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View Full Version : D&D 3.x Class Psionic NPC class

2015-10-14, 06:54 PM
For NPCs in my setting that have natural psionic talent, but little in the way of training (nor the raw power of a wilder), I came up with a class I call the Talented. It is like the psionic version of Adept or Magewright. It is pretty straight forward, I don't feel it is necessary to make a table for this, but someone else can if they want:

Talented is a psionic NPC class that is identical to commoner, except that it gains Hidden Talent as a bonus feat at first level, has a manifester level equal to its class level, has power points equal to (1+(1/2 class level rounded down))^2, and learns one new power at every even level. New powers learned must be of a level equal to 1/4 the class level or less, and be from the same discipline as the power gained from Hidden Talent.
