View Full Version : Gotta catch 'em all! animal combo!

2015-10-13, 12:38 PM
Hi guys what do you think about this combo of spells for druid (maybe can work for ranger too)? Its worth spending so many slots?

Spells you need:

Locate animals
Speak with animals
Animal friendship
Beast Bond
Beast Sense
Dominate Beast

So, you locate some animals using "locate animals" than you cast "speak with animals" and "animal friendship"(maybe at higher spell level or you can use more slots) in order to be able to charm them and with social checks like persuasion and animal handling (you have advantage thanks to charm) you can be able to ask them to follow you and help you for 24 hours.
So if you succeed they will follow you as a pack leader and you can have their help for scouting ("beast sense") and in combat ("beast bond") if you can persuade them to follow you to attack a target!
When at higher level you unlock Dominate Beast its even more easy to make them attack in combat because you dont need to persuade them anymore but you can just command!

Immagine to charm 3 mastiffs, for example, with animal friendship lvl 3..they can follow you for 24 hours..I think that if you are in danger they will try to help you as they are your friends in that moment! (if that wasn't true than beast bond would be completely useless).

Let me know what you think about this!


I'm sorry if i did grammar mistakes :D

2015-10-13, 02:46 PM
If you want to make a druid around that, then they're probably going to be spending most of their spell slots on taming animals, in which case they are going to be much less effective in combat. In that case, you'd probably want a circle of the moon druid, so that you can be more effective in combat as a beast.
It could be good, or it might just annoy the DM and your fellow players when you take half an hour to declare actions for all your beasts. Overall, it probably depends on your DM, but could be fairly good.

2015-10-14, 10:47 AM
Throw in couple levels of Barbarian,
and you can be "The Beastmaster". :thog: