View Full Version : Pathfinder Character concept in need of crunch

Nyes the Dark
2015-10-14, 09:01 PM
Hey all, it's been a while since I posted here, but I managed to find my account stuff. Yay :P

Basically, I'm working on a character for a new horror-inspired campaign with some friends. I've got a strong idea for a character in terms of how I want her to be, but I've been struggling to put a class to the face, so to speak.

Concept: I want to run a mage, but not just a traditional sorcerer or wizard. I want to run an occult caster, someone who delves into darker bits of magic that sort of veers into bad juju. Eldritch magic, really. The kind that curses people, blights land, summons horrible tentacles to attack people, that kind of thing.

I know there are a few classes like this (Occultist by Radiance House, the core Occultist) but they don't suit the character as I'd like. I want a pure caster ideally with either full casting progression or an equivalent, since I'm not looking for a gish build. Basically, I need suggestions for classes or builds that fulfill my "good person with black magicks/eldritch horror channeling stuff" fantasy.

Anything is game except for gunslingers and firearm based classes, and presumably homebrew stuff. Core, 3rd party, anything else for Pathfinder is fair game. We start at level 4, 25 point buy for stats, 1500 gold to start with (we know that's low, it's for a reason). We're relatively low-op, so I'm not so worried about viability as long as its not totally nonfunctional.

Thank you!

2015-10-14, 09:10 PM
A Juju (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/oracle/mysteries/paizo---oracle-mysteries/juju), possibly Dual-Cursed Oracle should do what you want. I don't have the time to sketch a sheet, but that should be specific enough for you to get started.

2015-10-14, 10:27 PM
Sounds like either a Witch or a Psychic. Witch can bring some very eldritch powers to the table if you look at them the right way, and Psychic can do all sorts of funky stuff; Abomination Psychic discipline seems to be the closest to what would accomplish your concept. It's also in Occult Adventures, a book I'm sure will have all sorts of fun stuff for your campaign.

2015-10-14, 10:50 PM
There's also the Dark TapestryMystery (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/oracle/mysteries/paizo---oracle-mysteries/dark-tapestry) Mystery, and Subdomain. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/cleric/domains/paizo---domains/void-domain/dark-tapestry)

Nyes the Dark
2015-10-14, 11:50 PM
Thanks for the help everyone! On further examination of the options (I can't believe I forgot to think of a Witch ><) I've opted to go with a Dark Tapestry Oracle, which works well with the party imo. I appreciate everyone's advice

2015-10-15, 03:01 AM
Hey all, it's been a while since I posted here, but I managed to find my account stuff. Yay :P

Basically, I'm working on a character for a new horror-inspired campaign with some friends. I've got a strong idea for a character in terms of how I want her to be, but I've been struggling to put a class to the face, so to speak.

Concept: I want to run a mage, but not just a traditional sorcerer or wizard. I want to run an occult caster, someone who delves into darker bits of magic that sort of veers into bad juju. Eldritch magic, really. The kind that curses people, blights land, summons horrible tentacles to attack people, that kind of thing.

I know there are a few classes like this (Occultist by Radiance House, the core Occultist) but they don't suit the character as I'd like. I want a pure caster ideally with either full casting progression or an equivalent, since I'm not looking for a gish build. Basically, I need suggestions for classes or builds that fulfill my "good person with black magicks/eldritch horror channeling stuff" fantasy.

Anything is game except for gunslingers and firearm based classes, and presumably homebrew stuff. Core, 3rd party, anything else for Pathfinder is fair game. We start at level 4, 25 point buy for stats, 1500 gold to start with (we know that's low, it's for a reason). We're relatively low-op, so I'm not so worried about viability as long as its not totally nonfunctional.

Thank you!

Honestly with the way magic is written, a properly flavored Wizard, Cleric, or Archivist accomplishes this. It's a matter of selecting the right spells, being ambiguous with them, and emphasizing the parts that make it more voodoey. The Cleric can worship some eldritch horror with a homebrew pantheon, the Wizard can just be whatever you want him to be. Wizards aren't demanding with lore, people are just lazy with them and make them all pointy hat magicians.

Archivist can get Druid spells, which will lend a lot of the stuff you'd like... Things that REALLY manipulate life. ANd there's the rest of Necromancy. There's literally spells called Bestow Curse, Blight, and Black Tentacles. All kinds of fun Necromancy spells, illusions, different varieties of pyrotechnics and light shows, etc. There is a spell to account for pretty much any act of showy voodoo you come up with.

2015-10-15, 03:15 AM
Thanks for the help everyone! On further examination of the options (I can't believe I forgot to think of a Witch ><) I've opted to go with a Dark Tapestry Oracle, which works well with the party imo. I appreciate everyone's advice

Depending on your answers my builds will vary: Should the Oracle be supportive or debuffing as a focus of his role? What is your targetted level? What are your stats? As a side note are there any races lacking Darkvision in your group? Does your group have enough healing? Is your DM okay with 3rd party choices (esp. if they add to the fluff and give your roleplaying advantages while not providing the optimum munchkin choices?)

I have a general idea for a buffing Oracle with the Haunted curse (very bog standard) and an idea of a dual cursed debuffing oracle (child 3rd p/tongues curses).

Child/Tongues will be fluffed like that only speaking only the Cthulhu-esque language of the void during fights:


2015-10-15, 05:16 AM
The Cleric can worship some eldritch horror with a homebrew pantheon

...Archivist can get Druid spells, which will lend a lot of the stuff you'd like... Things that REALLY manipulate life. ANd there's the rest of Necromancy. There's literally spells called Bestow Curse, Blight, and Black Tentacles.

The things you learn in the Miskatonic University basements....

2015-10-15, 05:08 PM
Divine Spellcasters that worship a Great Old One (Cthulhu, Hastur, Bokrug, Mhar, Ogresh, Xhamen-Dor) can take the excellent Dreamed Secrets (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/dreamed-secrets) feat.

Basically, each day it gives you two Wizard-spells (of one level lower than your highest caster level) known/preparable. You're basically opening up almost all of the utility-spells on a Wizards with it.

Now granted, it has the drawback of having to make a DC 20 save or taking 1D2 Wisdom damage. But for any halfway-decent Cleric that should be no problem - you can have a 66% chance of passing it when you get the feat, and the chance will only go up from there. It's a bit more problematic for Charisma-based casters, but still manageable. Especially since you can wipe the Wisdom damage with lesser restoration.

If you are going for a Cleric of Cthulhu - which can easily be any scholar who just read the wrong books too closely, with no active worship going on outside of their terrible dreams - you can also grab the excellent Madness Domain (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/cleric/domains/paizo---domains/madness-domain).
The main trick lies in your Visions of Madness. It's a melee touch attack. Without getting a save, the target gains a bonus equal to half your level, and an equal penalty. In combat, you'll want to affect enemies to give them up to -10 attack, -10 to saves in exchange for +10 to skill checks (not that great in combat). Out of combat, it can enhance important skill checks of your allies in a pinch.