View Full Version : 3rd Ed Be the Wizard Who Did It: Master Transmogrifist Handbook

2015-10-13, 08:37 PM
Thou shalt not lose caster levels. But what if thou had a good reason?

This is not a WotC forums handbook, but seeing all of them posted inspired me to write one of my own for an underappreciated class.

Master Transmogrifist Handbook


A master transmogrifist adopts the shape of a fearsome sabretooth moose lion to defeat a pesky boomerang fighter.

Ahh! Opposable digits! -Polymorph (http://www.cardkingdom.com/catalog/item/37288)

In Fall 2004, WotC released one of the first splatbooks for D&D 3.5, Complete Arcane. True to themselves, it was full of really crappy support for gishes and a bunch of stuff that made wizards even more powerful. However, they were already starting to figure out that casters don't deserve free stuff for nothing - the PrCs in the book lost a bunch of casting levels in exchange for benefits that didn't exactly measure up.

Or did they? Enter the master transmogrifist, a class that docks you four caster levels, but beefs up one of the best spells in the game - polymorph! This is definitely still a nerf to a full caster, but in a lower-op game it's worth trying.

But what about PHBII rules?
Some people think polymorph was neutered by having the [Polymorph] subschool retroactively applied to it - which bans casting while in a form. However, it explicitly states that this restriction doesn't apply to spells that say you can cast while using them, which polymorph does.

Rating Legend

Amazing: This is the best use of your resources and you should get it as soon as possible. If it's a class feature, you should use it all the time.
Good: You can't go wrong with using this.
Solid: This ability works well enough to take, and you'll be using it a decent amount of the time. A solid B+ ability.
Mediocre: This ability is either situational or not very powerful, but it's better than nothing. Think of it as a T4.
Worthless: Don't even bother writing this down if you get it.

Kung Pow 2: Enter the Transmogri-Fist
You can become anything if I put my mind to it. -Jalira, Polymorphist (http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=383287)

At a glance, the master transmogrifist is simple to enter. Non-lawful? Big whoop. Bluff 2 ranks? You can do that at level 1, even cross-class. Disguise 5 ranks? No sweat, that’s doable by level 2. Eschew Materials? A bit of a dead feat, but not useless. Alter self? That’s easy to snatch up as soon as you hit 3rd. But then it turns out you need to cast polymorph and you cry a little on the inside.

Wizard: The obvious intended entry. You have skill points to spare thanks to your INT, and even cross-classing skills you can get in at level 8, the level after you pick up polymorph. A number of prestige class options with the skills in-class will let you do something useful with levels 6 and 7.
Wu Jen: The exotic option! You enter at the same time as wizard, and are good for the same reasons. You're not as good a class, though, thanks to an inferior spell list. The benefits of Spell Secrets are duplicated by some class features, but only for favored forms, so there's some use there.
Sorcerer: Sorcerers enter a level late thanks to their delayed spell progression, but all sorcerers get Bluff in-class Dragonblooded sorcerers (silver) get Disguise in-class in exchange for a familiar. This becomes better for kobold sorcerers thanks to their Greater Draconic Rite of Passage. You may be tempted to select a stalwart or battle sorcerer, but you don't get the benefits while taking levels of this class, and you suffer the drawbacks as long as you advance your casting.
Divine casters: Archivists and Transformation domain clerics/divine crusaders can get in, but this class doesn't progress divine spells. If your DM creates a divine adaptation, this is a very solid option but we don't truck in homebrew here.
Suel Arcanamach: Suel arcanamachs can pick spells from the Transmutation school, and get up to 5th level spells. They can be entered into at level 6, allowing a (for example) Fighter 6/Suel Arcanamach 6/Master Transmogrifist 8 build. Your CL sucks (14 isn't great) but you get free Extend, +6 against dispelling, and enough levels to get draconic polymorph and Manifest Qualities.
Spellthief: Like arcanamachs, spellthieves gain access to sorcerer/wizard Transmutation spells. However, their delayed casting makes them pretty miserable candidates for this class - a spellthief can only learn polymorph at level 14, leaving the good abilities out of reach pre-epic.
Arcane Disciple: Other arcanists can pick up the Transformation domain spells - but with only one casting of each per day, you're not going to be taking advantage of this class as much as possible.

Dip options:
Bard/Sublime Chord, Hexblade, and Warmage (using Eclectic Learning) get both alter self and polymorph but can't enter until after level 10, losing access to the capstone.
Non-SC bards and assassins get alter self and might be able to finagle polymorph onto their spells known, but have the same problem.

Transform a minion into a 1/1 sheep. -Polymorph (http://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Polymorph)

There is exactly one consideration to keep in mind when choosing your race - your favored form cannot be the same creature type as you. Therefore, simpler is better. Pick humanoids, dummy! Anything with +STR or +DEX is wasted on you; anything with +CHA is an obvious advantage for sorcerers. +INT will not be as useful once you are able to use polymorph any object to get forms that have better INT than you (ethergaunts what whaaaaat). Outsiders and Undead are okay, because you normally can't polymorph into them anyway.

Human: Human is always good. If you're buying CC skills, the +1 skill point is useful. You can use the bonus feat to take Practiced Spellcaster. Silverbrow humans get disguise in-class.
Illumian: The Krau sigil gives you +1 CL, and a couple of the sigil combos make you a better warrior. Mostly, Illumians are good for the same reason humans are good - unrelated shenanigans.
Changeling: If you just can't get enough of that wonderful shapechanging, these guys have you covered. Some potential shenanigans with Racial Emulation feat.
Kobold: This together with sorcerer and Greater Draconic Rite enables the smoothest entry into the class. Dragonwrought kobolds miss out on having dragons in their favored forms, so leave your shenanigans at the door.
Dwarf (any kind): When you alter self or polymorph, you lose all extraordinary attacks from your base form, and "Dwarf Traits" is (Ex) and listed as a special attack. The same is true for halflings.
Beguiler: Use PAO to temporarily stop being a magical beast, assign your favored forms to some low-HD ones, and then you can be alter selfed into them all day.

Class features
Any substance or mineral that forms different types of crystal -Polymorph (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/polymorph)

Now that we've covered how to become a transmogrifist, why should you want to be one? Let's dive right in.

Chassis: d4 HD? Poor BAB? 2+INT skills from the world's saddest list? One good save? Have a good cry, and then move on because you're a wizard and can shore up all of this.
6/10 casting: Noo, my caster levels! You lose a CL as soon as you enter, and take 3 more dings. It also doesn't say you gain caster level (only spells known and per day) but we've all decided to ignore this for every PrC in the game, and for good reason.
Favored Forms: You gain 3 shapes as favored shapes, up to 7 at 9th level. These are the forms all the class abilities apply to, but beware - you can't choose a form that is the same type as you. This means that even though alter self allegedly gains the benefits, you never actually get them because you can only use it to obtain forms of your type. Undead, outsider, elemental, and construct forms can't be picked as favored because polymorph can't do them unless you are that type, and if you are that type then you're not able to pick them. I will discuss the forms you want to pick later on. Note that while you must select a shape you can polymorph into, you can adopt the form through any means.
Extended Change: Transmutations used to assume your favored form are Extended for free. Polymorph is your mainstay and minutes/level, so this does not help as much, but if you are using other transmutations, keep this in mind.
Manifest senses: You get all the senses of the favored form you turn into. Senses "include" blindsight and tremorsense and stuff, but are not limited to them. The following could also be considered senses: sight (spot skill modifier), hearing (listen skill modifier), the Keen Senses ability of a dragon, the ability of a hag to see through its hag eye, the excellent nose of a gnome (for a bonus to alchemy checks), the duergar's stonecunning (described as a sixth sense), electricity sense of a shocker lizard, or even the clairvoyant sense PLA of a Caller in Darkness if you buy the DM a pizza.
Battle Mastery: +2 on attack rolls (scaling to +6 later). It's not bad - since you will be attacking with natural weapons anyway and don't care about BAB, this puts the total attack bonus granted by master transmogrifist levels to 11/10. Suck on that, fighters!
Effortless Changing: Any transmutation spell used to change into a favored form is Stilled and Silent for free. Free is good, and this makes you a boss at getting out of grapples...or turning the grapple on your enemy.
Shapechanger: Shapechanger subtype grants you access to some okay options, but the real hero is being able to alter self with permanent duration. It's a little crappy since you're level 12+ and using a 2nd level spell with that pesky 5 HD cap, but permanent is cool.
Reflexive Change: This might seem cool (immediate action to gain a form immune to an attack, woo!) but you lose a turn after doing it. Only resort to this in cases you're going to be totally screwed if the attack works.
Manifest Qualities: If you want to get out early, do it now, because you just got the extraordinary qualities of your favored forms. Your full-caster buddies won't be able to do this for two more levels until they get shapechange. If you cheesed yourself into a different type, you can be in a favored form forever and gain all those sexy bonuses.
Infinite Variety: If I could make this any pinker, I would. Take a favored shape, and mash natural weapons, extraordinary abilities, or ability scores from another monster into it. This is so tasty that I want to use Infinite Variety to add an anteater's tongue to myself so I could taste it better. Sadly it only works with polymorph, PAO, or shapechange. Here are some ideas:

Dire Weasel: Attach and Blood Drain
Gibbering Mouther: 1d4 Con drain on swallowed creatures
Razor Boar: Vorpal tusks
Cheetah: Spring
Shark: Keen scent
Giant: Rock Throwing (funny on small forms)
Hydra: 12 bite attacks. Sadly you can't merge two hydras for 24 heads because you can't add bites to a creature that already has bites.
Giant octopus: 8 tentacle attacks. Handy for when you're already a hydra, but want more attacks.

Polymorph is a non-toxic, biodegradable polyester -Polymorph (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10951)

Eschew Materials: It sucks, but you need it to qualify for the class.
Draconic Heritage: A sorcerer-only feat if you dumped Int and can't cross-class Disguise. Dragonblooded ACF gives this to you for free in exchange for your familiar.
City Slicker: Gives you Disguise in-class (as well as Forgery, Knowledge Local, and Gather Info). Unless you want to max disguise for your entire career, not worth a feat.
Surrogate Spellcasting: It's hard for an eagle to manipulate spell components, but not if you take this feat.
Practiced Spellcaster: You'll need to get back the four CLs you lose, not in the least because your CL determines what favored forms you can pick.
Reserves of Strength: Dragonlance material, but if it's allowed, you just bumped your polymorph cap to 18 HD and your alter self cap to 8 HD. Nice!
Dragonwrought: If you can stand not having dragons as a favored form, you get the cool benefit of a white wyrmling as an eligible alter self target.
Toughening Transmutation: Ideally, you will enter battle in your battle form. If not, +5 DR isn't going to make a difference.
Minor Shapeshift: +HD temporary HP as a swift action, and +CL for your polymorphs? All the other uses of this are just extra.
Animal Devotion: Your shapeshifting is already better than this, but it can be funny to stack yet another transformation on top of all the ones you can do.
Metamorphic Transfer: When you shapeshift into a thing, you gain a supernatural ability from it, and the DC is based on your Charisma. Amazing!
Assume Supernatural Ability: This gets a lot worse if the DM decides the feat only applies to one kind of creature, and not whatever you shift into.
Arcane Strike: Great for every gish, the attack bonus doesn't stack but the damage does. Burn your low-level spells to burn your enemies!
Mutable Body: Transmutations cast on you get +1 CL. This might let you get some prime favored forms early, but a feat is too big a price to pay.
Ability Enhancer: It may be arguable whether polymorph counts as a spell that "enhances ability scores" but draconic polymorph certainly does.
Catalogues of Enlightenment: Alteration Domain: +1 CL. Woop. And it's Dragonlance.
Momentary Alteration: 1/day alter self is a joke for a feat. However, it has limited use when you retrain your familiar to take it - its advantageous typing (magical beast by default, possibly outsider or dragon with Improved Familiar style feats) means there might be a form that's worth the feat.
Racial Emulation: If you are a Changeling with a template that changes your type, you can still temporarily pretend to be a humanoid. Whether or not this triggers Favored Form benefits is questionable, but you can at least pick a favored form of your regular type and then revert.

Alien ship crash-lands on Earth and the creature inside starts taking over people's bodies. -Polymorph (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0127136/)

Before you get to be awesome, you need to turn into something first. It need not be polymorph - you can adopt a favored form in any way you want, and you'll still gain the benefits.


Polymorph: This is your baseline - if something isn't better than polymorph, why cast it? Level 4.
Draconic Polymorph: Here's something better. As polymorph, but a 20HD cap, +8 STR and +2 CON to the form you turn into. Level 5 spell.
Baleful Polymorph: It has a permanent duration, but in case you wanted to be clever and exploit that, remember that you lose all your class abilities.
Animal Shapes: It lasts for hours/level, which is nice - but it's a 7th level spell and only turns things into animals.
Polymorph Any Object: Can be permanent duration, and increases your Intelligence. Level 8 spell, which you're getting at level 19 if at all.
Polymorph subschool spells: These make your class features go away. No good!

Abilities and races:

Monsters with Change Shape: Generally, the ECL of a monster is too high to make this work, and the forms they get (animals or humanoids) all suck. An NPC dragon could take some transmogrifist levels, though, but he is already a dragon.
Hierophant's Power of Nature: If you have a friendly hierophant druid, you can bribe them to give you Wild Shape.

The race trick:
Instead of turning into your favored form, why not be it all the time? Remember that it doesn't matter how you turned into your favored form, only that you are in that form.

This relies on the fact that a transmogrifist cannot choose a favored form that's of his own type, but is not barred from becoming that type later (otherwise, a transmogrifist with a favored dragon form could never use PAO to assume the shape of one). So choose a creature you can turn into (aberration, animal, dragon, fey, giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, ooze, plant, or vermin) then become that creature through your favourite way:

Become an undead spawn: Undead can't be polymorphed into unless you are already one, so you can't pick these as a favored shape.
Templates: Polymorph can't turn into templated creatures.
True Mind Switch: Works, but costly.
Astral Seed: Mind switch with something, use astral seed and then kill yourself. The only downside is that you lose a level and need access to psionics somehow.
Wish: Savage Species (page 150) lists "turn into a monster" as an effect of wish but offers various suggestions for why this might not completely work.

Favored Forms Guide

The example given in the class makes it clear that selecting a kind of creature (i.e. bronze dragon) allows you to assume any variations (young, old, etc) so long as the HD is low enough. This gives us some leeway in the selection when we have a low CL.

Consult the dedicated polymorph handbooks like this one (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=10479.0) on generally good forms. I am primarily looking at forms good for use with the transmogrifist's unique abilities.

Favored forms with low enough HD to Alter Self without Reserves of Strength:
This is primarily useful if you picked a creature as a favored form, and then became its type, so that you can take advantage of its powerful abilities while using a 2nd level spell slot. The easiest way to do this is to polymorph any object yourself, gain a level, and then pick a favored form that shares a type with your original type. Then dismiss the spell and change back!

Puppeteer: Turns a charm you might possess into a dominate effect that persists as long as you maintain contact. 30ft blindsight. Magical beast type.
White dragon: Flight, burrow, and swim all in one guy. Plus all those dragony natural weapons. Scales (haha, get it?) into older dragon versions as you level up, but you can only alter self into a wyrmling. Dragon type, so if your DM lets you retroactively take Dragonwrought...
Darkmantle: 90ft blindsight, a crappy fly speed, not a great combat form - but it's a nice radar form to have. They do have the ability to Improved Grab Large enemies even though Small themselves, but this is a dubious advantage. Magical beast type.
Ochre Jelly: You start out with acid attacks as your only advantage, but graduate to blindsight next level, and Split at level 8. Yep, Split. The ability where you can make lots of yourself. Ooze type, which may be tricky to acquire.
Ankheg: Darkvision + low-light vision + tremorsense. It burrows, improved grabs, and spits acid. Magical beast type.
Giant Eagle: Flight, plus you get Evasion once you reach level 8. Magical beast type.
Ogre mage: Aside from being beefy, you get darkvision at level 2 and regeneration at level 8. Superior to troll regeneration because this one is alter selfable and permanent. Giant type. For what it's worth, a warforged can select this favored form and then get hit with incarnate construct.

Master Transmogrifist 1: I will be assuming you took Practiced Spellcaster and aren't behind on CL. You get three forms right now.

Destrachan: 100ft blindsight and +10 on listen checks next level.
Hydra: It's a hydra. It has up to 12 heads. Once you reach level 8, you get fast healing 22 and immunity to fire or cold, depending on hydra type.
Mimic: At level 8, you can turn into a fake chest.
Shambling Mound: At level 8, you can juice up on electricity and turn it into CON bonuses.
Phthisic: Mind Feed is amazing, especially if/when you get more bite attacks. Regeneration once you hit level 8 doesn't hurt, either.

Master Transmogrifist 2: You get to swap an existing form, and can now benefit from creatures' senses. You can take Minor Shapeshift at level 9 and have a total CL of 10 (or 11 if you started out as an Illumian).

Bulette: Tremorsense and scent, plus solid ability scores and natural attacks for a bruiser.
Behir: Once you can use Ex qualities, you get these guys' immunity to electricity. Until then, enjoy a rake attack with six claws. This is a great grappling form, at Huge size.
Ettin: It isn't special until you reach level 8 and get its Superior Weapon Fighting (Ex).
Roper: A move speed of 10ft is a bummer, but once you reach level 8, it gets SR 30 and immunity to electricity.
Will-o-wisp: Right now, it just flies and has darkvision. At level 8, you get Ex invisibility and magic immunity.

Master Transmogrifist 4:

Yrthak: 120ft blindsight, decent fly speed. Unfortunately, it is blind. Need CL12 for this.
Hellwasp swarm: As far as I can tell, you can totally polymorph into swarms. In which case...well, go read what they do.
War troll: 31 Strength, superb regeneration, and dazes on hit. Need CL12 for this.

Master Transmogrifist 5:

Sun Giant: 37 Strength and Huge. Needs CL 13.

Master Transmogrifist 7:

Phasm: We only want this if we have a way to use its Su Alternate Form ability to turn into epic monsters with oodles of Strength. However, it also has tremorsense. Needs CL 15.
Razor Boar: A monster with vorpal tusks that proc on a critical hit, not just a 20. Staple something's Extraordinary Critical on these horns and menace everyone you meet.

2015-10-13, 08:38 PM
Reserved for builds, more monsters, multiclassing advice, and puns.

Feel free to recommend additional monsters for the list, as well as equipment.

2015-10-14, 04:09 AM
I recommend taking a look at the Master of Many Forms Bible (http://community.wizards.com/forum/previous-editions-general/threads/1060931).
There's a pretty big list of creatures in there and the things you're looking for are pretty similar for both classes. If nothing else you can find good things to steal for Infinite Variety.

2015-10-14, 04:19 AM
Would it be better to go more gishlike or go more casterlike after you finish leveling in this class?

More specifically, is abjurant champion a good choice?

There's a vaguely P.O dungeon crawl group near my home that I want to throw a 12-headed pyrohydra into.

2015-10-14, 05:10 AM
I have to disagree with the low rating you gave sorcerer entry. I mean, yes, wizards are objectively better, but this is a class built around powering up three spells. That screams "sorcerer" to me, especially given that the wizard entry will wind up preparing a whole bunch of polymorphs anyway.

Uncle Pine
2015-10-14, 06:27 AM
I love how you pointed out Reserves of Strength in the Feats section, but I feel like it should be mentioned somewhere that a strict reading of Reserves of Strength lets you uncap spells up to your caster level, not just the normal limit plus 3. This would open up a lot more options for Alter Self.

2015-10-14, 09:45 AM
I recommend taking a look at the Master of Many Forms Bible (http://community.wizards.com/forum/previous-editions-general/threads/1060931).
There's a pretty big list of creatures in there and the things you're looking for are pretty similar for both classes. If nothing else you can find good things to steal for Infinite Variety.
Thanks for the link, I'll take a look! A brief glance already got me the amazing Phthisic and its 1d4 Int damage when it bites. Combined with a hydra's tons of bites, you cat take apart pretty much anything in a flash.

Would it be better to go more gishlike or go more casterlike after you finish leveling in this class?

More specifically, is abjurant champion a good choice?

There's a vaguely P.O dungeon crawl group near my home that I want to throw a 12-headed pyrohydra into.
You should gish it up - your main asset is being really good at turning into stuff. Abjurant Champion isn't doable until level 18, so you won't be able to take a lot of it. But you should definitely take a full BAB class! Something like Wizard 5/Ruathar 2/Master Transmogrifist 10/Abjurant Champion 3, ending up with +11/+6/+1 BAB. Ruathar is there just because I couldn't find anything you can get into with +3 BAB that doesn't lose CL or BAB.

I have to disagree with the low rating you gave sorcerer entry. I mean, yes, wizards are objectively better, but this is a class built around powering up three spells. That screams "sorcerer" to me, especially given that the wizard entry will wind up preparing a whole bunch of polymorphs anyway.
Spell-wise you're right, but sorcerers enter a level later and have trouble scrounging up the skill points for CC ranks in Disguise. I point out kobold sorcs as excellent, but they have a tough choice to make - go Dragonwrought for Disguise in-class and alter self shenanigans, or keep dragons as an available favored form.

I love how you pointed out Reserves of Strength in the Feats section, but I feel like it should be mentioned somewhere that a strict reading of Reserves of Strength lets you uncap spells up to your caster level, not just the normal limit plus 3. This would open up a lot more options for Alter Self.
That feels like fairly stinky cheese (along with cheesing early entry to score shapechange and other nines) but I could include an "ask your DM" section.

2015-10-14, 10:58 AM
Spell-wise you're right, but sorcerers enter a level later and have trouble scrounging up the skill points for CC ranks in Disguise. I point out kobold sorcs as excellent, but they have a tough choice to make - go Dragonwrought for Disguise in-class and alter self shenanigans, or keep dragons as an available favored form.
Being one level behind spell-wise is pretty par for the course, and it's easy to get Disguise as a class skill-- Draconic Heritage is an easy and flavor-appropriate option (and can potentially be picked up for free, with the Dragonblooded sub level), or you can play a Silverbrow Human. (Either class can take City-Slicker). You also don't have to pay cross-class for Bluff, and "Eschew Materials is free for Sorcerers" is a common houserule. But even without any of that, it's still just 12 skill points in 8 levels-- hardly enough to cause an issue.

2015-10-14, 11:47 AM
Being one level behind spell-wise is pretty par for the course, and it's easy to get Disguise as a class skill-- Draconic Heritage is an easy and flavor-appropriate option (and can potentially be picked up for free, with the Dragonblooded sub level), or you can play a Silverbrow Human. (Either class can take City-Slicker). You also don't have to pay cross-class for Bluff, and "Eschew Materials is free for Sorcerers" is a common houserule. But even without any of that, it's still just 12 skill points in 8 levels-- hardly enough to cause an issue.

Being a level behind hurts even more when you lose casting progression though. And just because the PrC relies on a very narrow selection of spells doesn't make the sorcerer any better.
You're getting the PrC abilities a level later and you get nothing of real substance to make up for it.
That means you're still objectively weaker than a wizard with an otherwise identical build, so i don't see why he should raise the rating for sorcerers.

There are builds where sorcerers are actually a better choice than wizards. There are arguments to be made for sorcerer-only spells like Wings of Cover, Arcane Fusion and various metamagic shenanigans that require spontaneous casting to pull off.
None of those apply to the Master Transmogrifist though. For this PrC there's not really any point to taking sorcerer over wizard unless you're a kobold.

And houserules aren't a viable basis to discuss relative strengths on the internet, because they're different for everyone.

2015-10-14, 11:49 AM
Being a level behind hurts even more when you lose casting progression though. And just because the PrC relies on a very narrow selection of spells doesn't make the sorcerer any better.
You're getting the PrC abilities a level later and you get nothing of real substance to make up for it.
That means you're still objectively weaker than a wizard with an otherwise identical build, so i don't see why he should raise the rating for sorcerers.
I'm not saying they should be equal, but I'd argue for black/solid.

2015-10-14, 12:16 PM
Dragonblooded ACF is a great point. I've upgraded Sorcerer to black and added Draconic Heritage and City Slicker as feats of interest.

2015-10-14, 01:34 PM
Give me a moment to recollect (I'll edit this post later when I remember), but I remember finding a way to make a Changeling Conjuration Wiz 5/Master Transmogrifist 10/Warshaper 5 that was pretty interesting as I would like to submit it as a build if possible.

2015-10-14, 01:56 PM
Another useful form for Alter Self, if you have the Outsider type and Reserves of Strength, is the Midgard Dwarf (Frostburn).
You get Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magic Arms and Armor and Forge Ring as bonus feats and thanks to permanent duration Alter Self you can actually use them.

If you somehow manage to cheese Midgard Dwarf as a favored form you can also get the ability to ignore any prerequisites like spells or minimum CL.

Arguably you can do this with any favored form once you get Infinite Variety, since their Master Smith (Ex) ability grants the bonus feats as well as the ability to ignore prerequisites.
You'll either need to get the ability to Alter Self into a favored form or increase the duration of one of the other polymorph spells enough to get the time to craft.

2015-10-14, 03:10 PM
Unfortunately, outsiders can't be favored forms - favored forms depend solely on polymorph, which means you can't select them unless you are an outsider, but if you are an outsider you still can't select them because favored forms can't be of your type. It's unclear if PAO can turn you into an outsider, but if it can then that spell will work.

2015-10-15, 03:24 AM
You should gish it up - your main asset is being really good at turning into stuff. Abjurant Champion isn't doable until level 18, so you won't be able to take a lot of it. But you should definitely take a full BAB class! Something like Wizard 5/Ruathar 2/Master Transmogrifist 10/Abjurant Champion 3, ending up with +11/+6/+1 BAB. Ruathar is there just because I couldn't find anything you can get into with +3 BAB that doesn't lose CL or BAB.

Ok. Couldn't you just Feat your way into abjurant champ, though, via martial weapon proficiency? Such as being a human, getting combat casting/martial weapons proficiency, Wizard 5/Ab2 and then master transmog?

2015-10-15, 04:20 AM
Ok. Couldn't you just Feat your way into abjurant champ, though, via martial weapon proficiency? Such as being a human, getting combat casting/martial weapons proficiency, Wizard 5/Ab2 and then master transmog?

Abjurant Champion requires BAB 4, so a wizard can't enter before level 9.

Uncle Pine
2015-10-15, 08:05 AM
Abjurant Champion requires BAB 4, so a wizard can't enter before level 9.

BAB +5 actually, which means a straight Wizard can't enter before 11th level.

2015-10-15, 10:52 AM
If anyone can figure out how to get into the good gish classes before hitting Master Transmogrifist stride, that would be amazing - more BAB and HP is crucial for this role.

2015-10-15, 11:34 AM
If anyone can figure out how to get into the good gish classes before hitting Master Transmogrifist stride, that would be amazing - more BAB and HP is crucial for this role.

All gish classes that grant full BAB and don't lose casting require at least BAB 4 afaik or too many skill ranks to enter before level 8.
You can get around skill requirements with Bloodline levels and a feat from Cityscape, but that's a bit more cheese than most people are comfortable with.
I don't know any option to get around the BAB requirement.

You could get into Swiftblade at 6, but you can't really afford to lose even more casting progression.

2015-10-15, 01:01 PM
I suppose I should add a PrC section to address any people who are willing to lose even more caster levels. The difference between 16 and 15 is pretty slim for wizards, after all.

2015-10-15, 01:39 PM
There are plenty of prestige classes that don't lose casting.

2015-10-15, 01:53 PM
You can do battle sorcerer 6 (4 base attack) into spellsword 1/abjurant champion 1, but I'd say that's not super, either, with the lost casting and everything.

If you use Versatile Spellcaster with the Transmutation domain (as domain wizard), you can enter at 6th level, then add your gish classes later on. You do need to spend the feat on Uncanny Forethought, or two feats on Spell Mastery and Signature Spell.

2015-10-16, 11:20 AM
You can do battle sorcerer 6 (4 base attack) into spellsword 1/abjurant champion 1, but I'd say that's not super, either, with the lost casting and everything.

If you use Versatile Spellcaster with the Transmutation domain (as domain wizard), you can enter at 6th level, then add your gish classes later on. You do need to spend the feat on Uncanny Forethought, or two feats on Spell Mastery and Signature Spell.
I guess it should be mentioned for completion's sake.

Versatile Spellcaster + domain cheese is an excellent early entry method, I'll add it to the "ask your DM" section.

2015-10-16, 10:46 PM
glad to see a master transmogrifist handbook. I've always liked this class.

If you'd like, I can post my master transmogrifist notes. I combed all the books for the best monster forms and made a pretty solid list to add optionswise.

2015-10-17, 10:42 AM
glad to see a master transmogrifist handbook. I've always liked this class.

If you'd like, I can post my master transmogrifist notes. I combed all the books for the best monster forms and made a pretty solid list to add optionswise.

That would be amazing!

2015-10-17, 12:44 PM
Not sure it's worth mentioning, but the "Focus Caster" variant from dragon mag for transmuters (and...maybe sorcerers...I forget) lets you trade familiar for a focus object you need when casting spells, and gives you an extra target for transmutation spells that are targeted and not self-only (like Polymorph and PAO...). Initially, the extra target only gets half duration, then at (wizard) level 7, it gets the full duration.

I have to disagree with the low rating you gave sorcerer entry. I mean, yes, wizards are objectively better, but this is a class built around powering up three spells. That screams "sorcerer" to me, especially given that the wizard entry will wind up preparing a whole bunch of polymorphs anyway.

Though a Focused Specialist Transmuter wizard will get the same amount of base spells as a sorcerer, and new spell levels a level earlier.

2015-10-17, 12:57 PM
That would be amazing!

Great! Here's all my notes:

• Replace the base form’s natural armor bonus with that of
the second form.

Gray Linnorm (MM2 141): +19

• Add the second form’s movement modes.
Earth Glide
Fly: 90 perfect (ocularon FF 132), 120 average (dragonhawk 5N 46)
Burrow (leaves tunnel):
Climb: Perfect climbing (stone drake RoS 190)
Running: 60ft varag

• Add one of the second form’s natural attack types (with
the appropriate reach), if the base form doesn’t have that
attack type already.

• Add an extraordinary special attack of the second form.

Imp Grab
Swallow Whole
Mind Feed: Phthisic (XPH 206)

STR: Darkweaver 2d4 (FF 39)
CON: Guardian Naga 1d10

BLIND: Poison spray (swindlespitter MM3 41) secondary 1d4 con
PARALYZE: 1d8+5 weeks Spider eater
Vitality Drain (Dolgaunt ECS 285)

• Add an extraordinary special quality of the second form.

Keen Sight (kuo-toa mm 164)

Mimic shape (mimic)
Lightning strike (dire tortoise sandstorm 152)
Capsize (dragon turtle)
Airy (snowflake ooze mm3 161)
Increased Damage (fang dragon draconomicon 160)
Rusting Bite (rust dragon draconomicon 187)


Acid 9: war troll
Sonic 5: crystalline troll

15: Steelwling (MM5 168)


Fire: Fire Troll
Acid: Crystalline Troll
Sonic: Destruchan
Cold: Frost Giant
Electric: Shambling Mound

Magic immunity: will o’ wisp

Fort saves: Xern MM4 195

Gaze attacks, illusions, visual effects, etc: Grimlock

• Replace one of the base form’s physical ability scores, if
both the base form and the second form are the same size

Large: Firbolg 36 (MM2 101)
Huge: 35 Mountain Troll (MM3 180)

Small: 29 Will o’ Wisp
Medium: 26 Verdant Prince (MM4 172)
Large: 28 Jungle Giant (SoX 77)

Large: 29 dissolution ooze (moI)
Huge: 31 Mountain Troll (MM3 180)

1: cave troll, will o wisp, tendriculos
2: same
3: cave troll, will o wisp, tendriculos, chuul
4: cave troll, will o wisp, chuul, ironmaw
5: cave troll, will o wisp, ironmaw, ocularon, gray linnorm
6: same
7: mountain troll, will o wisp, ironmaw, ocularon, gray linnorm, arcane ooze
8: same
9: mountain troll, will o wisp, ironmaw, ocularon, gray linnorm, arcane ooze, kuo-toa leviathan
10: same

Ocularon 12HD (ff 132)
War troll 12HD mm3 181
Chuul 11HD mm1 36
Bloodfire ooze 12HD MM4 18
Steelwing 15hd mm5 168
Cave troll 9 HD (MM3 177)
mountain troll 15HD (MM3 180)
will o wisp 9HD (mm1 255)

2015-10-19, 12:38 PM
Thanks for posting the list. I've never thought about delaying entry to get more CL 15 forms in, that's an excellent idea.

What do you mean by "running speed" under the Varag? I don't have MM IV, so I can't check.

2015-10-19, 01:27 PM
Thanks for posting the list. I've never thought about delaying entry to get more CL 15 forms in, that's an excellent idea.

What do you mean by "running speed" under the Varag? I don't have MM IV, so I can't check.

The varag has a land speed of 60 feet.

2015-10-19, 02:10 PM
But then, so does a light horse.

2015-10-19, 03:14 PM
Varags also get Run as a bonus feat, and Spring Attack. Horses have Run as default feat, along with Endurance, but not as bonus feat.

Iku Rex
2015-10-22, 08:46 AM
Interesting guide, though it really needs more book references.

I've got some suggestions, starting with spells. It's by no means a complete list of useful spells. Some are thematically appropriate, some are especially useful for a MT, and some are "bread and butter" spells.

(I haven't spent much time on the color codes - YMMV. Spells labeled "Mediocre" are usually situational. For example, Fuse Arms can be spectacular, but only with the right form and the right fighting style.)

Level 1:
Blood Wind (Ev) (SpC): Natural attacks at a distance. Situational, but could come in handy.
Mage Armor (Co): Still works when you change form.
Shield (Ab): Still works when you change form. Good with abjurant champion PrC.
Spell Flower (Tr) (SpC): Lets you hold the charge of one touch spell per «arm» or «forelimb». Short duration, but if you have a form with multiple «forelimbs», decent touch spells and time to prepare you could deliver a nova melee full attack.

Level 2:
False Life (Ne): Unimpressive but long lasting way to get a few temporary hit points.
Fearsome Grapple (Tr) (SpC): Bonus to grapple. Sometimes useful, especially with forms that have special attacks that trigger on a successful grapple check.
Fuse Arms (Tr) (SpC): Fuses limbs for extra Str. Polymorph gives you acces to forms with many limbs. And then there's Infinite Variety... Especially good if you're using a two-handed weapon rather than natural attacks.
Heart of Air (Tr) (CMag): 1 hour/level. Minor benefits, feather fall.
Heroics (Tr) (SpC): Fighter feat. 10 min/lv. Possibilities include Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Improved Intiative, Martial Study/Stance (ToB) and Power Attack.
Wings of Cover (Ev) (RotD) (Sorc): Stops a single attack. Very useful, even on high levels. Sorcerer only.
Wraithstrike (Tr) (SpC): Swift. Melee attacks become touch attacks. Works well with high Str and Power Attack and making opponents lose Dex bonus to AC (such as with Blink or Greater Invisibility).

Level 3:
Adoration of the Frightful (En) (DrM): Makes creatures affected by a fear effect friendly. Could be amusing if you have a form with Frightful Presence and you're fighting lots of minions.
Air Breathing (Tr) (SpC): Breathe air, long duration. Can be necessary in order to use an aquatic form. (Fins to Feet, lv 2, SpC, can give you a land speed. Or you could just use a flying spell. Nobody expects a flying giant squid in the middle of a dungeon. :D)
Blacklight (Ev) (SpC): Creates sphere of magical darkness. You can see through the darkness from the inside. In some ways it's like an early Greater Invisibility. Makes you hard to target with that most heinous of spells, Dispel Magic. (Ebon Eyes, lv 1, SpC, can sometimes help with the drawbacks.)
Dragonskin (Tr) (SpC): Natural armor and energy resistance. 10 min/level. Ok buff.
Evard's Menacing Tentacles (Tr) (PHBII): Grow 2 tentacles that can make attacks. Uses your Str for attacks and damage, making it crappy for most mages but interesting if you have a high Str due to buffs and polymorph.
Girallon's Blessing (Tr) (SpC): 10 min/lv. Grow extra arms, claws, gain rend. Not bad.
Heart of Water (Tr) (CMag): 1 hour/level. Swim speed and water breathing. Option to activate Freedom of Movement. Sometimes you want Freedom of Movement. Trust me on this.
Heroism (En): +2 Morale to misc. Ok buff.
Greater Mage Armor (Co) (SpC): +6 Mage Armor. Ok buff.

Level 4:
Fire Shield (Ev): Damages attackers. Worth considering if you like a combat form with low AC, to discourage melee attacks. (Though see Heart of Fire, lv 5.)
Flight of the Dragon (Tr) (SpC): 10 min/lv. 100 ft average fly speed. Flavorful way to gain flight as a shapeshifting character. (If you have spells slots to spare you can add Aerial Alacrity, lv 4, RotW.)
Heart of Earth (Tr) (CMag): 1 hour/level. Some bonuses, temporary hit points, can activate Stoneskin effect. Quite nice.
Greater Invisibility (Il): Another basic way to avoid being targeted by dispels and removing opponents' Dex to AC.
Trollshape (Tr) (PHBII): One of many «new» polymorph spells. Swift action. I like these spells as a last resort familiar buff. Otherwise, probably not worth it.

Level 5:
Animal Growth (Tr): Ok buff if you can cast it on yourself in animal form. Polymorphing into an animal makes you a valid target.
Heart of Fire (Tr) (CMag): 1 hour/level. Minor benefits, can activate Fire Shield as swift action. Full fortification benefit if you have all four «Heart of» spells active at the same time.

Level 6:
Bite of the Weretiger (Tr) (SpC): One of several «Bite of the» spells. High Str bonus, misc, Power Attack, Blind Fight. Short duration, but ok.
Stone Body (Tr) (SpC): Ok buff. Lets you heal all damage with a Transmute Mud to Rock (lv 5) spell, which is nice.
Transformation (Tr): Usually not worth it, but the full BAB makes it worth considering in rare situations.

Level 7:
Bite of the Werebear (Tr) (SpC): High Str bonus, misc, Power Attack, Blind Fight. Short duration, but ok.
Elemental Body (Tr) (SpC): 1 hour/lv. Some elemental immunities and abilities. Ok buff.

Level 8:
Iron Body (Tr): Would have been an ok buff if not for the 50% ASF and -8 ACP. If you can avoid those ... you probably still have better uses for your few 8th level spell slots.

Level 9:
There are no useful level 9 spells. There is absolutely no reason to regret losing all those spellcasting levels.

2015-10-22, 10:01 PM
Thanks! But the 9th level spells comment is just hurtful. :smalltongue:

Although it might be worth writing up if there was interest in a Low Epic guide, for 21st level Transmogrifists who get those precious nines. Or for Transmogrifist 9 characters who don't want to take that sweet last level for some reason. Or for early entry tricksters.

2015-10-23, 01:03 AM
As a caveat to Arcane Disciple... Beguiler has all required skills as class skills and can pick up the requisite spells from Arcane Disciple. Unlike most casters, this puts it on his spell list, meaning you can cast it as much as you like. This makes Beguilers a very unusual but useful entry because they have a 3/4 BAB, making them more gish-friendly. Also, if you pick forms for their utility instead of raw power, can synergize with the skills they already have and make an absolutely sickening 'skillmonkey'. I'd probably call it Strong. Not as strong as a Wizard entry of course, but still superior to the Sorcerer entry (outside kobold shenanigans).

2015-10-23, 05:17 AM
As a caveat to Arcane Disciple... Beguiler has all required skills as class skills and can pick up the requisite spells from Arcane Disciple. Unlike most casters, this puts it on his spell list, meaning you can cast it as much as you like. This makes Beguilers a very unusual but useful entry because they have a 3/4 BAB, making them more gish-friendly. Also, if you pick forms for their utility instead of raw power, can synergize with the skills they already have and make an absolutely sickening 'skillmonkey'. I'd probably call it Strong. Not as strong as a Wizard entry of course, but still superior to the Sorcerer entry (outside kobold shenanigans).

Arcane Casting has this line that prevents anyone from casting a spell granted by it more than once a day:

Each day, you may prepare (or cast, if you cast spells without preparation) a maximum of one of these domains spells of each level.

Beguilers may be able to spontaneously cast any of their spells known, but this line catches them as well.

2015-10-24, 07:44 PM
Arcane Casting has this line that prevents anyone from casting a spell granted by it more than once a day:

Beguilers may be able to spontaneously cast any of their spells known, but this line catches them as well.

Nope. Because it adds the spell to the list, beguilers get unlimited castings.

2015-10-25, 01:44 AM
Nope. Because it adds the spell to the list, beguilers get unlimited castings.

Specific vs general. The general rule of beguilers is the ability to spontaneously cast any spell on their class list. The specific rule of Arcane Disciple forbids casting any of the spells it grants more than once per day. Beguilers can only cast it once per day.

2015-10-25, 06:27 AM
It may be best to suggest against using Ooze forms before getting Manifest Senses, because being Blind is a trait that you will automatically get; It's not stated to be a special quality, and Rules of the Game explicitly classified it as a natural ability.

2015-10-26, 07:54 AM
Regarding the varag, running does Just mean normal land speed. While it's the same as a horse having a medium sized biped with this speed offers a few

Your gear will stay in place, you will be able to maneuver more easily in tight quarters, And it makes a better adventuring form if you're using an all day or otherwise passive form of shape shifting such as alter self since as discussed its best to enter as a humanoid.

Besides, a 60ft move speed is handy in the first round of combat most of the time. And makes getting into position in a surprise round somewhat easier.

2015-10-26, 10:38 AM
Specific vs general. The general rule of beguilers is the ability to spontaneously cast any spell on their class list. The specific rule of Arcane Disciple forbids casting any of the spells it grants more than once per day. Beguilers can only cast it once per day.

Again, incorrect.

The Beguiler may only cast once from the feat. The Beguiler may then continue casting because the spell was added to his spell list. For most other classes, once per day. Beguilers and Dread Necromancers, however, have a unique casting mechanic where they call out explicitly being able to spontaneously cast from their entire spell list. Because it has been added to their spell list... they bypass that limitation.

2015-10-26, 10:57 AM
Again, incorrect.

The Beguiler may only cast once from the feat. The Beguiler may then continue casting because the spell was added to his spell list. For most other classes, once per day. Beguilers and Dread Necromancers, however, have a unique casting mechanic where they call out explicitly being able to spontaneously cast from their entire spell list. Because it has been added to their spell list... they bypass that limitation.

No, they're in the exact same boat as the Sorcerer who used the feat to take one of the spells as a known spell. They just have more spells known is all. Arcane Disciple is pretty firm on the matter; it is an exception to the normal rules for casting those nine spells, and exceptions have the highest level of rules precedence.

2015-10-28, 09:43 AM
I suppose I could include this in the "bribe the DM with pizza" section, but it seems pretty clear-cut to me that Arcane Disciple's specific rule overrides the Beguiler's general rule.

2017-06-29, 01:13 PM
Suel Arcanamach 6 qualifies for Master Transmogrifist, as it has access to any Transmutation spell from the sorc/wiz spell list.

P.S.: I know, technically it is thread necromancy, but it is a handbook so it is somewhat supposed to receive updates, and the OP is still active in the forum. Please moderators, be lenient.

2017-07-04, 08:06 PM
Suel Arcanamach 6 qualifies for Master Transmogrifist, as it has access to any Transmutation spell from the sorc/wiz spell list.
Thanks for the tip! I'm not sure why you'd want to do this, but yes, you totally could. Spellthieves also qualify, but later, and don't do it as well. I've added both to the guide.

2018-04-09, 12:43 AM
May we get an 'Ask your GM' section?

Since this handbook emphasizes the study of form alteration, you could call it Polymorphism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polymorphism_(computer_science)).

Phase (also obtainable via shapechange) allows transforming into certain Abominations (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/monsters/abomination.htm), including Infernals for Spell Suck and Phanes for its time manipulation abilities.

Phase also grants access to the Hagunemnon (Protean) (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/monsters/hagunemnon.htm) which kinda invalidates the MasTrans, but only kinda due to the need to use a move action each round to maintain this new shape.

2018-04-09, 02:32 AM
May we get an 'Ask your GM' section?

Since this handbook emphasizes the study of form alteration, you could call it Polymorphism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polymorphism_(computer_science)).

Phase (also obtainable via shapechange) allows transforming into certain Abominations (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/monsters/abomination.htm), including Infernals for Spell Suck and Phanes for its time manipulation abilities.

Phase also grants access to the Hagunemnon (Protean) (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/monsters/hagunemnon.htm) which kinda invalidates the MasTrans, but only kinda due to the need to use a move action each round to maintain this new shape.

I assume you mean phasm (unless phase is a monster somewhere?)

Outside of epic, you can't get shapechange while finishing this class, but even if you could, you can't get the hagunemnon's alter shape ability, since phasm only imparts alternate form. Without that, he's got pretty good str, but like a lot of epic enemies, kind of sucks as a form (he can't even fly!)

Unless I'm missing something?