View Full Version : Pathfinder Aasimar Anti-Paladin

2015-10-15, 02:26 PM
So, in the interest of hilariousness, I'm thinking of buildin' up an Aasimar Anti-Paladin of Rovagug. Anyone have any thoughts on how to throw that together, crunch-wise?

Or maybe an Inquisitor, or Warpriest.

2015-10-15, 02:33 PM
With an Aasimar's natural tendency for good, this Antipaladin can be played in two ways. The first is that they're actively defying their nature, some kind of "destiny can't control me" deal. The second is that they really are just plain evil, but their race will cause them to feel guilt (which they probably ignore if they are to keep their powers).
In terms of crunch, look into the alternative bloodlines for Aasimar for the stats you feel work best.

2015-10-16, 11:23 AM
For an antipaladin, I would probably take angelblooded or agathionblooded. For an inquisitor or warpriest, an archon blooded would be a good choice. The lost promise racial trait is okay if you want to claw claw, but you are probably better off 2 handing. The rest is just straightforward antipaladidin/inquisitor/warpriest.

I like the antipaladin for rovagug best. Throw wisdom down a well, and just smash and destroy things. Use something big and scary like a hammer. Max intimidate, etc etc.

2015-10-16, 11:37 AM
With an Aasimar's natural tendency for good, this Antipaladin can be played in two ways. The first is that they're actively defying their nature, some kind of "destiny can't control me" deal. The second is that they really are just plain evil, but their race will cause them to feel guilt (which they probably ignore if they are to keep their powers).
In terms of crunch, look into the alternative bloodlines for Aasimar for the stats you feel work best.

There are more ways to do this. But for good tragic roleplaying opportunities you could the route of most power. "The light has not helped me in my time of need therefore I revoke it and worship darkness."

2015-10-16, 12:22 PM
There are more ways to do this. But for good tragic roleplaying opportunities you could the route of most power. "The light has not helped me in my time of need therefore I revoke it and worship darkness."
Oh, yes, I didn't mean there were ONLY two ways. These just happened to be the best ones I could come up with.

2015-10-16, 12:33 PM
In case it helps your concept, here is Rovagug's Antipaladin Code:

All things must be destroyed, but the tools of destruction will be destroyed last.
The beautiful die first. Their loss wreaks havoc in the hearts of those who love.
All is vanity before the tide of destruction.
The world is a lie. The only truth is oblivion, born of storm and horror.
Torture is needless delay. I give the gift of a quick death.
I will die standing.