View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Hombrew Feat

2015-10-13, 08:02 PM
This was specifically made for those who would potentially wish to play the Blind Master character archetype :D

Unseeing Eyes
Prerequisite: Passive Perception 13

Your eyes are unseeing, yet your other senses have been heightened enough to give you a sensory awareness of the environment around you. You have blindsight in a radius of 60 feet. This replaces any racial abilities you have that pertain to sight (e.g. darkvision), and if you are Deafened then you lose the benefits of your blindsight and you also suffer the Blinded condition.

This isn't broken at all, is it?

2015-10-13, 09:51 PM
This was specifically made for those who would potentially wish to play the Blind Master character archetype :D

Unseeing Eyes
Prerequisite: Passive Perception 13

Your eyes are unseeing, yet your other senses have been heightened enough to give you a sensory awareness of the environment around you. You have blindsight in a radius of 60 feet. This replaces any racial abilities you have that pertain to sight (e.g. darkvision), and if you are Deafened then you lose the benefits of your blindsight and you also suffer the Blinded condition.

This isn't broken at all, is it?

Yes. This is broken. Blindsight is a really powerful ability in this version, completely negating the benefit of spells like Invisibility, Darkness, and the like.

2015-10-13, 11:28 PM
Yes. This is broken. Blindsight is a really powerful ability in this version, completely negating the benefit of spells like Invisibility, Darkness, and the like.

Is it actually broken though? Outside of 60ft. you see nothing. You're not using Longbows, Eldritch Blast, or anything else that's long ranged. Which means you're probably going to play melee, which means you're going to be close, and taking damage. And it's Truesight that allows you to see through Invisibility. . . Blindsight is literally seeing without eyes. . . :P

EDIT: That's just my reasoning for why I think it isn't broken. Maybe it still is, but it's literally seeing without eyes. And per the feat, if you're deafened you're also blinded. . .

2015-10-14, 09:54 AM
Is it actually broken though? Outside of 60ft. you see nothing. You're not using Longbows, Eldritch Blast, or anything else that's long ranged. Which means you're probably going to play melee, which means you're going to be close, and taking damage. And it's Truesight that allows you to see through Invisibility. . . Blindsight is literally seeing without eyes. . . :P

EDIT: That's just my reasoning for why I think it isn't broken. Maybe it still is, but it's literally seeing without eyes. And per the feat, if you're deafened you're also blinded. . .

With blindsight you can see through invisibility because you don't care if you can't see the target, you don't see at all. You hear the target still if it is invisibility.

Maybe not broken, but a really strong or even too strong feat, I won't allow it.

2015-10-15, 02:40 AM
Yes blindsight *can* be countered, but when it comes down to granting it to PCs, give them an inch they'll take it a mile for you.

Homebrewing is very difficult because you're fairly biased to see it happen.

Also, 'But I don't think it's broken because it can be abused by its enemies' is usually not a good justification because it simply does not do anything *against* what a player wants to do. If its purported downside doesn't do anything directly bad to the player and instead places the burden of playing out the downside to the DM, then all you've done is to give the DM even more job to do while enjoying the sweet immunity to invisibility, bad weather, and stuff underground to name a few.

Make it 10-ft., then I'll start to see the reasoning, 5-ft. then yeah why the hell not.

2015-10-24, 11:22 AM
I like the idea and limitations but I would also pose a disadvantage to being able to see those who are using stealth (which goes without saying), and if the armor the enemy is wearing doesn't pose disadvantage on stealth checks then I'd say that the bindsight person has disadvantage on sensing them. Just to further limit the ability that is.