View Full Version : DM Help Pathfinder - Template (or Boon) to turn a Halfling into a Construct (or Part-Constr..

2015-10-13, 06:36 PM
Just as the Title says.

Long version: Recently, my high level PC Golem Builder Siege-Mage who worships Brigh (http://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Brigh) has recently come into his character a little more and wants to do something special for him. He suggested that maybe he gains a mechanical eye, or maybe even becomes a sentient machine, gaining the favor of his god. I haven't read the gods book yet (its sitting at home though) and was wondering:

1) Are there any templates/boons that have a flavor like that already attached to it?

2) Does anyone have any ideas, etc that I could apply to his character to make it special?

I'm not really interested in giving him an item or spell, as he can literally create anything that he could ever need or want - this needs to be something beyond his control, symbolically attached to Brigh, and a small boost in his power, etc etc.

He was recently almost killed in a story related Suffocation spell - so I'm thinking of using that as a "he was summoned to Brighs workshop during those two rounds but of course it seemed like it was longer than that, etc, etc" and it was there he gets his ... boon?/Whatever.

So any ideas?

TLDR: Does anyone know of a Template or Boon or some-such which can be applied to a humanoid to turn him construct or part construct. This could be either official or 3rd party. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions to make a humanoid more mechanical, I'll take that too.

2015-10-14, 01:07 AM
I would check out the Clockwork Creature template on d20pfsrd.

It seems close to what you are talking about

Would post a link... but it wont let me cause I am new... Very annoying.

2015-10-14, 09:32 AM
Augmented might be the template you're looking for:
Then there's also the option of creating one, you are the GM afterall. The problem I see with these templates is that they make the character unbalanced for his level. Using the rules for monster advancement, I think you can balance it out, he'll just not be able to gain class levels and effectivly multiclass into the template "class".

A full list of templates can be found here:

Alternatively, I think I read something about augmented limbs, etc. in the Technology guide.