View Full Version : CONCEPT: elf rogue (as a ranger) in the city

2015-10-15, 08:53 AM
I will be playing in a game (homebrew) where most everyone is OUT TO GET THE EVIL PRINCESS.
the setting is an ISLAND with A CASTLE (more like a city)(though there is wilderness)
we will all start in prison (but we will get our stuff, everyone hates the princess even the guards)

my initial idea was for a dark and dirty URCHIN type.
but i just cant seem to bring it together... think BELKAR but a wood elf
oh also i need to have a cleric domain (there are seven fairy gods representing the 7 domains)(no i get no powers)

i could go OUTLANDER rogue (I like archery) but i need a reason to be there.
we outlanders hate the princess too? oops got caught?

2015-10-15, 08:59 AM
i should also mention that the idea is to be an introduction to 5e both for the GM and party

we probably have alot of deception types...wizard jester...wild sorc...ASSASSIN ROGUE (but hes thinking cha, and poison )
im thinking archery and stealth...survival

I could also go:
Monk/urchin...sticking up for the poor (note urchin has thieves tools)
Fighter/Soldier...i was a guard she demoted me.

2015-10-15, 12:04 PM
What if your Outlander tribe of wood elves are the indigenous inhabitants of the island, now brutally oppressed by the evil princess?