View Full Version : Loot Generator for 3.5/D20 Modern

2015-10-14, 12:44 AM
Hey All!

I have created a loot generator for 3.5/d20 Modern. It is customizable in every way I could think of so that it can fit all the needs of your campaign, no matter the setting!

Link to my OneDrive: http://1drv.ms/1GGEKT6

Only catch is that I would like feed back on the app, ways I could improve it/what features I should add.

(Please read the Read Me before asking questions, just as a courtesy.)

Update 1:
Have added in settings in the Settings.ini to change the dice system that is in use! So if you are gonna change over to Hero System or one of the Green Rounin 3d6 systems, that is now possible and accounted for! :D
The ReadMe has also bee updated and clarified a bit.

Once again, if you download this file please drop a post with some feedback, even if the feedback is "This sucks". Really would like to know how to improve this to make it better.

Also if you use it for your campaign and pull items in from say, 3.5 and have it set up like "Daggers are worth 2gp so I am gonna put them in the 2.tu, and heavy maces are worth 12gp so I am gonna put them in the 12.tu." this will work. you can skip TU Files. The code does have a try/catch to account for the missing file.
If you want to do things with the copper and silver, then just place a dagger in the 200.tu.
Once you have something like this all set up for your group, feel free to post up some of your TU Files for other to use and add in! If they are good I can drop them into the default with a credit file for you! Don't have the 3.5 equipment list, the main D20 Modern Equipment list (TU Files can be purchase DCs!), or really anything but what is given in the examples. So feel free!
I would begin going through and adding in these options myself, but I am a little preoccupied with getting all of the code optimized and adding in updates that are being asked for. (This is not the only place I have this posted up to... Just the only one with no feedback haha)

Update 2:
I have added in catches so that if you delete the Settings.ini file, it will recreate the default for you. As well as inform you to missing TU Files, and if it can't find the Data Folder. Some optimization went in so that the generation function is now a background worker. This meaning that the UI doesn't lock up when generating, so you can close the program even if it get's stuck in an endless loop for some reason (I think I have caught all of those, but just in case.)

Some feedback I have received was that people would like to see a Random Encounter section be added to this tool as well. I am thinking with the simplicity of the tool, it would not be hard to make a Mad Lib-ish encounter gen based on the same framework. So, this addition is not a for sure thing, but definitely something I will be looking into.

Out of all the people who have given me feedback, I am once again surprised that none do so on here. haha Facebook is more reliable for this tool than GITP... Come on.

If your reasoning behind not using the tool is because it is not looking at the tool is because it is not set up for 3.5 usage immediately, that is because I made this for my d20 Modern campaign, and will be adding TU Files in for 3.5 when I get around to it. This is not top priority over having the code fully function how I envision it should and adding features to make it more friendly for everyone. (Or maybe one of you lovely people could fill it out for everyone else to use...)