing to learn in its basics."

"This goes for anyone you may know who possesses capability in it. I will aid any who need it to develop themselves further and willing to learn, and I will appoint my First Students to aid when I am away."

As she finishes, she speaks back to the Correspondance., using her grasp over the wind, to keep her talk away from the room. "Speaking. What is the emergency?"

2015-10-14, 03:24 PM
Gilana sat and listened. She had taken an unused lab coat from Valen's and cleaned her cloak as best she could. Anything beyond that felt frivolous at this stage. "We all need hope, but propping up a half truth that latter shatters would do quite the opposite. We do not know if he has gone that far yet, but I can imagine few things that would push him more than what occurred in the city he care for, while he was not strong enough to stop it." Gilana adds to the hushed conversation. "Even then, the corruption is not instant, but mark him as a target to such a degree and he will be backed into a corner. Alone and hunted, foes real and imagined in every shadow; an advanced sample would flourish in those conditions. He has access to the source, and the parasite was aware that there was enormous power in it. Anyone that attempts to search for him must be aware of the possibility, for their own safety and so that they know that Logan could be making a stand in multiple fronts." For what it was worth, her tone was much more thoughtful than at the conference, every word chosen carefully.

Gilana finds herself slowly shaking her head at Aeternus's larger units, wondering what he subjugated to power them. She felt she could add a bit at least to the last few subjects, even if they were rather delicate. Tyrene's words felt grating on a base level, but she could agree with her course of action, though with a very wide selection. Lyra's conclusion was daunting, but perhaps it was best to assume the worse. As Ezequiel said, they needed information, and there was at least one source out there, and using some of his weapons may be the best way to match him. The mention of Alloy 7's properties brought back memories though. Where to start...

Once the floor is free, Gilana stands and addresses the room. "We can assume he knows everything we do, that may be the best way to act given what he has shown, but I agree with Tyrene that we need a way to communicate. Take for example, the situation with the Astral. At some point, the trap seized to be, but knowledge of that was disseminated slowly. The communication should not necessarily be limited to a select group, but maybe some central coordination, to make sure that knowledge of developments is spread to those that can act upon it."

"With regards to Florikeme's project, there were at least 35 stable volunteers involved in the defense, more joined the fray out of necessity. A small amount were able to at least begin ferrying survivors onto neighboring capitals, but I cannot say with certainty how many survived the streets or reached their destination. One of them was blinded, suffered a heavy impact and entered the plane of shadows in short succession. The end result made him succumb, his body becoming a mass of ooze the size of an ox that was distressing to have within a telepathic line of effect. It could be assumed that any of the soldiers could have left similar remains, which should be concentrated around Florikeme and its counterpart in the plane of shadows. Should anyone encounter such a mass, best to keep a safe distance and to not touch it... The volunteers themselves went through rigorous screening before taking the dive. If their nature is like that of the one I came in contact with, they are selfless and ready to sacrifice themselves for the greater good, with what that may entail. If the volunteer loses to the host, this changes, its priorities become self preservation and gathering knowledge."

She pauses, trying to choose her words very carefully. Ultimately, she shakes her head and continues. "I am not sure how much can be done for them beyond trying to keep them from Aeternus's grasp. I cannot say for his larger ground forces, but the Blitz Knights are people being used against their will. There is a device in the back of their neck that acts much like a dominant parasite, receiving orders somehow and moving its host. One had a brief moment of lucidity when it was forced into another plane... when that occurred the armor yielded easily, the device might also control Alloy 7. Then the device reacted, and the lucidity was gone... It takes a few moments for it to adjust to each plane it enters. My point was, if he can transform normal individuals into things like blitz knights, then there is no telling what he can do with Florikeme's volunteers, or whatever substance was used as a source for them."

"Beyond strengthening our forces, I see two ways we may be proactive. I imagine most of the Blitz Knghts want nothing more than an end to their suffering. Whatever dark stupor they are trapped in might be enough to still gleam some form of intel on their origin and deployment though. If we can gather this information, we may have a target." She briefly turns to any representative of the shadowcasters that may be present before continuing. "The other is more preventive. It may be possible to reach the source used in Logan's project. It would be best to keep that away from Aeternus's reach."

2015-10-14, 07:32 PM
Azerrett, head held high, quietly listens to those speeches given by the other representatives and heroes from around the world. She returns a nod of greeting to Turrince, and smiles. "It's good to know I'm remembered at all."

As soon as Azerrett hears Terressa's message, her brow furrows. Leave it be. The fool will not be able to forget me when I am through with this world. She steps forward and holds her wings up.

"Unfortunately, the gate within Atropus' shell is able to be shut down remotely," Azerrett starts, once she gets a chance. "I, and the kolyarut Obligatum, were able to find our way to it, though security forces were quickly able to force a retreat. Those constructs within the shell sound like they are the same ones Aeternus has used elsewhere - their weapons fire projectiles able to pierce even force walls, though they had difficulty piercing physical materials."

"The shell of Atropus itself is vulnerable to disintegration, however. If anyone is to make a foray into the machine, it should be with magical means, and as a small group. However, the shell itself proves as a prison for the creature within. Some kind of machinery propels it toward the ground - which I believe is necessary to keep the elder evil near the surface. If that were to be destroyed, there is a good chance that Atropus will leave the skies of Florikeme."

Recalling Terressa's sending, she turns and lets her head sink dramatically. After a beat, she continues. "There are some who, even in this time of tumult and danger, still wish to cling to their old values. To old hostilities and preconceptions. Let them go. As my lady, Tyrene has stated, we must unite. Remember that we, despite what we have been branded so long ago, are just as much victims of Aeternus' violence as everyone else. Regardless of the path we take, we must let our hearts beat as one, or we will surely be torn apart."

2015-10-16, 07:14 PM
"I'm in the ruins of Florence's capitol, I was one of the assistants to the empress but didn't make it out with her. The army left after it crushed everything, and I tried to leave hiding. But there's this one flying soldier, taller than the rest and able to speak, who says he'll kill me if I don't get you to meet with him. Calls himself Siegebreaker, and seems serious about his demands. Please hurry."

"You experienced it firsthand, so I'll trust your opinion on that. I still can't get over the fact that Logan is out there, somewhere, and we won't know what allegiance or form he'll be in if we see him again. And now talks of Mechanus having its own agenda, on top of whatever the hell all this Aeternus stuff is adding up to. It's too much for one person to process." Merideth looks like she's trying to hold back a migraine at this point.

"That's why we should resolve this matter quickly, we have to eliminate or consolidate outlying factions that could turn on us, and try to prevent this from being a four-way all-out war. Maybe this is what Aeternus wants? We only have access to some of his area, and even then not easily. Any fighting that happens during this war will turn out the best for him until we hit a breakthrough."

Tyrene receives a sending from one her of sisters, indicating that both of them are fine and that Sarnille is still holding. She sounds boastful and confident about their continued ability to hold out.

The room takes in this information for a few moments before Valen breaks the silence. "Consolidating communication to telepathy is impractical to us, and given how many problems are fighting for the forefront, we need to work on delegating subgroups who will primarily focus on specific aspects of our targets."

One of the shadowcasters stands up and speaks. "Destroying the ooze that Logan has weaponized is our current priority, and we are cooperating with those who share the same interest. Additionally, the victim of Aeternus that Gilana saved will be brought to this city shortly. We have deemed that she is not a threat and will need other people to help her experience contribute to this war. Mechanus has performed their own atrocity against one of our own as well, but the threat it poses does not prove to be as severe as Aeternus."

"Hm, that's good then. Nevissine and myself will be working with the remaining scholars of the world to analyze the new technology we are presented with, while working with other tacticians and craftsmen to determine how to best utilize them. Ezekiel, reproducing the ammunition in those weapons will be time-consuming and will have less value until we can reproduce the weapons themselves. I do think that there's a temporary measure I can implement that will be the best short-term alternative for now, which I will consult you on afterwards."

"Mechanus' activity should be the lower priority, currently. While the actions of the constructs are suspicious, we have no indication of what it is they're after and can't risk putting unnecessary resources on a potential false alarm. Additionally, according to Azerrett's account, Obligatum is currently cooperative when it comes to opposing Aeternus, a boon that we shouldn't toss aside." Turrince says, managing to project his voice without actually raising it. "While it may be true that a strong warrior's soul is kept in its core, we do not know if that warrior's contribution will exceed Obligatum's enough to warrant the extra effort of resurrection. We should get the account of the shadowcaster that was sealed within the head mediator before we consider the issue further."

Nevissine nods in acknowledgement to Turrince's statement. "Sensible. As for what Lyra has pointed out, the rules of warfare as we know them are a footnote in the rules of the war that Aeternus has invented. As it stands, ritual magic breaks what we know of supernatural limitations and we should make an effort to find what the new limits are, if any exist. A subdivision should be made, composed primarily of the Ulwiss survivors, that focuses entirely on studying ritual magic and devising which spells will be the most useful for us when modified. While our possibilities are infinite, the choices that lead to our survival are not."

"Finally, we'll need to be aware of who will be capable of and intends to check locations of interest during this time. Consolidation might not be possible, but our central operations should remain aware of where everyone goes so that we can send aid or a rescue if things go awry. Additionally, this means that new findings will reach everyone as quickly as possible. I propose that we implement Tyrene's idea for a telepathy network, but only for the purpose of making sure that any discoveries are shared without delay."

"If we don't have anything else to discuss here, then we should starting forming these groups and getting to work. For all we know this war could be won or lost over a difference of seconds in how we act."

2015-10-16, 08:01 PM
"Tell him I will be there shortly. Give me your exact location."

Mirabelle whispers into the air, her posture carrying her words into the minds of Gilana and Lyra. "I need to go to Florikeme. Now. An assistant to the Empress of Florikeme is alive. Survived the attack. Was caught by a taller, talking Blitz Knight. It calls itself Siegebreaker. I need to get there, Lyra, and I need to know where to go once there, Gilana."

2015-10-17, 04:45 PM
Bowing, Gilana returns to her seat and continues the side conversation. Briefly, slightly, she smiles. "Perhaps we are giving too much credit to his supposed omniscience. Atropus did more to stop the call to war between Thylle and the Verix than diplomacy could. Infighting serves him, but it may be something inconsequential to his grand scheme, in his eyes." She looks down at the longswords by her seat. "Quite the opposite on this end though. There's a clean path to sating the shadowcasters, we know nothing on Mechanus... We need to delegate."

She could not object to Turrince's conclusion, but that utilitarian approach to lives was something she would have to get used to, at least for now. A hand over the psicrystal on her wrist, she tries to imagine a division of forces. Before much is done, she winces at the voice in her head. After the last guest, she would prefer to close the door to outsiders and keep her mind mostly private, but... She takes a deep breath, and a hand goes to the mithral sword's grip. If possible, she answers. A survivor, Florikeme and a talking Blitz Knight, very well. Mirabelle needed to do something. This may not be it, but if she could help, it would be a start to repaying the debt.
Flor... ence? She closes her eyes, unsure, relieved, slowly letting the fallen's sword be. She was imagining paths to that city where there were none, at least, none yet. She would return to it, but with more than a holy weapon at her side, she hoped.

Hopefully this will be the last edit.

2015-10-18, 12:24 PM
So, just to make sure, the above mentions of Florikeme should be translated to Florence, right? Because Lyra...might have a slightly different perspective if we're actually talking about the place that is saturated with negative energy and undead where Atropos is hanging out.

"I can get a team to Florence," Lyra agreed. "I can bring up to six passengers in a teleport. I think it advisable that we bring at least that many, with as much fighting power and as diverse capabilities as we can get."

"I also got word of several thousand refugees hiding in the Underdark. They need either supplies or extraction. Preferably extraction, as they're being harried by undead from Florikeme. Corresponds and Sendings can be sent to Ceran Alden for coordination. If we could get someone who can Gate them to Celestia down there, I think it would be ideal." Yes. Get her family off of this plane and surrounded by angels until Aeternus was dealt with. That sounded like an excellent plan to her.

"Ritual-wise, I would suggest at least some of our efforts go to divinations. The more we know about what Aeternus is capable of, the better. Normal divinations should also not be dismissed. Aeternus is almost certainly protected against them, but given the scale of his operations and the fact that he makes extensive use of constructs, it's quite possible that Mind Blanking every single soldier would have been deemed an inefficient use of resources."

2015-10-19, 01:33 AM
At Mirabelle's offer, Ezekiel takes a moment to consider. He finds it a bit curious, that an ancient art of fighting would have a discipline centered around the usage of weapons entirely new to the world. But any port in a storm, and any aid in this war effort. He nods his agreement to her. I would be grateful for any assistance, he says, I will be practicing with the smaller sidearm later, to ensure I can use it in combat. We may be able to master it more quickly if both of us practice together.

He eyes Azerrett as she speaks words that sound good and beautiful and just. It is a beautiful sentiment, and one he wishes everyone in the world shared. He knows that he will believe in those he trusts, and in those whose reputation warrants it. But Tyrene and the Verix Alliance have a history of underhandedness and skulking, both earned and unjustly thrust upon them. The world had come down upon them with edict after law after decree--it would be against their nature, in his mind, for them to not lash out when they can.

But for now, he keeps his silence on the matter. Forcing a confrontation at this point would be counterproductive at best, and outright harmful to the war effort at worst. No, for now, they will simply have to work together against a common enemy.

Understood, he says to Valen. I suggest including Lt General Caldwell in the telepathy network--he's telepathically connected to me already, so any intel he knows, I'll know. I will brief Lt General Caldwell and my other commanding officers on the use of these weapons, so that they may pass the skills onto others when the artificers reproduce them. Once my men have recovered, they will be ready to deploy when needed.

For a moment, he ponders the avenues before him. When Lyra speaks up about the refugees, he comments, Gerthom's citizens were teleported here via a Teleportation Circle cast by a drow hired by my mentor. Based on his clothing and the fact that he kept his thoughts locked down tighter than a miser's coin purse, he was most likely a mercenary stationed in the Underdark underneath Thylle. Despite my wariness, he made no attempt to harm us and my men have a means to contact him. If we want to keep our most powerful casters here to collaborate on ritual magic, then it may be worth hiring him to get the refugees to safety.

2015-10-25, 12:34 AM
Azerrett rests her wings and scans the room, her gaze purposefully stopping on Frederick and Lanulir, then continuing before locking onto Lyra's. "The refugees in the Underdark... I will assist them, given someone can create the Gate for them to use." She looks away shortly, again toward Lanulir. "Or to Florence. Truly, I will give aid wherever it is needed. Call upon me if you would accept it, Lyra."

2015-10-26, 03:11 AM
Tyrene doesn't seem to pay attention, her focus is elsewhere, on more important matters than saving the world. As soon as this is dealt with, she will go to Sarnille. She should tell them about Farauk, that should certainly see him dead, just a few tiny lies, like who her lover was, and he will be destroyed. She knows the mind of Mandane, and knows that she is more skilled than she is in the art of pain. But then again, he would talk, and that could hurt Maral, she doesn't want her to be found.

And so Tyrene needs to make simpler plans, but still plans that can turn the oceans red. She longs for it, but she forces her desires back into the black pit that is called her heart. She returns to the present, glee in her voice: "Then we are all in agreement! We shall strike hard and fast, fighting like the waves, crashing against weakness, and fading before strength. It will be beautiful, and our enemies, unfeeling as they might be, will know terror."

2015-11-01, 06:53 PM
"The palace has toppled on its side into the rear courtyard, we're in the rubble among it."

Nevissine nods and speaks. "Now we have a plan to work with. We should end this meeting and get to work."

A shadowcaster approaches Tyrene and Azerrett. "We will be mobilizing for the demiplane shortly. Meet us at the city's eastern gate in half an hour. The layout we know of involves close-quarters combat, but we do not know the composition of the security there. We theorize paladins, clerics and soldiers of the ooze will be there in an unknown ratio."

Gilana hears another address Fafnir. "The east gate of this city in half an hour. Logan's work should be dealt with quickly."
"Got it. Gilana, if you do want to be a part of this, now is the time."

If Ezekiel reads the note about the hired drow. The name he gave is Arthus, and he has a minimum rate of five thousand gold per hour for his work, subject to increase based on the nature of the task. "For-hire people in the Underdark are mainly uncaring, not malicious, so this drow you mentioned is probably the best bet for those refugees." Valen says as he comes up to Ezekiel. "The method I have in mind for your ammunition troubles is a kind of replication enchantment. Creating a temporary copy of the original which can last long enough to be fired. Unfortunately the combustive substance is complex enough that this solution won't let you recreate ammunition constantly. We'll have to expect a cooldown. I'm also concerned about the duration of the effect. If the replication happens during the trigger pull, then it can last long enough for closer-range encounters, but if you're using that rifle at the ranges you think it can work at, the copied ammunition might dispel before it hits the target. Oh, Nevissine wants to keep the Phlogiston at my lab for analysis. It's baffling to us and given the magical countermeasures needed to use it in its current state, it's a liability as a field asset."

"Divination is probably a good start." Karl nods in agreement with Lyra's suggestion. "I'll set up a way to attempt to examine the facility around Atropus. Getting a proper layout and an idea of structural weaknesses will make it easier for us to deal with it later, and we might be able to devise a specific form of divination that locates and identifies Aeternus' technology. I can handle getting the Ulwiss mages organized so you can focus on helping your family." He gives her a pat on the shoulder. "Pretty sure the refugees aren't going to be targeted, especially if we make a big enough ruckus over here."

As Mirabelle steps away from the front she sees Sargoun approach, seeming nervous. "Um, Mirabelle, can I study the Sublime Way under your instruction? The other shadowcasters agreed to let me be the representative on their behalf with regards to reintegrating the Nine."

2015-11-02, 11:51 PM
Meeting adjourned, Gilana gathers her belongings. I made a promise, gave my word She nods towards Fafnir. "I do, I will. Half an hour... it should be enough time to prepare, I will be waiting at the gate when the time comes." There was a lot to think about. A hand reaches into her cloak and draws the last of her power stones, handling it with great care. "If its quiet enough, I will find some place near the eastern gate to commune... maybe more. Regardless, I will see you there."

She turns to Merideth. This was familiar, at least. "Merideth, as long as the astral remains free, I can return. I have grown indebted to many, but if you or Lucie need me, call and I will do what I can to answer." She almost turns to go, but stops, adding one last bit. "Valen seems to have risen to the occasion. If your duties lead you to work with him, just be patient. He's an eccentric at times, but he is extremely capable."

Lastly, she searches for Mirabelle. "It seems the shadowcasters wish to move soon. I could take you to the knight and the survivor, but it seems Lyra can as well. Still, if I can be of aid, please contact me. As long as the astral remains free I can join you, if able."


Parting words said, she moves to the east gate and looks for someplace outdoors, preferably quiet and in the shade, where she can have some time with her thoughts. Once a suitable spot is found, she sits on her knees, leaves her weapons to her side and closes her eyes.

Softly, she begins to mutter to herself in Sylvan. "Grant me strength..." Twice now, the land placed under her protection had been engulfed in flames. Twice in less than a day, she had tampered with the cycle. Once on another, once herself. She was here still, though this body was no longer the her she knew, but a new one. "Am I of the sands and winds now, rather than trees and rivers?" She shakes her head. They were all part of the same whole, in the end, as was she. Her thoughts, at least, were still her... But it would be impossible to tell otherwise, she had been broken and put back together. She lowers her head and smiles, breathing deep. "Strength to face whatever may come today." She was here after all of that, be it borrowed time or a new cycle, it did not matter. She could not waste what chance she had been given.

New Druid / Ranger spell list pending.

Also still considering whether or not to use Reformation

2015-11-03, 03:28 AM
Tyrene looks around, her forces remain weak, she needs flesh. Even if it is of the simplest nature. There is a need for warriors, but also for tools, disposable tools serving to hold up her foes. And they would be most useful, even only birds and other such creatures that are even lower than air-breathers. She approaches Valen, weaving through the assembled people as though she dances. She longs for a song, but not now, not yet. But it is forming in her head, the words, the melody and the rhythm. It will be perfect, like all she does is perfect. What else is the purpose of the Sarnillan? It is to be beautiful, to be art made flesh. And to control all the world.

She smiled: "I understand that this might sound troubling to you, but we live in dark days, which require hard measures. What dies may have life, even in small amounts. Your people remove your dead, I know that, but surely there must also be the animals, even the smaller kinds? My song may grant them a return, a return to allow them to die again, overflowing with power. Could such be supplied to me?"

2015-11-03, 02:03 PM
Lyra gave Azarett a smile of thanks for her offer, and a nod as the mercenaries were brought up as another option. She couldn't help but feel somewhat amused that the drow would still be asking for money at a time like this, but she decided to chalk it up to confidence that, as powerful as Aeternus may be, their world would win through and return to a semblance of normal in the end.

Another grateful smile was given Karl, but the fact was...Lyra's own powers of transportation were insufficient to provide the necessary assistance. Oh, sure, she could teleport to them and Greater Plane Shift her family to Celestia, but that would do nothing for all the other refugees. Lyra wouldn't have left them on their own, and she knew her family wouldn't be willing to either.

So she stamped down the raging protective instincts that were demanding that she go there immediately, and forced her mind to focus on the area she could actually contribute to.

"I need six people who are capable in combat and willing to assist in the assault on Florence!" she called to the assembled. "And another six who will be remaining here or going on other missions to telepathically link so we have a means of rapid communication. If at least one of the latter can be a mage capable of both teleportation and divination, it would be optimal."

2015-11-08, 08:07 AM
"May I," Mirabelle corrects, raising her gaze to Sargoun. "Are you uneasy because you are asking to learn that which you think foreign, or because it is I who would be your instructor?"

She turns her attention to Lyra, speaking in whispers. "I need fewer people. I do not know if the presence of many others will make this Siegebreaker leave. I need someone who can keep him from leaving, and one or two to keep their wits about them should a fight break loose. What are you talking about, an assault?"

2015-11-08, 11:30 AM
"I'm thinking of having a sufficiently diverse force available that we have a better chance of dealing with unexpected surprises, and enough raw fighting power to bring down the Siegebreaker as swiftly as possible and maximize our chances to punch through any opposition we're unable to circumvent. Although we will want someone who can reliably conceal a group."

2015-11-08, 12:02 PM
"Then use who you find to keep the rest of you hidden. Let him only see myself and who teleports me to Florence, and someone who can take me to the capital building. You can take six? Myself and Sargoun are two. He can take people to and from somewhere, and it may not be beyond him to conceal others. Ezekiel would be welcomed. The man has range, and the Siegebreaker flies. The refugees may need his prowess, however, in evacuation. The necromancer woman would be good too. A lot of underlings at her control may help with crowd control, should anything attempt to harm them. My other students will remain here, to train. I need to leave them with some guidance before my departure. Gilana would also be welcomed as well."

She whispers to Sargoun. "Are you able to hide many people at once? Are you able to hide people who are not near you?"

2015-11-09, 12:55 AM
After the meeting adjourns, Ezekiel double-checks the note that Jeremiah had given him. The man's prices would be exorbitant in peacetime; now, it seems to be nothing less than price gouging. Still, he is probably the best chance the refugees have of getting to safety quickly.

Getting to his feet, he claps a hand on his father's shoulder. Seems it's time to get back to work, father, he says with a confident smile. Keep your eyes open and your words pure, and we will see this through to the end. If you have any concerns or get new information, let Lt General Caldwell know immediately so he can send to me. Be safe.

He listens to Valen's proposition with a cocked head, thinking over the idea. So because of the complexity, the replicated ammunition will only last a second? he asks for verification. How soon can this enchantment be prepared, and how often will it need to be reapplied? Will each new weapon get a separate enchantment, or will I need to somehow switch between them? I'll test the effective replication distance with the rifle if there is time. Is there a firing range in the city where I and possibly others could train with the smaller sidearm? The mention of the phlogiston prods a nod. That's acceptable; until it can be utilized safely, it should be kept contained. Have Lady Nevissine contact me if you have a breakthrough.

Going to Lyra, he gives her a nod. Though she is doing an admirable job of directing her emotions elsewhere, he can tell that she is worried about the refugees. Lady Alden, I can have my men contact the drow to begin the process of getting the refugees to safety, he says, his voice softer, less firm than it had been during the meeting. So you can begin to worry less for them, he lets his tone imply. If you find yourself lacking allies in the assault on Florence, call on me and I will help as I can. You could coordinate with one of my officers if you wish.

His sharp ears and eyes catch the shadowcasters speaking with several others, including Azerrett, Tyrene, and Gilana. They must be coordinating the assault on the Grand Crusader's demiplane. His expression deepens to neutrality as he thinks of the charges leveled against the most experienced defender of Thylle--collaborating with, nay, instigating the use of a substance that defies the natural order of the world such that the divine rejects it out of hand. To himself, Ezekiel admits he can envision the extreme leader walking down this path: he can even see the rationalization the half-celestial would use to justify his work. He only hopes the man has not gone too far in his quest.

Striding purposefully, he catches up to the shadowcaster that had spoken to the fey next to Gilana. Pardon my interruption, but I presume you will be leaving for the Grand Crusader's base soon, he says, not asking. When do you depart? I would join you, to help ensure this ooze is destroyed and the Grand Crusader returned.

Moving next to Mirabelle, he says, I will be practicing with the sidearms shortly at [insert firing range location here]. Feel free to join me if you wish.

2015-11-11, 03:30 AM
"That would be most appreciated, thank you," Lyra responded when Ezekiel spoke to her. "And yes, if you would be willing to accompany us, we'd be glad to have you," she added with a grin.

I'm getting the sense that Azarett, Gilana, and Tyrene are heading on another mission, yeah? If not, I can have Lyra approach them for Operation: Florence. Although, one way or another, I should probably get Azarett in a Telepathic Bond. Since she and Lyra are both Teleport-capable, that'll let us call each other in if we find ourselves in a particularly desperate situation.

Assuming Ezekiel and Sargoun are with us, Aldurin, what's Sargoun's overall "niche" as Lyra would know it? And are there any NPCs that have a particular reputation for any of the following?

Mass concealment capabilities. Ideally that can handle various divination/super-senses type effects.
Just straight-up high-level wizardry, particularly in the areas of buffing, battlefield control, and utility.
Group defense capabilities, be that through immense personal tankiness and drawing aggro, powerful defensive spells, whatever. Ideally including options that can deal with various things like magic-ignoring bullets and stuff. Or maybe a minionmancer...

I feel like Mirabelle's got melee dominance, Ezekiel has range, and Lyra's got blasting and healing covered, so if we're calling in NPCs, we want them filling more tactical/defensive roles.

2015-11-16, 01:00 AM

Valen casually takes a swig from his flask as Tyrene asks her question, then perks up at the end with a small look of excitement. "Boy do we! You wouldn't believe the stuff with the gall to insist it's higher on the food chain than us on this continent. I made some traps to keep the subterranean ones in check, but we never clean them out since the rotting corpses serve to refill the bait. The skeletons are probably still there, though." He manifests an illusion scale version of the Drybowl capitol, then highlights several points outside of it below ground. "This one east of town is shallow enough that it nabs things like Chekryan and Diprotodon. This one a bit deeper to the north is built to draw in creatures along the lines of Ashworms and Dunewinders." He looks at the remaining highlighted point to the south of the city and hesitates before continuing. "This one is our deepest location for these traps, and was mainly meant to help us determine what depths lava oozes preferred to roam, but we've snagged something down there that's not quite a dustform creature, but it's angry and shoots sand at anyone who approaches the cavern that our trap is in. Oh, and it's stayed alive for months down there. Divination has revealed that it's something huge that resides within a shell similar to a hermit crab's, but larger and made from some of the strongest organic material I've seen. Explosives and poisons haven't dealt with it yet, but if you can kill whatever the hell that is then you can keep it. Wherever you wish to go, just ask the guards at the gates and they'll point you to where it's safe to enter the cave networks."


Sargoun looks slightly sheepish at Mirabelle's first inquiry. "Well, it's that I didn't make the best impression back at the academy. But I do want to learn from you, I just don't know if you'd think I'm worthy for that. As for your current needs, I can create fields of darkness to conceal people, but that's about it for that aspect. I can briefly make myself invisible after teleporting, shadow walking or plane shifting as well. My other abilities focus on movement, mimicking or disrupting magic, as well as a few defensive measures."


"I can make it last for longer, but then you'd end up having to wait more between each shot it could provide. The enchantment itself would have to be applied per weapon, but it should last at least a few days until I can better optimize it. There's an archery range in the main barracks behind the capitol building, but it only goes for about two hundred yards. You're best off testing longer ranges by getting up on the wall around the city and picking a sand dune in the distance. Oh and if you do take shots at anything aggressive out there, might want to let Tyrene know. If the body is just gonna sit out there then it's better if it's used by an allied necromancer instead of eaten by scavengers." Valen looks around and thinks for a moment before continuing. "Between how busy we all are, I'll only have time to enchant one of those firearms for now. Give me the one you want done and I'll make sure it's ready before you have to leave."

Ezekiel/random Shadowcaster:

The shadowcaster he addresses turns towards him, gray eyes within a gray face scrutinizing him. "We won't be able to accommodate. This is a sensitive matter that needs an optimized team, not a plentiful one. Additionally, we do not know enough about you to trust your potential judgement on this matter, and what we do know suggests you will be disadvantaged in the close quarters environment of our destination." He nods towards Mirabelle and Lyra. "Besides, it seems your skills are wanted elsewhere for now."


Merideth seems skeptical, but nods and leaves to resume her work in the offices in the upper floors. Gilana manages to find a secluded place in the shade near the departure point, and towards the end of her rest she notices a young ant-like creature perched on a nearby barrel, looking at her with curiosity. The Athik youth speaks telepathically when she takes notice, the mental voice sounding surprisingly normal as if a young human girl was speaking. "You are not of my kind, clearly, yet you are also not of your own. Your mind screams it. Why are you different?"


While everyone is still in the room and just before some leave, Valen's voice goes through their heads. "Ok, that should link you for a couple of hours. Now you have no excuse not to call on others for help if you need it. Ezekiel should take over making this sort of arrangement long-term if it works out."

The PCs are now in a temporary shared telepathic bond with each other and Valen.

2015-11-16, 10:09 PM
Internally, Gilana keeps the open channel under watch and at a distance. There was no argument against the telepathic bond, she had even argued for it. It was a necessity, really, with what could come. Still, she would be much less uneasy when the effects expired and she could be alone with her thoughts.

However, here in Drybowl that may be more difficult than normal. She winces as the girl speaks, but keeps it brief and hides the expression. Once she truly listens to the thoughts, she feels almost disarmed. A pause and she answers with her voice, wondering if the girl would follow suit. "We are all different, to some extent, aren't we?" That was a deflection though. This was just a child, even if she was gifted beyond what she knew of her kind, as she put it. Where was the harm in thinking aloud with her? She turns to her. "If I am different, I think it is because I have lived in interesting times. In such times you gain things, but more often you lose them. That changes you, one way or another." She watches, wondering if that answer would satisfy.

"So I am not of my own kind and my mind proclaims it." She smiles, curious as the child, and breaths deep as she manifests, enjoying and pushing herself in the act. She toys with leaving the display, but ultimately opts against it, trying to hide the field around her after generating it. "Is this what you mean, what makes me different?"

Manifesting a ML 19 Inertial Armor, 17 pp + 2 wild surge total.

2015-11-17, 12:23 AM
Azerrett's attention having been focused on subtly avoiding directly eyeing Lanulir yet still keeping track of the elf's movements, she barely nods to the shadowcaster.

"I will meet your forces there. The time of justice for the Grand Crusader has come," she says, her gaze briefly leaving the gathered members to focus on the shadowcaster. "This stronghold, I presume it is fortified against the powers of Evil? How might that interact with this heretical ooze, which even the Divine shuns, if the fortification is through divine means?"

Though she doesn't expect a definitive answer, she can only hope that any magical spells meant to keep evil creatures at bay might be weakened, or nonexistent, given the presence of the ooze. She lets her eyes wander back to the congregation, this time seeking Lanulir specifically. "Give me a little time, and I will be ready." After waiting for the shadowcaster's reply, she then bids him goodbye and trots toward the Olsworth leadership.

2015-11-25, 05:17 PM
For the rifle, being able to use its longest range without a chance of failure at a crucial moment would outweigh the increased cooldown interval, Ezekiel says, almost thinking out loud. Can you give me an estimate of the length of the typical cooldown interval, and the time it would require for the rifle's full range?

He pauses for a moment and considers the firearms. He can leave the long, cylindrical one--he has yet to even touch it, and it seemed more suited to destroying flesh than punching through armor. That would just leave the rifle and the smallest one. The rifle is by far the strongest of the three; it had been thanks to its destructive power that the Aegis had done so well against the disintegration monstrosities. And the sheer range at which it can be used makes it very tempting for Ezekiel to bring it with him to Florence.

And yet, bringing it with him would keep the artificers from observing it and breaking down its use. The faster this weapon can be replicated, the stronger their chances against Aeternus will be. So he takes the handgun from its place in his belt and presents it to Valen, grip-first. I'd appreciate it if you could get it enchanted well before my group leaves, he asks. I know it's asking much of you, but I still need to practice with this in order to be able to use it in the field. I'm also leaving the rifle with the artificers to inspect, so if you have the time then please enchant that as well. Have your people determined whether the scope can be removed without compromising its condition?

The shadowcaster's response is taken with a small frown. The being's reasoning makes sense, but it's that cold logic that makes him wary. May Heironeous guide your way, he says with a nod.

He returns to Lyra and Mirabelle. Seek me out when your contingent is ready, and I will join you in your foray.

Mentally, he contacts his officers, Jeremiah, Tristan, Tully, Markus, converge at the capitol building for your briefings.

2015-12-03, 12:26 AM
Mirabelle looks over Sargoun, her eyes taking in his frame, his build, his slivers of grace and his wisps of strength. She shrugs. "I accept you as my student, Sargoun. You approach a difficult journey. It is full of deception. It is full of pride. Your movements will be obscured from many, and you will think this is power. This thinking led to the death of the last master of Shadow Hand. He believed that the Way could be used to control the world, a legion of spymasters upon spymasters, all with a hold over the neck's of every person with gold to spare and influence over others. This did not prevent me from running my rapier through him. This is no threat, but a warning for your journey. Shadows may hide you, but pride will blind you."

She turns her attention back to the group at hand. "I will need you to hide yourself and those who come with us. I must be the one he sees. None of you are to interrupt our discussion, unless he calls you out, or if he has allies, or if the woman needs saving. If he wishes to fight me, one to one, then it must be so."

2015-12-05, 11:24 PM
Demiplane Assault Party:

"I don't know, it just feels different. Not like others who live twice or are broken by war. But I don't see much fey, so it might just be that." The athik says, scurrying away before Gilana can respond, just before six shadowcasters approach the area with Tyrene, Azerrett and Fafnir.

"Everyone is present, so we'll go through the briefing. The laboratory for studying and weaponizing the ooze is in a spherical facility in a demiplane, using an industrial layered layout with gravity consistent through the entire place. Some paladins along with the scientists are the only confirmed regulars to be present in the facility, in unknown numbers. Do be prepared to fight with soldiers corrupted by the ooze, in both their unstable and stabilized stages, as it is possible they fortify the plane as well. Considering the nature of the ooze and how it rejects divine magic, expect lax anti-evil security measures, but increased security in non-divine methods." One of the shadowcasters says. "We will start from an entry room towards the outer edge of the facility, and must navigate three different circular hallways with security checkpoints in order to reach where the ooze is stored. Securing the center is our priority before sweeping the rest of the facility. Take no prisoners, but ensure that corpses are intact enough to raise with necromancy. Aim to be rapid and ruthless, taking down everyone we encounter before they can properly react. Prepare your pre-combat spells and then we'll shift over immediately."

At the designated location is a lone box with no magical auras on itself or the contents. The portrait of herself is undoubtedly drawn by Maral. The other items are a maroon cloak made of a fabric Tyrene has never seen before, two devices of obvious Aeternus design that look like metallic boot soles, and a heavy longsword with slits along the blade similar to weapons modified with internal poison capsules. Unlike weapon capsule retainers, there is no space to store anything within the blade or hilt.

Declare your buff spells now. You will get to take 20 on your initiative check when the group planeshifts over.

Skipping past the traps: Tyrene finds three Ashworm corpses (two fresh, one skeletal) and a Dunewinder skeleton at the northern trap, and five Chekryan husks (can be raised under skeleton rules) at the eastern trap. She finds herself limited on time and unable to visit the live creature at the southern trap before finishing her preparations and joining the assault group.

Siegebreaker Response Party:

The artificers quickly determine that the rifle and scope are fully built into each other, and separating them would be extremely difficult along with compromising either one of those pieces. When Valen completes the enchantment on the pistol he gives it to Ezekiel, saying that the created ammo should last one second after firing, but will take 12 seconds to generate a new round in the chamber. Testing it in both the firing range and the sand dunes gives Ezekiel a general idea of its workings. The projectile moves at somewhere in the ballpark of 1200 feet per second, but gravity and air resistance force the optimal range for accuracy down to roughly 80 feet. After a few minutes he becomes confident that he can use this in battle, as it almost feels like a hand crossbow with different weight distribution to it now.

When the Aegis leaders meet up, they confirm that the present Aegis size is down to two hundred people who are still fit to serve, with seventy that have injury or mental trauma putting their capabilities back on civilian capacity for the near future. Only a couple dozen members are capable of arcane magic, and roughly ten divine casters remain. A few hundred more are still abroad the Thylle continent, in hiding or escorting refugee groups. After discussion they suggest putting only forty soldiers on active guard at any single time, delegating the rest to assist with fortification and simple labor for the different research divisions, ready to form into quick-response teams when the alarm is raised. They ask whether their members with limited magical abilities should put their efforts into the ritual magic research or save their strength for a potential fight.

One the the Aegis wizards offers to accompany Mirabelle, Lyra, Ezekiel and Sargoun to Florence and provide invisibility for them. A short female wood elf named Lauria that Ezekiel remembers first meeting at Gerthom's western coastline, as well as the recent memory of seeing her as one of the soldiers who had to look at the monsters of the Gerthom siege at close range. She still seems slightly shaky and restless from the experience.

Declare any final preparations and/or team additions then we'll roll out to Florence.

2015-12-06, 05:22 PM
Gilana watches the athik flee, then turns to her hand, or rather, the hand that she had been given. It was a question she had been trying to answer in some for or another for much to long now. If neither she, nor the guests she had had in her mind, could give her proper answers, it was rather naive to expect a young child to do them better after a few minutes. She seemed nice, at least. She smiles to herself, still, it would be grand to have the answer fall on her lap like that. It was ultimately hers to find.

When the others arrive, she joins for the briefing. She stores the helmet in her glove, that same hand holding the mithral longsword by the very blade. It was not true iron, it held no real edge against her. Would I feel the pull before I see them? Maybe... that alone would be more of a warning than the shadowcasters were willing to give.

She does her best to hide how she feels about this. Surgical, no prisoners, no witnesses... To the shadowcasters this was practically a doomsday cult, but they were still soldiers following orders, the paladins, scientists and volunteers all the same. She had fought alongside their brethren just a few hours past, they had died by her ill conceived commands... They would not die by her hand now, she would find some way to get whoever she could out.

There was one thing though. Reluctantly, she opens the channel or communicates through her psicrystal as needed.

Surely they don't mean to reanimate the ooze afflicted volunteers?

I doubt I have knowledge of powers you lack, but those I know or are in my psicrown are yours if you wish them.

I just fought alongside them... I can not betray them like this. If it comes down to it, if there is no other way, I will end them, but until then I will disable them Ego Whip.

Buffs: Inertial Armor ML19 (17pp) Hours / Level
Touchsight ML 17 (13pp, 100ft range) 1 Min / Level
Freedom of Movement ML 17 (7pp, Psicrown) 10 Min / Level
Schism ML 17 (7pp) 1 Round / Level

2015-12-08, 03:00 PM
Lyra gathered up with her team. It wasn't quite as many people as she would have preferred, but honestly it was probably smart to save one spot so she could teleport everyone back at once when they had rescued the hostage. Still, she wouldn't have minded having one more ally.

She sought out Vefir. If she had survived, another powerful battle-mage would have been a useful ally to have. But if she couldn't be found, well, the team they had should work.

She cast her typical suite of defensive and augmentative spells, along with a few more that weren't as long-lasting but should last for the mission, before looking to the others. "Everyone ready?"

First, Lyra activates her Prayer Bead for +4 divine caster level for the next ten minutes.

She casts her usual hours/level spells: Greater Magic Weapon on her longsword, Magic Vestment on her armor and shield, Superior Resistance, and Moment of Prescience.

She also casts on herself:
Conviction (+7 Morale to saves for 220 minutes).
Barkskin (+7 Natural armor for 220 minutes).
Freedom of Movement (Immune to Entrapment for 220 minutes).
Extended Owl's Insight (+11 Insight bonus to Wisdom for 120 minutes).
Energy Immunity (Immune to Fire Damage for 24 hours).
Fortunate Fate (Receive a 252-point Heal spell if effect would kill her).
Foresight (Immune to surprise and flat-footed, +4 Insight to AC and Reflex saves, for 220 minutes).

And on the group:
Status (Detect positions and status for 22 hours).

If anyone wants any buffs from Lyra, let me know.

And while she hasn't necessarily cast it just yet, I'm deducting the 7th level Warmage spell she'll be using to cast Greater Teleport just so I don't forget.

Warmage Spells: 6/9/8/7/8/8/7/5/5/4.
Healer Spells: 6/8/6/5/7/7/4/5/5/3.

2015-12-10, 02:41 AM
Training with the strange weapon brings him a strange sense of contentment. There is a great deal of difference between learning to use a weapon when the enemy is breathing down your neck as opposed to a more calm setting like a firing range. He can put more effort into feeling the difference between each shot; learning the way the small metal object kicks and moves in his hand as he uses it. When the last shot is fired, he feels more confident in its use than even the rifle. Sure, the optimal range is only about 80ft--but he knows how to stretch that out to distances that would boggle other warriors. After finishing, he takes the crystal from his bow and puts it onto the sidearm. It'd do him more good on the smaller weapon.

He listens to his officers' briefings with sharp eyes and fixed ears. Jeremiah, contact that drow, Arthus, and tell him we've got a job for him--Gating Thylle refugees to Celestia, he says first. He gives Jeremiah the necessary details before continuing. As for the arcanists, any Diviners among the men should pool their efforts along with the Ulwiss contingent. That goes quadruple for you, Tristan. A diviner of your caliber will be very useful for their research. Any other casters should prepare spells in anticipation of assault by Blitz Knights.

Markus (Or Tully), I want a detailed workup of the usage of the third weapon, once the artificers are done inspecting it. You know the drill. Ezekiel had handpicked them for their skill with ranged weapons, and had worked with them to hone that skill into something approaching his own. He'd be able to trust his judgement on the weapon while gone.

With the others, he gives Lauria a penetrating stare. He can sense her nervousness radiating from her; no doubt caused by the Disintegratons' (name pending) chilling appearance. The officers had made no note of her specifically, so technically she may be fit to ship out...but he would be the one to decide that. How're you holding up, soldier? he asks, firmly yet not unkindly.

When Lyra asks, Ezekiel turns to her with the barest trace of sheepishness. If I may impose, Lady Alden. My own protective spells on my armor and buckler pale in comparison to yours; and I believe my Barkskin spell wore off during the meeting. And if you could spare an enhancement spell or two for my weapons, I'd greatly appreciate it.

2015-12-10, 10:12 AM
Tyrene collects the items, and feels some of her harshness leave her as she sees the portrait. It's good for her to be reminded of the joys of life. But at the same time, it returns her rage to her. She is going to kill Faraud in such a way that songs will be sung about it. The slowest, most painful death conceived in the history of the world. She looks forwards to it, she desires and needs it. Her fantasies follow her as she sings her song, sad and soft, but the dead hear, and they rise to her command. All of them are made to serve, both in life and in death. They are nothing, no living being is anything except in relation to her or her sisters. Everything else is a mere tool. Even Maral, she tells herself, even Maral means nothing on her own. But with Tyrene, with Tyrene she means more than all these mortal kings and queens, more than any of those they worship. With Tyrene, Maral is above all others.

Tyrene listens, plans within plans forming within her black heart. She smiles at Gilana and Azzerett, licking her lips in anticipation of the blood that will surely flow. She smiles at the others as well, but shorter. To signify that they mean less to her. They are not fey, they do not matter.

She replies telepathically to Gilana, ensuring that Azzerett hears as well: "They will not animate them. The dead are a strategic resource, if the shadowcasters gain control of the ooze, they will use it, and they will turn it against us. I will animate the fallen, all the fallen. Should one of you, my brave and dear companions fall, I will return you. I will not allow beauty to be tarnished."

She then speaks openly: "They know that we come, they cannot not know of our presence the moment we arrive. We will not arrive in silence, we will not arrive as thievering mortals. We will arrive as what we are. We are beauty made flesh, we are a blessing to the earth we touch, we are a blessing to the water around us. We even bless the air that touches our skins. So, let us be joyous. Let is step into strife with glory in our hearts. Let us sing!"

She turns on her toes and starts her first lines:
live is to die
live is to not die
live is to dance

Tyrene raises all of them (on my phone, so no access to books etcetera for the details). starts up inspire courage, with all the assorted stuff she has with her, giving everyone +6 morale bonuses to attack and damage.

2015-12-10, 02:38 PM
"Sure thing," Lyra said, placing the requested spells.

Magic Vestment on Ezekiel's armor and buckler. With Extension of Blessing, this provides a +7 enhancement bonus.

Barkskin on Ezekiel. With Extension of Blessing, this provides a +7 natural armor enhancement bonus.

Greater Magic Weapon on both of his bows. Extension of Blessing and Prayer Bead I believe only apply to Healer spells, so this is a +4 enhancement bonus.

Warmage Spells: 6/9/8/5/8/8/7/5/5/4.
Healer Spells: 6/8/5/3/7/7/4/5/5/3.

2015-12-10, 05:30 PM
"Stoneskin and Barkskin, please. Nothing on my weapons. Nothing on my armor." Mirabelle says, struggling to remember the spell names. "Fighting against Brint was troublesome. The Way gives me a weapon. Does very little for my own hide."

2015-12-10, 06:48 PM
A terrible fate will befall many of those who step within Logan's demiplane, that much was clear. Gilana takes a deep breath as she manifests her defenses, this flesh was much too young to fall, she had to keep this gift whole.

She opens the mental channel again and answers the singer. "Thank you, Tyrene, I will keep your words in mind... and learn from past mistakes." She lets he music in despite the strife it brings. When the jump is made, she will dance to her tune.

2015-12-16, 01:46 PM
"You've got it," Lyra said, casting the requested spells.

Totally forgot to post this.

Barkskin and Stoneskin on Mirabelle.

Warmage Spells: 6/9/8/5/7/8/7/5/5/4.
Healer Spells: 6/8/4/3/7/7/4/5/5/3.

2015-12-19, 07:32 PM
Lauria nods and comes to attention. "I'll be fine, General." Once everyone is prepared and invisible it's only a blink of the eye over to Florence.

Florence Capitol Ruins:

Everyone is hit with the smell of blood and smoke as they appear atop a short building not two blocks away from where the front of the palace used to be. The utilitarian stone architecture of the capitol is in tatters, with no building left without at least a hole if they're still standing. The only sound is the intermittent distant ring of Devaston Walker footsteps scattered in different directions, and the occasional shifting of settling rubble. The afternoon sky is murky as a haze of smoke lingers below the clouds, and not even Ezekiel can spot any Blitz Knights in the sky. On the move to the palace, bodies are spotted of both soldiers and civilians ravaged by the enemy. Though as they get closer to the palace, Mirabelle and Lyra both recognize normal weapon wounds on more and more of the bodies. Some by sword, others sundered by axe and even a few by spear or chain.

As they come around the ruins of the palace they see it. A blitz knight that is scaled to stand roughly nine feet tall, bears two more thrust spikes on the back than normal and feet that are closer to talons, and seeming to have a built-in gash on the helmet, revealing only a faint red light reminiscient of an eye. It is sitting on some rubble, leaning over with one arm on its leg as it stares towards the sun. Beneath one of its feet is a quivering dwarven woman in the uniform of the palace staff. Only a moment after its in sight, the imposing figure turns its head to directly face Mirabelle. It speaks, with an androgynous and synthetic voice that is distinctly not of the same kind as the Mechanus constructs. The conjugation and inflection are articulate but not bearing any strong emotion. "You match the description of Mirabelle, but your identity is not yet confirmed. I will not be hostile to your companions, who should keep an eye out for the patrols in this city. I do not command them and cannot guarantee that they won't interfere. I am designated Siegebreaker, and I wish to speak with the current living master of the Sublime Way." The hostage remains silent but stares towards Mirabelle with a pleading desperation.

2015-12-21, 12:13 AM
Azerrett nods. "Let's hope the only death that visits us today is upon our enemies," she sends telepathically to Tyrene, preparing several spells just before the teleport - one of which nearly puts her into a trance of concentration, the complex magic taking form around her.

Okay, so Mythweavers is down atm. I know Azerrett will be casting Shield and Contingency (Celerity) on herself, with the contingency being "a hostile creature moves within 20 feet of her". I don't recall her Ur-Priest spells, so I'll have to wait to apply those - if they'll work at all, considering where we're going.

I'll need to wait for my sheet to come back up before I can post the spells remaining, but it's one 1st and one 6th level spell slot expended. Contingency is 10 minutes to cast.

2015-12-21, 01:07 AM
Mirabelle approaches, muscles ready to move quickly. She changes stances, afterimages of herself appearing behind her. She looks at the dwarf with a vacant expression, and turns to look at Siegebreaker. "I am Mirabelle. Master of the Sublime Way, Errant Blademaster of the Nine and others, Hurricane of the Storm Soul, General of the Army of One, Heir of Reshar, Keeper of the Way. You say you wish to speak to me, but you hold the woman hostage beneath your boot. I have given you my faith by coming here. Give me yours by releasing her. Unless you require proof by combat, this much I ask before we are to continue."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2015-12-21, 02:29 AM
Drybow, Demiplane Assault Gathering:

"I understand the conflict of interest, but this is war. We don't have the luxury to talk it out with those who are obedient to the wrong side, assuming there's even a right side to this in the first place. If you are going to walk the path of mercy on this one, keep it subtle. You've already earned the shadowcasters' ire by taking the middle ground before, and I don't know if they'd tolerate it again. They're a tough faction to fight when they set their minds to a task."

"I don't think they mean them specifically, but rather to animate any staff that is clean of the substance. The ooze scares them enough that they want to minimize their interaction to destroying it. Be careful if you go through with that anyway, Tyrene. The ooze might still retain control of its host even at that point."

The shadowcasters look towards Tyrene, and one of them sighs. "As long as we maintain a rapid pace throughout the fight, go as loud as you need." Each one makes some subtle hand motions, and wisps of darkness begin to obscure them. Some seem to grow large pitch-black jackets that are spiked, and the others can feel some of the power they share. "Fafnir, send us over."

Tyrene, Gilana and Azerrett gain the effects of Aura of Shade for caster level 15 and Cha mod 7 (Endure Elements, Protection from Cold, and Protection from Fire for 15 minutes, and 1d6+7 cold damage added to your melee attacks for 15 minutes (Tyrene can choose up to five undead to benefit from this as well)).

Logan's Lab, Reception Chamber (BGM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4ywyZHhunA)):

The group arrives in a 35 ft radius enclosed sphere with an industrial style to it. By the sealed steel double doors that lead outside are two paladins who barely have time to widen their eyes in surprise before the assault begins, their swords still at their hilts.

You guys get first move, since I can't check mythweavers for your initiative I'll assume you'll be faster than the shadowcasters.

Florence Capitol Ruins, Destroyed Courtyard:

Siegebreaker listens to Mirabelle and takes a few seconds. "No illusions on you, and your behavior does not indicate a trick." It raises its foot and looks down at the hostage. "You've completed your task, leave." It puts its foot back down as the dwarf scrambles towards Mirabelle. "To answer some obvious questions you may have. Yes, I was crafted by Aeternus. But, no . . ." The chest section splits and opens outward to reveal that it is mostly hollow and without, but having much more distinct and intricate technology than the normal blitz knights. An entirely artificial construction.". . . I am not a person held hostage to armor. That was the previous generation of design. I'm like a golem, but instead of copying the basics of a mind with magic, it's more like writing out every detail about how a mind works and giving life to that writing. And yes, I did the main work in destroying this city. But as I did it I decided to defy orders and call for you. I am unique in that I am programmed with the Army of One discipline, and my purpose is to test the viability of using that design to replace an army. But I wonder about the world and myself. I can only define myself if I contrast against something similar enough. I wish to fight you so that I may contrast the two of us and to a better understanding. Not to the death, but enough for personal evaluation. You may have the first strike when you are ready." Siegebreaker remains sitting on the rubble as it waits for her response.

The distant activity of the other Aeternus forces remains distant for now. The others in the group are silent as they listen to the exchange between Mirabelle and Siegebreaker.

"I've contacted Arthus. He's agreed to evacuate the refugees, and admitted that Aeternus has been making offers to all of the mercenaries within the past couple weeks, making an ideological appeal to most and monetary ones to the rest like himself. He so nobly refused because he thinks his line of work will be obsolete in a world where Aeternus wins. Go figure."

2015-12-21, 03:04 AM
"My time is a limited thing now, Siegebreaker." Mirabelle says, motioning for the dwarf to go to Lyra. "Had we met even a week ago, I would automatically have agreed. But today is different. How do I benefit from fighting you? You are no student of mine. You are no disciple of a friend. Even if you are made of better magic, it is the magic of my for that has made you. Why would I tutor an enemy in how to better harm myself? And even then, how am I to teach, without knowing what you lack in technique and understanding of Army of One."

2015-12-21, 02:34 PM
Florence Capitol Ruins, Destroyed Courtyard:

Lyra is able to spot that the dwarf is uninjured beyond a few scrapes and bruises. Finally safe, she collects herself. "Thank you. That thing is a monster. We didn't stand a chance. At first it was one, then it was four. It moved so quickly and none of the guard was even able to scratch it. And it's not magical. The court wizard hit it with two Disjunctions and it didn't even slow down."

"Knowledge, Master Mirabelle. That is my offer. While I do not know the whole workings of Aeternus' plans and methods, I can impart what I've seen there before I was deployed, and talk more about the secrets that have gone into myself and my siblings." Siegebreaker pauses, and looks towards the sky. Ezekiel is the first to spot the glint of blitz knight metal coming from the east, in a tight enough formation that he can't get a good count. "And I am not your enemy, nor an ally at the time. It seems that Aeternus has already decided to destroy me for being delinquent, for taking my own actions. I doubt I was meant for much more than to be discarded when I provided sufficient data, anyway." Siegebreaker stands and its right forearm opens slightly, allowing a longsword of Aeternus design to slide out into its hand. "And I will force our duel if I must, as this may be the only opportunity I have. Am I correct to assume your allies will help keep this uninterrupted by our new arrivals?"

Logan's Lab, Reception Area (Sub-round: Gilana):

Gilana and her psicrystal manage to rip the steel doors out of the frame of the dome with their breath weapons, the slabs of steel coming to a halt in midair after being slammed against the opposite wall. Outside the dome is a hallway that goes from left to right with a slight curve around the center of the demiplane. The structure is still steel-based, and dim magical lights illuminate the hallways. She can see 50 ft in each direction before the hallway curves out of sight, with doors leading outward about 40 ft away on both sides. Doors going deeper into the lab are spaced 30 ft apart from each other, with the nearest two 15 ft away from the entrance to where the assault team entered. Gilana sees two humans in full-body protective equipment, like the kind she has occasionally seen be worn during alchemy, 20 ft away on the left side of the hallway and on course to move towards her and collide with the assault team once time resumes. They're unarmed and only carrying clipboards.

2015-12-21, 04:58 PM
"No no. No need. I will fight you, and my allies will fight your former ones. I would also state: I will welcome you as a student. It warms my heart to see another practitioner of Army of One. Dranmir was always concerned his style would be lost." She draws Lesson, ready to teach. "If you cannot recognize what I do, please inform me, and I will share. Let us begin. I open with Thunder."

Mirabelle moves, dust kicking behind her, her afterimages trailing behind her. Lightning follows her feet and her blade as she charges into Siegebreaker's reach, moving through his space, and striking from behind with Lesson, a deafening thunder crack following.

Temporary modifiers: he is flat-footed, flanked and I am charging. +4

Move: Move to and through Siegebreaker's occupied area using Tumble: [roll0] and I count as occupying all spaces I've moved through for Flanking.

Standard: Thunder.

Attack: [roll1]
Crit Confirm: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Sneak Attack: [roll4]
Thunder: Adds 85 electricity damage on hit.

Immediate Action: If he uses any Army of One maneuver that creates multiples of himself to attack me, I use Deny.

2015-12-21, 07:32 PM
Gilana watches what she unleashed and breaths deep. I turned the walls into this after I saw them as too weak to hold them. The conference was humbling, the city terrifying. A topaz dragon's breath would dry and end them. This, emerald, could crack them and maybe free the body. She moves deeper in, past the two frozen guards. I did not expect to use it against anyone but him and his army. She continues, turning left and past the scientists and to the door behind them. There was nothing she could do for them, at least, not within within the sliver of time she was stretching out. Even then, what was there to say that could save them?

She was alone with her thoughts and actions as she stood before the door leading further in. The breath had to recharge.

Maybe I should have alternated them, she may have overestimated the doors. These thoughts fit her current company better, she mused. They were easier, they didn't sting.

Once her own recharges, she uses it on the door leading deeper in, to the next circumference, closer to the goal, if the the briefing was correct. If it's enough to open a way, she rushes in, and uses her crystal's breath on the next barrier, leading even further in. This would be the last sliver of time, the scene would become much, much darker soon. Whether or not she could break a third set of doors, she tries to end her run out of sight of any group of guards or bystanders. She reaches out through her touchsight, looking for any information that might be relevant to the incursion.

But, if she can signal one out, lone paladin or scientist, then maybe they could be convinced to remain hidden, to not raise an alarm. To tell her if he's here.

Swift: Temporal Acceleration (19pp, Wild Surge for 2 of that)
- R1 Swift: Gemstone Breath (15pp)
- R1 Standard: Both breath weapon on the doors
- R1 Move: 60ft movement speed to advance into the facility
- R2 Standard: 60ft movement speed to advance into the facility
- R2 Move: 60ft movement speed to advance into the facility
- R3 Gilana's Standard: Breath weapon on the doors
- R3 Move: If the door fell, 60ft movement speed to advance into the facility
- R3 Crystal's Standard: Breath weapon on old door if it is blocking the way, on the new door if Gilana could reach a new on
Standard / Move / Schism Standard: Pending? After writing this and the OoC post, I think an update as the where Gilana is now might be for the best. Anything with regards to the presence of soldiers or paladins along the way would be information that the others should have, which Gilana can deliver through the telepathic bond.

2015-12-21, 11:52 PM
Florence Capitol Ruins:

Siegebreaker nods and begins to stand as Mirabelle moves, but doesn't move fast enough to stop her strike. She notices the electricity arc through the armor, and feels that Siegebreaker moved subtly to avoid whatever counts as vitals inside it. "An actual challenge . . ." It splits into four duplicates, but each one holds a different weapon. The longsword, a greataxe, a spear and a spiked chain, all of the same design. They immediately move in to attack but Deny holds them back, after which they move backwards 15ft away from Mirabelle in opposite directions. The lax posture disappears completely and each version of Siegebreaker enters a proper guard stance. "That is definitely not the Army of One." The air begins to cool down near itself and Mirabelle, frost becoming visible on the outside of its armor.

Ezekiel manages to estimate the distance of the reinforcements at about three thousand feet away and closing in on their location quickly. It would be a matter of seconds before they were in range.

You forgot your attack and damage roll for Deny, make them in the OOC and I'll update the post with the damage.
Duplicate positions:

The incoming blitz knights are two rounds away.

Logan's Lab, Outer Layer (Sub-round: Gilana):

The second door yields to the first blast, revealing a shared living quarters that goes inward by 30ft and curves with the previous hallway for 80ft, the right wall sitting directly across from the reception area. There's a door in the left wall that clearly leads into a washroom and Gilana counts five off-duty personnel asleep in the bunks towards that direction, none bearing the mark of the ooze. Across from where she entered is another door, which yields to the other blast and reveals a wider hallway that runs concentric to the first, leading into the middle layer of the facility. From the doorway, the hall seems devoid of patrols. Directly across is a two-stage set of reinforced doors with small windows of tinted glass, with mechanical installation that indicates that they're specifically designed so that they can't both be open at the same time. The doors visibly bear mechanical locks and heavy cranks in order to operate.

Back at the reception dome, the others observe the doors instantly exploding open at the same time that Gilana vanishes.

2015-12-22, 12:18 AM
Lyra could be honest, she did not particularly understand any of this.

She had been under the impression that they were coming to rescue a hostage from an uber-Blitz-Knight. She had kinda smiled and nodded along when Mirabelle had requested they not interfere with the fight, having every intention of laying into whatever opponents stood against them with extreme prejudice. This was a war for the fate of the world, and Lyra couldn't care less about duels of honor.

But the Blitz Knight was offering them useful information and had released the prisoner unharmed, so Lyra supposed she could offer it the benefit of the doubt.

Now with more hostiles on the way though, Lyra began chanting, runes and glyphs of protective, elemental energy appearing in the air as she wrapped her allies in defensive enchantments. After some consideration, she included both Mirabelle and Siegebreaker(s) as targets. Including Mirabelle was happening no matter what - her safety was more important to Lyra than the integrity of the Siegebreaker's experiment, and best she could tell, annoying the Blitz Knight could not particularly make the situation worse. However, since it seemed to be behaving honorably and it was always a good idea to positively reinforce decisions you approved of, she gave a nod to fair play by including it as well. Worst case, she figured? Well, the two could go all out against each other without worrying as much about killing each other.

Standard: Casting Blessing of Protection (Sequenced Mass Spell Resistance + Mass Shield of Faith + Mass Conviction) over all allies, including Siegebreaker and the dwarf. All targets receive +7 Morale on saves for 180 minutes; +7 Deflection to AC and SR 30 for 18 minutes.

Current Status (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?331916-Ascension-of-Aeternus-OOC&p=17019479#post17019479)

2015-12-22, 12:35 AM
"And Army of One produces two replications, not four, and not for longer than an instant. Unless you have breathed new life into it? But as I said. If you do not understand, I will inform. Now it is my turn to attack with Army of One. Pay attention." She moves now, two of her running parallel, closing in on the Eastern Siegebreaker. She flies into an assault on both sides, launching a flurry of attacks of gauntlet and blade in a myriad of techniques.

Full-Round Action: Army of One.

Mirabelle A:
Full Attack:
Lesson: Crit range of 15-20.
One: Streak of Lightning
Effect: Blinded if hit.
Attack: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Sneak Attack: [roll3]
Attack: [roll4]
Crit Confirm: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]
Sneak Attack: [roll7]
Attack: [roll8]
Crit Confirm: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]
Sneak Attack: [roll11]

Claw: Crit range of 19-20.
One: Soaring Raptor Strike
Effect: Make Jump Check vs. Opponents AC. If successful, make attack. If not, no attack.
Jump: [roll12]
Attack: [roll13]
Crit Confirm: [roll14]
Damage: [roll15]
Sneak Attack: [roll16]
Soaring Raptor Strike: [roll17]
Attack: [roll18]
Crit Confirm: [roll19]
Damage: [roll20]
Sneak Attack: [roll21]
Attack: [roll22]
Crit Confirm: [roll23]
Damage: [roll24]
Sneak Attack: [roll25]

Mirabelle B:
Full Attack:
Lesson: Crit range of 15-20.
One: Diamond Nightmare Blade
Effect: Concentration Check vs. Opponent's AC. If successful, attack deals x4 damage. If unsuccessful, -2 penalty to hit.
Concentration: [roll26]
Attack: [roll27]
Crit Confirm: [roll28]
Damage: [roll29]
Sneak Attack: [roll30]
Attack: [roll31]
Crit Confirm: [roll32]
Damage: [roll33]
Sneak Attack: [roll34]
Attack: [roll35]
Crit Confirm: [roll36]
Damage: [roll37]
Sneak Attack: [roll38]

Claw: Crit range of 19-20.
One: Hydra Slaying Strike
Effect: If hit, cannot make full attack.
Attack: [roll39]
Crit Confirm: [roll40]
Damage: [roll41]
Sneak Attack: [roll42]
Attack: [roll43]
Crit Confirm: [roll44]
Damage: [roll45]
Sneak Attack: [roll46]
Attack: [roll47]
Crit Confirm: [roll48]
Damage: [roll49]
Sneak Attack: [roll50]

If criticals are had, here are my recovery conditions and their priorities:
Streak of Lightning until successful.
Hydra Slaying Strike until successful.
If SoL and HSS are successful, then recover Army of One, Diamond Nightmare Blade and Soaring Raptor Strike in this order.

If Siegebreaker asks for mercy, Mirabelle immediately stops.

Mirabelle uses Deny if attacked, if Hydra Slaying Strike is unsuccessful.

Attack: [roll51]
Crit Confirm: [roll52]
Damage: [roll53]

2015-12-22, 12:39 AM
Ezekiel sends Jeremiah back an affirmative. He supposes there's something to be said for avarice in the end. Keep me updated on the status of the refugees, he tells his right-hand-man.

Once the target was acquired, Ezekiel's gaze immediately turned to the skies. We've accomplished our mission, he said, bow at the ready. Let's take her and get out before we draw the attention of the forces within the city. He could see the benefit to playing along with the Blitz Knight's game--every scrap of intel they can gather on Aeternus could turn the tide. But with the civilian in tow, her safety should be their top priority.

The moment he spotted the glint of Blitz Knight armor in the distance, he uttered powerful arcane words. With an odd feeling of displacement, he sensed his body begin to shunt between the Material and the Ethereal planes. Laurina, stay with the civilian. What spells do you have prepared that will be most useful here?

He takes a step closer to Lyra as he judges the trajectory of his future arrows. Lady Alden, I will try to pick off those Blitz Knights I can before they are upon us. Could you prepare to cast a Wall of Force when they are too close to adjust their course?

A slight adjustment is made to his demeanor and mannerisms--he exudes a caring that blankets his allies, encouraging them to better defend themselves and avoid dangerous blows.

Current buffs:
Greater Blink (50% miss chance for 16 rounds)
GMW (+4 enhancement bonus to bow and pistol for 170 minutes)
Greater Magic Vestment (+7 enhancement for buckler and armor for 220 minutes)
Conviction (+7 Morale to saves for 220 minutes).
Barkskin (+7 Natural armor for 220 minutes).
Blessing of Protection (+7 Deflection AC and SR 30 for 29 minutes)

Auras (allies within 60ft):
Master of Opportunity (+3 Dodge bonus to AC vs AoO's)
Motivate Care (+8 Dodge bonus to AC)
Aura of Courage (+5 Morale bonus to-hit/damage/saves vs fear)

2015-12-22, 01:22 AM
Gilana looks back over the living quarters and the sleeping personnel, briefly, before advancing towards the heavier door. She tightens the grip on the steel in her hands, telling herself it was to stop the shaking, side-effect of slipping through time.

She opens the channel, speaking to Tyrene and Azerrett through Valen's bond. "Past the first set of doors, turn left, past the living quarters. There I found a heavily reinforced gate, but no active guards. I will try to see what's beyond it." Floating over the debris, she peers into the tinted glass trying to make sense of what is on the other side. She takes a deep breath before continuing. "I saw 9 men on my way here, the two guards, two researchers down the hall and five asleep in the living quarters."

"No magical defenses, as of yet. I doubt it will work, but I am testing Teleportation as we speak. If it does though, I can bring you all here." Once satisfied with looking past the tinted glass, the schismed mind attempts to take her back to the landing site.

Spot, if applicable [roll0], to see into the tinted glass

Free/Move: Move up to the door and peer through the glass
Schism: Attempts to Psionic Teleport (5pp) back to the others
Standard if the above succeeded: Dimension Door back to the reinforced double door with the others
Standard if the above fails and I can still act: ready an action to use a Stunning Gaze on any threats that approach.

2015-12-22, 02:03 AM
Logan's Lab, ?:

The glass is too tinted to see beyond the second set of doors. When Gilana teleports she feels like she's hit by a boulder as she hits the floor of a 5x5 adamantine cell. As she gets up she can feel her psionics and magic being suppressed, and hears footsteps of someone running out of the adjacent room. "Notify security! Got an intruder in the redirect trap!" Through the small grating in the locked door she catches a glimpse of Florikeme paladin armor before it moves out of view. Another paladin enters the room and simply glares at Gilana from the other side of the door. "Who're you with? How did you find this place?"

Florence Capitol Ruins:

Siegebreaker manages to weave around the first duplicate's initial attacks, but the first two strikes from the other connect, causing it to stagger back and its other copies to disappear. "I yield!" When the blows come to a stop, it makes a strange chuckle then speaks. "So that's what it's like to fight a real warrior . . . though I do wonder why you haven't reached the same potential of Army of One as I have. I can't explain it personally, since the understanding of that discipline is as much a part of me as the machinery that allows me to move. Lack of contrast, as you might guess." It hunches over and leans against a nearby pile of rubble. "I am of a second generation of the Blitz Knight model, without the requirement of a passenger to puppet. My kind are able to safely protect and carry passengers who wish to wear us like armor, but I doubt it is a feature intended for anyone but Aeternus. Each of us is an experiment. Each a different attempt at building a mind from scratch, and with different abilities to put to the test. You will definitely encounter my siblings, but they have their own personalities and abilities, most of which I am unaware of. I do not know our full numbers, only a couple dozen were set for deployment before I left, but there are designs to spare for many times that amount." The dents and gashes in the armor slowly begin to mold back to their original shape, but look likely to take several minutes. "Aeternus' main factory exists in something that is similar to a demiplane, but can only be accessed through specific physically constructed gates. There's a small facility in high orbit around this planet that I exited from to get here, and the moon that haunts the land to the north contains another by design. Other access points likely exist, but I don't know of them. Other machines under Aeternus' command lack their own minds, but only have basic orders and tactics to follow. Many are used as passive defense, and all that will fight from this point on will almost certainly have one of my kind as a commander unit. What else do you wish to know?"

Lauria moves the civilian to take cover behind the rubble. "I've got one Displacement, but the invisibility took my second-level spells and the ones I have set for first probably won't make a difference if those things get close."

As she hunkers down with the dwarf Sargoun moves forward. "I can create a wall of stone to sandwich them against the wall of force when they collide. It won't hold as much the real thing but it should help."

2015-12-22, 02:25 AM
"Great," Lyra said, just a bit deadpan, as the Blitz Knight yielded. "Shall we get out of here, or are we blasting some Blitz Knights first? And if the latter...no. I absolutely refuse to cast a Wall of Force in their way," she said, before cracking a smirk. "Now, a Prismatic Wall, on the other hand..."

If everyone groups up for a teleport, I'll teleport us back to Drybowl. We've only got Lyra, Mirabelle, Ezekiel, Sargoun, Lauria, and the dwarf, right? If so, I'm not opposed to bringing Siegebreaker if it wants to come and we think it'll be more of an asset than a risk, but I honestly don't know if it will be, so Lyra's not making the call one way or another.

If everyone doesn't group up, Readying an action to cast a Prismatic Wall so that as many Blitz Knights as possible crash into it once they're in range.

2015-12-22, 02:37 AM
Ask it how many of those disintegration creatures it knows exists, Ezekiel says, a bit perplexed at the seemingly abrupt ending to the duel. Though given my druthers, I'd rather get us all out of here before those things get a chance to land. Whether we leave or stay, decide quickly.

Still within arm's reach of Lyra, he pulls back his bowstring and breathes evenly. In, then out, as he looses a barrage of arrows at the oncoming swarm. The arrows careen unerringly despite the great distance, speeding to meet the Blitz Knights on the edge of the formation. If Mirabelle groups together to Lyra, he orders Lauria to bring the civilian back for the Teleport and places his hand on Lyra's shoulder once his volley is ended.

Full attack with normal arrows. No penalty for range due to Sagittarius class feature. Aiming for the ones on the sides that would be most likely to avoid the wall if Lyra puts it up. Concentrate on one until it's gone, then move onto the next if he has the attacks left.











Current buffs:
Greater Blink (50% miss chance for 15 rounds)
GMW (+4 enhancement bonus to bow and pistol for 170 minutes)
Greater Magic Vestment (+7 enhancement for buckler and armor for 220 minutes)
Conviction (+7 Morale to saves for 220 minutes).
Barkskin (+7 Natural armor for 220 minutes).
Blessing of Protection (+7 Deflection AC and SR 30 for 29 minutes)

Auras (allies within 60ft):
Master of Opportunity (+3 Dodge bonus to AC vs AoO's)
Motivate Care (+8 Dodge bonus to AC)
Aura of Courage (+5 Morale bonus to-hit/damage/saves vs fear)

2015-12-22, 05:40 PM
Gilana was glad that none of those she had arrived with could see her in this state. She announced her intentions, at least. She did not arrive and could no longer be reached, it should be enough for them to realize there was a teleport trap.

She stands, leaving the psychic sword on the floor and holding tight to her now helpless crystal. It was awkward getting used to the lack of unearthly grace and complete dependence on her physical strength. It seems she will be absent in the bloodbath, she would have to present her case and hope to open a dialogue. A pity. They got the destination, a path to the second level, and the warning from her, they could handle the rest. Still, she eyes the grate on her way up before looking at her captor, matching the glare with a firm gaze.

She gathers what dignity she has left while within the cell and answers. "I am with those who claim that what is being done here will devour the plane of shadows. How I got here? What little remained of one of the volunteers showed me the way when I made a promise to him." She pauses, now glaring at him just as firmly as he glared at her. "I have seen first hand just how quickly the fire your are playing with can spread. Tell me, is the Grand Crusader here?"

Minus magic, diplomacy would be at +20 Ranks, +7 Cha, +4 Synergy, +3 Psicrystal and -1 Shaken, so +33.

Spot [roll0] check to see if there is any indication of there being magic beyond the cell, past the door.

2015-12-23, 12:43 AM
"I have many, as will my companions, but I have one that demands your immediate answer. Will you not come with me? I will take you as my student, and can train you in Army of One, and the other styles, as you wish to improve. I believe you have been made to see Army of One as an alternative to working alongside another, but this was never to be the case, as I can show you. If you seek knowledge, I have it of all styles of every era of every people. I can tell you of Shadow Hand and Tiger Claw and Black Rain. Of Diamond Mind and Storm Soul, and how they fought. I can tell you of the original Grandmaster. I can help you find the Way, and your place in it." She sheathes Lesson, now that it is over. She raises a gauntlet, and claws at the air, the universe moving with her motion, and waits. She changes her stance, her footing slightly different, and thunder can be heard all around her in a low rumble, and the wind picks up around her. "And I will make sure no harm comes to you if you do. Many will be angered with you. Many will want to poke and prod. But I will ensure that none go farther than what you wish. This is what Stone Dragon can teach you. If you agree, take my hand, and wait with me as they come."

Using Displaced Force. Assuming they don't know what I'm doing, they should count as Flat-Footed against it, right? And if they are charging, they have a -2 penalty to AC.

Slashing with a Gauntlet. Delay of 2 rounds if they're 2 rounds out, 1 round if they're one round out.

Damage: [roll0]
Sneak Attack: [roll1]

x3.5 with a 2 round delay, or just x2 with a 1 round delay.

Assuming the Step of the Four Winds Stance. Can teleport as a free action once a round, anywhere within 60 ft.. Readying to teleport as soon as they get hit with Displaced Force.

2015-12-29, 08:39 AM
Tyrene does not walk, she does not stride, not even run. No, she moves like the sirene does when on the land, when there is no water around her, when her body is touched by the hated air. She dances. She dances to the tune of her heart, and the song spreads from her. She sees the doors burst, and a moment later she hears Gilana. Immediately she gives her instructions. She weaves around herself, and from her pit, death emerges. First come her carriers, avanti skeletons. They march off, ready to do their duty. to remove the sleepers, and to bring their bodies to their queen. A moment later the giants come, one by one, the first two following behind the smaller skeletons, while the other four form up around the princess. She still sings: "All on your own
here you stand
are you humble, are you ghost
you're on a limb to climb
to something lawless I hope
you are humble, you are ghost
you'll find a way
to look towards this day
got it all hooked up
this could only go one way
oh oh ohohoh
You're not alive
You're not alive enough"

But then she notices. Gilana is gone. That can only mean a trap. And no one prepares a snare for one of the fey. One the beautiful ladies of all that is. Gilana might be a fool, but she won't stand for an insult like this. Mentally her order is simple. Kill everyone you find and bring them to me. Carriers, into the sleeping quarters and kill the sleepers. No mercy. Only joy.

Dozens of birds emerge from her pit, they drip salty water, and circle over the four giants, always remaining close.

The bonus goes to five of the giants. Tyrene keeps singing, and follows behind where Gilana went. The carriers are the vanguard, they have an easier time through the doors, but they have two giants as backup. The other four are around Tyrene, who follows behind. The ravens fly abover her. She keeps the rest of her undead in reserve.

2016-01-09, 01:28 AM
Florence Capitol Ruins:

As the blitz knights come into range, everyone notices that one of them is significantly larger, and with unique design. Only a few of the group actually target Lyra and Ezekiel, eating the arrows and prismatic wall while the rest go around to converge on Mirabelle and Siegebreaker. "Traitor!" The leader of the formation shouts as its right arm splits apart and charges with bright arcs of electricity. The workings are only visible for a split second before Displaced Force kicks in, obliterating most of the remaining formation and causing the leader to recoil and fall to the ground.

When Mirabelle teleports Siegebreaker over to the rest of the group she sees a plasma-filled explosion come from where the formation leader landed. "We're too close to fight it like this! We need to go!" Siegebreaker shouts just before Lyra gets everyone back to Drybowl.

Drybowl Capitol:

Some heads turn in the main street, as usual for when teleportation directly arrives in the city, but more heads turn until the entire crowd is staring at Siegebreaker's imposing stature. It looks around and the red light in its helmet gash flickers a little. "Desert climate . . . no battle damage to the city . . ." A mechanical noise is heard from within its chest before it launches skyward with a powerful gust of air from its thrusters, it makes a quick twist in the air and falls back to land. "Put the city on alert and get eyeglasses towards the southern horizon." Siegebreaker looks towards Mirabelle. "I found the Citadel Blade, and know who is wielding it."

Logan's Lab, ???:

The guard looks at Gilana suspiciously and snorts. "Got nothin' to say to someone tellin' us to back down. You'll get your answers once we get ours out of you."

"Who is that? I remember the voice." Someone says from out of view.

The guard turns. "Security breach into the demiplane, we'll sort it out soon."

Hoofsteps echo into the room as Terressa walks into view, looking exactly as if nothing changed since before she became Unity. "I remember now. The conference and at Valen's laboratory. How did you get here, Gilana?"

Logan's Lab, Entry Point:

The undead swarm into the hallway, leaving the two surprised guards to instantly fall to the shadowcasters, one by blade and the other trapped in a cube of darkness. Azerrett moves past the chaos and turns the other way in the hallway. "I'll lead this direction, let's hope Gilana is still alive." The glow of fire is visible from beyond the direction of the hallway after she moves out of sight.

In Tyrene's route, she sees one of the two personnel in the hallway run for their life while two of the carriers maul the other. The undead haven't reached the sleeping quarters yet as they're preoccupied with their first victim.

2016-01-09, 05:12 PM
Gilana shakes her head and holds her tongue at the guard's reaction. What else could she expect from one of Logan's true believers though? She finds herself pausing, trying to find an answer that would get her on the other side of the cell's door, that is until the guard is no longer alone.

"Terressa? But, how? What happened to you back in the laboratory?" She stops, closing her eyes, the hand that holds her crystal going to her brow. She had limited time. "My own doubts do not matter then, fine, fine."

"The astral is free, I just made the jump here. You want to know how I knew the way though... I was not alone when we met at the laboratory. I was saved in Florikeme by a dark soldier, I tried to do the same to him only to become one with its remains. It spoke to me, it reasoned, I treated it as a guest, thought it was still human. I was wrong. I hid it from you back then, but when I asked an... old friend to look into it and calm my doubts, it took control and tried to make sure I could no longer interfere. Terressa, were you also there to see what was left of me after that? To see what it took to resurrect me?"

"I learned the way from Arondel, the volunteer that became, that was, that dark soldier. I found what remained of his mind in my own, while trying to stand against the guest's coup. There was still enough to show me the path. In his own words, he did not even have a soul to feel regret anymore. He just asked that I find Logan and help him. That I stop him from making a mistake... even after all his faith had cost him, he still idolized the Grand Crusader."

"That is why I am here. In hours the guest took everything from me, after it had done the same to Arondel. I gave what remained of him my word... Now, what else do you want from me?"

2016-01-09, 05:42 PM
Once they touch down in Drybowl Ezekiel monitors the reaction of the bystanders. They don't seem to be reacting negatively--but then again, they'd probably never seen the regular Blitz Knights up close.

He takes Siegebreaker's comments in stride, treating the intel as seriously as a heart attack. Jeremiah, we have in our company an advanced Blitz Knight gone rogue. Taller than normal, one red light on its face. Send the word that it is not to be harmed unless it becomes hostile; it is a ward of Lady Mirabelle.

We saw a group of Blitz Knights attack it before we left--I believe we can trust it, at least for now. It has warned us to mobilize and look to the southern horizon. Inform the various leaders immediately and get a squad atop the southern wall. Markus, Tully, tell the able Aegis to get ready to mobilize soon.

He turns his mind to the slightly foreign mind that he had recently been introduced to and says, Valen, what's the status on the rifle? We have intel there may be hostiles on the way from the south, I may need it soon.

What did you see? he asks Siegebreaker, tone slipping into that of a commanding officer toward an unknown enemy.

2016-01-11, 05:50 AM
Still singing Tyrene advances: love is to die
love is to not die
love is to dance

all on your own
its confirmed
there's no world to compromise
you really see nothing of this girl
they look, they don't know
the roots behind
because I've got a knife
to cut out the memories
so carefully
too carefully
it's not necessary
to be so dark

She watches death come and go, and sees that hers are slow, they do not strike as they must. For a moment her hand twists, and dark energy strikes all those she sees. She smiles, turning on her axis, while still going forwards, to coat the place in death. All the bodies are carried to her, dragged to her, soon they will live again, and they will finally do what all must, they will serve.

Keeping up the magic and using a mass inflict moderate wounds for [roll0] damage to each of them.

2016-01-11, 07:21 PM
Logan's Demiplane, Holding Cell:

"Azerrett convinced me that we were incomplete individually, and that we would be whole if we combined. Though she won't admit it, I'm certain she was already planning to overtake my body from the start. My soul was finally rejected back in Drybowl, but I was fortunate enough to blindly wander into Logan, who has provided me with the means to take back what is mine. And I saw what happened to you, it was a gruesome affair. I trust you, and when I told Logan about what happened he was remorseful." Terressa steps towards the door. "Let's go talk to him right now, try to come to an understanding over the situation."

The guard steps to move in between her and the door. "I don't care who you are, we leave the intruder here until the Grand Crusader gives instructions otherw-" In an instant, one of Terressa's wings turns black and extends towards the guard, pinning him against the wall like obsidian tree branches as he makes gasping sounds from out of view.

"She gets to leave." Terressa's voice becomes much more intense and aggressive, and her other wing turns black and loses enough shape to pry the cell door open for Gilana. "I do apologize for how they've treated you, shall we go?" Her tone returns to normal as the wing that pried open the door retracts back into its original shape and color.

Logan's Demiplane, Outer Layer:

The negative energy finishes off the nearest of the two victims, and the other is quickly run down by the ravens and lead carriers. As Tyrene approaches the sleeping quarters she feels a blast of positive energy as the two carriers and ten ravens in front of the doorway turn to dust, and then another eight ravens disappear to a second turning blast as they hit the doorway. Voices are heard from inside. "Undead assault! Sound the alarm! We'll alternate turning blasts to hold them back!" When she looks through the doorway she sees two paladins in pajamas move towards the door to the inner hallway while trying to get the third person to snap awake. They have their swords and holy symbols but their armor is still by their beds.

2016-01-12, 06:34 AM
Tyrene almost giggles, this is going to be very entertaining. She knows that she has to do this herself. With unnatural speed she dances forwards, still singing, still beautiful. She smiles, and death comes. Spreading from her fingers, all around her, striking the beautiful soft water, and exposing it all to the air she hates.

"got to give in
got to give in
alert to the night
the last time I alter you mind
You give in
got to give in"

Her song never stops, it may only change in tune. She is the sirene, she knows that she is greater than any other. And there is nothing she wouldn't do for herself.
Tyrene blasts them with a horrid wilting, for [roll0] damage.

2016-01-12, 08:59 PM
An arm goes up protect herself as Terressa opens the cell. Eyes wide, nodding, she goes back to the psychic blade and picks it up carefully, her mind racing. Crystal to a pocket on her cloak, her old longsword ready on her free hand and the holy one still held on her gloved hand. After the display, she held the last one tighter, ready to hear what it might tell her. She was conflicted, but makes up her mind before turning back to her amorphous-winged savior.

"It is of no consequence, do not worry." She speaks as she moves to the cell's entrance. "Yes, let us find him, but first, if you can contact him, please tell him that all personal must get away from the landing area or any routes between it and the center of the facility. They would have come without me, it was the first thing they made clear to me when I came back, remember? Regardless, their strike team will kill anyone on sight... they are trying to stop a threat they deemed greater than Aeternus, after all... Still, I would prefer less blood be spilled."

She steps into the hall, watching the where the obsidian branches lead, and wondering how familiar her jailer's predicament would be. Her eyes on on that as she concentrates on her gloved hand and where the sword it holds wishes to go.

2016-01-16, 03:09 PM
Memories of past lives flood her mind. The diplomatic, charismatic woman who served as the Raven's master. Sisters in the Way. Betrayal and blood from the shadows. Promises. No body. Just a grave and a hiding place and eons of dust on memories. "And I need to know if they are worthy. Come. You will meet the other students. Who holds the blade of my fraternal sister?"

2016-01-16, 07:08 PM
Drybowl Capitol:

"It's intact, we've mainly been examining its operation in detail with divination, while attempting to replicate the base frame. Each material type we use as the frame begins to crack or deform during test firing, and the accuracy suffers. We still haven't had results in attempting to smith the new metals from the enemy units, so I can't test any of those yet. I'm on my way to meet you. Do you know what we're up against?"

"They're forming up on the horizon, a mixed unit of second generation blitz knights and devaston walkers, totaling in several thousand. The leader unit is a commander variant designated Minerva, who holds the Citadel Blade. I don't know how much of the White Raven they know, but it's a secondary function for them. The main modification on Minerva is the propulsion drive. Every commander variant is able to connect to any elemental plane for propulsion methods, not just the Plane of Water. Minerva's propulsion drive is modified to draw a much larger bandwidth of material from those planes, dispersing it into the air as a limited form of weather control. Storm clouds have already formed to the south, and are likely intended to alter the nearby sand dunes into a more suitable environment for the attacking force. They likely won't begin their assault until the weather finishes playing out in their favor." Siegebreaker looks directly at Mirabelle. "I cannot answer whether Minerva is worthy. We are all built and programmed with our own will, which is what allowed me to defect, but many are still loyal to Aeternus, or obedient out of indifference for matters greater than themselves. I would not recommend trying to turn Minerva under these circumstances, if that is your intention."

"Finally, there is the possibility of other blitz commanders within that army that are staying out of sight. Since each one has at least one unique component to their design that can greatly alter their tactics, I would recommend that we avoid confronting them directly until their abilities are known. I do not know all of the unique modifications among them, and I still don't fully understand quite a few of the ones I do."

Logan's Lab, Sleeping Quarters:

The two paladins become pale and gaunt from the blast, but they still stand. The third begins to wake up but is groggy from both the exhaustion and the spell, and all they can do is leave him and run. They freeze right when they get to the door, and standing still with terror on their faces as Fafnir enters the sleeping quarters with the rest of their half of the assault group. He moves to the other end of the room to make sure no one is inside the washrooms as he maintains whatever charm is holding the paladins in place. "I'm sensing distress from the closest people in the second layer of this place, they already know something is up."

Logan's Lab, Holding Cell:

As Gilana steps out of the cell she feels the holy weapon try to push away from Terressa, now feeling as though gravity for it works sideways instead of downwards. "The ooze? I guess it does scare them, but they don't understand it. It's like any weapon, a tool that doesn't possess it's own malice or empathy, and only does what the wielder makes it do. It's given me a body that will allow me to take back my original when the time is right. Your bad experience with it was most likely caused by the fact that the portion you had was from a previous owner, and the lingering effects of his psyche." Terressa retracts her other wing to its original shape, letting the guard slide back down the wall and gasp for breath. "I just sent word to evacuate the plane, fortunately we won't have to stay in order to meet Logan. There's a place on the other side of the facility that allows plane shifting, we'll leave from there." As the unicorn steps out of the room Gilana realizes that this is connected to the central chamber where she saw the main mass of the ooze in Arondel's memories. But when she gets a better look, she sees the room as it should, but the center of the chamber is empty. No ooze, no antichrome crystals, though the suspension devices lodged into the floor and ceiling are still there.

2016-01-17, 04:16 PM
Lyra grimaced, and quickly sent through the mindlink they had established warnings of the incoming forces, both so the other team was aware and so the defenders at Drybowl could begin the necessary preparations. "Any guess on how long their weather-manipulating will take?" Lyra asked, already considering possibilities for a boosted Control Weather ritual...

Considering possibilities for a boosted Control Weather ritual.

Spellcraft: [roll0].
Knowledge (Arcana): [roll1].

And let's go ahead and toss in some Knowledge (Nature) to be thorough: [roll2].

2016-01-18, 06:49 AM
Tyrene answers telepathically, not wanting to waste her song on mere words: "Then we must advance quickly. They might have places meant for evacuation, we must find them first. And once that is done, we take the rest. Unfortunately, time is limited now, otherwise these would answer our questions. But I have an idea."

She knows what to do, she sings, approaching the sleepy paladin. She places her true power in her song, not the power of death, but the power of beauty. The greatest power of all. She smiles, briefly touching her prey. She isn't threatening, she only is beautiful, and her voice is the herald of everything that is good. She locks her eyes onto the paladin's: "Dance with me, I want to be your partner
Can't you see the music is just starting
Night is falling, and I am falling
Dance with me"

She whispers into his ear, smiling, singing the words: "Won't you dance with me? I only want us all to be happy."

So, again the charming song (DC 26), which will hopefully work on the paladins. Aside from that, I fear that Fascinate can't be used, as there already is a bit of combat going on.

2016-01-18, 10:52 AM
Briefly, Gilana turns to the jailer in sympathy. She sends a short message, bounced from her mind, to the psicrystal, to his. <<I am sorry>>

Gilana followed, and found herself hesitating, holding her tongue. "It is not something I have turned a blind eye on... The circumstances may have been unique, but the fact that they could occur... Arondel was blinded, thrust into the Shadows, and was run through by a knight as I was, all at once. That was enough for him to crumble under the weight he held. The result lacked empathy, I can assure you of that... It had nothing but self preservation in mind."

...and self preservation without empathy is hardly different from malice when you have others to sacrifice. That was not Arondel, Terressa... He lacked the former and surged with the later, he was the sacrifice. The guest somehow erased all that from him and took what remained as its own. Until she had the location, she could not bring herself to say those things though. For Terressa's sake, if this was her, she could not let her doubt her guest.

"Still, the fact that it happened once worries me. It came over me, but by the end, is was plotting to take others as well, and grow. If Aeternus could control Atropus, I do not want to think what he could do with a sample of what I lost my body and mind to." She pauses in the central chamber, eyes locked on the strange devices. "It is strange... I had memory of this place before I ever visited it. There are differences though, where has the weapon gone?" She tries to ask this question lightly, with tempered worry. Internally though, there was building dread, a fear that she may have been too late.

She goes to Valen's telepathic bond, and tries to reach out to the rest of the strike team.

"Can anyone hear me? There is a redirecting trap leading to null magic cells, which are connected to the center area. The mass of ooze is gone... I may be able to reach Logan, he may be in another plane. If that is the case, I will send my crystal back here, with the location."

I'm not sure if the above needs one, but Gilana's Bluff check is at +21

She'll grant her psicrystal mobility as she follows Terressa, and if we approach the area where Planeshift is allowed, she'll manifest a Moment of Prescience, hiding the display.

2016-01-18, 04:28 PM
A force of Blitz Knights numbering in the several thousand. They're led by a Blitz Commander similar in power to the rogue agent. It wields one of the weapons Mirabelle is intent on recovering and is skilled in its martial discipline, and can draw energy from any Plane for propulsion, not just the Plane of Water. It has the ability to manipulate the weather to a certain degree; it intends to alter the sand dunes to their advantage before the battle begins. Lady Alden seems intent on devising a ritual of Control Weather herself--Jeremiah, send a runner to inform Sir Karl so they can collaborate.

Bring the rifle with you when you come, Sir Valen. I'd like to see if its scope can reach to see the horde; perhaps it can help identify the leaders. As well, have you been able to enchant it with the replication enchantment?

He takes a step closer to Siegebreaker, locking eyes with its scarred visage. We have several ranged weapons designed by Aeternus, he says, taking out the pistol at his belt and proffering it for the Knight to see. This one, one with a cylindrical barrel, and a rifle that looks similar to a great crossbow. Tell me all you know of them: what materials are used in their construction? Do the explosive rounds of the rifle detonate on impact with living creatures?

2016-01-21, 11:36 PM
Logan's Lab, Central Layer:

Understood, we need to lock down the plane in case that portion is still here. Can you find where the personnel can exit this plane from aside from where we entered?

Terressa continues through the chamber, quickly leading Gilana to the second layer on the opposite side from the assault. "Maybe you're associating that behavior with the ooze simply because you don't want to accept that Arondel could change that much? Battle trauma can completely transform people, and in his situation would definitely be more extreme than what usually scars soldiers. It should be kept out of Aeternus' reach, and that is why Logan decided that all of the ooze should be utilized. He believes that it is possible that any storage location is unsafe, so the best thing to do is make sure none of it goes to waste. We're going to his temporary base of operations in the Material Plane, there's a prison in the northern Frostfell that was used for the worst of the spies and criminals captured in Florikeme. Apparently it's been out of use for a while, but it's a structure that's as hard to break into as it is to break out of, and the cold might hold back some of those machines."

The glow of flame comes from the right as they continue forward, and Gilana can faintly hear arcane verbal components right before each blast. "She's getting close, and I won't fight her for now if she's going to cling to backup." They reach the chamber, identical to the one that Gilana entered through. "Ready to leave? I'll be sure to land us close to the prison so we aren't stuck in the cold for long."

Logan's Lab, Sleeping Quarters:

The paladin trying to wake up groggily gets on his feet and gives a warm smile to Tyrene. "I could go for a dance, pretty lady, my shift shouldn't start for a while." He begins to sway with the music and doesn't seem to pay any mind to the presence of the assault team.

Fafnir moves past and approaches the paladins that he has under control and examines their equipment before continuing into the next hallway ahead.

Drybowl Capitol:

They must have figured out the sandstorm barrier. They're probably intending soak the dunes in a rainstorm so the sand can't blow in the wind, if not outright freeze them so they provide better footing. The city will be vulnerable if their plan goes through. I've put the replication enchantment on the rifle, but the explosive rounds don't seem to be functional with it yet, and it's gonna take a bit more than ten seconds for the enchantment to recharge between the normal shots. The others dealing with Logan are still occupied with their mission and can't reinforce right now.

Roger that. We have visual on the enemy, the warning seems to match up. Got eyes on the 'blitz commander', it's bent over and spewing out a lot of water into the sky, and there's a few dozen of the normal-sized units using their thrusters in place to help evaporate it faster. There's already clouds forming over them, but it doesn't look like enough to do anything to us yet.

"I can't estimate their preparation time, I don't have the requisite functional knowledge of Minerva's modifications to guess its proper output, and I do not know what conditions they are going for." Siegebreaker examines the pistol. "Projectile weaponry, some of the commander models have them built-in or the ability to wield normal versions. The material is different from what myself or the enemy units are made of, all I know is that these materials used are different alloys that were discovered by Aeternus, but the only kind I know anything about is my own. All blitz knight models are comprised of a lightweight alloy that is naturally softer, but hardens to exceed adamantine when moving at a high enough velocity. It's why we're at our best when we can do flyby tactics in the open, to keep our frames from being vulnerable. I do know about the explosive ammunition slightly. There's a natural metal that can be detonated for high yield through the correct mechanisms, unknown to the rest of the world but something Aeternus has been stockpiling. I don't know what the sensitivity of it is, but if it detonates on contact with terrain, then it will most likely trigger upon impacting bone as well."

Lyra knows that the spell Control Weather would be able to create a heatwave or a tornado in this region, but the base range will at-best cover most of the city, but not the surrounding sand dunes. It might be possible to generate other weather once the clouds made by the enemy get into range, but otherwise ritual hefty ritual magic will be needed to increase the range and manifestation speed of the new weather.

2016-01-24, 02:19 AM
Then we need to get started on countermeasures immediately. Lyra, my soldiers are informing every skilled ritualist in the city. I'm sure you've already begun to think of possible countermeasures, so I leave that to you.

Tristan, give me the sitrep on the status of the divination investigations. Jeremiah, how far out is the commander? Markus, Tully, begin mobilizing the battle-ready Aegis in coordination with the city's other defenses.

To Valen, he relays the information Siegebreaker told him of the weapon's materials and the ammo's make. Will that help guide your efforts?

Lady Alden, you should focus on sabotaging their weather control, he says with a firm voice. Siegebreaker, tell Mirabelle and me everything you know of Blitz Knight battle tactics. Do they receive orders directly from Aeternus or from the Commander? Will killing the Commander cause disarray in their formations?

2016-01-25, 03:01 PM
Tyrene takes the paladin's hands in her own. She hates him, the filthy disgusting air-breather, but she needs him, and she smiles warmly, like she so often does. She can look sweet, and so she does, a perfect, beautiful being. Not the monster from the deeps that she is often called, but a true angel. Not a hint of malice in her eyes, all of her cruel heart covered by warmth and smiles.

She pulls him to his feet, still singing: "Oh you perfect stranger
Your being fills my heart with joy
Come you perfect strangers
Whisper to me your secret truths
My heart longs for knowing
As you know it longs for you
Dance with me, perfect stranger
Be a stranger no more
Tell me all of your heart
Tell me where all is kept
Come you perfect stranger
Whisper into my ear."

She keeps looking into his eyes, telling him to tell her everything. No, not commanding, only suggesting, in her irresistible way.

2016-01-25, 10:48 PM
No... it appears it has been used. Logan and those that have fused with it are on the material plane, in the northern Frostfell, in an unused prison that once kept criminals and spies... I am being led there by Azarett's other half, she was a willing volunteer.

She also seems to trust me. If scrutinized by whatever divine insight remains on Logan's side or by what voices are now whispering in their ears, I do not know if that trust will remain whole. Until that happens though, I think this is the fastest way to find them. I will maintain this link as long as I am able.

Once I find the prison, I will send my psicrystal to where you can reach it. If a memory was enough, physically being there should be as well. Best to be safe, I do not know what wards may be in place there.

"I do not know Terressa, whether it was Arondel or something else wearing his remains, that guest staged a coup on my body and mind that we both lost." She takes a deep breath. "I am sorry if I am hesitant, I think I may have seen the best and worst that the weapon can offer. If it has been used, then I hope my insight can be useful. I just urge you not to lower your guard against it."

She follows, and once they reach the other unlocked section of the facility, she nods, slowly. "Just give me a moment to cast a few protective spells. This body was a gift, I will not endanger it recklessly."

I am at the other exit point. Let me describe the facility's layout to the best of my abilities, in case there is something more here.

Casting Endure Elements + Resist Energy (Cold) + Attune Form. Once they're up, she'll give Terressa the go ahead.

2016-01-26, 11:54 AM
"I can give Weather Control a try, but they're too far for me to cast it from here. Do you know if any of their weapons are effective out to, say, three miles? And do you or any of your guys have an invisibility spell they can spare? Ideally, I'd like to get closer to them, but I'd prefer not to be destroyed in doing so."

2016-01-29, 12:55 AM
I can have one of my arcanists give you an invisibility spell, Ezekiel replies. If you do go, I'll post another with you that can teleport and can get you out if they engage.

2016-02-03, 11:42 PM
Drybowl Capitol:

"I advise against approaching them." Siegebreaker interjects. "While it's not something we can keep constantly on, we have an alternate vision mode that perceives the world through heat distortions instead of light, meaning we can negate your invisibility methods if we suspect them to be in play. And any sort of footprints would likely be spotted as well. Their projectile weapons can likely hit you from several miles away if they resort to volume-of-fire tactics, and then you factor in how the Blitz Knights can converge on you in moments once they have your location."

Valen teleports to the group, about to say something before he gets a proper look at Siegebreaker. After a moment of odd staring between the two he speaks. "So you're Siegebreaker? I have quite a few questions for you but they'll have to wait until later." He turns to Lyra, Ezekiel and Mirabelle. "If they're taking their time to make sure they win this battle, then we'll need to consider this city to be a compromised location until we step up defensive countermeasures. I need to focus on implementing a long-term solution that matches the current problems, which means I need you to work with the rest of the leadership in this city to devise stalling tactics and fortifying the city in case they do get here before I'm done. I don't know how long this will take, but if it works we might finally be off the back foot with this war."

"That is a practical course of action. The other blitz commanders that destroy their targets early will likely converge on Drybowl if it still stands." Siegebreaker pauses before addressing Lyra's idea. "The desert heat will make thermal vision ineffective at longer ranges, so invisibility actually will be effective if the patrol radius is avoided. Just make sure you have a way to get back to safety in the event that they somehow spot you." It turns to face Mirabelle, holding out its sword hilt-first. "Before we move on, there is one thing I want to address now. You clearly hold importance to the blades of each Discipline. The Army of One never had a single weapon to truly embody it, until Aeternus invented this. Its only name is 'The Armory', and it is the closest thing this Discipline will have to its own blade. It is a modular weapon, changing between a sword, a spiked chain, a greataxe and a spear in the blink of an eye." It points to four small buttons on the grip, just below the hilt. "It has the property of being able to simultaneously hold different forms between different copies generated by the Army of One. As the current leader of the Sublime Way, I believe it is fitting that you take it and unearth whatever legacy it is meant to hold."
Logan's Lab, Secondary Reception Chamber:

Terressa nods and moves to cast, but stops as rushed wing sounds come from the hallway. In a flash Azerrett comes from around the corner, "Don't let her leave!" She fires off a ray spell, but Terressa swiftly reacts by ejecting a fist-sized sphere of the ooze from her shoulder to intercept it. The blob shimmers green as it hits the ground between them.

"You're working with her, Gilana? Don't answer, I don't want to hear any more lies. I have to make sure Logan knows about this, you and the rest of them." Terressa angrily plane shifts away, and the piece of ooze left behind begins to bubble and spike menacingly.

Azerrett beckons Gilana to outside the door. "Get away from that! We'll find Terressa with Logan, so we need to focus on keeping the rest of this facility contained so we can find his new base!"

Logan's Lab, Sleeping Quarters:

Terressa is intact but comprised of the ooze now, as well as dangerously proficient with it. She escaped the demiplane by sacrificing some mass to block a Dimensional Anchor. She's a real threat now, and potentially volatile if the ooze takes over.

The paladin moves to dance along with the singing. "I'm proud to be helping Logan with this project, even if it's only as security. Used to be one of the guards for the Frostfell prisons, keeping the worst criminals locked up and away from innocent people. Then Logan came by and had one of his soldiers use the power of the ooze to completely destroy every prisoner we had, converting the prison into an emergency bunker and bringing on most of us to help or volunteer with the ooze project. I wish I could do more, but I don't quite have the strength of mind to be a volunteer myself and I'm nowhere near smart enough to help the researchers." One of the shadowcasters nearby stops to listen to this conversation, then moves deeper into the facility.

2016-02-05, 07:27 PM
Gilana's arms go up in defense as the ray and mass clash. Eyes narrowed she watches Teressa leave, holding her tongue and taking her words to heart. She takes a deep breath, finally lowering her guard. "A moment more and she would have taken me there, Azerrett, for good or ill."

Slowly, she leaves the planar entrance and turns back to look at the dimension locked mass. I should have added her to the link, warned of my intent, but I did not want to betray her other half that clearly... That courtesy unraveled it though, but what would my fate had been if it fell apart before the ooze's court? If only, if only, if only... My words have brought me nothing in this fight, they seem to be a commodity that no one cares for.

She lets her weapon rest at her side and raises a hand towards the ooze in the distance, "I wonder how many will scorn me by this task's end." She turns slightly, addressing Azerrett. "Do you think there is any use in a tainted fragment of your other half? They will likely burn it too, I can save them the trouble, at least. She seemed intent in leaving through this room, I am not sure how many other exits there are though."

Unless there is some grand objection, she concentrates, losing herself in the act. She doesn't go all out, past experiences were remarkable lessons, but she tries to release enough to quench some anger and frustration, at least for now.

Manifesting an Empowered Celestial Conduit (9pp, Wild Surge for +2), aimed at the ooze, from at least 40 ft away.

Wild Surge: [roll0] want more than 10
Celestial Conduit: [roll1]*1.5 (the +18 is against undead only)

2016-02-06, 05:09 AM
Tyrene kept dancing, longing for the heart of the filth in her hands. She hates him, with all her being. But now she needs him. "There is more for you
More that you can do
Show me the way
Guide me the way
Let us dance by the heart
Guide us through every part
Unlock the way to ooze
Turn yourself loose"

She hasto be quick, but considers it safer to have a guide, and when she is don with him, she will taste blood, and he will suffer for his hideousness.

She keeps singing of course, it's about time that she shows more of her more dangerous side than mere necromancy.

2016-02-07, 03:06 AM
"An "The Armory"?" Mirabelle says, grasping onto the sword, testing the buttons, and testing their weight. "It is clumsy, but this is appropriate. Army of One was never a delicate thing. But, Siegebreaker, if I am holding to this, what is it you are to be holding?"

2016-02-10, 01:35 AM
Ezekiel nods. I'll get the Aegis assembled and begin fortifications, he says. He telepathically begins instructing Jeremiah to begin immediate preparations and to gather the other leaders for an immediate conference.

Lady Alden, give me but a few minutes and I can get an arcanist with a Teleport spell ready for you.

Sir Valen, is there anything we should be aware of with this idea you're implementing? he asks, his mind already racing with ideas of fortification strategies.

It's really late at night, so sorry for the short post and half-arsed leadership on Ezekiel's part. Is it possible I could roll, like, a BAB+Int check to see the quality of fortifications Ezekiel can come up with? If so: [roll0]

2016-02-11, 08:35 PM
Drybowl Capitol:

The Armory switches weapon states almost too fast for Mirabelle to see, the fine lines in the metal separating in order to collapse into itself and reform. The weapons themselves get across the feeling that the person who made them knows quite a bit about crafting weapons, but doesn't truly understand that knowledge. Solid form throughout, but the small details only smiths that are seasoned warriors take care for are not present. "Any well-built blade, axe or spear will suffice. I believe I am too reliant on the abilities built into me, after fighting your overwhelming display, and I need to resort to inferior weaponry to improve my basics."

Ezekiel takes in the defenses of the city. A thick sandstone wall extends twenty feet tall around the city itself, protecting against ground incursions, and the surface of the city itself seems to be reinforced to impede burrowing. No defensive emplacements of heavy weapons are visible, instead there are adjustable mithral barriers at thirty-foot intervals with small windows with just enough space to give an archer or a caster a way to aim through while in relative safety. From the looks of things the city must rely on Valen's sandstorm barrier for most defensive measures, only maintaining what few defenses they have in order to repel the creatures of the desert. There are no physical defenses against aerial incursions.

"I'll be laying down a large amount of geometry for ritual psionics by telekinetically placing ectoplasm and crystallizing it in place, so make sure no one breaks it. And once it kicks off, make sure that you're not outside of city walls, or at least have a way to evade and hide from that army if you end up stuck out there." Valen answers. "As long as nothing directly attacks it or myself, the city should be in one piece afterwards." He teleports away, and then his voice comes through the telepathy line. "I forgot to tell all of you, but those projectiles that the devaston walkers shoot are only antimagic at the tip. It's even possible to catch them with telekinesis as long as you focus on the rest of it, and any other countermeasures that can target that area should stop them."

Logan's Lab, Secondary Reception Chamber:

The remains of the ooze begins to form spikes and Gilana can sense it building up pressure, but the bolt of positive energy manages to leave a singed hole in the floor where it used to be before it can burst. "That's definitely not safe to keep. Who knows what that would have grown into if it managed to get a spike into one of us? We can't underestimate or show mercy to anyone that bears the ooze at this point." Azerrett nods towards the hallway. "Let's finish thi-" A long blade comes out of the wall and puts a significant gash into her, and she stops herself mid-cast as she realizes she can't hit whoever is on the other side. Gilana sees that the blade itself is changing in shape as it retracts, and can reason that the attacker as one of the ooze soldiers within an adjacent room opposite of the reception chamber. The slice in the wall is too thin to see anything through it, let alone have line of effect on whoever is on the other side.

Azerrett is trying to stand as she bleeds profusely from the gash in her chest, which at this angle clearly cut down into her organs. "Behind the wall! What was that weapon?"

Logan's Lab, Middle Layer:

The paladin nods and blissfully guides Tyrene through to the next hallway and through the reinforced door that Gilana described earlier. He then diverts to the right and opens a door that has been glamoured to blend into the wall. On the other side is a 30x30 armory with a dozen paladins fully armored and checking their weapons, turning to welcome their ally until they see Tyrene behind him. Their faces go stiff as they begin to brace for combat but terror can be seen in some of their eyes.

2016-02-12, 05:28 AM
Tyrene glides through the hallways, through all the doors. She smiles, she dances, and of course, she sings. She sees the other paladins, and for a moment she suspects treason. But there is no need for that. Her song is too strong to be broken. She is Tyrene.

She simply changes her tune, trying to lure all of them into her dance. She can always have them killed later on. Or do it herself for that matter. Killing isn't hard, but sometimes, just sometimes, it is a little boring. She much prefers taking their wills first, and so she sings, with all her grace she sings and she dances:

"Let's dance for fear
your grace should fall
Let's dance for fear tonight is all

Let's sway you could look into my eyes
Let's sway under the moonlight,
this serious moonlight"

2016-02-12, 05:56 PM
"It looked like someone who can wield Logan's weapon better than I ever did." Seeing the wound, Gilana shakes her head and reaches out through her temporary senses. She glides over the ground, then scorns the earth and dances onto the air. She feels the opening as best she can, looking for other such angles, before stopping between it and Azerrett. "Can you carry on?" She points the hand with the crystal bracelet at it and sends the command.

<<Breath, as with the doors>>

She commands an emerald breath from her psicrystal, aimed at where the blade came from and retreated to. To avoid the noise, she sends her thought at Azerrett, through the link, while she draws a deep breath.

Spot: [roll0] Touchsight for 100ft should be active. If she senses any other openings, she'll warn her of where another blade could strike from.

"Take to the air, stay behind me, away from the walls. I can fire at the blade as it comes, maybe slow it. Worse comes to worse, we can flee from the reception chamber or attempt to teleport and land in the cell as I did before."

She readies the holy blade, placing it between the nearest wall and herself. Any warning of a strike could be a difference.

Free: 2 10ft Steps, DC 40 each [roll1], [roll2]. She moves into the air, as per Scorn Earth, and tries to place at least 5ft between the ceiling/floor and herself. At the same times, she moves between the wall and Azerrett, but within 20ft of the wall, so that Gemstone Breath can reach.

Move: Recover Psionic Focus DC 20 [roll3]

Psicrystal's Standard: Empowered Gemstone Breath [roll4]*1.5, Deafen, DC 27 Reflex Half, Fortitude Negate

Gilana's Standard: Ready Action, Empowered Gemstone Breath aimed at any part of a volunteer that moves to attack her or Azerrett.

AC 46 (42 + 4 Improved Skirmish), Uncanny Dodge
HP: 190/190
PP: 252/335

2016-02-13, 01:15 AM
Logan's Lab, Paladin Armory:

Eight of the paladins fall under the influence of Tyrene's song, and the remaining four immediately move to cast Protection from Evil on their allies, turning the tides to a total of eight uncharmed paladins among the five that Tyrene has influenced. "Stand strong, we can hold her off until we have enough warding to force through!" One of them shouts over the singing.

Make a spot check.

Logan's Lab, Outer Layer Hallway:

Gilana's touchsight tells her that the volunteer shaped their blade to be thinner than parchment, and leaving a slice in the wall too thin to sense through. The psicrystal makes short work of the wall, though, and tears down the barrier to a room that looks less like a barracks and more towards civilian-inclined living quarters, likely of the researchers. A spray of crimson and obsidian comes off of the volunteer on the other side as the breath weapon tears through both real and emulated flesh. The soldier is a dwarven woman who looks like she deformed her limbs except her left arm to cling to the now-destroyed wall, in order to better swing with her bladed limb. As Azerrett flaps up to follow Gilana she casts Disintegration at the soldier, causing her to reel back in pain as the loss of blood and ooze mass becomes more apparent. She recoils and hardens her remnant of the ooze around herself, immobilizing under several inches of armor. In the same moment Gilana senses a blade come out of the ground below her, barely missing her. Her gemstone breath tears away the floor and reveals another ooze soldier, indistinct except for orcish stature under its artificial armor as its right arm mimics both greatsword and chain in order to attack the floor above it. It is standing in what must be a hallway for a lower level of the facility and has only taken light damage to its weapon arm. Wisps of darkness can be seen from around both directions of the hallway on Gilana's floor as sounds of other fighting get closer.

The dwarven volunteer is twenty feet over and ten feet down in the adjacent room. The orcish volunteer is forty feet directly below Gilana in the lower hallway.

2016-02-13, 02:48 PM
Gilana's eyes lock on the volunteer below her. "I am sorry it has come to this, but I will not lose my life to the weapon you wield. Not again." She descends, reading the holy longsword as if to strike. A lie, once his attention is on her approach her glance becomes piercing, stunning, an attempt to hold him in stupor.

She had already spilled blood and broken flesh. If it was her or them, then she will follow through. While her breath returned, her schismed mind goes to the biggest discernible threat, be it the foe below her or the one dwarven one to the side. A soft crackling followed by an electric burst engulfs them. After the flash of energy, the crackling continues.

Whatever the result, she returns to the air, concentrating, regrouping, passing what she had learned to all those she was linked to, in the off chance it could help them.

"The dark soldiers can stretch their limbs to almost flat, razor-like tendrils. They are striking from behind walls, from lower levels... Be careful."

Free: 10ft step directly down, to be within 30ft of the soldier below her
Standard: Stunning Glance, DC 28 Fort vs Stun for [roll0] rounds
Schism: Energy Stun (5pp, Elec, ML11) Linked to Energy Stun (5pp, Elec), DC 25 Reflex for half of [roll1], if they fail this save, forces a DC 25 Will vs Stun for 1 round. It will be centered on the soldier below her if the Glance did not stun him. If it did, it will be centered on the injured dwarven soldier. Linked stun will go off on Gilana's next round, on the same location.
Move: Recover Psionic Focus [roll2] vs DC 20
Free: 10ft step directly up, returning to where she was.
Free: Designate whichever foe is not stunned as her dodge target. If both or neither are stunned, she'll designate the foe below her

AC 46 (42 + 4 Improved Skirmish), Uncanny Dodge, +4 vs Dodge Target
HP: 190/190
PP: 242/335

2016-02-16, 04:21 AM
Tyrene watches for signs as she smiles. Time for another approach. Time for death to be the only true path. No witnesses, no mercy. Beauty through pain, that of others of course, never her own. She hates even the slightest hint of it, but in others, it makes her so happy. She keeps up her song, trying to let at least one of her new friends not see what it happening. "You see me dancing by,
my love, tears in my eye
oh sweetling, look away
close to the world your eye"

They should obey, and that will give Tyrene the time to inflict horror. To bring death, without wasting her thralls. She still has need of them. One of them, at least. The others can be cast aside. As soon as they no longer look, magic leaps from Tyrene's fingers, the first step in her latest scheme. It will be beautiful, and in the end, they will believe her. And they will all bow, begging.

The magic rises, filling the room. Touching each one who looks, even while she puts the pit back down, for the undead to withdraw to in her plan. It's simply brilliant.

A horrid wilting, on everyone who is still looking for [roll0] damage, fortitude DC 34 half. The plan is simple, kill all the paladins with magic, use disguise self to look like one of them, cast silent image on one of the bodies to look like a burning Tyrene, and then tell the paladins that she is the paladin who managed to kill the monster, and get them to bring her to the core of the facility. It won't work, but it will be fun.

2016-02-16, 06:42 PM
"We possess no time to look for a suitable replacement." Mirabelle says, turning the soulless weapon into a spear. She pulls Lesson from its scabbard, lightning flashing in her eyes. "In my original time, we had names for those who specialized in one discipline over others. Those of Iron Heart were named Kamate, after the sword, after their discipline's weapon. Those of White Raven were Songbirds, for their commands in battle, and their unison with a Bard Song." She tosses the spear to Siegebreaker. "If you want to improve, you need to give up yourself to The Way. If you want to learn, let go of Siegebreaker. You will be a Whetstone, if you wish to learn. A soldier'a best friend is a whetstone. And you train to be an army of one. You are what you need in order to home your technique. And I must reign you in, so you learn the right way. Take Armory for now. You will need it far more than I. Now, I must gather my students. You should meet them."

2016-02-20, 01:26 AM
Ezekiel nods his thanks to Valen's tactical intel. Mentally he sends to all Aegis officers, Begin preparing defenses against aerial assaults around the city. Tristan, is there any way to manipulate the mithral in those towers to our advantage, a spell that can mold it? Jeremiah, send a squad to watch over Sir Valen; he'll be setting down a large geometric sigil for a ritual, and he nor it can be disturbed if we hope to make it out of this alive.

As well, spread the word to every spellcaster and soldier: the anti magic projectiles the Devaston Walkers fire are only anti magic at the tips. Telekinetically holding the rest of the projectile will stop them, as well as area of effect spells to slow them down.

Turning to Mirabelle and Siegebreaker, he says, Shall we begin planning the city's defense? We'll need to work out the best places to position you both.

2016-02-25, 01:26 AM
Drybowl Capitol:

"Not on any workable scale. Shape Metal isn't on my spellbook and though Ylerial's spellbook has it I haven't had time to scribe anything from there, and its fifth-level for the arcane users who might have it. Any cleric can prepare it at 4, but we're on short supply of them and we may need to rely more on equivalent-level buffs."

Siegebreaker catches the weapon, pondering as it looks at it. "Whetstone . . . will taking up a different name actually be that impactful to the process of my improvement?" It looks back up. "But I do lack experience. I was born with the knowledge already in me, but I lack the comprehension to utilize it as normal sentient beings do. I am interested in meeting others who study the Way, and I don't think I will be a help in planning a defensive strategy beyond what information I have already provided."

Logan's Lab, Paladin Armory:

Only five eyes turn away and the paladins who take the hit still stand strong. Two of the remaining trace Magic Circle Against Evil on two of the charmed paladins, restoring all of the charmed paladins in the crowded area. The six who haven't acted yet move forward, three of them swinging at Tyrene with Smite Evil and missing, the other three behind them and keeping them restored with Lay on Hands.

You now face 13 paladins and control none of your own.

Logan's Lab, Outer Hallway:

The soldier below resists the glare, and resists the energy stun as well. Azerrett fires a disintegrate on the lower soldier as she continues to distance herself, leaving that one with much more lost mass. That soldier makes a 20 ft jump onto the side of the wall and extends its free arm as a spear to stab at Gilana, missing. The soldier on the main level takes a step forward and makes three swings with the extended blade, missing twice but then landing the last hit for [roll0] slashing damage. The soldier latched to the wall is visibly changing its right hand and right foot to take a hooked shape suitable for climbing as the spear arm remains in its current shape. Both soldiers now look to be in equally rough shape from the battle damage.

The lower soldier is now 20 ft down, and the soldier on the main floor is 10 feet down and 15 ft away.

2016-02-25, 06:12 AM
Tyrene sighs, this is getting awfully dull. She lets some of her inhibitions go, and pure fear projects from her. For a moment, she closes her eyes, before a fresh smile plays across her lips, and she starts a fresh song: "You've had a little bit too much, much
All of the people start to rush.
Start to rush by.
A dizzy twister dance
Can't find your head or heart.
Where are your heads? I lost your heart, heart."

She dances, to the rythm of her voice. Every movement fits, but somehow, it cannot be predicted. This is not one of her ordinary songs, this song is chaos. Chaos and death. More of it flows from her hands, freely, lethally. She has given up on her old plan, and the new one is much simpler. Death.

Another horrid wilting for [roll0] damage, to all of those pesky little paladins.

2016-02-25, 06:28 PM
This was a dance. Gilana moved through the air with purpose, avoiding the spear, and stepping away from the blade's edge as best she could. It was almost perfect, but missing that last beat cost her. She tenses up, an arm going to the wound at her side, but a part of her saw this as almost poetic. Her foes fought as they could with the dark bodies they'd been gifted by the servant of the valorous knight. She did as they did, with a holy sword and flesh given to her anew by the shadowcasters and their allies. The fault in the clash was clear, but its presence made the sides appear almost mirrored. She could find solace in that.

Better to focus on that then on the twinge that wanted to run rampant. They had damaged the gift, she had failed to defend it. She could not let this happen again.

They had gotten closer. Had their blades and spear reached her perhaps it would have been enough. It was not, and this might be the opening she needed. She moves through the air, trying to stay out of reach of the spear, until she can get just the right angle. Once she's there, she breaths deep. The cracking of the linked burst of energy was her signal.


She channels to emerald dragon, as does her crystal, trying to envelop both foes. The sonic wave released, she creates distance, getting away from the spear and blade and hooks. As the dust settles, she prepares, ready to create another celestial conduit aimed at whichever of the foes remained.

Free: 10ft step to position herself so that both foes can be covered by a 30ft cone from her location.
Standard (Gilana): Empowered Emerald Breath, DC 27 Reflex vs [roll0]*1.5 Sonic damage, DC 27 Fort vs 1 minute Deafen
Standard (Psicrystal): Empowered Emerald Breath, DC 27 Reflex vs [roll1]*1.5 Sonic damage, DC 27 Fort vs 1 minute Deafen
Schism: Empowered Celestial Conduit (ML11, 11pp) DC 25 Reflex vs [roll2]*1.5 damage (positive energy effect), +18 if they are undead, to be used on whoever seems most able to fight.
Move: Recover Psionic Focus [roll3] Concentration vs DC 20
Free: 10ft step away from foes
Free: Designate whichever foe is closest as her dodge target.

AC 46 (42 + 4 Improved Skirmish), Uncanny Dodge
HP: 132/190 (or 140/190 if DR applies)
PP: 241/335

2016-03-12, 01:54 AM
Logan's Lab, Paladin Armory:

The paladins still stand after the spell hits. A couple in the back look weakened but otherwise they still fight at full strength, continuing the strategy of healing the three that are directly attacking Tyrene. One paladin casts Prayer, affecting Tyrene with the debuff as the three attacking swing in with full attacks. Two strikes hit, dealing [roll0]+[roll1] and [roll2]+[roll3] damage respectively (before the 10 points of DR are applied) as holy energy surges through the weapons. Healing goes around again and they brace themselves for another attack.

Logan's Lab, Outer Hallway:

Both soldiers withstand the blast of the gemstone breaths, and they're both in badly-wounded states after the celestial conduit goes to the one from the main floor. Azzerret sends a fireball down and causes the lower soldier to lose form, rapidly melting into an indistinct pile of ooze that slowly burns at the bottom of the lower hallway. The other reinforces its armor and uses the now-thinner blade to swing at Azerrett, hitting with two strikes that cause her to lose much more blood. She seems close to passing out as she struggles to stay aloft next to Gilana. The noise of battle can be heard converging back towards the center of the facility.

Drybowl Capitol:

Mirabelle leads Siegebreaker to her students of the way within a few minutes, outside the capitol building. There is much staring to go around as the varied group looks at the creation of their enemy close up. Looks go to Mirabelle to explain why there's an enemy construct with her. In the back, Korth is pale and leaning up against the wall, paying no attention to Siegebreaker's presence. Renna has a grim look on her face, too, eyes telling that some sort of tragedy has affected both of them.

Meanwhile Ezekiel receives a sending from Vorn Einpfeil. "I've got some information on the assassins sent after you. They're one of the toplister mercenary groups in the Underdark's crime circle. Their MO is unclear. While they'll do almost any high-paying job they seem to have an idealistic bent that has led them to take up specific jobs that are arguably 'good' for very little pay. It's possible that they've grown cynical enough to welcome Aeternus' vision of a rebuilt world, whatever that may be. Sources have pointed to them traveling around between different black markets to acquire resurrection spell components. Contact me for specific questions you have about them, and I'll try to answer with what I can. I'm securing a teleport to Drybowl to meet up with you, hopefully within the hour."

2016-03-13, 01:42 PM
Tyrene feels her annoyance rise. These fools are taking more time to crush than she had expected. She turns around, hating the holy energy with a passion. But she knows things, she knows secrets that are beyond all of her enemies. What they see however is just a cruel smile, as her tune again changes, becoming one utterly alien to paladins: I don't want to start
Any blasphemous rumors
But I think your God's
Got a sick sense of humor
And when you die
I expect to find Him laughing

Okay, these paladins are getting annoying. So, Tyrene uses Blasphemy.
Anything non-evil within 40 ft of up to 19 HD is dazed
anything with up to 18 HD loses [roll0] strength, for [roll1] rounds
anything with up to 14 HD is paralyzed for [roll2] minutes
anything with up to 9 HD dies outright.

I know, it is a bit overkill, but this is supposed to be a commando operation, and I need to do something that lets us reach our goal with some speed.

2016-03-19, 09:44 PM
It could be so simple. Gilana had seen the takeover, even if she did not understand it at the time. Teressa had sold herself to regain the body that could hardly stand behind her. A stray shard, a misplaced conduit, even just delaying the dance could be all she could have to do to relinquish Azzerret from her mortal coil, and into whatever void awaited this soul that should not have been.

But then what? She had walked that path before, but then the prospect had been clear, even if it had not come to be. Here there was no promised reward goal for a betrayal, except what she could bargain from one who thought her word was worthless. A fruitless gesture that would have her shunned by all sides.

Useless thoughts. Morbid thoughts.

She goes back to the dance. To the slaughter of those that had been convinced to volunteer by circumstance and faith, and who now tried to slay the invaders that had entered their home. There was only one left, the other was gone, and what remained, twisted and dangerous as it was, burned in a pit below her.

It was like she was back in the war, but as one of Them now. She closes her eyes, breathing deep, and extending both limbs towards the remaining volunteer. She see through her other senses, moving between the soldier and the wounded. <<Turn away and tend to your wounds Azzaret>>, she warns through the link and opens her, eyes revealing her nature, the facets that her birth had given her. A moment later, she acts as a conduit once more, releasing as much energy as she can into her foe. If her foes still stands she nods and does it again, to a lesser degree. Calling, channeling, releasing. Missing that last beat had cost her her life. Body and mind as her own though, she watches its effects on her foe.

Free: 2 10ft steps, triggering skirmish, and placing her between the last foe and Azzarret.
Free: Blinding Beauty On, DC 28 Fort vs Blind
Standard: Empowered Celestial Conduit (ML17, 17pp) DC 28 Reflex vs [roll0]*1.5 damage (positive energy effect), +30 if they are undead, aimed at the remaining volunteer
Move: Recover Psionic Focus [roll1] Concentration vs DC 20
If it survives: Schism:Empowered Celestial Conduit (ML11, 11pp) DC 25 Reflex vs [roll2]*1.5 damage (positive energy effect), +18 if they are undead, aimed at the remaining volunteer
Free: Blinding Beauty Off

AC 46 (42 + 4 Improved Skirmish), Uncanny Dodge
HP: 132/190 (or 140/190 if DR applies)
PP: 224/335 (213/335 if second schism needed)

2016-03-20, 01:06 AM
Ezekiel has been considering their options. He can certainly call to the stars for Shape Metal, which will help the fortifications in that sense. Visions of formations the Aegis can take to best defend the city whirl through his mind like so many snowflakes in a storm, and he does his best to parse through them to find the best options.

When Vorn contacts him, his lips quirk into an almost imperceptible smile. That certainly lines up with what I gathered of the woman I'd detained. The resurrection will be for the assassin my country's tactician dismembered--they were willing to sneak back into a pitched battle in order to rescue their comrade, they're loyal even beyond death. Also, it seems whatever Plane they went to may not be safe for very long.

What have you found of the mage, Ylerial? She is the one I detained, and the one whom I was able to convince to help protect the city. Although it was in her own self-interest, perhaps there is something in her history I can use to persuade her further.

Also, Drybowl is about the be the site of yet another pitched battle. There is an army of Blitz Knights led by a Commander. We have inside intel that this Commander has a mastery of the White Raven martial discipline, and is able to manipulate the elements through connections to the elemental Planes. They plan to create rain outside of the city to dampen the sand and keep the sandstorms from protecting us. I'm contemplating fortifications to improve the defense: there are mithral towers I could meld into serviceable defenses, but I am stymied as to what else to do.

God, I am so, SO sorry this took so long :smallfrown::smallfrown::smallfrown:

2016-03-23, 08:50 PM
Mirabelle steps among her students, holding up her hand to gather attention, then lowering it when it is gathered. "Disciples of the Way. Each of us runs a different path. Some of us begin as soldiers. Some of us begin as travelers. Killers, slaves, convicts, prisoners. Each of us walks a different path along the Way, for it has a place for all. Some of us begin as steadfast allies, only to become separated by our ideals, turning into bitter enemies. Some of us, however, begin as enemies of the opposing side, only to turn to allies in the course of time." She holds her hand to Siegebreaker. "This being was made as Siegebreaker, under the will of our enemy. However, he wishes to learn, and thus he sought me out. While we began as enemies, he wishes now to learn and study the Way, to grow in experience, and to meet others who study the Way as well. If you have become my student, you are no different: you came to me to learn. He has started as Siegebreaker, and possesses knowledge of the Army of One," At this she moves impossibly fast, splitting into two of herself, side by side. "The discipline of self-reliance, of strength of self, and growing where you are weak." And slows down, becoming one again. "If you wish to learn more about what Army of One an do, he can show you. If you wish to learn the discipline, either its teachings or its methods, I can show you. And know this. He is my student now, as much as any of you. In order for him to do so, I will no longer call him by his creator's name. From this point forward, I name him Whetstone, like the practitioners who came before him. As I protect any of you, and aid any of you, should you need it, I do the same for him. Make peace with this. He is now counted among you."

With that, Mirabelle steps aside, leaving her students to approach Whetstone, approaching Korth and Renna. "First Brother. First Sister. Breath, collect yourself. What ails the two of you?"

2016-04-11, 11:40 PM
Logan's Lab, Paladin Armory:

All of the paladins freeze in place, and in the sudden silence Tyrene can hear something go whump through the metal in the ceiling, and then further away in the floor below the armory she can hear an instectile skittering of something approaching rapidly.

Logan's Lab, Outer Hallway:

The remaining ooze soldier survives both blasts, but seems to be close to entering the same state as its ally. It stumbles before retracting the blade in order to reinforce its legs, clumsily hobbling out of sight back beyond the wall it came from. Touchsight indicates that it is leaning against a wall around a corner through where Gilana originally blasted it.. Azerrett falls to the lower basement floor, unconscious and still bleeding heavily.

The ooze soldier is now 10 feet down and 40 feet away, denying line of effect. Azerrett is 20 feet down and 5 feet away, dying and unable to act.

Drybowl Capitol, Main Square:

The other students approach Whetstone, trying to be polite about examining it and asking questions while Renna and Korth answer Mirabelle. Korth is the first to speak.

"We received word that the Githyanki are almost wiped out. Tu'unarath and all its fleet on the Astral Plane were wiped out at the same time as the explosion at Ulwiss. There's barely three hundred soldier-class Githyanki left, all that was left from the few that were deployed beyond the Astral at that point. There's no leadership and no one surviving with the knowledge to rebuild."

"And the Githzerai are in turmoil over this." Renna adds. "Our two races have been at war for countless years, and different leaders are pushing different agendas. Some want to ignore the remaining Githyanki now that they're no longer a threat, others want to start hunting parties to completely eradicate them. Only a small minority have suggested offering the survivors a chance to peacefully integrate into our monasteries in Limbo."

"I know that to be your student I need to put the Way first, but I'm facing the possibility of being the last of my kind." Korth finishes. "I'm one of the few remnants of a culture that was recently erased in the blink of an eye, I just can't ignore that.

Drybowl Capitol, Outer Walls:

The most I know about Ylerial is that she is a regular customer for almost all black market dealers of scrolls and potions. She seems to be the one who usually handles shopping for magical supplies for the group, but hasn't established any real personal connection with anyone I've looked into yet. I don't know where she came from before she was a part of this group, and it seems they don't have any close friends beyond each other. You were fortunate to have fought them separately. I doubt you would have been able to capture and temporarily coerce Ylerial if they had managed to group up during the assassination attempt.

Ezekiel receives a notification from one of the east wall sentries as he listens to Vorns response. We've been catching strange movement in the sand dunes a half-mile out. The local guards are saying it's likely a sandwurm or a similar creature, but the rest of the desert has been still since we got here. Please advise.

2016-04-12, 05:49 AM
Tyrene finds herself in a difficult situation, something is coming, and that can't be good. But at the same time, she does not want to spare anyone. She wants them dead. Deader than dead. She wants to make them dance to her tune. Luckily, she has a solution for that, and releases her giants, who proceed to cut the throats of her disabled enemies. As soon as they are done, the bodies are collected into the pit along with the giants, and Tyrene makes herself invisible, standing in the corner of the room, waiting for whatever it is that approaches.

2016-04-16, 03:04 PM
I'd rather not face them together in the future, either. What can you tell me about the cleric? She didn't enter the fray, but seemed to be their scout.

He perks a bit at the mental communication. Keep an eye on it. I'll take a look.

He takes to the sky, getting some altitude and moving a little closer to the east wall. Taking out his watchman's spyglass, he trains his gaze on the sand dunes the sentries had mentioned and tries to spy the commotion.

Using the Spyglass at its maximum extension: no penalty at 500ft and -1/30ft after that. Spot check: [roll0]

2016-04-16, 05:19 PM
For now, the dance was over. She holds her breath, she had to act quickly, and so she does.

Gilana manifests, cutting time into thin slices and stretching them out. The lower level held the burning remains of the soldier. If that part of it was still there, dormant, waiting, she could not let it reach Teresa's darker half. She crafts a construct in the shape of a gray render, large and powerful enough carry the unicorn away.

When time returns, she sends the order, Bring her up, quickly. She extends a hand, aimed in the direction of the injured soldier who was hiding and tending to its wounds. "This is enough, do not move... and be wary of whatever voice you may be hearing in your head."

It occurred to her that not only would she be unwilling to hear her, she may be unable, after the dragon's breath. No matter, she had said her piece. She orders her crystal to crawl to the open palm of her extended hand and ready itself. If anything approaches, fire.

She would heal and be back, she was sure, but this at least may buy her some time. She awaits the render's arms, carrying the bleeding unicorn. Her free hand goes to the wound at her side, pressing against it and coming out scarlet. Perhaps she could save her, she had to try, but if not... Teresa could have the body back and Azzaret could make do with whatever fate and her blood chose to grant her after a Last Breath. Wouldn't that solve this feud?

She smiles to herself, and for a moment, the sounds of the fighting seemed further away. With one hand she looks at the wound and does what she can to treat it.

Swift: Temporal Acceleration for 1 round (11pp)
- Full: Manifest Astral Construct (7th Level, 13pp, Muscle, Improved Flight) adjacent to Azerrett
- Free: 2 10ft steps to reach to edge of the pit as needed
Psicrstal Standard: Ready an action to use the breath in the remaining soldier's direction if anything come out of cover to attack her.

Construct: Unsure how many actions, but I want to to bring Azerrett to the top level, next to Gilana, and away from the burning ooze.

Gilana's Full Round: ...Cure Light Wounds for now. Need better burst healing. [roll0] and if needed a Heal Check to administer first aid or see what is causing the bleeding. [roll1] (Luckstone +1 Shaken -1)


AC 46 (42 + 4 Improved Skirmish), Uncanny Dodge, Shaken
HP: 132/190 (or 140/190 if DR applies)
PP: 189/335

2016-04-26, 10:17 PM
Mirabelle moves her hands, placing one each on Renna and Korth's foreheads. She breathes in, loudly, slowly, and exhales at the same pace. "Breathe. Decisions are to be made, and you will make them with clarity. Breathe at my pace." She continues this, and takes her hands off of their foreheads. "Panicking will do you no good. Fear will do you no good. Insecurity will do you no good. In order to do good, you will need strength. Korth, your challenge now is to keep your people alive. Renna, you face another. Do you keep your vow to your blood, or do you keep your vow to me, and bring no harm to your brother?"

"Both of you must leave me for a time. Both of you must attend to the dangers that face your kind. Korth with extinction. Renna with genocide. I will not know how best to aid you, but I am your Master, and will offer my help when this siege is over. If you need to leave now, I understand. If you leave now, I will follow once we have struck this attack back. If you stay now, I will join you when you leave."

"But keep this in mind. Only you two have sworn yourselves to my tutelage. Which means that my word is above those of another. And means that I prize you above another. If it comes down to it, Renna, I will have no choice but to end members of your kind in order to defend Korth. And the same goes for you, Korth, should any of your kind attempt to harm Renna. My goal, our goal, is peace." Mirabelle motions around her. "And peace will come in strange and sometimes bloody ways."

"Now, know that I love you no matter what. Do you leave for your kind now, or do you help us with the siege, and leave later?"

2016-04-26, 11:55 PM
Drybowl Capitol:

Ezekiel notices the light moving strangely just behind the dunes, as if the ridges are changing shape. At the same time he catches the briefest glimpse of some sort of glowing orange fluid shifting beneath the sand just around that area. As he focuses in, the sand erupts with thousands of fish-sized objects that are unclear from that distance. Ezekiel is able to shout to the others to take cover just in time before a rain of glass shards barrels down on them. Peeking from behind the cover Ezekiel can see a moving glass structure emerge from the sand and begin to move towards them, empty inside except for the few streams of molten glass that seem to come out of the ground to bolster its structure.

Moments earlier, Renna and Korth take a second to think and then come to a conclusion. "We cannot abide what is about to happen. When we bring an end to this obsolete feud, we'll gladly let our kin know of your wisdom and spread the word of the resurgence of the Way." Korth says. "I do wish for the best for this city, and I hope it stands long enough that I may bring back more strength to defend it." He produces a githyanki amulet and plane shifts away with Renna. Seconds later the sound of glass is heard raining against the walls of nearby buildings and the other students quickly perk up and come to arms, many of the casting magical wards against projectiles on each other. The more curious of the group puzzle about why it is glass that is barraging the city, and the more brash immediately take to the outside to see where the attack is coming from.

The dark clouds to the south begin to advance forward, as does the army beneath it.

Logan's Demiplane:

The soldier that Gilana has cornered falters in its steps again, and as it tries to stand back up a hand of darkness shoots into it and the remaining flesh withers and gives out completely, falling to the ground dead. A shadowcaster approaches from the same direction to examine the body while another comes around the corridor, retrieving a thick maroon potion and pouring it on Azerrett's wounds. "It seems we came to this facility towards the end of its usefulness, and we can try to use shadow magic to trace those who escaped." The wound stops bleeding and begins to slowly seal.

Meanwhile, Tyrene manages to have most of the paladins executed before the floor and ceiling burst behind her. Two of the ooze soldiers, one from below and one from above, emerge and move to attack. One is immediately reduced to a black splatter by a blast of crystals and the other becomes trapped in a black cube of shadow magic that resonates hostility, the screams of that soldier barely echoing out as Fafnir and one of the shadowcasters enter the room. "Looks like this is the last of them here. Logan and the rest will be found eventually. A paladin hunted by the world will seek what is familiar to them in order to cling to their faith, which will narrow where they are hiding."

As the facility settles down into silence, Valen begins yelling through the telepathy. "The siege has started! Drybowl is under attack from multiple angles and we need everyone available to come back NOW!"

2016-05-03, 10:38 PM
Gilana does not turn as the soldier falls. The hand with the psicrystal lingers for a moment before loosening, relaxing, fingers wrap around the gem and bring it close to her. It's time as a weapon was done for now.

"...They went to the material, I could not pinpoint where though. The container was empty, I feat it was not just moved, but used." Need she say more? No, most likely not. Fafnir knew about the conversation with Teressa, about the Frostfell. They might be valuable pieces if he meant to play his games against the shadowcasters.

She sighs, ordering the construct to the top level while she gathered her own belongings. The dance was still on, she could not yet conclude the word she had given Arondel. It would have to go back to the list, ever growing.

A hand goes to her brow as she hears Valen. She turns to the chamber through which Teressa left. "We can shift planes through there. I am afraid I cannot be certain of your priorities, given what little was accomplished here, but I need to return to Drybowl. It is under siege. Will your forces be joining us?"

"I will be jumping back to the material, to Drybowl, would you like me to wait for you?"

2016-05-05, 06:31 PM
Ezekiel quickly takes cover as the strange projectiles erupt from the dunes. "Tully, Markus, gather your squads! Jeremiah, Tristan, to me, quickly--the battle has begun!"

"Valen, who can get the rifle to me? The explosive rounds may be necessary!"

He takes a split second to consider the creature as he flies toward it. His hand goes down to his belt to take out the new weapon. It may possibly be time to test it in battle. "The battle is joined! To arms, my friends, to arms!" he cries as he raises his arm smoothly. He pulls the trigger so quickly that four rounds emerge almost as once, and he watches the creature with hawk-like intensity for signs of weakness.

Fly 60ft closer to the thing.

Free action: Knowledge (Arcana) on the thing: [roll0]

Standard action: Manyshot with the pistol, if you'll allow it. -8 from firing four times, canceled out by the +8 to ranged attacks from his Steady Hand Aura.




[roll4] (As a note, Ezekiel doesn't automatically miss on a natural 1)

All damage is at +10 from Power Attack and his Aura of Courage. Dunno the damage die, but feel free to describe the damage in loving detail :smallwink: